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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 15, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the to i'm funding batch of or this is and use our on knowledge is 0, live from bill ha, coming up in the next 6. the is really bombardment talk is guys as b c's. southern city of con eunice, at least 25 university student staging a city and has been arrested by is really forces during
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a raid in the occupied westbank. also this hour watch them all as new president does find the sore named after political infighting delayed the ceremony. for more than 8 hours and recruiting to be recruited to be a child soldier. as we need a young boy in saddam forced to take up arms in the month's phone call the 87 g m t. that's 9 am in 7 guys. i way con eunice is once again, the target of relentless is really on innovation. the, the city and its surrounding areas have been repeated. we struck nearly 24000 policy means have now been killed since these are, as will began within 10000 dolphin children. that's get the latest from honeymoon motors, live from a rough i in southern gaza. so honey, since he is gun battles and con eunice overnight,
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bring us up to speed with what's been happening a yes. well, so far in hon units, people are not only have been displaced for the past few weeks and since the beginning of the were but now the are getting killed inside their $10.00. my loss, the western side of pine you in a city a just a little bit of context here. just the last day is the area of the western part of the gaza strip is just by stretches of from the city of dated by passing through han. you and it's all the way through the city and ends at the g. egypt does a border but this a particular area that has been designated lars, the by this really military since the 1st week of the work when it ordered, or maybe the old, the residents are from the northern part and the central part of garza to evacuate to because it's a safe area. what we so last night is the 3rd time in
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a row where people are attacked in sight in this evacuation zone, but named the other milwaukee. but this time not a residential. it's the 10 that came under a, a, in a strike by a drawing out drawn, fired the missile a distance and killed a 3 people inside and enjoying the remaining family members where it's an if displace family it who the evacuated all the way from thousands to be from the she's a neighborhood all the way to on last, the sheltering and that overnight ears try continue to pound the entire hon. you in a city, in what seems to be a covers an area of coverage for the invading forces to push deeper into the central part of time. use large number of people have to think of so far. we're getting conformational. 33 people have been killed overnight. the vast majority in hon. you in a central area and gaza city. so the eastern part in southern parts of con units have been
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a focus the focus of fighting with the $33.00 killed over night. but i'm also hearing honey that more and more people are fleeing the center of the guys a strip. they're all by law. i know that uh internet, uh and coal services have been down. but what do you know is happening in that particular area of their, of a lot? yes. while there, there is a large invading force inside on you and is the operating under tv coverage of aerial bombardment. the central area of the gaza strip has been the site, the major relentless error strikes with the is smaller number of, of, of tanks and armored vehicles on the ground. it's been the operations in the central part than the major number of attacks happen by, uh, by air and by they are killers selling at the eastern parts. a merely the refugee
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counts. and they'll say it out then. well, as the res, where a large number of people have been killed so far within the past week, but an overnight effects renewed our killers selling at mazda, of various reg, destroying more residential homes. and this is what we've been hearing within the past few days. if from a store our source on the ground, an eye witness who managed to get the rough estimate, the what these really military doing it for these relentless ears strikes are destroying residential homes on major roads, major road leading to the entrance of the refuge account. then and at the why the and the other ballasa city, a blocking the entire roads and then move the moving the bulldozer and gun open a new route for the army vehicles and the tanks to boost to push the 1st into the central part. now, the intensity of their stroke has lift the entire health care system inside the center of the area in
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a bad shape. we're talking about one only remaining semi functional health facility a lot. so hospital and not older. we see an international medical staff leaving the area evacuating is becoming increasingly risky and dinner is dangerous, but now it's running out of a fuel risking the lives of, of hundreds of injury is as well as patients with the chronic and the threatening life condition is inside the hospitals and threatening their lives and finding them of dying as extreme shortage of supplies in just a one day after a 100 days of ongoing work, people are very frustrated with the feel for got into feel large the unsafe and this is what they have to say about what's going on a safe so far in the area. mohammed, i'm always is walking through the remains of what was once these whole leeches. dave is a search for a closer look. he seeks a glimmer of his. the 3 children built in his regularly air strikes for still
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buried under the rustle above me. if human on how an aquarium does look like come here every day. still after 3 children remaining under the rubble of the law to allow your muscle. and hope one can pull out the bodies will take a last look at the remaining cell model, but thank god to them. this is our faith. and we prayed to god that we will be able to pull them out and see them in the middle of the palestinian civil defense. say it has no resources to dig through the rubble and retrieve the bodies. is rose wore on gauze it has lift its marks across the strip. elbow raised refugee camp in central gauze was home to 46000 palestinians who were ready displaced before the worth. the let's now entire neighborhoods are destroyed. after a 100 days of war, most of gaza is enrolling according to the united nations,
