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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 17, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the, the business like just is free to you, i guess is like my, on one of your just makes modern plates. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm talking with kind of, this is the news. how in line from coming up in the next 60 minutes, as, as well as related less attacks on cause to continue casa, announces a new agreement between our mazda and is ro,
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to deliver medication and i eat into the strip. now it comes as you and says 80 percent of a people facing samuel catastrophic hunger worldwide live in garza, for us lunches for strikes on human street, facing the seasons. weapons, it says was sent by a ron and arrive for kohls or temp pass a different around in miss hollow tax on the city of a deal. the . we begin with news of a breakthrough in negotiations between israel and tomorrow. so if deal to allow unlimited supply of medicine and of agents, the cause of the agreement was broken by kata. and from google, sees you military and delivered to palestinians in desperate need in exchange for medication, for his ready captives being held in gaza. for more on this, tara capitalism is in the profit and southern gaza. for us and tech,
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we know me to collide is desperately needed. so they have what has been the response so far to this new to of the cuz generally palestinians have had the news that they're released by the officials, books, best and of the ministry for and a secretary for an offense regarding the re, the arrival to a new agreement between our mazda and east belt, broke it by could talk along slides and cooperation with, from some older, to along the side of the humanitarian aids and medical supplies to get into the territories, specially for the most highly affected and bun ripple areas that had been completely inflected uh with the ongoing confrontations on the ground, especially to the number of parts of the gaza strip, which did not receive much humanitarian supplies within the last few weeks of fighting. now also the do official spokes person had after that these humanitarian
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supplies will be leaving. it don't have to worry to egypt in order to be for that to be transported into gaza strip. no, generally, this is a very essential and good practical step that had been translated on the ground of the shuttle. negotiations headed blankets on different international play is in the region to de escalate the situation on the ground. that is considered to be a step that mike found the way forward for such deals to bring an end for the fighting on the ground. but now an exchange of views. calling to facilitation in slight goals a strip how most will accept these medical supplies in order to be delivered back to the is there any cap tips who had been captured since how much a food attack on october the 7th? now this is clearly kind of a pretty much of the understanding had been made between post fonts and it might, by the way you prefer that kind of negotiations to reach cease for that might bring all the uh, the confrontations on the ground and,
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and will completely include palestinians to re, to attend back again to the house as box generally had been allowed to enter. the goal is a strip in terms of humanitarian aids and also for attempts of the medical supplies . consider it to be a trip in the ocean that could not completely match the needs of thousands in the territory as the united nations and also the palestinian ridgecrest society had worn and also asked for an immediate unconditional human, a cherry and a flu of an access as well to the goal is to strip to help palestinians to recover enters and that lease to be rep with the ongoing military offensive on the territory. okay, thanks, terry terica bowes in for us there in rockford, southern gaza for the number of palestinians killed in israel's under basic military assault continues to rise within 24280 people have now been killed according to the health industry of the areas targeted by his ready strikes include
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a school and several refugee camps. honey, mach moved reports from crawford and southern gaza. or the tell me you this father is a fine go over the core business. the child, the, the victim of is really a tax on residential building. he was killed in the latest bombing. and finally on 2 other families were also killed in another air strikes. you're welcome. is there a moment not familiar with our? so what is the f o somebody we're having dinner, look at the destruction in the neighborhood when people will come to buys, really struggled off with, well having dinner. israel is the length less air strikes, attacks and it's the ground offensive. have also created shortage of food as 8 as a preventative from reaching those in the in the body. a refugee camp in the north
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brit distribution points have been set up for people suffering severe hunger. there's no feed, most of the time, it's rare to find an abundance of the things we need pastor wheat flour, the old, unavailable to the point. the people can no longer ask about the move requests them . it's as if the top boot canned goods like beans that become really expensive. the united nations has worn famine is looming. everyone in gaza is hungry. we're exploring all possible solution, but none are sufficient in the face of obstacles that are people starving in areas and we are not able to give basic food for the needs are rising faster than we are able to despise. southern gaza is a struggling to accommodate the rising number of displace palestinians over crowding camp is increasing fears the diseases will spread the health care system in java is on the brink of collapse. hospitals are out of services because there is
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no fuel to keep them operation. of a medical the staff are over well not only because of the one that they are having to treat, but also because of those needing help in seeking refuge from is really bombardment, honey. my mode. i'll just see it all off off. so during garza to the united nations, is palestinians in garza now make up 80 percent of old people facing famine or hunger worldwide. a cause of the 2300000 population stopping and struggling to find food and drink apple boards or adding the famine is imminent. old children under 5 bed is 335000 are at high risk of severe male nutrition. pregnant women not receiving adequate nutrition and health care, putting their lives at risk since january the 1st only 21 percent of planned deliveries of aide containing food and other live saving supplies has reached the
