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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 15, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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mainstream, it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the intense gunfire and drones of a head in gauze as fighting rages in the southern city of con units. the other ones are in jordan, this is obviously are life and death. also coming up families of those being held captive in gaza. stage of protest. and israel putting more pressure on that government on his handling of the world. at least $25.00 university students staging a city and not been arrested buys really forces during
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a rate in the altima, the west bank. i'm a swearing enough brought him all his new president has begun. not a lengthy delay will be 9th, with a light, the beginning gauze, wearing tens. gun fire has been heard in hon. unit spots in the southern parts of the gaza strip over night. but the place between pumps, again, 5 forces, drones can be heard flying overhead for most of the 24000 palestinians have been killed since the war began around 10 and a half 1000 of those children were i'll just say it was funny enough move, joins us live now from a rough in southern gauze or how do you so we're hearing of these 5th gun battles in hon. eunice overnight. what more can you tell us on a yes, very well over night. then near the hours of this morning, it stream confrontation going on in the eastern part of the fun, eunice,
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and the southern part of han eunice where it has been a sight of major relentless ears rights within the past few days. as the israeli military expanded operations and targeting more residential homes, any clearing areas then for a great think about a passport. it's armored vehicles in times to push deeper into the city of ton unit . the heart of a city of honey is a very densely populated area. compared to the eastern part of the city, many injuries reported to not the hospital and the jordanian field hospital within its vicinity. now it's important to point out we still do not have a comment. it gives you an or phone services across the gaza strip. this is the 3rd day in a row, just making it very difficult to get hold of either the hospital or any source on the ground. but the different reports talked about different
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a large number of injuries have arrived. the hospital we do have a bigger right now, but we are waiting just for a confirmation from someone who was supposed to arrive all the way from han, you and his girlfriend, and we'll get the exact figure. so we're gonna hold into that until we make sure of the exact numbers of casualty. maybe the worst of what happened is it lead hours of last that is the attacks on a 10 displace family inside it's 10 in other milwaukee area. that's the western side. upon you and is again, just a little bit of context here. last area. it's a strip of land that is stretches of from the central area, the western side of the city, passing through han units all the way through of a city and ends at the egypt gauze border. so on the western side of han, you and stuff, particular area last evacuations on where to 1000 of how is going to set up their tens filtering and leading the horror of the war going on,
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either in fun unit or the northern part, this particular family evacuated the front door of a city, namely from she's yeah, a neighborhood older we do a las evacuations on western honda is where the where is that the attack last night by an air strikes. there are reports about 2 people at least killed in the 10th, as well as remaining family members were critically injured and rushed. although we do not go to a hospital, this is the situations right after 100 days of ongoing before and ongoing aggressive a war going on across the gaza strip. we did talk to people about how it, how they feel about these 100. these an old game would one common element. it's ongoing or ongoing suffering for all of them. and i'm always is walking through the remains of what was once is each of
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them is a search for a closer look. he seeks the glimmer of his, the 3 children killed in his really air strikes for still buried under the russell about me. if you on how to nicole, you, unless i come here every day, you select the 3 children remaining under the rubble of the law to allow you most of them and hope one can pull out the bodies will take a last look at the remains of model but frank gone to them, this is our faith and we pray to god that we will be able to pull them off to see them in the middle of the palestinian civil defense. say it has no resources to dig through the rubble and retrieve the bodies. israel's war on gauze a has lift its marks across the strip. a little res refugee camp in central garza was home to 46000 palestinians who were really displaced before the war. now, entire neighborhoods are destroyed. after a 100 days of war,
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most of gaza is in ruins. according to the united nations, israel's bombardment has a trigger. the largest displacement of palestinian since a macbook or catastrophe. in 1948 people leading their homes have nowhere safe to go. private and of this year on the 11th, there is not a day that we do not move from place to place from darrow by law to con unit to rep . there are no goods as well, never know basic things needed for life. there is no lice, and that's not the fault. we wish to have back to life conditions. we cannot find clean water other than the festivities of life. this is also a humiliation. wherever you may turn your face, children are the most impacted. um we adults are helpless, we cannot help our children or even meet that basic needs. as the word drags on gets taken away, either hold for an instant this suffering,
