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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 14, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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is changing the way you think about the mental health of disease. there is no channel that covers the world news like we do, we revisit places the state houses are really invest in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist, the the co i'm 0 venue, it's great to have you with us. this is the news our lives from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes. $100.00 days of death, destruction and suffering and gaza. israel's war has killed nearly 24000 palestinians. nearly 2000000 people have been displaced and the war has caused the health crisis within 70 percent of causes health facilities are out of service leaving just one dialysis ward for kidney patients. it is real families of the
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captives keep up the pressure on their government to hold the conflict with a protest to mark the 100 day and another volcanic eruption life pictures right now in iceland forces hundreds of people to leave the a stain on our shared humanity the words of a senior un official to describe the devastating situation in gaza and the world's lack of action to stop it. palestinians have now enjoyed 100 days of war already by far the worst and goss this history. and for the people of gauze of those past 100 days, i felt like 100 years. that's also the message from the human agency for palestinian refugees, or at least 23968 palestinians have been killed since the war began.
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more than 10400 of those have been children as hospitals and garza have also been targeted. the health ministry says nearly $340.00 health workers are among the dead . these really military also attacked journalist killing at least $170.00 medial workers, among them. some of our hours is your colleagues, honey. my hood reports from rough and southern gaza and i've always is walking through the remains of what was once is all there is a search for a closer look. he seeks the glimmer of his the 3 children killed in his really air strikes for still buried under the rustle. above me, it's human on how to run a clue. like come here every day. we still have 3 children remaining under the rubble of the law from w most of them and how one can pull out their bodies. we'll take a last look at the remaining so model. but frank calling from this is off faith and we prayed to god that we will be able to pull them out and see them in the middle
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of the palestinian civil defense faith. it has no resources to dig through the rubble and retrieve the bodies. is rose wore on gauze it has lift its marks across the strip. elbow raised refugee camp in central gauze was home to 4 to 6000 palestinians who were really displaced before the worth. the, let's now entire neighborhoods are destroyed. after a 100 days of war, most of gaza is enrolling according to the united nations, israel's bombardment. how's it triggered the largest displacement of how is simeon since a macbook or catastrophe. in 1948 people leading their homes have nowhere safe to go. private on a vis. here on the 11th, there is not a day that we do not move from place to place from darrow by law to con unit to rep . there are no goods as well and never know basic things needed for life. there is
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no lice, and that's not the fault. we wish to have back to life conditions, we cannot find clean water or other than the substitutes of life. this is also a humiliation. wherever you may turn your face, children are the most impacted and we adults are helpless. we cannot help our children or even meet that basic needs. as the word drags on, it's taking away their hold for an instant this suffering. people in dog feel forgotten on, on save the believe israel goal is to completely remove palestinians and from their land the words have been going on for a 100. they have left many feeling like it will never and honey my mode. i'll just be at uh about the other in garza honey, there's been so much death and destruction in gosh, if the palestinians over the last 100 days, we've given some of the numbers we'll give some more later in the show. i want to
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give one more and, and i want to put that to you 3 to 4 percent of the population of palestinians and guys that have been either killed or injured. so my question this hours, howard palestinians coping with this on this well since the early hours of this morning, we've been talking to people and get their reactions and feel about how they lived through a 100 days of constant bombings and force displacement. that on top of that, the catastrophic of human experience situations in $11.00, there seems to be one common elements of their, their shirts, dealings with us that has been very, very difficult for them. and it's been very tragic on the 1st and a level, but also in a collective level as a community. here we're looking at the a, the more than $1.00 in this place, palestinians, forcibly displaced from their homes in the northern parts and,
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and gaza. and the central part right now, more people are getting the spits an old squeeze here in a small part of the gall, this trip van the entire northern part just it turned into uninhabitable area of the, of the gaza strip. but it just large part of, of means of live been destroyed completely for them even the tie this they, even if they're, when the war is over and they the go back, they will just take a lot of time to remove massive. it rumbles is just massive efforts to do the clean up and also the removal of unexploded ordnance on top of that be they think of their relatives and loved ones who haven't talked with them, haven't seen them, they don't know anything about them and they are possibly among those 1000 missing of tribe to seize it under the rubble of the more we talk to people. if you're there, the more we realize how difficult the situations were them since the d one they
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became, displays a here in and drop off the deep and evacuation centers or in a la city. they evacuations on set up the setup, but the western side of broadcast that everything suggest that life is becoming much more digit called with a lack of they've read a basic supplies that we're talking about food, water, medical supply, survival items. and in addition to the complete destruction of, of infrastructure including the hygiene facilities, sewer system, are we not, we have a crippled health care system now over whelmed with injuries that the fact that there are only 6 hospitals of among $35.00 hospitals functioning only 6 of them and, and function at the lowest cost capacity possible. just an indication of how difficult life has, has become and, and think think of the service it provided to,