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israel's bombardment. how's it triggered the largest displacement of how is simeon since a macbook or catastrophe. in 1948 people leading their homes have nowhere safe to go. private on a vis here on the 11th, there is no day that we do not move from place to place from darrow by law to con unit to the rest of them. there are no goods as well and never know basic things needed for life. there is no lice, that's not the fault. we wish to have back to life conditions. we cannot find clean water other than the substitutes of life. this is also a humiliation. wherever you may turn your face, children are the most impacted and we adults are helpless. we cannot help our children or even meet that basic needs as the word drags on, it's taking away their hold for an instant this suffering peopling dog a feel for got in on, on safe, be believe israel goal is to completely remove palestinians and from their land the
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words have been going on for a 100, they have left many feeling like it will never and honey my mode. i'll just be at uh about the other. and garza, it is around the central bank, says the war on guys that has become a burden on the economy. estimated costs may reach $58000000000.00 by the 2025. the central bank government has, she's really government to curb. it's probably expending and cut interest rates from 4.75 percent to 4.5 percent. israel has spend $6600000000.00 in various aspects of its way, including funding for the more than 800000 displace people some $249000000.00 has been put aside for mental and physical health care. and the total costs of rebuilding in some areas could reach a $174000000.00, including towns near the lebanese border, sustained damage in cross border fighting. while these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu was told his ministers to share in the burden of sweeping budget
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cuts, his cabinet is meeting for a 2nd day to discuss amendments to this. he has budget. that's yeah. wants to increase military spending to help finance the warrant garza, the conflicts could cost is around the 24000000000 dollars this year. it's bringing stephanie debt goes live for us in occupied is to boost and stephanie. so it is really cabinet meeting to approve the military budget and it could be some fireworks. so there are ready fireworks funding. we understand one of the ministers will dodge and a screaming match yesterday, according to one source cooling where to make these costs is a political hot potato. uh, just to give you use a lot of numbers there. one number that shocked me is that how much does this work? cost israel a day, $269000000.00 a day. so that gives you just an indication of cool. so in those words, that would have burge and this for as well. so on these really economy,
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as you mentioned they're, it's not just funding the where the weaponry it is, the reserve as it's feeding them, housing them weaponry. and then it's viewed 480800000 evacuees, not just from the goal is a border, but also from the lebanese border. and then north of israel, they have to be housing hotels. they also are being paid by this government, thousands of shackles a month. it is a very difficult discussion. you mentioned their prime minister benjamin netanyahu address the cabinet sunday morning. as these 2 started, he said he was willing to stay light and that this was a burden that needed to be shared at the moment. we understand some of the figures to give you. uh, they think of, they need about $18300000.00 increase education, ministry costs $239000000.00. perhaps the health ministry will probably get over a $100000000.00 of costs as well. some criticism saying that things like social welfare, a lot of things being affected, so it just goes to show the impact of widespread impact that this war is happy. thank you. stephanie,
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for that. stephanie decker lived there and occupied east jerusalem. or is there any forces of arrested or at least 25 students during a night be right in the occupied westbank, the army rated the campus of i'm not a university and novice where activists had been holding a sit in is really true of skills. 5 kind of simians across the occupied westbank on sunday, including 2 in beer in the era. my last one was 16 years old. a 14 year old was also killed at the i'm still time refugee company in jericho. and is there any forces of demolish the homes of 2 palestinians in kalki after they were released from detention? the 2 men say they weren't given any warning in ramallah. the home of 940 was ronstadt during and he's really rate in the occupied westbank faculty is one of the palestinians who have been held in these really present for more than 40. yes. let's get more with, i'll just hear his mind with jump june. was like from ramallah, so tell us about these latest rates mom,
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age and the night be raise especially so fully as is the case every day throughout the occupied westbank. there were numerous raids and the overnight hours leading into this morning, 2 of the more significant incidents that i want to talk to you and our viewers about one of them happened, of course in l. b a which is a town very close to us here in the middle of the, there was an incident in which is really soldiers shot and killed 2 palestinian teenagers, one age 161 age 17. these really are me, says that those teenagers were attempting to throw molotov cocktails towards an illegal settlement, the legal settlement of b. e in that area. now, once those teenagers were killed, the families of those 2 boys tried to retrieve the bodies from the authorities. we were told by members of the family that when they went to the ambulances, to try to retrieve the bodies of their children, that they were shot advise really forced. they have since been able to get the bodies of those children. another incident, of course that you mentioned just
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a moment ago was what happened at the national university in nablus. there was a raid there by the israeli army, at least $25.00 students were told were arrested before and during the raid were told that communication was cut off in and around the campus. we were also told by eye witnesses that students who were participating in this protest, this demonstration to sit in that they had been receiving messages, text messages from these really security forces, demanding that they surrender themselves to the authorities at the time of that range. you also had rates going on in jericho have run in beth lanham, just to name a few. as we mentioned, often fully, these rates are become part of the fabric of daily life throughout the occupied westbank. since october 7th, the situation is becoming more dire just last week. we had reports in these really media that is really security chief of warned. the government that they believe that the occupied with bank may be on the verge of authority to follow them may be on the verge of explosion. not just because of the violence towards palestinians in all of these rates that occur. and on average, there are around 40 a day, but also because of the lack of any economic opportunity you have all of these
