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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 15, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the ones that are already able to have you with us. this is the news our lives from the coming up in the program this hour from us releases a new video of the captive,
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who says to other captives were killed by is really military strikes in gaza. and the us military says humans who the rebels have hit an american own container ship with a miss island. the red sea. there are no injuries reported children in shock pulled from the rubble after israel's latest attacks on the central and southern gaza. at least 67 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. a stabbing and car rounding, attack north of tel aviv at least one person has been killed and 18 others injured . volcano in iceland has erupt it for a 2nd time in less than a month. are seeing life pictures right now, which has forced people from their home the i'm splendid guy. yeah. go just north of the town of green civic, what we're waiting to go in with, you will start to see the expense of the damage caused by the reduction
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the . so how mouse has just released a new video, their port to be shows the dead bodies of 2 is really captive. the video shows a 3rd captive who says the 2 were killed by is really military strikes on gaza. she continues to plead for the war. and now we're following this breaking story from tel aviv and from gaza in a moment. we'll go to honey my mood 1st bill. let's go to sarah. hi, wrapped in tel aviv. tell us what we need to know about this video. sorry, just to we're, we're choosing not to show it. these are people who are captive and who are speaking under dress, but tell us what we need to know. the. yeah, absolutely. yeah. this is the 2nd thoughts of 2 videos. one was released even nights and then they released the 2nd one just in the last few minutes. now, to give you an idea of who these are, the they all 3 young individuals, one of them is a female to the mail yesterday. in the 1st part of the video,
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you saw the video of all 3 of them talking to the camera. it wasn't clear when it was filmed, sending a message directly to the is ray, the government, and the prime minister himself benjamin netanyahu was saying, you need to return us home as soon as possible and blaming them for the situation that in terms of strikes and saying, that they will possibly die. then the 2nd part today, are you hearing from the female, who says that they had been hit several times, but as strikes that they had actually been back buried when the building they were held in was hits and then says that's all cassandra gate managed to take them out of the rubble and it was when they were relocating one of the males was killed. and 2nd and also the sad one say. and then at the end of the video you see that they are dead. so it's going to be incredibly hard just for the families to see this.
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and if anything, let's remind you that yesterday was a 100 days the kind of language that was used that riley was very different. so what we've been hearing, we had not just from the families of those captives, but also from those that have been involved with helping them and supporting them. now we know that some of the families of those campuses were visiting cats all about last week. and they mentioned this yesterday saying that they had spoken to the categories to ensure that more was being done. and almost really reading between the lines saying that it's because of us taking masses into our own hands. we managed to secure this deals. when medicine should be delivered through the right process has been agreed on, it hasn't happened. but this is only going to up the pressure on the government and starts in the very painful for the families to see this video. absolutely, and this i assume will further reveal what is right now a fault line among these really decision makers within the war cabinet on what israel should do now. and what is the best way to secure the release of the
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hostages. can you talk a little bit about that though from hiring? well, uh the problem is it just says yes. today he said that the war must go on, but it should be up to the budget of amended. disuse budgets. uh, because of the rising costs of this one, he said that it's best it's going to help leads to the victory. um, interestingly yes, today, one of the family members was on stage speaking, saying, how long do you want us to wait? do you want sauce to weigh a 100 more days? you and many of them actually said, you said you would secure this country. you said that you would have got rid of hamas by now on you haven't. they said we are still facing security threats in the southern towns and in the northern borders and they sit and still move and haul. so those captives are still being held in gaza while the government's in the middle tree keeps saying that it's only full force either will,
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that will bring them back. but what we're seeing is very different, really. the way they came back was through a ceasefire deal. and that's when more than half of them were tons. so speaking to some of those in the square, we also, and we said, do want a sci fi. they said we want an end to the war. if this means bringing them all back, they said this is they can fall too long. they actually really thoughts, but this would have been under control and it, it's become a lot more complicated. and so it's in the no movement on another see spa and in terms of the government, well, they all still going ahead with this one. they've that it will continue for the rest of the yes. 0 lazara high right. reporting from telling me thank you very much . sorry, i want to bring in a honey movie, you're joining us from ross site and southern gaza, honey. so with this video release, we're seeing him, us use what is possibly it's most effective tool to put pressure on israel,
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honey. yes, that that is correct. and it looks like how much is very, very careful and, and then old was uh, when it directs messages to the world. but a more seemingly calculated messages when they are directed to the is rid of government or those really military. we stand not in the pos, in the, from the 1st videos of hostages that be before us. these fire was reached, but this time i the it what, what looks like how much is putting upfront shirts in order to what it looks like that an influence on the private, on the public discussion over the release of the hostages. then over pushing is run into the negotiation table. busy it's a come to a ceasefire. did they did not so subtle message. the adult in he here is the
