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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 14, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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in the community, off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and integrity. in the pursuit of truth. the of no less up and the suffering. and gonzo has been 100 days since israel began its war. can at least 23843 palestinians, the head of them or kyle, this is alex. is there a live from the house or coming up? as well as prime minister says, nobody will stop the middle tray from destroying from us while signed, as grooms about his handling of the war was ready res. across the occupied westbank
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refugee comes near ramallah and headphone a targets his and vases in taiwan and choose a pro independence cons that as presidents lie, chang test says he'll defend the island from what he calls china's intimidation. the palestinians have enjoyed $100.00 days of will already the west and garza's history and the latest is riley strikes. 30 people, including several children, were killed in a residential building in dogs of 50. another attack and rough uh, killed 14, at least 23843 palestinians have been killed since the war began. will in 10400 of them have been children, hospitals, and goals. i have also being targeted health ministry. certainly 340 health workers are amongst the dead. he's right. he met a tray of those so attacks john,
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this killing at least $117.00 media. it was because of the will began with from us is attack and stuff in israel on october the 7th. but around 1200 people were killed. more than 500 is ready. the soldiers have died. most of them in the initial how much attacks. but despite growing international outrages, why the problem is, have benjamin netanyahu says no one will stop his country from continuing as will as goes out to hunting my food. so it has more from rough $100.00 days of this ongoing, a brutal aggression on the gas turban. it all has become apparent of how difficult the situations are here in each passing the starting of from displacement into the destruction. the shared level of destruction, of residential homes of blocks, the neighborhoods then. and so far, what we look at is that a systematic bombardment of cities, towns,
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public facility that has turned life into quite impossible for the the residents of the gaza strip. we're looking at $1500000.00 displays palestinians, oldest we in the southern part of the gothic that's further south, very close to the egyptian gauze, a border in a very small part of the land with extreme shortage of every thing from the food water, medical supplies as well as survival items, the evacuation zones and, and since there is a running out of space as they are over will with, with this, please tell us any of the facts as well as running out of space. people are out in the streets now. sleeping on the side roads or setting up tents, an empty a land that they find it in, in the area. this has been going on since the 1st week of the war. and a lot of people just knew real live the from the beginning that this is going to be a very it was going to be
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a very tough time for them to demonstrate his intent of eva, holding a 24 hour raleigh to them on the release of captives held by hamas in the gaza protest as also express, but i knew it 5 minutes have benjamin netanyahu. and his government's handling of the crisis. thousands of people gathered in this way the capital and saturday evening, as the protest began with the families of some of the captives i've been speaking. with about 100 days of the war on gauze was res will stopped working. 100 minutes demonstrates as have gathered in the circled hostages square in tennessee. that's a posit, opposite as well. defense ministry. southern deca joins us now live from occupied east jerusalem and stuff done, especially more about these events that are being held in israel to monk. $100.00 days of war, of the guess they started last night around 8 p. m, with large gathering tens of thousands in that square. that's now been renamed hostage
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square. we heard speeches also from the french president that today very early on 629. am you had to re enact meant if you will organize those of the event wanted to mark what was the time of the attack a 100 days ago, you had one of the d j's playing who was at the new event. that's the raise that was attacked by have mass fighters and you had some of the families of the hostages there, hugging each other, wiping away tears swaying to the music. as you mentioned there, you had also what they called an economic stripe. that ended 20 minutes ago. now a 100 minutes uh that many businesses and schools and hospitals, universities stopped work that and they also made a make shift tunnel one of the underground time, off tunnels intellect. these where many is really, is believe most of the hostages are being held that's been created instead of you for people to go in and get a sense of what that feels like. basically what the people want is for this
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government to get to a deal with how mass to release. the rest of the hostage is a $132.00 hostages. still in captivity, they believe $25.00 of those are dead. uh, the government is saying that it doesn't think that a long term sees for basically how much wants to enter the war before it's going to agree to reduce any hostages. this is where we are at now. where is what the government and what the minutes you maintain is here, is that there has to be a, they have to finish off how mass before that can be done. and certainly that's going to play into the hands of how most, if they stopped the flight to and savvy, we've been hearing from the prime minister from benjamin netanyahu, will say, the presence i am, the chief of stuff. what's happening on the political and the minute tre, front, what are you hearing them? yes. well, apartments for ms. benjamin netanyahu was very defiant, saying that nobody was going to get is or all to stop this war. we also heard from israel's military chief of stall, for he said that
