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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 15, 2024 4:00am-4:31am AST

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the, the nearly 24000 palestinians are killed and 100 days of his ready bombardments in gauze view. and it says that more than 1000000 people are experiencing extreme, its food shortages, the carry, johnston. this is all just here a lot from the also on the program in israel, families of the caps has maintain pressure on the government to end the conflict by
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protesting on the 100 day at least 2 more palestinians had been arrested in the occupied westbank as is ready forces launched new rates on the new volcanic eruption in iceland directions. a fishing village spews out novice searching houses on the beginning and goes away. palestinians of now and deal with 100 days of war. the people that those past 100 days felt like a 100 years. and that's the message from the u. an agency for palestine refugees, almost 24000 palestinians have been killed since the war began around 10 and a half 1000 of children to you and is wanting that people running out of food hospitals in guys that have been heavily targeted. the health industry says no,
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the 340 health workers are among the dead on these really military has also attack generous, getting at least 117 media workers hunting. and luckily we begins our coverage now from rafa and southern guns. and i'm always is walking through the remains of what was once is home. each of them is a search for a closer look. he seeks the glimmer of his the 3 children killed in his really air strikes for still buried under the russell about me. if you on how to nicole, you, unless i come here every day, you select the 3 children remaining on the la la, you lost them and no one can pull out. the bodies will take a last look at their remains. oh model. but frank called to them, this is our faith and we prayed to god that we will be able to pull them off to see them in the middle of the palestinian civil defense. say it has no resources to dig
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through the rubble and retrieve the bodies. israel's war on garza has lift, it's marked across the district level res refugee camp in central garza was home to 46000 palestinians who were really displaced before the war. the let's now entire neighborhoods are destroyed after a 100 days of war. most of gaza is enrolling according to the united nations. israel's bombardment has it triggered the largest displacement of palestinian since a macbook or catastrophe. in 1948 people leading their homes have nowhere safe to go. private on a vis you on the 11th, there is no day that we do not move from place to place from darrow by law to con unit. to ralph. there are no goods as well and never know basic things needed for licensed. there is no lice, and that's not the fault. we wish to have back to live conditions. we cannot find
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clean water or other than the substitutes of life. this is also a humiliation. wherever you may turn your face, children are the most impacted we. adults are helpless. we can not help our children or even meet that basic needs. as the word drags on, it's taking away their hold for an instant this suffering peopling dog a feel for gotten on on save the believe israel goal is to completely remove palestinians or from their land. the words have been going on for a 100. they have left many feelings like it will never and honey my mode. i'll just be at uh about 5 southern garza and not a nation so as a catastrophic levels of hunger and the risk of dying from families, increasing and gossum. according to unicef, 1200000 palestinians are experiencing emergency levels of food shortages. children are deprived of 90 percent of the water. they need each day to survive. 335000
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children under the age of 5 are at high risk of a severe malnutrition and preventable death. the agency estimates nearly 10000 to stuff of the most life threatening 4th mountain nutrition known as a severe wasting. and if the situation does not change, causes entire population could experience finding by early february. but as well as warrant garza is led to one of the wells most severe health crises. most hospitals in gauze are not functioning. get him at toma is the medical coordinator for doctors without borders input his time. she says israel constance attacks have destroyed the medical system up to 1100 days on which we can see the institution and the system and that's everything is on most collapsing. and people are leverage to access to our system that can take care of them. can be full
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injuries. also for the read clinical disease, that's a people can have them. i think human baez's file supply can arrive, but it's really not enough regarding the needs that so the so pollution phase and that is a real problem to run up to the team the different supposed to be do. one of the problem, of course, is the supply because even if the numbers off the trucks are slight feet increasing the last few weeks is to really not enough to cover the news. and we can see that. so my trust i'll tell reject you that the voter and so i'll supply some medical equipment. is that for some of them it's very, very difficult to get them in gaza, which we know he, that's the most. the access is very new to them. we love almost blind on the situation there. we know that the situation is really different between the and the south. what we can see, you know, what has to be changed and that's it. we don't to um, a huge number of acute manufacturing cases. and then deciding,
