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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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lots of stalls in the global economy under the umbrella sci launch potential political change. and we'll look at the impacts of the rising cost of shifting due to tensions in the red sea. counting the costs on al jazeera, the at least 67 people are killed and dozens more wounded in the as well as latest attacks on central and southern costs. the i'm having to speak of this is i just need a life from the also coming up funerals in the occupied westbank for more victims of his really raised 5 more palestinians have been killed overnights. what's the amount of new president is finally sworn in off the hazy? no duration was delayed for more than 8 hours. plus i'm john henry in iowa were the
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1st votes in the republican primary will be cash at conditions as close as negative 20 degrees celsius. the 1st to the situation in gaza, west 67 more palestinians have been killed by his right. the attacks relentless showing has targeted central and southern areas over the past few hours is really war. planes have hit residential buildings to the south of hon. eunice, the center of the city has faced constant bombardment, rescue teams in gauze and city are working to find survivors of attacks in central and southern neighborhoods. more than 24000 palestinians have now been killed and 60000 injured since october 7th. honeymoon has moved from roughly a heavy artillery, selling a mazda of various rides, just targeted uh hon. unit city. in the southern part of the gaster been the
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central area, were more residential homes, particularly at the eastern part of hon. unit city, mainly the remaining air stand, the residential homes and public facilities were targeted, destroyed a more agriculture land, completely raised to the southern part of con unit. that's an area at the entrance of dropbox city. just making it very difficult within the coming is for people who are lee and the war zone in on you and is to be able to move the city as more residential home, more resources, particularly water resources, been targeted and destroyed, making it very difficult for people who are still a stay in there to continue surviving as we're talking about a gradual sure there's a very, very basic supplies in, in the southern part of how i noticed. but the highlight of what happened over night is the tackling at, at 10 in western side, the revised with, you know, laws, evacuation zone where displays family was filtering and this displays families
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evacuated. the 3 times from gauze of cities do the central area. and then it's wise into centrally and then the 3rd time in hon. you understand in law's evacuation. so when it was targeted, the last report we heard about this fab, any family members, the 3 of the vin number were killed, the remaining were critically injured. are we talking about those who did were among of them where, where children who were killed in the attack of a drawn fire, the missile on the 10th. and this is a new development of the situation, not a residential home. this time its a 10 that was targeted. the dead bodies have been recovered from the rubble in as much as the refuge account. that software is re forces, withdrew from several neighborhoods in central garza. i just need as i shut off and i was there when i was on the head. the admins id like we have arrived at the house which was targeted by is riley wall plains earlier. all the members of the family
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living here with childrens, ma'am, in more than 10 bodies were found in this room alone. according to witnesses, many of those killed were shot at close range by his reading soldiers. the witnesses say that we killed in cold blood or the yeah. why the, the not we recovered 10 bodies from the house and another body was found here. and if you look around, you'll find all these industrial plants destroyed. total destruction is radius destroyed. all that came in the past. may god punish the the feet had been as net and feel as i'm speaking to you. we hear a loud explosion over there. they is ready soldiers, a detonating explosives, and what remained at the residential buildings inside. oh, my gosh, a refugee can close to celebrating road. and what that all these industrial workshops and facilities have been reduced to rubble is huge. destruction here as a result of the as rarely middle trees. most of us missile strikes along with its
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artillery showing in the past few days, some of the few hours ago. the is ready, soldiers pulls out of this area, leaving behind the scenes of devastation, heavy a month, a bad and i'm standing it. what was once the main highway road of cell, who doing that leading to the oh my god is a new site. it's and raise refugee camps. these rarely occupation forces pulled the troops out of this area after causing destruction. not only to the infrastructure but to people's property as well. and since all the roads were destroyed, ambulances have not been able to navigate them in order to recover the bodies, which i'm now decomposing myself along. and as i was just the worst of the deposit, is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu has told his ministers to quote, share in the button of sweeping budget cuts is cabinet has been meeting for a 2nd day to discuss the amendments to this year's budget. that's on yeah, it wants to increase military spending to help finance the war on gaza. the conflict could cost is about 24000000000 dollars this year. i saw the height of his