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a stop in fighting right now simply was conducive to israel's aims. that this would play into the hands of her mouth that they had forth arise, the renew, the more fighting going forward, particularly focusing on the central and southern gaza strip. but they also talked about allocating a major budget to, to the ministry, to ensure that there are well funded going forward. i think interesting the when you also look at one of the other protests that was yesterday and tell i be an anti government protest calling for benjamin that too young to stand down for early elections. you had the president isaac headstart addressed this this morning. she said that this attack october, the 7th that happened when israel has been at its most po to rise. and he said that his route really needs to maintain its unity, otherwise it would really threaten it, security and live. so whereas is riley's art behind the course of this war, they're not behind this government to the same extent and how it's handling
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certainly the release of the hostages. okay, and stephanie deca, bringing flights of steps, multiply to easter with some. thanks stephanie. this, ready? all me says it has killed full gunman who entered its territory from levon and on sunday, tensions have been growing along the border with israel since the war and goals that began fighting between his rarely forces. i'm loving, as has blown. i have displaced hundreds of people from border towns. let's get license from him. wrong. com. he's in april el saki in southern lebanon festival. him on. tell us about overnight raids that you sold the in southern lebanon as well. well, i'm thinking the, instead of we saw was around about 4 am in the morning full of been, we're in the occupied and shut the phones area that was supported by the is really mean that was an exchange of 5 these radio. how many sites that they killed old, full, many interesting name is really on these onsite, and this was a, has bullet his bullet
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a roll. so i'm not saying anything regarding whether it was that man or not. so it's highly likely not to be a his bullet move, but into the occupied ship. a farms area is certainly something that we haven't really seen them do. right now. this is all about rockets and missiles being 5 towards is ready territory. in fact, just in the last few moments we've heard that says bullet 5 knots tank we saw into the galley area that will certainly get her response from the israelis. and we see this tit for tat happening constantly along this 120 kilometer disputes in boulder . and we're on the house on the as well as the hezbollah chief is expected to speak later on sunday. what are we expecting to have from him? well, this is a speech marketing. the one week anniversary of a senior field commander that was killed in may cut about saline. uh the video address will take place in that village that was where else will demand that was
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killed was actually from you is that you killed nick at the village. so be an opportunity to see from this, or i'd love to speak to his troops and to mock the they full and colleagues, thoughts we are expecting him to, to, by the political situation is something that he's been doing consistently since october the 7th, every time he's given an address, interestingly enough, he must hoax stain. uh, one of the us is top diplomats was a 911 on the last week he was talking to various lebanese officials. he had a message from, as well as i would like his blood to move away from this to area depot within lebanese territory, hundreds of into pos, the latania river area. but has been absolutely clear, though it is no negotiations with his role as long as the war in gaza continues. so he's likely to address that as well. we're not expecting anything major coming from
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the speech, but interestingly enough, it is coming a week after this man was killed. so it's testament how important this man was to hezbollah, that they mocking it with a we can invest. okay, and on many thanks for bringing today. to staff from southern nothing on those ready forces have conducted more overnight rates in the occupied westbank video shows as rainy mounts you beckles and algebra zune, refugee come no for all of ramallah res, also conducted in refugee camp north of hebron. elsewhere is ready for satisfied to gas and gunshots. drawing a raid on a far as there was mamma jump, james. hence, as this update from ramallah in the occupied westbank, the raids, the frequency, the intensity of those rates by the israeli army into those towns, villages, and cities and refugee camps across the occupied west banks have intensified, have escalated in the days after october 7th, they have become part of the fabric of daily life. the situation continues to get
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more and more dire for the palestinians. since october 7th, there had been $347.00 palestinians killed throughout the occupied west banks. and you mentioned some of those rates that happened in the early morning hours of today . i'll tell you about one of the more significant ones that happened in jeanine and the city of jeanine, which is a flash point because there are resistance fighters there where there are typically rates every day, even before october 7th. you had a rate that lasted around 5 hours were told that it got quite chaotic in the city of janine that there was a lot of violence that happened in the center of the town that there were is really army tanks that surrounded a hospital there. and that they searched ambulance isn't that there were clashes between is really army soldiers and the palestinian resistance fighters. now we should mention of course that there were other rates that happened as well in the overnight hours the allowed refugee camp bed or mod north of hebron beer zeta, nablus. numerous raids, again,
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this is something that happens every day here in the occupied westbank and there is a lot of concern right now about how much more of a situation may deteriorate in the west bank. you have just last week reports in the is really media that is really security to, to brief the government saying that they are concerned that there could be a 3rd father in the west bank in the days to come to they are concerned that they occupied with think might be on the verge of explosion, not just because of the violence and the reeds, and the killings, but also because of the lack of any kind of economic opportunity right now. so many problems in your workers and used to be able to have across into israel and how they work from as they have not been able to. the economic situation is dire. things looking very bad right now every the that we speak with when they go to these areas that have been rated after those rates, they tell us they don't think the situation is going to improve any time soon. so it has had all the options here. um, we have from a young boy who says he was recruited to be a child soldier ensued on as fighting wages between the minute treat unblocked and simple forces.
