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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 14, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the low on money in sight. this is the news on life from the coming up in the next 16 minutes under days of death and destruction and suffering in gaza as well as war has killed nearly 24000 palestinians. any 2000000 people have been displaced
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the will has caused a health crisis move, a 70 percent have gone for his health facilities on which is the best leaving just one dialysis we would for kidney patients. and as well families of the captive keep up the pressure on the government's pope and conflict with a protest month to $100.00 days a new volcanic eruption in iceland threatens a fishing village. as this is out bought and lava assessing houses on finding the stain on all shed humanity those of the words if a senior un official to describe the devastating situation in gaza and the wells lack of action to stop it, palestinians have now in your a 100 days of for already the west in gauze us history to the people of gaza. these past 100 days have felt like
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a 100 years. that is also the message from the un agency for palestine. refugees, at least 23960 palestinians have been killed since the war began to move in 10400 of those all children hospitals in gauze i have also been talking to the health ministry says nearly $340.00 health workers among the dead is rarely ministry is also a type journal is killing at least a $117.00 media workers. honey, my food begins coverage from russia and southern gaza and i've always is walking through the remains of what was once is all there is a search for a closer look. he seeks the glimmer of his, the 3 children killed in his really air strikes for still buried under the russell about me. if human on how to nicole, you. unless i come here every day,
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you still have 3 children remaining under the law to allow you most of them and how one can pull out their bodies will take a last look at that remaining so model, but frank gone to them. this is off faith. and we pray to god that we will be able to pull them out and see them in the middle of the palestinian civil defense. say it has no resources to dig through the rubble and retrieve the bodies. is rose wore on gauze a has lift its marks across the strip. elbow raised refugee camp in central god was home to 4 to 6000 palestinians who were really displaced before the worth. the let's now entire neighborhoods are destroyed. after a 100 days of war, most of gaza is enrolling according to the united nations, israel's bombardment. how's it triggered the largest displacement of palestinian since a macbook or catastrophe?
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in 1948 people leading their homes have nowhere safe to go. private on a vis. here on the 11th, there is not a day that we do not move from place to place from darrow bala to con unit. to rest of them, there are no goods as well and there are no basic things needed for licensed. there is no lice, and that's not the fault. we wish to have back to live conditions. we cannot find clean water or other than the substitutes of life. this is also a humiliation. wherever you may turn your face, children are the most impacted and we adults are helpless. we cannot help our children or even meet that basic needs. as the word drags on, it's taking away their hold for an instant this suffering peopling dog a feel for gotten on on safe. be believe israel goal is to completely remove the palestinians and from their land the words have been going on for
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a 100. they have left many feeling like it will never and honey my mode. i'll just be at uh about the other in garza. well, we can speak now live to honey mass. moody's in the rough and southern guns. a honey you've been reporting day and day out over the last 100 days, you've lived through it all, the bombing, the destruction, the shortages, the food, you a self have been displaced from your home. what is going through your mind today on this 100 day of toil? yes, well i think i got his big for a large sample of the people here that there is a constant, ongoing fear and lack of, of safety and security as the war just completed. it's $100.00 days of ongoing. relentless error strikes then complained lacks of votes every essential, a survival uh items and basic needs that
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a good help people and could help us surviving these, particularly a difficult times and terrible living conditions. but so far. 1 there is a unanimous agreement among people here, a unifying government that what's going on and throughout these days is not as a result of the, of, of, of only october 7th. but it's an extension of a long, aggressive military occupation going on. the only difference is known within these 100 days people are, are, are dying at a faster pace that under terrible living conditions. that's what sets these a 3, a months or 100. these are part of, from the, the, per long military occupation of, of the policy. and it's not only happening, but also happening in the west bank. but so far we're talking about the continuous
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bombing as we speak going on in the central part of the gaza strip and the southern part of han, eunice. but as we talked to people, the more we talked of doing the more realize how difficult the situations had been for them since week one of the or the force displacement large number of people. 1.9 displays palestinians in the southern part of the gulf stream. it one of those 1.9000000. there are $1.00 of them only in rough. i said it's such a small part in the southern part of the gaza strip with this large number. busy of a crowded city that runs out of this route just ran out of a space and run over a basic supplies, including water, food, and, and basic survival items. we talked about over crowded evacuation centers, people end up in the streets here on the sidewalk, setting up the 10 sort simply if they don't have the, the capability is do get at 10 the end of the industry. it just completed the
