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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 16, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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we're going to lead a race today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some species a sharp at risk. he said the revolutionary god says it's almost missed on attacks and what it calls terrorists targets in syria under wrong the color there. i'm just of the attain, this is al jazeera life and also coming israel continues. it's relentless shutting across calls us as a lot of pre programmed ones, but for how the stadiums all coming from the big night is going to be in november. when we take back to our country and truly we do make our country
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throughout again, a victory for donald trump in the 1st major test in the us presidential race is political rifles all fall behind. and one of the agent come free tournament favorite south korean, get the campaign of to winning stuff with a victory against the . but we begin with ms. saw the attacks in syria and iraq, which the united states is courting reckless. washington has condemned ron or for those strikes the revolutionary god say that they launched ballistic miss styles that it is rarely spy headquarters in northern iraq. ms. styles and drawing a tax targeted a bill near the airport. at least 4 people were killed. 6 wounded. the prime minister of a semi autonomous cottage regent says the attack is cowardly. tyrone also target
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and i saw them sorry, in retaliation to bombings in a wrong area of this month on iraq is saying it will take legal measures against those actions which it describes as an aggression and the statement, the foreign ministry. it says it considered as the attacks, a violation of a rock sovereignty on the security of its people. while that's bringing him off without the why his, he joins us from the rocky capital bank that mock, what does we were saying? i live at the local authorities as i understand it all saying that civilian areas were head. it is indeed and it, it goes to do this. it's also a violation, not only of iraq sovereignty, but also of the iraq to submit it to him is could this regions at supper, and it has that cold on the federal government invest that to take a strict measures to stand against. there was a playstation spot on the other hand that a long as it could a pollution or you god stated that in response to terrorist crimes,
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the revolutionary god has conducted it misfire attacks against at the against it hi headquarters and what it's close at n t e are on the tourist, eh, groups. now. we know that for certain that iran has been suffering from attacks. it recently, and as it blamed it on the i used to unless, especially at the, at tech, on the gathering of the combination of that puts photos, the photo model commander costs, which they many in command on january 4th. but also eh, the new development shoes that it, this is the 1st time the it onto a booster. we got a takes matters into their own hands and using long grades eh, ballistic. besides, we understand that it since mid october,
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a $120.00 similar attacks have been carried out. a bite on aligned iraqi on with groups against us and coalition forces admitted to your facilities in iraq and city a. and you'll be teddy asian as the se invitation of, but it is a says it's 10. think with israel support through the is running. it's war on the at garza but now concerning the text. and it'll be a donation from the center of the government, and of that from the us state department, from the british ambassador to iraq and from the united me a day when a nation's mission in iraq. so whether or not this will unfold here in iraq with our at the going to be a reactions from people or public and go to see it in. but that we know for certain that it public and go has been actually go to the body. those attacks in iraq to
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submit it to them is could this region? well, i don't know why here that there was the latest for us from the rocky capital bank that thank you mufflers. well, that's not bring until such a virus. she joins me here in the studio and the door, so you reported for us from toronto, a huge amount. what do you make of the rounds objectives with the strikes? well, i think the revolutionary guard and the system within iran had a few objectives and carrying out this attack at this precise moment in the larger sphere of where the region is. and the conflict is very important. iran did not use any of its proxies in iraq. they launched over a dozen long range ballistic missiles, heading target in northern iraq and in, in the province in syria. it was quite a distance away from iran. and the am not only to target specific people and organizations in those locations, but also to deliver a message to the united states and as well saying we have the capabilities,
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we have a knowledge and we could strike back if necessary. if provoked enough. and i think it's also going to show how the reigning establishment has been under a tremendous amount of pressure inside iran and to react to show some kind of actual force in the region given the latest development with it. what's been going on with the who sees what's been happening with a targeted assassinations of revolutionary guard commanders in syria, in 11 on as well. so i think this is a attack that has, that will achieve multiple different things. but, but whether or not it will continue, it's very unlikely these targeted strikes by revolution regards. i mean very limited in the past as well. they happen rarely. but when they do, they have a very specific goals and they've been able to achieve it in the past. and at this time, uh, these strikes have had civilian casualties while waiting to see what the weight is
