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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 17, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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in from asia and the pacific one o one here on out to 0. on the housing the costs 2024 is set to be the need of elections, lots of stores for the global economy under the umbrella. so much potential political change and we'll look at the impact, the rising cost of shipping due to the tensions in the red sea. counting the costs on al jazeera, the gum fund, shelly me enough, so hospital in concord. israel continues, it strikes on southern goes up the on the bar code. this is i'll just say read life though. also coming up council
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analysis, a new agreement between a mass and israel to deliver medication, an aide in the goals, and the us launches new strikes on humans, cruces and seizes weapons. it says was sent by a ron and jessica washington. and i say indonesia, coastal communities are experiencing an info for hugo refugee. the couple. welcome to you and we begin and goes that way. as well as the lowest more tax on con eunice and the self of the strip. the gunfire could be heard in the street and in the hospital as well as also shelling the area within 24000 promising instead of now being killed. and they will, this being a breakthrough, they were in negotiations between is around the mouse over deal to allow a limited supply of medicine that of a it into
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a gauze of that agreement was broken by cut off. and from there we'll see military, ne, delivered to palestinians in desperate need in exchange for medication, for x ray temp, tips being held in gauze a let's go home to sal who to joins us live from occupied east jerusalem and home to. so we're talking about the limited supply of a do we have any more details? well, this will means of these really prime minister's office, releasing a statement about this deal hailing it and praising it as a success. they say that medications that was purchased in france will be taken to egypt to via to cut the, the air force jets where they will then be transferred by property representatives into the palestinian territory. now these really prime minister statements it and by saying that he hopes the medicines reach their final destination. these are medications that were collected based on medical information from physicians,
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doctors, and family members of those still currently being held captive inside of gaza. now let's talk about something else. shifting gears on the humanitarian situation in gaza, representative from the vine administration. the envoy are responsible for overseeing that humanitarian disaster. now, as it is held in meeting with these really prime minister and is really media reported that it was an incredibly tense meeting, the americans have been calling for more and more a to go into gaza because of the catastrophic situation that has on folded there. as a result of this war more than 3 months ago, these really prime ministers response to him was quotes. there is no humanitarian disaster in gaza. this is a view that has been repeated by multiple is really official, specifically those in charge of the co gotten unit of the military. that's the coordinator for government activities in the palestinian territories. while this is a view that is shared among these really officials, it is a view that
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a so far removed from the reality on the ground. there is such a disconnect between what these really are saying and what is actually happening inside of gaza. so the americans are still putting this pressure up on these railways, saying, but more than 2000000 people are starving. all these people have been displaced. there was simply not enough a going into the territory or the 3 months after the war. yeah. have the age, the clearly not even touching the sides so far when it comes to these ongoing rates and they will get buy in west buying very much as we've been saying for a long time now. part of the fabric of day to day life. what's the latest you were hearing? it's just a daily occurrence across the occupied west bank not just at night, but also during the day or following several raids tonight some in ramallah concrete, in hebron, and in nablus. let's talk about the one in hebron 1st where these really military
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has rated the homes once again of the 2 palestinian men who are accused of carrying out a stabbing and ramming attack in the city of the not near. tell a be on monday the family members have posted photos of themselves. they have posted the photos of the house. the family members have been assaulted. remember a lot of them had been arrested already by these really army taken for interrogation. their homes have already been mapped out for demolition and incredibly controversial policy, but these really military carries out against palestinians. they accuse of carrying out attacks. now shifting gears to the raid in nablus of the ballasa refugee camp, a heavy military presence there, we're talking about at least 50 military vehicles, several bulldozers going in and tearing up the streets that go into the refugee camp. heavy exchanges of fire between palestinians and these really military. and we're also hearing in clements lilia. these really are me, has rated
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a building sources on the ground, are telling us that there were posting and workers from gaza for still there from october the 7th. and that these really know what terry has arrested all of them. this is a developing situation. we are constantly following will be sure to bring you updates about it around the clock. okay. how i'm doing with the very latest life and what you 5 eastern. thank you. so the number of posting is killed of israel's unrelenting military. a solid continues to rise the areas targeted biased rarely strikes on choose to include a school and several refugee camps and of a mood report. some rafa in southern gaza. that's the, that's how many of you this father is buying over the course of the child. the, the victim of is really a tax on residential building. he was killed in the latest bombing and finally on to other families were also killed in another air strikes near rough, the home and not familiar with our. so what is the apple?