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life was in tel aviv so solid and his randy cabin a meeting to approve the military budget minute billions of dollars and extra funding needed uh for, for what exactly of the will has him. it's been an absolute mattress. and since yesterday private is to benjamin netanyahu is keen to push this says revised a budget for 2020 full a soon as possible. he said he will do whatever it takes and however long it takes to ensure this does happen because this will in gaza, is costing them a lot more than they expected. he said that in his statement himself, yesterday, before the cabinet meeting was held up, it's been a lot of discussions today, some very unhappy ministers within this coalition government, including the 2 most vocal ones. that's the finance minister beds all smart troops, as well as the national security. it's him up and give it to the point and it's not
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going to be, i'd actually said, but he wouldn't consider voting through this budget. but just in the last few minutes with now hearings, it's an agreement has been reached between him for the national security ministry and between him and the prime minister. and it seems that it's been approved that he'll receive an extra $2000000000.00 for this budget for this, the a full that ministry. now that's on top of a previous agreement, bringing the title rather sorry, correction hoffman 1000000 is the latest one. and the previous agreement will bring the title to $2400000000.00. so this is probably a victory for his ministry. some of the smaller ministries and those are not functioning at the moment. so full capacity, they were looking to reduce those budgets for them. and this is important as the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as he says, he wants this will to continue. and he said yesterday that it will continue for
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months. i'm so sorry. what happens then once these budget has been passed? well at certain points and full mess and yahoo to push this budget through this amends is one. and the reason why that is is several reasons. first of all, you have voters, it's all evacuated from that homes, both in the northern towns as well as those southern towns you are looking up more than a $120000.00 is raised even in tel aviv, hey, that's spells out. the hotels that cost to lots of money and then you also have the reserve, is that all waiting around, some of them have been sent into the cause of some of them haven't, but they're not doing that job is fully and they needs some sorts of money to help them get through with the daily life. this is one of the most expensive countries in the world telling me being one of the most expensive cities for example. and
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then you also have other areas of spending, for example, or the money that's made, which is the terrorism 6th is role relies heavily on that and that has completely dried up. so once this project goes through, we know that the prime minister himself has said that this will continue, and this is just proof. but even though we saw yesterday, the cops isn't a 100 day, the families of them saying that this war needs to end as soon as possible for various reasons, including bringing them back. but it seems the prime minister in the little cabinet, all very much wanting to push through with this side. i think it's sort of heightened live 1st in telling me this a 5 palestinians had been killed during open. i res carried out to the occupied westbank. 3 of them were mine is meanwhile, funerals being held for 2 men who was shot by his riley forces in a separate operation. on sunday, they were gone down north of hebron. hundreds showed up for the procession through
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the town. i'll see you at least 352 palestinians have been killed in the is weighty range and the l 25 was thank since the war on guns again that spring in need to you but he now in the occupied west bank. so need to bring us up to date then with the latest on, on the rates that have been happening there. while the latest res happens in nablus, which is the north of the occupied us bank and afford into local there. that's for palestinians have been injured, including one child, one teenager and one elderly man. and again, when we talk about those ways that happens you're in the mornings, we see people who are just going about the daily life. just as this area around me is you're seeing it, people are going through their jobs to their homes and what have you. so is this really indeed that see those kind of thing is being and just as a part of those ways. now according to how this thing is in nablus the most to
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arrest one, policy and non and the stuff is really all over talk about the race that's happened across the occupied with ben. we're talking about the people who have been arrested in those ways that the company for the life i need. it tells me about the the 2 people we mentioned earlier, who were killed yesterday evening, but not positive these right. well yes, it wasn't a part of a that was happening with i am sending here right now. and if you can see we are sending in an idiot put of this, we have a little refugee subset. it's close. why we have this is where a separation wall behind is there is and is really the literally center and there's a whole so and is really going this way we supplement that. what we believe has happened according to the witnesses, is that to the city and young man,
