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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 15, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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of the the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm 0 venue. it's good to have you with us. this is the news. our lives from bill coming up in the program. this hour is standing and car rounding. attack north have to leave. at least one person has been killed and 18 others are injured. children in shock,
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cold from the rubble after israel's latest attacks on central and southern gaza. at least 67 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. the volcano in iceland has arrested for a 2nd time in less than a month. live pictures. here is a sports people from their homes. i'm spending a year ago just news of the town of greens of it. we're waiting to go in with you. it's hard to use to see the expense of the damage caused by the reduction. i'm john 100 in iowa were the 1st votes in the republican primary will be cash at conditions as close as negative 20 degrees celsius. the this is 1500 gmc and we start this news hour in israel where at least one person has been killed in 18, others injured in a car ramming and stabbing attack. this happened in the city of ronada,
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just north of tel aviv police say that they have arrested at least 2 suspects. they have identified them as residents of hebron and the occupied westbank and investigation is now underway. at this time is still preliminary, i can't get into the details of the motive, but what i can tell you is that we have various security agencies behind us gathering evidence in order to declare it. if it is, tell her what it's related to. we're going to get all that information and give it to you as it comes in. so we're following this breaking story from tel aviv and from the occupied westbank in a moment. we'll go to unit abraham 1st. so let's go to sarah high, right? you're in tel aviv, sorry. tell us more about what you've been able to learn over the last few hours about with less than that about how this attack unfolded. well this, this ties can the, all small so is unfolding for
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a number of hours north of tennessee where we are in the town of ronada. what we do know is that one person has died from the injuries and elderly lazy that was poles out of her call, and then rammed. it seems along with many others. now. 17 people have been declared is injured. some of them all critical and some of them it seems all children as to what happens in how it happens. well, it took a while for the police to figure out what was going on because it seems that these 2 attack cuz they were working as a car wash and legally they all from occupied westbank. they didn't have the permits, the police say to what is ro, anyone in the occupied, what was find the once to what kid needs a special working entry permits. now, in terms of who they all we found out that they all from head front, as you mentioned earlier, they are relatives. that seems one of them has been identified as a full 2 year old. they faced or been arrested as well,
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but it seems what happened was that they were already working out this car washed business. they even took one to because stolen sausage driving and towing into people. they then pulls out this 70 year old woman out of her call and continues with the roaming police are saying that, so now they're investigating to find out how they got to is running the fast place . but they do know that that's why they've been working. they said at least for the last few days. okay, so our stem i, there's something else we want to ask you about, but i want to 1st try and complete this picture with nit abraham who's in i'll be right. that's in the occupied westbank. so the suspected assailants need to are believed to be from the west bank. what can you tell us on your end? well, what we know about them that they are from religion, which is east of the shop right here in the occupied us bank basically to the south of the occupied us bank and we are hearing reports from locals. they are that they
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have confidence who have died and is waiting for this that was in the early 2000. now it's hard to know what the details were, but in recent months we've been seeing the numbers of those products. that by the way, the authority in size is really nice and probably mueller casting stone watches out as to the relation and the really the details of how these palestinians died. basically, they're saying negligence for difficult conditions. and his way to do all of this gives you a context of what those palestinian attackers come from. lots we all to see they are living through and from and already we've been reporting about the new or is, is really ways that were happening in averaging per day. more than with the rain. for example, if we say cover on we're talking about also another rate that was happening already
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before the attack happened in downtown and we've seen 2 palestinians who have been killed as a result. one of them is a 21 year old. that is a mother of a 7 month old baby. she's believed to have been trying to film the rate that was happening from the top of her bill that went to the shop. we've also seen another video of another young man rolling on the floor there. he's been shop by deals with calls or is this all gives you an idea as yes we are expecting your rate to buy the name as far as local sellers. they are now at the entrance of the village, bought those rays, and cars and sons are promised videos are going to even before october the 7th. but that has a week after, if i can tell you from experience, usually what happens after those attacks really forces read those villages. i run
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the relatives of those perpetrators sometimes take them for a long time as one kind of thing is called collective punishment. and if i'm not mistaken, the standard operating procedure for these really security forces is to then destroy their homes or the home of their relative close relatives, correct? of the yes, we've seen this a lot in the past, and this is the way the who has been involved in an attack where someone has been killed from these waiting sites. there's a misery or doing that sign which is demolishing the homes of those perpetrators as a result and receive those demolish to get all of a sudden or there's happening also intensively in the past few months. not only as a result of this. what's known here as a punitive match measure as a collective punishment through the families of the palestinians. but also we've been seeing demolishing demolition happening in other areas. nothing. not related
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to those attacks. you see what is real called bills like without permits, but those permits have never given for palestinians or the occupied district. so they've built anyways. so they'll, those immunizations happened also with being during those really read the most of this collection to the infrastructure that is happening. we've seen a lot of that's happening and you need an old to ignore some nephew got more of the occupied what you have to we are talking about what his role says is appended to determine how the city of the tax, what kind of city is here argue that they're already in the victim buyer positions and what they're doing now is trying to sub life and trying to defend themselves against these really encourages rates killings of destruction. nit abraham reporting from i'll be right in the occupied westbank when that read, if that rate does materialize, the one you would just reporting on you'll keep a surprise of developments. thank you. need a smell or major development in is really politics and we'll go back to sar on this . and just the 2nd,