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to 1.9 displays here at this small part of the gaza, through the situation the, getting it from that towards a from where is the terrible right now, honey, my mood reporting from the process in the southern part of the gaza strip. thank you. and it says the catastrophic levels of hunger and the risk of dying from famine is increasing in gaza. so we have a few more numbers we do want to provide you a try and encompass the suffering and gaza. according to unicef, 1200000 palestinians are experiencing emergency levels of an acute food shortage. children are deprived of 90 percent of the water that they need each day to survive . 335000 kids under the age of 5 or at high risk of severe amount, nutrition, and preventable dis, the agency estimates nearly 10000 children will suffer the most life threatening form of value tricia known as severe wasting. and if a situation does not change because garz's entire population could experience
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famine by early february. well, felipe labs are really the commission in general of the un agency for palestine. refugees in the near east is in gaza. and earlier he described to my colleagues, so he'll romando the desperation, being faced by the people of gauze and the you in staff there. i think we are running out of all the but what's even more terrible is that this tragedy is taking place on the awards on a daily basis. and despite all the warning, all of the qualification we're giving about this is privacy. each time i've come, i'm not moved. i move, for example, sites apply to of the children, the number of children which have been will have been killed, maimed by the also, or fund whenever you go to a school at the school. right now i take 50 overcrowded by people seeking sensor dis, quotes would be
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a piece of education and the kids to find in the schools. i'm just looking at 2 eyes and begging for a sip of water or for enough of bread. and of course, they're looking at the help from you as an organization. you at the, you end of last over a $140.00 colleagues in the last 3 months that must have seemed like in a tennessee. this has been absolutely devastating with this tool. so this 100 days it feels to be an attorney to that's what i am also be a sure he's being a despite all the adversity we are confronted with, i find out stuff a very, very motivated it really on the, on the, on the commit to, to provide assistance today as a you an agency, we are calling for an increase of offer of trucks crossing into gaza. we need meaningful assistance because as you an organization, it will not be enough to reverse the negative kind of the looming salvation in the
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street. we need commercial to come in. as we mentioned, most hospitals and gaza are no longer functioning. those that are facing shortages of supplies and even medical workers. and there's only one dialysis ward treating patients were suffering from kidney fit, your soul source reports. and i remember i said that before the war this dallas has more than a major hospital. so of 122 patients every day on now it is over well the because it's on the function in dialysis was in the entire gaza screen. or more often in the solvable you couldn't. the situation is tough and challenging because we are not only hospitalized and causes us and providing dallas a service. we have seen around 500 percent increase in patient from 122 months to over 500 stages. we are looking at on the clock says patients who had 3 sessions a week. now quantity as in one session, for
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a health situation is rapid yourselves and that's what nearly 10000 patients need. dialysis treatment in gaza with only 17 dialysis machines available, doctors are trying hard to handle below. they have reduced the treatment session for each patients by health about the long lines of patients waiting for treatment . our program, i'm sort of sent them home with the what as to how far the fee my health situation is deteriorating because i can now not have a 4 hour session that i'm supposed to have. but just 2 hours. my body's waiting all the time. i used to go to nasa hospital before the war and had proper treatment. now nothing is left, no medical stuff, no medication, that is my leg is also broken. patients here said there are several dialysis machines available in different hospitals, but they cannot be used since most of those hospitals have been shut down because of these rarely attacks on health facilities. the magic's here on the immense
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pressure at the bottom from enjoyed. welcome joe, did both talk on this is beyond our capacity and i had one nurse who had a heart attack because of the stress should we call on all the competent authority is to provide help. time would be some poor animal nerve of people and they are suffering a soft over 7 because that has imposed a complete siege on god's ice. on the 3rd, it has been nearly impossible for international including medicines and medical equipment to get into this vehicle. and it's about time for patients here for young man and women. there's running now to do something over the christmas l dash that most of the rest of the demonstrators and televi for holding a 24 hour riley to demand the release of captives held by how mos in gaza. they also express their anger and prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his government's handling of this crisis. thousands of people started gathering in the city on saturday evening where the families of some of the captives have been speaking. so hi ross is in tell of eve. so we're almost 24 hours into this
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rally. so what's it been like now this riley is going to be rushing out very soon by the end of this hour. we've actually just tubs of, from the president himself talking about how there needs to be an international consensus to bring back. 6 those houses, but so as he was speaking, there seems to be some, uh, bring insights from some of the crowds. now, just to give you an idea, on fact, today's riley they estimate is a 120000 does raise gathers he, just behind me, there's been a mom, a mattress, and a speech is from the stage that you can hear that from families of those health cop to some of those from those southern towns that had been attractive, had family members kills brothers relatives. this is from parents on a real desperation and the message to insurance for the government. some of them directly speaking of prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying how many more days do
