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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 17, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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in change and us courts choose one party state system, eventually change. they could then be bought and sold. industry officials insist there's simply preparing for a tourism boom. a feet that will take more than just new hotels. the council analysis, a new agreement between hamas and israel, to deliberate medication and age into guns. and it comes to you and says, 80 percent of old people facing firemen or catastrophic hunger world wide lives and goes in the on the bulk of this is just a life some co ha, also coming up the u. s. slow. and she was a fresh strikes on the admins who sees and seizes weapons. it says was sent by iran
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and i'm gonna send them 15, y a k o x, y there, where people are slowly returning to their normal life after a week of unprecedented gang related violence. the thanks for joining us. this being a breakthrough in negotiations between israel and her boss over at d o to allow the limited supply of medicine and the other aid into guys that the agreement was broken by kata, i'm friends. they will see you. monetary and a deliberate dependence begins in desperate need in exchange for medication phase. right. and kemp tips being held in goes, i'm sorry, god assume has more for offer in southern gaza to today. uh, the category for administrator had denounced that are the a cutoff and alongside incorporation with funds had reach to an agreement between our mazda and east valley in terms of allowing for more humanitarian supplies
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alongside with medication to be transferred into goes a straight band are the the official spokes best and of the contrary for a ministry had stated that the humanitarian supplies along with the very code 8 will be delivered and leaving doha tomorrow to reach it to our region. agents in order to be prevent, later to get into that territory and an exchange of thoughts i'm us will allow for the arrival of these medications to the is rarely captive. so had been captured in hum us october, the 7th that talked to me of the buddhist. and this is completely a very significant step that might, that the weights of the deals. that would bring an end for the funny thing on the ground. but the reality on the ground is that the medical sex and also the guns are stripping that very desperate need. 4 more humanitarian supplies to be allowing to into the gaza strip in order to help people to coup with the ramifications of these
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ready military offensive on the gaza strip. especially that there are different areas in the territory were higher affected by the confrontations on the ground. that they did not receive a decrease amounts of age does. the can be able to live. i'm to survive. targeted was in how just a rough, rough southern gauze of the number of palestinians killed israel's unrelenting ministry of sold, continues to rise. well then, 24280 people have been killed with, according to the health ministry. the various targets it but is rarely strikes, including a school and several refugee camps kind of a mood as this for rough. the tell me you this father is a fine go over the core business. the child, the, the victim of is really a tax on residential building. he was killed in the latest bombing, antonio and 2 other families were also killed in another air strikes near
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a roof. the partial was the apple and they were having dinner to look at the destruction in the neighborhood. when people were palmed buys, riley struggled off while having dinner. israel the lent, lift error strikes, attacks and east round expensive have also created shortage of food as 8 as a preventive from reaching those in the in the body of refugee camp in the north bread distribution points have been set up for people suffering severe hunger. there's no feed, most of the time it's rare to find an abundance of the things we need past the wheat flour, the oil, unavailable to the point. the people can no longer ask about the more requests them . it's as if the top booth can goods like beans that become really expensive. the united nations has worn famine is looming. everyone in gaza is hungry. we're
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exploring for possible solution, but none are sufficient in the face of obstacles that are people starving in areas . and we are not able to give basic foods for the needs are rising faster than we are able to respond. southern gaza is a struggling to accommodate the rising number of displaced palestinians. over crowding camp is increasing fears. the disease is well spread to the health care system in gaza is on the brink of collapse. hospitals are out of services because there is no fuel to keep them operation of a medical. his staff are over well, not only because of the one that they are having to treat, but also because of those needing help in seeking refuge from is really bombardment, honey. my mode. i was just data of southern garza, the community leaders, that there's a body of refugee camp in northern gauze. i have setup bakeries to ease an acute
