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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 16, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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of the the the . ready rawlins revolutionary, god says it's targeted for that called anti or wrong groups, and the kurdish region of northern iraq and syria, the kerry johnson. this is all just hire a lot from to also on the program a master. this is a new video of a captive who says to all the captives with kilobytes. very ministry strikes in
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gaza. children in shock pulls from the rubble of the israel's latest attacks on central and southern guns, and dozens of palestinians have been killed in the past day. and voters for pets, a brave the cold in iowa, as us state takes off the rice for the white house. the game with breaking is now out to the rock edge traffic bills. airport has been stop, talk to a number of explosions. net by the runs reputation we god has claimed responsibility saying it was targeting a spying center. also a task group. some serious sayings was retaliation for bombings in iran earlier this month. lockwood otherwise joins us live, not from bad. luckily, tell us more about what's happened. a
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flip, apparently the ballistic missiles were used in india tax, according to the iran that are below 3, a good, but the it statement from the security council of the city attending this code. this region says at 11 30 pm local time on december 15th the ring and the revolution. he got fired 7 of the ballistic missiles at civil civilian areas and it'd be clean, get for civilians. and one think 6 of us. but on the other hand, did the elusive, the rainy and revolutionary god says, and it's a statement that it is targeted at espionage. it hits quotes or, and gathering a lot of schools and t iranian tourist groups. now this is an escalation because
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it, this is the 1st time that a ones that are producing regards. it claims that as a possibility for such an attack, we know that the over $120.00 attacks would it could. i would buy it on a on allied it then aligned alma groups in iraq and cd had targeting us and coalition forces. mitsy at facility is october 17th. but now the one is that a pollution of the guards, the claims disclose ability for such attacks. it which you left the number of civilians that this is an escalation. and meanwhile, as you know, that this has been going on for some time here in iraq and also in a city a at since the beginning of the ministry campaign bye is a on cause a at these 8 on aligned with groups,
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have vowed to escalate to target us and coalition forces ministry facilities, so they blame the united states as they say for this tend think as a major supporter of is what is admitted fee campaign on and does that impact be have been if you had been recently demanding that old foot and folks including us and coalition troops leave a watch especially of sort of the counter attacks counted by us dislikes which killed a number of the command. there was any lock lock for us there in baghdad with an update lockwood. thank you or or join the correspondent. i have seen her spent a significant amount of time in iraq. ali break this down for us. that was the possible significance of what's going on here. well, the main issue is that we are in this situation. the whole region is in the war. mean, main world right now, going on, and this really was, and that extension on several fronts with a young man and they've been on the rock. it says this is the 1st on the uranium
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mines. are getting closer to a 10 situation, they've been distancing themselves over the past 3 months from any kind of tension . and today there's a different situation where the radians off of 1st of all retaliating to multiple suicide. the talk by hitting a one day describe us isis positions and syria. this is one, but the 2nd attack is link to this tension, the regional tension, because the iranians are accusing the is release of getting one of the commanders and see the say it was the most that we last month. also the, another 2 senior iranian r g c offices were killed in syria, also accused the buyer on a kid on, on his room. so they, they were say, now the, the retaliated by hitting and massage center in, it'll be. now the issue here is that there was a lot, a lot of speculations,
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whether this was an attack on an us call center to the fact is that. busy because i denied this, but this building that one's head is close to the us concert. it's close also to the airport and that'll be then. so it's a close to us base in the airport. so of the some of the said are saying that this could be a message with fire at the time when the whole region is already on fire. this is the significance here. and with that significance, what's the background to this? when it comes to similar responses in the recent past, but this is not the 1st time that you're wrong, retaliates by hitting this area and in, in iraq. you called this son dustin 2022 in march 2022. there was a similar attack and that wasn't the retaliation to the kidding, as well as getting off. another couple uh is uranian i r g c offices in
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syria. so this is not, this is not on president. there's a, there are precedents also, they radians have been a long xing ballistic missile is whenever the on ice is attacks on inside there on, for example, when the ice is attack development. when isis killed one of your one soldiers in, in syria and be headed him. so this is a, we've been seeing similar attacks and in the past, iraq is a, is part of your one sphere of influence. and then there were many a negotiations and consultations that the 2 governments with respect to the threat on the road. maybe one of the, the reason the reasons iran is establishing it's its influence in the rocks and stuff. it's always having this fear of, you know, iraq being this soft area where it's has what attacks are being launched on
