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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 14, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the the ones that are a venue, this is the news, our lives, some doha, coming up in the program. this hour, 100 days of death, destruction and suffering and gaza. israel's war has killed nearly 24000 palestinians. nearly 2000000 people have been displaced. the war has caused the health crisis within 70 percent. that causes health facilities are out of service,
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leaving just one dialysis ford for kidney patients. living in ruins, we hear from palestinians remembering their loved ones killed in israel's. and israel families of the captives keep up the pressure on their governments to hold the conflicts with a protest to mark the 100 times. you want to get real sca education city state where against the backdrop of one garza palestine school team is about salt, is asian called campaign the a stain on our shared humanity. those are the words of a senior un official to describe the devastating situation in gaza and the world's lack of action to stop it. palestinians have now enjoyed 100 days of war already the worst, and gods and history by far and for the people have gone to those past 100 days, have felt like 100 years. that's also the message from the human agency for palestine. refugees,
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at least 23968 palestinians have been killed since the war began. more than 10400 of those have been children, hospitals and gaza have also been targeted. the health industry says nearly $340.00 health workers were among the dead. these really military is also attacked journalists killing at least 117 medial workers accept assignment, which begins our coverage or how many above a dot is treading through the remains of what was once his home. each step is a search for closure. he sees the glimmer of his 3 children killed in his around the air strikes are still buried under the rubble land above me. if your minnesota liquidity on those it, if i come here every day, still a 3 children remain in the and i mean, oh ma, i'm from a most welcome and hope one can put out that bodies will take a last look at the main thing on this is off faith and we pray to god that we will
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be able to pull them out and see them. and she says 22 members of his family were killed by the same error strike. the palestinian civil defense says it has no resources to dig through the rubble and retrieve the bodies. israel's were on the gaza has left its marks across the district. the operates refugee camp and central gaza was home to 40. 6000 palestinians were already displaced before the war. now, entirely neighborhoods are destroyed. after a 100 days of war, most of gaza is in ruins. according to the united nations, israel's bombardment, history good, the largest displace picked up palestinians since 1948 people fling their homes have nowhere safe to go. for about 5 out of this year on the 11th, there is no day that we do not move from place to place from darrow by law to con
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unit to ref. there are no goods as well and never know basic things needed for licensed. there is no lice, that's not the fault. we wish to have back to live conditions. we cannot find clean water or other than the substitutes of life. this is also a humiliation. wherever you may turn your face, children are the most impacted. um we adults are helpless, we can not help our children or even meet that basic needs. as the war drags on is taking away their hope for and then to the suffering axles i much out is there? well honey, my my who joins us from rasa. you know, honey, not many people on this planet had been through what palestinians in guys that have been through in the last 100 days. you know, the people have gone so you're with them. you're one of them. how is everybody coping a yes . well, a so far, the more we talk to people,
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the more we feel their express race or not what's going on and we actually did as it's getting really busy right now. we talked briefly to some of the people walking through the area and it just one a common element seems to be visible in their stores with just their life has been defined by the new norm of within the past 100 days, a normal up seeing that the structure in that display has been done, but largely focusing on the life of the most vulnerable to groups of what's going on is the children and women that's been defined by, by a great deal of a trauma. and so far as the, the, the 100 days of ongoing relentless bombardment by air, by land and by sea, just lift entire residential blocks, the neighborhoods, incomplete. it ruins and to the point it's on. but good, nice for people. the people talk about the frustration that the a,
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the process is broken and they don't seem to get enough a just to keep them surviving. the lack of the free a staying in terms of the food supplies, the water and medical supplies. the fact that there is no access to a clean drinking water is a huge problem for the vast majority of people who are not all of them, particularly when it comes to now. and in addition on the spread of diseases as a result of consuming contaminated waters, as many cases documented by the w at your us already overwhelmed and over part, hey, evacuation centers. here's what people i've had to say about how they feel about already going through 100 days of ongoing relentless bombardment across the gaza strip the hudson and i saw him in me for more than a 100 days. we'd be living in misery, suffering a snowball. now and we cannot find water, food or medicine, no less, no goose, nor have we a tired of this for this will the people
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a so weary that some members of the same family couldn't stand each other. and then we were starting back as a courtesy, no, it was safe. we cut off, i'm clean the ultimate food. this is also you mean the ation, wherever you may turn your face. honey also tell us about the latest events on the ground in the gaza strip. the latest strikes i understand they've been strikes in the sarah. 2 the well, not only people are reflected on 100 days, but our old experiences renewed air strikes across the, the territory, even in the northern part that's been large, liam, it's uh, from its residence. but there are tax on based la, hey, yeah, they're old. so i talk soon, garza, we're at the southern part of garza city, more down in a residential homes where demolish completely by the is really military. but as of we speak, there are more error strikes that artillery. so they concentrated in the central