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$16.17. this 3 says nice. came about from where that is really loud. it is an issue. you can probably look at this and show you. we are all along this road. i'm basically one of the suites these where do soldiers, what's come up from this area where the flag is and what is it? he's up to their surveillance tools that they've all the needs. one of them is for 1st, before you choosing him, that we only have one to take place in the sound of the disease with one of the young man. the man has not been handed over
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a 60 you his body has withheld with as far as if a lot for policy. and they say that if the to the waiting on a release, those bodies lead to for burial in certain exchange need to i. but he and a and b like b day and the up to 5. west bank thanks very much. i to a china is calling for a large scale international peace conference to discuss the establishment of a palestinian state. chinese farm is the one he also called for a cease fire and gaza during a meeting with the egyptian foreign minister in colorado. he says, basing is worried about the growing threat of, of why the conflict between a, you has moved from base you. a ton is 4 minutes to one is currently on a tour of the middle east and africa. he's now it's new z a and he made these
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comments. officers stopped in cairo where he met with a junction for a minister, as well as the 60 general of the arab league of states and the war in gaza, dominated those troops. now in the statement, one key is calling for a larger scale peace conference to discuss the implementation of a 2 state solution between palestine and israel. it seems that the aging feels that not enough is being done by the international community to bring an end to this crisis is also disappointed that hasn't been more concrete solutions to come out of the discussions and processes at the united nations. now if you go through the language of the statements and listen to what one you said during the press conference in egypt, it's very clear that he has quite impatient with the situation now the war is going on for 100 day using is rates extreme loss of life, civilian life, damaged infrastructure in gauze of speaking with those 63 me concerned about this will spreading out it to other areas now that it's watching it. this price is intensifying now coming to gm. and now also in the statement,
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aging did not directly refer to as well, but what it is hoping for is that this largest scale peace conference will bring more international pressure on the latest in television. it seems that the agent feels that knows enough is being done by israel to actually practically implement steps towards the 2 state solution. and it's all taken seriously enough and ends to this will be streaming you out a 0 agent. alright, still ahead on i just here to taiwan lose is one of its remaining diplomatic allies only days off to electing a new president. the hello right away. the colors are on dark, the blue and the purple. the lower the temperature, nowhere hesitating. colder then western canada. so this is what minus 45 looks like . you've got this steam from the buildings there and some ice crystals as bad as
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this was it was colder in alberta is capital edmonton. mine is 55. now things are starting to warm off if we can call it that we can up this morning and calgary to minus 32, but by the afternoon you will bounce back to minus 12 and temperatures will continue to climb warmer over the next few days. it has also turned colder through the great lakes toronto at minus 10 factor in the wind. it's feeling about minus 20 to 25 over the next little bit that cold his long as far south as us gulf states. so houston 3 degrees of snow moving through tennessee, pushing into the mid atlantic. let's go to central america on one sec, but 1st of all, and off in the us southwest where it is quiet, but somewhat weather will move into northern california. by the time we get to tuesday, here we go for central america. not too much to talk about. still remaining hot for mexico's highlands, mexico city at 25 degrees and still this cluster of showers in storms for the northwest slice of south america. and further to where the south, there has been some funding in rio de janeiro and things are certainly heating up
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in chile santiago at 32 the the, [000:00:00;00] the
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the log in you are watching. i just need a reminder of laptop stories this out, at least 67 people have been killed during for a long is really showing and what plan attacks in causes central and southern areas rescue teams are searching for survivors. at least 24100 palestinians have now been killed since october 7. these really cabinets has been meeting to approve the military budget minister benjamin netanyahu as told his ministers to quote, share in the burden of sweeping budget cuts. that's and yeah, it wants to increase military spending to finance the war on costs. funerals have been taking place for 2 palestinian men killed by these really ami. it may have run any occupied west banks. 5 more palestinians were shot dead by his really forces overnighted. 3 of them,