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a run from that all group of uranian co dish and i'll position groups who take from iraq, the data base on headquarters and your role as long sebo tax on these groups. so this is not on president. did that? the issue? yeah. the significance here is the timing. okay, i have some thanks very much indeed for joining us. i live on the side. thank you. that we're going to cross to a she have a tennessee who is in washington, d. c. for us. now let's see have what's the us reaction being to what we've heard this evening? i clear there was a lot of speculation. as the reports came in about what the target may or may not be, some of it can't potentially move as an insignificance, but that we finally have
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a statement from the department of defense. we have seen the reports and we track for missiles which impacted the northern iraq, northern syria. no us personnel or facilities were targeted. we've been in touch with senior rocky officials as well as officials. i mean kind of started region. iran is claiming this is in response to the terrorist attacks and come out around and raska, around with a focus on isis. we will continue to assess the situation, but initial indications off that this was reckless of him and precise set of strikes. the united states supports the software and the independence and territorial integrity of iraq. anyway, that's from the us defense, additional cleaning of that last line. i mean, grimley i'm using, given the enormous amount of pressure on the rocky government now to object to us forces off to the assassination. or we can also get in baghdad and all the other bombardments when they've apps, they bounce for you. estimate a tree us, some of the tree comments just the receipt of the last few minutes. okay, so you have a time see with that in washington dc. thank you. the
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starts test. one does how mass has released a new video that's apparently shows the dead bodies of 2 is really captives the footage image. so is this rose defense minister said the only way to secure the release of more captains will be 3 maintaining minutes. we pressure on hand, this video shows a 3rd cap to if he says the to a to vice really strikes on guns that she continues to plead for the water. and as a kept, has to be returned home while they're still alive, is where the army has denied the claim score and it's a brutal use of innocent captives di loan to all of their conflict was not shocked by or false. you assume should. this is a lie, but how much the building on which the walk kept was not a target. you almost and it was not a ton of our forces. we have done. what is my name?
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it took me cool mom. we didn't know the patient and really the time, then what we do not talk a place where we know there may be hostages. in retrospect, but we know that we hit the targets near the location where they were held like to . we are investigating the incident on the 2nd side of it and sleep examining the pictures the how much i mean anything alongside additional information that we have so far. i to support developments from tennessee or another hiring video for the families of those held captive still in the gaza strip as how mosse now is claims that 2 of them have been killed in strikes. it's clear to the families the, the plan for the government and the military to continue with this will isn't working. they've said they wanted and brought back as soon as possible. one of those features in this video, a 26 year old female, her mother spoke on stage hostage square. it's a mock $100.00 days since they were held captive. she suffers from cancer and said
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that she hopes her daughter will be back before she dies from the illness. now, just as that video was released, we also saw a statement from you all along the defense minister. he said that the minute to opperation must continue to bring back all the hostages. this, after all, i went a ceasefire conversation between castle view as egypt that involves from us. and israel seems to have come to a complete halt for the family. that's a white thing, they say time is running out, and this night's his videos will be incredibly painful and distressing for them. so to fight out, i'll just there are some of these us, as well as military is continuing to expand its ground operations in gaza. at least 67 palestinians have been killed in this 24 house. let's take a look at the areas where the troops off positioned it's tanks and troops are present in all these areas and in north and south of the strip. lumpkin,
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intense bottles with palestinian sciences in northern gauze, and back here and a top truck. and there was intense gunfire, and con eunice over night. in southern garza battles are taking place between palestinian fighters and this very forces is very true. so advancing towards the out on the hunting monthly reports not from rough or some of the rest of your workers, are searching for survivors in a pile of concrete. his brain is trying to get a residential building, and some told garza, a girl and her brother are the sole survivors. and this attack that killed dozens of house the these read, the army has been ramping up its military action in the besieged southern city of tanya and paving the way for times an arm of vehicle to move deeper into the area.