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area where it's not only the vicinity of the older remaining health facilities. we not talk repeatedly, but also there is an evacuation centered. we're talking about an on or what united nations for kaiser, for you school operated and managed by you on team as being targeted reports about if people have been killed and also multiple injuries, rosa rushed to unlocks the hospital again and we're looking at a very over well, and then a crippled health care system, particularly the hospital last the lots of injuries within the past few weeks. and since the expansion of the operations in the central area in hon you and is a distressing reports coming in from the southern part of the city of han you and is where it has to be repeatedly targeted with intense shelby and gun air strikes. but there are reports about a residential or block, an entire residential that'd be not taught by relentless areas. black and destroyed completely. we're trying to get a confirmation of the number of people who are being killed and we really haven't initial numbers. but we're going to wait for more confirmation,
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as we were told by civil defense, the crew and an ambulance. they find it very difficult to get to the area as it's under heavy artillery showing as we speak. honeywell mode reporting there from russia in the southern part of the strip. thank you for your reporting today. and for the last $100.00 days, honey. and now in the last 100 days, israel's war on gaza has wiped out entire neighborhoods along with homes, schools and hospitals. these really military has dropped more than 29000 bonds around 70 percent of the 439000 homes in gaza. have been decimated. 30 hospitals are now out of service. that means 70 percent. 77 percent. in fact, of the strips. health facilities are no longer functional. $352.00 school buildings sustained damage or were destroyed that 70 percent. while nearly 200 sites of historical importance were either destroyed or damaged and an estimated 104 mosques along with 3 churches have been damaged. hopefully plaza,
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really the commissioner general of the un agency for palestine refugees in the near east is in gaza. earlier he described to my colleague, so he'll run them on the desperation being faced by the people have guys in the u. n. stuff there. i think we are running out of all the but what's even more terrible is that this tragedy is taking place on the awards on a daily basis. and despite all the warning, all of the qualification we're giving about this type of the each time i've come, i'm not moved. i move, for example, sites apply to of the children, the number of children which have been, will have been killed named by the also or fund whenever you go to a school. the schools right now, i take 50, overcrowded by people seeking censor. the school should be a piece of education and the kids to find in the schools. i'm just looking at 2 eyes and begging for
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a sip of water or for enough of bread. and of course they're looking at the help from you as an organization. you at the, you end of last over a $140.00 colleagues in the last 3 months. that must, it seemed like in a tennessee, this has been absolutely devastating. it is to on so that this 100 days that feels to be an it's time to do. that's what i am also reassure is be a, despite all the adversity we are confronted with, i find out stuff a very, very motivated it really on the, on the, on the commit to, to provide assistance today as a you an agency we are calling for an increase of offer of trucks crossing into gaza. we need meaningful assistance because as you an organization, it will not be enough to reverse the negative kind of the looming salvation in the
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street. we need commercial to come in. so we mentioned that most hospitals in gaza, no longer working, those that are are facing shortages of supplies and even medical workers. and there's only one dialysis for treating patients who are suffering from kidney failure or so sort our reports. i remember i said that before the war this dialysis morning and the drug hospital says 122 patients every day on now it is over well because it's the only function in dialysis was in the entire gaza screen. or more i thought of the solvable, including the situation is tough and challenging. because we are not only hospitalized and causes providing dallas a service. we have seen around 500 percent increase in patient from 122 months to over 500 stages. we are working around the clock. patients who have 3 sessions a week. now you have in one session for a health situation is rapid yourselves and that's what the nearly 10000 patients
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need. dialysis treatment in gaza. with only 17 dialysis machines, a winnable doctors are trying hard to hand the below team, but they have reduced the treatment session for each patients by health about the long lines of patients waiting for treatment our program. i'm sort of sitting them home with the what us a half hour while there is no fee. my health situation is deteriorated because i can now not have a 4 hour session that i'm supposed to have. but just 2 hours. my body's sweetening all the time. i used to go to nasa hospital before the war and had proper treatment . now nothing is left, no medical stuff, no medication, that is my leg is also broken. patients here see there are several dialysis machines available in different hospitals, but they cannot be used since most of those hospitals have been shut down because of these really attacks on the health facilities. the magic's here on the immense pressure at the bottom from your welcome joe. the thought on this is beyond our
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capacity and i had one nurse who had a heart attack because of the stress. sure, we call on all the competent authority is to provide help. time would be some poor animal nerve of people and they are suffering. so the 7 is that has impose a complete siege on garza ice on the think it has been nearly impossible for international is including medicines and medical equipment to get into this vehicle . and it's about time for patients here for young man and women. there's running now to do something over the christmas, out of this the most of the rest of the demonstrators and televi for holding a 24 hour rally to demand the release of captives held by homos and gaza. they also expressed their anger at prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his government's handling of the crisis. thousands of people started gathering in the city on saturday evening where the families of some of the captives have been speaking sour. hi ross is intel a vive? sorry, you've covered all these rallies, bring us into today's rally. what people are saying, what you're hearing,