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palestinians we haven't work permits the should be able to cross into israel. they have not been able to do so since october 7th, that is causing the already grim economic prospects here to get even worse. so it's a very worrying situation for all the panelists and these we speak with, and they believe that the situation is not going to improve to them for them any time soon following, thank you very much for that update hommage. i'm doing life for a say in ramallah in the occupied westbank. now bangladesh and columbia have now joined south africa and claiming that israel is committing genocide against palestinians in gaza. and that may be a has also criticized germany for supporting israel in the genocide case at the international court of justice brought by south africa. and it statement on x that may be accused its former colonial roller germany of committing the 1st genocide of the 20th century between 190-4190. 8 more than 70000 indigenous herero and nominate people were killed in the massacre. and that may be, as president says,
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germany is ignoring the lessons of its pass atrocities. he accused spelling of supporting a genocide in guys. i want this regarding is ralph's kenning of palestinians. and i speak to israel, can know, take a about this, he's a hero. active is any member of the may be an n g or lions? no, i'm misty on genocide. joining us from breland. thank you so much for your time. a pretty strong having me. yeah, pretty strong reaction there from now, maybe as president to germany's decision to support israel, i in genocide case brought against it. first of all, for our international audience who may not be aware about the past, the history, the context. tell us more about wine and maybe it's challenging germany so strongly why you believe that germany is not fit to tell? what is genocide and what is in genocide? yeah. says physically, i just want to confirm that and now i'm in uh south jim in the gym and columbia, 188429015. so it to and then secondly,
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this and this was the fast. so you are the 1st, the 20th the 20th century. the genocide domains are the leg was looked at by the gentleman. it costs up to the, to the troops, many tory countries to getting overland at 1st label, raping, end of the press. the button pollution can so you know, in our country as for much it was jim and so in west africa. yeah. so oh, the problem is the gemini is to not to go can isaac as office jelly is quite as jump upside. and um, and we are demanding, we have 3 people out. so what do i do minding apology and the condition of genocide and the pro ration and up to now gen many is it looks using all these 3 points. i my understanding what might sorry to interrupt you, but and correct me if i'm wrong,
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my understanding was that in 2018 they had apologized for the massacres and announced a scheme for reparations that. did that not happen? yeah, to know it, it was, it is when you read to the joint declaration investigation, nowhere installation is mentioned, no know a genocide is a, is mention in this going the collaboration. that's why we as, as however, the organizations in the old position parties, you know, may be a really jacked, disjointed lation because they don't even mention the word the nation in these particular ration. right. a statement that the president issued a he said that there may be a, i mean for in that movie. and president said that not only germany committed this 1st, what he says is the 1st genocide of the 20th century, namibia. that but that many of the horrific tactics which were used against the
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heavy arrow where repeated later on during the hollow costs. can you tell us a bit more about the behavior i experienced during those massacre? they died at understanding the most in humane and brutal conditions. a. yeah, exactly. they, they don't, some of them, they have to do free that country to a, to another country like but savannah and in this, as i said, many of them die. it goes from the ration camps and, and the end of called the, the, you know, i'm today they have in us and now must be a, you might think the island back, which is the state of abide by the gym and said last 60 to 70 percent of our land is due to a complaint by the gym is this is our, the mens one the big we want to the asian from gen many because of all these atrocities what we call genocide. it's all these other, most people don't think that even we when not they do
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a little so unless we're not involved in these negotiations in building into in 2015. yeah. and just coming back to the case. yeah. you watched reparations uh, and best understandable, but trish coming back to the case that's in front of instructional court of justice right now on, on what's happening in gaza. do you think? do you feel germany support to israel is defend, the will have that wage will carry weight. will it make a difference for his read or will it hurt israel? it? yeah. gemini is trying to dodge because they know if south africa sex it in this case. so then they, then the next is germany because we're, we're, we're, we're going to, to, to, to a gym and you will not finish what the gemini, so i was only a diety is also with it. but let's do that and see really and, and go into publish the young people because the land is occupied. and we, we had this excess of this ex media's, of organization. and of course it is in,
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in german. so as, as we go, this is what the, what brought us in palace, tina and westland, you know, i, i know, experiencing, so this is also a done at the end of the government ultimately via is really, you know, is it. so it is also supporting that the south african step 2 of these condo nic onto the case or at the international court of justice. thank you so much for your time. we really appreciate your talking to us about this is ralph looking down? i'm in front of me and then maybe i'll have g o alliance. no, i'm misty on genocide, joining us different. brilliant, thank you very much for your time. okay, thank you. thank you very much. now the us says it has shot down an anti ship close may 5, 5 by humans who fees the group. it's threatened a strong response on to the us launch another attack on yemen over the weekend. chaper times the has more from washington. this would be the seconds of the shut but