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change of, of life a course right here as a result of the, of the ongoing bombardment and this war that had its telling them all fruitful a health care system over crowded hospital and overwhelmed and exhausted health care system and medical teams. a shortage of medical supplies, people are literally a dying on the floor of hospitals as they wait for a medical team to intervene. but it just the fact that they are exhausted. they don't have the, the, the proper not the theory intervention. and just leave people in, in despair. and this is the situation that have unfortunately become the new normal of thousands, hundreds of thousands of palestinians just defined by their displacement, their hunger, their trauma, and largely and more profoundly the terror that the live every single day. and it's
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not just because they want to protect themselves, but looking at their children and the vulnerable a group of their community. honey, no words can really describe what you've been going for and what people in gauze i've been going through best read or your reporting the story so many thanks for that. so you're reporting through these last 100 days, honey. my food that for us in rough and well in $100.00 days, israel's one gone. so it has wiped out entire neighborhoods along with home schools and hospitals is right. the ministry has dropped more than $29000.00 phones around 70 percent of those. on the $439000.00 homes in gauze which has been decimated, fuzzy hospitals now out of service that 77 percent of the strips health facilities . 350 to school building, sustained damage where destroyed,
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while nearly 200 sites of historical importance were either destroyed or damaged and estimated. a 104 mosques and 3 touches have also been damaged for la luz. it really is the commission in general, the un agency for the palestine refugees in the near east in gaza earlier he described to mike calling. so hell rahman, the desperation being faced by the people of gaza, i'm the un stuff i think we are running out of all the but what's even more terrible is that this tragedy is taking place on the awards on a daily basis. and despite all the warning, all the qualification we're giving about this is privacy. each time i've come, i'm not moved. i move, for example, sites apply to of the children, the number of children which have been will have been killed named, but also or fund whenever you go to
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a school. the schools right now i've take 50 overcrowded by people seeking censor. the school should be a piece of education and the kids to find in the schools. i'm just looking at 2 eyes and begging for a sip of water or for enough of bread. and of course they're looking at the help from you as an organization. you at the, you end of last over a $140.00 colleagues in the last 3 months. that must, it seemed like in a tennessee, this has been absolutely devastating with this tool. so this 100 days it feels to be an attorney to that's what i am also be. yes. so he's being a, despite all the adversity we are confronted with, i find out stuff very, very motivated. it really on the, on the, on the commit to, to provide assistance today as a you an agency. we are calling for an increase of offer of trucks crossing
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into gaza. we need meaningful assistance because as you an organization, it will not be enough to reverse the negative kind of the looming salvation in the street. we need commercial to come in. well, the united nations says that be catastrophic levels of hunger and the risk of dying from famine is increasing in gaza. according to unicef, 1200000 palestinians are experiencing emergency levels of an acute food shortage. children not deprived of 90 percent of the water. they need every day to survive. 335000 kids under the age of 5, all at a high risk of severe non nutrition preventable death. the agency estimates that nearly 10000 children will suffer the most life threatening full of non nutrition known as severe wasting. and if the situation does not change gauze his entire population could experience from and i,
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early february get them met. thomas is the medical coordinates. if adult is without food as in palestine, she says the constant attacks have destroyed the medical system after one on one or 2 days on the wall it's we can see how the institution and the system and that's everything is on most collapsing and people are leverage to access to our system that can take care of them can be for injuries also for the read clinical disease, that's a people can have. and i think even baez's file supply can arrive, but it's really not enough regarding the needs that the pollution phase. and that is a real problem to run up to the team, the different supposed to be do. one of the problem, of course, is the supply because even if the numbers off the trucks are slight feet increasing the last few weeks, is to really not enough to go over the news. and we can see that so much trucks to
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reject to the boulder. and so i'll supply some medical equipment. is that for some of them it's very, very difficult to get them in data. which we know is that the most the access is very new to them and we are almost blind on the situation there. we know that the situation is really different between the and the south. what we can see, you know, approximately gene that's we don't have a huge number of acute malnutrition cases and that the fact, but this situation is really difficult, especially in the as well as we mention. most hospitals in garza and not functioning those at all bracing and facing shortages of supplies and even medical workers. is there any one dialysis will increase in patients who is suffering from kidney failure. we're still set our reports. and i remember i said that before the war this dallas has more in the hospital should have 122 patients every day on. now