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appear to be that it if you do not comfortable, she ation. if you don't not get to a ceasefire, the let them into this aggression on god. then and do that mass killing of palestinians. you will also be killing the hostages. anything that they the punch line that is directed to these very public. and it just, it goes, it happens to be a, a statement made by, at the these really defends the nesta right after they, the video was released and the catalog give a few of the points of primary among them. the fact that the, the military operations in the northern part of gauze a has come to an end and soon enough will be completed. and in the southern part of there seems to be a link between the pressure that has already been put on these really public just to push their negotiations further into reaching a, a deal,
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a ceasefire dealer. and we just hurts. eh, i've a report coming in from egypt that it was a given a green light by these really a government to go forward with the a, with portion and i are you getting a deal of, of, of releasing hostages so that it looks like where we're coming into that direction and the how much they played the cards very well. tiny, mount mood reporting from rasa and the southern part of gaza. thank you very much. i want to bring it out as you're a senior political analyst, more one to shower. i'd like your read on this more one because i'm us is putting pressure is applying pressure probably on the issue that is the most painful to is really is right now, which is we still have your hostages and you are killing your own people because again, you know, look, we're not showing this video because these are captives, they're not free to say what they want. they're speaking on the dress. but what they are saying, we have to remember it's partly stage who fully stage by how much but what they are saying is this young lady is saying i was held with 3 people. we were bombed by as
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really a strike. one captive died. we were moved by, i'm us by cassandra gates specifically to another location we were bombed again by is really or strikes. another captive died of the 3 people, the 2 other people i was held with. i'm the lone survivor, that's the message that i'm us is no broadcast. there's nothing unexpected. right? we've been warning now for 3 months that the ongoing bombing is not going to save the captives is just going to risk their lice at the end of the day, just as israel is succeeding in getting tens of thousands of palestinians. eventually some of them are going also to be the jewish captives hasn't got so because this has, has been, uh, try and gets best to target the tunnels as well. you know, as you know, the end of the day, aside from the bottom edge of the hospitals and, and the mosques and the schools as long software then that they would defeat how much you have to bump at those. and then that on those captors. but from the very
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beginning, if you remember early on in this uh what i don't know which quote i am or more on garza, these are areas which would force the main goals of the war, right? to put the 1st, the few think how much the 2nd the liberating freedom, the coverage. then that then you, i'll try to connect both the same quantity for war. would it be deliberate or free? the captives. now, after 6 weeks or more, it proved to be wrong. they could free any got the 2 more. so they went to the humanitarian pauses to the diplomatic process, to free the kind return for humanitarian pauses. and at the time, how much was interesting because they did not want to hold these very old people that needs medication. all of these very young people, the additional enough have been to 1st place, should have,
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has any souvenirs that way. but that's another story. so now it's clear that the government isn't a mind because the the, the clear goals of the physics. hi, my son liberating because i'm not happening. we entered the 4th month were now at the hague executive genocide. guys as mostly designated and still how much is truth and rockets understood was this thing and guys are 50. and even in the places that present the liberated by these race and pick up is on the, on the even more depressing, more danger today than, than ever before. so that does put in a bind. are you for free, the captain? let's, let's go one day before october 8th, right. when they, when the government decided what they'll jump over 7. presumably, how much is operation goes on as it was,
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was to hold captives and because he's wanted to hold his ready captives should have been soldiers in order to negotiate the freedom of what they call said the that on that a spinning captives. and is there any jails and there are thousands of them now. they doubled from 5000 plus of 10000 plus and i think that is right in a bit of uh, you know, a bit of an embarrassing position. this is the status was on the mind that now how much was imposing its own dick that's on it. and this, to my mind is there any is not, are back in the same mind of negotiating with him as for the leasing thousands of the city prisoners, this is going to be a very tough thing for these are the government to do. i don't think it will do it . and that's why this thing is going to continue to escalate the only 3rd party. that's good. i've got in that and said, look, isn't become madness too many people are dying. this is going to be an endless kind of water. it's not yet. i'm winding down. you really need the diplomatic solution
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to this. it might not be immediate, but there shouldn't be some kind of a logic. and that's where the fed parties, talent, and capacity and leverage comes in. and what has been proposed to my mind about the captives the past few weeks ever since it was disrupted, you know, for the month because the idea was, is we'd start saving face for everyone. right. and how do you do that? you do that by establishing continuous humanitarian pauses. so you call them here, right at the end. of course that might, it goes into is where it is and says, no. so you don't want to talk, that's the so i, so you're doing consistent or continuous human pauses over 3 months. and you're a nice one to 3 hostages every week or 2 was also for hoping that by the end of 2 or 3 months of a continuous who my doing follows is that you would eventually start reaching some form of a cease fire. whereby more or more are released the waters winding down. and you can start talking more seriously about what the effect of the amount. because even when i talk about, which is why i should totally use
