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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 16, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, this is in use our on out just 0. i'm for the back to live in to coming up in the next 60 minutes. i found the home is blown up and then is really striking rock by killing 12 at least a 150 if palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. the
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oblige of all kits is fired from gaza into israel, causing damage to buildings. is ready will pain fate a target near the lebanese border kind of whole lot in the latest escalation intentions in 711 on we'll have a live reports also the style yvonne's revolutionary. god says it's launch missed all the tasks on what it calls terrorist targets in iraq. and i'm doing a casual sco with the sports as children make strong starts at the asian top. and one of the world's biggest football manages shows amory near by roma the it's 13 g m t that's 3 pm in guys i with a number of palestinian scale. denise rouse, relentless bombardment continues to rise. 24200. 85 is the latest figure from the house ministry. the areas hate and the last 24 hours include
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a school and several refugee camps, accents i'm of age begins, are coverage. the tell me yes, this potter is crying go or the corpse of his dead child, the, the victim of israeli attacks on the residential buildings. he was killed and the latest attack and con eunice to other families were also killed in another air striking the rough, the moment nothing. the partial was the apple and they were having dinner to look at the destruction in the neighborhood. when people were palmed buys, riley struggled off while having dinner. israel's relentless era tax and its ground defensive have also created shortages of food as 8 is prevented from reaching those in need. in the job lea, a refugee camp and the north, bright distribution points have been set up for people suffering severe hunger. there's no feed, most of the time it's rare to find an abundance of the things we need pastor wheat
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flour, the oil, unavailable to the point that people can no longer ask about the more requests them . it's as if the top booth can goods like beans that become really expensive. the united nations has warrant a famine is looming. everyone in gaza is hungry. we're exploring all possible solution, but none are sufficient in the face of obstacles that are people starving in areas . and we are not able to give basic foods for the needs are rising faster than we are able to respond. southern gals, a struggling to accommodate the rising number of displays. palestinians. overcrowding, in camps is increasing fears the diseases will spread ex assignment which al jazeera to let's get an update on the situation on the ground without just here as honey. my mode was in raffle forest and 7 guys, a honey. i know that the internet and phone lines are still down across most of
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guys, so it's been difficult to get information. what do you know about the latest says strikes and the latest attacks where have stadium focusing on? oh, yeah yeah. so, so far not only is becoming difficult for us to get our data confirmed the figures, but it also becoming increasingly hard for a civil defense. the crew on the ground as well as a humanitarian aid of the team, deliver, engaged to the board, ventercore the nation. they're unable to reach their headquarters. unable to reach the designated of places do to make sure of that of safety and make sure of the delivery of hope paid on time to the right people. all of these things are being exacerbating as a result of it. total, the black out today is the 5th day and the role. it's the longest since the beginning of the word is about the 1st time the past experience. we had
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a couple days, 3 days back them up, but this time is the longest and there is a fear that is going to be longer than 5 days this time. nope. the if in terms of the latest there's price and artillery sitting there seems to be now a surgeon, the air strikes concentrated at the western part of gauze. let's see. the remaining residential buildings accommodating. give back a ways then internally displaced. how a feeling from the northern part, then guns and dogs, the city neighborhoods are concentrated, the western part taken shoulder and those buildings the on those buildings are under heavy, bombardments right now by air, massive relentless error strikes, as we were told by one source of managed to get us out a whatsapp matt says, just do tell us what's going on on the ground. the situation in the southern part are also quite difficult. not only there is ongoing bombings, but also the fact that this place is over crowded with so many displays and policy
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is looking for a shoulder. the vast majority right now because it's running out of space. i'm talking about dropbox. people are taking the street to set it up their tents or sleeping on the sides. roads that, that, that's how difficult is to do is if it comes to sports or display palestinians quite a difficult situation as you say in the south. and i imagine it's even more difficult and more complicated for people who stayed up north because the north has been completely cut off and, and very little 8 has gone into northern areas of the gaza strip. well, what do you know about the humanitarian situation in the know the well, it quite difficult in the northern part where it is the science of, of starvation going on here in the southern part. we're able to document that we're able to, to talk to people and see how are they going through their day, either on one meal and sometimes 2 or 3 days without any food, let alone the children. but in the northern parts, older reports are very distressing about an actual family taken place where there
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is no food, water, or medical supplies, or any other survival items needed at this particular time. not only were talking about the fact that these things are, are not available now, but the fact that it's winter season it's cold. it's becoming very, very difficult for people to a combat the spread of diseases. but think of. 2 the lack of sanitation, this disease is resulting from the lack of sanitation and hydrogen, given the fact that the vast majority of interest starts have been either completely destroyed or, or is severely damaged to the point that they cannot be used at all. and that, and that, that leads to it further problems and further relate the suffering and the agony of tense waste palestinians. honey, thank you very much for the update dodges here is honey. my mood reporting. they live from rossa in 7 guys. i'm as honey mentioned, that is really s ranks of cause massive devastation in central garza, residential buildings and warehouses have been destroyed correspondents and i've
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heard of a report some down by i think he's standing until i should deed it behind me is as much as the rest of you do come here that is really forces and times with through last night. and here as you see, the destruction is my so from the last to this area on, on the road, all of the factories on all of the warehouses have been completely destroyed. we saw the infrastructure severely bomb. it's very obvious that there has been a lot of our tele reselling and a lot of air strikes to where this moment fire is going out of the buildings. as you see, most of the people right now are trying to get with every they couldn't get from under the rebels. we saw people collecting woods,
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we saw people collecting and going to see and to check up on their factories and their warehouses. people are literally devastated. they're saying that they lost all of what they owed and out of the businesses, this is not the 1st time we see this until i had been when we evacuated from the north to the south. it was the same exact scene or destruction is happening and people are still fearing an invasion. i grant invasion to that is, but this is in the, i just see it on my eyes. the refugee comes. so these are in the military has intercepted vol. case fired from gaza. video released by local media shows several rockets landing in the city of net to bought in southern israel. let's find out more with teresa who's live from tennessee. so a barrage of rock is theresa coming from an area and gaza when he's really on the units withdrew from just recently. what more you hearing about us?