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we have today uh weights rather uh for them to be returned inside. most of them saying that that is no big street. and so all of them come back home and that will do this at any cost, just take whatever is possible in terms of a deal and lets it happened with many sometimes saying that if this means and then so the was soviet but we have to get some bucks, whatever it takes. sorry, you've covered every step of this. we're on the is really side. what's the biggest change that you've seen since october? the 7th of the, as you can, who just behind me the, as you may be town 0, but there's someone crying on stage, probably a family member and that's what we're hearing. what you're just saying that change is what we're hearing. a real desperation in the voice, but also this time since yesterday they've actually been very hard in their messages towards the government saying you're not doing enough. you need to be doing more and fox. yes. today restore an anti government price as well. they also
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both talk the situation with the campuses and they said that this government is morally bankrupt. they are only doing what they're doing for political gain. so what we're seeing, difference, what we saw at the beginning of the weather, was this sense of unity and people didn't want to really criticize the government. now with tossing to see this language side that some of the families of 1st health captain pod talks about going to cast all last week. and this is something it directly with the we've come across remediation. putting the case forward in saying that they believe that they weren't being listened to on perhaps, and not to say that you as a document on doing and off the will cabinet, is doing not doing enough. so we're now having to take classes into our own hands on all of this has been happening as prime minister benjamin netanyahu is now talking on the west jerusalem as part of a cabinet missing. and just before he entered this meeting, he said that the only way to bring back the cops is to continue this will for
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another few more months and also indicating that this will will not be ending any time soon. i hello sarah. hi, right. reporting from television. thank you very much. now israel central bank says the war on gaza has become a burden on the economy. the estimated cost may reach $58000000000.00 by the year 2025. the central bank governor has urged the is really government the curb. it's public spending and cut interest rates from 4.75 percent to 4 and a half percent. israel has spent $6600000000.00 in various aspects of its war, including funding for the more than 100000 displaced people. some $249000000.00 has been put aside for mental and physical health care. and the total cost of rebuilding and some areas could reach a $174000000.00, including towns near the lebanese border that sustained damage in cross border fighting regression and basking is a former hostage negotiator and the middle east director of the international
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communities organization. he's with us live from west jerusalem, a gosh on i, i want during this interview to get your assessment of where we are in israel a 100 days after the start of the war. we're going to talk mostly politics. but since we just put those numbers out there on the economy and the rising cost of the war for the is really economy. i do want your view on that can, is real, continue to pay for this war at this rate of the government goodness, they're not in your claim that we can there will have to be drastic cuts in the is really budget. but my understanding is that the board is costing is really about $350000000.00 a day. we've had until recently about 350000 reserve soldiers cold up into the both and the northern border facing live in around and of course. and because of, with the majority of them, are those of 350 working, 535-0000 working people who are the engine of his release economy. they should be
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in front of their computers at their high tech companies and not in the battlefield . if i see findings from us, unfortunately it is more like everywhere across the economy. you know, it's about the money. i heard the feature of a 100000 displaced people. my understanding is the 3rd quarter of a 1000000 is really is where it displays from the northern border with lebanon. and of course, the communities around that could also strip this in an enormous burden. but i don't think the 1st concern is economic or 1st concern is human life and safety, and the wellbeing of our citizens and israel. and of course you monetary and disaster that's developed in, in does that, that will cost billions and billions and years to repair. and we are a traumatized societies, just like the palestinians are traumatized now when it will take many, many, many years to overcome this trauma. okay, so, so let's talk politics. now. i asked you if the country can continue to pay for this war economically and financially can the country can 10 you on this path?
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politically? you know, i think that the country is waiting for a pause in the war or a ceasefire, or the end of the war to bring the leaders of israel to their day of reckoning to bear and responsibility for the failures of their policies. over the last decades and of course the failure of them to protect the citizens of the country on october, 2nd, october 7th, was the harshest day for israel, for his release in, for juice and into the how the cost is nothing yet. i will claim to be the greatest leader in israel's history, will be written down in history books as the worst leader of the jewish people in all of its history. he has brought us to this disaster is brought us to a sense of a lack of security and a lack of belief in our own country. no one believes that the government has our back today. and a majority of those readies want enough to know to go even within his own party, but look, and then yeah, who is good at surviving politically and wireless war continues. he's still at the
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helm. he's still running the show. he's still prime minister. do you think there's a scenario where he manages to conduct this war and get to a resolution in a way that insurance, his political survival? and i think that he will try to prolong the war because his prolongation of the wars his political survival. but i don't think he will suffice politically, and i don't think that this marking go on forever is really it's to arrive the situation from this point of view where from us can no longer govern garza and can no longer have a military that threatens israel. and a southern border, we need to rebuild the army in a way that's protecting our borders and is not servings primarily as a protection force of it's really stuck lives in the occupied territories. we need to shift in consciousness. we need to pump the stadiums to go through the shifting conscious. this is as well and they need to understand us as well as need to understand thickness. we will not have security of posted in stone, have freedom and dignity,
