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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 17, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea, it's not receive task protection that see that complication inside story. on al jazeera, the consol broke has a deal to bring agent to go, so an exchange of medicine is rarely kept as being held at the thought. so hold on to a line headquarters here in the hall, also coming up in just palestinians and rushed to hospital in russia as to another is right. evolving target, specifically in southern gaza? is there any falls is prevent that'd be lenses from reaching the wounded up the
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rates and the occupied westbank and focused on sometimes it runs top typically not in the sum of all the keys into rhonda but attacked inside its territory. the welcome to the protocol and we'd be getting gone. so at least 23 palestinians have been killed. an overnight is rarely strikes several areas in the south of being targeted. at least 4 people have been killed and roughly including 2 children. schools have injured have been taken to hospital in con eunice, at least the teen palestinians account. and his radio strikes on residential areas around las, the hospital and the amal area. and the deal has not been by could by counsel and friends to allow a limited supply of medicine and other agent to garza. the agreement will see palestinians who are facing some of the light conditions, receipts, some humanitarian and aids, and medication will be sent as a faulty 5 of the,
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as why the cat is being held in garza. i will get bull on the need for aid in goss with honey by the children, but 1st let's call so i have to stephanie deca. it occupied easter eastern. we're sort of talking about the supply of aids coming into a garza stephanie. but that is full, which isn't it with delays and checks of this just exacerbates the problem. yes, i just want to update you actually. so the last few minutes is really media reporting that those guitar, even a tree aid flights to flights have landed in egypt. and of course this is part of that deal you're mentioning there, increased medical and try to turn age promising. and that is part of a deal that's going to see 4 to 5 of these really captives get specific medicine for some prescription medicine that has meant to them. those medications are on those planes. this is a deal that's been broken by college and phones and the french foreign ministry
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saying that this was extremely complicated. also, particularly because a lot of these particular medications needs to be kept under a starch and temperature a couple. it has been key in negotiating between high mass and israel have asked, has been reluctant because they're afraid that these medications could potentially be traced because they're going to specific hostages. what we understand some of them with chronic illnesses, there's medication for 3 months. we understand and also a lot of pressure here from the families of the hostages to house proof to have how mass give proof that these medications will actually have arrived at their destination, which is the specific hostages. what is the deal now? uh, so have we expect, once these planes get unloaded, israel will of course, give it checks, then it will be taken into the goal is to strip hand it over to the red cross, who'll then divide up the medication and it'd be handed to him, asked to be taken to those specifics hostages, and as you mentioned,
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they're in return for this. some increased a to the palestinians in the form of humanitarian aid and medication. so crucially needed will be allowed in, as we know, getting any aid into goals that has been for delays. uh, you know, political challenges, security challenges and i think it's important to remember that goal is that once you're ready to, to be dependent on aid before this war broke out. stephanie debt to the for a smoky party is truth and thank you, that's close to honey. my mood who's with us live from rafa and southern gauze where the honey uh, obviously this announcement as you probably could buy cats our friends, to deliver that to you. but it's heavy an aide into an area that the u. n. a saying particularly every day now that gaza is hungry of the yes indeed there is an anticipation to
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this aid coming to the gaza strip. as of now the report by a you are not the right to group about that. every single person in gaza is hungry . very consistent. what, what do we see on the ground? the vast majority of the palestinians in the gaza strip have become displaced. we're looking at one night, 1900000, internally displaced, palestinians is the pushed into this part of the gas turban, real fast to be in all very crowded evacuation centers and residential homes that are the vast majority or also in, in the streets. but we're looking at as freight of now the nutrition, the struggle to find food and drink about water. we have people who are at risk of, of their health conditions a chronic disease like the threatening conditions, the struggles to find or have access to a proper and sufficient medical supplies. also have the vulnerable group here, children and women and pregnant women who, who lack the,
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adequate in nutrition and health scare, putting their lives at threats and an entire generation of, of children. right now we have under the age of 5 who struggles and do a of of mountain nutrition as the conditions of families keep spreading across the gods. for particularly in the northern part, we have an entire generation now are at risk and danger office hunting. as mounting nutrition continues to be a very dominating right now, the remaining population of the gospel in the northern part quarter of the population that it lacked extremely. avery supplies that is needed for, for survival of, from water into food supplies, into medical supplies, that other survival items in the fact that this is it right now, winter season. there is rain and possible cold. it's and, and, and, and what, whether it just causes and further the problems of, of the risk of a spreading infectious diseases. again, among the most vulnerable group of women,