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there has been a communication of black housing garza for days and its hindering greske effort. so have you any about the heavy heating the with them we are not even able to receive emergency calls from citizens. we're not even able to use our navigation tools. we rely on our audio and visual skills to reach the targeted areas. on some occasions we take light vehicles to reach hospitals and ask victims about locations of the affected area of the, you know, it's a really difficult for families to stay in touch with the youth that i'm separated from my parents and i can't reach out to them i do not know how or where i can re unite with them. apart from this, i have not been able to reach my son for 2 days. and i'm not able to call him and i don't know where he is. i can't rest. i can't even sleep because i'm not able to get in touch with many of my family members. mission motivates refugee camps
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across the strip ruins after is really air strikes. for the center, the number of palestinians to the refuge in the south is rising. out of my shuttle and the thing we can hardly survive. my house was bombed and levelled my family and i and now homeless my sister, 10 of my cousins were killed. we were forced to take shelter until i was out to school, that my niece and nephew were killed. then we were forced to leave to another show to which was rated by the as ready soldiers. i'm penny less. how can i feed them and we've lost our livelihood? so you have a state and it's been more than a 100 days since is really a launch. it's more ongoing. but there's no into the humanitarian. a crisis. palestinians are facing hunger and paying on a daily basis. their suffering is a growing, homelessness is on the rise to many of them are living in tens raving the cold and the rain because they have nowhere else to go. honey, my mode. i'll just get
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a rough off southern gauze. so it's a come on out just air jennings, who is the rebels kitchen? the american own containment ship with the mist saw in the red sea, the in depth analysis of the days headlines. how does south africa, cruise bits, accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that face is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships and to the right. see it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation inside story on al jazeera. what constitutes extent, so we generally talk to a see, i want you to start with just the fence runners to what happened as independent. we
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want these, we want the education my want. we do, we don't have lead them in different countries. policy on it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit knowing that was and services as claimant. and you're saying you don't have your reports with it. i should just trust the community often as i find the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness. and i'll just see her integrity in the pursuit of the
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watching out. just a reminder about top stores this out. the cool official was in northern iraq say at least 4 people have been killed and 6 of those wounded, this solid and drone, it's actually built around that revolutionary. god is kind responsibility talking a spying sense. the mass has released a new video that's is to show the dead bodies of the 2 ways rarely captives a 3rd captive in the video. it says that you would kill buys very strikes on garza and seats with this. well, for the move to now is ready for caesar, conducting raids in nablus and occupied westbank on the vehicles was seen driving in the us gall refugee camp. a number of neighborhoods east of annapolis is very forces have intensified incursions in the occupied westbank since october. the 7th, nearly 6000 palestinians have been detained on the salo joins this week. okay. part
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eastern eastern. now having to what more can you tell us about these latest rates? we're following several raids across the occupied west bank several taking place in different areas around nablus. and several military vehicles going in along with military bulldozers. additionally, we're looking at a raid in the, in the slope on refugee camp in jericho. these really military surrounding a house, perhaps using the pressure cooker method, calling for the palestinians inside to surrender. this is just a continuation of israel's nightly rates that had been taking place across the occupied west bank for the last 2 years. but since october, the 7th and the last $100.00 days, these raids have intensified. and in fact, they have taken the lives of 355 palestinians. 94 of them are children. additionally, you're looking at at least 4000 others who been arrested at least,
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excuse me, 4000 who been injured and then we sick there. i'm 6000 who been detained. these really are me, says that this is in an effort to crack down on armed palestinian resistance with these incursions had been quite continuous and quite lengthy. some of these raised even taking place for days at a time. from this i have seen ox bodies through some thanks very much i it is. well, one person has been killed and 18 others injured in a car running and stabbing attack happened in the city of or not just north of tennessee. police say they have arrested to suspects. they've identified them as residents of hyper on an occupied westbank and investigation is underway. the submarine you some of the days of the news know iowa kicks off the race to the
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white house on tuesday view estate choosing is republican presidential, many voters who will need to brave sub 0 temperatures. then those have formed with preston. donald trump as front run of is nearest rivals or form. i'm passes a to the un, nikki haley photograph, and they run the census trump. how does this message raise? support is in the run up to the right. me kid said, oh if you're sick as a dog you say don't even have your boat and then pass away. it's worth it. remember? oh jennifer of it too is a professor of political science at george mason university. she says donald trump is expected to win in iowa at this very early stage of the presidential campaign, it's all about expectations. and whether or not candidates will meet or beat or under perform what people expect to happen if it's not much different than the market at this point. and donald trump is a former president. he's still very got