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. we'll have to say regarding that and we will continue to watch that closely. cluster vari, thank you for breaking it down for us here in the studio. oh, i also spoke to mohammed mirandi. he was a political analyst and a professor at the university of tyrone. and he told me that despite international calls for the escalation actions taken by countries in the region appeared to be escalating the conflict. everyone is concerned about escalation, except for apparently, there is riley regime and it's american allies almost from day one. iranians, along with a many others across the region, had been calling for a cease fire and the americans have been refusing to support disease fire. and so have most of you countries alongside the americans. and as the fighting went on and as the genocide in gaza grew worse. uh,
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the fighting began to spread has the law in the north. they have been fighting literally from day one. they've given a 150 or so montrose because they have been trying to draw away the is riley military from gaza and more recently. and so the law has been putting pressure on is it ships going to is riley ports to build up more pressure to end this, this holocaust. and of course, the resistance in iraq has also been active to put pressure on the americans to end this. but so far we haven't seen the escalation, we're only seeing escalation. i think the strikes that the writings have carried out are both to target new side offices and the terrace organizations, but also to send a message that is rarely use in the americans. that this escalation will hurt them
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more than anyone else. the whole day has been roland just shutting across garza with 4 people killed in the ample res refugee camp and 3 also killed in a strike on the elder. our school that school has been housing displaced, palestinians in casa city, southern areas have also been targeted 12 people killed in 15. and the other 7 people have died and con eunice and you have a nice a hospital that let's speak to honey, my correspondent who is live for us. from rafa in southern garza, news we've been reporting thousands all killed overnight. took us through with the strikes of and focusing the most of the yes. well, within the past, the hour so many reports are emerging from gaza as the there seems to be
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a source in the art tyler you sitting on the air strikes on gaza right now when it's continuing. while there are e re deployment of these really military in the northern part of the gastric main name, we were talking about in the eastern part of the tunnel and city as well as a beat lie. yeah. and pushing deeper in the vicinity of jeff valia town right now as we speak. but there was a, there's probably going to evacuation center at the neighborhood. there's neighborhood is that the eastern side of gaul, the city, and very close to a to but how much is the neighborhood? these are the eastern neighborhoods of garza city. there was also another here's the tracks on our residential homes and one of the major vote the are connecting the north thing dog. a city with its southern us, the neighborhoods in better known as enough off a road. then a residential home belongs to one of the families there that was filtering along with their relatives and in laws inside the building that was targeted by
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a month they've ever striped their report about 4 people have been killed. now the, the concern is of people who are still under the rebels. we're talking about an area that has been largely destroyed. there are no civil defense, a crew on the ground. there are no hospitals functioning whatsoever. so any injury or anyone reported to kill the likelihood of this be of the, of, of getting them from under the levels or stay in a they are in that targeted area is very, very high. given that there are no health available whatsoever in overnight erie strikes here to enroll her, the 12 people were killed in a residential home. and the sad part about this is this family is internally this, your family coming all the way from the northern part. all the way to the central area are newness and ended up in rough city within the past 2 weeks. as it area bombardment, it became more intense, and hon units they ended up in rough city in the northern part, in the garage area,
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in a residential home. it was targeted to 12 people. 5 of them belong to one family, were talking about father mother and their children were killed in the air strike and han eunice at once again. not the 1st time. here it strikes, targeting indiscriminately residential homes. it's really military except that it's, this is a, in a statement, it was targeted infrastructure. but as of early hours of this morning, we're seeing more of the, a residential homes that we're a at the house. many internally displaced palestinians, many civilians, many women and children are dying. honey, can you describe the situation there for us on the ground we've had from so many agencies to that that the level of hunger is profound? a yes indeed i now as of now, there are more a big concerning and doctor standing reports of people are, are for,
