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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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assigned the same struggle share of displacement. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new, as he says that the stream on which is the, are the 100 days of israel's will. and gaza has killed nearly 20 full 1000 palestinians. 1.9000000 have been displaced as historic levels of destruction. the products that are around and you watching obviously are life headquarters here in also coming up. the goals, goals disappear, health crisis, mold and 70 percent of kansas health facilities are out of service leaving just one dialysis was the kidney patients. i had one nurse who had
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a heart attack because of the stress we call on all the competent, the 30s to provide health piece on for animal normal people. and they are suffering in israel. families of the captives kept up the pressure on the government to help the conflict with the protest. tomorrow, $100.00 days taiwan is the president to like to leech. i said that tale defend the islands warranty calls. china is intimidation. the, it's $1400.00 gmc, that's 4 o'clock in the afternoon in casa a stain on all shed humanity. the words of a senior un official to describe the devastating situation in gaza on the wells, lack of action to stop it. palestinians have not enjoyed 100 days. a full west in gauze is history. at least 23968 palestinians have been killed in the
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war axles, yum of which begins all coverage. and how many above a dot is traveling through the remains of what was once his home. each step is a search for closure. he sees the glimmer of his 3 children killed in his rarely airstrikes who are still buried under the rubble land above me. if your minnesota unacquainted them lives, if i come here every day, i still have 3 children remaining on the rough. uh let me, oh ma, i'm done the most welcome and hope one can fill out the bodies. we'll take a last look at that remaining. but thank god, this is our faith and we pray to god that we will be able to pull them off and see them. and she says 22 members of his family were killed by the same air strikes. the palestinian civil defense says it has no resources to dig through the rubble and retrieve the bodies. israel's war and the gaza has left its marks across the
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district. the operates refugee camp in central gaza was home to 40. 6000 palestinians were already displaced before the war. now, entirely neighborhoods are destroyed. after a 100 days of war, most of gaza is in ruins. according to the united nations, israel's bombardments has triggered the largest displacement, the palestinians. since 1948 people fling their homes and nowhere safe to go. about 5 out of this year on the 11th, there was not a day that we do not move from place to place from darrow by law to con unit to the rest of the heart of them. there are no goods as well and there are no basic things needed for licensed. there is no lice, and that's not the fault. we wish to have back to life conditions. we cannot find clean water other than the substitutes of life. this is also a humiliation. wherever you may turn your face, children at the most impacted. um we adults
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a helpless. we can not help our children or even meet the basic needs as the war drags on is taking away their hope for and then to the suffering axles i much out is there for 100 days of buttons and destructions on palestinians in gauze over 10 to the ruins of where they once lived is become a way to gather together a to console each other. one of those is a woman called a bit. she lost a home and many members of a family and it is really strong when rossa tells us how she and her remaining family. i'm trying to cope ma'am at the time, but i no longer have a home. we do have. all that remains are. these are the, these have become my home and then the credit report. i gather my daughters and, and we start reminiscing. i remember that i did was killed here. how many died there had kareem lost his life there, and my grandchildren were killed in that corner and i moved the we shed tears.
