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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 15, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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of the the, [000:00:00;00] the net 824000 palestinians are killed and 100 days of his ready, bombardments in gauze un says more than 1000000 people are experiencing extreme food shots, the felon. kerry johnson. this is i'll just say we're well life. and so i also coming up and israel families of the caps has maintained pressure on the government to end
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the conflict. but for testing on the 100 day, at least 2 more palestinians have been arrested in the occupied westbank. as is ready, forces launched, new rates and protestants football team has a disappointing stock. this agent come from losing, through the beginning in gaza with palestinians of now in june with 100 days of war for the people that those past 100 days felt like a 100 years. but that's the message from the u. an agency, if i protest on refugees, almost 24000 palestinians have been killed since the war began around 10 and a half 1000 children. u. n is warning that the people running out of food hospitals in gauze that have been heavily targeted. the health industry says nearly 340 health records are among the dead or on these ready minutes. so he has also
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attacked journalists getting at least 117 media workers. hunting monthly begins our coverage now from russia and southern guns. and i'm always is walking through the remains of what was once is each of them is a search for a closer look. he seeks the glimmer of his the 3 children killed in his really air strikes for still buried under the russell about me. if you on how to nicole, you, unless i come here every day, you select the 3 children remaining under the rubble of the law to allow you most of them and how one can pull out the bodies will take a last look at that remaining. so model, but frank gone to them, this is our faith and we pray to god that we will be able to pull them off to see them in the middle of the palestinian civil defense. say it has no resources to dig through the rubble and retrieve the bodies. is rose wore on gauze
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a has lift its marks across the strip. a little raised refugee camp and central garza was home to 4 to 6000 palestinians who were really displaced before the war. let now entire neighborhoods are destroyed. after a 100 days of war, most of gaza is enrolling according to the united nations, israel's bombardment. how's it triggered the largest displacement of palestinian since a macbook or catastrophe? in 1948 people leading their homes have nowhere safe to go. private under vis. here on the 11th, there is no day that we do not move from place to place from darrow by law to con unit to rep. there are no goods as well and never know basic things needed for life . there is no lice, that's not the fault. we wish to have back to life conditions. we cannot find clean water other than the substitutes of life. this is also
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a humiliation. wherever you may turn your face, children are the most impacted and we adults are helpless. we can not help our children or even meet that basic needs. as the word drags on, it's taking away their hold for an instant this suffering. people in dog feel forgotten on, on save the believe. israel goal is to completely remove palestinians and from their land the words have been going on for a 100. they have left many feeling like it will never and honey my mode. i'll just be at uh about. the southern garza demonstrates as in tennessee have held that 24 are ready to dive on the release of captives housing, gaza to express the anger at prime minister benjamin netanyahu as his government's handling of the crisis. so hara has this report from tennessee
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a 100 seconds of silence intel of these a 100 days to many save the, kept his families as they took to the stage. what's become known as hostage squad? visually there 136 hostages did. we're waiting for the old h minutes, h sick and they were kidnapped because the state file because we filed and now we must do everything easily sent to release the november's temporary si, fi deal between israel and from us through mediators sold the release of the hall for the 240 captives their return was promising and helped to provide the proof of life needed to some of those left behind. but the deal ended and there's been no sign of another so far. israel has rejected how must his condition to end the war, which has already killed maybe 24000 palestinians. if anything prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu filed on sunday to continue the shuttle home, one of the things that's become clear is that we must wage this war ended to take many more months. that is why we're bringing a revised annual budget today. it requires us to spend much more on security that we planned for those things to be back in is around the slides. vista viable has ended, but the agony continues, especially for those whose relatives are still inside garza the been kidnapped is not knowing if and when your next meal will arrive. it's feeling suffocated at all hours of the day and not knowing when you will get to see the light of day to thousands of his right. these are also cooling for an early election next. and you all hate to resign because failing to protect the country on october, the 7th. and so the inability to bring back all the caps,