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destination in northern gaza. the report say approximately 22 percent of the agricultural land, including oceans, greenhouses, and farm lands and the north has been destroyed by is riley forces. michael authorities, the united nation special replica on the right to food. he's with us live from eugene in oregon. thank you very much for being with us here on al jazeera. first of all, i want us to stop by saying that the, the would unprecedented gets used all of the time. but in this case, it really is accurate. it seems when it comes to describing the crisis that we have been outlining and does it, can you just explain how this is different from other conflicts that you have seen around the world as well. thank you for having the know 1st of all of course the situation and starvation and simon anywhere in the world is dire and one is i'm always careful not to compare situations every situation unto itself. but
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what we're witnessing in gaza is an entire civilian population made to go hungry. we've never seen it happen this quickly and this completely, well, we're also seeing is a concern about future generation. so as you were saying, because children under 5 are at a severe risk of malnutrition because of this risk of famine, this means an entire generation of palestinians. and guys are facing long term limitations to their cognitive and physical ability. and what's clear is this is the result of is really bombardment. this is the results of the denial of humanitarian relief. or we've never seen anything so brutal happen so quickly. and it's not just the denial of food. it's to your point of, of the destruction of agricultural land. it's the destruction of, of fisher boats. so people are being denied access the sea. so it's the food system itself is being destroyed. so just and, and not only are there long term consequences,
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this has been happening for 17 years. the blockade against thousands has been happening for over. so for 17 years. um, so this has been a long standing problem and it's, it's got really bad, really fast. it's also be noted that simon is imminent. what happens when that does come to gaza? it? what simon means is that what we will witness um, is the increase raise the rate of mortality? what will already people are dying from hunger, but then what, what we mean by simon is that means the rate of dust will, will skyrocket very fast. and it really is increasing our by our children's foreign minister. has said that israel is placing many hurdles to the entry of getting into the gaza and that's clearly worsening the dire situation of everyone there is that what you're seeing as well indeed, i mean,
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we're seeing a just a trickle of trucks coming through. they're barely being made, it's on those trucks are, are barely meeting people's needs. is real controls. the board is israel has always controlled the influx of food and food into the gaza for the last 17 years with their occupation. and so that meant even before the war, 70 percent of gardens depended on aid. so you can imagine when the war happened and with a coming to a standstill and now i had a trickle it, that's what caused the immediate crisis. there's no justification for the denial boxes, the food, there's no justification for denial to access to water and medical supplies. and this is the cause of the problem. and we've seen yourselves and, and other right organizations to you in many countries around the world cooling for a sweet spot, or at least the ability to get more humanitarian item that seems to have full and on this is especially when it comes to the us and as well,
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when we're talking about a sci fi, what do you think it will take? i mean, this is the political question that i don't think anyone in my position can answer, but it's to, to your point ending the ending award. an immediate cease fire now is the only way to prevent this catastrophe. and let me just add the degree of what we've witness. i mean, it's not lightly that me and many of my colleagues, others supposed throughout partner as an independent experts in the u. n. when the war broke out, we immediately raised the alarm and called out a risk of genocide and we don't do this slightly. we understand the weight of such a concern because what we saw is that civilians and palestinians are being targeted simply because they're palestinian. we've raised this alarm at the, at the beginning, and that means the only way to avoid this catastrophe is an immediate cease fire, but also the end of this really occupation. okay, we'll have to leave it there,
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but we really do appreciate your time and insight into all of this. thank you. thank you very much for these rarely, miller traces it has intercepted several rockets fired from gallons. a video is released by local media, show others landing in the city of middle vaults. and southern is ro, some buildings for damage to no casualties. have been report as these really military and has but i have exchange fight and southern living on is riley will pines struck a target near the pool. the town of hoola as tensions remained high, really at the is really military sit. it struck a his blah empty tank miss launcher, the, a couple akila run khan has more from southern living on in the town of, of hullo, we've seen a to ask strikes throughout the day. bringing the title that to 3 and a number of other incidents happening in the eastern part of this 11 on there was the disputed a to l shell. but where is there any special forces from the magland reconnaissance
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unit left? that base to conduct a clearing operation, they say may but not across the board of how they managed to actually cross that dispute and pulled. it would have been the 1st time since 2006 and it would have been an escalation. uh, also what we're hearing is 10 is really strikes in what they also look saluki. now that is the most amount of strikes on that town. since all students, he's broke out on october, the 8th, we confirmed that his bullet struck a missile intended to look at and also have 3 me. so i was in the direction of a minute true position in the upper gallery. now let me just show you where i am right now, in the full ground that you can see the town of heim beyond those mountains is the ship a farms area, the occupied shovel farms area throughout the day. and indeed, over the several days, that's where we hit intense southern going on. that's where we hit his bullet rock . it's coming in from. there's
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a 120 kilometer disputed border between israel and lebanon. no, clearly market demarcated actual and that is a problem because no one really knows where the board is, where the boat, that's what part is occupied or not. and this has been the source of diplomatic frustration for a very long time. but now it's becoming acute because has below how long maintained that they will negotiate. they will negotiate and move back beyond the tony river deep within lebanese territory. but not until israel actually ends the war and cause of not looking for a safe spot. they're looking for an ending to the war in gaza and that's something 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu simply isn't going to do. now. the key diplomats, hey, involve the us. and the french has been shuffled diplomacy between 11 on and israel,