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food shortage, but the amount for bread is full of stripping supplied barbara, uncle bar reports. that's who hung at this bakery in japanese refugee camp in northern casa, secure, in a position in the queue, doesn't guarantee families bread, even on good days. there isn't enough to go around, and it's expensive. i haven't had the children go every early morning and stay in the queue just to get a number where they were told to come again and 9 am to get bread. when they went to 9, the children are told to come up to 2 hours why the children went after 2 hours and still there's not enough flour. i am here to see what is going on and it is late afternoon and still no bread. have 23 family members. sometimes we don't have food . we just give anything to the children, like a piece of chocolate that's the local leaders have set up selling points to ease
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the acute food shortage and become you and well sweet program says everyone on district is hungry and i look ahead, we supported one of the governments opened the spread point to help the people, the prices 5 shackles of come flat bread. but we some 11, a flat for us for 5 seconds. people came a 5 am to wait for that time. we need more flow up because the quantity we get to the most enough to meet the demands of the people that israel's blockade on food medicine and fuel entering garza has made hunger and hardship on this trip was on the 2nd hope the. what do you read missing here because a real crisis epidemics and diseases, us prison, clicking here in shelters kind of publicity areas. it is a disaster that we have never experienced before. even in mentioned 14 age 19561967 or 1982. experiencing the real disaster. and genocide from many bred has become the symbol of resilience. even in the hottest of times,
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people line up for the russian. barbara and good was there. while the ripple effect of israel's war on guns there was closing a maritime crisis in the red sea with another missile strike on a congo ship. on tuesday, the mc contained a vessel is owned by a greek company and registered a multi, the attack happened to a 140 kilometers west of the how many ports did you have a sunroof. emma's who t on group has claimed responsibility if the attack saying that they will continue until the as a see spark and gaza bought out of the bought this operation tape after the crew of the ship ignore continue without the warnings, including the new warning shots. the many armed forces continue to implement the decision to prevent is really ships or chips lead to the israeli. and then me from sailing. it'd be era and the red sea until the aggression is ended. and the
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blockade on the resilience, palestinian people in the guys us troops is lifted. the u. s. navy has seized weapons. it says, are being shipped from iran to yemen. the raid was carried out for the 1st day in the arabian sea of the coast of somalia, us, as the weapons were intended for his, he fights as in yemen and included pots of ballistic and cruise missiles. washington says, this is the 1st time as forces of sees lethal weapons heading to the group since you haven't civil war began a decade ago. let's give it a just now for my county who's in washington d. c. and mike, the white house insisting it's not looking for war with the who teased us, of course, despite recent us strikes on who targets a yes indeed, the us also denies that there's any linkage between the war in gaza and what is happening in the red sea this despite the fact that the booty group is adamant that they are carrying out these operations in response to what has been happening in
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gaza. the us and u. k. carried out a series of strikes and recent days, taking out more than 60 targets. they said and to the us says it did expect retaliation such as has been seen in recent days. the attacks on shipping in the red sea continuing, but the spokesman for the national security council in the white house. john coby gave a briefing to reporters in which he insisted that the us does not want to see a broadening of this conflict. at the same time, he insists that the us is intent on protecting those shipping lanes through the red sea, which are absolutely bipolar too much about the countries in the world and says that the u. s. along with its u. k. partner will continue to do what is necessary to ensure that these shipping lanes remain open. one of us know to that us intelligence officials said in recent days that they believe the strikes that took place last week as to lift to the
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routine movement with some 75 percent of its capacity to launch detroit drones. and to launch the south, as we've seen with these ongoing its incidents in the red sea. so i believe that would appear to bear up these intelligence sources and mike, specifically on the situation in garza. so we've been saying there is this new deal between israel and a mass to allow in more medical aid into gaza. big question now, of course is, does this raise the prospect of another possible captive exchange? well, these negotiations and these discussions have been on the way until the last set of exchanges happened. but it does seem to be a substantial bit of movement underway in recent days. and the good because the special representative for the middle east has been holding talks in doha, it has been confirmed with a view to finding ways in which the captives being held by on us can be released. now in addition, it must be noticed, the national security advisor jake sullivan,