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israel's cabinet has passed and amended budget for this year to account for a sharp increase in spending for its war ongoing as that which is now in its 4th month. the new budget includes $15000000000.00 of extra money for its military. it also includes funding for defense and compensation for individuals who have been affected by the war. most of these tens of thousands of people, whether it's around gaza or the 11 on board or who have been displaced for more on this. let's go back to sort of highlight intensity this revise 2024 budgets are, has seen an epic fight in government about, you know, who would see their ministry's budget cut and by how much and it's reawakened all these political wounds within government. tell us about that. of the about a months ago, the finance minister as bell smoke church had put this amended budget plans, full woods. he's the head of the fine on the ministry, and that costs at the time
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a lot of but i'm go from different ministries when they realize that they would receive budget costs to help funds. this was someone like best law. smart tricks has been a huge proponent, full this war, and is that to me, one thing more money spent on this, as well as the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, despite the economic problems in the country. now in terms of this new amended budget, what they are receiving is an additional $15000000000.00, mostly going to was defense, which means mostly going towards the war and everything that comes on the that's umbrella. so for example, the reserve is hundreds of thousands of them fits on stand by or taking part in this will they need compensation as well as the families. also that is that was a tax on october the 7th, and most of that home is that going to cost the country
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a lot of money to rebuild as well as the was around the gaza strip on that board to then you also have the right to we have to leave that hines over a 120000 of them, and they are lots of them all to up in hotels. that costs money spent. also a lot of them out of what they've had to leave the businesses behind. so that's just on the defense umbrella venue also have more money that's going to be pumped into the welfare system as well. they said his education, i'm the health care system. they said, especially for mental health. well, of course the loss of that is coming out from gaza have also already been diagnosed some of them with p. c. s. d. and they're aware also of those that were a tax on october the 7th and how much that has affected them. now in terms of some of those that were an opposition, you had the national security minister, it's a mob been given to us that he wasn't going to be backing this new amends. it's budget, but they came to a compromise that seems on the he will be receiving his ministry will be receiving an additional half
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a $1000000000.00. that's also on top of an agreement that was made before bringing that personal additional to $2500000000.00. now, prime minister benjamin netanyahu had said yes, today that this was important for the security of the country. and he pushed forward with this. he said, no matter how long it will take to approve this budget. it's been a mass in session since yesterday. and spend this now he's added, but this is very important step. he said, for the future of this country. but also he said for the victory of his route in this war on garza, i saw a high right reporting from tel aviv on the revised budget, which has now been passed the 2024. thank you very much, sar. mitchell brock is an american, is really political analyst and whole story. you're with us live from new york as upholstered. you have, you know, your finger on the numbers. the pulse of is really public opinion and how it's trending. that's where i'd like to start. howard is really feeling about their
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leadership and about prime minister netanyahu right now. now is not really the right time to do any polling. so there have been some polls that are published in the mid. ready of the war is not the right time. what i can do is usually during the work to get there. you know, there have been a lot of polls, but it's not. you can't really tell during the world how people are going to feel after the war and how they're going to go towards the election. the most important thing is that during the war time, prime minister usually has massive support from the public. it's, it's a majority of people, and in this case, prime minister, nothing else is not. his numbers are not very, but he's not pulling very well. and he does not have the majority of the country behind him. people in the country are united to face to face come us in gaza, united in this war effort, but they're not solidly behind it. and you know, at this point, what i see when it, when, when we try to survey these really political landscape from the outside looking in,
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is that this, this unity is becoming more and more fragile while we see it within the war cabinet where there are deep divisions on what are the priorities of this war and we see it within the wider government. we also saw those deep divisions for the budget and who loses and wins. as you know, funding has to be cut for some ministries. and what does that, what are the main indicators of, is really political life that you're looking at right now that seemed to you vital? well, the problem for a lot of people is, is that people have really united behind this war effort. and many, many thousands, tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of reservists are, are, are actively deployed in burying the burden. some of them have not seen their families for 2 months, 2 and a half months, even 3 months of so the is really public is united. the problem is, is that the government seems to be still be playing politics. and the budget
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reflects that to a certain extent. there are billions of dollars, billions of shackles in expenditures which are just political, political parties, pet projects. there were at least 10 different ministries that don't really do anything. they're just political patronage, jobs to keep the 64 person connects that government 64 seats and can i said to keep it alive and that's a problem. now guns, as you mentioned and, and i as in car and you don't sort of joined us government in a, in a, in a kind of way of unity. but they are looking at some of this budget which includes cuts to, you know, services like education and, and even some areas in the health field, which you're not a good thing. and they're not really reaching out. and the money is not getting to the people that are fighting for the people that need it at this point. and the people are asking a lot of questions. how much longer is this going to go on?