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well, that's correct. how large barrage of rockets around 50 of them coming from guys? forward southern is route 20 of them were interested by is rouse, i room don't systems us the area defense system here in this read. however, some of those rockets were able to possibly hits the city of a subject, a city there where they hit a business. there were no casualties or reported any type of injuries. however, these comes at a time when it's a surprise from where those rockets have been non to an area that's been controlled by the is widely military. it shows that's how my still has a military capability on the ground. aside from the fighting that we've been seeing and is going on, that's also happening from areas where while these really army has started to pull out from that area, the minister of defense was going on, said that they were still carrying out with operations and raids at air strikes in northern gas a but this was generated also some tension. right. then the ruling coalition,
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we're starting to see far, right? candidates were starting to push the, the prime minister saying that this uh we moving those trip was a mistake. the only the occupation of guys that is what we guarantee that is rarely safe. and that's what forget but not been yeah. who has been for many, many weeks trying to convince the international community that there is no plans to occupied. garza and this attack happen just after around for to attack that killed one women and left 17 people enjoy that happened about 20 kilometers from where i am. and when you talk to people here in telling me they tell you that the not feels safe anywhere in spite that most of those who lived around what is known of the guys that envelope, which is the area old sort of the area surrounding guys that had been evacuated, a similar situation with those, living a closer to the border with live a number had been relocated and took several cities across this role. and many are here in this role whether and hotels among other things. but certainly this shows that this war is still not over,
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and that's how my i still have the capability to stride back. very simple in tennessee. thank you for the update teresa. now these are in the military and has the law have exchange fire in 711 on his pensions remain high there. is there any will? pain struck a target near the border time of who lot i speak to him on con was in. margie marsh . i you and in 711 on talk to us about what's happening along that border. and ron, they have been escalations in recent weeks. of course, how serious is this place? they just want of the well just stay in the last few moments. i've seen 2 strikes to the ridge line over there, and now that's where a strike took place. early in the morning, that's an eastern part of the southern lebanese mode, and that brings up to 3. and like i said, just to in the last few moments of like i see the thick black smoke that still
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ongoing. now also in the dispute at april shuttle area, is where the special forces are magnet recognizance. a unit actually went into a to the base to conduct a clearing operation, but they didn't actually cross the border. and we're also seeing 10 is really strikes in the what the solution area that is a, the biggest about that strikes we've seen in that particular area since the strategies broke out in october, the 8th. we've heard that his beloved show rockets into is really tennessee and to mature and into the central gallery. i want to show you where i am right now. so in the full ground, that is the town of hime beyond the mountains is the disputed show of farms area. and that's where we've been hearing intense shuttling as well. also take place as we've been speaking to you. so very much sorry,
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things are still very tends along this 120 columbia to disputed. buddha has beloved, have reacted to every time has been is really as straight. and this is, of course, concerning to the international community because they want to get a negotiation going as bullet for that part. have been very clear. no negotiations until there's an end to the rule in gaza. probably mister benjamin netanyahu, you just had my colleague tries of body say he wants his people to get back to that hike. no. all that pulled that simply not happening when there is this intense. sure the wrong. thank you very much. apologies. 12 yours for that the sound of ad interfering scheme. i'm con, reporting a life from a 711 on by the united states has condemned yvonne for carrying out miss saw a tax in syria and iraq, calling them reckless. at least 4 people were killed and 6 wounded. child strive for,
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it has the details the night sky lights on explosions ring out across the city of the bill in the wrong the wrong says, which was, it describes a spy headquarters used by is rails intelligence agency, most said gatherings of and to uranium terrorist groups at least 5 me so strong targets needed us concerts in residential areas in the administrative capital for the rock. you could dish regional government. daytime video shows some of the destruction iraq. you could reach regional authorities, say several people were killed and others injured. the attacks are many of the offices of terrorist organizations and the most side are very close to the u. s. consulate because that they feel protected by the iranians that were sending both striking these targets. because unfortunately, northern iraq is heavily infiltrated. they are both striking these targets,
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but also they were telling the americans they were sending a message that our missiles are very precise and we're not afraid to target these offices. these bases near your building the us condemned the attacks, cooling them, a reckless and imprecise set of strikes. and we some days the us and u. k. have been targeting who she bases in yemen, retaliation for a tax on cargo ships in the red sea. who sees, say, the vessels belong or are connected to countries supporting? ero washington says their own supplies. the who sees with weapons and son in law has been putting pressure on is ships going to is riley ports to build up more pressure to end this, this holocaust. and of course, the resistance in iraq has also been active to put pressure on the americans to end this. but so far we haven't seen the escalation, we're only seeing escalation,
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iraq, cruelty attacks, a violation of itself and c, and found to respond using legal measures including filing a complaint to the un security council. around is carried out attacks in northern iraq before targeting what it says on the right and you know, position groups. but these latest strikes come is, fee is grow internationally about a wider escalation in violence. in response to israel or garza, a war israel says, is far from over jones structure, which is 0. let us now speak to, i'll just hear a story jabari who is in the studio with us just comedy. ron, of course, extensively for algebra entail on door. so we're trying to understand here what the calculus says on the radian pod, very rare for the revolutionary god to be directly involved, and that is tied to targeted attack. so what is the message and who is it intended for? well, there's