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peopling dog of the forgotten on on save the believe. israel goal is to completely remove palestinians from their land. the words have been going on for a 100. they have left many feeling like it will never and honey my mode. i'll just be at uh about the father and garza, with hospitals and garza suffering from staff shortages are like a few minutes since i made relentless is ready bombing health care work as well. and that the psychological impact of the will on children is immense. us how blah, blah, blah, file the we've noticed different symptoms amongst both children and adults including confidence doctoring oscillation, loss of appetite, complaining of physical symptoms with no medical causes and a loss of fear. and some children are refusing to go to the boss from the loan. and even if not, children are refusing to go to sleep unless they are accompanied by one of your parents when the impact is huge. demonstrate to the intent of the eve of how the 24
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are ronnie to mom, the release of captives held in gaza. they've been to their anger and prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his government's handling of the crisis. sarah, hi, wright has this report from tennessee a 100 seconds of silence intel of these a 100 days to many save the, kept his families as they took to the stage. what's become known as hostage squad? visually there 136 hostages. dear. we are waiting for the old h minutes, h sick and they were kidnapped because the state file because we filed and now we must do everything ever sent to release states may be down november's temporary si, fi deal between israel and from us through mediators sold the release of the hall for the 240 captives their return was promising and helped to provide the proof of life needed to some of those left behind. but the deal ended
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and there's been no sign of another so far. israel has rejected how must his condition to end the will, which has already killed maybe 24000 palestinians. if anything prime minister benjamin netanyahu filed on sunday to continue the shuttle home. one of the things that's become clear is that we must wage this war, ended to take many more months. that is why we're bringing a revised annual budget today. it requires us to spend much more on security that we planned. today's safety back in is around the slides, vista viable has ended. the agony continues, especially for those whose relatives are still inside garza the been kidnapped is not knowing if and when your next meal will arrive. it's feeling suffocated at all hours of the day. not knowing when you will get to see
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the light of day to thousands of his right. these are also cooling for an early election and that's and you all he to resign cause failing to protect the country on october the 7th. and so the inability to bring back all the caps, it's best squire has become symbolic, a place that you're not, it's a place to grieve, a place to cool function with many saying that is no victory until all the come to a brute time. no, not so the price, even if that means an immediate answer to this $24.00, riley has demonstrated a shift towards a more angry chain from some of the relatives because they accuse the government is neglecting the caps is start the addressing netanyahu's saying a 100 days you didn't get rid of him, us, a board is still not secure and you failed to bring them home. so the height of all, just sarah tennessee, at least $25.00 students up interested in the occupied westbank because it's rarely
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forces carry out. then nike rates. the army rate of the campus of i'm not sure i university nablus were active as was staging a citizen. is there any troops till 5 pallets the names across the occupied westbank on sunday, including 2 and i'll be the new ramallah. one was just 16 years old. a 14 year old is also killed at the unsolved on refugee camp in jericho. and is there any forces of demolish the homes of 2 palestinians in cal tier, following their release from detention in ramallah, the home of nile? bob booty was renaissance for in the unlikely is randy raids in the occupied westbank by gucci is one of the palestinians who been held in on his really prison for more than 40 years. but i'll just say it was mamma jump. jim joins us live from ramallah in the outside westbank mohammed, so just bring us up to date then with these latest is ready rates. so there and as is what happens every day throughout the occupied west bank, there were numerous raids that happen to the overnight hours leading into this
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morning on average these days you have around 40 range by the israeli military per day throughout the occupied was thank let me tell you and our viewers about 2 of the more significant ones that happen in the last several hours. of course there was that rate on the measure university campus in nablus, which you mentioned just a moment ago. $25.00 students at least $25.00 students arrested. we're told that when the is really army was reading the campus that the communication systems were all shut off there. the people could not utilize it. any of their phones were also told that the, for the israeli army storm, the campus that the students that were staging, that sit in that protest that they receive text messages from the israeli army that they should surrender immediately beyond that, we should also mention of course, what happened in b, e, that is and as being a very close to us here in the middle of that isn't a legal settlement based on sunday evening late in the evening and near that illegal settlement. there were uh, 2 pallets, any teenagers,