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somebody were having dinner, look at the destruction in the neighborhood when people were palmed buyers really struggled off with, well having dinner. israel is the length less air strikes. attacks in east round expensive have also created shortage of food as 8 as a preventive from reaching those in the in the body. a refugee camp in the north bread distribution points have been set up for people suffering severe hunger. there's no feed, most of the time it's rare to find an abundance of the things we need pastor wheat flour, all unavailable to the point that people can no longer ask about the more requests them. it says if the type who can goods like beans that become really expensive, the united nations has worn famine, is looming. everyone in gaza is hungry. we're exploring all possible solution, but none are sufficient in the face of obstacles that are people starving in areas
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. and we are not able to give basic foods for the needs are rising faster than we are able to despise. southern gaza is a struggling to accommodate the rising number of displace palestinians. over crowding camp is increasing fears. the diseases will spread the health care system in java is on the brink of collapse. hospitals are out of services because there is no fuel to keep them operation of a medical staff or over well, not only because of the one that they are having to treat, but also because of those needing help and seeking refuge from is really bombardment, honey. my mode, i'll just see it all off off. so during garza the while, the ripple effect of israel is one god's ears, causing a maritime crisis in the red sea. with another missed saw striking a cargo ship on tuesday to contain diversity is owned by
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a greek company and registered in malta, and had 24 crew members on board. the attack happened to 100 or 40 kilometers west of the you. how many poor city of us are they if you have ins who's the group, has claimed responsibility for the attack saying they will continue until that's a c spot and gaza by the bought this operation tape after the crew of the ship ignored. continue with the warnings, including the warning shots, the many armed forces continue to implement. the decision to prevent is really ships or ships link to the israeli. and then me from sailing and the error and the red sea until the aggression is ended. and the blockade on be resilient, palestinian people, and the guys us trip is listed. while the us is carried out further strikes of who the targets is expected to release the group as a global terrorist is also seized weapons successful being shipped from iran to yemen. the raid was carried out on thursday in the arabian sea,
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off the coast of somalia of us as the weapons were intended for who the fight is in the oven and include the pots of ballistic and cruise missiles. washington says, this is the 1st time its forces of seas. lethal weapons heading to the group since the am and civil war began at decades ago by candles and washington with wall in the us and u. k. carried out a series of strikes in recent days, taking off more than 60 targets. they said, and the us says it did expect retaliation such as has been seen in recent days. the attacks on shipping in the red sea, continuing about the spokesman for the national security council in the white house . john could be gave a briefing to reporters in which he insisted that the us does not want to see a broadening of this conflict. at the same time, he insists that the us is intent on protecting those shipping lanes through the red
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sea, which are absolutely vital too much about the countries in the world. and says that us along with its u. k. partner will continue to do what is necessary to ensure that these shipping lanes remain open. these ready military um has belong, have exchanged fire and southern 11 on its way to you will find struck a target needed the board of 10 of the 30 ministry. you said it hits it as well as blah empty tank missile launcher, nick, a fall killer. iran calm has more from southern living on in the town of, of hullo, we've seen a to ask strikes throughout the day. bringing the title that to 3 and a number of other incidents happening in the eastern part of this 11 on. there was the disputed a to l shell, but ways ran the special forces from the magland recognizance unit left. that base to conduct a clearing operation. they say may but not across the board of have they managed to
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actually cross that dispute and pulled. it would have been the 1st time since 2006 and it would have been an escalation. uh, also what we're hearing is 10 is really strikes in what the also look saluki. now that is the most amount of strikes on that town. since all students, he's broke out on october, the 8th, we confirmed that his bullet struck a missile intimate to look at. i noticed like 3 me. so i was in the direction of a minute true position in the upper gallery. now let me just show you where i am right now in the full ground that you can see the town of high and beyond those mountains is the ship. a phones area, the occupied shovel funds area throughout the day. and indeed, over the several days, that's where we hit intense southern going on. that's where we hit his bullet rock . it's coming in from. there's a 120 kilometer disputed border between israel and lebanon. no,