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has held a meeting with a guitar e prime minister in device. this is the discussing precisely this. so although the national security advisor spokesman was actually asked about this in the news conference, john could be, was in the system, said he doesn't want to get ahead of himself. he says and confirms that these discussions ongoing, that they are intense and very substantial. however, he doesn't want to predict when or if they are all going to succeed, you know, 10 substantial. but as you say, difficult to predict might kinda live in washington dc. many thanks. now these are the ministry and has the law of exchange fi and southern 11 on this way. they will play and struck a target near the board. a town cooler early and it was really ministry, set it here that has below empty tank, missile launcher, near fault killer and run con has more from so the level in the town
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of hula. we've seen a 2 s strikes throughout the day, bringing the title that 23, and a number of other incidents happening in the eastern part of this of 11 on uh there was the disputed a to, oh, shabba way is really special forces from the magland recognizance unit left that base to conduct a clearing operation, they say may but not across the board of how they managed to actually cross that disputes and pulled. it would have been the 1st time since 2006 and it would have been an escalation. uh also what we're hearing is 10 is really strikes in what the oh, salute saluki. now that is the most amount of strikes on that town. since all students, he's broke out on october, the 8th. we confirmed that his bullet struck a miss all intimate to look at. i noticed i've 3 me so i was in the direction of a minute. you position in the upper gallery. now let me just show you where i am right now, in the full ground that you can see the town of hime beyond those mountains is the
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ship a phones area of the occupied show of funds area throughout the day. and indeed, over the several days. that's where we hit intense selling going on. that's where we hit his bullet rock. it's coming in from. there's a 120 kilometer disputed border between israel and lebanon. know clearly market d mark hated actual and that is a problem because no one really knows where the boat isn't, where the boat, that's what part is occupied or not. and this has been the source of diplomatic frustration for a very long time. but now it's becoming acute because has below have low maintained that they will negotiate. they will negotiate and move back beyond the toni river deep within lebanese territory. but not until israel actually ends the war and cause of not looking for a safe spot. they're looking for an ending to the war in gaza and that's something
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu simply isn't going to do. now, the key diplomats, hey, involve the us. and the french has been shuffled diplomacy between 11 on and israel, but it hasn't come to anything yet. this boat, a 120 kilometers long, like i say, still has seen intense shilling since october. the 8th. that's over a $103.00 days worth of conflict in this area and run code out 0. let's show you some 11 on your without just there still a have i'm at augusta and, and have on our cheapest the pricing for more hardship electricity the
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brought to you by visit capital. hello. there is a story all the exceptional cold for parts of north america in particular for west and parts of canada. we seen temperatures of drop as low as minus a 45 degrees celsius has been some slight improvement. but you can see from the temperature chart, those purple colors, as well as the dump flu showing it is really frigidly cold. and we will see that off to get lost its way for the south of the next few days, bringing with a life threatening wind chills to central parts of the us. that is however, some improvements come across the south texas, seeing temperatures pick up dallas. seeing those edging to the teens, once again on such a, still, somewhat, and wintery weather, moving across the great lakes, we all seen some lake effect, snow the animal, when wintery weather starting to edge into the north west. places like oregon, as well as seattle. but somebody driven on the east coast of the us, new york,
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seeing tempt his pick up over the next few days, still below average this time of year. however, we are likely to see some snow coming through on friday and that cold weather has edge down because northern parts of mexico monta racing only 11 degrees celsius there. some improvements come however, as the cloud drift as way further east will be up to $27.00 degrees celsius on thursday. the weather brought to you by visit cuts on the the,
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the, the, you're watching out just there is a reminder about top stories this out as well. and a must have agreed on a plan to allow unlimited supply of a medicine into gaza. customer in front of broke of the deal, which was so you can monitor and aid delivered dependents to use an exchange for medication. so is rated captives is rarely striking guns. the southern city of con eunice is being more bonding the and that's the hospital, $20000.00 pounds of students that will be killed. the us navy says it seized weapons headed from iran to jump into the radium. see us officials believe to weapons with mental easy frank has been coming out to tax on shipping. the red
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sea to the wall and gaza has been high on the agenda of the world economic forum in davos, switzerland, many hoping the presence of low leaders could help find a solution to the conflict. diplomatic editor james base has moved from doubles the us secretary of state times to the blinking one of the global leaders at this annual meeting in the alps, weather war and gauze us since the moment we all items at the top of the agenda. shake mohammed been abdul rahman of thorny who's both prime minister and foreign minister of council was scathing about the effects of his rouse bombardment over the past 3 months. rise is not there anymore. i mean, there is nothing over the edwards carpet bombing everywhere and its needs like its needs that like rebuilding an entire city again,
