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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 17, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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more powerful, i believe it's important to build trust through transparency is communication between humans and machines. but do we know that you're not going to lie to us? no one can ever know that for sure, people empowered investigates a i n democracy on a jersey to the is very strikes on josslyn and con eunice level dozens of residential homes and damage hall special was coming many more palestinians, the fellow on elizabeth put on them and this is alice, jesse are alive from doug. how so coming off caught her bro, cuz the deal to bring aid into garza and exchange for medicine for is ready. captains held that they have the most ready rates of the occupied westbank, including at an ambulance center and to cut them plus i met at austin and have on
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our cubans, the pricing for more hardship, sites for future electricity. the beginning goes away as well. has launched more attacks on the south of this trip. the palestinian news agency wafaa says at least 23 people have been killed and is rarely strikes. if he's full, people have been killed in delphi when the house was completely destroyed. 2 of the dead children, thousands of others were wounded and the strike of the offices, 13 of the 23 killed in southern gaza. a from con eunice is very forces of target and several residential buildings around nasir hospital, which is packed with displays. families because of health ministries has more than 24000 palestinians have been killed in the boil. it has been
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a breakthrough in negotiations between israel and come off of a deal to a now a limited supply of medicine and other aid and to gaza. the agreement was broken by casa and friends. it was the issue, monetary in a deliberate, the palestinians in desperate need, in exchange for medication. so as rarely kept of being held in gaza. in a moment we'll speak to stephanie deca who isn't occupied east jerusalem. but 1st, let's go to honey, my mood. he's live for as in alpha in southern gaza and honey. and now the nice of the at least strikes on residential areas in the south. a yes less than 10, said bombardment across much of the a gaza strip via land and air and see where and much of of it happening in the a southern part of the golf industry, mainly in hon. eunice and the rough i city. but also a lot of intense bombing took place in and much of the,
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in the northern part of the gaza strip. where the is really military within the past 2 days. and a statement by the defense minister, it is now in the, in the operations. but what we have seen within the past, the 12 hours a quite the contrary be that he'd be artillery selling and mass of air strikes. targeting remaining, eh, partially either partially damaged or still is standing residential buildings at the western part of gauze of city. and the north rent the park, but over night intense uh, heavy bombardment. it took place in 2 separate locations, a rough, a one in the center of the roof on the other one in a shrub. buddha camp. it's a small refugee camp in the southern part of the city of were to residential homes, were targeted. 6 people reported killed. 4 of them were children reported to the doctor hospital that's in the central part of the city. and more than 10 of the
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critically injured were reported also to the hospital. a 4 of these injuries were reported to the queue way. the hospital here, the fact that this hospital is very small, run out of very small capacity, doesn't have the sufficient medical deposit to intervene in such situation. most of the cases it transferred to the job hospital, but in hon units of probably a the worst. and the most the bloody night took place as intense artillery, shutting at the western side of han units. and just, it's important to remind our viewers that this part of our new and is this particular part of the city was busy needed at the early stages of the war as a safe zone for a this place and evacuated to a d could to shelter and it had been repeatedly targeted and just within the past 2 weeks when i'm out of the hospital that is located the western side and belongs to the policy and requesting society was targeted. 13 people reported killed the vast
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majority for where it reported to another house. but the work it's children and that's the pattern we have been seeing. absolutely have bombings within the vicinity of not their hospital work. yeah. tanks and armored vehicle are at the main road leading to the hospital continued attacks around causes hospitals. meanwhile, akasha has announced this deal to deliver humanitarian aid and to gaza at a time when you an expert say that every single person in gaza is hungry. of the yes, and this is part of a deal to been brokered by could tar in and which it will involve the delivery of a human and terry and 8 and an increase in the amount too much of the hungry nodes in part of the gaza strip. as the u. n. a right experts i said in a statement that every single person now in the gaza strip is hungry and that's