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but it hasn't come to anything yet. this boat, a 120 kilometers long, like i say, still has seen intense shilling since october. the 8th. that's over a $103.00 days worth of conflict. in this area and we're on coming out 0. let's show you some level is rarely forces have carried out more rides across the occupied west bank of the east, on the city of jericho and send reinforcements since at the center of the n l soul town refugee can. is there any soldiers the rest of the young palestinian men saying he was wanted by the security services? is there any forces have intensified the incursion since october? the 7th? the ripple effect of, as well as for on guys are, is causing a maritime crisis in the red sea with another missile strike on the cargo ship on tuesday. the mg contained a vessel is owned by a greek company and registered in malta. the attack happened to 140 kilometers west
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of the many port city of us alif humans. the group has claimed responsibility for the attack saying they will continue until there is a c spot in cancer. so by the way, this operation saw the tape after the crew of the ship ignored. continue with the warnings. including warning shots, the many armed forces continue to implement. the decision to prevent is really ships or ships link to the is really an emmy from sailing in the area and the red sea until the aggression is ended. and the blockade on the resilience, palestinian people and the guys trip is listed. but the u. s. navy has seized weapons that says were being shipped from around the gym and the ride was carried out on thursday in the arabian sea, off the coast of somalia. the us is the weapons were intended for who the finances in human and included pots of ballistic and cruise missiles. washington says this is the 1st time its forces have seized lisa,
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with ins hitting to the group since human civil war began a decade ago. let's gates elijah's from mike hannah, who was in washington dc for us. and mike was the white house briefing held uh, not too long ago. we heard that despite the strong sense described to us as not looking for a war with the who sees what more can you tell us about that? and indeed, yes, one must remember that before the weekend, the us along with the u. k. carried out a series of strikes in areas of them and controlled by the who t group and the white house spokesman for the national security council. john could be as addressed this issue, saying that it was expected that there would be some kind of retaliation to those us u. k. strikes that it could. he says at the same time that a number of these attempted strikes by the booty group. on not succeeding, a number of missiles were taken out. he says before they could be launched. in
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addition, a number of messiahs failed and fell into the water. so he said, although this was expected, the us forces continue ready to respond and of course he says to defend themselves as also he adds the fact that the us is not looking to expand the conflict. now this is something that is of great concern to the us and has been since the beginning of the is really operation in gaza. and that is the potential for the conflict to spread way beyond the area in which it originated. and the situation with who teased off gulf a firing on vessels passing through the red sea and a parent indication that this spread is happening. now the us continues to insist that you cannot to link these actions to what is being happening and gaza. the who to use themselves insist that they are carrying out these actions in response to what is happening in gaza. and initially most of the targets will is really own
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vessels, but recently this has become a little bit more general and then the us own vessels have been attacked as well. so the situation continues to be of mess up concern, but the national security council spokesman in the white house still appears to portray a confidence that this is a situation that the us can deal with. okay, thank so much for that, mike mike. hannah, for us in washington, dc, are the largest escalation and the ritz a has major implications for the global economy and trade. it's one of the world's most important shipping rates for oil and gas between asia and europe. in the south, above all, month of stripe, between africa and the re being potentially connects the red sea with the gulf of i 8 and 12 percent of the world strides and 10 percent of global oil carried by ships goes through the strides. so is canal it connects the red sea with the mediterranean sea. it is the shortest shipping route between europe and asia,
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and 15 percent of the world's maritime traffic passes through the. so is canal since november around back to a piece of targeted vessels near bad armando forcing major shipping and oil companies to suspend operations through the red sea. reverse with vessels will have to make a long good joining all the way down the east coast of africa via the southern tip of the confidence. so the ship traveling from single poor to both of damage. unity that would typically take around $26.00 days will now take $56.00 days using more fuel and increasing costs. but that's shipping company side by fear that will be targeted by who the variables after the netherlands can be only a you country to support us and you kind of strikes last weekend. and jim and tensions in the red sea are affecting more than 40 percent of trade from asia to europe. and that's causing delays that most of them europe's biggest port. the state boston reports as the money go, mess arriving at brought to them port $33.00 days after the departed from malaysia
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. within a week late to the implant, they new shipping company may ask decided to divert the vessel and dozens of others to avoid possible attacks in the red sea by whose the forces in yemen contain us carrying food close computers and medicine, eagerly awaited by bias for us to adjust the production schedules. a very important effect is that the cost of transport are increasing and ad because any carriers have increased the terrace. they have to introduce surcharges related to the disturbance at the moment. but it is also the, the value of time, the value of the cargo that is important. the estimates that for each container ship carrying around $15000.00 containers, the longer roots will at around $16000000.00 and additional costs. lucy rapids have increased their with tax in the red sea in recent weeks in solidarity with people in gaza,
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demanding israel to stop it's military campaign to avoid the suicide. come now, so i'm lots shipping companies are taking the new 6000 kilometer longer route around the cape of good tope, depending on the size of the ships. this means between 7 to 12 days more travel time, business and relative import. the main gateway to europe had already been slow due to decrease the month caused by high inflation. fuel containers ships means less business where you have lots of support with economies already slowing down the crisis and the red sea is making them worse. and the longer the source canals continues to be a dangerous routes between the east and the west. the more european economies will suffer. the metal is, is the only country that is part of the us read. the coalition that has performed is try some targets in the past week. the chip us via they know could become targets. the only thing that the instead and the coalition is to protect that freedom of navigation. and that is what we stand for. it comes with