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and public stadiums won't have frequent dignity if his relatives don't ever since security. we're gonna need to come to terms with the existence of the 2 people on this land, both having to recognize the political rights of the other to exist. and we're going to need the help of the international community do it. this is not a scenario but nothing. y'all will be part of because he since 2009 has tried to remove the palestinian issue from our agenda. the succeeded for quite a long time. but on october 7th, the blow up in our faces line gershon and bask in the middle east director of the international communities organization. thank you so much for coming on the program . thank you. this is really forces have conducted more overnight rates in the occupied westbank video shows is really military vehicles in algebra. zune, refugee camp, north of ramallah, rays were also conducted in a room. refugee camp north of hebron. elsewhere is really forced, inspire and tear gas and gunshots. during a raid on all 4 of her da,
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how many days in ramallah and the occupied west bank, where we've seen dozens of raids almost every day since the war and gaza started this being the 100 day hold on. it's an opportunity for all of us and for our viewers to sort of take stock of everything this change since october, the 7th. what would you say are the biggest changes that you've seen in the occupied west back was certainly a much more a, the pressure by that occupation forces on palestinians. i mean, you can be walking around the streets here, center center, ramallah, and all of a sudden you bump into convoys of is ray, the soldiers. the pressure has been very much on the palestinians. your menu will tell you that they feel that they're made to pay for the actions of how much now you were discussing the the day, the raise or do those res happened at any time of the day and night and some of
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them go on for 121517 hours base, especially places like the refugee camps in jeanine or in the north also further north in a 2 car. um those rates come with the tensions more than 5000 people have been detained. nearly 6000. actually, they also come with this, you more than about 200 and a 350 people have been killed since october 7th, but is really soldiers. and some of them really, for no reason is we've seen terrible videos of have shopped, palestinians, and i've shopped actually the rest of the world. and then you have the settlers acting incomplete. impunity. and they've been on by israel's national security administer. it might have been there, they are protected by the army. they can do whatever they want, including stealing or rubbing land from palestinians who have no reports
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whatsoever. and then the economic situation is terrible because before october 7th, do you have thousands of other students who crossed into israel as daily work as well that as so ever since october 7th, at the moment, there's no sign that that will open that gain. so it is a very dire situation and dissipate 10 situation is really security officials are increasingly worried about a possible flare up of violence in the occupied westbank, something like a 3rd intifada. what can you tell us about that of the well, people here all worried about the future about what could happen. many would say that the, they're worried that after israel is done with guys that it will focus is firepower here on the occupied at west bank. and this is obviously a cause of being extremely long side, long,
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many people the oldest say you just wait and see. that's what's gonna happen. there's also the fact that, you know, we would, i was just discussing earlier that settler violence which happens on a daily basis as well. the u. n said that it has more than doubled since before october 7th. and it's only known as not only on probably student is on, on their livelihoods, on their properties, on their land is all sorts of different attacks that really palestinians have to endure. and if they complain, they might end up behind buzz. all this is actually bringing things to a boiling point. could they be interruption? it could be, they could be one if that pressure continue, especially that you have settlers that are being extremely vocal that go down to the nearby, published in villages and towns and dropped leaflets,
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telling people that they should live to jordan. otherwise they will be killed or have all their belongings or houses burned down. so that is a lot of pressure. and as a certain point, you are going to reach some sort of a reduction. it is a concern for is, well, it was a concern for as well before the war. this was where all the tension was happening before the as an actually a lot of the is really, i mean, a lot of these really soldiers were moved from the border with guys a to d, occupied with bank because of the changes that were increasing on a daily basis, and they'll need reporting from ramallah in the occupied west bank. thank you very much to as the leader of hezbollah has done this raw, that has addressed the public and a speech saying disturbances and the red sea will not stop until palestinian liberation is achieved. and the war in gaza ends locally america. i'm glad the americans should realize that the security of the red,
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c 11 on iraq in yemen are all hinged on one single thing. putting an end to the war on gaza. rather than providing a remedy to the symptoms, they should treat the cause. at the end of the day, israel and america will find themselves in the face of one established single fact . they will hear from every corner where the resistance has a voice or a rifle. they will hear one message put an end to the war and gaza. these really army says it has killed 4 gunmen who entered his territory from lebanon on sunday, as well as, as it carried out 6 operations on his release sites near the border. they were on com has more from a below the saki and southern level. there was several incidents across the 120 kilometer disputed buddha in the morning as well to find an empty tank of me so into the valley settlement in galilee that actually killed a 2 is really is a 4 year old man. and a 17 year old woman is well then responded with the intensive selling across this