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a few things here. a play one is to directly hit their intended targets, which according to officials, was a spy headquarters of most side in air bill, as well as i saw in syria. and it's lip syria. the 2nd just to deliver a clear message to errands and emmys, declared enemies, the united states and his route that iran has the capability to reach these targets so far away with long range ballistic missiles. and they deliberately launch these attacks from the re install and not proxies in the region which we've seen in the past at. so that's one of the main differences in this attack. $24.00 long range ballistic missiles were fired at 9 of them into syria and 15 in iraq. at the other point, iran is hoping to achieve is to quiet down some of the criticism its face internally from the hardliners, the domestic aspect of play as well. certainly within the revolutionary guard, there is a lot of voices that have been say, we're not doing enough. we're not responding strongly enough to the assassination
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of a high ranking revolution. guard general's in syria. the attacks on has well line love and on and supporting the policy being causing him off and the who these as well. so this is going to be at a, a, an attack that's going to serve multi different purposes in terms of how it will be perceived. ok, so a message for the rainy for the american story, but also internally to trying to to qual, some of the anger, perhaps, of the tensions. but how far might it go if we see more attacks against c radian, i read revolutionary god. officials in the region, is it just going to be a one off once in a whine noise they appetite to, to see yvonne more widely involved as if this was returning to a broader regional. i don't think there's any appetite internally inside or on both within their system and the people to take this conflict further to escalate into
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and full out war. nobody wants that enter on. i think this is a targeted attack. strategically done at this particular time and place to deliver the message and hit the targets. and it's going to depend on the other people involved, the other actors in the region, how they respond, that if this situation continues, as it has iran and the revolutionary guard may again decide to carry out specific targets in the region. but for now, i think this was a, a strategic hits, and i don't think we'll see many more of them in the new future unless something drastic change. if we have, we'll have to wait and see what the, the american response is going to be. right? definitely, i think the americans are set. this was not a precise attack. it was a, basically a messy attempt by the way, needs to deliver a message, but it wrong. so they've hit their targets and they've managed to achieve what they set out to do. so we'll have to wait and see what both sides have made it very clear to each other through a 3rd country that they're not interested in escalating this conflict. but actions
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are speaking louder than words at the moment in this region. ok, thank you very much for that dose jabari who's covered yvonne extensively for us giving us the reigning perspective there on the latest developments in the region. thank you, joseph. all right, we're going to take a short break now and when we come back, more of today's news. but in the meantime, he is involved with the weather and use of a psycho and in the indian ocean. no exciting season in the southern indian ocean, which means madagascar as vulnerable some of the other islands versus old r i you and your and it was not right. you know that, that out. when to have the top of it now, is it a medium strength, tropical cycling? but we haven't seen one of that strength of and not right noon. right. you know in 35 years larissa, so probably got the list of the flooding that wasn't even here. augusta of a 190 kilometers per hour. so even not far away from the middle of the stove, it was when the but it was the right unfairly. obviously the did, the was damaged,
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that the site comes out of open water is no longer a great concern and we left behind go through the sunshine and the light stuff and we brainstorm gracious but you follow a line back up here. then there is no tropical site coming, developing because the waters off now are especially will. this is true worldwide. there's a warning act for potentially damaging funding in madagascar not from the cyclic just from this persistent right. have the same time in south africa where we've recently had flooding. i mean seasonally correct. the summer storms are also quite big sike lighting season. so we'll watch to see what follows below. at the moment. nothing too risky to when all the days use on algae 0, any who's the on the group has struck a u. s. o. in congo shape. with a miss side off the coast of yemen. it comes off to us and british forces carried out dozens of strikes on who's the targets in yemen. the gibraltar eagles suffered minimal damage and continued on his journey. no one on board was injured. in a statement though,
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he said they will continue to target vessels in the red sea until the war and guys are ends in the yeah. but yeah, many armed forces consider all american on which will ships and investments participating in the aggression against our country as hostile targets within the bank of the target of officers. we live in the m, in the armed forces, or from the response to the american and puts the taxes inevitable, and not any new aggression will not remain unpunished. in the air, many armed forces continued to carry out their military operations and to impose a decision finding is really navigation and their agency and threats until the aggression of the palestinian people in the gaza strip. seizes the siege was lift it, o u. s. navy forces i seized weapons, any arabian sea that they say were being shipped from yvonne to gammon. the us as a weapons were intended for host the fighters same to the parts of the mistake and closed. besides that's bringing our white house correspondent kimberly hawk. it was
