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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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we're going to lead a race today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some species, a sharp at risk. he said the the, the family home is below. now pen is writing strongly in rough and southern gaza. 12 people dead. the hell they won money and save. this is all just bear in mind, and also coming as well also carries out strikes on his fall, a hissing, afford a town in $711.00 on now the ship is hit in the red sea as the us says, it seized weapons,
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months. the who are things and iraq with holes that some basket from iran, as i miss all the time on the 68 of them now the it's, it's 7 same gym. tell you that 7 pm in garza with a number of palestinians killed. and israel's only basing ministry of salt continues to arise. move in 24280 people have been killed according to the health ministry. the areas targeted by is rarely strikes in the past 24 hours include a school and several refugee camps. honey behaved reports from russia and southern gaza. to tell me you this father is trying over the core business, the child the victim of is really a tax on residential building. he was killed in the latest bombing and sonya and
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2 other families were also killed in another air strikes near a roof. the thought was therefore, they were having dinner to look at the destruction in the neighborhood. when people were palmed by his riley struggled off work while having dinner. israel, the lunch list, airstrikes attacks and eats ground defensive have also created shortage of food as 8 as a preventive from reaching those in the in the valley. a refugee camp in the north brit distribution points have been set up for people suffering severe hunger. there's no feed, most of the time it's rare to find an abundance of the things we need pass to wheat, flour, the oil, unavailable to the point. the people can no longer ask about the more requests them . it's as if the top booth can goods like beans that become really expensive. the united nations has worn famine is looming. everyone in gaza is hungry. we're
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exploring all possible solution, but none are sufficient in the face of obstacles that are people starving in areas . and we are not able to give basic food for the needs are rising faster than we are able to respond. southern gaza is a struggling to accommodate the rising number of displace palestinians. over crowding camp is increasing fears. the diseases will spread to the health care system in gaza is on the brink of collapse. hospitals are out of services because there is no fuel to keep them operation of a medical. his staff are over well, not only because of the one that they are having to treat, but also because of those needing help in seeking refuge from is really bombardment, honey. my mode. i was just data of southern garza, a tonic elbow assume is also in russia in southern gaza. however,
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it could be intense to see if the is there any attacks or continuing in the south, please focus through the latest developments. yes, that's completely wrong. he says the military rate of only selves did not stop in the past few hours again. and roughly this time we've been hearing the sounds. where do you these really fight to just a small you can go to a very low altitude. and this is a part of the psychological well, well fed that have been most i games residents in the south to be terrified, intimidated as the attacks also did not stop in the southern sex. so we'll get you out to right now. and i noticed in the last a few hours they've been hearing it told us to blew out of a residential houses. and again, a new residential neighborhood in the past hour had been completely reduced to the russell as israel systematically destroyed the houses in the area that the r rating and off. so it'd be finished the military attacks inside that region. and the
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middle overnight says we'll have a contest and is rarely development and often the res, shitting day by day, the situation that gets much more excessive, painted as our sources on the ground type, informing us that's a residential building belonged to i'm truly family had been destroyed were one palestinians have been killed in the house as others will have been. will they belong to the same family? and we need earlier to remember that these areas had been a sense of it back to reason shelters in the beginning of this operation. later they tend to be right now, a battle zone between the palestinian fighters and the east victory soldiers bought the new things that had been made in these areas that machine destruction. they have destroyed everything. they are operating within the reasons that they are in the also try to keep informing civilians to flee to the south, which is also had been under a very constant bombardment with these vague,
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especially for evacuees who had won from death in the north. and they had been killed as well in rough on the far south of the territory kind of assume that person ruffin, southern gaza as well. this is randy military says it has intercepted several rockets fide from gauze. video is released by local media show all those landing in the city of net small in southern israel. some buildings were damaged, but no casualties were reported. 3 is the buyer has the latest from tennessee. in the past, the weeks, especially since the war is going going on guys us, we have seen a decrease of a number of rockets that were bill being launched from the gaza strip towards israel, especially for southern use. well, well, that changed this tuesday when a large garage of rockets was launched from the guys this trip around 50 of those rockets 20 of them were into a septic. however, some of them managed to make it through one of them. i landed in the city, opened it the volt, there were no casualties or people injured, however,