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it's best squire has become symbolic, a place that you're not, it's a place to grieve, a place to cool function with many saying that is no victory until all the caps is approved. time no, not. so the price, even if that means an immediate answer to this $24.00, riley has demonstrated a shift towards a more angry chain from some of the relatives because they accused the government is neglecting the caps is start the addressing netanyahu's saying a 100 days you didn't get rid of him, us. a board is still not secure and you failed to bring them home. so the height of all, just sarah tennessee, the number of students have been arrested in the occupies westbank because these very forces carry out the nightly rates. the army rated the campus of and john university, annapolis, with acts of a switch staging a. c. 10 troops killed 5 palestinians across the occupied westbank on sunday,
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including 2 and the other. a net remo, one was 16 years old, a 14 year old was also killed and sold ton that refugee camp named jericho, and the jordan friday from the so who joins us now from ok part east jerusalem hemmed up. what more could you tell us about these latest rates of a developing situation in nablus were several student activists were staging a sit in, reportedly protesting high tuition price is when the is really army rated the university campus and arrested. several of those students were also following raids into my law and the outskirts, and that left him jericho had put on and politically in the, in the model that we're looking at to arrest so far and didn't quite a clearly, we do know that though, that there had been exchanges of fire after these really military entered to demolish 2 homes of 2 different freed palestinian prisoners. these really armies
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says that the homes were quote, built under the pretext without a permit, and that's why they're being demolished. so they came in the middle of the night. additionally, we do know that earlier in the day and near the illegal westbank settlement of bates into palestinian teenagers were shot and killed these really army. releasing a statement about that. saying that the 2 teens were quote, going to throw molotov cocktails at a base there, and i'm, all of their bodies were handed over to their families later. however, the families are saying that when to when they went to go retrieve those bodies from the ambulance is one of them was withheld. and in fact, when the 1st one was retrieved, the families and the ambulance were shot out. so still ongoing and developing situations across the occupied west bank this morning. from the things products update. the us says it has shot down an anti ship cruise missiles
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followed by humans whose these while the group had threatened, a strong response saw us launch another attack on again and over the weekend. the protests following that strike. oh, she had a good time sees in washington dc for she had tell us more about what's being said hit we're that much, but this would be the seconds of the ship, but the signal solve it by having fees of launched since the us began bombings with the targets late last week, so we just have this some come release which says on january 14th and approximately 4 45 pm sign off time and, and the ship christmas. i was fired from around you in about 2 or 3 minutes and areas of human toward us as the level which is operating in the southern red sea. the missile was shut down in the vicinity of the credit of a data by us fighter aircraft. they were there injuries or damage reported and so not too much, just the 2nd attack reported by some come from the face since since the us building
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the guy. i guess the 2 other interesting things tonight that's it's, that's totally the best thing for them. as i was last toward the us as level, but not suggesting it was being targeted, we weren't gonna watch out for that language. so it was just, you know, the level would happen to be in the vicinity. it's don't say whether that was actually the target. um it's interesting that just a few hours before we receive this from something come we received a complaint from a who's the spokesman mohammed abdul sloane, who said that the us aircraft and that it was a flight in place. do you have any aspects and coastal areas on sunday? and he said that the activity by court enemy aircraft was a blatant violation of national sovereignty. so us crop the coordinator. things haven't been buzzing the area. uh, over the course of sunday i'm dismissed. i was actually shut down by us by to jet. should have thank you very much. indeed. a china is according for a large scale international peace conference to discuss the establishment of a palestinian state. chinese foreign minister wine. he also called for
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a cease fire in gaza during a meeting with the egyptian foreign minister in colorado. he says beijing is worried about declaring threats of a why the conflicts, katrina u as in basing for us now. well katrina, what more can you tell us about what when you had to say that the lease currently on a tour of africa and the middle east is now is new z a and he released the statement or stopped in egypt where he met with a foreign minister as well as the secretary general of the league of our state. now throughout this entire tool, gaza really is dominating one use discussions and what he's calling for in the state. and not a press conference gave in egypt is a large scale peace conference. one that is effective and a source has to have to find a solution to end the war in gaza. and it does reveal the fact that china has grown impatient, that it is disappointed that there has been no concrete solutions coming out of like for example,