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very consistent with what we see here on the ground over crowded southern part that the struggle to uh, they get, has struggled and it's access to medical and food and, and water supplies, but more situations are in, in the northern part where literally there is famine going on, people having in it haven't had any access to any of the human interior and ada trucks arriving to the gaza strip. also the lack of the major part of the, the water supply, the most of the water available now is contaminated. there's melanie attrition, there is a rear risk on most vulnerable, a group of mine, deep uh the, the population in the know, departmentally children and women, and particularly those with a chronic disease. and unlike a threatening condition, but the deal in voles another elements and important elements which is the delivery of, of medical supplies to hostages in the golf. yes, had it exchange is real well in exchange, allow the entry of a human a,
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terry and aid to the northern fluoride. honey thank you very much for that. that is honey my who would live in adolfo and let's go to stephanie deca. she's joining us live from occupied east jerusalem and she is going to have more on the 2nd part of that. did it as many complexities in this deal? stephanie took us through what we know sofa of the yes, very complex and long winded negotiations to try to get some prescription medication to do use really captives inside garza, this has been going on since october at the request of the families, the families ever approach. the guitar, a government, they were in, caught our in the last 2 weeks. they also approached the french authorities. the french really are the ones who i've been dealing with medications, figuring out what is needed for which captive we understand. 45 hostages are going to be receiving particularly medical supplies medicines that they need for their
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particular conditions. the french farm industry saying that this is even more complicated also because some of these medicines need to be kept at a certain temperature. well, they deliver the medicines to caught it on saturday. we understand now the culture has matters to clear it between israel and how mouse the 1st time we see agreement between those 2 sides. since the collapse of the ceasefire, the medication will be sent to day to egypt and then into gauze where it be handed to the red cross and then on to her mouth. now how about us is very concerned. it's set into paused because of the potential for tracing because these medications need to go to specific hostages. at the same time, the families of the hostages, which are putting increasing pressure on these reading government to bring them home. want to see proof one to see proof that the protecting medications are going to the particular people which, you know, reading between the lines could also be seen as proof of life. very complicated, but it is now on the way if you will. so we are expecting to see those medications
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and that's how he was referring to will. so the increase in medical aid and from an attorney in a for the people of garza to unfold today. stephanie, thank you very much for that. that is stephanie deca with what we know so far live unoccupied, east jerusalem. and that is why the military has launched a drawn strive on the con, the city of nablus, and the occupied westbank. the strike happened on on cold streets with gunfire has also been reported. troops of closed off the area and preventing ambulances from reaching the scene is very forces have been conducting, don't raise across several towns and the occupied westbank is go to a correspondent, bahama jump june, and he is joining us live from that. i'm on the in the occupied westbank, a very busy nice across the occupied westbank. i'm a homeless all those raids which began overnight still continuing or elizabeth a very busy night. as you mentioned, a very tense morning. the rate that is currently ongoing is the one that started
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several hours ago in the city up to cut them. but let me speak 1st about the rate that happened in nablus. as you mentioned, just a moment ago, this was in and around the bought the refugee camp. there was an, has really thrown strikes, a targeted a car and were told by eye witnesses there and medical sources on the scene that 3 men killed as a result of that attack. now we have gotten a statement in the last few moments from the is really army specifying more details about that particular strike. uh this uh, army statement says that the israeli army eliminated the head of the terrorist infrastructure as they call it, of the been off the camp in nablus, who together with the members of his terrorist cell plan to carry out an eminent large scale terrorist attack. it says that during the joint activity with the israeli army, that, um, this terrorist cell was headed by somebody up the level shut down and that he was eliminated during a precise airstrikes. so those are the details we've gotten thus far from the
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israeli army. none the less, as i said, a very tense overnight, a period in the occupied west bank. there are, as you and i have spoken often around 40 raids conducted by the israeli army per day throughout the occupied west bank. let me tell you about some of the others that had been going on in the last several hours. of course the rates and to cut them that is still ongoing. that began around 5 am local time. there were reports that there were many is really military vehicles that went in there, that there were arm and bulldozers destroying infrastructure carrying abroad. also eye witness reports, that is really army vehicles surrounded a government hospital. their intro to cut them did not allow access to ambulances. beyond that also rates happening happened in hebron, jericho and bethlehem. so again, this just goes to show how these raids are intensifying the frequency of them getting even even traitorous as a route the occupied westbank. things are very tense here. right now in the last week there were reports and these really media that,