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sometimes we cry our eyes out. sometimes we're overwhelmed with serenity. this is our life, and this is our home prison. we spend all day here at the 98 guys are now the dad we were gathering at home and all of a sudden the roof fell on our heads. i told my son we should leave. he refused and said, where can we go? there and it's in, in, within seconds we were hit again with another missile. my sons, daughters were round me, some were injured, others passed out. when she was conscious, again, she started crying, weeping for losing our home. i told her, let's take my grandchildren to your sister's home, and we can return here again. the father refused. instead, we should not leave our home. we live here and we die here. we are like all other
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guys and this was the as good as like after a while i'm med came back crying. oh grandmother my father and my brothers and sisters and my uncles were killed, they were all killed. i asked him what happened and he said, oh grandmother our home was dawned and they were all killed inside the you hit your head. i was on the land and that kind of the getting the, the getting the full of the getting them to on the honey my mood has moved from rough for 100 days and ongoing suffering keeps unfolding for a palestinian. and then for the many displays, we ended up in rough estimate the year we've, we've documented daily, a suffering and hardship for palestinians display palestinians, either i q in line for a gallon of water or the front of a bakery to get one,
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a pack of, of red into the shops in the market trying to get whatever they good to help them survive this ongoing misery. but despite the, the talks about a possible, it's changing the tactics of this work. the palestinian are still suffering and they are quite unified. about $11.00 options that they look into achieving hopefully within the coming it's a short time, which is an end to this ongoing and mass killing of civilians across the gall. this river look at the number of people have been killed, including the children and women, and this year level of this destruction caused their cities in town. it's just an indication of how miserable the situations have been fit for them. we did talk to people to get the feeling of how they react to just going on or on a through 100 days of this ongoing war. this is what they have to say about how
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they feel about this stuff in the hudson. and i saw them and me for more than a 100 days, we've been living in missouri suffering. you're snowball now, and we cannot find water, food, or medicine, you know, unless no goose nor have we a tide. if this board, if this will the people the so weary that some members of the same family couldn't stand each other. on a plan, we were style becca, security, no ever safe. we cannot find clean ultima food. this is a cost to humiliation. wherever you may turn your face. so it's, it's hard to ignore this ongoing, a suffering, particularly on this day that marks $100.00 days of ongoing war on the golf industry, particularly for the vast majority of displace palestinians. we ended up in this a small part of the southern part of rough estimate, including those who are in, evacuated in centers to the western side of rebec, living through a very difficult conditions, including lack of, of,
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of essential elements and supplies, including water and foods, maybe one of the things that was wide visible here is large families will end up in a small tens at either a loss, evacuation zone or elsewhere on the side roads. here in rough, i did the just mounting, suffering and misery as this work continues to pound across. the gaza strip. let's bring in, phillip does a really, he's the commission to general d. u. an agency full palestine. refugees in the, in the east and joins us now from ross. i missed a lots of reading. thank you very much for joining us. i know that the sound quality might be a bit difficult for you to have us, but i just want to quote you to start with, you say the massive death destruction displacement hung loss and grief of the last $100.00 days is staining all shed humanity. if you read between the lines and your diplomatic speak the your so you've already passed a personal about what's happening right now in gauze, a talking about all shed humanity
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i do believe that indeed the situation is a spinning. i'll send the money to you. it is a wall of falls. this tennessee, the number of people will have been killed, the number of people who have been into the number of people who are constantly being a display. so a homeowner is looming. and guys, uh we have outbreaks of diseases underwrites where i stay here in the past. i just the rest the day. you can see behind me a tens that attends that city each time i come here. you have more and more and more and more people living in just treat them because they cannot find any space any show the way to state the plights, the crisis, the devastation, the unsigned, the tree, the overcrowded, the indiscriminate, the desperate, the world is running out of words to describe the reality of what godson's face and
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what you see on the daily basis. i think we are running out of all the but what's even more terrible is that this tragedy is taking place on the award on a daily basis. and despite all the warning, all the qualification we're getting about, this is part of the each time i've come, i'm not moved. i move, for example, sites apply to of the children, the number of children which have been will have been killed, maimed by the also all fund whenever you go to a school to the school right now, i take 50, overcrowded by people seeking censor. the school should be a piece of education and the kids to find in the schools. i'm just looking at to i said, i'm begging for a sip of water all for enough of bread. and of course they're looking at the help