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how they're feeling, and also whether, what kind of a change you've seen over the last 100 the, the, well, the intestines today has been incredible. and so it was yesterday, saturday, riley, where an estimated a 120000 is re these gathered here in support of the families of those still held captive a 136 is the number of those still in the gaza strip. we've been hearing continuously on stage from families of those house concepts from some of the families and relatives, all those that were injured as well. on october, the 7th, a mixture of people leaders as well within communities and even some that are cooling to an end to this will if it means the return of all of those houses as soon as possible. but definitely a change in the language that we are hearing initially. a lot of the speech is every stop today. well, one of unit see of just saying, you know,
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we want them by with thinking of the people sharing the stories. but now there's a very, very clear message to the government to the war cabinet, to the prime minister himself, but more needs to be done. some of them have been saying there is no victory if they are here. in fact, i just want to mention some of the names because those are important. if you recall, that was a social media. one of the videos that was filmed on that day of one of those that was taken from the nova festival. that was, no us are demonte now hop mazda was speaking on said she's actually got cancer and she said, i hope i will be able to see her before my last days. we also heard from ali as, as the name who's buying his children were also a thought food and they will also release, but he has another family member that is still that. and he said he directly address prime minister benjamin netanyahu say, what are you doing? bring them back to soon as possible. you said,
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please take the green light from some of those in your cabinet that once also this will to ends. if it means that they come back safely, we also hon from it. let's see muran upon. no, i'm right. who is still in. 6 the gaza strip and they all from the all as one of those southern towns. and she said, well, victory are you talking about you abandoned us. i don't understand how you can even talk about us returning to our homes when a 136 people are still in gauze of very strong messages. the several to those are leaving. this will. so i want to talk to you a little bit about politics and how it's changed over the last 100 days because in the early days of the war and again, this is something you've covered continuously since october the 7th day, even before in the early days of the war we saw broad unity behind the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, when people put their feet, like many people don't like it, but people put their feelings aside. and now we see divisions play out in full view of the public pretty regularly. the,
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the exactly 0, right? so the beginning there was an agreement, an unwritten one, but everyone would say unified whether it was a, the opposition leader, whether it was people within the governments. that's been a lot of been fighting in this fall. right? coalition governments, and even though is this freebies, the public decided to say united puts in the last couple of weeks we've been seeing these anti government protests. the calling for early elections and also for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign as soon as possible. and the loss of the situation here is telling because as this riley has been taking place in tyler b, you also have had the prime minister in west teresa and i am holding a cabinet leasing and a heads of this. uh he said that this will continue for months now, i'll just tell you more about this. me think it's to push through the new budget that they are trying to push through through. they say that the expenses of this
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war is fall bigger than they expected. it to be and now they're trying to get more of a budget for this was. so when you hear from him and when you hear from you all along the defense, minnesota that also spoke earlier today saying this will, will continue on. there is a real concern here because as long as this will continue, it also means that the cap says weren't be returning anytime soon. and some of them wants to see that the supply happening. there has been divisions within the war cabinet itself. yesterday we sold many guns in the crowd as someone was directly addressing the wood cabinet, saying you need to do more. this isn't enough. now we're starting to see some of those divisions. and you know, it's clear and obvious that people are now becoming a lot more vocal as to what they want to happen. moving on forward or sorry, you've been bring us the, the political developments in israel and also just the feelings within these really society non stop for the last 100 days late. we set the honey earlier. thank you
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for all that reporting now is really forces have conducted more overnight rates in the occupied westbank video shows is really military vehicles in the alice l as soon refugee camp north of ramallah res. we're also conducted in a room, refugee camp north of hebron. elsewhere is really forces fired tear gas and gunshot, steering a raid on our, for our, for the bill of how many it is in ramallah in the occupied. where's the west bank where we've seen dozens of raids daily since october, the 7th honda. as you reflect on what has changed in the west bank, in the last 100 days, what do you see the most certainly what, what is will flagrant is the continues i to, to that would say of the military and the settler, that many brothers to news would tell you they have never seen before, such level of violence. they say that they, they have this feeling that you know,
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both the soldiers and the settlers on their events, free on the policy news here, across the occupied with bank and over the past 3 months. we have seen some horrific videos of, you know, military vehicles driving over, but wounded police to me and other police students who are just exit queued at point blank. a check boys. it's been really tough for them. but why all that is happening in a way, really, from the focus all eyes on gaza. there's also been land grabs. you have more than 500 families that have been expelled from ad deadline. those a big win of families. you also have a land that has been taken by settlers simply because they were, they wanted to, they want to pay a new road or they want to keep that lead for a future settlement. so now what happens is that the, that piece of land gets fenced off, and the palestinian,
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the owner of that land cannot go there and has to ask permission from the military to access his own growth, for example. and that never happens rarely happens. you know, the organization piece now has actually issued the report a few days ago says, saying that there was a record number of out both illegals on the international law that have been set up over the span of the past 3 months. they've been that record number of roads, the bypass roads that have been paved or might be paved over the past 3 months. so certainly you have admin, bolden settler as a side population living among the palestinians here the occupied was bank back to buy some ministers with the cabinet of benjamin netanyahu, who have been giving a very hard life to the palestinians. now if we go back to their rates, there's also