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that these really security chief and warranty is really government that they believe that the occupied was thing might be on the verge, potentially of a 3rd into fall. but not just because of the ongoing violence, the rates that are being conduct a daily that are become part of the fabric of daily life. but also because of a dire economic situation. so many palestinians who used to have work permits the going to israel and work have not been able to do so since october 7th. that is making an already grim economic situation here even worse. so the situations very bad right now. even in ramallah, you had rates going on here this morning. there was a medical center in a b a which is very close to where we are right now. that was rated um the situation really bad, seemingly only getting worse. people here very worried that the situation will continue to deteriorate in the near term. the thank you very much for that. that is mohammed junction with the very latest live in my law. well, the ripple effect of israel's war and guns that is causing a now time crisis and the red sea, with another missile and strongly on
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a condo ship on tuesday, humans who the group has claimed responsibility for the attack. it says it will continue targeting vessels linked as well until the seas fund garza, the contained a vessel is owned by a great company in registered in long it has 24 crew members on board. the attack happened to $140.00 kilometres west of the you have any port city of us and these at the bottom of this operation tape after the crew of the ship, ignoring continue with the warnings, including the new warning shots. the many armed forces continue to implement the decision to prevent is really ships or ship sleep to the israeli. and then me from sailing. it'd be era and the red sea until the aggression is ended. and the blockade on the resilience, palestinian people, and the guys trip is lifted. on tuesday, the u. s. carried out most strikes on who the target some nation on wednesday. washington is expected to re list. the group is what it cools, specifically,
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designation, global terrorists, the u. s, navy seized weapons, it says, well being shipped from iran to yemen, that raid was carried absences day and to get raped and see off the coast of somalia. but us as the weapons were intended for who the fighters in yemen and included pots of ballistics and cruise missiles. mike hannah has moved from washington, dc, president biden, to see. so if the terrace list shortly after assuming office is hope was that such a move would facilitate an end to the ongoing wall in yemen through a negotiated agreement. now, the spokesman for the national security council in the white house confirms that this move is being reviewed. you wouldn't have commented publicly if or when an announcement would be made. if the skis are put back on the target list, it would have a significant financial impact on the movement. individuals and organizations would
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not be allowed to contribute funds. members of the who team movement would not be allowed to enter the united states and do as banks would have to freeze all funds belonging to the who, the movement, the state department and the national security council has declined to comment on the matter in montana i'll just sarah washington, still ahead on knowledge and sarah and jessica washington and i say indonesia, the coastal communities are experiencing and in and home at last, hundreds of cultural treasures have attempted to route from the west, germany and canada. the the had a lot of that was not in southern africa with cycling below has been causing trouble
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to the east of madagascar. it piled to the north of reunion island. but it was actually maurice just the, to the west of the damage. thanks to the very heavy rain from the out of bands and left a trail of destruction in the capital. well, the good news is it has moved its way of the east. well announcing it the development of some very heavy rain effecting much of madagascar. and we on light could see flooding from that. you could also see some flooding to the east of south africa. very heavy rain is like you to effect a dub. and the rain pushes its way for the north, bringing from the storm. some intense thunder storms to west and pop over and above with an eastern areas of what's one as we go into such a much to why a picture to the north of this was the temperature is pickup for the likes of northern libya as we go wednesday, into thursday, but for what the weather will start to creep into the northwest, suitcases like morocco and some wet weather is set to develop for eastern areas of saudi arabia. somebody is upset to improve into
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a kid. that's as the rain starts to slip its way further south. there's that rain edging into eastern pots of saudi arabia. we could see some of that and could talk by thursday of the unsettled tot upfront takes on the big issue. that is a cold text to what is happening now. it says it's cool thanks. question or professional about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to today is that another mcclin's interest taking place? augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us your permission. nothing leaves us out with offers roles. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without the