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for real hungry the, the lack food supplies and water supply. most of the water supply available in the northern parts and, and gauze that is contaminated which increases the level and the risk of, of the can contracting infectious diseases among a butler of the groups that by the children and women and those with it's critical health conditions. or chronic diseases, but as of a famine though, the reports about a, the threats and a warning by a top un official about it. if famine is, is an imminent in the northern part, we actually started to see that happening in the northern parts and, and gaza city. it. we're talking about an area that has been largely destroyed old infrastructure, oil hygiene facilities, as well as a, more than 60 percent of its residential homes are destroyed. what people end up
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doing are, are concentrated in the remaining buildings that have not been bombed or they are how they have been severely damaged. but disability can stay in them and evacuation centers. and we're talking about a honor with school united nation for policy in refugees designated it's a school and education centers and turned them into evacuation centers for internally displaced palestinians. but the fact that you have over crowded areas like these evacuation centers are remaining residential homes with severe shortage of resource. is it just an indication of how hungry a people feel? they are hungry now? they're largely unsafe. and we've seen of within the past 2 days a to couple of trucks work on their weight and gaza on the close the road and people this form these trucks. not because they want to steal it, but because they were really hung randy one something to keep them alive in that they've, they've been that area that have experienced hard living conditions. honey. my for
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is that, that for us, for the latest from rough and southern gaza. thank you, honey. this is where the forces, meanwhile, have also conducted raids and several cities across the occupied westbank. only vehicles was seen driving to ask a refugee camp and some neighborhoods to east of numbers. is there any forces have intensified, fat and cousins in the occupied westbank since october the 7th. nearly 6000 palestinians have been detained. homage on june has moved for us from the model. there were several raids throughout the occupied west bank conducted by these rarely military in the overnight hours leading into this morning. among the more significant ones we heard about. we're in jericho, a muller hebron and the city of media in korea. we're told the dozens of israeli military vehicles entered into the city. and the overnight hours that also armoured bulldozers had entered into the area that there was a lot of destruction caused by the israeli army mini videos posted on social media
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platforms by palestinians living there, showing the trail of devastation left in the wake of those is rarely military rates in the overnight hours. now this is a common tactic used by the is really military when they enter into these areas, especially when it comes to the armored bulldozers tearing up infrastructure, digging up roads, it's something that the policy needs we speak with when we go to these areas after the read say is a form of collect the punishment. also to mention what happened in jericho. we're told that these really army surrounded the house of a palestinian man who was actually still in jail and they demanded the family members of that policy and in prisoners surrendered themselves. for the israeli military would go in forcefully and detain them. now we're told that all of the raids that happened last night into this morning have ended. that is really, forces have withdrawn from those areas with this just again goes to show how much a part of the fabric of daily life these rates have become on average, there are around 40, happening per day throughout the occupied westbank has released
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a new video that appears to show the dead bodies of 2 is really captives. the footage matched as israel's defense minister said, the own, the way just sent you with a release of more captives is to keep up the minute true pressure on the, on the screen. the video also shows the captive, he says that the 2 were killed by is really strikes on cause a she goes on to plead for the water and, and for captives to be returned home. while this to life is really only has denies the claims coordinate and bruce, cool, use of innocent captives, a die loan. oh, uh, i live there. conflict was not shocked by or forced assume. so this is a lie, but how much the building on with the walk kept was not a talk to you almost. and it was not a ton of our forces. we have done what is my name? it didn't know the patient and really the time we do not attack a place where we know there may be hostage. in retrospect, we know that we had targets me at the location where they were held. we are investigating that incident on it's a consensus and examining that because the how much is simulate funding alongside
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additional information that we have. i'm a soft so maybe i'll spell ahead here for you. one else is there enough and then there's in sri lanka where to strike by head sick to walk us over the allowances have roots hospitalized around the country to offensive the index analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa since it's accusations of genocide in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea, it's not receive the task protection that see that convocation. inside story on al jazeera, being a journalist is a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been
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drowned out by the noise is a 4. is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks. facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables we so make this other voice is relevant to so that this mode that unites us then divides the the
