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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 15, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the intense gunfire and drones, overhead, those fighting raged and fond units in the south of gauze. the hello, i'm darn jordan, this is not, is there a life go home? so coming in israel, families of those being held captive and concept protest keeping up the pressure on their governments to end of these 25 students have interest in buys rainy forces during
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a rate in the upside west by swearing in the flushing on his new president has been delayed again, will be lines with electric, the beginning gaza weight. intense gunfire has been heard in con eunice in the southern part of the strip over night. the battles are taking place between palestinian fighters and is really forces. drones can be heard flying overhead, almost $24000.00 honest indians have been killed since the war began around 10 and a half 1000 of those children under 0 is honey loc movie begins coverage from a rafa and southern gaza. while we is walking through the remains of what was once he's on the beach is dave is a search for a closer look. he seeks
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a glimmer of his. the 3 children built in his regularly air strikes for still buried under the rustle above me. it's human on how no clue. i come here every day . still after 3 children remaining under the rubble of the law to allow your muscle . and hope one can pull out the bodies will take a last look at the remaining cell model. but frank calling from this is our faith and we prayed to god that we will be able to pull them off to see them in the middle of the palestinian civil defense faith. it has no resources to dig through the rubble and retrieve the bodies. israel's war on gauze it has lift its marks across the strip. elbow raised refugee camp in central gauze was home to 46000 palestinians who were really displaced before the war. the, let's now entire neighborhoods are destroyed. after a 100 days of war,
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most of gaza is enrolling according to the united nations, israel's bombardment. how's it triggered the largest displacement of how is simeon since a macbook or catastrophe. in 1948 people leading their homes have nowhere safe to go. private on a vis here on the 11th, there is no day that we do not move from place to place from darrow by law. to con unit to ref, bottles, there are no goods as well and never know basic things needed for licensed. there is no lice, and that's not the fault. we wish to have back to live conditions. we cannot find clean water or other than the substitutes of life. this is also a humiliation. wherever you may turn your face, children are the most impacted. um we adults are helpless, we cannot help our children or even meet that basic needs. as the word drags on, it's taking away their hold for an instant this suffering peopling dog a feel for got in on on safe b believe is ro,
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goal is to completely remove palestinians and from their land the words have been going on for a 100. they have lived many feeling like it will never and honey my mode. i'll just be at uh about the other and garza israel's one guns that has led to one of the world's most severe health crises. most hospitals in gauze now not functioning, not to do, but the doctor has worked with palestinians for more than 20 years. he says hospitals continue to be targets for his radio strong. up in the north, the situation is beyond desperate. i just had a cold from the mayor of gas a fitted today, and they told me that they have not received. i dropped off fuel since the motions and supplies started to come in. and of course got the city mostly a being forcefully emptied of people. there are still a 6 digit,
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the thousands of people living in the north needing medical supply and beating boned she for hospital stays, still has, has patients but have own almost no medical function. so it's more like a 1st aid station. as for in the hospitals, in the south, we know that deluxe the hospital is being bombed. we know that the 2 medical international teams that were there from m. s. f one from and may have left because of the dangers. and we know that these really occupation army are shooting artillery shells straight into the i see you in apartment. so it is a horrible situation. um the health care capacity is uh of course not sufficient but old to handle this must've number of $61000.00 injured um and add to that uh, not only the spouse, the number of staff and the bed capacity, but they are liking everything. they don't have to buy optics, they don't have an aesthetic drugs, they don't have i v fluids. they don't have this. in fact, it's because of
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a systematic mind made health disaster. remember, this is not a whole kind of direction in iceland. this is planned and executed by this really government with full support from the us. it's the worst model made medical disaster in modern history actually need to close on on their 100 state as well as mass. gilbert was saying that hospitals and garza suffering from staff shortages like a few and medicines, i meant relentless is ready bombing health k work as well, and that the psychological impact of the will on children is immense. and i have no outside the we've noticed several symptoms amongst both children and adults, including confidence doctoring oscillation, loss of appetite, complaining of physical symptoms with no medical causes and a loss of fear. and some children are refusing to go to the boss or the loan. and even not children are refusing to go to sleep unless they are accompanied by one of your parents when the impact is huge. demonstrations and kind of even how the
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$24.00 are running to them on the release of captives held in gaza. they vented their around good prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his government's handling of the crisis. sarah, hi renters. this report from kind of a 100 seconds of silence. intel, of these a 100 days to many save the captain's families as they took to the stage. what's become known as hostage squad? visually there, 136 hostages did. we're waiting for the old h minutes. h sick and they were kidnapped because the state style, because we felt and now we must do everything easily sent to release. they may be down november temporary si, fi deal between israel and from us through media to sold the release of the hall for the $240.00 captive. their return was promising and helped to