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120 kilometer disputed bowed up. that was selling quite intense, showing just a few kilometers away from where i'm standing right now. that seems to have come to an end for now, but we are expecting more as night falls. also at 4 o'clock in the morning, a palestinian group. not hezbollah actually went into the occupied ship, the farms area. they came in direct contact with these ready soldiers. there was an exchange of fight and these ready say they killed full of those of palestinian fights as they say that right into the occupied ship. a farm was in response to the killing of how master leader saw that array in a route just a 2 weeks ago. also the secretary general of the his beloved husband, the stroller, has been speaking. he was speaking at a memorial for a full and soldier with some i'll, twill,
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but he actually touched on the politics. he said, a 100 days have passed and goes is still holding out because it's been showing an ethics, steadfastness that is unparalleled in history. he said that also after a 100 days, as well as might and sign it in his note achieved is declared and on the plan goes, he said that his bullet is continuing a front is inflicting law, sees on the enemy, i'm putting pressure on the displaced and those voices become loud. remember, this is a key part of hezbollah strategy to get his riley's who, of how to leave the home on. that's on the, in these really side to start to complain to the government publicly about returning back to their homes. and he says, the only way to be able to go back to that homes is if the will in goals and stuff . and then he ended by saying we'd been ready for wolf a 99 days. we're not afraid of it. we will fight without ceilings and without boat, as he's fighting for about 17 minutes. and this was once again, although no new,
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it was doubling down on the positions that his bullet has taken since october, the 8th emerald con, which is 0. it will saki, southern lebanon, the still ahead on alpha 0, living in ruins. we hear from the palestinians, remembering their loved ones killed in israel's attacks on guns and all roads to white house run through iowa. as the state gets ready to kick off the 2020 for presidential primary season, we'll take a look at what is at the state that's later in the the hi again, we're dialing up the temperatures through the arabian peninsula list code for those details right now and explain exactly what's going on, but 1st, some showers through the bats cooler air here,
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but i promise to we talk about this warrants through the arabian peninsula. so tapping into a southerly wind tier could pump up the temperature in doha to 30 degrees on monday . we had dealt with some snow in baku that's now pushed into the circuit. minnes stand was becca stein, and kirk, a stand couple of centimeters to be expected. here, winds have turned around. temperatures have started to come up and stumble. all has to do with a southerly wind here, 12 degrees for you on monday, and what weather for southern circa, again, around the van, tough to africa, we go. it is breezy across africa's mediterranean coast into central africa. right now. the rain has been persistent, intensive needs specifically along the coast here, or had been some flooding in pretoria in south africa, and most of the action is for toward the east of the country. and then let's talk about the tropical storm. we've got wobbling in between the races and reunion. it's going to pass over re union monday, tuesday and this is going to intensify to the equivalent of
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a category 3 storm reunion hasn't seen a storm like this in 6 years. it's on disputed. the 72 muslims were massacred in the village of them in the, on the india and 1987 witnesses say the perpetrators or a mobiles locals along side the state governments provincial. i'm constabulary personnel. over 30 years later, the district court acquitted the accused. to date, no one has been as accountable. people in power asks why the victims continue to be denied justice india is forgotten, must occur on the jersey to an export $2023.00. the fascination to
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join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the news the you are watching else is 0 reminder of our headlines this hour for the people have gone to the past 100 days and felt like a 100 years. that's the message from the un agencies of palestine. refugees, as a grim milestone is reached at least 23968 palestinians have been killed since the war began. more than 10400 of other children demonstrators until a v, for holding
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a 24 hour rally to demand a release of captives held by a mazda in gaza. protesters also expressed their anger as prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his government's handling of the christ is really forces have conducted more overnight grades near one moment. westbank israel has detained nearly $6000.00 palestinians there since october, this over $100.00 days of bombs and destruction. some palestinians in guns that have returned to the ruins of where they once lived. it's become the way to gather and console each other. one of those women is a bit. she lost her home and many members of her family, and it is really strength on rasa. she tells us how she and her remaining families are trying to cope the home, but i no longer have a home. we do have. all that remains are, these are the, these have become my home. and then the credit report, i gather my daughters and i and we start reminiscing if,
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if you remember that i did was killed here. how many died there had kareem lost his life there, and my grandchildren were killed in that corner and then remove the we shed tears. sometimes the cry, our eyes out sometimes were overwhelmed with serenity. the. this is our life and this is our home prison. we spend all day here. every 90 the dad we were gathering at home and all of a sudden the roof fell on our heads. i told my son we should leave. he refused and said, where can we go in there and it's in to within seconds we were hit again with another miss. i'll my son's daughters were around me. some were injured. others passed out when she was conscious again, she started crying, weeping for losing our home. i told her,
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let's take my grandchildren to your sister's home and we can return here again. the father refused and said we should not leave our home. we live here and we die here . we are like all other guys in the, a goodness like after a while i'm ed came back crying. oh grandmother my father and my brothers and sisters and my uncle to killed, they were all killed. i asked him what happened and he said, oh grandmother our home was dawned and they were all killed inside the you were on the shower. i was a 0 senior political analyst is back in the studio with us more one. you were telling me something before the show and wondering whether you can elaborate on that for of yours. you were saying that as palestine itself becomes week or the palestinian cause becomes stronger, it's just the nature of things nowadays, right? since they are salting, cause a does a destroyed in front of our eyes in plain sight. but the city and causes had been