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but this situation is really difficult, especially in the it demonstrates has instead of a, if i've held a 24 radi to develop the release of capt is held in gaza. they express the anger as prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and these governments handling of the crisis so high, right, has this report from tennessee a 100 seconds of silence intel, of these a 100 days to many se the kept his families as they took to the stage. what's become known as hostage squad? visually there 136 hostages did. we're waiting for the old h minutes. h sick and they were kidnapped because the state style because we felt and now we must do everything to release the november's temporary si, fi deal between israel and from us through media to sold the release of the hall for
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the 240 captives their return was promising and helped to provide the priest as long as needed to some of those left behind. but the deal ended and there's been no sign of another so far. israel has rejected how must his condition to end the will, which has already killed nearly 24000 palestinians. if anything prime minister benjamin netanyahu filed on sunday to continue the shauna, one of the things that's become care is that we must wage this war. and it will take many more months. that is why we're bringing a revised annual budget today. it requires us to spend much more on secuity done with gland. so those things to be back in is around the slides. vista viable has ended, but the agony continues, especially for those whose relatives are still inside garza
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the been kidnapped is not knowing if and when your next meal will arrive. it's feeling suffocated at all hours of the day and not knowing when you will get to see the light of day to thousands of his re. these are also quoting for an early election next and you all hate to resign because failing to protect the country on october, the 7th. and so the inability to bring back all the caps, it's best squire has become symbolic, a place that you're not, it's a place to grieve, a place to cool function with many saying that there is no victory until all the caps is approved. time no, not so the price, even if that means an immediate answer to this $24.00 riley has demonstrated a shift towards a more angry turn from some of the relatives, as they accuse the government is neglecting. the caps is darkly addressing netanyahu's saying,
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a 100 days you didn't get rid of him. us. a board is still not secure, and you failed to bring them home. so at a height of all, just sarah tennessee, in london, thousands of demonstrators gather that trafalgar square and supports of israel is rarely embassy organize the event. whole brendan ripples crowd approaching $20000.00 people, assembled a troll, found a square, many carrying blackouts with the names and photographs of the men, women, and babies still held by her mouth since october. the 7th, organized by a group called 710 human chain project, to speak as included, some of the relatives of the captain's health. for the past 100 days. these are read people. they're not just based on posters, so they thing every day in the thoroughly styles is the real. and there's the ration and by nutrition, especially for babies and uh and kids. it's unthinkable. so every day there's
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testers, we feel their pain, and we missed them so much. riley was typo stands with israel, while demonstrations intel aviv combine the $100.00 day with picture criticism of goodness and young governments, humbling of the complex and contrast the organizes and speakers of london gathering remains supportive of israel's ongoing ministry bombardment. we have standing next to is read, we have supporting is running with more than that. we call the fully started everything with these ready people who stand on the new ones. and hopefully that will end soon. but it will take most time as we understand it. on the stage, one speaker declared himself an unapologetic scientist. another describes the compartment of gaza as israel's most justified rule. which ends from nature for august grad crowd have been bring them home, bring them home now, but there is less consideration as of the best way to do this. but since how much in israel last negotiated an exchange of captives in november? not a single is really captive has been rescued by the is there any army that's despite
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extensive military operations and the killing of thousands of palestinian civilians pull brennan, i'll just 0 to $5.00 to square. at least 2 more palestinians have been arrested in the occupied the west bank. and the last few houses is where the forces continue. nightly rates is ready on a killed a total of 5 palestinians across the occupied westbank on sunday, including 2 in an hour there. right there, another one was 16 years old, a 14 year old was also killed. but i know so ton refugee camp, the jericho with jordan vonny. i'm that so who joins us not from okay. pod these truths and honda, what's the latest? you can tell us us we do know that there are raids across the occupied west bank tonight in nablus and the outskirts of but i'm a law hebron but it's not him policy. uh just to name a few. there's a big military incursion now in nablus, near the, in the jackson university. your,