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and how close is this government to help those israel to achieving its objectives of totally destroying the from us and getting the hostages back while we still have over a 130 hostages there. and the, from us, even in their terrible state right now, are still firing rockets into israel. so how much closer are we to this a lot is really, is, are asking a lot of questions of the prime minister and government. certainly list how it taking within the budget and in other areas which is not really geared for unity by and large is starting to weigh around people. how valuable is netanyahu himself? because yes, there's, we know there's a lot of discontent. we notice from the polling from anecdotal reporting from all the eyes and ears we have on the ground. and that there's a lot of discontent in that. and then you know himself, but he is also shielded by the fact that there's this ongoing war and he's the lead man conducting this war. and that is correct. he is making, he is
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a leader of this effort of this war effort. so he does seem to be uh, you know, um, strongly in his position. and even though many, many people are questioning certainly his responsibility, which he hasn't taken any or the october 7th, the massacre and for the events of october 7th. and since then, some are asking the question of whether he can lead and what his plan is. the good news about his real though meetings. so it does look very unlikely that with the $64.00 seats and the extra seats from does, he is very strongly in place. there. man, it's almost impossible to get him out of office. whether it's a quote for elections or for the connected to bring down this government at a point, a new government. on the other hand, the, the good news is always that seat is really political system, meaning the is really political system of the kinetzer. even in between the elections, if the majority is 61 members of the 120 members of and i said if 61 members of connects, it decided tomorrow that they wanted to form
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a new government. and they have a new candid for prime, minnesota. they can very easily do that. it's a system that is flexible. it's a system that during an emergency or other type of situation, and a less one of the $120.00 members to be prime minister. so he could be out very quickly. the fact of the matter is he is holding on strong and by approving this political type budget that includes a lot of pork barrel. a budgeting, if you will, you know, for specific parties. he's holding on very strong. because the other thing is that the 64 members of can i said that are members of this coalition know that they may very well a very serious price in the elections because the public is going to hold them accountable. and even within like good faction meetings, they say to one another if we go to elections now, many of the people who most of them in this remaining, most of the liquid members of connected, are not coming back for the next connect to both in terms of numbers,
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their numbers are going to be slashed, but even those people that are there now that have ministerial positions that are leaders of the party are going to be seen as failures and they're gonna have to pay the price. mitchell d. o, as in as a sorry, sorry to jump in there. um, do you see benny gans uh, and gabby eyes and cod court in this war cabinet, but not the same party as netanyahu. they joined in the name of national unity at the beginning of this war. do you see them leaving this war cabinet because of political divisions and disagreements with menu as well? they are, i mean, they said they would from the beginning that they came into this government in order to support it for the war effort. and they will leave when they, what i mean when they sign up. do you see those tensions increasing to the point where they might leave now because that's what i'm reading and the is really pressed to disappear. is now more like a real word for me that i think they probably should've left it the last when the,
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when that 2023 budget was approved and it was filled with political stuff and they, and they voted against it. so, you know, on the one hand, they say that they, they are, you know, an integral part of this work cabinet and, and working on the strategy and an important part of it and creating unity and making sure that nothing. yeah, was supportive because that's a now really does not have people of that caliber and experience around the table even though his own work cabinets, the only person he, you know, he of, he has that has any experiences go up. who's the defense minister? we actually tried to fire, you know, 8 months ago for political reasons and who begged him to please that to the judicial reform. so it's important for the war effort to have people like eyes and cup and guns around the table. why they haven't left until now, and what's going to cause them to leave is really up in the air. and i think that people get sucked into this position of saying, you know, they have to stay there in order to continue. but at the end of the day,
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i think that the nits in the i was losing support the forget globally, but even within the united states. because he has yet to kind of really present the plan for when, when he is going to end the war and what's gonna happen the day after and you know how, how it's always going to work both on the west bank to the and some area and within the within. gotcha. all right, michel brock, american is really political analyst and post are thank you very much for joining us this. our thank you for have a great a of israel's military is continuing to expand its ground operations in gaza. its tanks and troops are present in all these areas in the north and south of the strip, the ones that are in red on your map. there are locked in intense battles with palestinian fighters in northern garza, near a bay lafayette and a tough dra, and there was intense gunfire in hon. eunice overnight. that's in the southern part of gaza battle. those are taking place between policy and fighters and his really
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forces with his really troops advancing towards darrow by honey. my who has the latest from rossa or some of the rest of your workers are searching for survivors in a pile of concrete. his brain is try to get a residential building, and some told garza, the girl and her brother are the sole survivors. and this attack that killed dozens of house the these read, the army has been ramping up its military action in the besieged southern city of tanya and paving the way for times and armies vehicle to move deeper into the area . there has been a common occasion of black outing, garza for days and it's hindering grass cuz effort. so have you any about the heavy heating them with them? we are not even able to receive emergency calls from citizens. we are not even able to use their navigation tools. we rely on our audio and visual skills to reach the
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targeted areas. on some occasions we take light vehicles to reach hospitals and ask victims about locations of the affected area of the, you know, it's a really difficult for families to stay in touch with the youth and that i'm separated from my parents and i can't reach out to them i do not know how or where i can re unite with them. busy apart from this, i have not been able to reach my son for 2 days, and i am not able to call him and i don't know where he is. i can't rest. i can't even sleep because i'm not able to get in touch with many of my family members. mission, none of the refugee camps across the strip ruins after is really air strikes. for the center, the number of palestinians through the refuge in the south is rising out of my shuttle or the thing we can hardly survive. my house was bombed and levelled my family and i, and now homeless. my sister, 10 of my cousins were code. we were forced to take shelves that until i was out to
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school, that my niece and nephew was killed. then we were forced to leave to another shelter, which was rated by the as ready soldiers. i'm penny less. how can i feed them and we've lost our livelihood? so human state, there's been more than a 100 days since is really a launch. it's more on god. but there's no into the humanitarian. a crisis. palestinians are facing hunger and paying on a daily basis. their suffering is a growing homeless. this is on the rise to. many of them are living in tents braving the cold and the rain because they have nowhere else to go. honey, my mode. i was just to get a rough southern gauze, honey can join us now from rasa and the southern part of the gaza strip. honey. tell us more about people leaving their obama in the central part of the strip.