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from you as an organization. you at the, you end of last over a $140.00 colleagues in the last 3 months. that must, it seemed like in a tennessee this has been absolutely devastating. it is true also this 100 days it feels to be an attorney to that's what i am also be assured. he's been a despite all the adversity we are confronted with, i find i'll stop the very, very much of it. did it really on the, on the, on the committed to provide assistance today as a you an agency, we are calling for an increase of offer of trucks crossing into gaza. we need meaningful assistance because as you an organization, it will not be enough to reverse the negative kind of the looming salvation in the
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street. we need commercial to come in mr. let's really we know that you as an official, it took nearly an hour to get from the rosabelle to, to where you are right now. that's a very short distance. it makes you wonder how difficult it is to get a into the region. can you give us an update on that situation? is it getting any easier? is it getting most difficult, or is it actually getting slow? uh, a listen. it is true that over the last, the 2 weeks there have been more trucks. the entering into a rough draft, and since the opening of car instead of them. having said that, the system of inspection the system of crossing for the trucks of down loading and offloading these extrude re convers homes, and can also be improved. secondly, that found many items that which probably beat to, to come into this, it gives us feedback and the so called your use item probably be that for the time
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being suddenly we have also cement it's difficult to move within the street from this house to somebody that region, all the tools in all the stuff and that's the more you go to the knows, the more the human touch situation is dramatic. get. we are concerned about the new mix. i mean, in the north we are concerned about the dooming salvation in a sense, in the central region. but we also know that there is not enough of assistance coming into this house. so it's really, i know how difficult it situation is. we know how valuable your time is, as you continue to try and get a integrated. so we'll leave it that. but thank you very much for your time. and for joining us on how to 0. to demonstrate this, intel, of even holding a 24 hour riley to demand the release of the captive, held by him. us in garza protest is also expressed that and the prime minister benjamin netanyahu,
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and his government's handling of the crisis. thousands of people gathered in these ready capital on saturday evening, as the purchase began with some of the assemblies of the captives have been speaking. several convent joins as not from teller, even, sorry, been following the day's events from way you are as people not 100 days since the will and gauze have started, just give us a sense of a feeling on the ground. oh well just a few minutes ago a bell was ringing and everyone had brought along with them small balances. they continued to ring quite a few minutes and this represents the 100 days that those a so how is captive in the gaza strip? it's been now a 100 days of that as well as a 100 days of a war on gauze or an interesting me so have. but since yesterday, the kind of speeches we're hearing from the is the us dining on the stage just behind me. we've had families of those are still held captive. a husband was talking about his wife,
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he's obviously beside himself. they've hides also relative to some of those that were killed in that. so my, so that happens on october. the 7th. and the right trick is different in the sense that there was a lot more criticism. now towards this current government towards the wooden cabinet, towards the prime minister, we've stopped one person just the idea saying it's a crime that they all still that for so long. one other person that spoke on that stage. i also said that a 100 say, and you said you'd get rid of how much you haven't. you haven't secured the northern both the either. i'm still bias foster is us still being housed. he said in the strip now. yes, today we will also, hey, whether it was an estimate to the 120000 people in attendance. one of the people that was standing on the stage again or rather the captive said i need so i eric needs a dress and that's and yahoo! and i run it clean. interestingly, this is one of the wood cabinet members was in the crowd and he said,
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we'll see you waiting for your waiting for a 100 more days. speaking to people who some people on even now asking for a return of his be swap. some of those are also speaking here are saying they want an end to the war. is the ensured the return of all of those the still held. then the desperation, the emotions can definitely be fault ahead and it certainly also and got as it into the make, of course, but i'm the is also talk. did she say so right into makes towards the prime minister towards the cabinet. how is that all playing out? when all of these people hear that we see here all have also been protesting. we can, we can. so if you did show results even before the war wrong, cause that began that's being internal strikes within israel. we've been covering this since right since the beginning. so how we've been here in this square we've been across side of even most i've been so many of the parts of