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some 20 students are reportedly staging a sit in protests and currently uh, there are 2 demolitions currently ongoing for homes, a freed palestinian prisoners. these really are me says that the houses were built on the pre text without permits. additionally, we're looking at 2 arrests in the lubbock earlier on sunday to palestinian teenagers shocked me killed by these really occupation forces just outside the settlement of bait. in these really army releasing a statement saying that the 2 teenagers were quote, hurling multiple cocktails at an army base in my life where they were subsequently shot and killed their families to say that when they went to retrieve their bodies from the ambulances, they were shot out and how have the last 100 days that changed? ok. part westbank for the people living there is
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a significant shift across the occupied westbank. you have these really military who's really up to their nightly incursions and raids across the occupied was bank and an effort they say to crack down on arms palestinian resistance since october the 7th. and the last 100 days, 352 palestinians killed among them 94 children, 6000 arrested and 4000 others who have been injured. palestinians are living in a constant state of fear because of these really are me, but that's not the only threat they're facing. they're also facing extremist settler violence which has been on the rise since 2023. and often times the settlers arm bolden by israel's right wing government and they're also under the protection of these really military. so their crimes often go on punished. palestinians are resilience. in fact, their stories of generations of life under occupation tell that story. but they
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constantly say that they're ready for a change on the ground, and then they feel neglected by their own governance, and by the international community. they feel alone in this fight, and many of them not seeing the world outside of the confines of the west bank, where there has been a wall built around them separating them from the rest of the country. so while they are still hopeful, there is always that hope on the horizon. they say that nothing can get done unless there are people supporting them. but again, with israel's uptake in these res, with the ongoing settler violence, the last 100 days have really shaped the west bank in a situation where it is headed for the worst local say that it is out of boiling power points. but perhaps there was another conflict looming in the west bank and well, all of the eyes have been on garza and the near 24000 palestinians who had been
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killed there. there has still been these and nightly rates across the occupied westbank. those palestinians are losing their lives almost every single day, many of them getting arrested. and even this evening homes being demolished because of these really armies without update time to. so who would thank you. well, so to come here and i'll just here, i'm drawn 100 in iowa, were the 1st votes in the republican primary will be cash at conditions as cold as negative 20 degrees celsius on the swearing in of got tomatoes, you pressed, and all that has been delayed again, will be life for the next the brought to you by visit cut off. so i think, you know,
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has been really cold in north america down to at minus 46 in western canada. i back codes this morning tempted monday morning. a spread right, the way down through the plate and states and the midwest in the us in the event, she feels that code on the gulf coast where the real cold reaches the not so cold. there will be a line of snare when he got through, for example, tennessee day time time sheets are shown here. they sit on the low. so i've been marked at minus $21.00, kansas city at minus 16, and houston is only plus 3. well that's double surprised, i suppose it's a deep midwinter. but for the science we've got the office, they've got rooms and big thunderstorms in florida. also not a big surprise that it has dried things up in cuba and the you could time and it still won't mexico city as well as it was. but the sun is prevalent naturally. carol being very, very few showers. whereas, you know, something tennessee is getting very west of the moment. huge amounts are voted for in columbia, and this same area of the amazon basin backs rec window. and then towards believe
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you still goes potential for big showers. now it has been fairly recently in central option, tina that's drawing up the eastern side of the and these are our few shelves are basically still the houses. it was north as well as it was the was brought to you by visit castle hearing the have you had to be late. he says he has the support of 15 for em, samantha shaw. pick one moment down. asking questions. what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection, reporting from the action? not just give you a sense of what an easy target this places i'll just see. it was teams across the world. when you closer to the thoughts of the story, the
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you without just here a mind of the top stories that palestinians have now enjoyed $100.00 days of the people that those costs $100.00 days felt like a 100 years. well, that's the message from the human agency to kind of fund refugees. almost 24000 people into at least 2 palestinians have interested in the occupies of westbank because it's very forces notes. then 19 rates, the army, it kills a total of $500.00 students across to of the positive spike on sunday, including children demonstrators instead of they have, have held that 24 hour valley to demand the release of captives held in dallas and protests as an angry upfront and us to benjamin netanyahu government's handling of the crisis us present, joe biden has issued