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a good number of the political prisoners. because they never, they, if the, by the session serious about revitalizing the policy are funded to needs to release a lot of political person. that's perfect. that for all that, everyone talks about model on about who you know, the famous, you know, there's just as fighters who has been is ready to judge right now for 2 decades and more. so this issue becomes, not only, you know, solution, it becomes a peg for perhaps the after meeting you start to read it. what about as a situation on the west bank, your lease more political person, there's your winds on the water and guys of your lease more captives as well, so forth. so there is some form of a magical diplomatic formula that could say face and in the winding down or anything award, and so on, so forth. but nothing else. i was exactly what i'm going to say except the magical formula, except that netanyahu doesn't want to hear about it. yes. and there are divisions within the work cabinet. it's. it's him and you'll have galant on one side. we're saying the best way to release kept
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a captive is to put maximum military pressure on a mouse. so we continue to work. we've been doing it and it reports. and these really pressed today suggested many gaps and icing caught their thinking know, look, do a see if that's what it takes to a ceasefire. at least get, get our people back. so stay on the line because i think this is of tremendous importance, right? this whole is really mindset that who's who, and whatever. cause i see a lot of these sort of, uh, you know, stuck chatting of this, the political map or mindset squared meant anyhow is in the middle guns and had gone to his uh to his right to his left and the fanatical, fascist to his. right. right. uh, uh, being viewed on smart threats and software. and it seems like as if nothing, you know, some kind of a moderate think trigger between the 2 wings of these are the assumptions. the real
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truth is different about these, right, the politics or the minister, the brass of the political class are in agreement. sport had been in agreement for 3 months, about defeating time. us continuing the war and this it may think that so the way they were in the agreements was nothing you know about that. so make no mistake. the minutes of the process normally isn't or no more that it's on human areas. they wanted to store the 2 items. they wanted to defeat how much they wanted to enter the injured security individual activities, radio, apartheid. and they want to do with right. and they want to do it with full force and they did. right. the, the fanatics want to continue with the water open ended. linton, that all the same using pastime and as far as that goes. but at this point in time, that's old. remember, the closest link between israel and the united states is not nathan. now estimates are so it has the strongest points that links historically the one the most
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defendant. they are the ones that have seen as you are with the american of also many 30 brass and the most defend off on ltd totally to cannot logically training. and they said that nothing. and they listened to what that american concept parts are saying. so now the ministry might be willing to start winding down things and they're sending one more to the americans because they're also not defeating how much. i was watching the, the images as well. i'm sorry to continue with my small businesses. it's interesting because you're saying that the, the, the, the center of gravity of decision making, we all see it as netanyahu. you're saying watch the military. what's happened? it's very unfortunate that you all are being put trenice because nothing now wants to prolong the water as much as he can. because that's the only way for him to stay in power. he's not some kind of mediating figure between left and right. he's the most of what kind of stuff on go and he's the one who wrote that was more cabinets together. and he was the one who brought the fascists and the fanatics integrate with him in the fashion the front. and the fanatics failed in the previous elections, he is the one he is the god father over the fascist fanatic right in his and he's
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the one who mediated between them, between things in a smart, which is 2nd home and actually yeah, before the last election, he's the godfather of the fanatics in his government, he's the guardian. so he's not that far to do this. he is in fact the lead the right in some form or not. but now he wants to prolong the war the minnesota along the united states, 11 to wind down the war. and as i was saying, i was watching these images this morning or the give out the unit to another unit, leaving garza to go to the west bank. now they were living guys all, i mean, just images them leaving because there were thousands of them, right. and they were celebrating, like, why are these, are the soldiers singing and celebrating class thing? what about leaving garza? is it because it does either come us, they did it, does it because they fried the captives. they did it because it because they killed somebody children and stored so many houses. i hope that isn't because they can,
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they can't wait to leave because the one that leaves you know, saved with their lives and their lives in tact. probably because it has become a nightmare for these very limited 3 as soon as significant warfare. and how much is proving to be unrelenting? i mean, they have coming out now in places that is there a full deliberate had long to liberate that long time ago. all right, and in the north, in garden city, outside of skin jamalia in, but i know that's why i built resisting, not just, not just in the south. so these really minnesota is putting the, you know, the heat now. and then with the on the, i think they would like to connect again with the united states and see how they could wind down the water in a way whereby they can continue with some kind of whatever they call them. special operations discriminated, surgical bombing. and so on, so forth. but clearly something gotta give at this point in time. and the subject of the captive is back to that. this could be not just the, uh, the burden on the is very limited to the establishment. the political,
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the fast and the ministry brass, it could in fact become part of the solution but satisfies the public. it's 5 sides by the united states. and it could allow for one thing is on the war and into 3 months, reaching out to watch the season. oh sure. 0 senior political analyst, more one of the shar, thank you. have a good in levy is a call them this with these really daily hearts you're live with us from tel aviv give you. and i wanted to start by getting your thoughts on this latest hostage video that i'm us has released as possible. it was one of these deals. it is already the page deeper. and the end it's quite a show came to me because, you know, i understand the psychological further from us is a conducting. but this should be some ball the said to play like these say yesterday, to reduce photos of them a lot of center they they'll because they say,