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live from washington, so this happened a few days ago. kimberly the seizure off of, of this in the weapons. what more do we know? yeah, that's right. we're learning more about this caesar that happened. it was apparently a complicated night time raise that happened and when it occurred, we understand, but 2, navy seals were involved but wasn't missing at the time that was reported earlier and they are still whereabouts. i know. but now we're getting more details about how that occurred that led to their, their missing status. what we understand is that the u. s. navy was involved in this complicated rate because they were trying to seize these legal transport of weapons. they allege that was being sent from iran to e. m a. now what the united states says or claims is that these parts that were
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being shipped has been used in the past against commercial shipping vessels in the red sea. they include things like ballistic missile and cruise missile components. now, what we know is that this is kind of get a very heightened time of not only the confrontation between the who sees and also the shipping vessels, but also the united states and its allies. now, the us says that this is part of the ongoing campaign by the who sees against commercial shipping vessels. they say that the transfer of weapons as this was occurring is in violation of international law and also un security council resolutions. and as a result, the us says that it was in the right to seize these best these at this vessel. and not only these weapons, we should point out, the u. s. military says that the vessel is self was deemed unsafe and was sent to the bottom of the ocean. and again asked for those 2 navy seals again. they are
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still missing. kimberly, thank you very much for that update. kimberly hawk, it is our white house correspondents live there from washington dc. the head of what was the comic form is on the way in davos, switzerland, on this. he has agenda is of course, as well as one guys i've a conflict in ukraine, climate change and artificial intelligence cutoffs, prime ministers. yeah. mom had been of the rough mano, funny has been discussing the war and guys at battles. we cannot have 2 state solution without having anything that published in division. we cannot have a 2 state solution without having a government and for the dishes and is right who believes in co existing together side by side. and we cannot have all this ongoing without ending this war. and i believe that to the numbers that we are seeing, the images that we are watching would not have an impact just on the short term,
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which would have an impact on the short medium as long as to and they don't get to . in fact, we'd be more dangerous for all of us that spring in different medic, as a james space was in dallas for a so james imagined the discussions that focusing on what's happening in the region . what's been said about the who fee attacks in the red sea or the war in gusts as well boast, subjects have come up and we've got lots of important regional, regional, and international players. here the us equity state on t blinking is here. he hasn't spoken yet. we've got a german foreign minister here, we've got the presence of the, of the european commission here, but i think on gone. so it's the comments that have come from the regional leaders . you heard that the prime minister on foreign minister of cutoff speaking a little earlier, he also said, and these were really striking comments. garza is not there anymore. it's. it's not the, it's almost it's,
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it's carpet bombing everywhere talking about the scale of destruction that does happen in gaza. now he was interesting also on the who the attacks in the red sea because kind of our cost important original plan that was involved in that truce, that 7 day truce that took place last year. and also very important in terms of shipping an energy supplies around the world being one of the biggest national natural gas produces in the world. he said that he was very worried that the recent u. k. u. s. intervention militarily could lead to further escalation is a capital is in favor of diplomacy, north military intervention. he made the point that the recent stacks will see in a bill a link to this escalation. he even said that the attacks that took place inside the ron, i believe to be the work vice. so probably the results of what's happening and gaza is when you get more like this in the region. all sorts of players then decide to
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take action. now the saudi foreign ministers also been speaking prince pfizer been taught all and he was pushed on. remember before the war and gaza saturday, we were told was just days away from a normalization deal with israel. now he was aust, if there was an end to the conflict between israel and the palestinians would south sadie pursue normalization with israel. he said suddenly, the of course, there are lots of question marks about what he means right, about if the conflict can come to an end. that may well mean he wants to us the 2 state solution to be in place. so some kind of cation, i think needed, but important comments still, right at the is the official agenda of course changed. but as we know, much of the power of doubles lies in the conversations that take place on the sidelines. what, what are you looking out for this is for of the yeah, lead is come here, not just to make speeches. and one good example is the be that we talked about. the goal is a conflict which is leading to wells headlines. but of course,
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the other conflict that's been going on in any 2 years. it's also high up in the headlines. the conflict and ukraine presents letting skis on the stage here in devils as i speak. and i'm sure he came here, not i'd be to speak publicly to push the ukrainian line publicly because in some cases, perhaps it's not getting as much attention in the headlines as it was before the ward garza. but also for the conversations he's having. we've seen him sit down with the night 2 seconds generally installed to but we've seen him sit down with the us national security adviser to take some of them and the us extra estate antony blinking. and it was, is behind the scenes, some of the conversations that these leaders are going to be having about those major conflicts that are important. but remember that the world economic forum is just that is about the economy as well as politics. major business leaders here, leaders of shipping companies, for example, greatly concerned about was the, the tension in the red sea is going to do to the shipping industry. and therefore
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to the supply chain, the global economic outlook. but other issues going to be rise to crypto color and c a i. and the un secretary general we told is just of just speaking to someone in these on to raj, these calls just coming in to the goal is there as we, as we speak. and he'll be very much, i think, focusing on the challenges of climate change in the us secretary general coming to that also of course not as i thank you very much, james. what i changed by his life or say, in davos, switzerland will of course be following all the developments from there with you. now returning to the warren gas and now and he's rouse cabinets has fast and amended budget for the caea to account for a shop increase in spending foyce war on guys. the new budget includes $15000000000.00 of extra money for its military. israel central bank says the war has become a burden on the economy, estimating it may cost cesar of $58000000000.00 by the year 2025. the central bank governor has a, she's really government to curb. it's public spending and cut interest rates from