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clearly market demarcated actual and that is a problem because no one really knows where the boat isn't, where the boat, that's what part is occupied or not. and this has been the source of diplomatic frustration for a very long time. but now it's becoming acute because has below have low maintained that they will negotiate. they will negotiate and move back beyond the tony river deep within lebanese territory. but not until israel actually ends the war and cause of not looking for a safe spot. they're looking for an ending to the war in gaza and that's something 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu simply isn't going to do. now. the key diplomats, hey, involve the us. and the french has been shuffled diplomacy between 11 on and israel, but it hasn't come to anything yet. this boat, a 120 kilometers long, like i say, still has seen intense shilling since october. the 8th. that's over
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a $103.00 days worth of conflict. in this area, and we're on colin, how does 0 measure you some level or further field around a 150 people of interest is often protested. let us sit in the united states congress calling for cease fire and gaza. heidi joe castro, who has wolf and capitol hill to the protest call by the group mennonite action. a christian group that says it's committed to condemning all violence began as a church service that included singing and chance for a cease fire and gaza. there were a couple 100 people who enter the halls of congress on tuesday and conducted a sit in refusing police orders to leave. according to the group leaders about a 150 of those protesters were then arrested all the while still singing police let them away with their hands as if tie behind their backs. and they were quickly
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ushered out of public view and out of the view of journalists. meanwhile, the senate is debating and measure introduced by senator bernie sanders, who has called israel's military operation and gaza, indiscriminate and disproportionate. and this resolution would require that the us state department to assess whether is real has committed human rights violations before delivering us military aid. there is little support for that currently in the senate. but a small, the growing number of lawmakers have signed onto various efforts that would place conditions on is really a hydro castro alpha, 0. washington. still ahead here. when i would just say around, i'm in augusta and, and have auto achievement the pricing for more hardship policy. and i was probably sykes for future electricity in full bows. asian cub saudi arabia leave it linked to who to show the
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the hello. there is a taylor split for trends for south asian. we launch the clear skies in the south of india as well as sri lanka. but things aren't looking the same across the move. you've got to be a fog issues to places like new delhi that's effected flights. we're also seeing some way to whether or not to edge into eastern areas. and that's gonna work his way east of the next few days on which to places like a bundle of dish. we could still see some showers here and then places like carol, as well as tom will not do that rain developing once again in colombo on thursday. but the fault conditions do remain an issue across the north of india and into pakistan with has of this at quality reported in the whole much t, y, a brighter as well with 27 degrees celsius, incorrectly for the south of pockets done on 1st day. now was we had further east
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east asia? well, we all seem one way of sunshine and settled conditions in the south of china. temperatures here sitting one above the average for this time. if you're not cold across the north, that band whether shifts its weight for the east, bringing some heavy snow to pots of the korean peninsula, better recovery that in. so as we go into the state, temperature is only up across the north of china. on the off as well in japan, but more in the way of rain and snow come thursday, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the dual, what you go to 0 or mind of our top story is this is rather striking. causes southern city of con. you is this be more palming the and that's the hospital within 24000 published and use of novel killed as well. i'm a mass of agreed on a plan to allow a limited supply of aid and medicine into gaza counselor and friends broke of the deal, which was
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a huge amount of serenade delivered to palestinians. and exchange of medication. frustrated come to the us, navy says it's seized weapons headed from iran, c. m. and then the re being see us officials believe the weapons were met with the fighters to be carried as a tax on shipping in the red sea. on different out against the james base, spoke to the you and sexy general entering a good terrace of the world. i can know what form and devil switzerland equal for the escalation of tensions in the red sea. we cannot have another gaza 11 months. and so you need to stop what's happening and got so uh and the level now is at the present moment, in my opinion, the most dangerous risk of spill over that we have, we have the west bank in which the pensions are extremely high, and the body simply is the easy then to the, let's see. and i have to say that the city of them, of navigation is something that these essential but has a weston ministry intervention made the situation. what the best way to defend the,