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a signal solve it by hitting fees of launched since the us of the gum boma includes the targets late last week. so we just have the sub come release, which says on january 14th and approximately 4 45 pm sign off time and, and the ship christmas. i was fired from around you in about 2 or 3 minutes and areas of human toward us as the level which is operating in the southern red sea. the missile was shut down in the vicinity of the credit of a data by us fighter aircraft. they were there injuries or damage reported and so not too much, just the 2nd attack reported by side to come from the things since since the us building the gap. i guess the 2 other interesting things tonight that's it's, that's totally, that's the must always move towards the u. s. s. level, but not suggesting it was being targeted. you were going to watch out for that language. so it was just, you know, the level would happen to be in the facilities don't say whether that was actually the targets. um, it's interesting to just a few hours before we receive this from southern come. we received a complaint from a who's the spokesman mohammed abdul sloane,
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who said that the us aircraft is that it was. busy florida 1st do you have any aspects and coastal areas on sunday? and he said that the activity by quite enemy aircraft was a blatant violation of national sovereignty. so you as a profit coordinator, things have been buzzing the area. uh, over the course of sunday i'm dismissed. i was actually shut down by us by the jet . china is calling for a large scale international peace conference to discuss the establishment of a policy and face chinese for administer. one ye also call for a c spy in guys during a meeting with these option for administering kyle, he says badging is worried about the growing threat of a wide conflict. katrina, you has more from badging as 24 minutes to one is currently on a tour of the middle east and africa. he's now it's new z a and he made these comments officer stopped in cairo where he met with addiction for administer, as well as the 60 general of the arab league of states and the war in gaza
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dominated those troops. now in the statement one g is calling for a larger scale peace conference to discuss the implementation of a 2 state solution between palestine and israel. it seems that the aging feels that nothing, nothing is being done by the international community to bring an end to this crisis is also to the point of that hasn't been more concrete solutions to come out of the discussions and processes at the united nations. now if you go through the language of the statements and we listen to what one you said during the press conference in egypt, it's very clear that he is quite impatient with the situation. now the voice going on for 100 day, you see raise rates, extreme loss of life, civilian life. damaged infrastructure in garza aging is all 6 truly concerned about this will spreading out it to other areas now that it's watching it. this price is intensifying. now coming to gm, and now also in this statement, aging did not directly refer to as well, but what it is hoping for is that this larger scale peace conference will bring more international pressure on the latest in television,
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it seems of age and feels that not enough is being done by israel to actually practically implement steps for the 2 state solution. and it's all taken seriously enough and ends to this one is really you all to 0 agent. if in protests across the world to mark 100 days of israel is war in pakistan, thousands rallied in karachi on sunday to show solidarity with pant assigned. they chanted slogans against the us and israel and call for an immediate cease fire. these were the scenes any sample where crowds riley to condemn the war. they call for an end to the conflicts in gaza and praise south africa voice genocide case against israel. i. the international court of john says in london, thousands gathered in trafalgar square in support. se around these really embassy organized event. the largest demonstration for israel after months of march has been solidarity with palestinians full brandon was at the demonstration. it's
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difficult to compare the numbers. i have to say that the capacity of trafalgar square where i'm standing is around $35000.00. so i would estimate the numbers of this gathering up between 15 and 20000 pieces. you can see that square behind me isn't exactly tactful, but there's a sizable number here. so maybe 2 thirds of the message is a unapologetically zion is message is coming from the speakers on the podium behind vague people like eric pixels, the m p. people who are from the 710 human chain project on that thrust that the, the forces, the gathering effectively is the flights of the more than 100. and 30 israelis who remains still held captive by how mass somewhere in gauze. that great concern about that face, about the future, about the lives. it's interesting that the support for these, for any governments here as different to what we saw,
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i think in the boxes. and then the realities that we saw and television, that seems to be a distinction drawn between support for hostages, for the captives and criticism of the government. here i think the to all, well the same is the banners look like gods. all we've done with it with israel, i'm a, when i put it to one of the organizers. yes. well, how many captives have actually been released since november since and negotiates of really supplies? how many have been released as a result of these rarely minutes reaction? the answer is no, and he was unable to address that question. so he said, no, we just need you to have them back. we're going to take a short break. when we come back, we'll take a look at some of the days i've been using, shooting restore in order. the president of ecuador sends in the military to secure the country's presence after a wave of fine. i'm john 100 in iowa, were the 1st votes in the republican primary will be cash at conditions as cold as negative 20 degrees celsius.