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it is over well the because it's the only function in dialysis would in the entire cause a stream more often than the solvable, including the situation is tough and challenging. because we are not only hospitalized and cause us and providing dallas a service. we have seen around 500 percent increase in patient from 122 months to over 500 states. we are looking at on the clock versus patients who had 3 sessions a week. now one of you having one session for health situation is rapid us and, and that's what the nearly 10000 patients need. they tell us as treatment in gaza with only 17 dialysis machines available. doctors are trying hard to hand the below team, but they have reduced the treatment session for each patients by health and about the long lines of patients waiting for treatment. our program, i'm sort of, i'm the with the what us the, how far will the faith my health situation is due to the team because i can now not have a 4 hour session that i'm supposed to have. but just 2 hours,
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my buddy's waiting all the time. i used to go to nasa hospital before the war and had proper treatment. now nothing is left, no medical stuff, no medication, that is my leg is also broken. patients here see there are several dialysis machines available in different hospitals, but they cannot be used since most of those hospitals have been shut down because of these rarely attacks on the health facilities. the magic's here on the immense pressure at the bottom from enjoyed. welcome joy to talk on this is beyond our capacity and i had one nurse who had a heart attack because of the stress show what we call on all the compet that the threat is to provide help. time would be some poor animal nerve of people and they are suffering. so the 7 is rep has impose a complete siege on god's ice on it. and it has been nearly impossible for international including medicines and medical equipment to get into this vehicle. and that's about the time for patients here,
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young man and women is running now to do something up with the system said that the 0 system will demonstrate is in tennessee of all holding a 24 hour rally to demand the release of captives held by how much in gaza, they will express that and get a prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his government's handling of the crisis. thousands of people south of gathering in the city on saturday evening where the families of some of the captives have been speaking of high that's has moved from tel aviv. and we've actually just hung up from the president himself talking about how there needs to be an international consensus to bring back those houses. but as he was speaking, there seems to be some uh, brewing and fight from some of the crowds. now, just to give you an idea on 5, today's riley the estimates is a 120000 does raise gathers he, just behind me, there's been a mom, a mattress, and
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a speech is from the stage that you can hear that from families of those health cops is some of those from the southern towns that had been attractive, had family members killed brothers relatives. this is from parents and a real desperation and then message to insurance for the government. some of the direct me speaking of prime minister benjamin netanyahu thing. how many more days do we have today? uh weights rather uh for them to be returned. in fact, most of them saying that that is no big street. and so all of them come back home. i know we'll do this at any cost. just take whatever is possible in terms of a deal, and let's say it happened with many sometimes saying that if this means and then to the will. so be it. but we have to get them. but what ever it takes is there any forces have conducted more overnight rates and they occupied westbank video shows is there any minute she vehicles in our child has even refuge account, which is north of, for amolla rates were also conducted in the
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a room refugee camp which is north of hebron elsewhere is there any forces 5 to gas and guns sold steering raid on i'll far. that's good to hold the mead who is in ramallah in the occupied west bank. where of course we've seen thousands of raids almost every day since the war in gaza began. how would you say the last 100 days have changed the occupied westbank the most certainly dentists have increased exponentially over the last 100 days. and you just mentioning the rates, well, as we speak now, that is a raid or some sort of gunfire exchange near the settlement of bait a which is not very is on the outskirts of ramallah. we do know that one palestinians was killed in a, in this ongoing confrontation. we don't have more details about it, but just to just to give you
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a flavor of what happens because to include all the time over the occupied westbank . and really, unexpectedly, people could be going on during their normal lives and all of a sudden be faced with a convoy of soldiers in front of them. but there's been nearly $350.00 dead since october 7th. and they've been as 6 and 4000 injured, nearly 6000 ad detained. so certainly a very difficult situation for palestinians add to that, that basically the dulcie by the west bank has been on, looks down ever since october, 7th palestinians called cross anymore in to israel. that before that you had thousands, tens of thousands. we used to cross on a daily basis as daily workers, that's not happening anymore. so the economy's not going well for them. and then you have the closures between towns and villages. and it's
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a really trying to travel around here has become extremely difficult. we experienced that ourselves this morning trying to get into a town that has 6 entrances. well, we couldn't get, we only found one of them opened. and while we were in that town, they were to raise that were on going in different parts of the town. all this adds to the constant sense of insecurity that it is among palestinians here and many fear they do it. everyone who speaks to nearly tells you the same thing that the biggest fear is that after the war and gaza is over, israel was focused on the occupied west bank at the settlers acting with impunity. the grabbing gland they are and sit down arising by this thing is an old is under the protection of the army. given everything you've described, hold uh the increase and escalation of violence in the occupied westbank the way
