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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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a single study or see some of them, you know, somebody up on us and me and so. so the following is car here as an investigator and a couple of cops in it. we're going to leader rates today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some spaces of sharks at risk because the for the delta announces a new agreement between them. awesome as well, to deliver medication and i into gaza. the until mccrae, this is al, just here alive from to ha. also coming up, a family home is blown off and then his reading is striking in profit and southern
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cancer. 12 people, okay. is right little so carries and strikes on his belong, hitting a boat, a town in southern living on another ship, isn't the red sea is the us, is it seized weapons meant for the 2 seats. the, this is well and how much have agreed on a deal to allow unlimited supply of aidan medicine. its a gallons of the agreement broken by kata and from school seeking military and delivered to palestinians and exchange for medication for is ready captives. terika isn't, isn't rafa in southern kaiser and joins us now and we know me to collide is desperately, desperately needed there. what's the response thing to this new deal in gaza?
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yes. just tell for an hour ago the this book, nutrition was focused, my sense of because our foreign affairs, administered for an offense has announced that the managed to reach mitigation. and that agreements that we and from us and you spell intends to allow for the humanitarian supplies and medical aids to get into the kansas trip and to reach to the most. i fixed it on fund, rippled areas of the conflict as far as the territory. and this is in the exchange with a highly how much to reach medication for the east. really talk to who have been captured during from us october. the 7th attack on the bull, which i'm the only show the official spokes bison had stated that these page will be leaving doha tomorrow. and we will be transported to re city in egypt in order to get prepared to be later than that that you saw it because this trip, generally, this is a very, a practical and also essential step taken by could tell which had always had
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been working tirelessly to print an age for the fighting on the ground incorporation with different regional kind of international partners. and this is shipments of humanitarian aids and medical supplies, especially for the most i think the areas will just sit it to be a very essential step, especially that uh the goals are straight. generally, you need more than $708.00 shops, c, j in order to help carson to recover from the ramifications of these ready men to treat a tax on the territory especially that the northern parts in particular, did not receive much humanitarian supplies since. so with the 7 so, so this is completely a very, uh, good step on the right track in order to narrow the gaps of on the start of this understanding. and how are we getting it between both sides. and it's considered to be also a step that, that will continue to be later between uh, the regional mcgee,
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just to keep pressing forwards to reach a more agreements that would bring an end for the fine thing as the palestinian ever the chris into an ocean international organizations including the united nation, had told about the goals a stripe is on the, in the age of 5 and, and the possibility of the, the, the duration of the humanitarian condition to still exist. especially that we're talking about more than 70 percent of goals as population had been displaced and that there is, must be a, kind of a meaningful, unconditional humanitarian access to the territory just to match the needs of the desperate goal since in the territory. let's hope you a roger, this is just the 1st step, terracon teracon, but it was in for us and rough of the situation and cause a remains to drive more than 24200. and a few people have been killed in some residential buildings. have been completely destroyed, of correspondent and del, cuz already has more from the obama. and i'm crazy standing until i should be
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behind me is as much as the rescue g come here, that is really forces and times with through last night. and here, as you see, the destruction is my so from there is back to this area on, on the road, all of the factories and all of the warehouses have been completely destroyed. we saw the infrastructure severely bomb. it's very obvious that there has been a lot of our tele reselling and a lot of air strikes to where did this moment fly or is going out of the buildings. as you see, most of the people right now are trying to get with every they can get from under the rebels. we saw people collecting woods, we saw people collecting and going to see and to check up on their factories and
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their warehouses. people are an attorney devastated. they're saying that they lost all of what they owed and all of the businesses, this is not the 1st time we see this until i had been when we evacuated from the north to the south. it was the same exact scene or destruction is happening and people are still fearing an invasion. i grant invasion to that is buff. this is in the i just need a, as much as the refugee from the area is targeted by is ready strikes in the past 24 hours, include the school and several refugee cans. honey must include reports from reference, southern gaza, or how many of you this father is buying over the course of the child? the, the victim of is really a tax on residential building. he was killed in the latest bombing,