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4.75 percent to 4.5 percent. israel has spent $6600000000.00 in various aspects of its war, including funding for the more than 100000 displace people. some 249000000 has been put aside for mental and physical health care. and the total cost of rebuilding in some areas could reach a $174000000.00, including town near the lebanese border that sustained damage in cross border fight . well, let's talk to a, a winter about this was a professor of economics at the hebrew university of jerusalem and lancaster university is joining us from west jerusalem professor. thank you so much for being with us. so the central bank of israel to, we're not very happy with this new amended budget. tell us why? well, uh, not every government members is happy with it because the, the former budget gave a lot of money to specific sectors. okay. and these sectors,
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so what 2 major sectors that the representative, the government is the ultra orthodox and the old for right winks the wanted more money for settlements. they will try to adults wanted more money for religious studies. ok. and then we'll have to change game. there have to keep him because there are other needs now, right. the other, the other needs and the, the government has decided on a 5 percent cut across the board to find as these additional expenses. but these read the spacing. mm hm. okay. much of which are just the things that's happened before the war. right. in october 7th, that's was before the war. no, many people were display as many people were killed. many people were were up a duct at their insured family. they're just destroyed families. they're destroyed
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homes that need to be rebuilt. ok, great people who are displaced, hundreds of thousands of people who are displaced, the need to be taken care of. right. all these happened before the war. okay. okay . or 2, before the war. so additional expenses you say, and some of them happened before the war. so we've invited to see more amendments to the budget if the one guys are continues in what's going to be the impact on these really economy? whether it be i, i don't think that would be more, a bad sense. i think the, the, the, the other instrument that the government may introduce either in terms of increasing taxes, prominently the v a t. okay. uh yeah. and may be increasing the national deficit. okay. uh but, but i don't think that would be more a budget cuts. i think
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a fact is going to be a difficult for, for these rarely economy. uh, especially if the deficit is being is increased, that would make uh products. uh or we're getting close more expensive, we'll have to raise interest on is rarely pumps. right. uh huh. and uh, but i think that fee is a fact and i was saying it is a fact is going to prevent long for the short term the okay. as soon as things are settling down. okay. mm. and before it gets up, especially there are some prospect. i mean, it doesn't look like things are settling down for the moment because the campaign has continued and these are in the cabinet. seems to be saying that they will go on as long as necessary, but how long can these really public? you've talked about the impact on the economy. what about these really people and how long can these really public with stand? this kind of effect from the gospel i think the, the, the, is there any people i,
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it is, is very resilient. and the current circumstances people are willing to pay the, not only in their lives. but of course, in the assets in the, in the are stunned or no sleeping, just to make sure that the number 7 was not, it will not happen the case, the, the, how much baldwin repeats up saying that the october 7 was only the 1st course in a very big deal that they are preparing for the citizens of israel. and every citizen is rarely willing to sacrifice enormously, also in the standard of 50 mm. in, in the, in the forwarding such as think happening. agree, mr. winter. thank you very much for talking to us. yeah. winter professor of economic saturday. you bring university. thank you. as well as like a short break on algebra and when we come back we'll look at the surgeon who's
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ready settlement activity, including non confiscation new roads, and also across the occupied westbank since october, the 7th. and later in sports, jordan make a strong start of the asians kafka will have the details. com. the the human mind is incredible, but it can also overwhelm, is at times. here's a pill that solve all your problems. in the 1st of a full part seats, we travel to iceland, which is the highest rate of anti depressant use in your office outlook. nope, that was all set as i was aware of. that's fine. and to origin tease, to find out twice. everybody is so popular, it just does exactly the same as when we were babies with our mother. mine's changing the way you think about mental health. on noticing,
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the staging type is being played in touch or from a rock or 3rd time. 2014 or continue from the trophy. there can only be 4. can you, if you run across the action out of the tournament facing cap on the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our on out you 0 with me for the back people i, reminder of our main stories, the number of palestinians killed in these rounds. relentless compartment continues
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to rise. 24285 policies have been killed in the gaza strip. according to the latest figures from the health ministry. the area escaped in the last 24 hours into the school and several refugee camps is really military. has and just have to some locket slide from java. video released by local media shows several mid size landing in the city of metropolitan 7 israel buildings were destroyed, no casualties, squarely footage. and these really military and has been live exchange fire in 711 on us tensions remain high. is there any will? pain struck a target me of what a ton of for you and in the occupied westbank is ready for his of carried out more rates across the westbank of the army. still in the city of jericho and sent in reinforcements to the center of it. and also 10 refugee camp is really sold, is arrested. a young palestinian man say he was wanted by the security services and they've intensified j incursions in the occupied westbank since october. the 7th.