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provide the proof of life needed to some of those left behind. but the deal ended and there's been no sign of another so far. israel has rejected how must his condition to end the will, which has already killed maybe 24000 palestinians. if anything prime minister benjamin netanyahu filed on sunday to continue the shauna. one of the things that's become clear is that we must wage this war, ended to take many more months. that is why we're bringing a revised annual budget today. it requires us to spend much more on security that we planned. today's safety back in is around the slides, vista viable has ended. the agony continues, especially for those whose relatives are still inside garza the been kidnapped is not knowing if and when your next meal will arrive. it's feeling suffocated at all hours of the day. not knowing when you will get to see
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the light of day to thousands of his right. these are also cooling for an early election next. and you all hate to resign since failing to protect the country on october, the 7th. and so the inability to bring back all the captives. this squire has become symbolic, a place that you not, it's a place to grieve, a place to cool functions with many saying that is no victory until all the come to a brute time. no, not so the price, even if that means an immediate answer to this $24.00, riley has demonstrated a shift towards a more angry chain from some of the relatives because they accused the government is neglecting the caps is start the addressing netanyahu's saying a 100 days you didn't get rid of him, us. a board is still not secure and you failed to bring them home. so the height of all, just sarah tennessee, at least $25.00 students have been arrested in the occupied westbank because it's
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ready for us as carry out the night. the raids, the army ready to the compass of unnatural university and numberless were active as was staging. i set him on his ready troops killed 5 palestinians across the off by the west bank on sunday and couldn't to in i'll get it. and they were a mother and a 14 year old was killed at the i'm full time with the g company, jericho. i'm a jump june, joins us live now from ramallah in the occupied westbank, mom and so just bring us up to date with the latest on these is right. he writes of the so there and let me 1st speak to that rate that happened on the campus of and there's a huge diversity in nablus. in that rate. as you mentioned, we're told that there were at least 25 students that were arrested. they were staging a sit in and a protest, and we're told that while that was going on, they were receiving text messages from the is really army, as they rated, telling them that they needed to surrender immediately. also,
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i should mention what happened in that you that is an illegal settlement on sunday evening late in the evening. you had to palestinian teenagers that were shot and killed by the israeli army. one was age 16 when was age 17. now these rarely army released the statements saying that those 2 teens had been preparing to pro molotov cocktails towards the settlement. the legal settlement of the families of those 2 teams that were killed said that at one point the bodies were being held. and that when they were finally released to them, when those families were going for the ambulance to collect the bodies of their sons, that they were shot out, but at the bodies have since been released. we should also mention of course the, the, the a that is a city in the occupied west bank. there is lots of reports that in the overnight hours there were numerous is really army vehicles entering several bulldozers uh that they demolished the homes of 2 different freed palestinian prisoners. uh these really army says that those homes had been built without a permit. and this all going to show that again,
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it just as happens every day throughout the occupied westbank. the rage by the israeli army have become part of the fabric of daily life here. when you go to these areas as me and my team, i've been doing often after these raise these towns, villages, refugee camp cities wrapped occupied with banks. what you hear again and again palestinian saying that this is a form of collective punishment. and that they believe that the israeli army is demolishing infrastructure in these areas in order to try to turn them against the palestinian resistance fighters in those areas there in mama, thank it's now the us says, i've shut down an anti ship cruise, marseilles 5 by humans. who sees the group and threatened a strong response on to the us launched another attack on yemen over the weekend. i'll just say what you have potentially has moved from washington dc. this would be the seconds out of the ship, but a sickness of it, but who fees have launched since the us began bowman, who is the targets late last week. so we just have the sub come release,
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which says on january 14th and approximately 4 45 pm signed off time. and on the ship christmas, i was fired from around noon back to the minutes and areas of human toward us as level which is operating in the southern red sea. the messiah was shut down in the vicinity of the christopher data by us to fight to aircraft. they were there injuries or damage reported. so not too much, just the 2nd attack reported by sub comp, for all the things since, since the us building the gap. i guess the 2 other interesting things tonight that's it's, that's totally, that's saying that the messiah was lost towards the us, us level, but also addressing it was being targeted. you were going to watch out for that language. so it was just, you know, the mood happened to be in the vicinity is not say whether that was actually the targets. and it's interesting to just a few hours before we receive this from sun. com. we received a complaint from a who was the spokesman mohammed abdullah sloane, who said that the us aircraft is that it was. busy flooding 1st, do you have any aspects and coastal areas on sunday?