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be watching eligibility. elizabeth donovan don't have a mind to about top stories. the solace is real and has lots more tax on southern gaza. at least 4 people have been killed in the rough or when a house has completely destroyed 2 of the data children or the 24000 palestinians have been killed as wrong and have mazda of agreed on a plan to allow a limited supply of aid and medicine and to gaza. content and from support to the deals for the seizure, monitoring a domestic palestinians and exchange for medication. so as rarely, captains, the us is carried out most strikes on cruelty targets and is expected to release the growth is what it cost level terrorists seized weapons that physical being shipped from iran to human are those riley military and has of all i have exchange fun and southern lebanon is ready. we'll play and strike
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a target near the border town of huda. earlier this really minute reset, it had a, has been the anti tank missile launcher in the past. like you know, and ron kon, has moved from southern living on in the town of hula. we've seen a 2 s strikes throughout the day, bringing the title, the 23 and a number of other incidents happening in the eastern part of this of 11 on uh there was the disputed a to, oh, shabba way is really special forces from the magland recognizance unit left that base to conduct a clearing operation, they say may but not across the board of how they managed to actually cross that dispute and pulled. it would have been the 1st time since 2006 and it would have been an escalation. uh, also what we're hearing is 10 is really strikes in what the l salute saluki. now that is the most amount of strikes on that town. since all students, he's broke out on october, the 8th. we confirmed that his bullet struck
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a miss all intimate to look at. i noticed i have 3 me, so i was in the direction of a minute. you position in the upper gallery. now let me just show you where i am right now, in the full ground that you can see the town of hime beyond those mountains is the ship a phones area, the occupied show of funds area throughout the day. and indeed, over the several days. that's where we hit intense showing going on. that's what we hear his bullet rockets coming in from. there's a 120 kilometer disputed border between israel and lebanon. know clearly market d mark hated actual and that is a problem because no one really knows where the board is, where the boat, that's what part is occupied or not. and this has been the source of diplomatic frustration for a very long time. but now it's becoming acute because has below how long
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maintained that they will negotiate. they will negotiate and move back beyond the tony river deep within lebanese territory. but not until israel actually ends the war and goes of know, looking for a safe spot. they're looking for an ending to the war in gaza and that's something prime minister benjamin netanyahu simply isn't going to do. now. the key diplomats, hey, involve the us. and the french has been shuffled diplomacy between 11 on and israel, but it hasn't come to anything yet. this bought a 120 kilometers long, like i say, still has seen intense shilling since october. the 8th. that's over a 103 days worth of conflict in this area. and we're all in co, out 0 most show you some living on the
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turning mileage of the days of the news and russian missiles have had a residential area and the ukranian city of cod give as long as you say, 17 people were injured and the 2 strikes on tuesday night, a number of buildings have been significantly damaged, but no desk being reported. august phones has an unprovoked attack by yvonne has killed 2 children. the missile strike happened and pocket stones below interest on problems around says it was targeting the headquarters of the j show. other groups fed on blaine's that for several targeted attacks on security forces. over the years, the arrival of the hang of refugees and indonesia, hispaniola unrest, more than 1700 have arrived in the province of chase since mid november. jessica washington reports from the town of p d. in p d. this might look like a syrian setting for this community or for him to refugees. a time living at the speech and entities as a province is just the latest chapter in lifetime of trauma and pain. many of them
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say they experienced towards it. and with this, the motors if loved ones by security forces and didn't done good dish. they lived through hardship and poverty, and overcrowded and increasingly dangerous. kemp's is mother says she had an additional reason to lease funds with dish that the doctor in bangladesh said the treatment was not possible. i can't express my pain as the mother. my son is hurting the life is challenging and on suicide and he had to sun his costs all over his legs from dragging his body across the sand. almost 2 months since they arrived in change, these were hanging refugees of still living at this speech in pity. sheltering on the top owens and coconut trees among them a more than 70 children. the you in refugee agency, which is responsible for the food medicine and other expenses, says it needs the local government to designate secure sites for the refugees. but
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the local authorities say the situation is complicated, the we have tried to find them temporary shelter, the people rejecting before we arrive and the location local, people already get it to protest. so the government can't force it. one of the most that in recent funds hate and this information is given few cheese to spread from social media to villages nearby they have if i see model, he yeah, it's the either the belief we want allow them to the same bar, the battery that you have so many videos about them and social media, they eat nice food for us. we have to go to work, go to the sea to get food, bad life. so these are hanging refugees is fall from easy. they spend all day and night exposed to the elements the he's rain and in 6 of doors says he only les funds a dash for his children to have official lines with