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what do you know about that? yes, where there are reports coming from the central area of the car, you just a stepped up, its a r tillery selling guy comes done within the past few hour. this needs to be an increase in the selling of these from the area. and the range is getting deeper and deeper into the hearts of the central air and not only covering the seat of the benefits, including the refuge account. there are people who are aware to the safe area and has been ordered. sharp blue bite is really military, within a few weeks to back away to get it back because it is safe. and right now the are doors under this apartment be the tragedy of these orders right now. it it just while i had been road days completely turned into a pile of ruin and it's very difficult for people. 1 to walk. a personally, very dangerous, very risky. i spend something going on, leave it alone and driving
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a car at this particularly difficult circumstances, but you move to the western side of the layer and just leaving the bay area because of the work. the ongoing artillery showing the report about being shown up the roads inside there in the area including the refuge account, the quiet pocket drawings, namely. 5 top thursday are wiring good removing objects, the barrier. this is. busy very, very consistent with what people have to type in the these evacuation orders and the narrative about is c like native. a zones are tons for the 3 big and very confusion, a very confusing for them as being the air force to leave and evacuated. more than one time,
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every time there's really another 3 the of the happenings. while at the same time, every strikes are taking place in southern on it and would be in the vicinity or not that are hospital leaving some $24.00 people being confirmed. killed right now in southern han, eunice, a near the civil defense department, that's just a few 100 meters away from the main entrance of not their hospitals who reporting live from rockville and the southern part of the street. thank you very much, honey. we have some great news now. the us military says that the who feet on group a struck a us own container ship off the coast. if you haven't this as tensions have been increasing greatly in the red sea. the strike cause minimal damage were told to the agent brought the eagle, which continued his journey. the incident was 1st reported by the u. k. maritime
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authorities. as soon as we have more on that, we will bring it to you. all right, with this. so this is, so i'm just being told bear with us here because this is just uh, breaking now and this is the statement by us central command. so on january 15 says the statement at approximately 4 pm, so not time ranging back who's the minutes inspired? an anti shipped ballistic missile from who the control the areas of human and it struck the m v. gibraltar eagle, marshall islands, flag us owned and operated container ship. the ship has reported no injuries or significant damage and is continuing its journey. earlier in the day at approximately 2 pm, so north time us forces detected an anti shipped ballistic messiah fired toward the southern red sea, commercial shipping lanes. the messiah failed in flight and impacted on land. in yemen,
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there were no injuries or damage reported. okay, harry foster joins us live from london, then we're going to talk about this a little bit more with you, harry. i feel there's some dots that we need to connect to the audience here. so just allow me a little bit of a preamble and then you'll fill in the picture for the last few weeks. there had been a regular attacks by the, with the rebel group based in yemen, on ships that go through the red sea, which is a major commercial shipping lane, about 1012 percent of the world's global trade goes through that waterway. and for the 1st time that you can the us a few days ago, a struck back at the drones and missiles launched by the who with ease and they struck multiple targets any m and itself, which marks a significant escalation. sorry, i have to paint that picture just off the back of that of that statement. just make sure we're all on the same page here. fill us in because this is also all going to
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be addressed as the u. k prime minister wishy soon act is set to address parliament . that's right. yes, very those strikes you case. i'm to place most of them anyways. thursday nights into friday morning. and there was no time according to the u. k. government to have any kind of a session in the house of commons in parliament, 2 debates and potentially votes on such action. and so what instead happened was that the opposition parties were breached the, the cabinet was brought in lights on thursday nights to discuss this. and do those strikes, went ahead us slides. most of those 60 individual targets the united states said within 16 sites inside the admin. most of those strikes being carried out by us ordinance largely from us by the judge,
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but also some fired from american warships as well as that. there was full british . it's hi, susan plains that were dispatched from b add bass b r a, a space in cyprus that took part in those attacks as well. and so, rather than have any kind of preemptive discussion as has sometimes happened in the past in parliament that was carried out very soon off to the decision was made at the highest level in government. and so instead we're going to have a retrospective statement about what did happen from the prime minister coming up in the next few minutes in the house of the house of commons instead. now we don't expect this to be a majorly contentious issue. uh, the main opposition date of all to is supporting it the smaller liberal democrat party as suggested that should be some kind of legislation to mandate some kind of parliamentary approval in the future. but there is, there is a precedence for this kind of operation. and what we're hearing from her, she's to knock on indeed from the defense minister drawn shots have both been out