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and he said that the activity backward enemy aircraft was a blatant violation of national sovereignty. so you as a profit coordinator, things have been buzzing the area. uh, over the course of sunday i'm dismissed. i was actually shut down by us by to jet as china this coding for a large scale international peace conference to discuss the establishment of a palestinian state. chinese 5 minutes, the one he also called for a cease fire in garza, during a meeting with egyptian foreign minister in colorado. he says beijing is worried about the growing threat of a wider conflict between a you as more from vision. a ton is 4 minutes to one is currently on a tour of the middle east and africa. he's now it's new z a and he made these comments. a officer stopped in cairo where he met with addiction for administer, as well as the 60 general of the arab league of states and the war in gaza, dominated those troops. now in the statement one g is calling for a larger scale peace conference to discuss the implementation of
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a 2 state solution between palestine and israel. it seems that the aging feels that nothing, nothing is being done by the international community to bring an end to this crisis is also disappointed that hasn't been more concrete solutions to come out of the discussions and processes at the united nations. now if you go through the language of the statements and we listen to what one you said during the press conference in egypt, it's very clear that he is quite impatient with the situation. now the voice going on for 100 day, you see raise rates, extreme loss of life, civilian life. damaged infrastructure in garza aging is all $63.00 me concerned about this will spreading out it to other areas now that it's watching it. this price is intensifying. now coming to gm, and now also in this statement, aging did not directly refer to israel, but what it is hoping for is that this larger scale peace conference will bring more international pressure on the latest in television, it seems that the agent feels, it knows enough is being done by israel to actually practically implement steps towards the 2 state solution. and it's all taken seriously enough. an end to this
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one is really you out a 0 agent type a short break here. and i'll just say about when we come back a new volcanic eruption in iceland, it's written as a fishing village as excuse out lava setting homes on file or not the the, the readings like you know, for fairly well. administrative is a relative. this is dakota times you for any water, but if you get, i don't show bree use actually doing talk here and they're getting grease. so the temp just tend to rise and with the cost comes moisture. so it big sounds or found a song through southern 13 and factory for most of the took in the temperature up to about 15 to this time. both. we've had rain in lebanon south, is that where it looks like it's mainly a sunny pictures, temperatures about where they should be, and a subsidy. reese is also in their score in, for example, though,
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huh. 29 is. what about the average to be about $20.00 to $23.00. this time to be able to go 29 on monday in the sunshine, which drops just a little bit as we pick up a bit of a noisily during choose day. otherwise. nothing too surprising here. at this time the a, you'd expect older, right? in africa to be signed for the a quite which is roughly speaking here. and it is, there are a few shells around like victoria, uganda times a day or, and maybe in kenya. but they range from the sides and it's been causing some funds in parts of south africa, but it's also manifesting a storm, a tropical side time. she's on his way across the radio. and during monday it will affect verses. you go to the out of bands of the shelves for the east going south. so to leave and you know, behind during to say that's will be the 1st story of this size in 6 is the, it's undisputed, the $72.00 muslims were massacred in the village of indiana,
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india, and 1987 witnesses say the perpetrators or a mobiles locals along side the state governments prevention of constabulary personnel. over 30 years later, the district court acquitted the accused to date no one has been as accountable. people in power asks why the victims continue to be denied justice. india is forgotten, must occur on the jersey to the, the, [000:00:00;00] the broken back you're watching. how does the record remind a bunch of stories here? this, all of this an intense gun? fine hon. use of the night in the south of the goddess street. the battle is not