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a desk. so that comes up that you have really $350.00 police students who were killed since october 7th. you have 4000 who have been injured and you have nearly 6000 that they currently held in is really jail. the vast majority of them have without charge. so certainly the pressure is on here in the occupied westbank and many, but many palestinians keep on say over and over again that the biggest worry is that once the military is done with guys that it will turn its eyes and its focus to the occupied westbank hold up for so long. the future has looked bleak for palestinians, whether they're in gaza or in the occupied westbank. i'm talking pre october 7 now in the shadow of this unfolding war when palestinians that you talk to look ahead to the future, what do they see? what do they think lies there? well, at the moment everybody's galvanized a by gaza,
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the main priority. everyone with treasure is a ceasefire because people here frustrated about or what they have been watching over the past 3 months and or even more frustrated because they can't do anything. that's the main priority of 81. but then after that, yes, they thinking about the after the war the day after what should happen and anyone would tell it that they would like a political solution. but, and the underlying the fact that they would like that this time, this political solution actually leads to something tangible that would end the occupation and change their lives. put the palestinians on the path to create their own country to be in control above their own lives. they are worried about it, they say won't happen so easily. they don't think that is what is on board for that . at any given point, at least there's no indication for that,
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but that remains the main priority. you know, the submission of south africa, the, hey, was a much needed more all boost here among palestinians. just today i was talking to the mayor of a town that is basically on the seeds. it has 6 entrances, a well of about 4 of them, or 5 of them are shot and there's only one that keeps an opening and closing at the whim of the military. and he was say that this, the mission of, of south africa was extremely important at this point because palestinians feel that they have been completely abandoned by the international community. so they would like that if there's anything good coming out of this war is the find the lead international community looks at the course seriously and puts efforts to bring about the state at some point. what a look. thank you very much for all of that. and you say that palestinians that you've been speaking to, they hope for a political solution, something tangible that puts them on
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a path to creating their own country. that's something i'm going to put 2 more on the shower, who's in the studio with us. thank you very much for the bill. i mean, reporting from ramallah there. so, more wanting this ties in with the question i wanted to ask you off the back of what you said last hour, that palestinians and israelis after this war, they're going to have to learn where they're going to have to figure out a way to either marry i assume you meant lived together or a happy divorce is. do you think that there could be despite all this suffering? well, perhaps on account of all this suffering, a silver lining in this crisis meeting. the crisis is so big, something has to change and that's something could be a palestinian state. well, this is the thing, right? i mean, there are 2 possible solutions to the conflict to the colonialism. one is a one state solution, that's what they call it, meaning palestinians and his right is jews, arabs, jews, christians and muslims living on one country where citizenship counts not estna,
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city or nationalists. that's a bit farther away today. after a 100 days of uh, mexico. the 2 set solution is when you separate them along the lines of 1967 board . there is a so called green light green line, and that's also becoming for them. i think because there are some 700000 illegal israeli settlers in occupied by the city on after october 7th. that's also becoming a bit more less probable. now, some of our viewers listening to us and the ad, ours seems to be drawing some help from say, france and germany look at where they, where in 2nd world war, i look what they are now. that's kind of where the question comes from. out of crisis can be born uh a positive political solution, but without magical thinking. meaning because for us the germans,
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they lived together. in fact europe now lives in the union because fascism was defeated. is there any fascism is not being defeated finish throughout the day. i mean, that's where the might is. how moss liked it, or hate to call it that or, or call it liberation, organization resistance movements or killers. whatever way you want to call them, they are resisting good occupier as they were born auto occupation in the 1980s. and they've been resisting dental condition since then until the patient ends and the fascist mind sits behind it. there is no clear way to words, you know, living nicely, side by side, because at the, at the roots of this problem and it generally depends how you want to look at it. but the way i see it, i'm electrically speaking, looking at the history, thoughts of the problem lies a certain racist mindset that says,
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i am privileged and both why occupied those why i took that line with me to have no privilege that i do look at just the reports that they've been doing just today over a 100 days, right? nicole, preoccupied. we are with a $150.00 families, $130.00 plus families. is there any findings? because their loved ones are held in captivity in god's us. in the same 100 days. we've had somebody else, 1000 palestinians were taken captives, prisoners by his right. just like that 100 days. no trials that we know about. no, no judgements, not use ition list, nothing. they were just sticking a box picked up from their homes. how we covered their families and how they feel about their loved ones being now and is really jails open ended li, health captives? no, we don't. do. they don't want straight general mala and not blues. and hyper on the way is randy is uh, is there any time it is uh, does anybody know why? i tell you why? because the used to it sounds like the used to it. some 1000000 fella,