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palestinians have been targeted more and more, the violence, the displacement from that homes. when you speak to palestinians, tell us a bit more about what they're expecting going forward. it was certainly they would like to see a ceasefire. that's the 1st and foremost priority for anyone you speak to here in the occupied westbank. they can't take any more. the images that they see coming out of gaza, it adds to the daily stress here in the occupied with bag. and it also as to that sense of tension and security. now looking forward, anyone would tell you that they would like to see that the palestinian rides recognize on an international level. they would like just to be treated exactly like other people around the world. and, you know, the comparison was,
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ukraine comes up over and over again. how the international community dealt so seriously when it came to russia's invasion of ukraine and how when it comes to the palestinians. 3 they are double standards in the long run. what they would like to see is the restart of the political process. that means a domestically they would like to see a change in their leadership, a president my boot at best has been in that position for quite a long time. he's aging, they'd like to see along the new blood. they'd like to see a unity among the police didn't defend political factions, and then they would like to see a that political process that would be the way to stay towed for them, having their own country, their own dignity, and then solving their own problems alone. okay, thank you for that. hold up though. i mean that for us in ramallah in the occupied
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west, the the, let's take a look at some other world news making headlines. a volcanic eruption has fullest hundreds of people to evacuate in south western iceland. yes. again, rescue work is a still assessing the exact location and the direction in which the lava is flowing . sonya giggle has more daybreak over iceland and wrecked tennis pendency to west streams of molten rock and fires began to float into the fishing town of green dick . this is the 2nd time since november that the houses are standing empty here. it's people have to flee, offer a surge of seismic activity. iceland, civil protection agency has raised as a lot system to its highest level signaling home to people, communities and the environment. it was only last event,
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but at the same area was evacuated of some full 1000 residents. huge cracks had a paid every with forcing the popular tourist destination of the blue lagoon spa result to shut down his rescue as what quickly to build barriers to protect the nearby g assemble power station. people were eventually allowed to return back to the homes 6 weeks later, but it split this seismic activity is fall from over here tomorrow. and we're working with the scientists and continuously assessing the situation. and what we're looking at a lava flow model to understand the volcano, so and look at what actions can be taken to protect the infrastructure that could be at risk are still is location above a volcanic hot spot and then we'll stop blonde tick means us quakes are a common occurrence, it average is one or option every 4 to 5 years. but this particular part of the country has experienced 5 and less than 2 years,
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causing widespread disruption and hazards each time the ground trembles. sonya guy jago elders. era. let's get more on this. we can speak to a lot of almost those here that she's a phone cost journalist. she joins us now live from academic a good of you to join us. so this is the 2nd of option in the area and less than a month to put the pictures that we've seen a prosy apocalyptic. how serious is the situation now? it's quite serious. i would say it's very serious. uh uh we haven't had on the reps and like this that has affected the homes of the people since 1973. so this is serious. um we have seen that at least 3 houses. uh the that has been uh now underlined and the lava flows not stopping its disk. yeah. its gonna continue there its way. um,
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while there is some pressure there and we don't know where it will stop and or when . yeah, as you say uh this erupt, sion i believe was closer to the town uh clinic, uh and some of the nava is now actually managed to get into the cat, a town and and cause houses to catch fire was. so i mean is there is a lot of it is still flowing, it has it modest to avoid the rest of the town where, where exactly is it flowing now? and so what happened is that this morning at 8 o'clock we had a fisher opening uh like a 400. no fee for uh, 500 meters away from the town. uh, we had all ready built uh, defense civil staff that were supposed to do better to the law from the town. but what happened mid day or like around noon today as a new official opened on the, on the side of the wall unlocked closer to town. so uh,
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it's just in maybe it's open, maybe like i don't know, 3040 meters from the town and this just and the love i've just flowing downtown. this town was evacuated off to the 1st explosion, but i believe that some people have started coming back. so i presume this eruption was unexpected. the no, no i well, if it all was expected, but uh it was the believe to be safe there i. there were around 200 people in the town last night. who slept that this night and uh, of 350 this morning the, the civil defense office did decided to a back to 8th those people. uh and uh, uh, so never the used to live a lot around. 4000 people in the town. bought them uh around to 90 homes there. uh
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with 200 people are bought in all the vacation went very well. um and um, everybody safe to well, i hope this question doesn't offend people, but i do wonder how people in this area that continue to live with the knowledge that volcanoes could erupt at some point at any point. clearly it's risky. how, how do they, how, how do they live with that knowledge? how do you prepare for the possibility of a volcano erupting at any point? well, uh you just to kind of a raise the uh, that way you know, uh that we lived on uh like a really oh, i saw these almost just out a big volcano. uh, so we rely on the scientists and they have been very good at forecasting uh, these events. uh and, yeah, that's what we do. just trust the people who are monitoring these activities a lot. uh, i appreciate your time. loda,