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and sonia and 2 other families were also killed in another air strikes near rough. the nothing the thought was the apple and they were having dinner to look at the destruction in the neighborhood when people were palmed buyers really struggled off with, well having dinner. israel is the length less air strikes, attacks and it's the ground expensive. have also created shortage of food as 8 as a preventative from reaching those in the in the body of refugee camp in the north brit distribution points have been set up for people suffering severe hunger. there's no food, most of the time it's rare to find an abundance of the things we need pass to wheat, flour, the oil, unavailable to the point. the people can no longer ask about the more requests them . it's as if the top boom can goods like beans that become really expensive. the united nations has worn famine is looming. everyone in gaza is hungry. we're
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exploring all possible solution, but none are sufficient in the face of obstacles that are people starving in areas . and we are not able to give basic foods for the needs are rising faster than we are able to respond. southern gaza is a struggling to accommodate the rising number of displace palestinians. over crowding camp is increasing fears. the diseases will spread to the health care system in gaza is on the brink of collapse. hospitals are out of services because there is no fuel to keep them operational. a medical is fast for over. well, not only because of the one that they are having to treat, but also because of those needing help and seeking refuge from is really bombardment, honey. my mode. i was just data of southern gaza for the ripple effect of israel's
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war and gaza was causing a maritime crisis and the red sea with another missile strike on the cargo ship on choose time. now the empty contained a vessel is owned by a greek company and registered in milton. the attack happens 140 kilometers west of the port city of also leave humans who the group has claimed responsibility for the attacks and they will continue until there is a safe spot in gaza. a, by the way, this operation came after the crew of the ship ignored. continue with the warnings, including the warning shots. the many armed forces continue to implement. the decision to prevent is really ships or ships link to the is really an emmy from sailing. it'd be era and the red sea until the aggression is ended and the blockade on the resilience, palestinian people and the guys trip is lifted. the u. s. navy has seized weapons
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that say is what being shipped from around the gym and the ride was carried out on thursday and the arabian sea off the coast of somalia. and the us is the width is what intended for who the 5 isn't human and included pods of ballistic and cruise missiles and washington says, this is the 1st time it's false as have sees lethal weapons hitting to the group since human civil war began a decade ago let's get the latest for mike hannah, who is in washington, dc for us and mike, we know that there was a white house briefing held a short time ago. we heard that despite the strikes that you is not looking for a war with the who is what more can you tell us is indeed yes, the national security council spokesman in the white house of john could be address this issue. he said that the u. s. was carrying out its responses to what was going on that he said that the increase in strikes was expected following the attacks by the us and u. k. of ed croft over the past few days. he says as well that
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a number of the miss house that were due to be launched against ships in the red sea area were taken out as he put it before they could be launched. he also said a number of messiahs spelled harmlessly into the sea. so he said the attacks that have been happening in the past, 48 hours or so on, not unexpected. the, the, the us doesn't appear to be showing much concern about this situation and insisted that there's no desire whatsoever from the us to, in any way. expand this conflict in the red sea that was simply trying to secure those waterways for the massive amount of traffic that passes through it. and my proof already mentioned the deal between him, us and israel to allow me to collide and together. but there is also the possibility of another prisoner swore to yes. will there have been discussions going on and this is being carried out by brent. i'm a good who's a special representative for the middle east. he's been in doha, in recent days,
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discussing in particular the issue of capital was being held by a months now. drunk could be the national security spokesman, also addressed this particular issue, saying that these folks were intense that they was serious. but at the same time saying he didn't want to get ahead in terms of predicting whether or not they should be successful and must be noticed too, that the national security advisor jake sullivan, has held a meeting with the guitar, a prime minister in the bus. it is understood that the question of the captive is being held by him. us was once again under discussion this. so there appears to be a lot of movement, certainly in terms of discussions, in terms of planning to resuscitate. as the deal with by this either an exchange of prisoners or any way in which those captives can be brought back out of gaza. okay, we'll be keeping a close eye on that. that is mike hannah for us in washington. d. c. o. dutch
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shipping companies, fee that will be targeted by who the rebels out to the netherlands became the only a you country to support us and you kind of strikes last weekend and jim and, and that's according to the netherlands ship under association. tensions in the red sea are 50, more than 40 percent of trade from asia to europe, causing delays and europe largest portion. both of them is state, boston reports. the money go next, arriving at brought to them forth 33 days after the departed from malaysia within a week, late to the implant, they knew shipping company may i ask, who decided to die for the vessel and dozens of others to avoid possible attacks and the red sea by whose the forces in yemen contain us carrying foods close computers and medicine, eagerly awaited by bias force to adjust the production schedules. a very important effect is that the cost of transport are increasing an ad because any carriers have