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we're looking at women. busy are either pregnant or breastfeeding and also children under the age of 5, as many cases documented by world health organization on hospitals across the gaza . of many of the diseases that started to spread in turn and forms of a panic at right now, because of what's going on, honey, there is no lights up in the daily bombardment across garza. they were both deadly strikes overnight. why should we be focusing all retention on wednesday? well, this is one of these things. people are overly worried about here and it's very legitimate to worry. as the ongoing bombardment had from past experience has blocked the delivery of it into a much, much needed parts of the gaza strip, particularly in the north and the gaza strip down going ears, dry continued to make it very difficult for people either to seek proper protection
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and be in shoulders or, and, and find the proper essential supplies to keep them surviving and rub my hair where again 1900000 displays palestinian, they sought refuge in this particular part of the gods through these constantly find themselves at the in danger and risk of, of unpredictable fall in bonds to residential homes were targeted. looking at the vast majority of people who were killed and happened to be women and children as they were forwarded to an a job hospital in han you and is the very bloody night where under tv areas, a coverage of the ongoing bombings is really tying send on your vehicle pushed deeper into the vicinity of nasir hospital and that you're danielle field, hospitality destroying infrastructure and residential home. but leaving at least 7 people killed in one of the evacuation centers and relentless. there's right target, a residential home and what sort of hon. you and it's
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a fact more than one residential home where 13 people were also killed. but one just a tragic reports coming in from the vicinity of not that is the, the destruction that is called to the cemetery in the back. that's the part of the, of the hospital where it is really desecrated. there's really military, that's great. it is a graves and poll. remove a the newly varied bodies in, in the hospital, and that's people. busy filled out this corn and went to inspect, found signs of vista extraction and quite visible in the area. honeymoon food for sight and russell. thank you to know these by the military as long as they drive and strike of the con, the city of nablus, the occupied westbank. it happened on could string to a gun find has been reported, is where the forces of closed off the area. and the preventing, i'm giving this for mentoring. they've been conducting, raise the call several times in the occupied westbank and how many jump jesus very like. just for stories is not from ramallah in the occupies westbank. let's talk about these latest res,
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uh why we should be focusing our attention on wednesday when it comes to what's on going of the scenario. let. let me tell you 1st about the details that have emerged when it comes to that drones right. carried out by the israeli army in nablus. earlier in the ballasa refugee camp. there was a statement released by the israeli army as to who they targeted the name that emerges by the abortion. now, these really army and their statements said that i am, i wish, and that was the head of terrorist infrastructure of people off the camp. and novelist who, together with the members of his terrors cell, this is in their statement plan to carry out a 10 minute large scale terrorist attack. it says that this terrorist cell headed by a bush and that was eliminated during a precise error strike. now we've gotten some contradictory details from folks in that camp who have told us they believed that at least 3 people were killed in that drone strike. there are others who we think it could potentially be more. we are
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waiting more details from people and medical sources in that camp. that was an hours long read in the but out the refugee camp. beyond that, you had several other raids that happened in the overnight hours leading into this morning, including one that is on going in to cut them the total cutting refugee camp in the city of to cut them that started around 5 am local time, a number of military vehicles, a number of armored bulldozers went into the camp or told the infrastructure were destroyed, that roads were dug up. this is what palace tended to living there. say is a form of collective punishment carried out by the israeli army against the residents of the can't be on that. you also had rage and a mobile and have run jericho bedlam and can see that. now i mentioned all of these rates because this is part and parcel of what goes on across the occupied west bank each and every day we're on average. there are now around 40 is really military raids. every time we go to the sites, whether they be towns, villages, cities, or refugee camps, in the aftermath of these raids, the residents there tell us that they believe that there is an intensifying amount