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revitalized this atlas soon, i'm sure between the 2 meanings, the more the better things have become victims. the more the international public opinion is reacting in favor of justice. thankfully that there is a conscience, a sort of international public opinion. but i think this time around there's even more to it than that. if you look carefully a but adults who are demonstrating around the world, adults what expressing themselves in favor. and by this time around the world, you will see that there are 3 or 4 distinct groups. you'll see them even together in the, in the capitals of worst. think up of the capitals of western powers, washington dc loans and patterson sons. when you have the, the on site the global warming activists. the are almost like a rallying call for the for the on site climate change. active as just as it
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is that riley and call for the lives of black method on, on 2 races a crowd. you'll also see all these people as active as the organizers in 1st thing in demonstrations of pro parasite insights. you also see the trend that's been quite strong the last 20 years or so. the social justice trend is really is ask feminists in the west. why are you for how much the answer is we're not for how much we are for justice in palestine. we are against war crimes. we are, i guess i'll keep patient. i guess colonialism. it's normal for our feminist to be a guest domination, whether it's male or otherwise a fall order of one, i guess another group. so you see these groups the on site uh, global warming be on ty races and be on facebook. and then you also shall justice groups and active. it's all coming together and the sort of riley and for palestine
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and what's in common between them. what underlies them on the lines of their, their call and even couples. it is a fact is the generational issue of the young people around the world who are standing for palestine perhaps that are watching walks through fox news, bbc or whatever. they are still getting a couch potato saying yes for uh you know, the establishments in the west and yes for it is right. and, and the old slogans that they've heard. i don't know in the sixty's in the seventy's during the cold water is also for but the whole new younger generation is not the logical that way. it's modeled. there's a moral generation that is against global warming. that is against the racism, that is for social justice, this new generation. and we're seeing, it's now in the polls. look at the democratic part in the united states, for example. look at the young, active listening, deliberate 40. and then for example, look at the activist in the streets of paris and by saying for example. so you have
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a new generational thing, a new generational energy for just as in palestine, which means that the future is promising that way, right? so you have social movements and you have a generational issue and so forth on his time. hence, why is this giving us fund a beating the palestinian cause is getting popular debt on the world. what other lessons have you drawn from the last 100 days? so i'm going to summarize quickly because we speak you a lot about this the last few days the last few hours. so i would say the following, 1st of all, colonialism has no place in the 21st century colonialism upon paid races. an occupation of the con we've seen and is right, and by this time of the 575 years the past, 56 years. secondly, the seizure of the past. so it, it has no place, certainly has no peace if you want to have peace. and if you don't pursue peace,
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you're going to get war. there's absolutely no talk about that. there is no way in between a part paid stable and just goes on forever. it's impossible. 3, mike does not make right. is there a can use all the american? what friends with has, it's not going to again, legitimacy, security or piece force out our bridge teams who are unfair to the people are not going to be fed for palestine. america can be counted on for under by then. i don't know if the next american president or the one after that would be as attentive as the old zionist joe biden. would it be too for? it is right. so i think is what is gonna have to start looking for. it's on not just dependent on the united states and it's perception and it's one year and it's weapons. it needs to be like a middle eastern country rather than as a western client in the middle east. right. and i think in the sense of what we're just talking about in terms of the social is moving on. sounds well, there's a lot of room for optimism that way. right?
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that's something good i gave when. when did the national public opinion as a day for a part, the south africa and the ages were seeing a change in the 19 ninety's. unless, but not least, there's a cost of geography. we have several and a half 1000000 people that are spinning and 7 half 1000000 jews living in a little bit as to the piece of land. the maximum distance between them is about 6 . why is between any palestinian and news really 6 months and the end of the day? are they gonna have the force nicely and happily or they're gonna have to mattie's gonna? there is no 3rd way. violence is going to get worse with time because violence is going to change from using planes to using arms engagements because you're too close to the bottom one another real quick, which do you think it's going to be marriage or divorce? i don't know. i hope it'd be marriage was, is there a senior political analyst,
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mironda shar, thank you. thank it's in london, thousands have gathered in trafalgar square in support of israel. hundreds of police and volunteers are on hand to provide security. is really embassy organize the events. it's the largest demonstration for israel after months of march is in solidarity with palestinians. our correspondent poll brennan is at that really, and it's difficult to compare the numbers. i have to say that the capacity of trafalgar square where i'm standing is around $35000.00. so i would estimate that the numbers of this gathering up between 15 and 20000 pieces. you can see that the scrub behind me isn't exactly tactful. but there's a sizable number here. so maybe 2 thirds of they message is a unapologetically zion is message is coming from the speakers on the podium behind vague people like eric pick goals and the people who are from the 710 human chain project on that thrust that the,