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a consequence and in that perspective we ask our doctor government to please uh to enlarge the coalition so that the dark chief virus and the doctor passes are not being at risk anymore. ship owners have as the government to put pressure on other e u. countries like germany or france to join the correlation to. this crisis shows once again how phone level international trade routes have become and how europe's economies can easily be effected. step 5, so l just sierra wrote to them for pakistan's is an unprovoked attack within its borders by around his killed 2 children. the missile strike happens in pucca sounds, but let's just on provence around says it was targeting the headquarters for the j, shall i will group to run blinds the group for several target. his attacks on security forces over the years, the group has been active in finding the best of representation for ethnic groups. she's in a wrong,
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a rock has recalled us and best of the 2 around often mondays attack and reveal the us condemned around for carrying out in the cell strikes and syria and iraq. cooling them reckless. at least 4 people were killed in 6 wounded in the bombings chow stratford has this report. the night sky lights on explosions ring out across the city of your bill in no wrong wrong says, receipts for the disclaims a spy headquarters used by his rails intelligence agency, most set gatherings event to uranium. terrorist groups, at least supplied michelle strong targets near the us concerts and residential areas in the administrative capital for the rocky kurdish regional government. daytime video shows some of the destruction iraq. you could reach regional authorities, say several people were killed, and others injured,
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whom the attacks. many of the offices of terrorist organizations and the most side are very close to the u. s. consulate because that they feel protected by the iranians that were sending both striking these targets. because unfortunately, northern iraq is heavily infiltrated. they are both striking these targets, but also they were telling the americans they were sending a message that our miss styles are very precise. and we're not afraid to target these offices. these bases near your building do us condemn the attacks, cooling them a reckless and imprecise set of strikes. in recent days, the us and u. k. have been targeting who see bases in yemen, retaliation for attacks on cargo ships in the red sea. who sees say, the vessels belong or are connected to countries supporting israel. washington says around supplies,
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the who sees with weapons and son in law has been putting pressure on is it ships going to is riley ports to build up more pressure to end this, this holocaust. and of course, the resistance in iraq has also been active to put pressure on the americans to end this. but so far we haven't seen the escalation, we're only seeing escalation, iraq cool. the attacks of violation of itself and see and found to respond using legal measures including filing a complaint to the un security council. iran is carried out to tax the northern iraq before targeting what it said is on the right and you know, position groups. but these latest strikes come is, fee is grow internationally about a wider escalation in violence. in response to israel on garza, a war israel says, is far from over. jones started, which is 0. i was still a head on al jazeera. i'm at augusta and, and have on our cubans,
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the pricing for more hardship sites with view electricity the the had low, the weather is looking very wet and wintery across much of europe at the moment, and very cold, with the low temperatures across the whole central and northern areas that have been so well settled, whether across the mediterranean, well that has changed. you can see that weather front moving in recent very heavy rain, freezing rain as well as snow across moving parts of france and the low countries on, on into germany. and that's where we've got the red warning for large area of the south of germany. some of that snow as well, fully on the opposite will be welcome to that. you can see a shift and that's no pushing its way to further east on north. as we go into the,
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they scanned the scene some very wintery weather that's no pushing its way across into pots of russia minus 3 in moscow bits and pieces of rain as well. developing across the balkans with some improvement coming in for to a kia it does look like we're going to see some blustery winds is what is what the weather edging across into portugal and spain on. so it's a much dryer to the south of england, but still very cold here. so i'm just looking to launch the miles and places like athens, we will see they've just pick up the and, and, and cry. but for the likes of bordeaux, it is going to get very cold. we have a look at the 3 day that last through to the weekend of the 3 years in and joe biden, faces little competition from within the democratic party. despite concerns about the popularity of the aging presidents as the formalities of phenomena, nation contests begin,
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does by didn't have what it takes for another 4 year. us election 2024 on elsa's 0 . the human mind is incredible, but it can also overwhelm us at times. here's a pill that solve all your problems. in the 1st of a full part season, we travel to iceland, which is the highest rate of anti depressant use and you know that we're all set so so we're trying to origin teams to find out twice. everybody is so popular. we just done exactly the same as when we were babies with our mother. mine's changing the way you think about mental health. on noticing the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the you're watching, you'll do 0 reminder about top stories. the ssl is right land to miles have agreed on a deal to allow unlimited supply of aidan medicine and to cancer. the agreement abroad could buy cuts on from school. so you submitted terry and i delivered the palestinians exchange for medication for is there any captives? the number of palestinians killed in israel, relentless military assault on guns that continues to rise, pulled in 24280 people have been killed. according to the health ministry, the u. s. navy says that it has seized weapons headed from around to given in the right the and see us officials believe the weapons were meant for who and grew who