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of raids, targeting these armored fighters, these resistance fighters in these areas. the people believe these really armies going and more destroying, more infrastructure because they want to use that as a way to turn local populations against the armed resistance fighters. but every time we go to these areas, these people tell us that they don't think these tactics are ultimately going to work. the tactics being utilized by these really are me. i should mention of course, that since october 7th, so he'll there been at least $350.00 palestinians killed throughout the occupied west bank. so not as i'm doing that for us in rebuttal. thank you. now these really minute trip and has below have exchange fire in southern level is where they will play and struck a target near the board, a ton of hulu. and the, and the is rarely village reset. it has a, has the empty tank and we saw little just the cup of tea. now the ripple effect of, as well as war and gauze, was causing a maritime crisis in the red sea, with nothing beyond strength caught on the congo ship on, choose day em into the group has came responsibility for the attack. it says it
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will continue targeting vessels linked to his row until eliza cease 5 in gauze that, that contained a vessel with a crew of $24.00 is owned by a greek company and budgeted and multi the atlantic company, 140 kilometers west of the ebony ports of each of us leaf at the bottom of this operation tape after the crew of the ship. ignoring continue with the warnings including the new warning shots. the many armed forces continue to implement. the decision to prevent is really ships or ship sleep to the is really and then me from sailing and the error and the red sea until the aggression is ended and the blockade on the resilience, palestinian people and the guys trip is lifted. yeah. now the light is escalation and the red same has major implications to the global economy and trade the red sea, as well as the world's most important shipping rates for oil and gas between agent
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and europe. in the south, the bubble month of stripe, between africa and the baby, and then see that connects the red sea with the gulf of a 12 percent of the world's trade. and 10 percent of lube oil carried by ships goes through the straits. the series canal connects the red sea with the mediterranean sea. it's the shortest shipping route between europe and asia. 15 percent of the wills maritime traffic passes through the suez canal, assisted event, but it may need about 2 days of talk to the vessels near bob as monday, forcing may just shipping. i know we will companies to suspend operations through the red sea rerouted vessels will have to make a long journey all the way down the east coast africa via the southern tip of the continent. so ship traveling from single pole to vault to damage any that would typically take around $26.00 days. will now take 36 days using mo, fuel increasing costs. good off, chavo is an independent energy on the list. he says can see most will stop bothering the cost if you're looking on average and above the 175 percent
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investigation in terms of shipping cost. a compared to november 2023 relative. who's the campaign decide you started being a gary move in to. so that will most likely be reflected in, in prices that you'll be and especially early in goods, you have is noticed at the shops and then you're dropping anything from from clothing to add to components and, and equipment. and there is no, if you see there's no obvious and this insides and the us and you get it on the strides. there was a temporary high uses who use a belligerent and they said that able to continue to attract the shipping liners. and as you call those, as, as you've noticed both both today and yesterday and as you and your parties has been, uh, been reporting. so i'm sort of say in the medium short,
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medium dense julian. uh cuz humans, what is the page to put about together, james? bates spoke to the humans, actually general attending the tire shop, the will the comic form in double switzerland. he called for a de escalation of regional attentions. or we can not have another gaza 11 months. and so you need to stop what's happening and got so uh and the level now is at the present moment, in my opinion, the most dangerous risk of spill over that we have we have the west bank in which the tensions are extremely high. and the body simply the incidents in the, let's see, and i have to say that the city of them, of navigation is something that these essential for has a weston ministry intervention. made the situation. what the best way to defend the, the, the policy is you guys is not to create a situation in each prices who go up in read sure you to be facing that emetics situation with this risk analysis. so my appeal is also for the escalation,
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the escalation in the let's see, the, to a law for the, the verification to take place. but what's the intervention is that helpful? it is, it makes things worse. i hope that's business leads to the escalation from both sides still had here on out 0. finally, have 3 reclaims hundreds of stolen cultural trashes from the us, gemini, and canada, plus medic, austin, and have on our cubans, the pricing for more hardship, sites for future electricity, the the, it's a crust of a message today across europe. as a war, one coming up from this are so this is in the atlantic and temperature. the originally mild of the cold, one sitting over the british owls and