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talking to reporters during the course of the day. is it? this was intended as a sort of a last resort response to what has been going on, but they're not precluding by any means. further. such measures should they deem it necessary. harry, is it fair to say that at this point the u. k. it has essentially a wait and see attitude to decide whether or not they will strike him and again and i think that is fair to say yes, a grown shots. the defense minister was pressed on this quite strongly when he was speaking to the various media reporters during the course of the day. i knew it to do that the main thrust of, or at least a large part of the 1st of the questioning was we'll, that'd be more such strikes. and again, he said this was intended as a one off. he called it a last resort. he said that it was simply not acceptable. this is language that was echoed by the prime minister a bit later on as well. that that should be,
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this kind of pressure, this kind of a sort of hassling going on to global shipping. i mean that the, everybody who sees say that they are targeting of israel bound or is right linked vessels. a number of investments that are being targeted, instruct have not been found to have any such links or destinations. this is an area that that sees so 10 to 12 percent says a global trade passing through it. and so the impact has already been pretty big with some uh, some carriers simply suspending their operations through the red sea insurance rates going up. people are worried about the economic impact, the impact on inflation on supply chains. and so yes, the messages that this was not some sort of declaration of an ongoing bid, a treat engagement with the who sees it was intended to be a response to what had happened so far to turn to what might come. but certainly my, the mind was ruling out further action if they didn't the best 3 in the future. all
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right, harry faucet reporting from outside of parliament in london. thank you for jumping on this just after we got the news. how are you? it's going to be interesting now to go to a diplomatic editor james page. now james is at davos where the global business elite gathers every year. james, the reason is it, it's interesting. well, it's pretty self evident after what harry said, 10 to 12 percent of global trade goes through that water weight, which means some of those commercial, same commercial companies. shipping companies that have decided to rewrote their ships um are, will be inevitably represented in one way or another at davos. i wonder how this disruption of global trade is. what kind of ripple effect is having at devil's is yes, certainly it's going to be one of the things that's going to be discussed this week is a demo established as the intersection of global business and global politics. we have key political leaders here. we have key business leaders, they include leaders, the shipping companies, everyone is concerned,
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i think on the effect of james apologies. i'll have to throughout the you all were listening to the u. k. prime minister wishes to enact speaking live in parliament. have come to the house and if possible opportunity mister speaker, i do not take decisions on the use of force. likely. that's why stress to this action was taken in self defense. it was limited. no, that's the truth. it was a necessary and proportionate response to a direct friend to u. k. vessels and therefore to the u. k. itself. mississippi could let me be absolutely clear why the royal navy is in the right seat belt. uh, as part of operation prosperity, guardian, protecting freedom of navigation as a fundamental tenet of international law. who takes a tax on international shipping. i put in some lives at risk. they have held one
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career postage for almost 2 months and they are causing growing economic disruption . the come us cannot operate under such conditions. contain isn't tank that having to take a 5000 mile diesel, around the case of good type. that pushes up prices unimpaired was the passage of goods, foods and mets. in the british people and other royal that we have attempted to resolve this through diplomacy. often numerous international calls to the attacks to stop a combination of countries. david, who sees a clear and on i'm big, he was wanting to weeks ago last week, but un security council post a resolution condemning the attack and highlighting the voice of nations to defend vessels for the freedom of navigation. yes, the few teeth continued on their reckless paul speaker. we shouldn't full for them knowing. now it says that this is about israel and gaza. they target ships from around the world. we continue to work towards the sustainable c foreign garza and
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to get more a to civilians. we also continue to support and negotiated settlement and young and civil. but i want to be very clear that this option is completely unrelated to those issues. it is a direct response to the 15th of tax on international shipping. and we should also recognize the risk of inaction. it would, we can international security and the route of no further damage, freedom of navigation in the global economy, and send a dangerous message that british festivals and british interests all the game. and there is another point here which is often overlook the hoot is a time risk listening, but don't on humanitarian situation in yemen itself. the u. k. it helps to feed around a $100000.00 yemenis every month with 8, arriving via the very c. with that the who teams have in the sites service to speak
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of a threat to shipping must cease and legally detain vessels and crews must be released . and we remained prepared to back home woods with actions. but mister speaker dealing with the district does not detract from all of the international commitments. for all the it strengthens our determination to uphold the fundamental un principles. if our groceries thinking that they can distract us from helping ukraine by threatening international security elsewhere, they could not be more wrong. on friday, i traveled to keith to meet presidency lensky, an address that you create in parliament. i took a message from this house to the rhonda that we will stand with ukraine today, tomorrow and for as long as food in winds in ukraine. he was stopped that you've been listening to the british prime minister issues to nick was talking about the the action was of the u. k. along with the u. s. against the who's the