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increased a terrace. they have to introduced surcharges related to the disturbance at the moment, but it is also the the value of time, the value of the cargo that is important. the estimates that's what each container ship carrying around. $15000.00 containers, the longer roots will at around $16000000.00 in additional costs. lucy rapids have increased their with tax and the red sea in recent weeks and solidarity with people in gaza, the modeling israel to stop it's military campaign to avoid the suicide. come now, some lots shipping companies are taking the new 6000 kilometer longer route around the cape of good tope. depending on the size of the ships. this means between 7 to 12 days more travel time business and relative import. the main gateway to europe had already been slow due to decrease the month caused by high inflation. fuel containers ships means less business for you. it's lots of sport with economies
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already slowing down the crisis and the red sea is making them worse. and the longer the so is, can now continues to be a dangerous fluids between the east and the west. the more european economies will suffer. the model is the only country that is part of the us read the coalition that has performed s right from who's the targets in the past week. the ship us via they know could become targets. and the only thing that at the netherlands, that in the co relation is to protect that freedom of navigation. and that is what we stand for. it comes with a consequence. and in that perspective we ask our doctor, government to please uh to enlarge the coalition. so that the dark chief virus and the doctor passes are not being at risk anymore. ship owners have as the government to put pressure on other e u countries like germany or france to join the correlation to. this crisis shows once again how phone level international trade routes have become and how europe's
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economies can easily be effective. step 5, so l just sierra brought to them. postal a hit hit on al jazeera medic, austin, and have on our cubans the pricing for more hardship, electricity. the an unsettled time upfront takes on the biggest cities of context to what is happening now. it is a complex 3 question. question about 5 upfront on how to 0 the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching images here. a reminder of our top story is the ssl is reyland. them. us have a great on the deal to allow unlimited supply of iden medicine and the guns of the agreements broken by cuts in front of the speech military and delivered to palestinians in exchange for medication for as rarely captives the number of palestinians killed in israel's relentless military assault loans, gowns, it continues to rise on 24218 people have been killed. according to the health industry. u. s. navy says that it has seized weapons, hid it from around to human in the arabian se us officials belief the width and submit the groups who have been carrying out in the south strikes on the shipping
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through the red sea. these riley military and has by law have exchanged fight and sell them living on is ready. will pines struck a target near the board of town to full as tensions that remain high? early at the israeli military suited struck his blot empty tank. messiah launcher. a couple akila and run con has more from southern living on in the town of, of hullo, we've seen a 2 s strikes throughout the day. bringing the title that 23, and a number of other incidents happening in the eastern part of this 11 on uh, there was the disputed a to l shell. but where is there any special forces from the magland recognizance unit left? that base to conduct a clearing operation, they say may but not across the board of have they managed to actually cross that dispute and pulled. it would have been the 1st time since 2006 and it would have been an escalation. uh also what we're hearing is 10 is really strikes in what the
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oh, salute saluki. now that is the most amounts of strikes on that town. since all students, he's broke out on october, the 8th. we confirmed that his bullet struck a miss all intimate to look at. i noticed like 3 me. so i was in the direction of a minute true position in the upper gallery. now let me just show you where i am right now. in the full grab that you can see the town of high and beyond those mountains is the ship a thumbs area of the occupied shovel funds area throughout the day. and indeed, over the several days, that's where we hit intense southern going on. that's where we hit his bullet rock . it's coming in from. there's a 120 kilometer disputed border between israel and lebanon. no, clearly market demarcated actual and that is a problem because no one really knows where the board is, where the boat, that's what part is occupied or not. and this has been the source of diplomatic
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frustration for a very long time. but now it's becoming acute because has below how long maintained that they will negotiate. they will negotiate and move back beyond the toni river deep within lebanese territory. but not until israel actually ends the war and cause of not looking for a safe spot. they're looking for an ending to the war in gaza and that's something 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu simply isn't going to do. now. the key diplomats, hey, involve the us. and the french has been shuffled diplomacy between 11 on and israel, but it hasn't come to anything yet. this pulled a 120 kilometers long, like i say, still has seen intense shilling since october. the 8th. that's over a $103.00 days worth of conflict. in this area and we're on colin, how does there measure you some level?