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taking place between palestinian fights, has on his right before since almost 24000 killed. the central began demonstrates as in tennessee, the principal run needs to mom, the release of captives helgren's jobs. protest is angry at 5 minutes, defending the mention, the other governments on these are these ready armies arrested at least $25.00 students in the upside west funds during a raid on the campus of the unnatural universe, the numberless october stage and a citizen that was very troops killed 5 tell us to me. i was across the territory on sunday. now. gosh, them olive as soon swearing a new president, but not the other fellow. he's promised to reform the justice system and crack down them corruption. they want the election to have in august, but then face legal challenges from conservatives in parliament. that's bringing money over. i follow he's following developments for us from mexico city money. so i have a lot of swearing and has been played by july. he's kind of what's been happening now. it's aaron,
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i wish i could tell you that the presidents weren't at this point. we knew that there would be delays uh to the actual inauguration ceremony, but i don't think anybody could've imagined that it would be more than 8 hours worth of delays of what we know as the reason being is that was standing in the way of the swearing in ceremony, that's out of the way. now a 159 new members of congress have been sworn and actually something that's happened just in the last hour is that the send me a party or the seed party. this is a bit amount of the why they follow his political party, which had previously been banned as re, was re gained their recognition as an official party in congress. the new, incoming 10th national legislature got them all as voted in their president of congress. so there really is nothing at this point standing in the way of the swearing in ceremony from taking place that is expected to happen here in the next few moments. in fact,
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it has to happen because according to got them all his own constitution, if by midnight the swearing in ceremony does not happen, then the country moves to establish the head of the country's armed forces. as the interim president, still time before. uh that would happen. so we don't want to speculate over what kind of implications that would have. i want to read you just very quickly, the tweet by better not about a low just in the last few hours when it was determined that he would be sworn in that send me up was a granted party status. once more he said quote, on the social media platform x, everything is ready to celebrate the new spring in what they might not see you in the square. so at this point it's really what it's been for the last 8. 4 hours or so it's a waiting game, but we do anticipate that here, momentarily guatemala will be swearing and it's new. present. yeah, money has been talking to you is showing pictures to have you as that of that stage is all set and ready, but nothing's happening there. i'm not coming out. i don't know what came to power
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on this empty corruption platform, but he faces some huge challenges ahead that doesn't take to the stage is ready. nothing's happening now, but so much has happened over the course of the last 24 hours. so what has happened over the course of the last few months with all these attempts to undermine the peaceful transition of power to undermine the democratic process? in guatemala and these are challenges that the incoming president is going to continue to face as, as he begins his 4 year mandate. but on the issue of corruption, specifically it's the number one reason, the number one topic, an issue on the minds of the average guatemalan. you know what i've been speaking to political and, and analyst and got them all over the course last few days. and it's always the topic of migration why thousands of guatemalans of fled the country over the course of the last few years, leaving is migrants leading is asylum seekers looking for a better life in the united states. because of we're sitting economic conditions.
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it's because of worsening living standards because of a whitening welf gap in the country. and this is all system the symptomatic of deep rooted corruption in the country. one thing, one advantage that the incoming administration of that amount of the audio has, is just the amount of support that he counts on from the citizenry. in guatemala, that of support, that is, administration is going to count on from the international community. namely, the united states and the european union, who were quick to point out to announce the sanctions against, quote unquote, on democratic actors who sought to undermine that democratic process in guatemala. so despite this being a massive challenge, guatemala, known as be one of the most corrupt countries in the western hemisphere, if not in the world, certainly a big challenge. but one where he does at the very least, count on the support of the people of guatemala. all right, the amount of wrapping of their life's and mexico city money. thank you. to echo now where police in the army have taken back control of the country's prisoners, often a 180 members of stuff that have been taken hostage by the inmates were released.
