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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 16, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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that has been done before trying to be done, even as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the, the us condemns iran of a miss out attacks in iraq and syria. iran says this truck is ready by headquarters in at the other ones are in jordan, this is obviously around life. dogs are coming up as well. shells devali in northern gaza while several of us demands have been killed south of hong yu. it's a warning that everyone in gaza is hungry. about 2000000 people, the crisis west levels of acute food insecurity and race for the white house.
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former us president donald trump wins the republican nomination. the us has condemned iran and the missile attacks in iraq calling them a reckless and imprecise such as strikes missiles and drone attacks were launched in at a bill near the airport iran revolutionary god said they struck is released by headquarters in northern iraq with ballistic missiles, at least 4 people were killed and 6 wounded. the prime minister they sent me autonomous kurdish region, has condemned the attack describing it as cowardly. ronald. so talk to the iceland, syria and retaliations, the bombings in iran. 30th this month. august, there was my food of the wind as more now from bank. that's the security council over the rocks, a note of that, and it send me a 10 numbers code. this region has announced that at 1130 p. m. on
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january 15th that you're on, is that a pollution? we've got filed the ballistic missiles and targeted it civilian areas in the u locks note of the city of a or b, it's on the other hand, you're on the pollution. we got it stated that it is supposed to that to arrest the crimes committed by any means of the east lemma. cuz the public of the on the, the very lucian, we've got it. has it targeted it, spinach headquarters, and it what it calls it? a gathering of the anterior on a tourist groups and destroyed them. now, since the mid october, over a $120.00 attacks that targeted us and coalition forces hits the courses at headquarters, that would cut it out by iran aligned with the groups. this is the fittest,
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the time that utilize that, a pollution, we've got to take some alternatives into their own hands, the on aligned on with groups in iraq, blame the united states for as they say, standing as a major supporter of israel is admitted free campaign and it has and they put that at support it to stop as a prerequisite to stop the attacks against us and coalition forces in iraq. but seen as ody is on a junk professor at george washington university. he says be attacked by a ron is linked to israel's war and gaza, but does not represent a major escalation as long as the contact and gaza continues. i think we will uh see um and actions. uh, but i don't believe that this is an escalation um, um, even a just looking at the what the state department said uh basically saying that the
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note uh, they are not targeting us uh, the spokesperson for the state department says that this is a rate close to attack, but again, he pointed out that this was not directed against the united states. so the us, it's kind of pena down to. and the ryans have repeatedly said that they're not interested in the escalated accommodate. but but again, um i think that as long as the content in gaza continues, we will see the actions like this a t 4 tab here there the now the world food program as well. and that everyone in gaza is hungry. the wi fi palestine country directors, as people are stopping and the needs are rising faster than his organization can respond. 70 if it has been working with partners and communities to deliver food as quickly as possible and as many people as possible and also supporting local shops, big cities to operate. so far we've reached that on one point. 4000000 people with
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food. but everyone in gaza is hungry. we're exploring all possible solution, but none are sufficient in the face of obstacles. there are people starving in areas and we are not able to give basic food for the needs are rising faster than we are able to respond. we need to be able to bring in more supplies and we need safe access to reach people everywhere in gaza. not just those who are close to the borders. we need the long lasting ceasefire. there's been a relentless showing in northern gaza and several people have been killed in the bombing of a family home south of hon. eunice israel's ministry as meanwhile, confirmed the death of 3 soldiers in southern gaza. so i must move, it has moved on rough uh, on the relentless is really a tax. how much the rest of your workers are searching for survivors in a pile of concrete, his brain is trying to get a residential building. and some told garza, the girl and her brother are the sole survivors. and this attack that killed dozens
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of house in these really army has been ramping up its military action in the besieged southern city of tanya and paving the way for times and armies vehicle to move deeper into the area. there has been a communication of black housing garza for days and it's hindering greske effort. so have you any uh about the heavy heating the moved them. we are not even able to receive emergency calls from citizens. we are not even able to use their navigation tools. we rely on our audio and visual skills to reach the targeted areas. on some occasions we take light vehicles to reach hospitals and ask victims about locations of the affected area of the, you know, it's a really difficult for families to stay in touch with the weather. you've done that . i'm separated from my parents and i can't reach out to them. i do not know how or