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disruption of global trade. so it bears repeating again, just a little bit of a preamble before we go back to james space was at the boss, the who's the rebels in yemen had been attacking ships going through the red sea waterway, which is a major, a global shipping routes for the last few weeks for almost 2 months, and they have cause many tankers and containers to re route and go all the way south of africa to make their way from a, as they go from asia to europe. is james? yeah, we were just saying before we listen to rush you through knack, you at davos will have a front row seat to what the global business elite thinks of this disruption to global trade. what do you expect? yeah, it's not just by, well, business need is this the intersection here in global business and global politics here at davos. and i think we're going to get more response to what's going on in the red sea from some of those political leaders as well. along with business
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leaders, we've got the leaders are shipping companies. we've got all sorts of economic out unless the next but the need is a big business is old, already worried about the global supply chain and what this could mean for the global economy, what it could mean for the battle against inflation around the world. remember, the, the, the wells shipping industry, the global food supply, has been challenged already for nearly 2 years by the war. and ukraine will have presents lensky you will be speaking here at tablets. but with regard to this matter, we're going to have in the next 24 hours, the us extra estate times the blinking who's going to be here and the us national security advisor jake sullivan, will be speaking at davos. i'm show the events in the red sea among those they're going to touch on a coast where she soon acts in that speech to the house of commons. make it clear. this is not related to the will and garza. but of course, the who sees, say it is they say that's why they carrying out these attacks. we'll be hearing,
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i think, from those to about the war and goals that we've got important original leaders here. we've got the conference of saudi arabia, but i would been some on it here. we'll have the prime minister and foreign minister of cats or how that been of the roman of sony's here. all the foreign ministers administers from t regional countries. so i think the situation in the red sea that you can only impacts will be important, but i think also the political crises facing the world, garza and ukraine will be dealt with each end to on. this is doubles that james base. the devils. thank you very much. i want to read again to our viewers the statement by us central command about the mist style. it struck a shift yesterday. the statement reads as follows on january 15th, at approximately 4 pm, so not time ringing back. who's the militants fight? an anti ship ballistic missile from who's the control areas of human and struck the m v. gibraltar ego. a marshall islands flagged us owned and operated container ship
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. the ship has reported no injuries or significant damage and its continuing its journey. earlier in the day, at approximately 2 pm, so not time us forces detected an anti ship ballistic missiles fired towards the southern red sea commercial shipping lanes. the messiah failed in flight and impacted on land in the oven. there were no injuries or damage reported. let's get the latest on this from mike hannah in washington dc. mike we, we spoke to airy faucet, we listen to the u. k. prime minister wishes to nag. but of course, the number one country involved in trying to secure a freedom of navigation in the red sea is the us. and that's why we read out the, the statement from us central command. just give us the lay of the land on us efforts here. first and where you think this might be headed as well, you read the statements they have from us central come on to that attack on
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a uh freight to contain the freight carrier in the red sea. this obviously, i think the stakes in terms of what has been happening then recent weeks. remembering just a few days ago us and u. k. a cross carried out bulls and 60 strikes in that region of human from which these messiahs and drones have been operating now us officials have said that they believe that about 3 quarters of the capacity for the who sees to find the files and launch it drones still remains despite the strikes of the events of the past. few hours have pulled the sound. one of us note as well that early in the day said con, released a report saying that a messiah was fired in the direction of the us destroyer. in the red sea, this was intercepted and shut down by us spiked a jet. so there's a lot of things going on here. this particular attack on the freight to was no
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understood would appear from the city of her data, which itself was the target of u. s. u k strikes in recent days. so the getting the a n t is sort of rising in terms of what is happening now. president biden, who's on his way to philadelphia for martin luther king day celebrations, had made very clear that if the attacks continue, the us will retaliate. it does have a lot of forces deployed in the area as you can see by usa of cop shooting down a guided missile directed at a destroyer. another very interesting and fab significant point is that the us doesn't give particulars about what was the target, the supposed target of a messiah will strike cool, a drone attack. but it has been awarding come back ribbons. 2 soldiers who are deployed in the red sea, which is confirmation that it believes the soldiers are facing action by a hostile force. so the situation, the die and something that obviously us intelligence watching very closely.