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the fellow again northern europe, japan to get cold, really cold. we haven't had a direct from the north pole waiting for this is a to not line that i suggested the most not for the child in that called flow or the next day or so. and of course, it comes right on shows the low countries, the netherlands, for example, then spins around in land bring snow to germany, power. and as i start fast, the northern helps of funds of switch them. but surprisingly south of that is when a full res, significant, right. and that's particularly the case in portugal where full cycle it has to be like a months within the next 24 hours or so. and to see also sees the snow dyadic, but the temperature stay stay low for most places the toronto surprised them, you will look 14,
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they can see the division quite obviously it stays that way. so seville maintains 5 degrees above average evening rate on choose. it comes down to near hours or more frequent showers on wednesday, and so seeing that williams has been seen the other side of the water. so in morocco, on saturday, casablanca of about 30 degrees, don't quite a record. but what about the average intentions? do stay that far. most of north africa, of course, east drive this time of year. the real, what was the science and it's accompanied by a tropical psychic, not far away from bushes of the top over you and you on the, on counting the costs. 2024 is set to be the need of elections, lots of stores for the global economy. under the umbrella, so much potential political change and we'll look at the impact, the rising cost of shipping genes and tensions in the red sea. counting,
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the costs on al jazeera has been going off before the funding 20 kilometers in many areas. how does the news continues to define their basic needs to certainly be here. most of them are to some of the rumbling that happening behind us. now i'm not is outgoing, considering from here to the 11 east side. there is new, any place in gaza is considered to be safe. leave that in the north for the south and north in you on shelters or in hospitals. the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the come back, you're watching l g c or life from to high recap of, i mean, stories this hour. is there any selling has been targeting 7 guys in recent hours? areas in and around con, units have been repeated lease trucks within $24000.00 palestinians have been killed since the war began in october. is there any competence has been meeting to approve the military by judge prime minister penny? i mean, this now was sold as ministers to share in the burden of sweeping budget cod sees a need to increase military spending to finance the one guy. and these really forces in the occupied west bank of arrested at least $25.00 students in not this during a rate past, i'm assuming is what killed the cost down to find westbank on sunday, including $2.00 in a very me at,
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from the nicer as one guy so it has led to one of the worlds most of your health crises. most hospitalization guys are not functioning. those that are all operating are facing shortages of supplies and workers. and there's only one dialysis for treating patients was suffering from kidney failure results that are reports the number of us and that sort of what this dialysis was in the hospital says 122 patients every day on now it is over. well, the, because it's the only function in violence as was in the entire guys, a street or more act on the solvable, including the situation is tough and challenging. because we are not only hospitalized and cause us and providing dallas a service. we have seen around 500 percent increase in patient from 122 months to over 500 stages. we are looking at on the clock says patients who had 3 sessions a week. now, one of you having one session for a health situation is rapids us and that's what we nearly 10000 patients need
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dialysis treatment in casa with only 17 dialysis machines, a winnable doctors are trying hard to handle below they have reduced the treatment session for each patients by health about the long lines of patients waiting for treatment. our program, i'm so doesn't know how much would the what us to how far? well, the fee, my health situation is deteriorating because i can now not have a 4 hour session that i'm supposed to have, but just 2 hours. my body's waiting all the time. i used to go to nasa hospital before the war and had proper treatment. now nothing is left, no medical stuff, no medication, that is my leg is also broken. patients here say there are several dialysis machines available in different hospitals, but they cannot be used since most of those hospitals have been shut down because of these rarely attacks on health facilities. the magic's here on the immense pressure model for coming george, welcome joe,
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did both talk on this is beyond our capacity and i had one nurse who had a heart attack because of the stress should we call on all the competent authority is to provide help time would be some poor animal nerve of people and they are suffering of this of the 7. because that has impose a complete siege on garza ice on it. then it has been nearly impossible for the international, including medicines and medical equipment to get into this vehicle. and that's about the time for patients here for young man and women. there's running now to just simply download the christmas out of this, the about a 0. do you met? tomas is medical coordinator for doctors without borders in palestine. she says the constant attacks have destroy the entire medical system after one on 100 days on the wall it's, we can see the institution and the system and that's everything is on most collapsing and people are leverage to excess to else system that can take care of
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them can be for injuries also for the read clinical disease, that's a people can have. and i think even baez's file supply can arrive, but it's really not enough regarding the needs that the pollution phase. and that is a real problem to run up to the team, the different supposed to be do. one of the problem, of course, is the supply. because even if the numbers off the trucks are slight feet increasing the last few weeks, is to really not enough to cover the news. and we can see that so much trucks to reject to the boulder. and so i'll supply some medical equipment, is that for some of them it's very, very difficult to get them in gaza, which we know is that the most the access is very new to them and we lot, almost blind on the situation there. we know that the situation is really different between the and the south once again. so you know, for us to be g and that's it. we don't have a huge number of acute malnutrition cases and that the fact,