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after this, germany's foreign minister was on a panel discussing global security. her country has consistently opposed and immediate c spa, i believe the, the problem we are in is actually we know the solution. we can only come out together on a plan on the sci fi, on a plan, on the 2 states solution. but at the moment we have stuck to individuals circle the foreign minister of saudi arabia, a country that was close to a normalization deal with israel before the war was honest with us such a deal could now be revived. he said yes, but only if a series of steps happen 1st, we need to have a sci fi. immediately we need to set the ground for a credible process that enables the palestinian authority. let them. i was us to have a process towards a piece in the region. this will resolve many of the challenges that we have in the region. among those speaking here on tuesday, the arabian foreign minister and the us secretary of state expect a lot of talk about tensions in the red sea,
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and attacks by the who sees already the country prime minister as well. and the recent u. k. and us military intervention could lead to further escalation. and business leaders here are worried about the global supply chain and the effects on the world economy. james pays out to 0 doubles a james base, spoke to the un sexy general until near good terrace, a double c code for de escalation of tensions in the red sea. we can not have another gaza 11 on and so you need to stop what's happening and got so uh and the level now is at the present moment, in my opinion, the most dangerous risk of spill over that we have we have the west bank in which the tensions are extremely high and the body simply is the incidents in the, let's see. and i have to say that the city of them, of navigation is something that these essential but has a weston ministry intervention made the situation. what the best way to defend the,
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the, the other thing is you guys is not to create a situation in each prices who go up in read sure you to be facing the metric situation with this risk analysis. so my appeal is also for the escalation, the escalation in their, etc, the to and also for the the verification to take place for what's the name to mention is that helpful? it is, it makes things worse. i hope that this will not leads to the escalation from both sides, the around a 160 people, that being the rest is off to protest. as larry sits in the us states congress, calling for a c spot in gaza. heidi joe castro is that the protest call by the group mennonite action, a christian group that says it's committed to condemning all violence, began as a church service that included singing and chance for a cease fire and gaza. there were a couple of 100 people who enter the halls of congress on tuesday and conducted a sit in refusing police orders to leave. according to the group leaders about
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a $150.00 of those protesters were then arrested all the while still singing. police led them away with their hands as if tie behind their backs, and they were quickly ushered out of public view and out of the view of journalists . meanwhile, the senate is debating and measure introduced by senator bernie sanders, who has called israel's military operation and gaza, indiscriminate and disproportionate. and this resolution would require that the us state department to assess whether is real has committed human rights violations before delivering us military aid. there is little support for that currently in the senate, but a small, the growing number of lawmakers have signed onto various efforts that would place conditions on is really 8. how do you feel, castro? alpha 0, washington. the
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okay, that's taking to some other world news now it's for line cuz government hospitals have ground to hold off to tens of thousands of health workers. went on strike against an increase in benefits. you don't need to jump to the health trade union alliance says it was the same treatment for all the health workers. but now fernandez a system colombo, the lawyer moved to read, you need an action and demands for the government trying desperately to have a real quick link to norma price's. tens of thousands of heads was as easy learn to begin to 24 uh, work stoppage on tuesday. the one the same benefit increase the doctors receive last week. odyssey good. what's up with you to me that i'm we're opposed to this economic policy because it's on the little buddies that the government has said. it has money. therefore, it's time we launch the struggle up to demand or share the strike by the 100000 strong has trade union alliance affected services at the hospitals throughout the
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country. those seeking treatment was angry and frustrated. i was using or spoke to many outside of the national hospital in colombo, fallacy. the item is intended. oh, and then if we, if we have money, we don't need to come here. i go to patty this morning to come for my regular clinic, visit the doctor, write out the prescription, but there's no one to dispense it a little bit, then mama, that'd be like a life that might be an effect. i came by 3 with a texas. my wife who's pregnant. i have a skin condition that she's in the maternity unit in the past. they give us a list of medicines divided, but i don't have the money on my left side as hundreds of millions to pass and never on standby to help husband. as the doctor rummaged spotted enough to dodge a 0, the decision to increase doctor's allowances was prompted by a large number, leaving the country. 1300 doctors of migrated and another 5000 a waiting to leave. but he said the demands of others in the health sector will