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the, the other thing is you guys is not to create the situation in each prices who go up in read sure you to be facing the metric situation with this risk analysis. so my appeal is also for the escalation, the escalation in the etc, the to and also for the, the verification to take place for what's the name to mention is that helpful? it is, it makes things worse. i hope that's this is we'll now leads to the escalation from both sides. russian. miss so, so if here's a residential area in the ukrainian city of khaki. well, so are these, say 17 people injured in the 2 strikes on tuesday night. a number of buildings have been significantly damaged, but no deaths have been reported for us present. donald trump is of age and course in new york for defamation case, involving in magazine rice and trump is already being found liable for sexually
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abusing and the fame in aging. carol, this trial is looking at how much the trump should be forced to pay for a box. he made a bunk how in 29 team when he was president. carol speaking $10000000.00 in damages . christian salumi has moved from new york of the fresh, off as a political victory in the state of iowa, former president, donald trump, made an appearance here and a new york court room where proceedings are under way to determine how much you should pay as a penalty. for making the sam atory commas against the woman he's sexually abused. and even as the jury was being selected, in this case to determine how much money he's going to have to pay president charles was posting on social media about the woman who was calling her a liar, claiming he never met her. also with choosing the judge in this case of being out to get him. this is
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a strategy that the former president has been using on the campaign trail, accusing the system, the court system of the accusing democrats of western eyes in the course of calling that many legal cases against him, political, which hunts. and it's an accusation, and a strategy that seems to appeal seems to be working with his base. he has had some of the best fundraising days around these court appearances, including and one case where his mug shot was released and he made t shirts out of it. raising more than $2000000.00 over the course of just 2 days. now, the former president is facing for criminal charges for criminal trials in the coming year as well. and while he seems to be using this to his advantage,
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his opponents are arguing that all of this legal action is a distraction from the election and from the issues that are selling for into the american people present. salumi, how does 0 new york know cuba has an als to shop rise and fuel water and electricity prices within communist parties as the measures that needed to improve the islands economy at augusta. and how's this from of other the long lines outside have on the special stations have become a grim reality in recent years. but soon they may be a thing of the past. the communist party to announce the price of petrol will soon increase 5, both. right? because we're going to look at it, said old old when the price of fuel goes up, everything gets more expensive that people need to go to hospital travel some where it's going to cost them more. yeah, and there was something that's real prices went rise until next month. but just the announcements has made an impact. how much does it cost you to get to your house
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before from here you miles 150 basis? no, it doesn't go into a 150. they will put their prices up these price hikes a possible a communist party is cooling a macro economic stabilization program with us sanctions choking of fund current samples like never before. we'll salaries, a plumbing thing. keep as president says, he's managing a war economy. people don't always equal partners, this is not a package of neo liberal measures against the people. nor is it a crusade against small businesses, nor the illumination of the basic basket of good. as he does, the economist says, and adjustment programs should have been done years ago. the correct major distortion is in the items economy, but that is better late than never. you said it was going to that effect raising prices and reducing subsidies. there's an austerity program. the government isn't able to keep spending on these things as an adjustment program necessary, or is there another option when i really i'd say it has to be implemented. ok, buttons are insights with the basic food russians at st prices at the countries