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spaniards. a 1000000 palestinians have all of the past due is randy james, a 1000000 percent has already been arrested. that's one 4th, another since 1967. it's a way of life for the best thing is to be health chapters. but as i'm garza is a combination of decades long 3 percent of this nature. what is there a built in with such a infinity? it can do whatever the hell it once with the palestinians, because it's protected by the united states and it's worse than our lives. and that's why to your, i'm sure i'm looking at you, what i'm thinking about the next question is, why couldn't they stop this war? because, you know, so many people, so many of our viewers have asked that question right? the, the, the, the scale of the killing is such, the intensity of the killing is such why can't the world, why isn't the world doing something about it? it's a little bit nice because it's not how power politics works or that everybody's asking me questions. absolute lapses that i think is probably one of the most
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indispensable. 2 or 3 questions we need to add, we can to keep trying to answer. i think some of it's a straightforward right. as soon as this thing started october, 2nd, we've heard that america was dispatching gets aircraft carriers to that, used to be there today. and it starts with ottoman is more committing $14000000000.00 to is read. i'm promising that it will stand behind is no matter what, under what conditions or whatever conditions until it defeats how much, which we understood the last 100 days, which means that the destruction of guns as long as the united states to watch football or along with its west on our lives decide that they're going to be backing is an, even if they're going to have to involve nato in the process. no other country, whether it's in the region or outside the reason is going to dare come in and do anything. but also even those sponsors who are close in the region, i'm not interested to get involved or another or what is right, i'm the united states into your lawn is not interested in other words with is of the, you know, i'd say some of them don't even like how much and it's brand of islamism,
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some of them sit on even grid, the human rights violations. then what is what i did in gaza and they looked at what happened to the city. i forgot to take a look at what happened other places, but age and i mean we've had crises in the region that are just as compatible as what's, what's we're seeing and front of site. so a lot of these leaders are not just not united, some of them are also gross violators of human rights. right? so all the, say the politics is, as you said, it's very complicated. then there is no fence before way. there is no fantasy land in this middle east as long as colonialism is at the center of it. and as long as it's backed by what's that imperial powers? this is the side reality. as long as i'm feeling, unless they change, i think dispose of shocks as horrible as they are, as, as, as, as in humane or as much pain as it could cost, right? they tried to somehow shut the system, right. right. is that what they call them? i'm not sure. yeah, it says this back to the silver lining idea
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a little bit like the think it is right. i mean, i can see some of it that i'm not sure these writers will see it as a, as a silver lining. but if you want to publish that right, and you see the destruction and garza, you said the gas has been basically this would make it and have us eventually when the debate starts on the war ends. from where people are going to slide had the whole didn't get the account. but why did you do that? how did you do that? did you know that something's going on? this is going to happen to us. is this the right thing to do was us, but i think there's, i'm sure the same thing is right there would be asking questions. wait a minute. why were you not a for so in face because we ended up in this war without peace, we're going to always be facing war. and this reason why aren't you our government's pursuing peace as you showed us. lots of, i mean that is a bit of a silver lining for the 1st thing is what losing their homes, who are losing their livelihoods for losing their loved ones is as has been building this fence,
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a full fantastic brand for itself around the world. the past 50 years since also. nothing now has been uh, you know, is it the auto machine? he's been very good at improving his rose image around the world. that's not just the colonial as such yourself. the patient is suspect. the nation is wonderful and it's innovative. it's great. the human rights democracy, some sort over the past 100 days, destroyed the whole with your image or those read. i think it's not going to cover for much for once. i have to come when you hear the lawyers at the, at the hague couple of days ago saying something like, we are trying to save but assume your lives. we're not trying to catch up on a study of people around the world, even the dumbest of them. look at them and go like, come up with benefits together. this is not the way you save life. this is the way you carry out the general side against the present people. so i think the image problem here is that it is going to be so grave and the international public opinion that i think even it's allies are going to start being more careful dealing
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with it. and i hope that that will be a way for some change within is read, some reckoning is read that we cannot continue to be stayed up for 75 years after our independence. something got to give. i wanna make sure i was you were a senior political analyst. thank you very much. i us here in guitar palestine football team will play their 1st game of the asian couple. later on sunday, the face iran in group see against the backdrop of the wall and gaza. do you want to go to roscoe's at education city stadium? to watch that match for us, joe, i think kick off is in the just about an hour from now based on the timing you gave us earlier. um, can you, you've spent time with this team of palestine? can you speak a little bit for our audience to their mindset and also the fact that this is, you know, this is bigger than sports and this is kind of a special team in decision come yes, they're all have spent time with the policy and team. i've been following them for
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the last few months. uh, getting ready for this tournament and also for some of the walk up qualifies. they've been taking pos and, and it has been a very difficult build up for the palestinian team. now the some send me the kind of sending team all use to overcoming adversity when it comes to playing and big tournaments buttons because it's very difficult for them to move that players around many of the plaza based overseas in all the lease. and even when they come in and out of the old tennessee and territories and movements are controlled by israel, but build up to the best tournament has been unique in many ways for the policy and team. a lump sum left from the west, like those play, is it a base in the west bank, left just off to the south to, to, to play and woke up qualifies in the united arab emirates and into weight. and they haven't been able to go home since then. as a result, they've been preparing and training camp, smelled syria and saudi arabia the best and a lot of pressure on those plays who have families in palestine. we know it's been