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is there any forces have carried down more rides across the occupied west bank of the army, still in the city of jericho and send reinforcements into the center of the and also tongue refugee can israeli soldiers, the rest of the young palestinian men saying he was once as bonds of security services, is there any forces have intensified the incursion since october the 7th? at the world economic forum in davos we have business leaders, ministers, and heads of state cabinets. a talk candidly about the size of the world. gaza is at the top of the agenda now, many particularly the world economic for and the hoping the presence of figures like the us secretary of size, the prime minister in foreign minister of casa prime minister of jordan, and more will lead to a solution to the war on guys, or at least sort of the seas for one of the template medicaid is a james buys, has moved from thomas in the us secretary of state times the blinking one of the global leaders. this annual meeting in the alps. whether warren cause the sense of
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all of the items at the top of the agenda, shaken mohammed been abdominal donnie who's both probably minnesota and foreign minister of cats. all was scathing about the effects of israel's bombardment. over the past 3 months, arises is not there anymore. i mean, there is nothing over the edwards carpet bombing everywhere and uh, its needs like its needs that like rebuilding an entire city again after this, germany's foreign minister was on a panel discussing global security. her country has consistently opposed an immediate c spa. i believe the, the problem we are in is actually we know the solution. we can only come out together on a plan on the sci fi, on a plan, on the 2 states solution. but at the moment we have stockton, the vicious circle,
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the foreign minister of saudi arabia, a country that was close to a normalization deal with israel before the war was aust, whether such a deal could now be revived. he said yes, but only if a series of steps happen 1st, we need to have a sci fi. immediately we need to set the ground for a credible process that enables the palestinian authority that causes us to have a process towards a piece in the region. this will resolve many of the challenges that we have in the region. among those speaking here on tuesday, the radio and foreign minister and the us secretary of state expect a lot of talk about tensions in the red sea and attacks by the who sees already the country prime minister as well. and the recent u. k. and us military intervention could lead to further escalation. and business leaders here are worried about the global supply chain and the effects on the world economy. james pays out to 0 doubles but to some of the news now, cuba has announced the shop rise and fuel water and electricity prices. the ruling company, this policy says the mission is
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a part of an adjustment program needed to get the islands economy back on the path of growth, but many a skeptical of the plan. it'll guston reports from have on long lines outside have on his metro stations have become a grim reality in recent years. but soon they may be a thing of the past. the communist party has announced the price of petrol will soon increase 5 folds. cuz we're going to look at it, said old old when the price of fuel goes up, everything gets more expensive. if people need to go to hospital travel somewhere, it's going to cost them more. yeah. and that was something that surprises went rise until next month. but just the announcement has made an impact. how much does it cost you to get to your house before from here you miles 150 basis? and now is it doesn't go into a 150. they will put their prices up, these price hikes, the possible to come in this party is cooling a macro economic stabilization program with us sanctions choking of fund, current samplers like never before. real salaries,
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a plummet. thing you keep as president says, he's managing a war economy, all is equal partners. this is not a package of neo liberal measures against the people. nor is it a crusade against small businesses nor the illumination of the basic basket of goods. the i see this government says an adjustment program should have been done years ago to correct major distortions in the islands economy. but that is better late than never. you said it was going to very fund raising prices in reducing subsidies. there's an austere already program, but the government isn't able to keep spending on these things as an adjustment program necessary or is there another option? when i only, i'd say it has to be implemented ok, buttons are inside. so to basic food russians of st prices at the countries famous . but i guess that set to change to food restaurants will be targeted to vulnerable groups. the water, electricity, and gas prices have been low for decades. encouraging wasteful consumption is not expensive to leave the gas on all the time. no, no, no, no, no,
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not at all. rather than buy lighter, it's better for me to leave it on the whole time and spend the money on a few pounds of sweet potatoes or some bananas. the fi utility bills will mean less money for food. this is water bill is the equivalent of just $0.15 a month, but that's no small change in the country with an average salary is full. and so the equivalent of just $17.00 a month, people already feeling the pinch and they're worried about the coming price hikes. and with the economy creaking, essential food russians started arriving at capital a to make the price that the russian store hasn't come in yet. this month, so i have a better price list from last month, so i'll still have a bit cheat. did they missed the bus? so that's politicians tell the long suffering public the tyson about keeping the pricing for a tough year. at augusta in algebra, cuba for health care work is in sri lanka,
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striking and protest against the government plan to allow only don't is to receive an increase in transport allowance of the whole kaz has brought the health care system to a standstill with many hospitals cancelling surgeries, the system had already been strained by stock shortages and reduced funding to the country, declared bankruptcy back in 2022. well, that's all from a total credit. you can find much more information on our website else, is there a dot com with a is next pin inside story. we'll examine the increase in this ready of tax on the part with bank since october, the 7th. the, the weather brought to you by visit cutoff. i had low, they will stop by looking at the satellite image for australia and you see across
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the north and southeastern pots of the country. we are seeing some very active weather. we've got a swelling system here. that's trying to turn into something across the north territory. i'm going to bring some very heavy rain. it's likely to cause some significant flooding. that rain pushes out further east because northern areas of queens, then we all going to see what the weather as well creep its way across the se, thanks to an area of low pressure that spring stormy conditions and some stronger winds across has main, you know, temperatures having sitting very high across northern and central areas. well, we'll see that reflected across the east of the country. brisbin, seeing the temperature pick up into the early thirty's as we go into friday. still some sundry showers about now in contrast to this, it has been very successful across both islands in new zealand. the temperature and christ church as well as open well above the average. but as that heavy band of rain stopped to scott his way for the south, we all going to see very heavy rain affecting the north west of the country. we have got watches out for that and
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a dramatic cool down coming on the way for christ church as he moved to south east asia. it's a story of a heavy rain. we've got a developing system when you move in the way of enhance chose to indonesia. on wednesday the weather brought to you by visit cuts on the mood and untold stories from asia and the pacific. on the last year was the worst on draco, was really a task on palestinian. so the occupied west fang and the scene intensifying since
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the one goes up again. palestinians in the west bank of so kindly down 7 the tax on


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