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but this situation is really difficult, especially in the for somebody to send me ends in guys i have returned to the voice of where they once lived. one of them is old and she lost her home and many members of her family. and these really strike on rough. this is her story. the one bed i no longer have a home, we do have all that remains. are these and everyone in the neighborhood within these have become my husband and the credit report? i gather my daughters and, and we start reminiscing that's if you remember that i did was killed here said how many of the gods there had kareem lost his life there and my grandchildren were killed in that corner and never moved with with him that we should tiers, sometimes we cry, our eyes out sometimes were overwhelmed with serenity. the. this is our life,
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and this is our home visit and we spend all day here every night and it will never the dad we were gathering at home and all of a sudden the roof fell on our heads. i told my son we should leave. he refused and said, where can we go in there and it didn't fit within seconds we were hit again with another miss. i'll my son's daughters were round me. some were injured, others passed out. when she was conscious again, she started crying, weeping for losing our home. i told her, let's take my grandchildren to your sister's home, and we can return here again. the father refused and said we should not leave our home. we live here and we die here. we are like all other guys in the as good as i. after a while i'm ed came back crying. oh grandmother my father and my brothers and sisters and my uncles were killed,
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they were all killed. i asked him what happened and he said, oh grandmother our home was dawned and they were all killed inside the you hit your head. i was on the land and that kind of the take a look of some of the days i've been use now in guatemala. is new president. fernando added value has been sworn in. you know, the ration was scheduled to take place much early on sunday, but it was delayed for hours because of tensions in congress. if i a one, the election housing office for been face legal challenges. some conservatives in parliament, early approaches, has gathered outside the congressional building, demanding the ceremony. take face live to manual rep, hello, who's been following developments from mexico city. so after several hours of delay money, the non creation has finally happened. why was a such a long delay, 1st of all,
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the good to be with you fully and now you say several hours, but this was more than 8 hours of delays far more than anyone that could have imagined quite a lot of attention, quite a lot of concern over the course of the day on sunday, over the possibility of a democratic crisis. this, of course, these delays were linked to disagreements within congress delays in swearing in members the new incoming members. somewhere around a 159 new members of congress in guatemala, those delays translated then into delays into the actual swearing in ceremony for the president himself. but of course it did happen in the end. president bid them out of the envelope referred to the road to the presidency as long in torture as this, of course, following weeks and months of tensions and efforts, by what international observers have referred to as on democratic actors who have
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sought to undermine the peaceful transition of power in guatemala persecution and imprisonment of people associated with the bellows party investigations against the electoral officials. most recently arrested warrants against the electoral officials. but it is worth noting here that behind every one of these attacks has been in an almost immediate response from citizens, particularly indigenous groups who have taken to the streets to protest the national stripe efforts by the international community to impose sanctions on these on democratic actors. but of course, finally, a peaceful transition of power shortly after midnight. yeah, an envelope manual came to power on an untie corruption platform. what challenges does he face? the challenges are, and that's when we speak to any political analyst in guatemala, the conversation that immediately goes to migration thousands of guatemalan citizens who over the course of the last few years of flood the country, seeking a better life is migrants is asylum seekers in the united states, the reason why they're leaving is because of worsening economic conditions,
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worsening a standard of living, a whitening wealth gap between the rich and the poor, all of which are our symptoms of deep rooted corruption in the country. so not only will president unable to be faced with defending himself against these ongoing judicial attacks from political opposition, from on democratic actors, but also the challenging task of re establishing democratic institution ality in the country and working with partners nationally and internationally, to root out corruption and do and, and create a system that punishes impunity, which many agree will be one of the toughest challenges moving forward fully. thank you very much for the update manual wrap i live there in mexico city. us state of iowa will formerly kick off the national contests to choose a republican presidential candidate nominee later on. monday is the 1st major challenge and the race for the white house. carcases. are meetings run by political
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parties. they're different from primary elections because they're overseen by the state party and don't require voicing out of following station for republicans. representatives will make speeches on behalf of their favorite candidate, a vote, so tallied by secret ballot, and the results shared with the party. democrats also meet in person, but this election they won't vote on the same day. instead, iowa democrats have until what's called super tuesday to vote by mail and results will be released later. that date, voters will need to brave a sub 0 temperatures to choose who they want to be the next president, john henry. and before somebody was capitol of des moines. it's a strange way to run an election. take a not particularly representative state, overwhelmingly white rule and heavily religious. then during the coldest and most inhospitable time of year lit it. we know down the candidates for the most powerful
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job in the world. they can throw a blizzard at us in the iowa caucuses on monday, republicans are casting the 1st votes to be counted in the 2024 presidential primary campaign were leading massively and iowa. donald trump was 77 year old former president who was voted out of office has a runaway lead in the polls. i wanted big when i did that. they've talked as high as 40 percent. that would be delighted if it was a 40 percent win for trump. so all the sporting interest is in the battle for 2nd place with florida governor rhonda santas and former south carolina governor nikki haley. sparring for the right to be the alternative to trump. presumably the top 3 vote theaters or the republicans trump to stand us and hailey on whatever 2nd and 3rd place order that happens to be that's what's gonna happen. i think that's one, just make them good. haley hopes winning silver in iowa will mark the end of this santas campaign. great. again.