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well, last night is really forces to him the house of ice. a bond goatee was a prominent palestinian doctor in ramallah. i was just here as need a brain. joyce's from then i from that home in the west bank. tell us more about where you are, anita, and what's happened to i am at the house of i said, i'd better go see like you said their folly. he's a palestinian doctor who these weighty forces accused him of committing a shooting attack on the 7th of january. the attack happened in the morning and he's ready forces came late sorted that night to this house over here as a returned again late last night. but this time they put on some signs and from experience, we know that those signs are basically the is really preparations for demolishing the house. also they took samples of the cement from the home. now again, this isn't is really policy that when they see a palestinian,
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that they deem an accused of being a responsible for a shooting attack, the cleaves casualties, they didn't want us to home. but because this is an apartment in a building, we expect them to do some kind of other measures that will ensure that the family will not be able to use that house anymore. no, he's a single a man. he was living here with his mother who soon left the house after her son, the doctor has been arrested still. she lives nearby and she says that they are ransacking the house. we've seen some of the damage that has been resulted in addition to that we can show you part of the damage that has been cause, you know, this was a door sliding door, but it has been demolished and ruined really by these really forces after they arrive to your needs last night, there is a lot of worry amongst the better. what was the family as to what could happen? the mother keeps asking us, what do you think is going to happen? how the future of her son is?
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he's been arrested by these really forces he is in his really custody, but we've been hearing a lot of difficult stories amongst those posting is between by these really forces saying that there's a lot of poor and miss treatment and some and amounting to torture. in his really jails, we've seen a high number of palestinians who have been declared dead by these ready prison service. but the palestinians would tell you that they got so much doubt about that about the conditions of how they died. so there's a lot of worry here and ones, a lot of families including the family of i said are, but we'll see where we are right now. thank you. thank you very much needed for that show and tell me that you've rame life that in ramallah. that has been an unprecedented increase in these really settlement expansions across and line grabs across the occupied westbank since october, the 7th. the piece not organization monitors, settlement activity. and in
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a report it says, israel has fast tracks the construction of roads and i'll post what i've done. i need to report some who are it was a major commercial. how blinking the north and south of the occupied westbank, who was now with shadow of its own glory. it's mindy ruth went silent since the beginning of the war. an estimated 30 percent of the population gone home and some of the whole of the mid after the after the open in is because people here are scared of settler attack says it's may or mine the may be as we drive through his down menu shop. chuck closed by orders of the military. but on the most open ended on the most up a lot of the secular, the system of driving through the town because they want to impose that control and they're extremely similar. and how are they, what else to leave? so they can take the land or the above the toward the hello. but during the closure, a new bypass road was opened. it runs like
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a scar through the town. so we're now on a bypass road. this was built for the settlers to drive through without going into the urban areas where palestinians live. well, that's not really happening because they continue going through places like hawaii right now. lately, since the war began, more land has been confiscated and more roads are being built. and the palestinians have no records for that. since the war started, there has been an unprecedented search and settlement activity, such as are taking advantage of the war. and so i think i left the fax on the ground. we counts at least 10 new system. it's outpost dozens of roads that are being paved everywhere in the west bank and nobody's stopping
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them in the nearby town of as soon the mail keeps up. printing maps to highlight the changes on the ground and she received for confiscation orders since october. the 7th havent hub. not to a shadow. come to come see. the 1st one was here, they built the middle tree watchtower, then they did a security road that goes around like this to reach a settlement on the eastern side, and then the building and now the tower over here on the western side and had the most of the land confiscated belongs to the allies these and there's a risk you will lose more of his olive groves. and yet they do this to protect the socialism to disease. also they want to close that by putting up electrical fences and they told us they will do that's off to the what was the cause that had to the army, impose the closure of the top of it. 6 entrances, only to remain neutral. but even these opening close, depending on the daily decisions of the ministry of stifling the local economy and bringing life to a standstill. here to the army and pose the closure on the town of its 6 entrances,
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only to remain open. but even these open and close, depending on the daily decisions of the ministry, stifling the local economy and bringing life to us then still hold that. how many elder 0 in the occupied westbank, indonesia has expressed its support for south africa's case against israel at the international court of justice. south africa accuses it of committing genocide against palestinians in casa. i'll just as jessica washington has moved from chicago, the, like south africa engine, asia has long been a vocal suppose of palestinian rights. but unlike south africa, indonesia is known as a signature sheet to the genocide convention. still the innovation government says it fully supports south africa's initiative both morally and politically in february foreign, minnesota. i know my city will represent the innovation government at the international court of justice, providing a statement in support of south africa's case. i'm done and done my 2nd part of the not sure not the part the views and inputs events,
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initial experts and needed to build a legal opinion that is comprehensive. and in accordance with international law, to show the world the place of violations or international laws. as well, has been committed against palestine. the national, the foreign minister has repeatedly expressed disappointment over the stones of many western countries and the support of israel. she's accused of double standards when it comes to human rights. just single washington algebra to concept. this was a more on this genocide case against israel at the i c j. let's speak to our mesa close to where i, who is the research on genocide. and she's also one of the signatories of an open letter written to the international court of justice by boss the in genocide and war survivors, just joining us from london. thank you so much for your time. i last saw can you tell us 1st about this letter that you've sent to the i c g and why you sent it?