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did manage to, to a hit a business. and there was one, some destruction of infrastructure. however, what's interesting is where those rockets were launched from. there were launch from an area that was supposed to be already controlled by these riley military. it is a statement that how much manage just to maintain its military capability in some areas of the guys this trip, it was an area was supposed to meet some of these really military forces has started to we do the $36.00 division from there had already left the area the is randy ministry and has bolo, have exchanged fight and southern lebanon as riley will play and struck a target near the board? a town of honda? this tension remains high. any of these really ministry set is strong, that has all the anti tank ms sol lou and shut near caf akina. it was ready for us as have carried out mores across the occupied westbank. the army storm,
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the city of jericho, and sent reinforcements into the center of the and also send refugee counts as rarely sold as arrested. a young palestinian mon saying he was wanting 5, a secure c services. is there any forces have intensified that in cash? and since october the 7th. meanwhile, tensions in the red sea continue to rise with another missile strike on a call go ship on choose day b, m, to contain a vessel is owned by a greek company and registered in malta. the attack happened to 114 kilometers west of b. yeah, many port city of as salise. it comes just a day off to the who's the on group struck a usa and call go ship humans whose he on group claim responsibility for similar attacks and hijacking saying they will continue until there is a safe spot in gaza in the yeah,
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the yeah. many armed forces consider all american and which will ships and investments participating in the aggression against our country as hostile targets within the bank of the target of offices we live in. do you have any armed forces or from the response to the american and puts the taxes inevitable? i'm not any new aggression will not remain on punished. the many armed forces continued to carry out their military operations and to impose a decision finding is really navigation in their agency and threats until the aggression of the palestinian people in the gaza strip. seizes and the siege was lifted on a shot. i mean, well the u. s. navy has seized weapons that says well being shipped from iran to yemen. the rate was carried out on 1st day in the rape and see off the coast of somalia. the us says the weapons what intended. so here's the sizes in yemen including ponce's, ballistic, and cruise themselves. washington says this is the 1st time its forces have seized
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lisa weapons and heading to the group since you have been civil war again a decade ago. a spring analogies or a senior political analyst, more one of the shot who joins us here in this junior are one. how concerned should we be about the latest developments in red c? you think that quite concerned and clearly we are in the, in the beginning goes on a certain escalation. in fact, it was, he think off now for several, for several weeks, but with the american bombardment of young men. and with that, the lesions of the houses i think were of entered a cycle now whereby all retaliation and concert the lesion when the end up disrupting the shipping. and would force the united states to act even more aggressively than it has done thus far. now when you look at the situation as it is,
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of course you, you can tell about just how listening to the, to the house, the spokesperson. the house here is, you know, hold a small stick, but speak with a very high and aggressive voice. the americans are getting a huge stick and they speak softly. but none of that should really deceive us about who's capable of escalating and who's capable of a, a great thing, the most damage here. because in the end of the day, with american uh, out of my, those in the red sea, in the mid to late in the persian gulf, the capacity of the united states to react minutes that our lives huge. we've seen them react a such before. that when they are deployed as such, with uh, with big air force and, and cause me size and so on, so forth. it is as it where, you know, big hammer, everything looks like a nail. and then that's why i don't see them for the time being pursuing something
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that looks like a diplomatic solution instead of more of the same method escalation. but what i also want to ask you about what the u. s. navy has said to us today that they've seized weapons that were being shipped from iran to young men. they've been carried out some a raid on 1st day on the re b and c. and they found a on a ship for not quite a ship from what we were hearing from our corresponded but a vessel which was caring, various weapons, ballistic and cruise missiles, which were apparently heading to him. and i mean what, what is the significance of this? and how the us likely to respond to something like this is actually that down, right? it's one of those traditional ships that used in this region. and clearly this is one of those. i'm not exactly very sophisticated way of transferring farms,
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but it is a transform arms as i've gotten to it's been reported. but that's the normal things in the region. i mean with is, i'm not manufacturing me size to my knowledge. in guys i buy them because they do manufacturer of those rockets. so the holders are definitely getting help and it's not a secret. and we know where it's where they getting it from. and that's why it seems once once more that you're one and you're not, it's sites are engaged in a conversation through the proxies and this conversation is getting more and more violent. they don't want to get their hands dirty against one another. so they're doing just visit the, their clients and assets and, and all lies and so on, so forth. and that is bound to get out of control. my most fear is not so much that you're on the united states. don't want to, why the war is that they could get in to or why the war because of
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a various unexpected deterioration. you know, as they say in strategic affairs, we know the knowns, right? but there are no unknowns, right? we know that this could escalate. we don't know exactly how, but we know this could actually get out of hand. i don't want to, sarah. thank you. still ahead on our to 0. i'm john henry and in iowa were donald trump, one the iowa caucus. it's now the race moves on to new hampshire with a hot status for 2nd place between nikki haley and rhonda sanders, the in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa since it's accusations of genocide in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that face is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of