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a very loyal following, and he is expected to run away with this contests, perhaps by as many as 20 or 30 points nikki haley is largely expected to come in 2nd place and the fantasy is expected to come in 3rd. so if we see results that are largely different from that rough uh ordering, and then i think that that could shake things up the going from here forward. but given the bizarre in this or the unusual last and the harshness of the weather. and that makes things a little bit harder to, to use as a forecasting tool. the who's the owner group has had to us own container ship off the coast of game and causing minimal damage. no injuries were reported on board. the general tab eagle and it continued its journey. this comes off to us and british forces count out thousands of strikes on the targets in yemen. in a statement, who is they said that all american and british ships involved in a tax on the territory are considered to be hostile targets. montana has moved not
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from washington dc. the news of the incidents was 1st reported by the united kingdom, a maritime trade operations, which issued a message in the early morning saying that the mazda of a vessel had reported that he had been struck by a messiah from above. the vessel and crew are safe the vessel proceeding to the next port of call. now, a few hours later, the whole incident was confirmed by us central combined, which confirmed that they had been no injuries and that the vessel was carrying on . but central combined also reported a not the incident that had occurred earlier. this a massage applied at a us destroyer, which was destroyed mid flight by a us find to a crop. so a number of incidents in the red sea of the recent hours. and very importantly, this is off to the us and the u. k. a tax bold and 60 bases,
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they say in parts of human control by the hooting militants. this is to be a response to those attacks. now, over the we can do us intelligence sources said that they believe that the who t's retained some 75 percent of the operational capacity to launch missiles and drones and the events. so the recent oz would appear to bear this out. now us, president biden has pledged that they will be a response. should attacks on shipping in the red sea continue? well, he's being at martin luther king celebrations in philadelphia. in the course of the day he has returned to the white house, but the spike shunted questions from the po to still no comment from the white house on these recent events in the red sea. so everybody waiting now to see when or if there is a us response by kind of i'll just sierra washington to hundreds of members of odds
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. and tina is association of state workers that'd be marching on the presidential palace, protesting at present 10 days far in over $7000.00 public workers. that the 1st of many expect it to be sacked has also severe cutbacks introduced by the new right wing leader. last american edits, understanding and reports not from what as artists in the front of the presidential palace where wonder made employees are arguing approach as you have already been dismissed. as part of the new president, the names frightening mentors, and they are workers who had contracts that were expiring and i want to now not be renewed. but there are many others who are losing their jobs. the government has actually shut down ministries, there were 18 when president me laid to the silver a month ago now. and there are only 9 people are saying here that this is just
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a warm up for a national strike that they're calling for funds next week. i'm going to be speaking now in he is one of the employees to ask him why, or how many of the people who are part of the union are afraid of losing their jobs . now, on the right now, we know how tremendous screening says there are 200 of them, lost their jobs already know how to get the workers to take care of the cultural centers. if he's happy to check on that, he says that if the law that is right at this very moment being the on the bus, which would be $633.00 large and most of the
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insurance, adding that to get past that would actually be as many as 30 the am, etc, drops are at risk and people who would be the out on the screen as well. so as we say, we're are very, very frightened of losing their job, but also what's going to happen is, is the government. in the meantime, we will not have it in one, it's the only way to deal with is kind of crazy because i'm in price with the installation membrane. this is right because for next week, next wednesday, and we'll see how many more large and time we'll have to call the titles as well. it was upsetting to raise the minimum wage by 40 percent
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when it comes off to hundreds of teachers. independence would have protested incorrect us demanding bets us saturdays. minimum monthly earnings is on the $4.00 by 7. the class by 2 announced food stamps will be part of the package on minimum wage where we can find more information on our website. and obviously i don't know whether it's next and it's inside the the to expect a roll wouldn't today and know how to shoot and how kind that was. and really battles of trust to see and bring snow shops with it touches suddenly these will feel more like 0 because of the strength of the wind. but any loss till the end of tuesday and then things come down significantly. the time sheets,
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thoughts are vices, and these at the same time is a line of rain and substantial rain stretching across some parts of the yangtze and beyond. could you see could see a little bit of snare in beijing, but it's really quite room, sorry for the young seen foot shiana for example, attempt she's quite into the twenty's. shouldn't really be at this time. so yeah, this is more seasonally knowable. rain, why somebody's even indonesia is still very well in bangkok. that's 33 night time. tensions of been pretty high to not dropping muscular 30 with humidity. that's reco breaking the will the sacrifice you'd expect to find somebody, a cold nights and folk. and that's what you got that brian stuff growing, the folk might've cleared for the end of the day. there are a few stow shows in the himalayas, at least in the foothills, and he kept mind to possibly be otherwise as a dr. picture. and you might expect it the same is true in practice time. and i've kind of suddenly felt even the few snow shows that we're in the full cost of tuesday by wednesday have gone. you could enjoy the sunshine and still cold nights . pearl of the
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heroes from i'll just say on the go and need tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite top to just set for it. and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think? is it the maybe a has condemned germany's banking of israel against genocide, challenges of the international court of justice. it says, given germany's colonial brutalities, but it should not support as well. so what's behind this furious diplomatic disputes of why now this is inside story, the.


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