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also be addressed. we need to refer this matter to the finance ministry for which we have done the background with now. so, but the sooner you have to do the calculations and see how this, you know, i have, you're talking about another 100000 advocates of the, of the done with sector. so you have to see the numbers and see if you had to do a mess at the backbone and see whole district connecticut. the attic based on the union, save the government's decision to save a just one group. we didn't, the here field is unacceptable. shrunk of health sick that has struggled for years . both during the pandemic and the can only crisis that's followed. most hospitals ran out of the most basic drugs and supplies. now has stuff of protesting against the allowances given to doctors and the people that suffer most of those who cannot afford treatments. and you arrows mendez, i'll just 0, colombo, cuba has an added stay sharp, verizon fuel, water and electricity prizes the route and call me this policy says the measures
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and needed to improve the islands economy at augusta and reports from hub on the long lines outside have on his petrol stations have become a grim reality in recent years, but soon they may be a thing of the past. the communist party to announce the price of petrol was soon increased by both. all right, and so we have present going with the, like i said, all the, when the price of fuel goes up, everything gets more expensive that people need to go to hospital of travel some where it's going to cost them more. yeah. and then the actual price is went rise until next month. but just the announcements has made an impact. how much does it cost you to get to your house before from here? miles was 50 basis. no, it doesn't go into a 150. they will put their prices up, these price hikes, a possible to come in this party is cooling a macro economic stabilization program with us sanctions choking of fund current samples like never before. real salaries, a plumbing thing, keep as president says, he's managing a war economy. always equal partners, this is not
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a package of new liberal measures against the people, nor is it a crusade against small businesses nor the elimination of the basic basket of goods . the i can see this economist says and adjustment programs should have been done years ago. the correct major distortion is in the items economy, but that is better late than never. you said it was going to that effect raising prices and reducing subsidies. there's an austerity program. the government isn't able to keep spending on these things as an adjustment program necessary or is there another option? when you're ready? i'd say it has to be implemented. ok, buttons are insights. so to basic food russians are cheap prices at the countries famous, but i guess that's set to change to food russians will be targeted to vulnerable groups. what's the electricity and gas prices have been low for decades? encouraging wasteful consumption isn't expensive to leave the gas on all the time. no, no, no, no, no, not at all. rather than buy lighter, it's better for me to leave it on the whole time and spend the money on
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a few pounds of sweet potatoes or some bananas of the high utility bills will mean less money for food. this is what the bill is equivalent to just $0.15 a month, but that's no small change in the country with an average salary because full into the equivalent of just $17.00 a month. people already feeling the pinch and they're worried about the coming price hikes and with the economy creaking, essential food russians started arriving at capital a to make the price that the russian store hasn't come in yet this month. so i have a better price list from last month, so i'll still have a bit cheat. did they missed the bus? so let's politicians tell the long suffering public the tyson about keeping the pricing for a tough year at augusta. and i'll just say we're having a cube, ecuador is stepping up street patrols and boosting security measures and prisons to tackle organized crime in the city hardest hit by recent biden's people slowly returning to their normal lives. i listened to run patsy reports gradually and
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cautiously. life is beginning to return to y. a que occur few remains in place at night, but many shops of reopened by day in this downtown market, homeless shopkeeper one kept the, he says she's still trying to fully recover from the shock of the violence, the rock, the city last week. so the, some of the for me to see and we're still sketch, but we don't have any other option because this is a livelihood. so we need to be here to defend the work and try to return to normalcy. but as you can see, there are a few customers around. she points to the still close tractors of other stores to suggest that will be a long road to recovery. but welcome to the presidents i, when faced most of the previous government didn't have the guts to act and dim pays the little most people we spoke to seemed to agree with president than you know, boys unprecedented military ization of ecuador streets and the takeover of the.


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