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have been carrying on the south strikes when shipping through the red sea. while it spring in noon rabbani, he's the co editor of jo dalia, online news source focused on the arab world. it joins us from montreal. thank you very much for being here with us on that. i'll just share that with with her that there was progress is being made on and not the prisoner. so the oldest has come out from joan could be with the white house in the last hour. oh so what is the likelihood of that? do you think and, and how significant would it be if there was to be another person? this one? i think it wouldn't be significant it's. i don't think we can consider john curb be a reliable source on much of anything. given the statements he's been making during the past 3 months, but clearly there is a growing international pressure to bring this cataclysm to an end.
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and there is as yet no indication that the us is on board. but of course, one thing that they do have in their hands is, is the need for a further exchange of captives. and that appears to be an entry point to negotiations about a longer term cessation of hostilities. the further relief for both those being held in the gaza strip and of course for the palestinian population of the gaza strip, leading to a leading to an exchange of captives. but i think it's premature to draw any conclusions about the success of any negotiations. i think at this stage, we're talking about an exchange of ideas in which i got together with egypt or playing the roles of mediators. and what does it mean? uh, what does that signify with the boy? is that at this stage, i mean, israel stays your time, was to want to myself the face of the youth and that said that time and time again
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. but here it is more than 3 months on having to still deal with them to try and negotiate with them as well. unless one consider is the is rarely egyptian war of attrition of the late 1960, the full scale conflict. this is now the longest era this really more since 1948. the power discrepancy between israel and kind of the pulsing in organizations and gaza strip is, is just awesome. never the less. as you know, israel has been unable to achieve any of its primary military objectives, let alone achieve a decisive outcome. really, the only thing tonight is to a chiva. so death and destruction on a scale of large and sufficient enough to be accused of genocide before the international court of justice. so there's 2 ways to look at it. one way would be to say that this rule was prepared to cut its losses and declare victory and go
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home. but i think the more likely scenario is israel is going to throw good money after bad and key attempting to achieve something. and for it's trouble is over these past 3 months. so let's say spot annual rises no closer than it was a few hours ago. i certainly haven't seen on any indication again, i'm not privy to what informal discussions may be taking place. how mouse has indicated it won't even enter into negotiations unless and until there is a comprehensive cessation of hostilities, i think there's probably some flexibility in that. but you have to remember we're talking about and is really leadership. that is not only responsible for the catastrophe that follows real on october 7th, but also for failing to achieve anything since then. and so i think their incentives to call it quits are not quite there yet. okay,
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thank you so much. uh once again, boon romani. uh the co it is a jetta. jetta. leah, an online resource focus on eric will news. thank you. thank you for the war on guns. a is pine high on the agenda at the world economic forum and double switzerland. many uh, hoping the presence of world leaders could help find a solution to the conflict or at least solar, the seeds for one. a diplomatic it is a james buys has more from doubles but us secretary of state tends to be blinking. one of the global leaders at this annual meeting in the alps, whether warren cause the sense of all of the items at the top of the agenda. to shake mohammad been abdul rahman, l. sony, whose both prime minister and foreign minister of cattle, was scathing about the effects of these roads bombardment. over the past 3 months. rises is not there anymore. i mean,
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there is nothing over the edwards carpet bombing everywhere. and uh, its needs like its needs that like rebuilding an entire city again after this, germany's foreign minister was on a panel discussing global security. her country has consistently opposed and immediate c spa, i believe the, the problem and we are in this actually we know the solution. we can only come out together on a plan on the ceasefire on a plan on the 2 states solution. but at the moment we have stuck to individuals circle the foreign minister of saudi arabia, a country that was close to a normalization deal with israel before the war was honest with us such a deal could now be revived. he said yes, but only if a series of steps happen 1st, we need to have a sci fi. immediately we need to set the ground for a credible process that enables the palestinian authority. let them. i was us to have a process towards
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a piece in the region. this will resolve many of the challenges that we have in the region. among those speaking here on tuesday, the re, new in foreign minister and the us secretary of state, expect a lot of talk about tensions in the red sea and attacks by the who's these already the country prime minister as well. and the recent u. k. and us military intervention could lead to further escalation. and business leaders here are worried about the global supply chain and the effects on the world economy. james pays out to 0 doubles, but literally a james by spoke to you and secretary general antonio gutierrez at davos, about the risk of spillover from the warren, gaza. that we can not have another gaza 11 months. and so you need to stop what's happening and got so uh and the level now is at the present moment, in my opinion, the most dangerous risk of spill over that we have, we have the west bank in which the pensions are extremely high,
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and the body simply is the easy then to the, let's see. and i have to say that the city of them, of navigation is something that these essential for has a western ministry intervention made the situation. what the best way to defend the, the, the other thing is you guys is not to create the situation in each prices who go up in read sure you to be facing the metric situation with this risk analysis. so my appeal is also for the escalation, the escalation in the etc, the to and also for the, the verification to take place for what's the name to mention is that helpful? it is, it makes things worse. i hope that's, this is we'll now leads to the escalation from both sides. as you know, in the last week, there's been a case in the international court of justice. that's an important part of the un with israel being taken to court under the genocide convention. now i know very well, you'll not going to comment on that case, but how important is the, the old un members, including israel comply with whatever the court decides, including any professional measures they to say?