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almost notated bro cost and gentlest speaking to us that from rick demick, a case still a head on al jazeera living in ruins. we hear from palestinians remembering their loved ones killed in israel's attacks in the palo. again, northern europe's fangs, get cold, really cold. we haven't had a direct from the north pole waiting for this is a to not line that i suggested the most not for the british child in that called flow over the next day or so. and it goes, it comes right on, shows the low countries, the netherlands, for example. then spins round in land, bring snow to germany, power and as the site fives, the northern helps of friends also it's the but surprisingly sound so that this
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will win a full res, significant. right. and that's particularly the case in forts go where foresight could have something like a month's worth the next 24 hours or so. and to see also sees the snow dyadic, but the term should stay stay for most places. the toronto surprised them. you will look for the team, they can see the division quite obviously it, it stays that way. so seville maintains 5 degrees above average evening rate on to use it comes down to their average is or more frequent showers on wednesday. and so, seeing that williams has been seen the other side of the water. so in morocco, on the saturday, casablanca is about 30 degrees, don't quite a record. but what about the average attempt just to stay that fine? most of north africa, of course, he's dr. this time of year, the real what was the science and it's accompanied by a tropical psych could not far away from bridges of the top of what are you new of the lock. so during lockdown,
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held in an infamous and us detention center emigrants documents the whole vendors, conditions during the cold, it depend demik separated from their families and to 9 basic protections they fight to have their voices heard demanding their whites to release the facility. a witness documentary on august, the hearing the facts have you had any lady says she has the support of 15000 m samantha, she'll take a moment then asking questions. what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection, refusing for the action? not just give you a sense of what is the target this places i'll just see, it was teams across the world. when you closer to the thoughts of the story,
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the come back and watching out is there a mind if i told stories this hour so the people have gone through the past 100 days have felt like 100 years pass the message from the un agency for palestine. refugees, as a grim milestone is reached at least 23968 palestinians have been killed since school began fall within 10407 children demonstrates is in tel aviv, uh, holding a 24 hour radi to demand the release of captives held by how much in dollars that are just as 6 for us that i can get
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a prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his government's handling of the christ. and is there any forces have conducted more of a not rates near ramada in hebron, in the west bank? israel has to take nearly $6000.00 palestinians that since october sent over a 100 days of poems and destruction. some palestinians in dallas i have returned to the ruins of where they once lived. it's become a way to gather together and console each other. one of those women is out of bed. she lost a home and many members of the family. and in this riley strike on rasa, she tells us how she and her remaining family are trying to cut of the home. but i no longer have a home. we do have. all that remains are, these are the, these have become my home. and then the credit report, i gather my daughters and, and we start reminiscing if, if you remember that i did was killed here. how many gods there had kareem lost his
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life there, and my grandchildren were killed in that corner and then remove the we shed tears. sometimes we cry our eyes out. sometimes we're overwhelmed with serenity. the. this is our life and this is our home and vision. we spend all day here at the 98 guys are now the dad we were gathering at home and all of a sudden the roof fell on our heads. i told my son we should leave. he refused and said, where can we go? there and it's in, in, within seconds we were hit again with another miss. oh my sons, daughters were round me. some were injured, others passed out when she was conscious again, she started crying, weeping for losing our home. i told her, let's take my grandchildren to your sister's home,
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and we can return here again. the father refused. instead, we should not leave our home. we live here and we die here. we are like all other guys in the as good as i. after a while i'm ed came back crying. oh grandmother my father and my brothers and sisters and my uncles were killed, they were all killed. i asked him what happened and he said, oh, grandmother our home was dawned and they were all killed inside the you. okay, let's springing out. is there a senior political analyst, more one bazaars, here in the studio with us again mar, one. good to see. despite all the death and destruction that we've seen in the last 100 days, i want to explore something that i heard you say in a previous interview today that we are at a point now where the future of palestinians is promising. what did you mean by that? it's actually the palestinian cause is doing really was by this time itself. not so great. i mean, when you look at the images and guys and the destruction,
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and the ma'am and the depth, and on all of that, when we looked at the re occupational part of senior citizen, the west bank for the time being in terms of the immediate future. one cannot be optimistic, one should always be helpful, but why it could be optimistic, however, the palestinian cause has been sort of revitalized around the world. it's kind of a gains a new life. when the few we few months, few we know few months, few years ago use it seems to be have been dead. no one talked about at this time because like the forgotten issue, even though, but as soon as we're suffering under occupation in our party, the system of violence and racism. but it was a non issue. but suddenly, it now is that there is the may, him, and the king of the destruction is sort of somehow the problem set in people the wrong way. right?