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where i can re unite with them. apart from this, i have not been able to reach my son for 2 days, and i'm not able to call him and i don't know where he is. i can't rest. i can't even sleep because i'm not able to get in touch with many of my family members. mission the refugee camp is across the strip ruins after is really air strikes for the center, the number of palestinians, 13 refuge in the south, is rising. a sort of mice shuttle or the thing we can hardly survive. my house was bombed and levelled my family and i, and now homeless my sister, 10 of my cousins were code. we were forced to take shelves that until i was out of school, that my niece and nephew was killed. then we were forced to leave to another shelter, which was rated by the as ready soldiers. i'm penniless. how can i feed them and we've lost our livelihoods? you mistake. it's been more than a 100 days since is really
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a launch. it's more on god. but there's no into the humanitarian. a crisis. palestinians are facing hunger and paying on a daily basis. their suffering is a growing homeless. this is on the rise to. many of them are living in tents, braving the cold and the rain because they have nowhere else to go. honey, my mood was just he had a rough uh, southern gauze. well he but run it down his i just based palestinian living and i destroyed school that was hit by on his really strikes. she lost family members, including in those in the bombing. he by tells us what happened in our own words. but the one had a whole slot and guess what was the 6 was the was to raging these really been bulb and intensify. a home was flattened, the lease we would displace to the un ron alpha code at school. but even this was not sped. it was constantly targeted and on the last occasion, many people, including my in laws, were killed. we were forced to go to another school,
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but the sewage system started. so it was impossible for us to stay. it was also show several times, some of the many civilians guessing kills no place is safe, and garza and we have nowhere to go on in the policy. i know, but none of those. yeah. we came to this to go to school building because there was nowhere else to go. nice must go on. what but destruction is everywhere and goals of every piece of goals that is destroyed. but we must find a way to live. we hope this norton that comes to an end on our own tools, open my husband, mind this daughter and i have come here to try and find a way to support this trust me. when my, who knew my mobile mr lot more towards his childhood. like many others has been destroyed, children are living in fear. they've even lost the will to play. so you home by the, in the album i couldn't tell, i'm the,
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i'm going through these ruins and hoping i would find something upon or spoon, or even a toy from my child. my, like gosh, okay. why do you have, i'm not going know this destroyed school. any of the place and goals is fit for living any more. we on the s 9, when you look inside is the god the could not look at us here. it is true that this place is destroyed from the cold weather one cannot side side, but we must enjoy all these ruins and fill all that we're trying to take refuge from these ready bombardment. we are tired, and i fear for my child. it is ready, forces have conducted raids in several cities across the outside. westbank ami vehicles was seen driving in the scar refugee camp. the number of neighborhoods east of numbers. is there any forces of intensified incursions in the off by the westbank since october 7, nearly 6000 palestinians have been detained when i'm a jump june joins us live, not from of the my lot in the outside westbank by that. so just bring us up to date
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then with the latest on these rates. so there and there were several raids throughout the occupied west bank conducted by these rarely, military in the overnight hours leading into this morning. among the more significant ones we heard about, we're in jericho, a mullah, hebron and the city of a pdf in korea. we're told that dozens of israeli military vehicles entered into the city and the overnight hours that also armor bulldozers had entered into the area that there was a lot of destruction caused by the israeli army. many videos posted on social media platforms by palestinians living there, showing the trail of devastation left in the wake of those is rarely military rates in the overnight hours. now this is a common tactic used by the israeli military when they enter into these areas, especially when it comes to the armored bulldozers sharing up infrastructure, digging up roads, it's something that the policy needs we speak with when they go to these areas. after the raid say, is a form of collect the punishment. also to mention what happened in jericho. we're told that these really army surrounded the house of