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well, there's, you know, there is a say can pretty simple of separation of powers. and so obviously i will not the, into the notion to what's up for the cost to be sites. but it's an international court of justice is part of un phones. it is about the who is extremely important, seen international relations and so we are very much support the business, national court of justice and very much supportive of the needs for all states to abide by the decisions of the court. when you look at the desk told 24000 people at least have died in gaza, about half of them, a women and children, and wrenched off a 152 un workers of died as samples as their employer with a duty of castle them. do you think there should be legal accountability for that as well? first of all, you can't imagine what it is to medicine organization,
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which 150 to the of all of the workers that have been killed. and some of them have been killed with the families that own houses. and i think that will be a moment in which really to look seriously into this question at the present moment . our most important duty is to make sure that to meditate 8 is the leave it as a much larger scale than it is because now, and that's easily all the moves the opposite goals, that's who has to exist to have a massive distribution of you is that the name, knowing depth for depth to be really effective. we need to minutes. that is fine. it's not just you and well cuz you're a journalist, 82 journalist and media workers killed. do you fear the suspect? israel is deliberately targeting june list and other thought leaders and guns. i think that is a way these what is being conducted in which there is to be no effect. the protection of the city of the, i think there are 5 nations of international commit that in law. and indeed that
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i've been saying time and time again. and now it has to be proven by francis the report of x farm and the few others that these is unprecedented. the number of civilian casualties that is taking place in gaza is especially if you look into all the conflicts that we had seen. so i am secretary general, the number of civilian casualties, but date is unprecedented in any of the conflicts that we have with miss that too long. since i am secretary general, the fits take a look at some other welding use now and in somalia, 3 people have been killed off the suicide bombing in mogadishu. police say the attack, it blew himself off outside of restaurants in the capital. well being pursued by offices, the militant group, l shabani have claimed responsibility saying they were targeting local security officials. cuba has announced the shop prize and fuel water and electricity
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prices. the ruling communist party system is a part of an adjustment program needed to get the islands economy back on the path of growth, but many a skeptical of the plan. it'll guston reports from havana loan lines outside have on his petrol stations have become a grim reality in recent years. but soon they may be a thing of the past. the communist party to announce the price of petrol will soon increase. 5, both. i guess we have, but it's going to like i said, although when the price of fuel goes up, everything gets more expensive that people need to go to hospital of travel some where it's going to cost them more. yeah. and then the actual prices went rise until next month. but just the announcements has made an impact. how much does it cost you to get to your house before from here you're miles 150 basis and no, it doesn't go into a 150. they will pull their price is up to these price sites the possible the communist party is calling
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a macro economic stabilization program with us sanctions choking of fund kind of samples like never before. real salaries, a plumbing thing, keep as president says, he's managing a war economy. people don't always equal partners. this is not a package of neo liberal measures against the people. nor is it a crusade against small businesses, nor the illumination of the basic basket of good. the i see this is going to says an adjustment program should have been done years ago. the correct major distortion is in the items economy that is better late than never. you said it was going to that effect raising prices and reducing subsidies. there's an austerity program. the government isn't able to keep spending on these things as an adjustment program necessary or is there another option? when you leave, i'd say it has to be implemented. ok, buttons are insights with the basic food russians of st prices at the countries famous, but i guess that's set to change to food russians will be targeted to vulnerable groups. what's the electricity and gas prices have been low for decades?