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facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea, it's not receive task protection that seen a complication inside story on al jazeera, the mood, and i'm told stories from asia and the pacific. on the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the working out is there a mind, a thought top stories and this hour, the number of palestinians killed and israel's relentless ministry insults on gauze that continues to rise within 24218 people have been killed according to the health ministry of school and refugee accounts, where among the targets hit in the past 24 hours is really minute 3 and has bought i have exchange for it and 711 on is really we've changed struck a target near the board, the town to pull that fee is there any minute, she also said it hits a has bullet empty tank missile launcher, nit complex,
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you know, the u. s. navy says it's seized weapons headed from iran to yemen. in the arabian seen us officials believe the lessons when men who with the owns groups who have been carrying out in the south strides on shipping through the red sea. the will on gauze that has been high on the agenda on the 1st full day of the world economic forms, annual meeting intervals in switzerland business slates and will meet us gathered to discuss some of the wells most pressing issues. think atari prime minister shake mohammed ban of the run on on funding has been given his view about what is needed to achieve peace between the palestinians and israelis. we cannot have 2 state solution without having anything that protest in division. we cannot have a 2 state solution without having a government and petitions and is right. who believes in co existing together
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side by side is pretty and we cannot have all this ongoing without ending this war . and i believe that to the numbers that we are seeing, the images that we are watching would not have an impact just on the short term, which would have an impact on the short, medium, and long term. and they don't get to impact would be more dangerous. for all of us, but us national security advisor jake sullivan, is also in demo see israel to follow international humanitarian know in gaza. that is, the reality is realistic. contending with a determined terrorist threat that shows its battlefield, the communities of innocent civilians and still to this day holds more than a 100 hostages and circumstances that are dire and deteriorate. now this does not less than at all israel's responsibility to conduct its campaign in a way that upholds international humanitarian law and abides by the moral and
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strategic necessity to distinguish between terrorists and innocent civilians. meanwhile, a roll of has recalled it's impossible to run off to mondays attack in air bill. the us condemned iran for carrying out missile strikes in syria and rock coating and reckless. at least 4 people were killed and 6 wounded in the bombings charles drop it as well as the night sky lights on explosions ringing out across the city of the bill in northern iraq. the wrong says, which was it describes a spy headquarters used by his rails intelligence agency, most set gatherings of anti uranium terrorist groups at least supplied me. so strong targets needed us concerts in residential areas in the administrative capital for the rocky kurdish regional government. daytime video shows some of the destruction,
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the rocky cookies regional authorities say several people were killed and others injured. the attacks, many of the offices of terrorist organizations and the most sod are very close to the u. s. consulate because that they feel protected by the iranians that were sending both striking these targets. because unfortunately, northern iraq is heavily infiltrated. they are both striking these targets, but also they were telling the americans they were sending a message that our missiles are very precise and we're not afraid to target these offices. these bases near your building the us condemned the attacks, cooling them a reckless and imprecise set of strikes. in recent days the us and u. k. have been targeting who she bases in yemen, retaliation for a tax on cargo ships in the red sea. who sees, say, the vessels belong or are connected to countries supporting?
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ero washington says their own supplies. the who sees with weapons and son in law has been putting pressure on is ships going to is riley ports to build up more pressure to end this, this holocaust. and of course, the resistance in iraq has also been active to put pressure on the americans to end this. but so far we haven't seen the escalation, we're only seeing escalation, iraq, cruelty attacks, a violation of itself and c, and found to respond using legal measures including filing a complaint to the un security council. a, hey roland is carried out to taxi northern iraq before targeting what it says on the right and you know, position groups. but these latest strikes. com is, is grow internationally about a wider escalation in violence. in response to israel or garza, a war israel says,
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is far from over john stockton, which is 0. ok, let's turn to the us now when republican presidential hopeful assa hutchinson has suspended his campaign of to the iowa. cool, because it is deliberate, a big wins that met us. president trump is victory. cements his status as the front rama to become the republican, nominated for the 2024 presidential race. the race for 2nd place is still very much live is don't 100 reports. donald trump sweat the iowa caucuses, winning from one end of the state to the other and cementing his place as the one to beat and the republican race for president. the victory and the contest of the 2024 presidential campaign marked a historic come back for the former president and the official beginning of his goal of ousting president joe biden and returning to the white house. we want to