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the country and the sense and now is that they feel that nothing, nothing is being done. and that is the number one focuses on. that is the house concept. the fact that one of the wall cabinet members buried onto the crowd to me that was mary's heading because justice full that the prime minister has a statement he spoken. he said that he is working on securing the northern border as well. as the southern townsend are on that cli and sirens just went off earlier . and also on top of that, you have these anti government protested regatta as yesterday. and they came out lodge and numbers for a seconds, weeks cooling for early elections, and calling for him to resign. sorry, much sorry, but they, even some of them accused him of the reason why they are in the hey, but the moment with a case of the south africa has brought the choosing israel of genocide. now in terms of what they want to see, these protesters have been saying and making it clear, they said that they,
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a lot of them have blamed this. the problems within this coalition government as to reason why the, for the 7th attack happens on some even has often not protest yesterday asking how did you allow this to happen wherever the soldiers and you were too busy with inside seeing within the government with some going as far as saying the problem is the benjamin netanyahu is prolonging this more for his own political gain. so the kind of force the reading telling me thank you. well still ahead here and i'll just have another germonti volt, kind of corruption and nice than forces. hundreds of people to leave homes, the call this era of the season for buckets, dawn and india. let's dive into those details right now. good to see by the way, talking the blue and the purple, the lower the temperature here. so as long as the bug waking up monday morning to
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one below that slightly below where you should be for this time of year by the afternoon you're up to 18 degrees. but just suppose that to i've kind of stand temperatures in the head rods and cobble a good 10 above where you should be for this year. we were also talking about that cold air through northern india. so through punjab and the capitol region temperature is just a few degrees above freezing here and fogging smog still an issue water view of india shows us not much going on, few showers, coming in to the coast of onto per dash, but nothing to prompt any warnings there are warnings of intense rain around savvy, with the worst of it, south and east of the city here. and some showers working their way across the yangtze river valley dropping down temperatures and north of the wind. but to the north of that is spots of snow around junk. jo, this going to drop about 5 centimeters like you know what it's going to be worse for japan. so kind of island blizzard conditions here as a portal, looking at 20 centimeters of snow. those winds will exceed 80 kilometers per hour. and 1st of all, try island. the worst of the rain will be the dang south on monday,
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the risk of seeing some funding here, bye for now. the, the news the
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watching. i'll just say what makes the whole rahman into and i'll remind to of all top stories for the people. huff cause of the past 100 days. i felt like 100. yes. that's the message from the you and agency, full palestine. refugees basically milestone has reached at least 23968 palestinians have been killed since the war began. mouldings 10400 of them. a children demonstrated intel, of even at holding a 24 hour riley to demand the release competence held by her boss in garza, for just as also express that ryan government prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his government's handling of the crisis is what was well wrong cause is that to one of the worlds most of the health crises, based hospitals, industry, not functioning, functioning, 70 percent dropped of service. and those that are operating or facing shortages of supplies and even medical workers across the street,
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does anyone dialysis will treating patients for suffering from kidney failure as russell? so that ripples and i remember i said that before the war this dallas has more than a major hospital, says 122 patients every day on. now it is over well, because it's on the function in violence as ward in the entire guys a street or more. i've done this. all included the situation is tough and challenging because we are not only hospitalized in the process of providing dallas a service. we have seen around 500 percent increase in patient from 122 months to over 500 stages. we are looking at on the clock says patients who had 3 sessions a week. now one of you having one session for a health situation is rapid yourselves and that's what the nearly 10000 patients need. dialysis treatment in gaza with only 17 dialysis machines, a winnable doctors are trying hard to hand the below team, but they have reduced the treatment session for each patients by health and about
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the long lines of patients waiting for treatment. our program, i'm sort of sitting on the with the what us a half hour. well there is no fee. my health situation is deteriorating because i can now not have a 4 hour session that i'm supposed to have. but just 2 hours. my body's waiting all the time. i used to go to nasa hospital before the war and had proper treatment. now nothing is left, no medical stuff, no medication that has my leg is also broken. patients here said there are several dialysis machines available in different hospitals. but they cannot be used since most of those hospitals have been shut down because of these rarely attacks on health facilities. the magic's here on the immense pressure model for coming george, welcome joe, did both talk on this is beyond our capacity and i had one nurse who had a heart attack because of the stress should we call on all the compet that the threat is to provide help time would be some poor animal nerve of people and they