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the force of the gathering effect lake is the flights of the more than $100.00, and it's rarely who remains still held captive by how much somewhere in gauze that great concern about the faith, about the future, about the lives. it's interesting that the support for these, for any governments here as different to what we saw, i think in the boxes. and then the reality is that we sort of tel aviv bad, that seems to be a distinction drawn between support who hostages for the captives and criticism of the government. here i think the to all while the same is defined as the blackouts . all we stand with israel, i'm a when i put it to one of the organizes yes. well, how many captives have actually been released since november since a negotiator really surprised how many have been released as a result of his riley military action? the answer is no, and he was unable to address that question and simply said, no, we just need you to have them back
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the let's take a look at some other world news. now the 1st votes and this year's race for the white house will be cast and the republican caucus in iowa, november's election looks likely to be a re match of 2020 pitting presidential binding against former president donald trump. but for that 1st, trump has to actually win the republican nomination, john henry, and joins us live from des moines, iowa. so john, once these votes start, it's tomorrow, right? first round a voting and i or once it starts it's, it's going to be relentless before the, even the 1st voter of cast a vote and, and i know the caucasus and not a vote. but anyway, before the 1st photo cast a vote in these republican primaries, tell us where the re stance as well. there has been a brand new poll,
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it's an nbc des moines register pull. that's what everyone really looks forward to when these just before the caucus day, it's the last pull to come out and it shows that the race has changed just a little bit. donald trump is still way ahead of all of the other in that pole, with 48 percentage points more than the next 3 candidates combined. but nikki haley has surpassed rhonda santa, she's getting 20 points in that pull this address is getting 16 he had previously been in 2nd place. and then vic, rama swami is a distant 4th at 8 percent. and so this is all about expectations. so if nikki haley can improve her standing compared to trump, she can at least meet expectations in a run to sanders can defy those polos and leap from haley and do well, she would be exceeding expectations. and is it really tough for donald trump? although we so far ahead of he doesn't beat the other candidates by huge margin 8
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will be considered a disappointment for him. and then of course they're usually 3 people who come out of the iowa caucus is that's the conventional wisdom. and in this case it is expected to be trump, this address, and hailey not necessarily in that order. then they go on to new hampshire and south carolina and nevada. um, but haley is really set up to compete in new hampshire homes. state is south carolina for the santos, he really has to show a strong performance here. and that's reflected in where they have been appearing in the past 24 hours. donald trump is now speaking right now in india and ola nikki haley is appearing in dubuque, today rhonda sanders, head for appearances in for cities we've just been told and canceled the last one of them. but they are really campaigning hard despite the fact that it is a frigid negative 22 degrees celsius right now. yeah. about that. the weather is always something that they campaigns look at on voting day or clock is day. i know is very cold, as you said, where you are. is there any,
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any understanding that that could affect either turn alcohol results yeah, it probably means only the hardiest people are going to get out there and vote, and they will decide. and we've already had a hint today, but some of them might be trump supporters. he had a long line of people outside that india and all the appearance waiting in the cold . it's going to get down to negative $28.00 degrees. so they're going to be people who have to brave the cold on monday in order to get there. a lot of trump supporters are also in rural areas. the roads aren't necessarily paved as well. they have a farther distance to go. so there could also be a challenge, and with trump being so far ahead, it's possible that some of his supporters might just say, hey, why should i go in vote for trump? he's going to win anyway. and so each of the candidates is trying to argue to their base, they need to show up, they need to defy the cold. ironically, trop was in florida. yesterday's urging people to put on their being coach and come
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in. he is in, i will now giving a speech so he has showed up for those car because it's been there likely to do the press voting. that weather is likely due to pressing voting below record levels. exactly what that happens and what the dynamics will be. we'll just have to wait and see. yeah, as you speak, we're seeing people shoveling snow in des moines at john hendrick. reporting live big day is tomorrow, we'll talk to you again. thank you very much. john. a volcanic eruption has forced hundreds of people to evacuate in south western iceland, yet again, rescue workers are still assessing the exact location and the direction in which the lava is flowing. sonya diego has won this a daybreak of iceland and wrecked tennis pendency to west streams of molten rock and fires began to flow near the fishing town of green dick. this is the 2nd time since november that the houses are standing empty here. it's people have to flee
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after a search of seismic activity. iceland, civil protection agency has raised as a lot system to its highest level signaling home to people, communities and the environment. it was only last november that the same area was evacuated of some full 1000 residents. huge cracks had a paid every with forcing the popular tourist destination of the blue lagoon spa result to shut down. his rescue is what quickly to build barriers to protect the nearby jew single power station. people were eventually allowed to return back to the homes 6 weeks later. but it split this seismic activity is fall from over here tomorrow, and we're working with the scientists and continuously assessing the situation that we're looking at a lava flow model to understand the volcano. so and look at what actions can be taken to protect the infrastructure that could be at risk. iceland, location above volcanic hot spot in the north up land take means us quakes are