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president biden obviously being brief done. what has happened in the course of the day it will be remain to be seen, whether they is us action in response, give them the fact that present and by didn't has said very clearly that there would be a mike hannah reporting from washington dc. thank you very much. i want to take this up with omar of mine, a fellow with them at least council on global affairs. you're joining us sir from washington dc. how do you read the latest events? it looks like if you look at the last week, the u. s. has struck in which is an escalation, regardless of what the, the british and the american say it is an escalation. but they have not cripple the who with these ability to attack ships in the red sea, is thank you for having me. yes. i mean, i think you see these actions and it's highly predictable. you know, a series of bombings from the us and u. k. on the who, the, on the who these is not going to do what, 8 years of the saw the,
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and i'm with all the bombing of the, who these, within the context of that war with using american made and british made weapons is going to accomplish. so these one off strikes in which you're targeting, who the installations i don't think is either going to reduce their capacity or to turn them. and, you know, i think what the united states and u. k are doing is, this is not strategically justifiable. it's only strategically justifiable if you look at what the, who these are doing in the red sea, in isolation from what's happening in gaza and in the rest of the region. but if you look at that wider context, you know, the us and u. k are not only ignoring the source of this crisis, which is what's the genocide unfolding and gaza. they are enabling it and they're trying to prevent or deter a wide or regional escalation by taking military action against the kind of flash ones that are occurring as a result of what's happening. you got that, and i think that is a strategically
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a mistake. it's only gonna feed it why the original escalation. if you think of all this as messaging the, the miss styles of both, these are firing the counter strikes by the u. k. and the us, if you think of both of those things as a message sent to the enemy, what are the messages for sure. i think uh, you know, the, the strikes from the us and u. k. and part of that coalition is we will respond to your actions in the red sea and the, the, you know, anti ship, a ballistic missile that was us fired by the who. these afterwards are saying, well, we will not be deterred by your actions and our capabilities remain intact. and the hotels have been, i think, very explicit, their leadership in saying that we're not afraid of a war and we'll, we'll fight back if the us takes it to us. and you know, this will lead to a wider escalation. so i think that, you know, from the standpoint of, of both parties, there is no kind of military solution here. the, the point of the point that needs to be taken is that the source of the escalation,
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the, the, what's happening and cause it needs to be addressed as a only chance for, you know, the escalation here. so is that what we're headed towards, in your opinion, an original escalation, at least in the m, in, in the red sea, because as you said, who these have said they're not backing down. in fact, they've said now that any british and american interest in the region are legitimate targets as far as they're concerned. and then the back that up with words by targeting that partly us own ship. so does that mean we're now inevitably headed towards escalation? i mean, this seems to be the trajectory of things over the past 100 days since what happened and gaza started and in south israel. and at the same time, you know, what we're seeing in, in the red sea, shouldn't be seen in isolation from gaza, but also not from, you know, the, the wider network of which the, who these are part of this access. so called access of resistance. so, you know, you have south lebanon, you have a rocking and syria groups that are operating there as well as the ron. so i think
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the, you know, what if the, if the us is attacking, you know, who, who, the positions, there's the problem ability that the responses will, will help and elsewhere and they were already happening elsewhere. i mean, none of this can be seen again in isolation from each other. but i mean, i think what needs to be stress is this is part of a, a wider failed policy of the us in the u. k. 2, not again address the source of this, and that's bringing us one is it's enabling a genocide to unfold in the gaza strip. it's bringing the region to the very brink of a catalogue of potentially catastrophic war that i don't think the british people or the american people want to be involved in militarily. it's putting in immense stress on international law in the international system. and we're seeing potentially the last gas of international law. i mean, we're going to see what happens at the international court of justice. and there's untold, fall out from this politically around the world. and you know, we're heading into an election year in many parts of the world, including the united states,
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and we're going to see how this affects all of those things. so i think from a policy position, i don't see any upside from the us and the u. k amara, i'm on fellow with the middle east council on global affairs. thank you for joining us. this our, it's my pleasure. the us state of iowa takes off the national contest to choose the republican presidential nominee. later on tuesday, voters will meet the braves sub 0 temperatures to choose who they want to be their next president, john henry and reports from i was capital des moines. this is a strange way to run an election. take a not particularly representative state, overwhelmingly white rule and heavily religious. been during the coldest and most inhospitable time of year. let it we know down the candidates for the most powerful job in the world. they can throw
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a blizzard at us in the iowa caucuses on monday. republicans are casting the 1st votes to be counted in the 2024 presidential primary campaign were leading massively and iowa. donald trump, for 77 year old former president who was voted out of office as a runaway lead in the polls. i wanted big when they, they've talked as high as 40 percent. that would be delighted if it was a 40 percent win for trump. so all the sporting interest is in the battle for 2nd place with florida governor rhonda santas and former south carolina governor nikki haley sparring for the right to be the alternative to trump. presumably the top 3 vote theater. sort of the republicans. trump, to sanderson halley on whatever 2nd and 3rd place order that happens to be that's what's gonna happen. i think that might just make them haley hopes, winning silver in iowa. will mark the end of this and this campaign. great. again.