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a palestinian man who was actually still in jail and they demanded the family members of that palace, sending prisoners surrender themselves for these really military would go in forcefully and detain them. now we are told that all of the raids that happened last night into this morning have ended, that is really forces have withdrawn from those areas with this just again goes to show how much a part of the fabric of daily life these rates have become on average there are around 40 happening per day throughout the occupied westbank darren and we have a son is realize withdrawal and one of its special forces units from gauze that what's behind this move. so there, and this is significant because in the past week you had reports in is really media that is really security officials have been warning is really government officials about the potential of a perhaps 3rd into fall. but happening in the occupied west bank. something that could happen soon, they say the situation in the occupied west bank according to the reports, is that things could explode here. now part of the reason for that is because of
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the continuing violence due to. ready rates around 40 or so, as i told you, that happened per day. also the amount of people that have died, which is causing great anger. there are over 350 powers cities that have been killed due to these rates that are happen throughout the occupied was think just since october, 7th, beyond that also you have a huge expansion of the settlement activity. you have a exponential rise in violence directed by settlers towards the palestinians in the occupied west bank. and of course, the dire economic situation here. so many problems indians who had permits who could go in and work in israel have not been allowed to go in and work in is real since october 7th as well. so it's all of these things coming together to create an even worse situation in the occupied west bank. it already wasn't good even before october 7th, when it comes to the economy when it comes to the violence faced by palestinians. here now is rarely officials worry, the situation is only going to get worse. the fact that you have this elite unit as move from gaza, that is come here really goes to show how worried people are about the potential of
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an explosive situation occurring in the occupied west bank at some point soon there and all right, so i'm gonna jump jim life as the in ramallah and the occupied westbank, the mom and thank you. but who p i'm group, i say to us own condo shape off the coast of human causing minimal damage, comes off to us. and british forces carried out dozens of strikes on who targets and human know injuries were reported on both egypt, both eagles and it continued on its journey. in a statement the hosting said they'll continue to target ships in the red sea onto level and casa, and as in the yeah, the yeah, many armed forces consider all american and which will ships and investments participating in the aggression against our country as hostile targets within the bank of the target of officers we live in. do you have any armed forces or from the response to the american and puts the taxes inevitable? i'm not any new aggression will not remain on punished in the air. many armed forces continued to carry out the military operations. i'm to impose a decision finding is really navigation in their agency and threats until the
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aggression of the palestinian people in the gaza strip seizes the siege. one of his lifted. honest the about i was republican cool because it's had delivered a big win for former us president donald trump with most of the votes counted. trump is one about 51 percent florida governor run desantis is a distance 2nd with 10 to one percent. slightly ahead of format buffalo to the un, nikki haley tech on trumping you. at the back around the swami announcing is dropping out of the race of the coming for the cool course. begins the process of picking delegates to the republican national convention next july. when a party will formally named it's presidential candidate or trump addressed as supporters following that victory in iowa. this has been an incredible experience. the people have been this a 3rd time with one. but this is the biggest one. they
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said, well, if you win by 12 percent, that's a big weight and that's going to be very hard to do. well, i think we more than double that, i guess a triple text message, which 100 as the latest from des moines in iowa. donald trump series to a decisive victory in the iowa caucuses. the 1st votes in the republican presidential nomination contests with that was long expected. what wasn't certain which who was going to come in 2nd place, nikki haley had surged ahead in recent polls getting 20 percent of the vote after donald trump got 48. and randa santa is coming in 3rd at 16 percent. that was in an nbc des moines register pool. well, on caucus day. it was the other way around for the 2nd place. position with haley coming in at 19 percent. and descent is edging pastor at roughly 21 percent. so as the candidates go towards new hampshire, the next race in this contest and then to south carolina,