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a common occurrence. it average is one or option every 4 to 5 years. but this particular part of the country has experienced 5 and less than 2 years, causing widespread disruption and hazards each time the ground trembles. sonya jago, elders era. this denmark has officially crowned the nation's new king. people waited outside the palace and copenhagen's witness the historic moments king frederick the 10th gave his 1st speech. after he was proclaimed, the new monarch is australian born wife mary has been named queen consort frederick's mother of queen. margaret advocated the throne late last month, ending her 52 year. right. the title of your sports news that includes of course, our coverage of the asian cup with peter stem it peter, it does indeed,
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sir. thank you so much and the agent copier and kata palestine are currently in action against the ron in a group see match your on all incomplete control. they all 31 up, and the other group see match in the united battery limits when they wrote against hong kong. it was a mass dominated by va or decisions full time deals for the penalties. after all of a good big hand bull, the lowest ranking home come them haven't equalizer from phillip trans kwan. it was the 1000 go in the to, to minutes history by itself, and they made it to one to you a before another penalty completed the 31 victory for the side to reach the semi finals in 2019 full time champions. japan. meanwhile, a go to a winning starts, but they were made to work hard against vietnam and make 50 flash. japan opened the scrolling through. so could be me, let me know in 11 minutes, look back came vietnam who a ring 94000000 been back. hated in an equalizer and then they went ahead with
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a go from pam to on high. so it's on the cards. but japan turned it around before whole. so again, if you send me the school to equalize and k to and then put the japanese ahead. thank i guess, a way to make sure of the window 5 minutes late that the ultimate stadium. no country is one more asian cups than japan who finished runners up the concert in 2019 south korea or one of the favorites for this asian caps. they play their opening game against bar writing on monday caps and by talking install sunday. mean old eyes are on whether the team coach fine. you can clinton and bring on the victory to break a 6 decade at droughts. now so the latest on the advocate cup of nations, the matter between egypt and mozambique is still ongoing under the shock on the cards to one to the mos in beacons, in the closing stages, elsewhere in group
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a. it wasn't the stock nigeria were expecting. they were held to 114 by equitorial, denny eve on salvador, standing, the nigerians with the opener of the feet, 6 minutes, 2 minutes later, however, african foot folder of the victor. awesome. and hit it in, somebody could 11 and rescue a point. the manchester united, the state out of maintaining to, to drill against top them hotspot and the premium, eat the hot inside were in front in the food minutes view of the goals coming from a rest. ms. hoyle. let's be ready to do little 60 minutes later, which all of a sudden a thing, an equalizer field of busy teams, but then everything has been retained the lead shortly before house on this on hold . and what's the provider is marcus rest applied to finish the 2nd off was may spend a minute old, and so it was a game equalized new voice emails or a new setting up. and then we moved here to goals at old trafford.
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now that you all could, which is beginning, so straight it open title defense with the winning, but it was anything but straightforward. the world number one was given a tough test by probation, qualified dino prison, which you all could, which took the 1st it's 6 to but prism a cheap back to win. the 2nd in the high break depends on champion and melvin ended up winning in full states, but he needed 4 hours and one minutes to do it. that's he's longest 1st round match at a grand slam cheese. when you think about it, i'm double. he's a reality to utah tonight but know, look, you know, i'm, i'm, i'm really trying to enjoy, enjoy every moment on the court. obviously, i struggled in many, many different moments and tonight. uh, but you know, it was credit to him. do to ease uh, incredible. uh, game plan or an easy,
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unnatural defending women's champion. the rena sutherland cosi cruise paused honestly to jim and el outside though he was making her grand slam debut sutherland cut. didn't drop any games in the 1st place for closing up the 2nd 61 to wrap up the victory. 53 minutes. to me, fleetwood is one of the by invitation of what i need because when we mcelroy found a volta and what was what dramatic final ho mcelroy had a one shot the going into the 18 studies t shirts would prove costly, eventually called at the body fleetwood taking a voltage with a building to wind the inaugural event. 2 and so best and low, but one stage 7 of the deck all ready to close the gap on race, the the call of signs. it was like the 2nd stage when in a row and said overall to move the frenchman into a 2nd place several, 19 minutes behind spaniards site had a quick asian cup update for you, pat, of starting an action against the wrong, not going to way the palestinians would like so the full one behind. all right. all
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right. thanks for the update b to stand there. that's it for me. my insight will be with you in a moment the, [000:00:00;00] the the vendor for nearly 3 years. evelyn lemitrus has been investigating the chart fen trafficking operation. now she's putting together the team that's going to rate it and lexie though they're still quite as b. o. but as it left cynthia, this bit of a humble sort, spencer become a global commodity prize. doesn't agree to it, and the special soup in asia sharps that play the vital role in the ocean for
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hundreds of millions of years. but the trade is now pushing some as to the brink of extinction. the list of trade in short, francis value, hundreds of millions of dollars a year. i'm returning monday then. okay. one more thing. go that on the reading that i'm assuming that we're talking about this weekend. exclusive access to a team of investigators into dismantling or ring a short vend traffickers video. be my gosh. okay. think of that. he always thinks under the send me until noon. so that it doesn't we're following this car here as an investigator and a couple of cops in it. we're going to lead or rates today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some species, a sharp at risk. he said, the the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the low on money in sight. this is a news on life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes under days of death and destruction and suffering in gaza as well as war has killed nearly 24000 palestinians. any 2000000 people have been displaced, the war has caused


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