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very difficult for them to communicate and find out what's been happening to them. the coach might come to purpose and speaking a lot about the constant feeling of anxiety and the support when they haven't been able to find out what's happening with that friends and family, they tend to muse and social media to walk out what's going on. back home, and in fact, just last night we 9 from one of the players that his cousins are and in the tax. just before the final practice session for this much it's, it's difficult to to say how i feel now. and the way we have feeling. but now we have focus to this group because we need to stop to, to, to do something for our families and our people and, but it's time to make them happy doing this work that says that, so what, what are feeding the feeling of motivation to be able to make the people of palestine happy has been something that i've been
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hearing from the team for the last few months. but it's going to be a difficult much this one against iran. if you look at the possible form, it says of the policy and team add an asian cop. they've never won an agent cop match. they've never got out of the group stage and they're going to have a score one goal. in the previous 2 appearances, they all right to 99th in the wells. iran a 21st. i've been having several that some of the palestinian results recently have been pretty good and those well qualifies. they picked up a points from the 1st 2 games. i'm going back to that motivation of, of trying to make people happy. you know, i've been speaking to some of the funds have been coming in and then not just palestinian funds is fine. they all funds from places like out syria from pac hassan from castle. they're also bolting palestine, and i think that the policy and team is a way for people to show that they're supporting the policy and team and therefore supporting the people of color assign. yeah, absolutely. i expect who will be seeing a lot of palestinian flags among the crowd, their education city right behind you, john,
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and go to rosco reporting live. we'll talk to you again. thank you. over $100.00 days of bombs and destruction. some palestinians and gaza have returned to the ruins of where they once lived is become a way to gather together and console each other. one of those women is a bit. she lost for home and many members of her family, and it is really striking, rasa. she tells us how she and her remaining family are trying to cope as the one bed. i no longer have a home. we do have all that remains. are these and every, when the, these have become my home and then the credit report, i gather my daughters and, and we start reminiscing if, if you remember that i did was killed here said how many gods there had kareem lost his life there. and my grandchildren were killed in that corner and never moved the we shed tears. sometimes they cry,
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our eyes out sometimes were overwhelmed with serenity. the. this is our life and this is our falling prison. we spend all day here at the 9 a, the, the dad we were gathering at home and all of a sudden the roof fell on our heads. i told my son, we should leave. he refused and said, where can we go in there and it didn't in within seconds we were hit again with another miss. i'll my son's daughters were round me. some were injured, others passed out. when she was conscious again, she started crying, weeping for losing our home. i told her, let's take my grandchildren to your sister's home, and we can return here again. the father refused and said we should not leave our home. we live here and we die here. we are like all other guys in the as good as like after
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a while i'm ed came back crying. oh grandmother my father and my brothers and sisters and my uncles were killed, they were all killed. i asked him what happened and he said, oh grandmother our home was dawned and they were all killed inside the you hit your head. i was on the land and that kind of the you and says the catastrophic levels of hunger and the risk of dying from famine is increasing and gaza. according to unicef, 1200000 palestinians are experiencing emergency levels of an acute food shortage. children are deprived of 90 percent of the water that they need each day to survive . 335000 kids under the age of 5 or at high risk of severe amount, nutrition, and preventable dis, the agency estimates nearly 10000 children will suffer the most life threatening form of mt nutrition known as severe wasting. and if the situation does not change, causes entire population could experience them in by early february. a game at the
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law is the medical coordinator for doctors without borders in palestine. and she says the impact of the constant attacks is destroyed. the medical system after one uh, one of the days of what we can see, the, the constitution and the uh, system and that's uh, everything is on most collapsing and people are leverage to access to a else system that can take care of them. can be for injuries also for the read politically disease that's a people can have, i'm not thinking baez's file supply can arrive, but it's really not enough. how's it going to need that? so that the pollution phase, and that is a real problem to run up to the team. the defense has to be do. one of the program, of course, is the supply because even each of the numbers off the trucks are slight feet increasing the last few weeks is to really not enough to go over the news. and we can see it as
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a. so my trust to reject to the boulder and so i'll supply some medical equipment. is that for some of them it's very, very difficult to get them in gaza, which we know is that the most the access is very new to them and we're almost blind on the situation there. we know that the situation is really different between the and the south. what we can see and what has to be changed that's we don't have a huge number of acute malnutrition cases and that the fact, but this situation is really difficult, especially in the if the leader of hezbollah has done this for all that has addressed the public and his speech saying that disturbances and the red sea won't stop until palestinian liberation is achieved and the war and gaza ends. local america on the, on the american should realize that the security of the red, c 11 on iraq in yemen are all hinged on one single thing. putting an end to the war