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encouraging. wasteful consumption isn't expensive to leave the gas on all the time . no, no, no, no, no, not at all. rather than buy lighter, it's better for me to leave it on the whole time and spend the money on a few pounds of sweet potatoes or some bananas of the the high utility bills will mean less money for food. this is what the bill is. the equipment just $0.15 a month, but that's no small change in the country with an average salary, because full into the equivalent of just $17.00 a month. people already feeling the pinch and they're worried about the coming price hikes and with the economy creaking, essential food russians started arriving at capital a to make the price that the russian store hasn't come in yet this month. so i have a better price list from last month, so i'll still have a bit cheat. did they missed the bus? so let's politicians tell the long suffering public the tyson about keeping the pricing for a tough year at augusta. and i'll just say we're gonna keep refresh, office wind,
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and the i will call coast former us president trump has arrived in new york for defamation case, involving a magazine rise of trump has already been found liable for sexually abusing and defending aging carol. this trial is looking specifically at how much trump it should be forced to pay for remarks he made about caroline 2019. when he was president. carol is seeking $10000000.00 in damages. shank is government. hospitals have ground to a halt as tens of thousands of health workers went on strike against an increase in benefits paid only to talk to is the health trade, union alliances, and ones, economic justice and the same treatment. the other health work has been nelson and his reports from columbia in the home on the move to read, you need an action and the moans put a government sign disconnect, you can recover real quick link to the normal crisis. tens of thousands of heads
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was as easy learn to begin to 24 uh, work stuff page on tuesday. the one the same benefit increase that doctors received nice to be honest with you to meet with them. we are opposed to this economic policy because it's on the full body. the government has said it has money. therefore, it's time we launch the struggle to demand our share of the strike by the 100000 strong has said union alliance affected services as hostages throughout the country . those seeking treatment was angry and frustrated. i was your 0, spoke to many outside of the national hospital in colombo salads. the, the item is that then the old man and we, if we have money, we don't need to come here. i go to patty this morning to come for my regular clinic, visit the doctor, write out the prescription, but there's no one to dispense the big gun. mamma, that'd be like a life that might be an effect. i came by 3 with a text. my wife, who's pregnant, i have a skin condition that she's in the maternity unit in the past and they give us
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a list of medicines divided. but i don't have the money in my life. i as hundreds of minutes have passed and never on standby to help. husband is the doctor drama spotted into a dodge a 0. the decision to increase doctor's allowances was prompted by a large number leaving the country. 1300 doctors of migrated and another 5000 a waiting to leave. but he said the demands of others in the health sector will also be addressed. we need to do for this matter the, the finance ministry for which we have done the background with now. so, but the sooner you have to do the calculation cents the oldest job, you're talking about another $100000.00 advocates of the, of the government sector. so you have to see the numbers and see if you can do a mess at the backbone and see how this to connecticut. the attic based on the union said the government's decision to save a just one group. we didn't, the, his field is unacceptable. shrunk of his sick,
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that has struggled for years. both during the pandemic and the can only crisis that followed. most hospitals ran out of the most basic drugs and supplies. now has stuff of protesting against the allowances given to doctors and the people that suffer most of those who cannot afford treatments. and you arrows fernandez, i'll just 0. colombo will differentiate. island of reunion has lifted a cycle and lid off to strong winds, lashed the islands as well as neighboring, nutritious on monday cycling delilah broad winds of around 200 kilometers per hour . hitting the 2 indian ocean islands. and the capitol vehicles were submerged in the streets of to the heavy down pool in china, around a 1000 tourists had been able to leave a remote holiday village. after being stuck there for a week following avalanches and rode access to him. the village and nation jang region was blocked near the porters because looks down, russia and mongolia, some of the visitors left by helicopter, and others able to drive out after the snow. it was clear. spell still
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a hit hit on l, just their eyes and company who's coming off of saudi arabia leave it lights to avoid a shock against on mine. he's a has the license,
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the that's time to support now his patients don't. thank you so much. 3 time agent,
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top champion, saudi arabia, school deep into add a time is they beat the amount to one. so what a scale against a side ranked 18 places below them. jim and nash was that theresa international stadium for us. saudi arabia's national team of becky and capital of 14 months on this, i'm closing one of the biggest shops in world history by beating a venture champions, argentina, the green falcons. we're up against a mom and the agent in the us side. they were expected to beat it was the amman who had the chance to take the lead when the video assistant referee, awarded them a penalty. the except hello. yeah, he's lucky time to put his sorry, the head. it's in just want to make pressure from the saudis, towards the end of the best house, a mon help some to go into the break. one that up and on the resistance was break in with this,
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leave it 10 minutes to go with the optimal montgomery equalizing to saudi arabia. not long after coming on as a substitute just when it looked like it was the way the saudi arabia had the boat in the back of the net in stuff which time we'll slide slide went up. the i gave it to one. the final again, lean on that seem kind of in 2020, so you saudi arabia have money to avoid being on the wrong end of $1.00 here. that kites robust every month. teenage has guided insulated severe fee and championship monitors to the primary side. so i just wanted to add another made to trace me into that already impressive collection has gone off to the best possible stop, much to the relief, the saudi arabia, $57.00 as out of there on even international stadium in the groups of the match thailand or a mock in the competition. thanks to to know victory against cookies. done thailand reached the round of 165 years ago, and they've given themselves a johnson casa,