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a statement on the $100.00 day of the board. garza makes an appeal for those being held captive off to a master's attack on is right. on the 7th of october, it says nothing of the 10s of thousands of palestinians killed by israel since then . she have a time, she has more on that statement from washington dc to it is very much a keeping with what we've heard from joe biden. over this 100 days. he marks the devastating and tragic miles started, but that's $100.00 days of captivity. for those taken on october, the 7th, for 100 days, they have existed in fear for their lives, not knowing what tomorrow will bring. their families have lived in agony. i'm the hostages and their families over the forefront of my mind and my national security team. and i will never forget the grief and suffering i heard from the families of the hostages. no one should have to enjoy even one day of what they have gone through much less than $100.00. or i'm sure this is very heartfelt. typically it
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must be a terrible button for all those involved. but yeah, no mention of the, of the palestinians. clearly you can, you can replace a lot of the, the fair, the suffering, the grief you know, with, with out of the palestinians. but he chose not to do so, but yeah, i mean, that's just very much what we've had consistently from the, by the administration. very time when we do here any mention of suffering. it's in relation to the part public opinion. how long can we, how will gladly help along the already bombardment before we approximately take your hips? it's pip biting doesn't like being cold genocide. joe is less concerned about the actual genocide because one of the coal genocide jack, but what we've consistent behind from the administration is there's plenty of time for that. as israel still has enough time before the heat of the campaign season to do whatever it has to do to keep the suffering will continue. but then the they might start getting a bit more wired and maybe a bit more concerned. maybe we'll get some more on the record information about
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what by confused about that suffering as the election approaches. because clearly, as we saw on saturday, hundreds of thousands of people are in the streets of the us. saying that this is the effect of us foreign policy. it's a failure personally of jo button, who apparently doesn't seem to recognize the humanity, a final sentence. us state of iowa for many k costa national concepts to choose a republican presidential candidate on monday. votes is will need to brave sub 0 temperatures to discuss who they want to be. the next president for engine reports from i it was capital demoya. it's a strange way to run an election. take the not particularly representative state, overwhelmingly white rule and heavily religious. then during the coldest and most inhospitable time of year, let it we know down the candidates for the most powerful job in the world. they can throw a blizzard at us in the iowa caucuses on monday. republicans are casting the 1st votes to be counted in the 2024 presidential primary campaign were leading
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massively and iowa. donald trump, for 77 year old former president who was voted out of office, has a runaway lead in the polls. i wanted big when they, they've talked as high as 40 percent. that would be delighted if it was a 40 percent win for trump. so all the sporting interest is in the battle for 2nd place with florida governor rhonda santas and former south carolina governor nikki haley sparring for the right to be the alternative to trump. presumably the top 3 vote theater sort of the republicans trapped to sanders and hailey on whatever 2nd and 3rd place order that happens to be that's what's gonna happen. i think that much of spectum haley hopes, winning silver in iowa. will mark the end of this and this campaign great. again. responsive of the weather has a vote. in this election, temperatures are expected to dip to minus 28 degrees celsius. that would make these
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of a clean list. iowa caucuses ever forecasters are calling. it flashed by conditions that could seriously depress, turn out and mean only the hardy is voters decide who wins. one major committed group in iowa or even geological christian. some are looking for an alternative, but despite trumps 3 divorces to impeach mints and $91.00 criminal charges. many of them like a lot of evangelicals have support for to. 1 that you just can't strip away because they see the things that are happening to him. they think he's being persecuted. they see him as a martyr with little suspense about who's likely to win in iowa, the campaigns focus now is largely on beating expectations. if you're the top dog and you're supposed to like cream, the competition and you kind of sorta do, but not quite often enough that can be a to see meeting or falling short of those expectations can determine who has momentum is the race moves on to other states john henry and l g 0, des moines,