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especially a new generation around the world that has been organizing against global warming that has been organized against racism. and the black lives matter is on the likes . the one that's been organizing for social justice and you know, tennis causes and other causes. all of these somehow come together now under the banner of justice and palestine. so you see these people are demonstrating a long done in paris in washington, in new york, even in smaller cities on town, is that on sort of, you know, western powers and, and down the thing brings them together, right? i mean, it's just kind of strange as either, especially the younger generation or coming together. now, when we actually the fact or in the generational issue and you see how many young people are paying attention to the injustice and palestine and how they are
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connect things out with other important issues for them. this generation is not the logical that like the older generations thought cynical. it's very models and very progressive in a sense. so connecting the sun with issues or the future us. but this is an excuse or humanity, calling us time crisis over humanity. this is new vocabulary. it's new way of looking at what's going on in guy's off, and who's in that sense. i do see, i say it's an optimism around the world and if the war and when the war ends using that focus from the youth. if you like, we'll continue on this course. i believe, i believe so because this very particular war, this very practical genocide, have again raised consciousness and make people angry. it is image that the deluxe of nothing, you know, i've worked on for decades had been furnished. it's this branding of his right as
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the wages of democracy in the middle of a dangerous neighborhood. this stop nation that cares about human life and liberalism, and so on, so forth. already been furnished partially before october 7. if you remember, we had months on demonstrations with dentist is right status because it's right. it's becoming more authoritarian and less democratic and less liberal and so on, so forth. but after october 7 is what it has rudy show, that's true colors. it's research in so many ways in terms of its system. it's bloody, it's quite violent. it does not care to for human life just in the pedestal, new human life. even arguably their own hosted you're attractive is human life. somebody, they keep wanting guys. um, basically it was kind of a lie, so that on people. so in that sense, again, you can see that is that is going to have a very, very hard time picking up the pieces wants to solve. but i think it's going to take maybe a generation or more for us or to regain whatever the thrive to do in terms of public
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coordinations. now. um, last but not least when you hear nothing, you know the day off and the day after the, uh, the have uh sessions on genocide in palestine and gods. so you need a name say we're going to continue with the war regardless of the hague. and despite anyone's objective, anyone so that we will continue the war until we finish that work. so clearly, this general side, the prime minister and his genocide, the governments are not deterred neither by the hague nor by the public opinion international because nor affected by the medical administration. so one little piece of news before we close. so it's kind of interesting that now was the conversation between by doing nothing. you know, the last one was 20 days ago. i didn't know that until today. i finally, i mean, reportedly, the last conversation was 20 days ago and the 23rd of december. what am i then said
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this conversation is over and hung up the phone? apparently there's really parameters that are in his, you know, federal, fascist, the government partners are even, i'm getting their most indispensable. i because without the united states, without its money and its arms, and it's pretty much a protection this, the, to the whole country cannot survive too long. and in the middle east, and yet, you know, the, that's what the, the hotspot day, the, that i will goods of not only saying, know, and rejecting international public opinion to hague and, and so on, so forth. the appeals, they're also now turning their back on the i'll just say, okay, thank you for that out. is there a senior this guy on this mind? one of the shop think this is earl central banks as a one gone. so it has become a bit and on its economy, the estimated cost may reach $58000000.00 by the year 2025. the central bank governor has a, the, is there any government to cub?
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it's public spending on top interest rates from 4.75 percent to 4 and a half as well. has spent $6600000000.00 in various aspects of its war, including funding for the 100000 displaced people. now some $249000000.00 has been put aside for mental and physical health care. and the total cost of rebuilding in some areas could reach a $174000000.00, including towns near the lebanese border that are suspect, sustained damage in cross board of fighting gush and basking is a full. i'm a hostage negotiator on the middle east director of the international communities organization. nice as cooling on thousands of reserve is as effective as well as the economy. there will have to be drastic cuts and these are the budget. but my understanding is that the board is costing is really about $350000000.00 a day. we've had until recently about 350000 reserve soldiers cold up into the
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both and the northern border facing loving around and of course and gaza with the majority of them are those of 350 working the 350000 working people who are the engine of his release economy, they should be in front of their computers at their high tech companies and not in the battlefield. if i see findings from us. unfortunately, it is more like everywhere across the economy and google as about the money. so i heard the feature of a 100000 displays people. my understanding is the 3rd quarter of a 1000000 is where these were displaced from the northern border with lebanon. and of course, the communities around that because of strip. this is an enormous burden, but i don't think this. the 1st concern is economic. our 1st concern is human life and safety and the wellbeing of our citizens and israel and of course, and humanitarian disaster that's developed in, in does it that will cost billions and billions of years to repair. and we are a traumatized society,