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one minus you want to bring some breaking news now this just coming to us from tel aviv where 11 is right and these have been injured in ramming and stabbing incidents just north of tel aviv. that's all the information that we have right now, and these are the latest pictures that we are bringing you from the scene. and we will bring you more on that developing story as and when we get to get your thoughts each have released is really football players. so i give you a heads scale from custody. the full bullet has been charged with quote, inciting hatred. on sunday, during a top flight league game, he displays sorry that he, with the people held captive by how much 20 annual told police he was simply calling for an end to the war in gaza. same casella, who has more from his stumble. it is very difficult to your so give you a scale was released on monday following the police custody turkeys, persecutors,
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a loss of investigation on him after he showed his respond to cameras following scrolling, a goal in detroit to super late as he's playing in a circus soccer team, and at that respond, he showed said that 100 days, october 7th, including a david star. that's why i took his persecutors, accused him of inciting public to hatred and hostility as to kit has inciting with thousands since the war started in october 7th, according to the documents and of a yes go statement. he was also trying to react against the whole. so just being kept it in how much sense it's on monday, he's going to be to pets rated to his country. he's suspended from the turkish team, but there are 4 statements coming from is by the authorities, mainly from defense, ministry and ministry of intelligence. they are even calling and the people to boil to get there is no states and quite a turkish authorities, especially important ministry yet. but everybody is curious whether this is going to become
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a diplomatic crisis between the 2 countries. the non custodial sales is there is some let's take a look at some of the world news. now 96000 asking children are in desperate need of support. a 100 days often devastating earthquakes. as, according to unicef, the un children's charity, which says the atmosphere in villages in the west is quite sick with suffering. as a bit to winter grips the country, at least a 1000 people were killed, most of them women and children. in the quaking october, the agency says thousands who lost their homes and livelihoods struggling to survive. daniel teammate is chief of communication, a unit, assess afghanistan. he says, communities needed support even before the us quite struck as the problem is. when shots like this earthquake or the frequently occurring climate related shots here in this country, like drought and flooding happened,
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or the influx that we see at the moment of referral meant from pharma refugees and pockets on this comes in addition, often already existing humanitarian prices. 23000000 people enough got us down are in need of humanitarian aid, almost 90 percent live in poverty. we have a model attrition rates of 2300000, acute minorities generally 900008 life threatening condition. this is the starting point, and it is very important that we invest in making people here more resilient. i will give you a quick example this my notice children that i see many times here that we up sweet thing with a total point take food and uh, with the total points the committee can try to step a lies. some don't make it quite a few can,
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can be saved. these children are suffering from the condition that could actually prevent the preventive. and so we think that that would be better uh, to invest in the prevention. for example, assuring that every child has safe water in ensuring that there's an education that helps young mothers, that it's best to breast feed, a children up to 6 months exclusively. all right, we'll just go back to that breaking news story. we'll tell you about the some televi what 11 is riley's were injured in a ram and several ramming and stabbing incidents most of tel aviv. let's go to cyber high. right. but sort of higher now, intel, i mean, sorry. are you hearing anything more on this? the, well, this seems to be a series of incidences. we're hearing reports, nothing is can funds just yet, but to call rhyming on
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a sobbing attack happening all in the same place. that's only 16 kilometers from where we are in tel aviv in a place called ronada. now that the end is riley area. we have also had the police have it seems a shots, one of them, but it's still not clear whether the attacker has been killed or no. it's still also not clear what the motives behind this, but the situation has been incredibly intent to since the october 7 attack. and certainly since the will on garza with incident says like this. we saw this been hold to 5 east jerusalem in fact um about uh uh, more than a month ago. not far from where we were reporting. i live. uh that was the stopping incident and there's been a number of these, but it's still very unclear right now. what the situation is, but it's a developing story and we will be guessing more information on this very quickly. i'm sure. all right,