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i think they should be something. what does that come us even? sure. who's girls? it doesn't a so better thing, in any case, the driver will probably be the reaction is read, it wouldn't be a reaction all but again, look at those and the most that we are dealing with. and we cannot dress them and we should just say eliminate them. and trish them, nothing good. we've come out of it. if the effect is to cause a shock or fear situation within the is really public. i mean, will they see this video and will it work for support? i don't think it is. the video will be screen between be baptized, but not screening because there's a tendency is, are the media and open screen. the phone changes the cost, say releases, including the one from us that they, they only publish the status of photos but not the videos, but this is also important as a, there is
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a big brochure in the government of the world. it's impossible to release the hostages. there wouldn't be twilio mess up of these items. very big brand new 24 hours, 7 they. it will 7, they might by the end of the day, they're very clear or well on the same stop the war in order to release them is not the main voice, the right here from the process. and if this is not the main voice that comes out from the process, so it's, it is very good. it's not very effective. he does one that is right to see the all the just the slow no doubt about who doesn't want them to be reinstalled by the band and they, we are dealing with babies and on to the present then we met and then the then the most oldest but i don't seem as pressure to get to enjoy a very encouraging kind of moment to,
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to reach the government. we have 3 never seen and all day the protest we all know the right. so that would explain why benjamin netanyahu has seemed largely impervious to these protest into that pressure. it's because the center of gravity of opinion and these really public is in favor of continuing this war unfortunately . so yeah, absolutely. you'll defined a method that will be delayed me, that's executive board and the gravity is still continue. the war by nation. come boss of this, you're good. i don't want to be we send this to the everyone wants to see the author just gets really sure. but not everybody's ready to pay for bryce gideon levy. we really appreciate you joining us at such short notice this hour to discuss this. thank you very much. thank you for having me. a u. s. military says that the who's the armed group has struck a us owned container, ship off the coast of u. m,
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and the strike cause minimal damage to the age of alter ego, which continued his journey. the incident was 1st reported by the u. k. maritime authorities as get the latest on this from mike hannah in washington, dc. what can you tell us that this, this is an event mike that took place yesterday, but it's just coming to light. now, what can you tell us indeed, yes. well, the maritime authority was the original source of the information and this was then confirmed by us central command, which confirmed that the ship had been hit and confirmed that there was little damage and it was proceeding with no injury the board, but also central combined to issued more information that earlier they had been an attempt to miss out strike on the us destroyer in the red sea. the messiah was destroyed in mid flight by a us find to at cross. so there are a number of incidents that have been happening in an area in which the us and the u . k. drew a line in the sand as it were,
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they launched mold and 60 operations in recent days against who the talk it's in areas a control in human and us intelligence analysts say that the a t m militant still retains some 75 percent of the capacity and these attacks show that this is in fact the case. now the red line that i referred to president by didn't headset, but it puts you a tax on shipping in the red sea continue. that will be a response. this is something a code as well by the british prime minister. so this is basically a situation where all we all waiting now for a response. the us will claim that very fine line between avoiding spreading the conflict arising out of gaza and keeping crew to it's would that they will be a responsive attacks on much and shipping in the red sea continue. so a very delicate situation under way of present like hannah. thank you. that's the latest reporting out of washington d. c. on this. um let me bring and restore sort. are you reported on the region in
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the region? you're, you're looking at this closely and it's hard to read where we are at this moment in the red sea. there is an escalation, i think we should, if we can say that with high confidence because they, we've seen the strongest attack that there with these if carried out against the u . k. in the us couple of days ago. then we saw the strongest retaliation with strikes on young men. now the who these are saying anything that is directly or indirectly linked to the british in the americans in the region. it's fair game for us. and they demonstrated that yesterday they struck an american ship. indeed, so now we see that the americans and the breeze now are trying to disconnect what's happening in gaza with what's the detachment that is now in the red sea. however, here with these had been quite clear from the 1st of the one when they started to attack some commercial russel's crews into the red sea. they said that they are not aiming to below the freedom of the navigation across the press. the bus brother,
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the main target, is to stop the ships, the container, ships, commercial ships that are linked to israel, going to van or coming from and it's really forth or somehow owned by these rally. so that was the state. it's clearly stated. purpose will hold these now of course the americans and the care officials are saying that the day of the bill actions or the retaliation has nothing to do with the guys or but that's not practically the case. and it's not that just these do not angry. what the prime minister of the cameras just mark has just said that it has nothing to do with the guys some of the allies of the u. k. and americans also believe that actually it's closely related to the warden does that. they also believe that this is everybody's occasional regional implication of the water and gas. i mean the meetings with the, the fasick with the roof, the states lloyd austin with some of the allies when he was trying to convince them to be a part of the international coalition. moved to national coalition to somehow protect