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one age 161817 who were killed by these really army. they were shot. and these really army says that those 2 teenagers were preparing to throw molotov cocktails towards that illegal settlement of the families. of those 2 teenagers say that when they attempted to collect the bodies of their children that they were shot at by is really army forces as they were going to be ambulance to retrieve the bodies. they've since said that those bodies have been released to them. there were also rates that happened in hebron, jericho, and in bethlehem. again, this is part of the fabric of daily life here. it's one of the reasons why is really security chief warrant last week. these really government that they are concerned that the occupied west bank may be on the verge of a 3rd into fall the may be on the verge of exploding and not just the fact that there was so much violence here. the fact that there are at least $347.00 palestinians that have been killed since october 7th, throughout the sideways thing, but also the lack of economic opportunities right now. so many palestinians who used to have work permit, so they could go into israel and work since october 7th. they have not been able to
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so it's a dire economic situation. the violence is increasing the intensity and frequency of those rates increasing very grim outlook for all the palestinians. we speak with throughout the occupied westbank after these raids occur. darren, all right, i'm gonna jump through them live for us. the in ramallah and the outside westbank mohammed. thank you. but us says it's shut down an empty ship, cruise messiah 5 by humans, who sees the group and threatened a strong response of the us launched another attack on human. on the weekend champ accounts, he has moved from washington dc. this would be the seconds out of the ship, but the signal solve it by the fees of launched since the us began bowman, who is the targets late last week. so we just have the sub come release, which says on january 14th and approximately 4 45 pm sign off time and, and the ship cruise missile was fired from around noon back to the minutes and areas of human toward us as the level we're just operating in the southern red sea, the missile was shut down in the vicinity of because of the data by us fighter
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aircraft. they were there injuries or damage reported. and so not too much. just the 2nd attack reported by supp come from the things since since the us building began. i guess the 2 other interesting things today that's it's, that's totally that same for them as i was last towards the us as the level. but also trusting it was being targeted. you were going to watch out for that language . so it was just, you know, the level would happen to be in the vicinity. it's not clear whether that was actually the targets. um, it's interesting that just a few hours before we receive this from something come we received a complaint from a who's the spokesman mohammed abdul sloane, who said that the us aircraft and that it was uh, flooded 1st. do you have any aspects and coastal areas on sunday? and he said that the activity backward enemy aircraft was a blatant violation of national sovereignty. so you as a profit coordinator, things have been buzzing the area. uh, over the course of sunday i'm dismissed. i was actually shut down by a us fighter jets. china is coding for large scale international peace conference.
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to discuss this, tom priest went to the palestinian state, chinese foreign minister, wine. he also called for cease fire and guns. during a meeting with the egyptian foreign minister in colorado, he says, blazing his worried about the grunting thread of a wide conflict. so that's what says come here. and i'll just say we're including restoring holdings as friends of ecuador stands in the army. disagree with the countries, prisons up to a wave upon smaller sites. the i have the right, the boycott. anyone i want to in the state has no business getting involved in that . got chosen and blessed us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue. do you want to state level all that i can't support the 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lower the freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights. more about the issue, whatever i'm looking for somebody gainfully talked to in quote on which is the era
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award winning in depth investigations. the gift from telling in science, inter toes from asia and the pacific one o one here on out to 0. the latest news, as it breaks, i don't really is. remember the scene on restoring national city in unity with fearless journalism. these people copy and show towing to escape from the relentless bombardment from the home to the story. many people born long, the q is open for a meal, so with over crowded cans, unlimited age, many are left with desperate need the
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talk about you want to now just a real quick your mind about top stories here at this hour. there's been intense, done fine on units of an item, the southern gaza strip bottles are taking place between palestinian fighters and is ready for any 24000 minutes or so will be gone. demonstrate to the intent of even having the principal hour ronnie to the mom. the release of captain seldom does protest as a wrong great 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu and his government's humbling crisis . these may be on the as the rest of at least 25 students in the outside westbank generate on the compass of the i'm not to investigate and novelist, lots of this was staging a 2nd. is when your soldiers killed 5 out of commands across the territory on some watch them all as new president, but not the other fellow is finally being sworn in the new organization was