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a good problem. no new of weather to come together as a potential for some pretty nasty weather stay northern france, belgium and germany there. warnings i'd there matches stipend, the boston to black house, or even freezing like rain, which is the case may be paris side, with the temperatures tonight. i think in skulking to show you how cold there is, could be down to about minus 18 by day. yes, we're up to round about 0 and this they're likely to fall across sweden as well. to some depths there in sudden usa indicated the as coming from the atlantic or across the med trans attempt, assuming the teams in the sun prices up really is quite high for winter. so bringing rain with it, there could be some significant, raining positive france or western swinson. and if you look at says day you think, well maybe it's going towards the spring, the warm so when been that we still midwinter. so the cold wind, if you look at 0, it's 11 degrees. that's a rapid change to below freezing as the snow comes in over night on thursday, just to prove winter is still here. and some of our winter's showing itself now and
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the cooling trend in morocco with rain for the mountains of the unique perspective. some people need to see these really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices. very few people in israel are sitting up against the door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. he's healthy human noises. that is all i want to go and, you know, us as a human to happen to next to the street on out to 0. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the book about the what you all just bear with me. so rather aligned to of all told stories at least $23.00 palestinians have been killed. and it's really as pricing garza children. what months full killed in rasa in the southern parts of the strip residential areas were targeted in con eunice, cassandra, and tons of negotiate to jail between as well and how most of the navy laid on medicines as the cause of medication will be sent to 45 years, right, the captive, but thomas says, is concerned. it could be used to track its positions. microsoft raises the united states and special russell to on the right to food. he says the salvation of palestinians of the destruction of food supplies in garza, unprecedented in the situation of starvation. and simon, anywhere in the world is dire and one is i'm always careful not to compare
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situations every situation unto itself. but what we're witnessing in gaza is an entire civilian population made to go hungry. we've never seen it happen this quickly and this completely, well, we're also seeing is a concern about future generation. so as you were saying, because children under 5 are at a severe risk of malnutrition because of this risk of famine, this means an entire generation of palestinians and gaza are facing long term limitations to their cognitive and physical ability. and what's clear is this is the result of is really bombardment. this is the result of the denial of humanitarian relief. um we've never seen anything so brutal happen so quickly. and it's not just a denial of food. it's to your point of, of the destruction of agricultural land. it's the destruction of, of fisher boats. so people are being denied access the sea. so it's the food system
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itself is being destroyed. so just and not only are there long term consequences, this has been happening for its 17 years. the blockade against cousins has been happening for over. so for 17 years. so this has been a long standing problem and it's, it's got really bad, really fast. the, let's take a look at the other label, new stories of the making, the headlines, bulk of stones, and some of the round top diplomats in a storm about as a warranty, describes as an unprovoked violation of excess space. and also have to turn around and find a bit solid debunk as long as below, just on provenance coming at least 2 children, they're all in size. it was talking the headquarters of josh and the group. the country blames at full coming out several times, solid security services over the years. let's get more of this from come all high dog correspondent who's lived for us in law khana districts in sit in the province
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of the south of the country. and i'll see developing story come off the pocket started an attack by rod on pocket stony. so the diplomats have been summoned, we believe. and what one does have fall this mike escalate a willing day. the charge of day affairs of iran, or someone by the bucket drawn new foreign ministry, which issued a strong condemnation of what it said was a violation of buckets on the air space and solver and j. now this particular diag took place in funds go, which is very close to the iranian bar. the audio ran and said that this is a headquarter and of gesture of all the i'll have um, this is the mod region that the organization does not have a portal address for headquartered or anything. but uh, this particular group where george founded initially buy my la grey gave awards, heading gun dollar,
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and then became the judge allowed the knowledge under large. i had uh la gray gave or they're tested by didn't. yeah. and they weren't flying from the u a to get this done back in 2010. he was then hanging in or 80 in prison. and they haven't been, den shouldn't be green, focused on new drawn because of it on a given. just focused on of being at safe haven. now all this is happening at the time when earlier on monday, both the rainy and the buckets are needed. merchant that ron and they both agreed that domain area of concern with the girls inside of one get it dirty. and that therefore the security threat felt focused on digging by surprise. part buckets dano. it's just saying that at once that is a mechanism by which the 2 sides are dog. they are viewing the issue. so i'm likely to be in their products to see any escalation. but didn't,
