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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 14, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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the accidental hour, the tournament phasing half an hour. we are the ones traveling the extra mile, the media don't go. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. the 100 days of death and destruction on suffering in garza, israel's war has killed nearly 24000 palestinians. 92000000 people have been displayed. the money in sight, this is out. is there a life? and also coming up the will, has caused a health crisis move in 70 percent and goes us health facilities on out of service leaving just one dialysis move to kidney patients and israel families of the
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captive. keep off the pressure on the government to hold the conflicts with a protest them off for $100.00 days more is rarely raised in arrest across the occupied west spine. refugee counts ne ramada and hebron all targeted the to a stain on said humanity. the words of a senior un official to describe the devastating situation in gaza on the will of lack of action to stop it. palestinians have now in june a 100 days are full already the west in gauze was history to the people of gauze of those past 100 days have felt like a 100 years. that is also the message from the un agency for palestine. refugees. and he's 23968 palestinians have been killed since the will began move in
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10000 if those have been children, hospitals, and goals. i've also been targeted health ministry says nearly $340.00 health workers among the dead is riley ministry is also a top journalist, killing at least a $117.00 media workers. honey. my mood begins loc coverage from rough ends southern gaza and i'm always is walking through the remains of what was once is. each of them is a search for a closer look. he seeks the glimmer of his, the 3 children killed in his really air strikes for still buried under the russell about me. if you want me to know how to nicole, you, unless i come here every day, you select the 3 children remaining under the rubble of the law to allow you lost them and how one can pull out the bodies will take a last look at their remains. oh model, but thank god to them. this is our faith and we pray to god that we will be able to
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pull them off to see them in the middle of the palestinian civil defense. say it has no resources to dig through the rubble and retrieve the bodies. israel's war on garza has lift. it's marked across the district level res refugee camp in central garza was home to 46000 palestinians who were really displaced before the worth. the. let's now entire neighborhoods are destroyed. after a 100 days of war, most of gaza is enrolling according to the united nations, israel's bombardment. how's it triggered the largest displacement of how is simeon since a macbook or catastrophe. in 1948 people leading their homes have nowhere safe to go. private on a vis. here on the 11th, there is no day that we do not move from place to place from darrow by law. to con unit to ref, bottles, there are no goods as well and never know basic things needed for life. there is no
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lice, and that's not the fault. we wish to have back to life conditions. we cannot find clean water or other than the substitutes of life. this is also a humiliation. wherever you may turn your face, children are the most impacted and we adults are helpless. we cannot help our children or even meet that basic needs. as the word drags on, it's taking away their hold for an instant this suffering peopling dog a feel for gotten on on safe. b, believe is ro, goal is to completely remove palestinians and from their land the words have been going on for a 100. they have lived many feeling like it will never and honey my mode. i'll just be at uh about the southern garza. well, we can speak now live to honey mountain moody's in rafa. in southern goswick honey, you've been reporting day and day out of the last 100 days. what is going through
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your mind today? yes. well, it feels like it will never go into and that's the, the, the fact that we're feeling every day as we work as we report then continue reporting about this ongoing war on gaza. the, the misery and the suffering and the terrible living conditions. not only myself for my family, but the 5, there's 1900000. it force displays, palestinians, the oldest squeeze in this part of the gaza strip. very small. it part of, of the territory is here. just makes it very difficult to comprehend all the difficulties that of the, of living conditions. we're talk about daily hardship, daily difficulty, either q in a line for 4 hours to get one gallon of water or. busy if you in for half
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a day to get one pack of of bread at a bakery port going, spend the whole, the in the market just looking for food supplies. it just something a speaker louder to what's going on in the daily hearts of people are facing and experiencing your so far. the more we talk to people, the more we are out, we realize how difficult the situation is. have been for them since the beginning of the war and, and complaining 100 a days. then there is one interesting fact about how people are reacting to this war and the, despite the, the, the different political views. but the know that this is a israel, the purpose of this for and israel's goals so far is to remove them of from their land. it's not it just that a direct result of october. the 7th has been extension of a very long and an aggressive military occupation for the past 50 years or
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so. and to see it a, as a continuation of that policy, a implemented by these rare the government, the only difference. now to see that if throughout these a 100 days, just palestinians are dying at a faster pace as every day an average of 20250 people are killed. the vast majority of them are children. they are frustrated. the fact that we have an entire generation of a children have been killed then the 1000 are missing and the tribe in the seas under a pile of rubble is across the gaza strip. there's all seats. there's also the, an entire generation of people who will grow with disabilities. as of the intense bombardment, the lift them without arms or without, without legs this, these are the facts that people are living with then the miseries, the been the hot hunting them, particularly those who have lost