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bulk imagine watching al jazeera uninstalled here today, here and uh huh. that's remind you about top stories for us has condemned the wrong misconduct from the rocks around the revolutionary gall and says it's targeted is released by headquarters. drones and ms. osborne launched on a bill near the ample, at least 4 people account and 6. and the latest is ran the attacks on gauze of 12 palestinians have been killed in rough and a froth of 7 and con eunice around the vicinity. vanessa hospital for people also died and the operators refugee counts 3 and a strike on the out. the rush scored in kansas city. well, i was republican, cool, cause of delivered a big wind for former us president donald trump is one about 51 percent of the race for 2nd place is very much alive, stonehenge and reports now from des moines. donald trump swift,
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the iowa caucuses winning from one end of the state to the other in cementing his place is the one to beat in the republican race for president. the victory in the contest of the 2024 presidential campaign, marked a historic come back for the former president and the official beginning of his goal of hosting president jo bite and returning to the white house. we want to thank the great people of iowa. thank you, a lot of turn out what a crowd and i really think this is time now for everybody. our country to come together. we want to come together, whether it's republican or democrat, or liberal or conservative. it came after 2 impeachment says trump face is $91.00 criminal charges, which seemed only to bully him in poles into the eyes of his supporters. from here, i really see it as a beginning in iowa and indian in kansas mart in late march is when going, when there's going to be the kansas primary. and about that time we keep this up.
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that's about the time that he'll across the threshold of winning the convention. florida governor, run descent is exceeded expectations, narrowly edging out nikki haley who would search past him in recent polls. we have a lot of work to do, but i can tell you this as the next president of the united states, i am going to get the job done for this country. i am not. i am not going to make any excuses. and i guarantee you this, i will not let you down. thank you. oh, god bless you. the tight race for the silver metal leaves the battle to become the alternative to trump unresolved. but haley, who's better positioned in the upcoming races in new hampshire and her home state of south carolina, claimed it kind of victory under estimate me because that's always mine. wow, i love you. i love the word on the new answer to
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that was well below record levels, temperatures dipping to minus 22 celsius with windshields of minus 32 appeared to keep many people at home. there's an old adage that i will punches 3 tickets for candidates to move forward and the race that seem to be confirmed on monday. when the vic, rama swami, came in a distant force and ended his campaign. thank you very much. the race moves on to new hampshire next tuesday with trump hoping to gain momentum in this 2nd and 3rd place candidates fighting to remain in the race. john henry and l g 0 de moines. iowa. the health care was in sri lanka have worked off the job in protest against a government plan to allow only doctors to receive an increase in the transport allowance. the strike has brought the health care system to a standstill with many hospitals and counseling. surgeries, the system had already been strained by staff shortages and reduced funding. also the country to can bankruptcies back in 2022. and l fernandez has moved from the
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capital columbus to be of trade unions uh other than the doctors. uh they are claiming that there are almost a 100000 health sector workers that have joining the strikes today. no, it started from 630 this morning. it's a 24 hour stoppage. starting with the shift changes, basically on the 2nd business from 630 this morning. so we're seeing obviously that is a cross section of stuff. you have people like lab assistance, you have radio prefers you have the move um, sort of stuff being other jobs, most of manual jobs and things like that, but it was within the band note of the has picked up on north dr. basically the main grouse is that for a long time during the code on the crisis that they took a collective decision not to push the government for much needed salary increments and reviews. they said they were sort of working with the country to sort of let
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the government have time, but then the government goes and does this selective to choose is one group. and according to these protests is that it's mainly a group that can afford the difficulty. and the hardships and that they are looking for economic justice. so that's what it's about. that is a couple of 100. the military person though. uh, we saw people, you know, pushing a wheelchair with patients between departments. uh, we saw other people coming out really disgusted. there was one man with had a hot bypass surgery 2 months ago. this is his 1st follow up with it to be supposed to get medication because he wasn't able to do that. so and, you know, people, that's the sad thing is these are people who can't afford to go anywhere else. and the other ones who are paying the highest price of these work stoppage. well, venezuela has raised its monthly minimum wage by the equivalent. now, if more than 50 percent, it comes off to hundreds of teachers protested in caracas. right now. they are less than $4.00 a month. present the customer, dora says, why?