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nicky hayley's home state. she's well positioned in both of those glazes. it is clearly at least a 3 person race. the background, the swami was the number 4 candidates coming at about 7 percent. well behind all the others. and he decided this would be the end of it. he ended his campaign leaving street 3 strong candidates headed to new hampshire. john henry, now here 0. des moines. iowa, talk for a short break here, and i'll just hear about when we come back to me in new york where demonstrators are heating the streets, marching to the united nations. forgot the in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa to it's accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide in holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that face is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of
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facing, of jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships into the red sea, it's not receive task protection. that scene of complication inside story on al jazeera injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where in just this isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day, or whether it's a more natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the city's already 50 percent evacuated. most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best cumberland, best produced as the best spaces and those other people to ireland in order to be able to get that message out to the world. the
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the the welcome back. you're watching. how does the record your mind about top stories here? there's a us that's condemned to rhonda the miss on a tax and iraq ron's revolutionary god save the target. was it just varies by headquarters? the drones and massage on those some air bill. they the apples are these 4 people were killed. 6, well, food program is wound up roughly 2200000 feet been gone to a 100 out of sun counts direct to us at google and as ation reached around $1400000.00 people with food, the ones. this is sufficient. i'm a who, a few i'm to assist with us on the calendar ship off the coast of government, causing the most damage. comes off with us, but it will things go,
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nothings and strikes on who the sockets now they've been demonstrations around the world since the war on guns of the gun in october, protest as of gap and in front of the united nations in new york, unsupported kind of spending and christian sending me was demonstrators are on the march heading towards the united nations, attempting to keep the flight of guys up front and center. this event was organized by a coalition of $140.00 community groups, sued in groups health care workers, socialist groups, the focus of the event and the focus of many speakers at a rally proceeding. this march has been the breakdown of the health care system in gaza. many of the speakers pointed out that over $300.00 health care workers have been killed and gaza, only 6 out of $36.00 hospitals are functioning right now in fair,
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the functioning as sat there is a shortage of madison, a shortage of anesthesia for surgeries, and many of the people who came to participate in this event told me that it was the images of children and hospitals in particular that drove them to come out and take part in this event. and just by heart breaks, when you see an image of a child on a table with a skin falling off and no relief for that child is like that have to stop. it has to stop. now, the message overall from this and from the speakers and from the participants, has been for a cease fire, a ceasefire now. and they are carrying that message throughout the streets of the city to various locations today. and i should point out that this is actually only one of a few events that our plan in new york city alone. today in new york city present, salumi algebra,
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6 drug smugglers have been arrested in egypt and its border with israel. gun file was exchanged, close to our crossing with a deliverance for gaza, for being inspected. and ukraine's ministry says it shut down a russian military spike playing never to see of us all. and what i'm gonna say would be a blow to moscow. they have power, as a bank has moved from keith the ukrainian airflow says that it, somebody's destroyed to major russian aircraft, not the a 50 is a long range, regular detection aircraft that costs around 330 $1000000.00 and restaurants that you have around to 10 of these now it looks like detecting ukrainian regular systems, air defense systems, as well as guiding russian aircraft tools. it targets and it's a significant tool in the russian army. now we don't know how the ukrainians managed to target this, and we've had no confirmation from the russians. but if it is true, it is a significant loss for the russians and that's the ukrainians. also say that they managed to talk in a 2nd, a craft which is
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a command control center across and the images of the 2nd across executives from the social media. but it's very difficult to independently verify any of these things. we can only tell you what the ukrainians are saying. this comes just days after rush, i launched a wide scale area of tech on ukraine, using crews and ballistic missiles. us with us drones now, the ukraine and say around 40 of those the launched, but they've been very quiet about what targets we hit, and we rarely have from the ukrainians. if ministry targets were hit by the russians, now the heads of the stony and intelligence seems to have indicated what's been taking place. he says, increase the russian attacks against ukrainian f e as indicates that must go is concerned about the appearance of these wisdom supplied at 16 fight digits and considers them a danger of vague are the 0 key. now state work as an argentine of marched on the presidential palace to protest against the jump, guns, new president, have the multi plans, defy a 7000 public work as in a radical shakeup of the economy. a lot in america edits understand human reports