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the 12 and process is at the united nations. and it feels that not not is being done by the international community to end this crisis. now his language and not saving also does reveal some encasements in patients. here is rates extreme loss of life in gaza. the damaged infrastructure. china is also undoubtedly very concerned that this public spirally out of control now will see it intensified in yemen, for example. and without naming names, without actually mentioning israel, china. so once a peace conference, almost international community to come together to put more pressure on israel to implement a q state solution, actually talk about a practical end to this war and doesn't fill you in beijing for us. thank a well coming up. opposite break. here on al jazeera taiwanda, new president elect to defend from once he calls china's intimidation
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and the swearing in of got tomatoes. new presence has been delayed again. will be life the you expect to see how try to come in and stay during the winter. this one is no exceptions about being never done cuz noticed the color that comes out of the constant across the warmish water. i guess quite possibly visit conditions for how carter and stay certainly floating on the mountains of home shoot. where's surprisingly it's sunshine, not especially cold in northern china. it's been quite warm and the sinus infection . temperatures are still in the highest grade into 20. 1 is coming down to about 7 degrees with rain, which is actually the season coming on the yankee. slowly. this move away from east asia for the surface is narrow as it should be. huge amount as of right and usually
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by the, in the afternoon. thunder storms throughout java, sticky sumatra and boring here. and i think some philippines fact virtually everywhere surf of the central philippines. it's got potential for big. so i'm just, those should be drawn, india and pakistan in bangladesh. entities gets cold at night that the near freezing in new delhi, any fat the fog will last until the end of the off the morning fucking smoke is fairly typical. that's true. also, in pakistan, attempt to that'd be down to back minus one else i'm about by doing the by day for up to about 70, which is not far away from you should be sunshine prevails. but in afghanistan, no big surprise there will be some snow and the have the right to boycott. anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that was just opening my annual contract from the state of arizona. and
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i was rather shocked to see this 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people closed for freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights got chosen to bless us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue to do on a state level. all that i can to support the one on tuesday around the the you without just here a mind of the top storage palestinians have now enjoyed 100 days of people that those past 100 days felt like a 100 years for that's the message from the un agency for the kind of stein refugees,
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almost 24000 people have been killed. demonstrators in tennessee have held a 24 hour rad each of them on the release of captives, housing guns and protests design grant funding. this to benjamin. that's in the government's handling of the cross. at least 2 palestinians has been arrested in the okay. far as the westbank cause it's very forces village then 19 rates. the army. it killed a total of $500.00 students across the occupied press back on sunday, including children. china has criticize united states, united kingdom and japan, for congratulating tie ones uni that need to on his victory. beijing accuses the 3 nations of interfering and in other countries. internal assess, tony chang has more and i phone time. it was an impressive victory and, and unprecedented the to the tie. one's democratic progressive party, put a note of caution from the president elect to his supporters and didn't get
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everything that way. like over in the legislative elections, the d p. p did not hold onto a majority. this means that we did not work hard enough on the areas where we must humbly review and look back for sure. a lot of the nationalist k m t policy. there was no controls, the largest block, and the not just that you might have been much. and even if they failed again to get the top job even the time on people's party, you finish to have a significant voting bloc woman. potential king make has international recognition . applies victory was muted. many leaders with china will not be pleased by his success to biden's initial reaction. we do not support independence. it's a curious statement from a friend. it's committed to your defense without being. what was that message for the people of taiwan way or the leaders and aging, and probably