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the ships. some of the companies directly behind the close doors towards the american signature of defense that they do not want to be a part of a question that look like to be protecting israel. so that's why one of these a show and i was that is very much closely to the warrant guys that and also another indication strong education is that when there was a one week ceasefire for these stop their attacks on the ship. so who with these are now sitting a new scene that each of the ship that is cruising echoes by been met, the spring magistrate needs to contact us dakota vacation. the guarantee is that they are not going to the is ready post and not coming from these reports or not linked to israel. so i'm from now on whether they are going to stop or not, to be honest. i think they are going to continue. i'm not expecting a huge escalation or a very effective,
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dramatic response for them to use or do us it. but it seems that the us is continue to bump into targets in human and hope these are going to continue the tax returns or the me sized. but it's very much costa, for the usa who these are a tech and with the drones, with the, the had maids of rockets, how many drug tests that are costing them just to $1000.00 while americans, when they have truly in or 5 and nice size queen size or somebody else is costing them roughly 1500000 each of them are so. so dar, thank you very much. in israel, at least one person has been killed in 18 others injured in a car running and stabbing attack. this happened in the city of ronald just north of tel aviv police say that they have arrested at least 2 suspects. they've identified them as residents of hebron and the occupied westbank and investigation is underway. at this time is still preliminary. i can't get into the details of the motive, but what i can tell you is that we have various security agencies behind us gathering evidence in order to declare it. if it is,
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tell her what it's related to. we're going to get all that information and give it to you as it comes in to for that bill. how many it is in ramallah in the occupied westbank? honda usually when there's an attack like this, the response from is really security forces is pretty swift. what can you tell us? the problem is swift and it's actually on the way for the past 2 hours. uh the uh is where the soldiers had been, have been at the houses of the 2 attackers at 44 year old man. and he is 24 year old nephew. the latest we've heard from a relative is that the soldiers are taking now the measurements of both houses, which will do it, indicates that they're going to be flagged for a demolition. this is a sort of a normal practice here in the occupied with bag when a member of a family carries out an attack, specially if someone is killed during that attack. well then there is this form of
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collective punishment where the, where the house is demolished and the families left to look for somewhere else to, to live. now in the rest of the town it's a a very very which is east of hebron. that's where the 2 men come from. they have their own going. confrontations between some be some local residents there and the is really a soldier. so searching the a very 10 situation and the person we spoke to said that he would expect that then they would be a closer of that out for the foreseeable future. honda, you were telling us earlier that if i can get you to pivoted to another angle here of the story, the elite units that have been fighting and gaza have relocated lift, cause a relocated to the occupied westbank. what does that tell us to that tell us that those as
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a israel is quite worried about the situation here in the occupied west bank. and apparently it's quote quoted in these really we do some a security officials as a says that the situation is on the brink of an explosion. and they all worried about maybe a 3rd and defy the notice. here for is, well, it would be a much bigger quagmire then guys simply because there are 700000 settlers who live across the occupied west bank. they have been armed by israel's national security minister in the, in the aftermath of the october 7th attack. and they have been in bolden ever since there has been an unprecedented surgeon in settlement activities over the past 3 months. i haven't olsen, unprecedented pressure on palestinians. we've been reporting
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every day since october 7th that. 5 these raids, the, they come with the, you know, deaf and the tensions. you have more than 350 by listing in skilled here in the occupied westbank since october 7th. and you have nearly 6000 have been detained. all this puts a lot of pressure on palestinians and at that time we're also the economic life is at a standstill. and there is a anger, a lot of anger, a what is unfolding and gaza palestinians here in the west bank food feeling helpless. and also very much frustrated that they cannot provide any kind of solidarity towards those in gaza simply because when they do express that well, next day, you will more shortly have a soldier or bird coming to you and detaining you. so it is a very frustrating situation. for the palestinians here and with every day that goes by, with every re, more of you know,
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more pressure on the more closes of villages and towns. while there is a risk that there's a certain point old that will explode. and that is a huge worry for a 0. hold up the reporting from ramallah there. thank you very much. our to and to palestinian teenagers have been shot dead by is really forces. while he is really on the radio says that they were trying to throw a home, made explosive palestinians say that they awesome. can't verify the is really narrative. that abraham reports on this from the occupied west. that is always open to 6 year old ice going on as his brother's eyes are being shot forever too little to understand the meaning here say being a palestinian means is too close to avoid. the 17 year old man was supposed to return to school on monday after a break is did his brother other folder to define and he has another brother in his wait
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a minute to redo the teams under israels policy over resting palestinians without charge. oh god is always slow and how about oh no, i don't know if my son either knows that his brother was killed. he's an offer military prison. last i heard from him i was in october 15th. so what i meant was, with his 16 year old friend pallets knew it'd be that in the occupied west bank. both were shopping tube. by the way, the forces leaked on sunday in the streets where they were shocked as meters away from kind its home. it's near the leak is where the supplement of best l and close to and is really made it through tower. people working in the area, tell us that this is a place where is there any soldiers talk to salad and so they mind they manage are processing and moving through the surveillance cameras. these really army radio accuses the 2 teens of throwing home, made explosives at this way, the soldiers, but passing and say they often cannot verify these really narrative,