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a relative. busy or a loved ones or a family members or those who are is still hopeful that when they go back to god's or the northern part, they will be able to meet their, the relatives and family members who haven't talked to them for the past weeks or for the past month since the beginning of the work. thank you for your reporting honey. my me that for us in rough as well israel as well and gaza has led to one of the wells most severe health crises. most hospitals and goals are not functioning, those that are operating or facing shortages of supplies and even medical workers. there's only one dialysis one treating patients who are suffering from kidney failure. russell set asthma. and i remember i said that before the war, this dialysis was in the hospital. so of 122 patients every day on. now it is over well the because it's the only function in violence as was in the entire guys,
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a street or more like the solvable, including the situation is tough and challenging. we are not only hospitalized and cause us and providing dallas a service. we have seen around 500 percent increase in patient from 122 months to over 500 stages. we are looking at on the clock because this is patients who had 3 sessions a week. now, one of you having one session for a health situation is rapid yourselves, and that's what the nearly 10000 patients need. dialysis treatment in casa with only 17 dialysis machines, a winnable doctors are trying hard to handle below, they have reduced the treatment session for each patients by health about the long lines of patients waiting for treatment. our program, i'm so doesn't know how much would the what us to how far well the fee my health situation is deteriorating because i can now not have a 4 hour session that i'm supposed to have. but just 2 hours. my body's waiting all
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the time. i used to go to nasa hospital before the war and had proper treatment. now nothing is left, no medical stuff, no medication, that is my leg is also broken. patients here said there are several dialysis machines available in different hospitals, but they cannot be used since most of those hospitals have been shut down because of these rarely attacks on health facilities. the magic's here on the immense pressure it a lot of folks i'm is doing. welcome joe, did the talking to this is beyond our capacity and i had one nurse who had a heart attack because of the stress should we call on all the competent authority is to provide help. time would be some poor animal nerve of people and they are suffering. so the 7 is rep has impose a complete siege on god's eye center. and it has been nearly impossible for international is including medicines and medical equipment to get into this vehicle . and it's about time for patients here for young man and women is running now to
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do something over the christmas l dash. the 0 to demonstrate is intel of eve of hell to a 24 hour riley to demand the release of captives held by home. us in gauze that they will say express that and get a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his government's handling of the crisis. thousands of people's thoughts of gathering in the city on saturday evening with the families of some of the captive symptoms. because set of heights has moved from tel aviv is we've got city just hugs of from the president himself, talking about how there needs to be an international consensus to bring back those houses. but as he was speaking, there seems to be some uh, brewing and fight from some of the crowds. now, just to give you an idea on 5, today's riley the estimates is a 120000 is ratings gathered to just behind me there's been a mom, a mattress, and a speech is from the stage that you can hear that from families of those health cops
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is some of those from the southern towns that had been attractive, had family members killed brothers relatives. this is from parents and a real desperation and then message to insurance for the government. some of the direct me speaking of prime minister benjamin netanyahu thing. how many more days do we have today? uh weights rather uh for them to be returned. in fact, most of them saying that that is no big street. and so all of them come back home. i know we'll do this at any cost. just take whatever is possible in terms of a deal, and let's say it happened with many sometimes saying that if this means and then so the was so be it. but we have to get some, but what ever it takes is riley forces have conducted low the night rates and the occupied westbank video show is riley emitter. she vehicles in our job as soon refugee count north of ramallah res. what also conducted in a room refugee camp, north of hebron. elsewhere is there any forces font to
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a gas and gum schultz during a raid on all far hold the meat is in ramallah and the combined westbank where hold a we've of course seen thousands of raids nearly every day since the ball in gaza began. how would you say the last 100 days have changed the occupied westbank a little more than to just think it has increased the pressure on father's doing in the pressures of living on the occupation just in the last hour or 2. a young man, 116, and 117. so miners were killed at near a settlement near the sense of the base and which is now a which is really on the outskirts of ramallah from what we understand. they were in a car when the soldiers shot at them. oh, we haven't heard from the military. we need to know their side of the story. but
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this is something that happens all the time every day, or all over the occupied west bag. and this is causing a lot of anxiety for people here. um you would have mothers who tell you that, you know, they, they are always in a, in a state of apprehension. whenever they children go out because they don't know they will return. you have others to tell you that when darkness come, they also in that's the state of heightened apprehensive because they don't know if they will find some soldiers, you know, store me into their homes, to detain someone. and if you look at the numbers, they speak for themselves, or you have more than 350. but as seen in school, the close the occupied westbank since the beginning of the war of 4000 injured and nearly 6000 detained. and that number will change in the coming hours. now add