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the frank assessments to the problem is that it is there is allowed to be outside that acts of international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children. inside story on al jazeera, it's on disputed. the 72 muslims were massacred in the village of indiana india in 1987. witnesses say the perpetrators were a mob of locals along side the state governments provincial on constabulary personnel. over 30 years later, a district court acquitted the accused to date, no one has been as accountable. people in power asks why the victims continue to be
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denied justice india is forgotten, must occur on the jersey to the challenges era within the the daniel watching out there has remind you of our top stories this our fuzzy people, including children, have been killed in the latest, as rarely, forming on a residential building and gone to a city with the war now. and it's 100 say at least
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23968 palestinians have been killed. demonstrates as in tennessee for holding a 24 hour rally to them on the release of captives held by hamas and garza project is also expressed that i'm the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his government's handling of the crisis and that the meal rates biased riley forces in the occupied westbank video shows is really minute 2 vehicles in el john soon refuge account north of ramallah rates, also conducted in refugee come north of hebron. namibia has criticized germany's decisions and support as well in the genocide case that the in special court of justice boot by south africa. and it statement on x. the southern african nation has accused its former colonial rule of committing the 1st genocide of the 20th century between 19 full and 19 o 8. opens 70 thousands of indigenous herrera and nama peoples,
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the killed in the masika. and it'd be as presidents as germany is ignoring the lessons of his past atrocities. he accused by the end of supporting a genocide and garza, of disregarding israel's killings of palestinians. heading melba as a senior research associates at the nor take africa institution joins as live, 5, skype from of sala and sweden. good to have you with us. so germany has the brutal history of genocide with know. maybe there's a long and arduous process in place for reparations. where is that process up right now? and is this data statement from them? it in government likes to read, let's to that statement issued by precedents, guy and go white. well mark on unexpected turning point in the already rod the franchise and stressed german, let me pin relations injury for us to the very said if look tragic, i run the that germany populate the took sides in the i c j.
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case, which is right on the 12th of january, which marks a 120 years of the beginning of what many of these kids called with german. nobody can go which then resided in the 1st general side of the 20th century and by germany's chords internationally. a lot of put coins in the way it engaged with the mess. destruction lost the call was it was in denial of the general side committees. then i'm just 2015 and the last 8 years with german and let me government have negotiated how to come to terms with that colonial general side to which the german side still for sure of recognizing as a general side lead to terms,
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which means it's for fuses, rutledge, the obligation to pay reparations. so the german position with regard to the current government in history, asia, it's knowing a g out of college, traumatic guilt, remove whatever is in massive on trust and contradiction. does it didn't you? i have the some rich, high speed should operation until the very day. so what the, if i can just jump and then what does the namibian government want from germany and is this statement as much a message to the send. and so the genocide in the maybe the government does take the pain seriously. so this is the interesting question. that's why i quoted a possible turning point. because as we understand,
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we negotiations of the joint agreement which was originally initial by special invoice in 2021 has let in december to addendum to which reported the was adopted by both government still negations. now it was expected that this would be a now it's s, endorsed by the american government this month trying groups statement seems to put that into fundamental question. not because of the complaints by the main agencies of the defendants of the main victim groups the over i have re enroll and been nama, but made by the insensitivity by of the german government. so kind of very much express is that up to frustration over the lack of empathy shown by germany towards the applied offering. i mean parents. okay. heading melba. good to
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get your views. thanks very much. taking the time, speak to us head on al jazeera, the, let's take a look at some other world news now on taiwan has a new president elect lighting to of the democratic progressive policy. one friday's general elections. his policy favors a more independence taiwan. but by jane has not ruled out taking the island by force. so anything has more from taipei. this is in taiwan costing the ballots in crucial legislative and presidential elections. relations with china, very much on their minds, but also domestic issues and how the isolated island deals with the future. not the past, please also say well, what i considered, most importantly is the content of the president's policies and his impact on the
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future of tie. one of the republic of china just yeah. how long would, at the same way tie, wants future standing, some livelihood issues? also issues regarding education and the economy are important. the 3 candidates who were out to italy to vote. they both can see that the child who is a threats that they also promised to repair relations with the powerful neighbor across the taiwan straits. but is it as simple as that? this implies that no, i think people already know how chun are we'll re add and have go so many years. they already know, know, the combination of is not uh, decided by uh, either china or taiwan and, but also united states. as the day ended polling stations closed across the island on time. democracy is now well practiced routine in taiwan, but also