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iowa. and what's a monitor is due to swear in the new president's but an audio arrival. he's promised to reform the justice system, incorrect donald corruption. he won the election held in august, but then faced legal challenges from conservatives in parliament, the spring tomato rapid and narrow his following developments from mexico city. somebody, well, he's swearing it and it's been played by today's and its been delayed once more. now, what seems to be going on, the good to be with you carry those delays continue. there is now growing concerned in guatemala, given the fact that the swearing in ceremony was scheduled to take place a little over 4 hours ago. congress continues to meet, continues to be the cause of this delay, the, the delay itself. as far as we understand, the stands from the fact that the members of congress have delayed the swearing in of new incoming members of congress. those that will be tasked with actually taking
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part in the actual area, swearing in ceremony a bit. and the longer that delays, the longer the actual presidential inauguration is delayed. this is concerning for various reasons. the 1st, it's the reason that we've seen protests of even the, on sunday on the day of an organization protests out on the streets outside of congress with demonstrators threatening to storm the congress building. escape the congress does not act on that. but for now, we do expect, given that congress is meeting, they will come to finalize the certifications of the new incoming congressman. there will be a swearing and we should note, but if that, if that doesn't happen by local time midnight. tonight, in guatemala, the head of the armed forces of guatemala becomes the interim president. that is something we don't want to get ahead of ourselves. we don't want to start to analyze what the implications of that might be right now. people are sort of cautious but optimistic that the swearing is going to happen in the coming hours.
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scary. and he came to power, didn't he on anti corruption platform. but how difficult would it be to actually put that into practice is extremely difficult. uh, carrier, do you speak to any political analysts in guatemala, or they'll tell you of the 1st thing that you end up talking about is the massive wave of migration that we've seen out of. got them all over the last year over the last few years. and the reason for that is the worst sitting economy, the worsening standard of living in the country, the whitening welf gap between the rich and the poor. in guatemala, all of that being said, symptomatic of deep rooted corruption in the country. and it's not an easy fix, it's not something that, that any incoming president would be able to get ahold of overnight. certainly. so not only is up and i'm out of the low at this point. you know, once he is warranted not only will be g b having to defend himself against these ongoing attacks from the attorney general
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attacks that are expected to continue attacks against his members of his party attacks against electoral authorities. but he's going to be dealing with a deeply divided congress that appears to be on the verge of its own political crisis as we speak. of the one thing that i've been out of the table does have to, his advantage is a significant support from the guatemalan citizenry. mainly from indigenous groups who have been very quick to react to any one of these attacks against members of this party, against the peaceful transition of power against the democratic process. and also that support from the international community. namely, the united states and the european union have, who have been quick to announce sanctions against, quote unquote, on democratic actors who seek to undermine the democratic process in guatemala. so for now, paying a very close attention to what happens next. but the expectation is that in the coming hours, we should hear consensus from congress that all of the new members have been sworn
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in, which would then lead to the official swearing and of the country's new president, the above. okay, and mexico city for us monumental. thank you. the columbia and all sorts is a searching for 10 people after a deadly mud slide on friday, present, gustavo, petro said, 33 people were killed. and much side struck a busy road in mountainous area, connecting the cities of crypto and maybe in the governor of the region where the downside occurred said search efforts within us for 3 days, but could be extended echo, as preston says old prison stock would have been taken hostage by inmates have been freed. hundreds of soldiers moved into the court to fax the prison for the negotiations with inmates. an order was restored. 158 gods and 20 prison stock members were taken hostage on monday and several facilities. volcanic
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eruption has forced hundreds of people to evacuate and southwest in iceland you have again. rescue workers are assessing the exact location and the direction in which the nava is flowing. so maybe a go has more daybreak over iceland and red tennis pen and see the west streams of molten rock and fires began to flow near the fishing town of green dick . this is the 2nd time since november that the houses are standing empty here. it's people have to flee, offer a surge of seismic activity. iceland, civil protection agency has raised as a lot system to its highest level signaling home to people, communities and the environment. it was only last november that the same area was evacuated of some full 1000 residents. huge cracks had a paid every with forcing the popular tourist destination of the blue lagoon spa result to shut down. his rescue is what quickly to build the barriers to protect
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the nearby g a single power station.


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