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a little bit of both. i think the 1st audience, the mind is likely by doing that. um us is telling the aging that, hey, uh, they have a pro us cohen ty, canada is coming into power. however, that does not mean that you intend to do anything that would dramatically come anyway near crossing buildings. red lines, maintaining the status quote appears to be what time ones votes is really want. and they don't have to look far to see the dangers of a president with on check powers and control. when he's supposed to have made a very particular choice, if elected a d, p, p president is going to give them continuity and stability. at the same time, his power is going to be kept in check by legislature. he doesn't control tony chang, l, g 0 type altamont, or is due to swear in a new president's. but in order to he's brought us to a phone,
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the justice system and crank down on corruption. he won the election held in august, but then faced legal challenges from conservatives in parliament, but speak to my own baffling uh, his following developments for us from mexico. so you know, he's swearing and has been plague by delays, but i believe he has now arrived at the venue for the integration. that's right, terry. tensions do seem to have come down after a day of protests in guatemala city, with demonstrators even threatening the storm. the national congress building in guatemala city after several hours of delays by the national congress, unable to or unwilling to swear in the new members of congress, those delays appear to be over a new congress is now in session, i will read you a tweet uh that uh, uh, bid them out of the little postage just moments ago. he said everything is ready to celebrate the new spring. in guatemala,
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see you in the square again. tensions of subsided. it appears as though those classes that were causing quite a bit of concern earlier on sunday, other dramatic pictures of demonstrators classing, flashing with riot police that is now over people. now, just at this point waiting, even though we don't know exactly when that moment is going to be, it seems as though it is only moments away. but again, a day of tension, a day of concerns, a day of concerns that follows weeks and months of attentions in guatemala. the rest and persecution of members of them out of the bellows party investigations against the electoral observers. arrest words are against the electoral official officials, rather with new worth noting here, terry is that behind every one of these attacks to undermine the peaceful transition of power that has been in almost immediate response from the citizens in guatemala, especially from indigenous communities. guatemala is also counted on
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a tremendous support from the international community. we've been hearing from leaders throughout the americas saying that the world is watching, urging the national congress to move forward with the swearing and of them out of the idea of a low in the days leading up to this or before sanctions announced by both united states and the european union against, quote and quote on democratic actors in guatemala that sought to prevent them out of the unable of from becoming president. one thing that i can tell you after many conversations over the course of the last few days with reporters on the ground with political analysts, with, with people that we know in guatemala, is that is there is a tremendous amount of hope in the air. people really do believe that this incoming administration will do more to stop impunity to weed out corruption, which many people in the countries say is the source of all of the countries own. certainly the reason why thousands and thousands of lead flood bought them all over the course of the last few years, seeking
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a better life in the united states. right, well thanks so much indeed. so echo as president says old prison stuff, we've been taken hostage by inmates, have been freed. hundreds of soldiers moved into the courts of fox, the prison pulled out of negotiation inmates an order was restored. $158.20 prison staff members were taken hostage on monday in several facilities. i sondra via to use photo developments from the fort city of wine to midway, that that was the only for the after 6 days of uncertainty and anguish, a moment of relief, all except one of the 179 prison guards and stuff held hostage by inmates and 7 prisons of cross eck weather had been released on saturday night
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security prices that has been spiraling out of control has been quelled for now. president daniel and noble, i declared a state of war and tuesday and designated the gangs this terrorist organizations of we do the social media platform x to congratulate the police armed forces and the prisoner tories on a successful operation. kathrine man, child, that was one of the captured guards. the 25 years old could barely contain her emotions, as she recounted the days she's spending captivity at the cook duplex, the prison near the capital key to see it in yellow nickel. so now the fate can see me, day in and day i until i go side. i still was about hugging my fiance all the time . the 1st day i was hoping they'd let us go after a few hours. then the night came and i understood that we would not going to be that guy. one of the guards died in