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are suffering. so the 7 is rep has impose a complete siege on god's ice on it. and it has been nearly impossible for international is including medicines and medical equipment to get into this vehicle . and it's about time for patients here for young man and women is running now to do something up with the christmas l dash the 06 to comes. and now these right now me says that it's killed full gunman who entered its territory from lebanon on sunday. has belong size that carried on 6 operations on its way the sites near the bold tensions have been growing along the board with as well since the wind garza began fighting between his way the full size and levels has belong, has displaced hundreds of people from both to towns income has moved from southern level us about few hours ago. hezbollah announced that at 590 tank, resolved into the you vall, settlement in the galley that killed a 40 year old is really man and injured a 70 year old is ready. woman in the last few moments she's actually been
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pronounced dead. so 2 people have been killed in that attack that drew a response from israel. intense cross border shelling, coming in along that disputed buddha. tertiary. we heard several of those attacks just a few kilometers away from where i'm standing right now in the shrub of farms area and other points along the 120 columbia to buddha hezbollah. say that yes, there's 6 attacks that they, they've made so far the you've all the attack is the biggest one they've done so far. but there was also another re enter the ship, a farms area, the occupied ship of homes. there is a group calling itself the atlantic brigades resistance. um they went in about 4 o'clock in the morning about 4 of them went in. they were actually involved in a firing incident with is there any troops? is these ready troops say that they killed or full of those men? now the group claims that this is
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a response to the killing of how much lead us all a, a rory which happened a couple of weeks ago in the roots. this isn't a group that is linked to to his bullet. it's a palestinian, a group that i've claimed responsibility for that. so all of this is own going still ongoing right now. and there is no diplomatic solution to this right now has in this role, this extra general of his bully is actually speaking right now. he'll get into the politics of this shortly. but his beloved boys maintained that there will be no negotiations, no tools about this bold area until there is a complete stop to the war and goals. the best thing is some of the days of an east across the world and china has criticized the united states, united kingdom and japan, congratulating taiwan was newly elected leader on his victory. phasing accuses the
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3 nations of interfering in another countries. internal affairs presents elect blanche to willing to support as the next 4 years will be tough. without control of the legislature, tony chang comfortable for me to pay it was an impressive victory. and an unprecedented that to the ty, ones, democratic progressive party, put a note of caution from the president elect to his supporters and didn't get everything that way. then the site over in the legislative elections, the d p. p, did not hold onto a majority. this means that we did not work hard enough, and that is why we must humbly review and look back for the nationalist k m t policy. there was no controls, the largest block, and the not just that you might have been much. and even if they failed again to get the top jobs even the time on people's party, you finish to have a significant voting block. potential king make is it's
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a national recognition of lies. victory was muted. many leaders with china will not be pleased by his success to biden's initial reaction. we do not support independence. it's a curious statement from a friend. it's committed to your defense without being. what was that message for the people of taiwan way or the leaders and paging, and probably a little bit of both. i think the 1st audience, the mind is likely by doing that. us is telling the aging that, hey, uh, they have a pro us cohen ty, canada is coming into power. however, that does not mean that us the intent to do anything that would dramatically come anywhere near crossing buildings. red lines, maintaining the status quote appears to be what time one's boots is really want. and they don't have to look far to see the dangers of a president with on check powers in control. when he's supposed to have made
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a very particular choice, if elected a d, p, p president is going to give them continuity and stability. at the same time, his power is going to be kept in check by legislature. he doesn't control toni. chang, l, g, 0. type dead ball codes officially crime, the nation's new king. people waited outside the palace in copenhagen to witness the historic movement. king frederick the 10th, gave his 1st speech after he was proclaimed. the pneumonic is australian bold wife, mary. has been named queen consort fedex, mother macbeth, advocated the phone late last month ending has 52 your'e the banquet ols president. as of those, the total prison staff members who are being taken hostage by inmates of not being freed, $100.00.


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