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from a capital one. is that in the front of the presidential palace where wonder made employees are arguing approach as you have already been dismissed. as part of the new president, have you had any names belt tightening mentors and they are workers who had contracts that were expiring and i want to now not be renewed, but there are many others who are losing their jobs. the government has actually shut down. have ministries, there were 18 when president related to the silver a month ago now, and there are only 9 people are saying here that this is just a warm up for a national strike that they're calling for funds next week. i'm going to be speaking now in he is one of the employees to ask him why, or how many of the people who are part of the union are afraid of losing their jobs
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. now, on the right now, we know how tremendous screening says there are 200 of them that are jobs already know how to get the workers to take care of the cultural centers. if he's happy to check on that, he says that if the law that is right at this very moment being the on the bus, which would be $633.00 large and most the, their job the insurance thing actually adding that to get past that would actually be as many as 30 the
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am, etc drops are at risk and people who would be i out of this thing as well. so i'm just saying we're are very, very frightened of losing their job. but also what's going to happen is, is the government in the meantime, we will not have it in one. it's the only way to deal with is kind of crazy because i'm in price with the installation of rain. this is right because for next week, next wednesday, and we'll see how many more large and time we'll have to call the titles. we'll kind of captivity an iceland appears to ease that's according to authorities that they just direction on sunday and go 3 building sec name on file when lava flow to the town of going to vic, 4000 people had to leave the homes in november as a precaution, i'll just bear with somebody that has more from the of the volcano as well just outside the town of greens of it,
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which is on the front line of the latest volcanic eruption. that's a cottage in south west iceland and we cannot get any further here towards the town because the lumber is still continuing to slow smoking there as well. and the options taking place of the of course, what this means for the 3800 people who made this place that. a is that they are questioning whether they'll be able to return hit the menu of them. searing that the last say once new as a community may no longer exist. that could be several months before they're able to go back to here. because of course, the size of october to you still ongoing. and of course that has questions as to how the community goes forward and what kinds of life they can make from here. whether it's hops, i want to be habitable again. funny guy, i go, i'll just, sarah, just outside of friends of it. well that's it for me down. jordan,
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you can find much more information on a website. i'll just come there. it is on your screen. the weather, so i'm next, i'm inside story, but examine what's behind the diplomatic dispute between them of you. i'm sure you've done some watching the the it's been snowing and the high and dry and it took a while to fact this is not high. it's on the coast of these is just about here. that's no substantial to be repeated by suspects can be repeated. so the west coast was an injection, this moisture from the runs of people, but it's raining hard to get heavy rain that will produce some flooding and sucking turkey. or you'll get some stuff in that. but actually, if we caught a high level, you know, as the temperature assembles at 13 degrees, that's quite high for this times. you got to think about the time to get through
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tuesday into wednesday most that will go eastwood. so you will find some in the old missouri or overlapping them, the more showers here. otherwise the sun returns attempts just don't change, much assembles down to about 11. i'm from the event science woods times about where they should be. it's been pretty woman, but rain, for example, recently, and the way i didn't cover it, but with a wouldn't change into the north. it's kind of cool that should be around about $20.00 to $24.00. and that's where we end up in a breezy dusty day. i suspect there are a wednesday, a drop of glass cuz usually most the drive this time of the year there are shelves around late victoria, but that has been heavy rain to serve the tropical side. something that says probably getting few shaft and rushes went over the top of the union and there'll be some damage from that. but following it is a warning of heavy right. and she can probably work hard from those and madagascar, [000:00:00;00]
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the the, it may be a, has condensed germany's backing of israel against genocide challenges of the international court of justice. it says, given germany's colonial brutalities, but it should not support as well. so what's behind this furious diplomatic disputes of why now this is inside story,


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