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scheduled to take place much anyone's sunday bad been delayed because of the tensions in congress level one, the election held in august, but then faced legal challenges from conservatives in all of them. that's bringing money a regular using the following the story from mexico. so if you money, so i don't know swearing, it's been played by delays. that must be a huge relief now. but it's finally underway and it's finally underway there. and i know that i've been saying this for the last 9 hour straight, but we are actually leave the at this point. i really do mean at this time, we're now just moments away from the swearing in of guatemala as new president them out of the, at a little as you say, a huge sigh of relief following a day full of tensions. full of, uh, uh, several unfortunate events involving a clashes between demonstrators outside of the national congress in guatemala city and, and riot police that were stationed in deployed to secure the presidential inoculation
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. all of these efforts to delay the actual swearing in ceremony. all of this is just been the sort of combination of weeks and months of tensions and efforts by the political opposition to undermine the peaceful transition of power to undermine the part of the democratic process in, in guatemala, just after the election last year. there were efforts to imprison members of the bellows party. they were arrest warrants issued against the election officials that were issued just very recently, those tensions have now subsided. now, what we're hearing a overwhelmingly for people on the ground in guatemala is, is not only that sense of relief, but that renewed sense of hope that this incoming administration will work towards the strengthening democratic institution. ality in the country to root out corruption and put it and work closely with partners. internationally, like the united states, the european union, who have announced sanctions against,
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quote unquote, on democratic actors in guatemala, to route out impunity which many people see as being the biggest problem facing guatemala today. yeah. money as we're talking to you, we're seeing life pictures on the screen of that swearing in ceremony. bernardo, at the bottom of taking the oath of office of the president of guatemala. as we look at these pictures, many, it's worth pointing out the, as you say, he came to power on this empty corruption platform, but he faces huge challenges. definitely certainly there and not only is uh, bill, now do i have a little now president, a little going to be faced with the continued attacks from the from the attorney general's was really been the spearhead behind all these judicial efforts to notify the results of the election to undermine the presidency. he's going up against a divided congress, which up until just a few moments ago,
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appear to be on the verge of its own political crisis. but when you were speaking with the political analysts, in guatemala, were you speaking to just about every anyone in guatemala, the conversation that always pops up, always ends up being migration to thousands and thousands of people that have fled the country over the course of the last few years because of worsening poverty because of the whitening welf gap between the rich and the poor in the country. all of that symptomatic of, of corruption and that is going to be a, as he said in his campaigns is top priority as president of guatemala moving forward. all right, so i'm on a regular life as the in mexico city money. thank you. let's move in from guatemala to ecuador, where the police military have taken back control of the country is dangerous prisoners. dozens of stop held hostage by inmates, have now been released of a sound run. petty has more not from black keys to just hours. after the surprise release of the hostages held for days by inmates like weather security forces
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moved in to regain control of the country's prison. in the coastal city of my trial, a soldiers entered the facility. encountering little resistance inside police footage showed how the officers found weapons hidden in the jails walls. similar seas repeated the now their detention centers across the country in the city of last night has to make it seem a swift force to sing the national anthem, while police res weather's flag. restoring order inside the country's dangerous presence is a priority for president. the new boy, after he declared a state of internal conflict in the country earlier last week, it gave the military sweeping powers to confront criminal gangs responsible for an unprecedented wave of violence that shot the country following the government's initial crackdown. it will be sent to your successive governments,
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have helplessly witnessed the expansion of the drunkard cows in a country that has become one of the main logistical huts for cocaine trafficking. re taking control of the prison's will likely help quell this immediate emergency. but most of the analysts here agreed that addressing the underlying causes so back whether it's crisis will be a much more difficult task. political and at least gabrielle up on china says the recently elected noble as so far showed little in terms of a plan to address drug cartels infiltration in state institutions that i don't mean . so i know things almost all the same as long as we do not have a system where the judge is. prosecutors, police and military ill, truly in the service of the country and not other service of criminals, will not be able to resolve this issue. while others fear just how far the military might go outside, you know, so let me think, well, you want me to go. the thing is going to say, what usually happens in has happened not only in a condo in may, and america is that when you are the forces for results that are in the cost of the