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what are you hoping it will achieve? um 1st thank you so much for having me. i absolutely listen as bother. you enjoy the side survivors. we have been paying close attention to the atrocities that have been happening, and garza. and since the beginning since october, we have seen very similar sentiments expressed by the as really leadership in a very similar manner that was expressed by serb leadership back in the ninety's. we have seen similar tactics and we have seen similar truck atrocities. so i was trying to cite survivors, we know better than anyone and we can understand better than anyone. the importance of this case. um, there was the case at the international court of justice in way to bog me a basically submitted a claim against janice, not of genocide against serbia. unfortunately, the closest,
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the international court of justice has ever gotten to passing a conviction of genocide was in the case above the verse of serbia when they charge serbia with failure to protect. but they did not charge serbia with genocide who walk in the court case. last week and see israel utilized that as a precedent. basically, spangler said there was a box and try to side, there was, you know, a case of the international court of justice. and you did not, you know, intervene. you did not enforce the provisional measures and you did not charge the justice. and so we're gonna, we're going to use the president. so obviously as genocide survivors, we are, you know, trying to do what we can to let the international court of justice and really the world at large know that the, there is an opportunity here to write stuff historical wrong. and there is an opportunity to change the precedent that the international court of justice has that when it comes to dentist, i can to indeed,
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israel utilized the bosnia case and its defense to, to the genocide charges that were leveled against it. uh, by soft off again. now talk to it. i of course want to hear about your experience. but also i wanted to get your thoughts about what you think, you know, the fact that indonesia countries like indonesia and, and belgium who have expressed support for south africa and his case against his route. what do you think that might accomplish at the i c j, and whether you think that it will add legal value to the case against israel. and i, you know, i think that's a great question, but it's very difficult to tell whether or not any of that is going to have an impact. now, just speaking of my background as a dentist guide, researcher and educator, the, the, the south africa k is that they presented at the international court of justice was
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extremely well done. it was brilliant. the way to contextualize the case of dennis, by the way, they utilized you know, very clear statements and expressions of intent to commit genocide. and in spite of genocide, i think it's, it's great that there are many countries that are coming out in support of south africa. in this case. however, we are unfortunately still living in a world where the world's greatest powers, the u. k. canada, united states have not expressed their support and i unfortunately do think that that will also play well the more country support south africa, the better. but there is that difficulty of the fact that police in the western countries are not seemingly being as supportive as they should be up to space. yeah . and then they are supportive of his route. most of them think like so. thank you so much. have
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a nice side cost or i for talking to us. thank you. all righty. site is a research on genocide joining us there from london time now to catch up on sports . he is joe foley. thank you very much. ryan. may i have such joes? amory, near his head coach and already replaced him with the former captain daniella de rossi 40 year old dural c steps. and until the end of june, with an option to extend, he paid more than $600.00 games for roma. putting your leaves with the called 9th instead. yeah. and the risk of missing the champions league for 6 years running the 3rd table games coming up lights on tuesday in the asian top of the 1st let's catch up on jordan's strong, starts to the great stage. they thrash malaysia, 3 know, in that i've seen much my foot, a lot of the schools to impressive goals, including this one could be a content difficult. one of the tournaments mussa ulta amadi full circle to
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including a nice little baby that came from the closing stages. that team is jordan, top of griffey, ahead of south korea. iraq are also off to a good stops. they opened up the tournaments with a 31 wind of information. i'm of the same with best. the goal is to seal the victory which puts a rock 2nd group seat behind full time champions, japan who beat vietnam war 2 on sunday to choose days, action, and group f. first, up, timelines take on could get done, and then we'll get all 1st look at one of the favorites. so do you right? yes. as they faced oman. societies will have good memories from playing and pass. so at the well tough whether the differential times is awesome tina sound yeah. now managed by full, but it's really and much since he goes to martinez, but he's purchased all 3 of his players who he claims. that's the training camp
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because they would not guaranteed cutting time at the asian top. i think that the national team is not think left national for the people that they have to be at the on the if you are a couple of weeks ago, which is a very strange situation for me. is the 1st time hires best or the physician if they didn't want to god the other players, thailand, other raining southeast asian champions, but have never won this tracy or qualified for the work a safer place, the coach police tournaments. i'm that classic is category son will be his 1st came in shots to be african combination and defending champion, set a goal, started with a comfortable when they beat groups, the opponents down. be a 3. no, i mean camera. 2 of the goals, including probably the best right, that the toner. so full set, a goal aiming see to come the 1st back to back ask on when is since each it's one