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to that, an unprecedented search in settlement activity be it land grabs a bid setting out. it was setting new outpost, which are legal, are the international law, or bid also the violence of settlers on local communities, pushing the and to abandon their land and go and find their livelihood somewhere else. so it does a lot of pressure. and at the moment, ballasting is really in the occupied with bank. feel that it's coming to a boiling point. given everything you've described, told the palestinians, do they have any hope that things could change in the future? well that hope is, is always there, but they also do say that, you know, in the, for example, in the west bank they've been living on the occupation for the last 56 years. they've always been to humanize. they've always been blamed for amy,
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failure of any kind of peace process, and they hope that that would change. they hope that at least the silver lining of this war is that the international community begins to understand what they, what it is, how hard it is to be a palestinian generation after generation born under 2 pages, going up under occupation with really no. it seems to be no and then side a demo is, that's what they would like to see the beginning of a political process that would bring for them, dignity and state code. and in exchange they say things could be called the border with israel. but as soon as say all the time they are like any other people on this planet, all they want to have is a good, quiet life where they can grow up, go, you know, have a family and have children that grew up in safety. but they know that this is
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very complicated, they know that is going to be, is going to need to more as dr. and they just wonder how much more do they have to sacrifice before it comes to hold up. they'll have me that for us in ramallah, in the occupied westbank. so head on out is there a new volcanic eruption in the ice and threatens a fishing village assets fuse out foreign lava. assessing health is on the in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa since it's accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide in holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that face is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without that sphere of facing, of jail term,
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informed opinions when the us census warships and to the right, see it's not received task protection. that scene of complication inside story on al jazeera, unsettled tact upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it is a complex 3 question. question about 5 upfront without 0 the the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back you watching out? is there a line to a top stories? the sound of the people have gone for the past 100 days have felt like a 100 years. that is the message from the human agency for palestine. refugees of the green milestone is reached at least 23968 promised indians have been killed since the war began. more than 10400 of them children demonstrated in tennessee of all holding a 24 hour rally to demand the release account. tips held my home us in gaza or just as well. so express that i can get at the prime minister benjamin netanyahu,
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and his government's handling of the crisis is really forces have conducted more of an art rates near ramada and hebron in the occupied westbank. israel has detain any 6000 palestinians that since october, the 7th now he is ready, ami says it has killed full gunman who entered its territory from 11 on on sunday. as paula says, it carried out 6 operations on is really sites near the border. iran con has moved from able l. saki in solver 11 on there was several incidents across the 120 kilometer disputed boulder in the morning as well. a fight, an antique tank of me. so into the vial. a settlement in the galley that actually killed a 2 is really is a 4 year old man. and a 17 year old woman is role then responded with the intensive selling across this 120 kilometer. disputed bowed up that was showing quite intense, showing just
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a few kilometers away from where i'm standing right now. that seems to have come to an end for now. but we are expecting more as night falls. also at 4 o'clock in the morning, a palestinian group known as well. uh, i actually went into the occupied ship farms area. they came in direct contact with these riley soldiers. there was an exchange of fight and he's ready say they killed full of those palestinian fights as they say that right into the occupied ship. a fund was in response to the killing of how master leader saw the array in a route. uh, just a 2 weeks ago, also the secretary general of the has beloved husband. this brother has been speaking. he was speaking at a memorial for a full and soldier with i'll twill, but he actually touched on the politics. he said, a 100 days have passed and goes is still holding out because has been showing an
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ethics steadfastness that is unparalleled in history. he said that also after a 100 days as well as might in failure and is not achieved is declared, i'm unclear. it goes, he said that his bullet is continuing a front is inflicting losses on the enemy and putting pressure on the displaced and those voices become loud. remember, this is a key part of hezbollah strategy. to get is riley's who have the how to leave the home on. that's on the, in these really side to start to complain to the government publicly about returning back to their homes. and he says, the only way to be able to go back to that homes is if the will in goals and stuff . and then he ended by saying we've been ready for wolf, a 99 days. we're not afraid of it. we will fight without ceilings and without boat as he's mike for about 17 minutes. and this was once again, although no knew it was doubling down on the positions that his bullet has taken
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since october the 8th and wrong con, which is 0. it will, saki, southern lebanon, and london and thousands of gathered at trafalgar square in support of israel. hundreds of police and volunteers were on hand to provide security. is already embassy. organize the event, the largest demonstration for israel, of to months of launches in solar. darcy with palestinians correspondent for brandon was that is always difficult to compare the numbers. i have to say that the capacity of trafalgar square where i'm standing is around $35000.00. so i would estimate that the numbers of this gathering up between 15 and 20000 pieces. you can see that the scrub behind me isn't exactly tactful. but there's a sizable number here. so maybe 2 thirds of the message is a unapologetically zion is message is coming from the speakers on the podium behind rates are people like eric pickles to and the people who are from the 710 human chain project on that thrust that the,