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a lot of them to live in virginia goes to them, but my wife got sick before reaching the show and she died on the boat, she jumped about children getting educated on the side of it. and now he's unsure whether that dream can ever be realized. jessica washington, which is 0 p d entities. the form of us president donald trump has appeared in court in new york for a defamation case, involving a magazine right to trump has already been found liable to sexually abusing and defaming aging carol. the trial is looking at how much trump should be forced to pay for remarks he made about cows in 2019. when he was president kyle of seeking $10000000.00 in damages. christian salumi has moved from new york fresh off as a political victory in the state of iowa, former president donald trump made an appearance here and a new york court room where proceedings are under way to determine how much you
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should pay as a penalty for making the sam, a tory comments against the woman he sexually abused, and even as the jury was being selected, in this case, to determine how much money he's going to have to pay president charles was posting on social media about the woman who was calling her a liar claiming he never met her, also excusing the judge in this case of being out to get him. this is a strategy that the former president has been using on the campaign trail, accusing the system. the court system will be out to get accusing democrats, a weapon, ising, the court, to calling that many legal cases against him political which hugs. and it's an accusation. and a strategy that seems to appeal seems to be working with his face. he has had some of the best fundraising days around these court appearances,
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including in one case where his mug shot was released and he made t shirts out of it, raising more than $2000000.00 over the course of just 2 days. now the former president is facing for criminal charges for criminal trials in the coming year as well. and while he seems to be using this to his advantage, his opponents are arguing that all of this legal action is a distraction from the election and from the issues that are so important to the american people present salumi out 0 new york parts of canada have hit record low temperature is due to a weather phenomenon called a polar vortex. people have been getting creative with the extreme temperatures, turning hot water into steam and standing food in mid air. the cold weather is likely to continue throughout the week. cuba has announced
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a shop rise and few water and electricity prices. the route and call me in this policy says the measures and needed to improve the items economy. many a skeptical of the plan ad august and report from have on a loan lines outside have on his petrol stations have become a grim reality in recent years. but soon they may be a thing of the past. the communist party has announced the price of petrol will soon increase 5 folds. cuz we're going to look at it said old old when the price of fuel goes up, everything gets more expensive. if people need to go to hospital travel somewhere, it's going to cost them more. yeah. and that was something that surprises went rise until next month. but just the announcements has made an impact. how much does it cost you to get to your house before from here to miles 150 basis? and now it doesn't go into a 150. they will put their prices up. these price hikes, a possible communist party is cooling a macro economic stabilization program. with us sanctions choking of fund,
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current samplers like never before real salaries, a plummet, thing you keep as president says, he's managing a war economy, all is equal partners. this is not a package of neo liberal measures against the people, nor is it a crusade against small businesses nor the illumination of the basic basket of goods. the i can see this going to says an adjustment program should have been done years ago to correct major distortions in the islands economy. that is better late than never. you said it was very fund raising prices in reducing subsidies. there's an austere already program, but the government isn't able to keep spending on these things as an adjustment program necessary or is there another option? when i only, i'd say it has to be implemented. ok, buttons are insights with the basic food russians at st prices at the countries famous, but i guess for that set to change to food restaurants will be targeted to valuable goods. what's the electricity and gas prices have been low for decades?
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encouraging wasteful consumption is not expensive to leave the gas on all the time . no, no, no, no, no, not at all. rather than buy lighter, it's better for me to leave it on the whole time and spend the money on a few pounds of sweet potatoes or some bananas of the high utility bills will mean less money for food. this is what the bill is. the equipment just $0.15 a month, but that's no small change in the country with an average salary, because full into the equivalent of just $17.00 a month. people already feeling the pinch and they're worried about the coming price hikes and with the economy creaking, essential food russians started arriving at capital a to make the price that the russian store hasn't come in yet this month. so i have a better price list from last month, so i'll still have a bit cheat. did they missed the bus? so let's politicians tell the long suffering public the tyson about keeping the pricing for a tough year at augusta. and i'll just there have been a coupon for.


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