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on gaza. well, rather than providing a remedy to the symptoms, they should treat the cause. at the end of the day, israel and america will find themselves in the face of one established single fact . they will hear from every corner where the resistance has a voice or a rifle. they will hear one message put an end to the war and gaza. yes, he is really. army says it has killed. 4 gunmen who entered its territory from 11 on on sunday. has been lost, as it carried out 6 operations on his really sites near the border. emerald con has more from it'd be a little saki in southern lebanon, as there was several incidents across the 120 kilometer disputed buddha in the morning as well to find an empty tank of me. so into the valley settlement in galilee that actually killed a 2 is really is a 4 year old man. and a 70 year old woman is well then responded with the intensive selling across these 120 columbia to disputed buddha, there was showing quite intentionally in just
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a few kilometers away from where i'm standing right now. that seems to have come to an end for now, but we are expecting more as night falls or 4 o'clock in the morning. a palestinian group note has below. i actually went into the occupied ship farms area. they came in direct contact with these riley soldiers. there was an exchange of fight and he's ready say they killed full of those of palestinian fights as they say that right into the occupied ship. a farm was in response to the killing of how master leader saw the array in a route just a 2 weeks ago. also the secretary general of the his beloved husband, the stroller, has been speaking. he was speaking at a memorial for a full and soldier with some i'll, twill, but he actually touched on politics. he said, a 100 days have passed and goes is still holding out because has been showing an
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ethics, steadfastness that is unparalleled in history. he said that also after a 100 days, as well as might in failure and is not achieved is declared on on the plan goes. he said that his bullet is continuing a front is inflicting losses on the enemy. i'm putting pressure on the displaced and those voices become loud. remember, this is a key part of hezbollah strategy to get his riley's, who have had to leave the home on. that's on the, in these really side to start to complain to the government publicly about returning back to their homes. and he says, uh, the only way to be able to go back to that homes is if the will and the goals and stuff. and then he ended by saying, we've been ready for wolf, a 99 days. we're not afraid of it. we will fight without ceilings. and when that boat is, he's probably for about 17 minutes. and this was once again, although no knew it was doubling down on the positions that his bullet has taken
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since october the 8th, and wrong con, which is 0. it will saki, southern lebanon in london, thousands of gathered interest out of the square and support of israel. hundreds of police and volunteers are on hand to provide security. is really embassy organize the events. it's the largest demonstration for israel after months of march is in solidarity with palestinians. our correspondent for brendan is at that really it's difficult to compare the numbers. i have to say that the capacity of trafalgar square where i'm standing is around $35000.00. so i would estimate that the numbers of this gathering up between 15 and 20000 pieces. you can see that the scrub behind me isn't exactly tactful. but there's a sizable number here. so maybe 2 thirds of the message is a unapologetically zion is message is coming from the speakers on the podium behind vague people like eric pickles, the m p. people who are from the 710 human chain project on, on that thrust that the,
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the force of the gathering effect lake is the flights of the more than 100. and it's rarely who remains still held captive by how much some way. and god, is that great concern about the fates about the future, about the lives? it's interesting that the support for these, for any government here as different to what we saw, i think, in the boxes. and then the reality is that restoring television bad, that seems to be a distinction drawn between support for hostages for the captives and criticism of the government. here i think the to all while the same is defined as look like gods . all we stand with israel, i'm a, when i put it to one of the organizes, yes. well, how many captives have actually been released since november since a negotiated release? it took place, how many have been released as a result of his riley military action? the answer is no, and he was unable to address that question. so he said, no,
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we just need you to have them back still to come on al jazeera, how an escaped drug, lord in ecuador, put the country on the path to a state of emergency. that's after the break, the examining, the impact of today's headlines this year with the destruction of your everything international filmmakers and wealth clause, john, unless you're seeing that these laws actually encourage more violence. 7, how signal stories for a global audience. this is the my, you house is the way whether he's a 50 foot side of the phase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era, hard hitting into meetings as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on. my question to you
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all the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us veto in the security council. this is a may just something go because it did excess to hear the story on told to how does era locked up during lockdown, held in an infamous us detention center. immigrants documents the horrendous conditions during the cold. it depend demik separated from their families and to 9 basic protections they fight to have their voices heard demanding their whites to release the facility with this documentary on august, the hearing the facts have you had a release that he has the support of 15 for em. samantha shop economic plan, asking questions,
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what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection, reporting for the action and not just give you a sense of what is the target this places i'll just see it was teams across the world when you closer to the fonts of the story the the china has criticized the united states, the united kingdom in japan for congratulating by one's newly elected leader on his victory. paging accuses the 3 patients of interfering in another countries. internal affairs. tony chang has more from type
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a it was an impressive victory and an unprecedented that to the ty, one's democratic, progressive party, put a note of caution from the president elect to his supporters. didn't get everything that way. no, no. so i was in the legislative elections, the d p. p did not hold onto a majority. this means that we did not work hard enough. and that is why we must humbly review and look back for the nationalist k m t policy. there was no controls . the largest block and then that just that you might have been much and even if they failed again to get the top job even the time on people's party, you finish to have a significant voting block. potential king make is it's a national recognition of lies, victory was muted. many leaders with china will not be pleased by his success. still biden's initial reaction. we do not support independence. a