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leaving families with more questions than answers. let me show you that option of the call with the i don't know what's happened. i don't even think he had money to go out. he gets a little pockets money from us and not give them the most. so she, she says her son told her if he died to protest picture knew his friends, who were also killed by his really forces. he loved life, she says, and drunk of one day becoming a journalist, being born under as well as occupation and living through its pain. his dream never came to that, but he just the to the occupied left bank. israel's military is continuing to expand its ground operations and guns that meanwhile has tanks and troops are present in all these areas in the north and south of the strip. they locked in intense baffles with palestinian fighters in northern gauze in narrow bait last year and a top truck. and there was intense gunfire in hon. eunice overnight and the southern
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gaza in the southern part of gaza battles are taking place between palestinian fighters and he's really forces with his really troops advancing towards darrow by honey. my mood has the latest from rossa. as i have some must, as the rest of your workers are searching for survivors in a pile of concrete is really is try to get a residential building. and some told garza, a girl and her brother are the sole survivors. and this attack that killed dozens of house in these really army has been ramping up its military action in the besieged southern city of tanya and paving the way for times and armies vehicle to move deeper into the area. there has been a common occasion of black outing garza for days and its hindering rescue effort. so hey, honey, about the heavy heating, the move them we are not even able to receive emergency calls from citizens. we are
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not even able to use their navigation tools. we rely on our audio and visual skills to reach the targeted areas. on some occasions we take light vehicles to reach hospitals and ask victims about locations of the affected area of the, you know, it's a really difficult for families to stay in touch with the weather. you've done that . i'm separated from my parents and i can't reach out to them. i do not know how or where i can re unite with them. busy apart from this, i have not been able to reach my son for 2 days, and i'm not able to call him and i don't know where he is. i can't rest. i can't even sleep because i'm not able to get in touch with many of my family members. that's a negative balance. refugee camp is across the strip ruins. after is really air strikes from the center, the number of palestinians through the refuge in the south is rising out of my
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shuttle or the thing we can hardly survive. my house was bombed and levelled my family. and i and now homeless my sister, 10 of my cousins were code. we were forced to take shelves that until i was out to school, that my niece and nephew was killed. then we were forced to leave to another shelter, which was rated by the as ready soldiers. i'm penny less. how can i feed them and we've lost our livelihoods? humans it's it's been more than a 100 days since it's really a launch. it's more ongoing. but there's no into the humanitarian. a crisis. palestinians are facing hunger and paying on a daily basis. their suffering is a growing homeless. this is on the rise to. many of them are living in tents, braving the cold and the rain because they have nowhere else to go. honey, my mode. i'll just get a rough southern gauze, the united nations secretary general antonio gutierrez has made a new plea for humanitarian aid for palestinians and gaza. wild gonna have been
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some steps to increase the flow of, i mean you're getting the sisters into gaza. life saving relief is not getting to people who have enjoyed months of relentless assault. it's anywhere near the scale needed. the long shadow of starvation is stalking the people of gaza along with these, these mutation in the hills. so let's have a remedy. down is a displace palestinian living and a destroyed school that was hit by and is really strike. she lost family members including her in laws in the apartment. hipaa tells us what happened in her own words, a good enough little one, how to all sudden just wish that the 6 was the was to raging these really bulb and intensify. a home was flattened, the know we, we will displace to the un, ron alpha co to school. but even this was not sped. it was constantly targeted. and
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on the last occasion, many people, including my in laws, were killed. we were forced to go to another school, but the sewage system started. so it was impossible for us to stay. it was also show several times, some of the many civilians guessing kills no place is safe and goals. and we have nowhere to go on in the world, but none of those. yeah. we came to this deserted school building because there was nowhere else to go to moist. must go and what but destruction is everywhere. and goals and every piece of goals that is destroyed. but we must find a way to live. we hope to smoke that comes to an end on our own tools open. my husband mine this daughter and i have come here to try and find a way to support this trust me. when law, who knew my mobile mission? i why don't as childhood like many of those has been destroyed. children are living in fear. they've even lost the will to play. so you home by the,
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in the album i couldn't tell i'm the, i'm going through these ruins and hoping i would find something upon or spoon, or even a toy from my child. my like gosh, oh, okay. well, i guess i'm not going know this destroyed school. any of the place and goals is fit for living any more. we are not, it's not enough less than you. like inside just the god the could not look at us here. it is true that this place is destroyed from the cold weather one cannot side side, but we must enjoy all these ruins and fill that we're trying to take refuge from these ready bombardment. we are tired and i fear for my child, the, the, the us state of iowa kicks off the national contest to choose the republican presidential nominees. later on tuesday, voters will meet the braves sub 0 temperatures, however, to choose who they want to be their next candidate,