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authorities have been battling to take control of the country's jail since last week. but a dangerous drug note escape prison, and the president declared a state of emergency a sound run. patty has more from black you just hours after the surprise release of the hostages held for days by inmates like weather security forces moved in to regain control of the country's prison. in the coastal city of my trial of soldiers entered the facility, encountering little resistance inside police footage showed how the officers found weapons hidden in the jails walls. similar scenes repeatedly another detention centers across the country in the city of less than half naked inmates were forced to sing the national anthem. well, police raised those flag, restoring order inside the country's dangerous presence is
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a priority for president. the new boy, after he declared a state of internal conflict in the country earlier last week, it gave the military sweeping powers to confront criminal gangs responsible for an unprecedented wave of violence that shot the country following the government's initial crackdown. it will be sent to your successive governments, have helplessly witnessed the expansion of the drunkard cows in a country that has become one of the main logistical huts for cocaine trafficking. re taking control of the prison's will likely help quell this immediate emergency. but most of the analysts here agreed that dressing the underlying causes so back whether it's crisis will be a much more difficult task. political and at least gabrielle up on china says the recently elected noble as so far showed little in terms of a plan to address drug cartels infiltration in state institutions that i don't mean . so i know things almost all the same as long as we do not have
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a system where the judge is. prosecutors, police and military ill, truly in the service of the country and not other service of criminals, will not be able to resolve this issue. while others fear just how far the military might go outside of a problem. so let me think, rowdy, i'm going to go up the, let's get one to see what usually happens and has happened. not only in a condo in may, and america is that when you on the, on the forces for results that are in the cost of the, on forces, the chief them at any cost is going to. but that is why it seems important to me that we remain watchful those and that we said limits on the use of for the meters as well. of course, the noble as gambits offer some of the political opportunity to try to den the criminal organizations reach. allison that i'm get, i'm just the way you at least 11 people have been killed in flooding in brazil. heavy rain hit re edition arrow on the weekend flooding the city streets metro lines and homes. across the wide of state,
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the weather brought down trees and cause land slides. a state of emergency has not been to current in columbia, how far it is are searching for 10 people off to a deadly mudslide. on friday, president gustavo petros at 53 people were killed, a much live, it's a busy road that amounts in this area, connecting the cities of kingdom and mid that you know, it kind of corruption. and as far as hundreds of people to evacuate the homes in south west iceland, yet again, rescue workers are assessing the exact location and the direction in which the lava is flowing out to 0 san diego. as this report. daybreak of iceland and rec, tennis pen and see the west streams of molten rock, i'm size began to float into the fishing town of green dick. this is the 2nd time since november that the houses are standing empty here. it's people have to flee,
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offer a surge of seismic activity. iceland, civil protection agency has raised as a lot system to its highest level signaling home to people, communities and the environment. it was only last november that the same area was evacuated of some full 1000 residents. huge cracks had a paid every with forcing the popular tories destination of the blue lagoon spa result to shut down his rescue as what quickly to build barriers to protect the nearby g. a single power station people were eventually allowed to return back to the homes 6 weeks later. but it split this seismic activity is fall from over here tomorrow. and we're working with the scientists and continuously assessing the situation that we are looking at a lava flow model. to understand the volcano so and look at what actions can be taken to protect the infrastructure that could be at risk. iceland, location above a volcanic hot spot in the north atlantic means us quakes are
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a common occurrence. it average is one or option every 4 to 5 years. but this particular part of the country has experienced 5 and less than 2 years, causing widespread disruption and hazards each time the ground trembles. sonya jago, elders era. as the german chancellor laughed schultz has joined thousands of people protesting against the far right. people are angry about proposals to devote millions of migrate from germany. sholtes on his foreign minister were among the thousands gathered and pulsed protests. were also held at the brandenburg gate in the actually i think were crooked in saddam's war between the army and the power military rapids support forces. that's according to video footage on bottles on human rights groups. the humans express concern about the recruitment of child soldiers and his urge both sides to end it. i'll just as he to move and has more of them content. my mood was the middle school student when worst started between
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sedans, army and the parent military rapids support forced his last april due to the tough conditions as a result of the war, the 16 year old started working as a day labor to help support his family he says he was carrying goods to sell when he was captured by the parent military, are a staff who forced him to work for them. they're having to do all this stuff captured me and put me in a pickup truck off the beach and me then they threatened me that they would kill me if i didn't work with them and do what they told me to do. thankful speak to god. things they knew to the 1st few days and they said they'll teach me how to carry agree enough. i asked them what that was. they said it's a big gun because of the runaway, the moment i got the opportunity, he wasn't the only under age forced to joined the parent military force and went for a long time. they was stealing things from around the factories and onto them on when we ran into them and they forced us to go with them. will that make us carry things that they steal and take it with them to be solid?


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