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just like the palestinians are traumatized now when it will take many, many, many years. to overcome this trauma, anita of hezbollah, her son in law has addressed the public in a speech saying disturbances in the red sea one stop until palestinian liberation is achieved on the wing casa, and local america. on the, on the american should realize that the security of the red, c 11 on iraq in yemen are all hinged on one single thing. putting an end to the war on gaza. what rather than providing a remedy to the symptoms, they should treat the cause. at the end of the day, israel and america will find themselves in the face of one established single fact . they will hear from every corner where the resistance has a voice or a rifle. they will hear one message put an end to the war and gaza in london, thousands gathered at trafalgar square in support of israel today. hundreds of police and volunteers were on hand to provide secure see,
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is there any embassy organize the event? and the keynote speaker is, is there any government spokesman, a long levy is the largest demonstration for israel off the months of march is in solidarity with palestinians. now corresponding pull brandon, that, that radi and not it's difficult to compare the numbers. i have to say that the capacity of trafalgar square where i'm standing is around $35000.00. so i would estimate the numbers of this gathering up between 15 and 20000 pieces. you can see that the scrub behind me is exactly tactful. but there's a sizable number here. so maybe 2 thirds of the message is a unapologetically zine is message is coming from the speakers on the podium behind rates are people like eric pick goals and the people who are from the 710 human
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chain project on that thrust that the forces the gathering effect like is the flights of the more than 130 is riley's, who remain still held captive by how mass? somewhere in gauze, that great concern about the faith about the future, about the lives. it's interesting that the support for leaders for any government here is different to what we saw, i think in the boxes. and then the reality is that restoring television is bad. that seems to be a distinction drawn between support for hostages, for the captives and criticism of pick up here. i think the to all the same this the banners look like gods. all we stand with israel and i'm a when i put it to one of the organizes yes. well, how many captives have actually been released since november since then? it goes to releases to place how many have been released as a result of his riley minutes reaction. the answer is no and he was unable to address that question. so he said no, we just need you to have them back. so hes on how to 0,
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right. so the white house run through iowa is the state gets ready to kick off the 2024 presidential primaries season. take a look at the hard hitting into blues as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is that at any of the thoughts provided. hang on my question to you all. the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult question. i've had to answer facing realities. usb, too. in the security council, this is, it may just something book is a problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era it's undisputed that 72 muslims were massacred in the village of indiana india in 1987 witnesses say the perpetrators were
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a model of the locals along side the state governments provincial. i'm constabulary personnel. over 30 years later, the district court acquitted the accused. to date no one has been as accountable. people in power asks why the victims continue to be denied justice. india is forgotten, must occur on the jersey to news the full, the fast nights. and this is why it's for the white house will be cost in the republican cool coast in iowa. november's election looks like a to be a rematch of 2020 pitching president j binding against former president donald
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trump. john 100 has moved from des moines. the candidates are making their final pictures in the iowa caucuses. donald trump is speaking in india and ola nikki haley, speaking in dubuque and rhonda sanders at had for appearances scheduled for sunday . he's now got 3 schedule. apparently one of those was cancelled and they're doing this in very cold weather. it's in the negative. twenty's could get down as far as negative 28 degrees on caucus day. and that means those candidates are going to have to get their voters out in difficult conditions for donald trump. who in the latest poll is ahead by 48 percent to 20 percent for nikki haley to 16 percent for rhonda santas. that's an nbc des moines register pool. and that shows hailey jumping up one spot leapfrogging over to sanchez who had been number 2 in previous polls. but trump's voters are largely rural. that means varying areas that are not as well cleared from snow. they may have a while to drive,
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so it will be an effort for them, but they've shown commitment lining up outside of his rally on sundays. so on congress day, it's likely to be cold, and it will be the hardiest voters who decide who wins. john henry and al jazeera des moines, iowa. the equity was president, says old prison staff members who had been taken hostage by inmates, happened freed, hundreds of soldiers moved into the call to taxi prison following the good negotiations with inmates an order being restored. 158 guns, 20 prison stock members were taken hostage on monday in several facilities of his underground pits. he is following developments from the fort set to acquire a key made with it. that was the only fault of mine. after 6 days of uncertainty and anguish, a moment of relief,
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all except one of the 179 prison guards and stuff held hostage by inmates and 7 prisons at cross ek. whether have been released on saturday night the security prices that has been spiraling out of control has been quelled for now. president daniel and noble, i declared a state of war and tuesday and designated the games this terrorist organizations. so he took to the social media platform x to congratulate the police armed forces and the prison tories on a successful operation. kathrine mun child that was one of the captured guards. the 25 years old could barely contain her emotions, as she recounted the days she's spending captivity at the cook duplex, the prison near the capital key to see the yellow nickel. so now the fate can see me. day in and day i until i go side. i