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the weather has a vote in this election, temperatures are expected to dip to minus 28 degrees celsius. that would make these of a clean list. iowa caucus is ever forecasters or calling it flashed by conditions that could seriously depress, turn out and mean only the hardy is voters decide who went one major committed group in iowa, evangelical christians. some are looking for an alternative. but despite trumps 3 divorces, to impeach mints and 91 criminal charges, many of them like a lot of evangelicals have support for trump that you just can't strip away because they see the things that are happening to him. they think he's being persecuted. they see him as a martyr with little suspense about who's likely to win in iowa. the campaigns focus now is largely on beating expectations. if you're the top dog and you're supposed to like cream, the competition and you kind of sorta do, but not quite often enough that can be
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a to see meeting or falling short of those expectations can determine who has momentum is the race moves on to other states john henry and elder 0 des moines, iowa. children of being recruited in strands war between the army and power military rapids support forces. that's according to video, evidence from battles and human rights schools. the u. n. has expressed concern about the recruitment of child soldiers and has urged both sides to end it. even morgan re, for some consul, the most mood was the middle school students when worst started between sedans, army and the parent military rapids support forces last april. due to the tough conditions as a result of the war, the 16 year old started working as a day labor to help support his family. he says he was carrying goods to sell when he was captured by the parent military are a staff who forced him to work for them. they're having to do all right. stuff captured me and put me in a pickup truck off the beach and me then they threatened me that they would kill me
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if i didn't work with them and do what they told me to do. they full speech a got things they knew to the 1st few days and they said they'll teach me. how's the carrier agree enough? i asked them what that was. they said it's a big gun because of the runaway, the moment i got the opportunity. he wasn't the only under age for us to joined the parent military force and went for a long time. they was stealing things from around the factories and onto them on when we ran into them and they forced us to go with them. will that make us carry things that they steal and take it with them to be solid? when, when not stealing with them and carrying the things, they locked us up. they say they'll train us to 5. i carried a gun a few times, which they said will make people feel me. the rest of has long been accused of recruiting children. even though the rest of has repeatedly denied the accusation since the worst started in april. several videos have emerged showing seemingly young children on the front lines. the international committee of the red cross i c
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r. c. received dozens of chow soldiers who were recruited by the recess and captured by the army. the war between the army and the r a sub, has created the largest displacement among children in the world. the un says that's mix children into them more vulnerable to being recruited with the expansion of the war and the resulting economic crisis. they are concerned that's more and more children will be dragged into the conflict of the un has called for an end to the recruitment of children. and it is unacceptable that the kids are being recruited. this has to still now we see on this stuff have been very explicit and will continue to reiterate the importance of the parties to the conflict, to adhere to the international humanitarian law and international human rights law
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. my mood says he hopes to resume his studies when the were ends, but he's not sure if he'll be able to get over the days he was forced to spend on the battlefield. he but morgan, i'll just narrow her to him. are still ahead on algae 0 kind of sign. have a disappointing stock to the asian campaign,
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will have the highlights of the match against the pos and back aqua doors. police and military have taken back control of the
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nation's prisons. dozens of stuff, and present cause held hostage by inmates, have now been released finally found the run catch. he has this report from black. yes. the just hours after the surprise release of the hostages held for days by inmates like weather security forces moved in to regain control of the country's prison in the coastal city of my charlotte soldiers entered the facility. encountering little resistance inside police footage showed how the officers found weapons hidden in the jails walls. similar scenes repeated the now their detention centers across the country in the city of last night has to make it seem made swift voice to sing the national anthem, while police raised those flag restoring order inside the countries dangerous presents is a priority for president. the new boy has to be declared
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a state of internal conflict in the country earlier last week. it gave the military sweeping powers to confront criminal gangs responsible for an unprecedented wave of violence that shot the country following the government's initial crackdown. it will be sent to your successive governments, have helplessly witnessed the expansion of the drunkard cows in a country that has become one of the main logistical huts for cocaine trafficking. re taking control of the prison's will likely help quell this immediate emergency. but most of the analysts here agreed that addressing the underlying causes so back whether it's crisis will be a much more difficult task. political and at least gabrielle up on china says the reason to be elected nobela, as so far, showed little in terms of a plan to address drug cartels infiltration in state institutions that i don't mean . so i know things almost all the same as long as we do not have a system where the judge is. prosecutors, police and military ill,