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curious statement from a friend. it's committed to your defense who route being what was that message for the people of taiwan way or the leaders and aging, and probably a little bit of both. i think the 1st audience, the mind is likely by doing that. um us is telling the aging that, hey, uh, they have a pro us cohen ty, canada is coming into power. however, that does not mean that you intend to do anything that would dramatically come anyway near crossing buildings. red lines, maintaining the status quote appears to be what time ones votes is really want. and they don't have to look far to see the dangers of a president with on check powers in control. when he's supposed to have made a very particular choice, if elected a d, p, p president is going to give them continuity and stability. at the same time, his power is going to be kept in check by legislature. he doesn't control tony chang,
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l g 0 type. denmark is officially crowned at the nations new king. people waited outside the palace in copenhagen to witness the historic moments. king frederick the 10 gave his 1st the shelf that he was proclaimed the new monica is australian born wife, mary has been named queen consort veterans mother. if we margaret's advocated the throne late last month ending for 52 year rate. and you go counted, corruption has forced hundreds of people to evacuate in south west in iceland, yet again. lava and smoke started spewing into the air early on sunday. not far from the fishing town of green da, vic, setting some homes on fire. residents were 1st told to evacuate in november after signs of a cat of bo cannick activity before being allowed back. and ecuador, as president says, all present staff members who had been taken hostage by inmates have now been freed,
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a 158 guards and 20 present staff members were taking the hostage on monday and several facilities. alessandra rand, pnc reports from the port city of why a q made with it, that was the only for the after 6 days of uncertainty and anguish, a moment of relief, all except one of the 179 prison guards and stuff held hostage by inmates and 7 prisons of cross eck weather had been released on saturday night. the security crisis that has been spiraling out of control has been quelled for now. president daniel and noble, i declared a state of war and tuesday and designated the games this terrorist organizations. so he took to the social media platform x to congratulate the police armed forces, and the prison told me it is on a successful operation. kathrine man child,
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that was one of the captured guards. the 25 years old could barely contain her emotions, as she recounted the days she's painting captivity at the cook duplex, the prison near the capital key to see that the in yellow nickel. so now the fate can see me, day in and day i until i go side. i still was about hugging my fiance all the time . the 1st day i was hoping they'd let us go after a few hours. then the night came and i understood we would not going to be that guy . one of the guards died in a brief confrontation between the police and the inmates in one of the prisons, but most the release of the place with no incident. as the prisoners let the security forces we take control of the jails. in recent years, equity there has been living through and in precedence and security crisis fueled by drug trafficking, that it was toys. these have failed to address during getting to one of the most
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dangerous consisting latin america. again, the leader in the to the prison in queen who held 21 guards hostage. so the decision to release them was an active piece. the queen size, the government for not allowing food, water, and cutting electricity inside the prisons. she is going to be able to use your best again, if the president wants us to apologize, we can apologize. he won't the war, but he showed help us to reintegrate it's a society. we know we come to fight the states and we want to adhere to a throughs, but the abuse of power needs to end on our right to live, protect it. the release of all the hostages is a major political victory for president danielle noble and this promise of a hard line crack down on the gangs. but it's unlikely on its own 2 and a deep security crisis that's been worst sending for years. i listen that i'm get
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the i just need i why ask you are all right, that's it from us to this hour, but i'm back to the top of our with our continuing coverage of israel's one gaza at the 100 day mark since it began to stay with office. the sleeping under the hot sun, collecting a limitless energy. so no room try hoses down the. so the panels on his roof for decades, the number line on the diesel, shipped in a great expense. with crowns from the australian government. the island built itself a so the grid now they can capture and store fully energy they need kind on state fits future of fossil fuels, no renewables, the natural gas from the gulf of thailand, power stations burning co shipped in from australia to transition away from fossil fuels could be relatively easy in china, but the government remains committed to colon. guess this is the 1st and i saw that
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we see there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening post covers hub in use is injustice. the me, k is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in some of the most dangerous parts of the world to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. everyone, hey, is watching the news on their mobile phones. unlike your eyes, they don't watching full the news. they weren't seeing that he was being destroyed in real time. when you're on the ground, when you're showing people what's going on, whether it's a war or a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure they understand less simple language is absolutely crucial. since he's already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the war. michael to do this
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job without the best camera man best produces the best pictures. and those other people, the ivr long in order to be able to get that message out to the world. the $100.00 days of death, destruction and suffering and gaza. israel's war has killed nearly 24000 palestinians and nearly 2000000 people have been displaced. the pennsylvania, it's good to have you with us. this is elisha 0, live from doha. also coming up the war has caused the health crisis within 70 percent of dozens health facilities are out of service leaving just one dialysis


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