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still was about hugging my fiance all the time. the 1st i was hoping they'd let us go after a few hours. then the night came and i understood we would not going to be that guy . one of the guards died in a brief confrontation between the police and the inmates in one of the prisons, but most of the release took place with no incident. as the prisoners let the security forces we take control of the jails. in recent years, equity there has been living through and in precedence and security crisis fuel by drug trafficking that was toys. these have failed to address during getting to one of the most dangerous countries in latin america. again, the leader in the to the prison in queen who held 21 guards hostage. so the decision to release them was an active piece. the queen sized the government for not allowing food, water, and cutting electricity inside the prisons. she is going to be
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a little bit less easier, but again, if the president wants us to apologize, we kind of apologize. he won the war, but he showed help us to reintegrate it's a society. we know we come to fight the state and we want to adhere to its rules, but the abuse of power needs to end on our right to live protected. the release of all the hostages is a major political victory for president danielle noble and this promise of a hard line crack down on the gangs. but it's unlikely on its own 2 and a deep security crisis that's been worsening for years. i listen that i'm get the address either way. acute a tom is in germany all preparing for major process. and the capsule binding on monday had comes off to a week of nationwide demonstrations of, of proposals to count fuels subsidies for the agricultural sector. now in response to the outcry gym, these coalition government rolled back some of the will service the measures on the
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still site and they put fed livelihoods at risk. officials say the fall, rise is becoming involved in the movement and accusation. it's lead is an i denmark has officially crowned the nation's new king, who waited outside the palace in copenhagen to witness the historic movement. king frederick the 10th gave his speech that he was proclaims in new york of his australian bone, why scenary has been named queen consults, fedex, mother, queen margaretta abdicated. thrown late last month and a half 50 to china has criticize the united states,
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united kingdom and japan. fed congratulating tie ones nearly elected leader on his victory beijing occasions. the 3 nations of interfering in another countries internal affairs. tony chang has moved from taipei. it was an impressive victory and an unprecedented that to the ty. one's democratic progressive party, put a note of caution from the president elect to his supporters and didn't get everything that way. like was in the legislative elections. the d p. p did not hold onto a majority. this means that we did not work hard enough, and that is why we must humbly review and look back for the nationalist cam t policy. there was no controls, the largest block, and the not just that you might have been much. and even if they failed again to get the top job even the time on people's party, you finish to have a significant voting block. potential king make has it's
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a national recognition applies, victory was muted. many leaders with china will not be pleased by his success to biden's initial reaction. we do not support independence. it's a curious statement from a friend. it's committed to your defense without being. what was that message for the people of taiwan way or the leaders and paging, and probably a little bit of both. i think the 1st audience, the mind is likely by doing that. us is telling badging that hey uh, they have a pro us cohen ty, canada is coming into power. however, that does not mean that us intend to do anything that would dramatically come anywhere near crossing buildings. red lines, maintaining the status quote appears to be what time ones votes is really want. and they don't have to look far to see the dangers of a president with on check powers and control. time when these buses have made
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a very particular choice, they've elected a d p. the president is going to give them continuity and stability. at the same time, his power is going to be kept in check by legislature. he doesn't control tony chang l g 0 type. as i said, may money in the a moment of prayer for waiting into the freezing waters of the rio grande. the youngest today just 2 months old. this is part of a huge search of migrants to reach the us border and recent days, over 4000 a day in the mexican state of while we live alone. all my friends have cross, they have cross. now. this is what lies in store for them. hours of waiting in the cold to be processed by over whelmed custom and border patrol officers from the
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texas side of the border increase in illegal crossings. this, the result of smugglers moving large numbers of people through mexico budget cuts to the immigration authorities here have meant they stop detaining and reporting on documented migrants in mexico, which was very hard to get through. immigration inspection now. as pressure rose from the sharply divided us congress to act thousands more migrants in southern mexico are preparing to head north, trying to reach the us before the new year. and exploring diverse culture excitement in political disco. exposing societies, doctor award winning intense investigations. the get compelling insights into human folds and untold stories from asia were in the pacific 101 east. on out. just see around
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the aging top is being played in cats are for a rock or 3rd time. 24 teams are competing for the trophy. there can only be 4. can you if you run across the action from our, the tournament phasing cap on the we are the ones traveling the extra mile. the media don't go, we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. the 100 days of death and destruction on suffering in garza, israel's war has killed nearly 24000 palestinians. 92000000 people have been displayed. the money in sight, this is out. is there a life?
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and also coming up the will, has caused


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