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the weather has a vote. in this election, temperatures are expected to dip to minus 28 degrees celsius. that would make these of a clean list. iowa caucuses, ever forecasters or calling it flashed by conditions that could seriously depress. turn out and mean only the hardy is voters decide who went one major committed group in iowa, evangelical christians. some are looking for an alternative, but despite trumps 3 divorces, to impeachment and $91.00 criminal charges. many of them, like a lot of evangelicals have support for trump, that you just can't strip away because they see the things that are happening to how they think he's being persecuted. they see him as a martyr with little suspense about who's likely to win in iowa. the campaigns focus now is largely on meeting expectations. if you're the top dog and you're supposed to like cream, the competition and you kind of sorta do, but not quite often enough that can be
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a to see meeting or falling short of those expectations can determine who has momentum is the race moves on to other states john, 100 l g 0, des moines, iowa. volcanic activity in iceland appears to have eased the according to the authorities, the latest direction on sunday and gulf 3 buildings. setting them on fire and lava flowed through the town of green da vic. 4000 people had to leave their homes in november as a precaution already. only a few dozen chose to move back permanently just before the christmas holiday or correspondence. so yeah, go is in green demick. a war about 18 kilometers is outside greens of it, which is where the at the center of this rupture and is taking place. we can't get any closer. this is the road that leads directly into the town itself. it's been closed off because of exclusions and that's been put in place 5. you'll start to use it declared the highest level of a lot. now while the president said good media,
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henderson has said that there is no immediate threat to live close to this properties that have already been facing the effects of this, a rupture with houses already being confused by the flow of law. but there was also the issue of those have been displaced by this. this is the 2nd time since november . they taught to do this. many fearing that they may not be able to go back to the homes. now prior to this, their options that had been damaged control buyers that had been erected around the houses. unfortunately, that hasn't seemed to work this time around with this option. so do you guy go, i'll just sarah iceland. the type of support now with peter stomach, who's doing this in the studio? peter? so thank you very much. south korea. how celebrating a winning stall to the agent? tough campaign they ran of $31.00. when is against by writing in grouping. so hell
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magic was a for us find the johnston bahama stadium. i mean trained to do a pretty entertaining match south career. i had a lot of expect patients on them since that one of the pre totally favorites is that for the most part, they live up to that billing. now we still in the 1st tough them take the leads through when they did have a little bit of a scan. second off in binary, provides. but then a lot of people thought this is the moment for this style play of some who meant to step up. that wasn't to be, it was actually the passenger most of the town in really so the show his to go ceiling $31.00 way in full south thrift. lots of people to be thinking. now can they go on and find the get that when it is to him? very looking for the community. how happy are you with that we we yeah. incredibly amazing. this is amazing. feel like, i don't know. how can i describe it with the words?
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this is really a blessing. thank you so much. team korea? yeah. we enjoy the law and i'm happy that i think time in the who is playing in the power sector. mom is twice so good and i'm still happy that he got the m o p. today, so south korea, when this 131 big performance with the opening match here, the agent got this on same pretty happy day. we'll see whether it's out through a good old way. but they've definitely had a big start here into the mileage algebra around right now in the field, the rock are to one up against the indonesian. it's got a tennis now and it looks like it'd be murray may have ladies final match at the a straining open. the 3 it's on grand slam champion was play by city of c to thomas, a marketing activity by reducing and straight 664626270 the 2nd time and 16 use that mary has failed to get round at this to see
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the new method is the progress, but he struggled in his opening match to you last the 1st fit to qualify parents off mon, the, to time a stranger and runner up. then one the next to say it's a need before methods, friendship and a good time. in the 4th said, with crap, the end of the women stole. could this be the you're almost your bill windsor, 1st grand slam, titled the tennessee and made a convincing stop to australian opened campaign defeating ukrainian, qualify a set of books of uh, in straight sets. this was gibbons 1st match of the season, having chosen not to play events before the tournaments. she's reached 3 grand slam finals before most recent theater last year. now me a saw because come back to the school to meanwhile has ended in the 1st round. the feats of catalina garcia, the tucson champion, spent 15 months away from the 12th of the daughter, and the return she would have hoped for. she lost 6 full $76.00 to the 16th.
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and that's what was posted for the time being. i'll be here again later with another update. so all right peter, we look forward to that. we'll speak you a little later. thank you very much. and we will be back at the very top of the hour with a full slate of world news today. what else? 0, the unique perspective. some people need see these really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices for 2 people in israel are sitting up against the door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. he's healthy human noises. that is all i want to go and, you know, you were to happen to next to the stream on out to 0. as we know what's happened in our region. we know has to get some places that others tend
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on by one, fear, god, by the youth on purpose. the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference in unsettled tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it is of complex 3 question, question of 5 upfront without a 0 phasing top is being played in cats are for a rock or 3rd time. 24 teams are competing for the trophy. there can only be 4. can you to run across the action from our the tournament phasing half on
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the the the alarm serial then yea, this is the news, our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, the us military says humans from the rebels and hits an american owned container ship with a miss island the red sea. there are no injuries reported the


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