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truly in the service of the country and not other service of criminals, will not be able to resolve this issue. while others fear just how far the military might go outside of a problem. so let me think, why would you want me to go? the thing is going to say, what usually happens in has happened not only in a condo in may, and america is that when you on the, on the forces for results that are in the cost of the on forces achieve them at any cost is going to but that is why it seems important to me that we remain watchful those and that we said limits on the use of full lead me through this. well, of course, the noble as gambits offer some of the political opportunity to try to den the criminal organizations reach. allison that i'm get. i'm just the way a q a volcanic eruption has fullest hundreds of people from their homes in south west in iceland again. rescue workers are assessing the exact location and the direction in which the lava is flowing. sonya go has the details. a daybreak of
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iceland and wrecked tennis pendency to west streams of molten rock and fires began to flow near the fishing town of green dick. this is the 2nd time since november that the houses are standing empty here. it's people have to flee, offer a surge of seismic activity. iceland, civil protection agency has raised as a lot system to its highest level signaling home to people, communities and the environment. it was only last november that the same area was evacuated of some full 1000 residents. huge cracks had a paid every with forcing the popular tourist destination of the blue lagoon spa result to shut down. his rescue is what quickly to build the barriers to protect the nearby g assemble power station. people were eventually allowed to return back to the homes 6 weeks later. but it split this seismic activity is fall from over here tomorrow. and we're working with the scientists and continuously assessing the situation that we're looking at
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a lava flow model to understand the volcano. so and look at what actions can be taken to protect the infrastructure that could be at risk. iceland location above a volcanic hot spot in the north atlantic means us quakes are a common occurrence. it average is one or option every 4 to 5 years. but this particular part of the country has experienced 5 in less than 2 years, causing widespread disruption and hazards each time the ground trembles, sonya guy jago elders, era in columbia. so these are searching for 10 people after much slide on friday present, gustavo, petro said, $33.00 people were killed. it happened on a busy road and a mountainous area connecting the cities of cable and committee in the regions governor says search efforts will last for 3 days,
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but could be extended. the business force news now and policies asian cop campaign has started with a defeat to yvonne. it's been an emotional journey for the pay is against the backdrop of the war on gossip. joanna gosh, roscoe was at the my child's education city here in the palace times football players have become ambassadors for that country at a time of war and funds from different nationalities came to the opening. asian cop matched to show supports as much for the team as for the people in palestine, no one and tell them say, strong. i know that things are really hard, but just stay strong for your country and we hope to see post sense back as a country we're here to support ta this time and it will support all this time with every single thing we have. yeah, i just want to say that you don't have to be, i'm stand with them just like you have to be a human 1st. that's why don't some garza so with everything going on,
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i just feel like showing your support for the countries. the most important thing, even if you're not promising in just being in solidarity with every way shape. so those teams held a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives because of the war on garza out on the pitch. iran got straight down to business. it took the 3 time agent champions, just 2 minutes to go ahead through cutting on sadie thought. iran cit. 21st in the world rankings. well, palestine and $9.00 to $9.00 and the radians made it so. so generally inside to double the lead in the 12 minutes. i understood goals followed from next to say. but just before the whole time we saw palestine, thomas say, i'm smoke street earphones defense to heading a goal for his team. so being a huge to 3, this done in the 2nd home,
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the palace to be in team continue to be out played by iran stuff. the zoom made it for one from close range to seal earphones victory and send them top of group. see, it's really tough so i can see the results make this happen. but were you aware of the support that you had in the sense even at one point the a raining of friends with tearing for paula told me to know before they got me on farms on or on the water was simple before this time. thank you for the in the continue we're talking about by this time because we need to be a good company and it wasn't the result the policy and team all that fine. so the hoped for the tournaments representing that country is already a big achievement and they'll do it again on close day against the top appointments
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. united arab emirates, joanna gosh, real sca out just sarah education city stadium are staying with us on august here in just a few minutes. we'll have more world news for you, including the latest from casa, thanks so much. the a unique perspective. i'm willing to change the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we don't know more and more lots of voices, you don't often hear trouble. nations do stand with paula spine. it's the same struggle share of displacement. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide. brand new episodes of the stream on which is the or the aging type is being played in cats are for
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a rock or 3rd time. 24 teams are competing for the trophy. there can only be 4. can you, if you run across the action out of the tournament phase and come in on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. there is a context to what is happening now. it is a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another mcclin's interest taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without his real permission. nothing lead scottsdale with offers roles. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. what out 0. what we do, and i'll just, sarah, is try to balance 2 stories and he's the people who allow us into their lives,
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dignity and democracy. the of the at least 55 people have been killed in dozens, mobile data. these are as late as attached in con, uni cen, central task. the


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