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did they say that gay violation of progress on a silver engage? we'll see how this develops in the coming out so that by having to come out of hi the for us to thank you. a russian. besides that, if it's a residential area and the ukrainians that have khaki. well, so what do you say? 17 people injured in the 2 strikes on tuesday night. some buildings are significantly damaged. no deaths have been report is full, but us president trump has appeared in coals in new york for the 1st day of a defamation case, brought by magazine right to the jury will decide that drum should be false to pay for a box he made about aging counting 2019, when he was president, trump has already been full of found libel, full sexually abusing and defending this carol, j seeking $10000000.00 in damages. cuba has announced a shop prize and fuel water and electricity prices, the governing company. this policy says the measure is all needed to improve the islands economy. but many
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a skeptical of the plan at augusta and testable from havana non lines outside have on his petrol stations have become a grim reality in recent years. but soon they may be a thing of the past, the communist party to announce the price of petrol will soon increase. 5 fold. i guess we have, but it's going to like i said, when the price of fuel goes up, everything gets more expensive. if people need to go to hospital or travel somewhere, it's going to cost them more. yeah. and that was it to somebody that surprises went rise until next month. but just the announcements has made an impact. how much does it cost you to get to your house before from here to miles was 50 basis? and now it doesn't go into a 150. they will put their prices up. are these price hikes a possible the communist party is cooling a macro economic stabilization program with us sanctions choking of fund current samples like never before. we'll salaries a plummeting keep as president says he's managing a war economy is always equal partners. this is not
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a package of new liberal measures against the people, nor is it a crusade against small businesses nor the elimination of the basic basket of goods . the i can see this economist says and adjustment programs should have been done years ago. the correct major distortion is in the items economy, but that is better late than never. you said it was going to that effect raising prices in reducing subsidies. there's an austerity program. the government isn't able to keep spending on these things as an adjustment program necessary, or is there another option when i only, i'd say it has to be implemented. ok, buttons are insights. so to basic food russians at st. prices at the countries famous. but i guess that's set to change to food russians will be targeted to vulnerable groups. what's the electricity and gas prices have been low for decades? encouraging? wasteful consumption isn't expensive to leave the gas on all the time. no, no, no, no, no, not at all. rather than buy lighter, it's better for me to leave it on the whole time and spend the money on
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a few pounds of sweet potatoes or some bananas of the the high utility bills will mean less money for food. this is what the bill is. the equivalent of just $0.15 a month, but that's no small change in the country with an average salary. proponents of equivalents of just $17.00 a month. people already feeling the pinch and they're worried about the coming price hikes and with the economy creaking, essential food russians started arriving like a capital a to make the price that the russian store hasn't come in yet this month. so i have a better price list from last month, so i'll still have a bit cheat. did they missed the bus? so let's politicians tell the long suffering public the tyson about keeping the pricing for a tough year at augusta. and i'll just say we're having a cube to at least 4 people have died off to assign claim back to the island of the rich us and reunion on monday. cycling belong abroad, wins of around 200 kilometers now to the islands in the indian ocean in port living
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vehicles with less of motion and the streets of to the heavy down pole. but more than $200.00 ancient artifacts of being returned to prove as part of a drive to reclaim items smuggled out of the country, often kept in museums abroad. if it to some good for reports. the parts of paris history have returned home sculptures, textile ceramics, and other works of indigenous art. some of them more than 2000 years old. they tell the story of a time before the spanish conquests the limits of neat decor. complicit elements such as the club hates and sculptures. a typical in the in culture. there are also various instruments and takes down fragments belonging to the shanghai culture and got a piece of media with she new cultural affiliation. there's also a group of ceramic paces from the monkey nascar land by a kit in the end of a common stock number, you again got into some of the items were smuggled out of the country illegally. others have been held in use the end or by private collectors. most were headed
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back to power voluntarily, but not all. the below must have what. in fact, even moving forward, he paces was seized by the united states department of homeland security in the gym, and police, which unfortunately proves the importance of further string thing. international cooperation to combat trafficking of cultural prophecy around the world who has re petri a to the 840 looted antiquities over the past 2 years. it's seen as a success, as indigenous communities worldwide. rec, and with the colonial past and campaign for the return of stolen artifacts. if this i'm get food, i'll just now the rights of all kind of corruption. it'd be on sunday time to get into because halted. but the tells residents are unable to return because of the ongoing seismic activity. so you gave a report from clinton in iceland, the dying embers of the over option in green,


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