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thank the great people of iowa. thanks a lot of turn out what a crowd and i really think this is time now for everybody. our country to come together, we want to come together, whether it's republican or democrat, or liberal or conservative. it came after 2 impeachment says trump faces $91.00 criminal charges, which seemed only to bully him in poles into the eyes of his supporters. from here, i really see it as beginning in iowa and indian in kansas mart in late march is when going, when there's going to be the kansas primary. and about that time we keep this up. that's about the time that he'll across the threshold of winning the convention. florida governor, run descent is exceeded expectations, nearly edging out nikki haley who had searched past him in recent polls. we have a lot of work to do, but i can tell you this as the next president of the united states,
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i am going to get the job done for this country. i am not. i am not going to make any excuses. and i guarantee you this, i will not let you down. thank you. oh, god bless you. the take res for the silver metal leaves the battle to become the alternative to trump unresolved. but haley, who's better positioned in the upcoming races in new hampshire and her home state of south carolina, claimed it kind of victory under estimate me because that's always mine. wow, i love you. i love the word on the new answer to that was well below record levels, temperatures dipping to minus 22 celsius with windshields of mine is 32. appeared to keep many people at home. there is an old adage that i will punches 3 tickets for candidates to move forward and the race that seem to be confirmed on monday. when the vic, rama swami, came in
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a distant force and ended his campaign. thank you very much. the race moves on to new hampshire next tuesday with trump hoping to gain momentum in this 2nd and 3rd place candidates fighting to remain in the race. john henry and al jazeera des moines, iowa. well, fresh off his wind. in iowa, donald trump has traveled to new york for a defamation case involving a magazine right to trump has already been found liable for sexually abusing to fame in e. gene tyrell, of this trial is looking specifically at how much trump should be forced to pay the remotes he made about carol in 2019, when he was president in somalia, 3 people have been killed off to suicide bombing in mogadishu. any say the attack, a blue himself up outside a restaurant in the capitol while being pursued by offices. the minutes increase. i'll ship, i have claimed responsibility in iceland,
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the flight of lava from the license volcanic eruption has still since slowing down rescue work is on now investigating the destruction cool was by the spread of the molten rock. sonya go has moved from clinic it is scorching, relentless, devouring everything in its pulse, but the 2nd day the lava continued on its destructive pos and the rig count as peninsula sparing nothing. it tools through the town of green, the vic setting houses alight, spewing ash, and smoke through the air. is it but 2 pipes carrying water and energy to holmes the worst case scenario that officials had paid full despite months of preparation . this could be happening again and again for next, next years. we don't know nothing about it. the mother nature is unpredictable. this is the 2nd time since november, the residents were forced to flee from the homes. often, earlier,
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a rupture joined to fishes appeared in and around to bring the vic a tell tale sign of intense seismic activity. but the lava flowed in a different direction then avoiding the town until sundays are option. this is as close as we can get to the town itself. it's love of it is continuing to smoke and erupt. and of course, the 3800 residents who made this price the home have no idea when they'll be able to return here. the lava flows could continue here for months and the intense seismic activity could go on the years, leaving those who called this place home, stranded with no way of knowing if they can return. so need i. eagle. i'll just say we're going to be friends. island to free on you on has lifted a site, turning us off to strong winds, lashed the on, and as well as neighboring,
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nutritious on monday cycle and fill out brute window for around 200 kilometers per hour. hazing to indian ocean on is important to a vehicles was obliged in the streets of that heavy sample. all right, that's it for me, molly. inside web. it coming up next and inside story will examine the increase in his ready attack. so me ok. point west frank, stay with us the the. now the snow line in talk here has just been roy using there's been a lot of snow recently, but because the winds coming up from the south rate has been the result for mice and match. we left on wednesday was still fairly wilma and he stumbles. i had met a sunshine around the rain having been fairly heavy. it on the south coast is moved across to cyprus and probably into northwest and syria, as well within snow. fully go in the high ground in the far east of the country.
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sensible this been fine weather of course, quite warm to some but look at this when read though, how it's been up to around the 29 market. it should be $22.00 to $24.00. this appraisal feet, see things change? it's a dusty one. i just bought some tired with this attempt is will drop as it comes with adults. so development of new shows may be signed, the storm seems likely in the society and they'll drift east, which towards cuts out as well as some of you, you don't expect to see very many shows in hold of africa and brought back maybe or around like victoria you'd expect see the heavy rain for the safe, and it certainly has been. we've seen one tropical cycling, which is now going off. you'll screen haven't gone across, down are you and your i'm versus, but next in line for heavy, right. but notice i can, is madagascar for risk is quite high here. we could see a repeat of flooding in the eastern side of south africa, of the
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examining the impact of today's headlines this year with the destruction of your everything international filmmakers and world class john. unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is my, you house. this is way what these are 15 foot side of the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on the how does era last year with the worst on track who is really a tax on palestinian fully occupied westbank and as being intensifying since the one goes up again. palestinians in the west bank of this whole county down 7, the tax on his res. so wicked, this violence leave. this is inside story, the


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