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a much cherished right. to close to 70 percent with the election officials quick to get the account underway, a clear winner stone to to emerge in the center of typeface support has the governing democratic progressive policy. o d p. p. it's don't sit together. there's the votes mounted up. so to texas we are telling the international community that between democracy and all sorts here in ism, we will stand on the side of democracy. the republic of china, taiwan will continue to walk side by side with democracy somewhere around the world . the celebrations went on into the night. this was the victory that was far from a shore. and now the hard work begins despite what during the presidency, the d. p. p is actually lost control of the legislature. and president elect lies going to have to stop building bridges with the political opponents. he's just
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defeated tony chang, alpha 0. children of being recruited in through jones wall between the army and the permit to rapids support forces. how's it going to video footage from bottles and human rights groups even has expressed concern about the recruitment of child. so the soldiers and both sides to and that have a morgan reports from costume. my mood was the middle school students when were started between sedans, army and the parent military rapids support forces last april, due to the tough conditions as a result of the war. the 16 year old started working as a day labor to help support his family. he says he was carrying goods to sell when he was captured by the parent military are a self who forced him to work for them. they're having to do all right. stuff captured me and put me in a pick up truck off the beach and me. then they threatened me that they would kill me if i didn't work with them and do what they told me to do. they forced me to god the things they knew took the 1st few days and they said they'll teach me. how's
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the carrier agree enough? i asked them what that was. they said it's a big gun because of the runaways. the moment i got the opportunity, he wasn't the only under age forced to join the parent military force. in the middle of the last time they was stealing things from around the factories and onto them on when we ran into them and they forced us to go with them. will that make us carry things that they steal and take it with them to be solid? when, when not stealing with him and carrying the things, they locked us up. they say they'll train us to 5. i carried a gun a few times, which they said will make people feel me. the rest of has long been accused of recruiting children. even though the rest of has repeatedly denied the accusation since the worst started in april, several videos have emerged showing seemingly young children on the front lines. the international committee of the red cross i c r. c. received dozens of chow soldiers who were recruited by the recess and captured by the army. the war between
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the army and the r a sep, has created the largest displacement among children in the world. the u. n says that's mixed children into them more vulnerable to being recruited with the expansion of the war and the resulting economic crisis. they are concerned that's more and more children will be dragged into the conflict the you and has called for an end to the recruitment of children. it is unacceptable that the kids are being recruited. this has to still now we see on the stuff have been very explicit and will continue to reiterate the importance of the parties to the conflict, to adhere to the international humanitarian law and international and human rights law. move says he hopes to resume his studies when the were ends, but he's not sure if he'll be able to get over the days he was forced to spend on
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the battlefield. he but morgan knowledge of their heart to him. an echo as president has announced the old prison staff members who have been taken hostage by inmates, have been freed. 158 guns and 20 present staff members were captured on monday and several facilities who began off to one of those most powerful truckloads escaped from prison. that was followed by a series of police kidnappings and at a time on a tv station. what kind of corruption has full hundreds of people to evacuate to in south west in iceland? again, lava and smoke. sa, says spirit. enter. yeah. early on sunday. not fall from the town of glen defect residence for 1st told to evacuate in november off the signs of volcanic activity before being allowed back. and people in western australia on high alas, as bush finds pose a threat to lives and homes, uncontrolled flames. a banding through parts of the chittering region, north of puff, well, hundreds of firefighters baffled to contain it. well,
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thirties are proceeding with locals to leave the area immediately. that's it from me, laura called, we have the weather next. the inside story. forget what might be outcome in the case of genocide bruce against as well, at the international court of justice. stay with the the hi again, we've got a full out snow storm for japan, so kind of island. so here let me show you particularly support. we're looking to be hit with 20 centimeters of snow. those winds will be how lean exceeding any kilometers power. so we'll be into blizzard conditions here. over the next 24 to 36 hours. temperatures have lowered across the yangtze river valley winds. now out of the north and we've got some showers in the mix. snow to the north of that. so round was young. joe, we'll see about 5 centimeters here. also called
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a stair of the seas and across northern india. so think the suburbs of delhi just a few degrees above freezing here. dr. the blue and the purple, the lower the temperature. now by afternoon your bounce back deli, around 19 or 20 degrees. by the way, fog is still a problem here through punjab state and the capital region as well. same goes for buckets on coal. this air of the season walked up to the north. so as a mom about one below that's slightly below where you should be for this time of year. and again by afternoon you'll be up to 18 degrees. so let's go to the middle east right now. cooler air coming off the eastern, mediterranean amman, 12 degrees for you, not far off where you should be for this time of year and for the radium peninsula were tapping into a southerly breeze here. so they'll how you could see a height of 30 degrees on monday. in joycia, the errors from i'll just on the go and me tonight out is there is only
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mobile app. is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite types to just set for it. and type download the new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the of israel has presented its defense at the international court of justice. often south africa argued its committing genocide in gaza as noise said, the case is a distortion of the truth, but did they make a compelling argument and what will come out of this unprecedented case. this is inside story, the .


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