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a brief confrontation between the police and the inmates in one of the prisons, but most of the release took place with no incident. as the prisoners let the security forces we take control of the jails. in recent years, equity, there has been living through and presidents and security crisis fuel by drug trafficking that it was toys. these have failed to address during getting to one of the most dangerous countries in latin america. again, the leader in the to the prison in queen who held 21 guards hostage. so the decision to release them was an active piece. the queen sized the government for not allowing food, water, and cutting electricity inside the prisons. she is going to be a little bit less easier. but again, if the president wants us to apologize, we kind of apologize. he won the war, but he showed help us to reintegrate it's a society. we know we can't fight to stay so we want to adhere to its rules. but
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the abuse of power needs to end on our right to live, protect the release of all the hostages is a major political victory for president danielle and noble and this promise of a hard line crack down on the gangs. but it's unlikely on its own. 2 and a deep security crisis that's been worst sending for years. i listen that i'm get the address the y axis. children are being recruited in sit down as a war between the army and the power minute to rapid support. forces us, according to video footage, from battles in human rights groups, give a morgan reports from how to the most mood was the middle school students when worst started between sedans, army and the parent military rapids support forces last april, due to the tough conditions as a result of the war, the 16 year old started working as a day labor to help support his family. he says he was carrying goods to sell when he was captured by the parent military are
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a staff who forced him to work for them. they're having to do all right, stuff captured me and put me in a pick up truck off the beach and me then they threatened me that they would kill me if i didn't work with them and do what they told me to do. they forced me to god the things they knew took the 1st few days and they said they'll teach me. how's the carrier agree enough? i asked them what that was. they said it's a big gun because of the runaway, the moment i got the opportunity, he wasn't the only under age forced to join the parent military force and went for a long time. they was stealing things from around the factories and onto them on when we ran into them and they forced us to go with them. will that make us carry things that they steal and take it with them to be solid? when, when not stealing with them and carrying the things, they locked us up. they say they'll train us to 5. i carried a gun a few times, which they said will make people feel me. the rest of has long been accused of recruiting children. even though the rest of has repeatedly denied the accusation since the worst started in april,
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several videos have emerged showing seemingly young children on the front lines. the international committee of the red cross i c r. c. received dozens of chow soldiers who were recruited by the recess and captured by the army. the war between the army and the r a sep, has created the largest displacement among children in the world, the you and says, that's mixed children into them. more vulnerable to being recruited with the expansion of the war and the resulting economic crisis. they are concerned that's more and more children will be dragged into the conflict of the un has called for an end to the recruitment of children. and it is unacceptable that the kids are being recruited. this has to still now we see on this stuff have been very explicit and will continue to reiterate the importance of the parties to the conflict,
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to adhere to the international humanitarian law and international human rights. lo, my mood says he hopes to resume his studies when the were ends, but he's not sure if he'll be able to get over the days he was forced to spend on the battlefield. he but morgan knowledges 0 hard to him. but us times the asian cup campaign is dotted with defeat to run, and what has been an emotional journey for the players against the backdrop on the wall and goes up to and i got your real sca was that the match education, city state, the palestine football players have become ambassadors for that country at a time of war. and funds from different nationalities came to that opening asian comp matched to show supports as much for the team as for the people in palestine, no one and tell them, stay strong. i know that things are really hard, but just stay strong for your country and we hope to see post sense back as a country we're here to support pub this time and it will support all this time
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with every single thing we have. yeah, i just want to say that you don't have to be, i'm stand with them just like you have to be a human 1st. that's why don't some guys us. so with everything going on, i just feel like showing your support for the countries. the most important thing, even if you're not promising in just being in solidarity with every way shape. so those teams held a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives because the war on garza out on the pitch iran got straight down to business. it took the 3 time agent champions, just 2 minutes to go ahead through cutting on sadie. thought iran sit 21st in the world rankings well, palestine and 9 to 9 and the radians made it so showed a highly inside the double the lead and the 12 minutes and


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