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john 100 reports from ios capital des moines, a. it's a strange way to run an election. take a not particularly representative state, overwhelmingly white rule and heavily religious. then during the coldest and most inhospitable time of year lit it. we know down the candidates for the most powerful job in the world. they can throw a blizzard at us in the iowa caucuses on monday, republicans are casting the 1st votes to be counted in the 2024 presidential primary campaign were leading massively and iowa. donald trump was 77 year old former president who was voted out of office has a runaway lead in the polls. i wanted big when i did that. they've talked as high as 40 percent. that would be delighted if it was a 40 percent win for trump. so all the sporting interest is in the battle for 2nd place with florida governor rhonda santas and former south carolina governor nikki
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haley. sparring for the right to be the alternative to trump. presumably the top 3 vote theaters or the republicans trapped to santos and hailey on whatever 2nd and 3rd place order that happens to be that's what's gonna happen. i think that much of spectum haley hopes, winning silver in iowa. will mark the end of this. and this campaign great, again, the weather has a vote in this election, temperatures are expected to dip to minus 28 degrees celsius. that would make these of a clean list. iowa caucus is ever forecasters or calling it flashed by conditions that could seriously depress, turn out and mean only the hardy is voters decide who went one major committed group in iowa, evangelical christians. some are looking for an alternative. but despite trumps 3 divorces, to impeach minutes and 91 criminal charges, many of them like
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a lot of evangelicals have support for trump that you just can't strip away because they see that things that are happening to him. they think he's being persecuted. they see him as a martyr with little suspense about who's likely to win in iowa. the campaigns focus now is largely on beating expectations. if you're the top dog and you're supposed to like cream, the competition and you kind of sorta do, but not quite often enough that can be a to see meeting or falling short of those expectations can determine who has momentum is the race moves on to other states john henry and l g 0. des moines, iowa. you. as defense secretary lloyd austin has been released from hospital after complications from prostate cancer surgery. austin says he will perform his duties from home until he fully recover. the 70 year old was admitted to an intensive care unit 2 weeks ago. the white house at the time was unaware of his illness. and volcanic activity in iceland appears to have eased according to authorities, the latest direction on sunday and ghosts,
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3 buildings sending them on fire. when lava flowed through the town of green, the big 4000 people had to leave their homes in november as a precaution. sonya yeah go has more from going to vic. they were just outside the town of greens of it, which is on the front line of the latest volcanic eruption. that's a cottage in south west iceland. and we cannot get any further here towards the town because the lumber is still continuing to slows smoking there. as well, and the options taking place of the, of course, what this means for the 3800 people who made this place that hope is that they are questioning whether they'll be able to return hit the menu of them searing. that's a lot to say once new as a community may no longer exist. that could be several months before they're able to go back to here because of course the size of the activity is still ongoing. and
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of course, that has questions as to how the community goes forward and what kinds of life they can make from here. whether it's hops, i want to be habitable again. funny guy i go, i'll just, sarah, just outside of friends of thousands of farmers have used tractors to block main roads in berlin and a show of anger against the government. the mass demonstration is against plans to scrap tax breaks and subsidies on the agriculture industry. many farmers say eliminating the tax allowances with hike operation costs already increased by the war and ukraine. the government has made some concessions by agreeing to gradually phase out the subsidy and diesel. farmers say all the plans should be immediately reversed. are still a head on elsa 01 of the freight's, one of his favorites. south korea started their asian come, campaign were victory against the great you to send that. we'll have the latest on that.
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the business latest is wrote to you believe i guess as i live slowly on, one of your makes modern plates. the business leg just is free to you,
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i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes model leads the the, it's time for sport, peter stem. it is with us in the studio. peter. so thank you so much. asian come back from currently on the go. jordan, lead malaysia. 3 know back. one is early in the 2nd off as we speak. also in group e. so 3 o celebration, a winning starts of a campaign. they ran up 31. when is that gain spell rain earlier? so how many calls that that match for us? the funds leaving the johnson phenomena stage and living tree to do
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a pretty entertaining match south career. i had a lot of expect patients on them since that one of the pre totally favorites. and for the most part, they live up to that billing. now we saw in the 1st off them take the lead through when they did have a little bit of a scan. second off with bar 80 provides, but then little people thought this is the moment for this style play as to who meant to step up. that wasn't to be, it was actually the 1st time to stop the turn in really so the show is to go ceiling $31.00 when full south career. lots of people to be thinking. now can they go on and find me, get that when and this to him, very looking for since 1960 how happy are you with that we we thought we would the weight. yeah. incredibly amazing. this is amazing. feel like, i don't know. how could i describe it with the words? this is really a blessing. thank you so much. team korea, you enjoy the law and i'm happy that i think time in the who is playing in the
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power center a month is twice so good. and i'm still happy that the so south korea, when this 131 big performance with the opening much here, the agent got this on seem pretty happy today. we'll see whether it's out through a good old way. but i definitely had a big start here into the mileage algebra around iraq. i've got their asian cop campaign off to a fly as a bees. indonesia 31 the 2007 champions open the school to 17 minutes to mohammed on the cutting. it's the easiest place here in the service for 16 years, and they leveled it 20 minutes later goals some a, some a java. and then a man who's same piece of the $31.00 when they mixed face japan in group at the what are the rocks rising stars? the spike uh on the oh,