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the force of the gathering effect like is the flights of the more than 130 is riley's, who remain still held captive by how mass, somewhere in gauze, that great concern about the faith about the future, about the lives. it's interesting that the support for the, for any government here as different to what we saw, i think in the boxes. and then the reality is that restoring television bad, that seems to be a distinction drawn between support for hostages for the captives and criticism of the government. here i think the to all while the same is defined as the black gods . all we stand with israel and a when i put it to one of the organizes yes. well, how many captives have actually been released since november since a negotiated release? it took place, how many have been released as a result of his riley military action? the answer is no, and he was unable to address that question and simply said, no,
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we just need you to have them back in all the news. now i have volcanic eruption has fullest hundreds of people to evacuate and south west in iceland. yes. again, rescue workers are still assessing the exact location of the direction in which the love is flowing. sonya davis a daybreak of iceland and red tennis pendency to west streams of molten rock. i'm size began to float into the fishing town of green dick. this is the 2nd time since november that the houses are standing empty here. it's people have to flee, offer a surge of seismic activity. iceland, civil protection agency has raised as a lot system to its highest level signaling home to people, communities and the environment. it was only last november that the same area was evacuated of some full 1000 residents. huge cracks had a paid every with forcing the popular tourist destination of the blue lagoon spa
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result to shut down his rescue as what quickly to build barriers to protect the nearby g. a single power station people were eventually allowed to return back to the homes 6 weeks later. but it split this seismic activity is far from over here to move and we're working with the scientists and continuously assessing the situation. and what we're looking at a lava flow model to understand the volcano, so and look at what actions can be taken to protect the infrastructure that could be at risk. iceland, location above volcanic hot spot in the north atlanta means us quakes are a common occurrence. it average is one or option every 4 to 5 years. but this particular part of the country has experienced 5 and less than 2 years, causing widespread disruption and hazards each time the ground trembles. sonya jago, elders era. fast votes and this is rice for the white house will be cost and the
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republican cool chris in iowa. them selection looks like you need to be a rematch of 2020 pissing president joe biden, against format president donald trump, john 100 and has moved from des moines. the candidates are making their final pictures in the iowa caucuses. donald trump is speaking an indian ola nikki. haley speaking in dubuque and rhonda sanders at had for appearance is scheduled for sunday. he's now got 3 schedule. apparently one of those was cancelled in there. doing this in very cold weather. it's in the negative. twenty's could get down as far as negative 28 degrees on caucus day. and that means those candidates are going to have to get their voters out in difficult conditions for donald trump. who in the latest poll is a head by 48 percent to 20 percent for nikki haley to 16 percent for rhonda santas, that's an nbc des moines register pool. and that shows hailey jumping up one spot,
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leapfrogging over to sanders who had been number 2 in previous polls. but trump's voters are largely rural. that means varying areas that are not as well cleared from snow. they may have a while to drive, so it will be an effort for them, but they've shown commitment lining up outside of his rally on sundays. so on caucus day, it's likely to be cold. and it will be the hardiest voters who decide who wins. john henry and l g 0, des, moine, iowa. okay, that's the main money inside of next inside story looks and what it will take us around to end the school and also to $6.00 the the
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brought to you by visit cut off is not on common lee. i see 12 is accompanied by wall and files. we have those new western australia and the heat wave is still represented by marble. bar 44 has been 43 or more 94 days on and lower case in all of the west australia. admittedly, there are few channels arrive at the rear, which is where it should be. seasonally along the time northern path. if the strategies then down the east coast and fax it and you could see something like a month with it right in the next 24 hours and then or more big shells. luckily in new south wales and all the way up the coast till you joined the seasonal right. securing choose a web. mobile bar is still 43. the very warm, recently news, even that has cooled down now the wind coming up from the science and then dine got but for the most part it's looking sunny. it is certainly wet, potentially. so it gets put in oakland. otherwise enjoying the sunshine. seasonally correct, it looks pretty wet in both borneo and sue march or by the end of the day and that northeast northeast wind the northeast. mostly there's also a typical which surprisingly in the winter produce
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a lot of snow for japan's. hobbies. surprised to see how car they're covered in it and all the masses of home shooting that's carried on to the next 2 days. what has been surprising is the rooms we've seen in the central and southern china is cool down and we have no with actual season right along the young sea. the weather brought to you by visit castle for 100 days, as well as one gauze that has gone on unabated a mastercard, palestinians, in full view of the world. israel has failed to meet that stage of objectives and carries all. so what will end the sufferings, where is the real goal,


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