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famous. but i guess that's set to change to food restaurants will be targeted to valuable goods. what's the electricity and gas prices have been low for decades? encouraging? wasteful consumption isn't expensive to leave the gas on all the time. no, no, no, no, no, not at all. rather than buy lighter, it's better for me to leave it on the whole time and spend the money on a few pounds of sweet potatoes or some bananas of the high utility bills will mean less money for food. this is what the bill is. the equipment just $0.15 a month, but that's no small change in the country with an average salary, because full into the equivalent of just $17.00 a month. people already feeling the pinch and they're worried about the coming price hikes and with the economy creaking, essential food rations started arriving at capital a to make the price that the russian store hasn't come in yet this month. so i have a better price list from last month, so i'll still have a bit cheat. did they missed the bus? so that's politicians tell the long suffering public the tyson about keeping the
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pricing for a tough year at augusta. and i'll just say we're gonna keep the arrival or for him go refugees and indonesia, a spot to unrest them more than 1700 refugees arrived at the progress of archie since mid november. jessica washington reports in the town of p. d. in p. d. this might look like a syrian setting for this community if we can get refugees. the time living at the speech and entities is the provence, is just the latest chapter, and then lifetime of trauma and pain. many of them say they experienced towards it . and with this, the motors if loved ones by security forces and did bundle dish. they lived through hardship and poverty, and overcrowded and increasingly dangerous. kemp's is mother says she had an additional reason to lease funds with dish, but the not doctor in bangladesh say the treatment was not possible. i can't
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express my pain as a mother. my son is hurting the life is challenging and on suicide. and he had to, the son has cuts all over his legs from dragging his body across the sand. almost a 2 months since they arrived in a change. these were hanging refugees a still living at this speech in pity. sheltering on the top owens and coconut trees among them a more than 70 children. the un refugee agency, which is responsible for the food medicine and other expenses, says it needs the local government to designate secure sites. so the refugees. but the local authorities say the situation is complicated. the we have tried to find them temporary shelter, the people rejecting before we arrive in a location local, people already get that to protest. so the government can't force it or the most
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that in recent funds hate and this information is given few cheese to spread from social media to villages nearby. if i see model, he yeah, it's the either the belief we want a lower the pretty soon back of the battery that you have so many videos about them and social media, they eat nice food for us. we have to go to work, go to the sea to get food, bad, but life. so these are hanging refugees is fall from easy. they spend all day and night exposed to the elements the he's rain and in 6, abdul says he only less funds with ash for his children to have a better life with a lot of them to live in put in the to them. but my wife got sick before reaching the show and she died on the boat. she jumped about children getting educated on the side of it. and now he's unsure whether that dream can ever be realized. jessica washington, out to 0. p. d. entities. ok, that's like you to i send out
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a loan to woman, full line running under the country. expressions to continue spewing. love her with little warning for many years to come. so i okay. yeah, go report some kind of it is scorching relentless, devouring everything in its pulse, but the 2nd day the lava continued on its destructive pos and the red countess peninsula sparing nothing. it tools through the town of green, the vic setting houses alight, spewing ashen, smoke through the air. is it but 2 pipes carrying water and energy to holmes the worst case scenario that officials have beautiful. despite months of preparation, this could be happening again and again. for next, next years. we don't know nothing about it. the mother nature is unpredictable. this is the 2nd time since november, the residence was forced to flee from the homes of to an earlier,
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a rupture joined to fishes appeared in and around to bring the vic a tell tale sign of intense seismic activity. but the lava flowed in a different direction, then avoiding the town until sundays are option. this is as close as we can get to the town itself. it's love of it is continuing to smoke and erupt. and of course, the 3800 residents who made this price the home have no idea when they'll be able to return here. the law, the flows could continue here for months. and the intense seismic activity could go on the years, leaving those who called this place home, stranded with no way of knowing if they can return. so need i, eagle. i'll just sarah green, the vic o 3. so i'm asian, come jump in saudi arabia school deep into added time. is they beat
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a mom to one to avoid a sky against the side, right? 18 places below the german ash was the mash cliff and special estate.


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