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on forces achieve them at any cost is going to. but that is why it seems important to me that we remain watchful those and that we said limits on the use of for the meters as well. of course, the noble as gambits offers him the political opportunity to try to dance the criminal organizations reach. allison that i'm get. i'm just the way a q. at least 11 people have been killed in flooding in brazil. heavy rain hit rio de janeiro over the weekend flooding the city streets metro lines and the homes in the widest state. the weather broke down trees and even caused lamps, lights, state of emergency is now in decline. in columbia, all thirties are searching for 10 people off the deadly mudslide. hit on friday, president gustavo petro said, 33 people were killed. a mudslide hit a busy road in
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a mountainous area, connecting the cities of a keep though, and again the government of the regions said search efforts will last for 3 days because the extended i bought kind of corruption and that's fullest. hundreds of people to evacuate their homes in southwest iceland. yes, again. rescue workers are assessing the exact location and the direction in which the lava is letting somebody diego has more daybreak over iceland and rec, tennis pen, and see the west streams of molten rock and fires began to flow near the fishing town of green dick. this is the 2nd time since november that the houses are standing empty here. it's people have to flee, offer a surge of seismic activity. iceland, civil protection agency has raised as a lot system to its highest level signaling home to people, communities and the environment. it was only last november that the same area was evacuated of some full 1000 residents. huge cracks had
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a paid every with forcing the popular tourist destination of the blue lagoon spa result to shut down. his rescue is what quickly to build the barriers to protect the nearby jew single power station. people were eventually allowed to return back to the homes 6 weeks later. but it split this seismic activity is fall from over here tomorrow. and we're working with the scientists and continuously assessing the situation that we're looking at a lava flow model to understand the volcano. so and look at what actions can be taken to protect the infrastructure that could be at risk. the priceless location above a volcanic hot spot and then we'll stop blonde tick means us quakes are a common occurrence. it average is one or option every 4 to 5 years. but this particular part of the country has experienced 5 in less than 2 years, causing widespread disruption and hazards each time the ground trembles. sonya guy, jago elders. era. well, that's it for me down. jordan,
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you can find much more use on our website out 0 dot com. there it is on video screen. the weather is next and that inside story looks at what truth and the suffering. hon garza state you. and thanks for watching the, the, the readings like, you know, for failure will administrating his own relative. this is dakota's times if any water. but if you get, i don't show brief as they do in turkey and they've been in greece. so the attempt has tend to rise and with the cause comes moisture. so big child will find a song through southern 13, in fact, paper most into account of temperature up to about 15 in this time bull. we've had rain in lebanon, south of that, let, it looks like his baby is sunny pictures, temperatures about where they should be at
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a subsidy. rece is also in their school in, for example, though. huh. $29.00 is way above the average should be about $20.00 to $23.00. this times you ever got 29 on monday in the sunshine, there's trucks just a little bit as we pick a bit of a noisily during tuesday. otherwise, nothing too surprising here. at this time the a you'd expect older, right? in africa to be signed for the equator, which is roughly speaking. here it is. there are a few shells around like victoria uganda, townsend there, and maybe in kenya. but the real range for this size and its been causing some funds in parts of south africa. but it's also manifesting a storm, a tropical sy, time she's on his way across the radio. and during monday it will affect versus you get the out of bands of the shelves, but it is going size. so to leave, you know, behind during, to say that will be the 1st store of this size in 6 is the hard hitting into buildings as a un ambassador position given to you by or die. suppose you've described that is
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better than that in any thoughts, providing ons. my question to you. all that good cooks, i think is the most difficult question. i've had to answer facing realities. usb 2 . in the security council, this is a may just don't think, look as if it exit or to hear the story on told to how does era for 100 days as well as war on gaza has gone on unabated. a mastercard palestinians, in full view of the world, israel has failed to meet that stage of objectives and carries all. so what will end the sufferings? where is the real goal, the ethnic cleansing of concepts? this is inside story, the .


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