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how many reports and the bulk of cool stuff with him before the treatment stuff is a rising stall on many levels. printing firms for the english side, wimbleton a, f, c, and se, representing a rough the 21 year old started his journeys, taking him from refugee. the top rank says, well, this isn't by them. permission to one day place in english. and really it's just not like any of a professional 5 at all. so by far the way some plus the to get to the highest level and football. now it's such a the such quality at the top level that you need to just try to be able to do every from pulling a rock l, how many was forced to flee the country with his mother was a young child. his father had been in jail for opposing saddam hussein. they settled in livable, a city with a rich foot boiling heritage will be home to schools playing a local pictures with all the kids. there is a lot of football of the cheese and i've had
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a similar sort of bucks. story always kind of gives me a bit of perspective on my, on my life. and i've always kind of that with me, whether that's in football or rest of my life, all the old slow playing for a raft of small english clubs. you got a surprise cool to join the a rocky national side, making his debut in the teams 2021 world cup qualifier. again, syria was a 19 year old to either marry, pay doesn't watch club football yet to be may have minds and actually is just on has already so yeah, just so real moments and then when it comes to the rocks chances and the upcoming asian cup and cut all the pressure is on the rocks as the football, crazy country, so much support so much so much look for the national team, but those kind of a lot of ways i've gotten an expectation among suppliers for audio. how many overcoming adversity is a major part of his life story from arriving here in the u. k. as a child refugee to finding
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a safe haven in football. the bulk of london, ken maroon are currently in group c action against guinea at the advocate. couple of nations, it's $11.00, and that match right now as it approaches the end. literally is also in groups the defending champion center, goal, ease, the post can be a 3 know pop ok. open the scoring before mean come all right, added the brace for the lions of to rank it looks like in the memory, may of ladies final match up. deal strange and open. the 3 time grand slam champion was out played by city of c. i'm a small team, it's a very, very losing and straight. so it's 64626270 the 2nd time in 16 years that money has failed to get past the opening round at this too much. yeah, there's definitely a possibility that would be lost another player probably because of the match what and everything right. while you're playing the match, you know, you obviously try to, you know, control like your emotions, focus on the points and everything in the,
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when you like one point away from the end, the site can't believe is over like so quickly unlike this. so it's either new meditative progressed, but he struggled in these opening match to you last the 1st say to qualify tenants . i come on the to tom australian opened runner up then one the next 2 sets to lead before methods, french budnick retired in the fort sick with credit, a time to the women stole. could this be the year on ship? a windsor 1st grand slam title. it's an indian that made a convincing start to ho straining opened campaign defeating ukrainian qualify unit settled, silva in straits 6. so this was a bose 1st match of the season, having chosen not to play any will not be events before the tournaments. she's reached 3 grandson finals before most recently at wimbledon. boston ma'am, you know, so because come back to the sport. meanwhile, is ended in the 1st round defeat to catalina golf. c, a. the to tom champion,
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spent 15 months away from the to offer the both of the daughter, and it wasn't the return. she would have hope for us. she lost the 6 full $76.00. so the 16 seed and us open champion cocoa golf as book to a place. and the 2nd round, the american got the better of philadelphia is. and the catalina she middle of a, the full seat. one, the last 8 games of the match to see of a 636 love victory. a shock else way with world in the 96 the yes them go knocking out wimbledon champion, markets of and the rest of the in the opening round. yes. then sco took under an hour to beat the 7 seat and straight, so it's 616 to the finance 1st we never test entire at a grand slam call. assign says, explained to these lead in the death already on the, the finishing fault on stage a to assign swinson to the stage and saudi arabia with a 90 minute lead. but he's news challenges, sebastian low could only finish 10 to fix spending that overall the to almost 25 minutes. the day was the shadow by the policy angle of spanish moses cyclists,
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colors folk on the 45 year old stuff with a heavy foot on stage to last week. and despite the best efforts of doctors in spain, fall con, succumbed to these injuries. so that's all the small things. so now i have more little bit license. so if you just a minute there. thank you very much peter. that's it for me for today. my name's said has oh you're news in just a moment, then. great. have the never can see, that doesn't happen, our country is out enough. we will not take it any more 3 years after protest as storm to the capital. the new race for the white house begins in iowa as republican candidates, once again bethel trump, for the nomination, stay with alpha 0. so the us selection 2024. hard hitting into blues as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than that and any thoughts providing ons?
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my question to you. all that good cooks, i think is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb to in the security council. this is something they just don't think look is a problem to access it. you hear the story on talk to how does era as the world is increasing the crypt and the mental health epidemic i was getting inside the text every day before school, it was horrifying. for poor to spend in diverse corners of the globe, us big questions about how we can improve our well be remove those unconscious, negative images. i never felt anything lock it, meets the people trying to make a difference. we welcome people and we offer the many things here. you can just be
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yourself millions changing the way you think about mental health. on august the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i. my name's site. this is denise uh nice and coming up in the next 16 minutes. how much release is a new video of the captive?
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who says to all the captives were killed?


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