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to 3 and arrive between 262010. in the same group, 5 time champions come, rain were frustrated by guinea who took the lead through mohammed bio guinea, then had him on sentence and frank monthly malice to get an equalizer for covering for that so late for this one, going to be later on tuesday, we'll see, but kinda 1st i taking on more attain in group d, then in group be the 3rd highest rank african sites. and as you begin that campaign against the media before molly faced south africa on the tennis and wimbledon champion, call us out cause this through the 2nd round of the australian open the spanish well, number 2 beach frenchman rachelle gas k in straight sets. you want the 72 minute opening set him a tie break, but it took less time than that same to wrap up $2.00 and $3.00. since you wrote across was a ton to welcome one. if you can win this friend son. know the play looking for maiden title in melbourne is women's number one
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e guest room tech who opened her campaign victory over twins 20 champions to via ken in get it and put up a fight to the opening set. and what was a re, much of the 2020 friendship and final restaurant that came from a breakdown twice, 6 inch at 762. well, they're really happy. it says easy to play the 1st round. and especially, you know, when i 1st got some of the season, so you and it wasn't easy at the beginning to, you know, find me with them. and i so little bit off and i feel like so for you, i really that everything to give you that way. so it's huge respect to her. you know, she wanted to turn them on so she knows what to do. but i'm happy that i manage, then i managed to get my level up and 2nd. so anthony joshua's heavy weight finds against i'm amazed. the front isn't down. who has been confirmed so much the 8th in saudi arabia and gunner, impressed on his boxing debut in october when he knocked down heavyweight champion tyson fury, but went on to lose on points. joshua when his last fight tickets. also wallen,
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in december into 5, you tried to hit somebody, the gene or wherever you got, hit him. right. i've been, uh yes, i heard that he does a heavy gene. i don't know if it's true or not. we can find out. i hope i had an opportunity to or the test that out. he's seen people out in the us, the people that him many assigns before by just as might not have to come in the ring. got to take some of the saw, we have to take their spirit. and i'm looking forward to chatting to show and the nfl attempt of a bucking is a thresh, the philadelphia eagles in the world called playoff game. temporary close back by to mayfield, to solve the shows throwing for 337 yards and 3 touch sounds. when it says you to, to knowing the box will face the detroit lions in the division around the buffalo bills, fans dug deep to get the wild card game against the pittsburgh steelers up and running a day later than planned because of heavy snow that blanketed the stadium in the, in the home team, one with joshua island pausing for 3 touch sounds and rushing for another to leave the bills to so 2117 wind sale,
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now hosted offending super bowl champions to come see cheese. individual file found on sunday. all right, that was what you spoke to now, so i'll be more laser. so on a thank you very much for the best fit for this news. our technology is here, but to stay with us printer model was some stories coming up after the short break on out. just the unique perspective. some people need to see the really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices for 2 people in this row are sitting up against the door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. i hate healthy human noises, but then you know, so i want to go and see, you know, you were to happen to next to the street on out to 0. it
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worked out of their existence, its load ship as a principal present, as a correspondence with the brakes and the score we want to hear from those people who was normally not get that voices heard on the international news channels. one moment i'll be very proud all was when we covered the, the full last week of 2015 at the terrible natural disaster stuff. and the story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be there to tell the people story. it was very important at the time in have that not a construction boom is underway for hotels, age and norm, as new hotels. we're not rated and other 5 will be opened by december of this of cuba, so called economic engine continues to stall. as evidenced by these old convertibles standing idle in old havana for lack of foreign tourists, millions of cubans depend on tourism to treat the fine work i spend money and others make money. the probation of cruise ships imposed by donald trump has impacted us a lot. the streets are empty, there are no tourists,
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almost anywhere. so the big question is, why are they building so many new hotels? new hotels are being built with government money on property, not being claimed. and us courts choose one party state system, eventually change. they could then be bought and sold. industry officials insist there's simply preparing for a tourism boom of feet that will take more than just new hotels. the family home is growing up and is really striking ross find the 7 guys are killing


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