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for the long side ahead of life is there in 10 of these. sedans, military says it's reclaimed some territory around the city of under mon, from the power military rapids support forces. fighting between the 2 sides is in its 9th months and continues to expand in a conflict that has led to the biggest displacement crisis in the well able move and reports from undermine near the capital. how to or this is what the streets of on demand step up of what new by we now looked like. the aftermath of battle between this to the news army and the power military rapids support forces are our staff, homes and shops. all were dealt with bullets and artillery holes all destroyed since the recess and took the district nearly 5 months ago. until recently, what new valley was the battlefield between the sudanese army and the rapids support forces here and on through man. nearly all of its presidents have been displaced. as a result, the student is armeno,
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controls that and is pushing to regain more grounds from the fighters. but the district that was once vibrant now carries the scars of the conflict. and the sound of artillery and gunfire a warning that the front line is not far from where we are. a fathers shed fee, as his family are, the only stability and still remaining in this part of the district. he shows us what's become of his house, which he says was occupied by the rest half while he and his family were in its, he says the group terrorized them while they were there and continued to fire artillery at his house after they've left. it was mailed to 80 bucks, which time my family has adapted to the fact that we have no way to escape. we are in a very creepy kind of seclusion. without any result is we stayed and we try to adapt ourselves to heating this and every one of my family. i'm sure that has lost
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documents between 10 to 15 kilogram office on weight ready thing. one foot and the whole day. and when mean the day, the armies recent games comes after months of fighting on demand is a major supply route for the rest half, even after a bridge connecting it to the northern parts of the capital costume was destroyed. of the ira stuff has been firing artillery to try to stop the army, but civilians have also been killed as a result of what local committees described as indiscriminate selling as the flight and continues. so it does the destruction and the loss of civilian lives. he but morgan ultra 0, i'm the man to taiwan, has lost one of his remaining diplomatic allies. 2 days after the elective, a new president, the pacific island of natalie says it will not recognize the government in taipei switching ties to china. tony chang reports from typing, arriving in taiwan on
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a private trip. at least that's the official explanation. the delegation from the united states, a former deputy secretary of state and diploma national security adviser. there were rifle less than 24 hours after the election of timelines new president. doesn't this be a co incidence? first on the agenda, a meeting with outgoing president sy in one, she's been a reliable, allied during had 2 terms. despite provocation from china. we look forward to continuity and the relationship between taiwan and the united states, under the new administration. and for common efforts to preserve across great peace and stability. and the warm handshake from the president to light. the relationship with the us will be vital during his time and power by giving them thank you to us side, chris longstanding, fun and unwavering support for tie one. i believe the tie one us relations into the
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joint efforts of both sides will continue to move forward tension. so being rising in the taiwan straits and recent use prompting military exercises on both sides with major complex and ukraine and the middle east. ongoing washington dc doesn't need any more problems quietly. they like you to press president elect lie to cub is more confrontational instincts under the table. i think there is a main purpose of its visit. that is preventive diplomacy. the us would like to prevent the newly elected william lie to be more or set of or provocative. both was around here for the last few days has been continuity, maintaining in the states as close as what the taiwan is. new president says he wants and the united states. it's not yet clear that china is listening totally chung elza 0. i think the us state of iowa formerly kick off the national contest
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to choose the republican presidential candidate normally. later on monday, john henry reports from ios, capital de moines. it's a strange way to run an election. take a not particularly representative state, overwhelmingly white rule and heavily religious. then during the coldest and most inhospitable time of year, let it we know down the candidates for the most powerful job in the world. they can throw a blizzard at us in the iowa caucuses on monday. republicans are casting the 1st vote to be counted in the 2024 presidential primary campaign. were leading massively and iowa. donald trump for 77 year old former president who was voted out of office as a runaway lead in the polls. i wanted big when i did that, they've talked as high as 40 percent. that would be delighted if it was a 40 percent win for trump. so all the sporting interest isn't a battle for 2nd place. with florida governor run de santis and former south


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