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cuz we get a monthly supplement of $60.00, as well as $40.00 in food stamps. volcanic activity in iceland appears to be used according to authorities. and they just a ruptured on sunday, engulfed 3 buildings, setting them on fire when lava flowed through the town of green, the vic, 4000 people, had to leave their homes in november as a precaution. south korea celebrating a winning stone to the asian top. com pain. they beat for rain $3.00 to $1.00. so hell, monic was at that game for us. the funds leaving the johnston to nominate stage and lending tree to do a pretty entertaining match. south career had a lot of expectations on them since that one of the pre toner favorites. and for the most part, they live up to that billing. now we still on the 1st off them take the lead through when they did have a little bit of a scan. second off with all righty provides but then little people thought this was the moment for the stop last thing. who meant to step up?
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that wasn't to be, it was actually that part of the turn in really so the show is to go feeling $31.00 went full south career, lots of people to be thinking. now can they go on and find the get that when and this to him very looking for since 1960 how happy are you with that we we don't we. yeah. incredibly amazing. this is amazing. feel like, i don't know. how could i describe it with the words? this is really a blessing. thank you so much. team korea, you enjoy the law and i'm happy that i think time in the who is playing in the power sector month is twice so good. and i'm still happy that the so south korea, when this 131 big performance with the opening much here, the agent got this on seem pretty happy today. we'll see whether it's out through a good old way. but i definitely had
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a big start here into the mileage algebra. alam. remember as a way to send a website out to 0, don't. com has overlays just stay tuned to the next inside story. we'll look at what's behind the diplomatic disagreements between the video, the, the that it took nobody's to blowing quite hard across. pretty charles to get started. good. when it gets into mainland europe and goes east was on the surprising. you tend to get snow still and from that is the picks yesterday in warsaw, poland. but the sparrows bore and i stopped following for the most part and at least the rest of the urals. there's quite a line east of most of the art breaks elsewhere. but then coming up from the size and particularly circulating to the west of portugal is much more the way to start
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snow so much as rain. this of course, will eventually come up and meet the calls you go to line. probably just no surprise. so from northern front through belgium, into germany, which could be pretty persistent with snow. everything to the safe is warming. all right, so what not. so that way in this case, and the same is true in the eastern med, in tough to you. there's been plenty of rain and snow so far, but essentially turning more to rain than snow in the next day or so. you know awful event be honest quarter when the picture i have to say in the eastern mediterranean, north africa. jenny, speaking is fine, dry at this time here. this is no exception. there are a few shells are on the coast from sierra on the east towards rain wise. the heaviest is a long way south of the a quite a bit. it's still a ryan lake victoria. you get daily shares in uganda. and can you the hearing the have you had any lady says he has the support of 15000 m samantha,
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she'll take a moment then asking questions. what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection, refusing for the action? not just give you a sense of what is the target this spaces? oh, just the it was teens across the world. when you closer to the thoughts of the story, it may be a has condensed. germany's packing of israel against genocide, challenges of the international court of justice. it says, given germany's colonial brutalities, but it should not support as well. so what's behind this furious diplomatic disputes of why now this is inside story, the .


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