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super try. it's, i did that schooling in the 26, the minutes, not a good start to cookie stones sick and the agent kept campaign, super chai, sort of gave him to complete the to know to leave it on the asian top campaign continues on wednesday when they faced china, living on the last 2 hosts, casa 3 mill, and face an early exit. some of the competition should they use to china, but you know, little was subject to stall on in their open up. this is that on the 3rd appearance at the finals, they've never made it past the group stage. molly all to the up against mighty 96 champion south africa in an effort, a couple of nations group e and counter earlier in the same group. that was a huge shock as namibia defeated the 2000 and full champions too dizzy. one know that was thanks to dion hoff. those 88 minute go. this is natalie as 1st victory at an ask on, in order to pay for the appearance at the tournament. right, am i have sectors. i'm a renew is head coach and already replaced them with a full accounts and then individual c. 4 year old did all the steps in until the
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end of june, with an option to expand. you've paid more than $600.00 games for roadmap between your leaves with the club. 19 city off at risk of missing the champions league for a 6th year running. a day just being said from interest, the cities legal case with the primary pertaining to financially regularities. so do you refuse to all the around atl age breeches, all financial rules. and so the more relating to a legend, failure to co operate with an investigation. if found guilty of the club could face a points, deduction, or even expulsion from the league, the payment e. c, e o, richard mazda is did not disclose the dates of the case, the wimbledon champ, and call us al cortes is 3. so the 2nd round of the australian open, the spanish will be able to beat frenchman, resolve gas skate in straight sets. he won the 72 minute opening space on a time break, but it took less than that for him to wrap up sits. 2 and 3. 20 year old al cortes will return to will number one,
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if he can win this grand slam. alexander ozetta advanced, advanced to the a straight and i've been 2nd round. you had a tough look out against fellow german, dominique cooper said eventually coming out on top, full 66376, and 63 of them actually took issue with questions surrounding he's atp council leadership position and whether it was appropriate for him to be the given that he's standing, try late this year on accusations of assault, and there was some people around science abuse and you shouldn't be buying at all. and one being the leadership position. what do you about that? like who journal assessing that some who are actually interested in more in this story to to write about and more about the clinics than the actual truth. another plan looking for a made entitling melvin is a women's number one that you guys should be on. take that up another campaign with a victory over 2020 champions. sophia 10 and the american put up
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a fight in the opening states in what was a rematch of between friendship and final. that's for your own sake. came from a breakdown, twice the claim to $762023.00. find the state lane. it will be back in a has be some form of will. number one, catalina pisca in straight sets. pretty back in that last 2. i mean the sutherland k and the final last, you know, problems for the former wimbledon champion here as 217664 against which well, swing a lewis. rece zemett has shocked the rugby world with the news that he's leaving the sport to pursue his dream of playing the nfl. the 22 year old schooled 5 tries in last year, his rugby will kept sending 2021. he was the youngest player to be selected for the position irish lions for 62 years. he's accepted an invitation to join the nfl of international pay a parkway in florida this week. and those entities contract with wales. and the
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last this semester load is one stage, all the back already to gain full minutes on over all the to call a science despite being slowed by 2 punches and the occasional battles with the dns, the non time will ready champion was able to restrict sciences overall lead to just over 20 minutes and that's all this both needs full tonight, some pretty and thanks so much pay to that. so for may tell me the credit for this is out. i will be back in just a moment. so with much more of the dies news, stay with us. the this is the 1st to decide that we see in real time it's the victims themselves. there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame
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a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. 0 is here to report on the people often ignored, but who must be hurt. how many other channels can you say will take the time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas. of course, we cover major global events that are passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how this find libya, young and region, and so many others. we go to them to make the effort. we care strict religious trinkets, and 7 is 9, the centuries old coupled lane, the tourism is the bread and butter to some light families, the war and slight constellations of men, that tourists on coming, we are next the trace of the holy sensitive, very good location for the tourist, a sort of killed biblical religious place. we are in
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a famous place for the position for the a good advice to come to visit the chest of all the stuff because, you know, told us to 70 that fish should be the busiest time of the with christmas and new year round the corner and usually these lanes and these shops are incredibly busy, was terrace from all around the world. but if you speak to any of the shop findings, they'll tell you that the business has oh, but to indulge large scale is really police surveillance and all the tree a rest of the most open steps up and occupied east jerusalem with movement being restricted. and it for reggie having rep precautions on the local economy. the, [000:00:00;00] the
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hello until mccrae. this has been useful in life from coming up in the next 60


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