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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 17, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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the patients that come through the store to make a purse and wants to live the, investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. on alex's here, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, this is in use our own algae 0. i'm for these that people live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. much needed humanitarian aid, including medicines is on its way to gaza after a deal broken by cutoff injured palestinians have rushed to hospital in rafa after another is really bombing targets. the city in
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southern guys is around carries out to west ride city, occupied westbank, keeping what it says is a high ranking targets in one of them. also this our pakistan summons yvonne's top dip. imagine is, i'm about accusing tape on of an attack inside his territory. we'll have a live rate. i'm going to control. so with the sports, including a big upset that the australian open, his honest jabbar is knocked out by a 16 year old. and it's actually, jordan henderson is set to leave his saudi arabian club, just 6 months off to signing a big money to the thank you very much for joining us. we'll be getting this news hour in gaza where there seems of devastation and desperation across the street. the number of policy and scale the news really strikes is nearing 25000. a total of $163.00 have been killed in just the past 24 hours. hottest. it is 7 guys that way more than
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a 1000000 just based palestinians or spain, residential areas around hospitals have been targeted. as mine was that a man is right, is a criminal, it is committed and the most pay is crimes against the police thing and people and it gives to people of gauze. what are they doing this? they are the story and we have no place left. we would just list them based on them, but there is no safe place. there is a threat and danger everywhere. what should we go? in central guys. i mean, why is really forces are withdrawing. they've destroyed rows and buildings in the operation. the sarah cams, the u. n, says 65 percent of guys as infrastructure has been damaged. meanwhile, a category plane has landed in egypt carrying medicine and age that's bound for guys. that softer deal was broken by kata and france will get more in the a deal in guys had just a moment with honey my mode about to be starting occupied easter was live in stephanie decor, is there for us,
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a very complex negotiation process that went into getting this humanitarian a deal, stephanie and i understand it's very limited age if that's going into gaza, what more do you know about this and what does this entail? so it's really part of a wider deal involving israel and how mass funny. it's the 1st time that the to have agreed on anything since the collapse of the ceasefire. it's been brokered by colors and also the french playing a crucial role because the families of the captives have been pushing for this since october for medicine needed medicine for conditions for some of the hostages to get to the life saving medicine, they call it the families gwinnett, so what we understand from the french foreign ministry is that 45 is the captives will be receiving now medicine things for like heart disease and asthma, diabetes. for example, of course, there are no medicines. there's hardly anything left in goal is that we just heard from one senior official of her mouth saying, well,
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for everyone pack of medicine that goes to the captives, a 1000 should be going to policy is we don't know exactly the breakdown. what is clear is that 2 planes have now landed in a lot, each in egypt from the guitar a minute you that is coming to mandatory and 8, and also medicines for the palestinians, including these medicines for the captive. this is really part of this deal. and we understand they're going to be processed and passed into goals or where the red cross will take them and have them to how much will then be taking them to the captive. the family's body have been pushing for evidence, saying that they want to see that the particular medicine goes to that particular captive thomas has been pushing back on this deal for so long, loosely because they're afraid that these medicines could be traced. because of course, locating the hostage to something that these really military continues to do. military, even though there is massive pressure here for the government to stop this worked whatever deal it takes to bring them home and have masses,
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insisting that the worst stops before they will release the captains. stephanie, thank you very much for that. stephanie decker, life force an occupied east jerusalem. next crossover 2 guys are now and speak to honey, my motors in a rasa for his honey. this of course is much needed. 8 for the people of guys that tell us about the guarantee monetary and situation on the ground, which areas are the most effective and what's needed the most right now, the yes, well indeed, very desperate situations right now we're creating many complications on the ground by the airing about the program like gives a great deal of one dissipation for displaced opinion here in the gone straight, then the remaining population in the heart. but again, the people are so overly worried about the box is not only the fact that the hungry and the are much need of the, the human experience aided trucks to come in a medical supply. but the fact that that
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a to process an aide mechanism is the name of the box majority of the time. it is not guaranteed in terms of safety at it. when possible, it happens that it was either is recommending it try cities in the process of the delivery or targeting people at that point where they receive it. humanitarian aid here in the southern part where a much more like a reservation of created by these really monetary and the ongoing bombardment over crowded southern part, particularly or off has to be with 1900000 displaced palestinians lacking a basically of food supplies and is struggling to get food and other basic materials that in essential survival items all the way through the northern part that lacks the everything that is needed for survival in terms of food, water and medical supplies. so far, the situations are getting it from back doors that are from worse to terrible on
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the ground. right. and so tell us about the latest attacks, honey. meanwhile, intense foaming, i understand in the science of guys, but also in the north, even though this is an area where israel and said it's reduce the intensity of its operations, a race. this is another elements of fear. here people are concerned, they are worried that they might not be delivered because of the constant bombardment or non going artillery. so think of the major. busy leading, connecting the northern part with these southern parts. so a delivery of a do the side is always hindered by the ongoing bombing that so far. i overnighted stripe targeting to meet to a residential homes. we're talking about number of people who were killed reported the hospital, the vast majority of those reported the hospital, our children and women in hon. you and it's where most of the intense fighting taking place in
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a 3 different locations. a 100 base prints are the central bar ton unit, as well as the southern part that's at the edge of rubbing very close to the main entrance and the main leading growth throughout fi city. but we're talking about a 7 people overnight and then one evacuation is school that works. a pulled it from under the rubble and in the western side of her new. and it's an area designated the safe area near the i'm and i, the district of hon. eunice, at the 13 people are reported killed in a residential homes and we've seen this pattern happening and they're getting more intense as it takes place around. definitive hospital has happened in the north, and now it's taking place. one more time in the southern part is seeing the systematic attacks and patterns of health facilities. honey, thank you very much for that honey. my mode reporting a life from a rough i in southern gaza. israel has carried on to air strikes in the occupied westbank. one of them killed what it called a high value target. is there any forces targeted aconia bellanca refugee found not
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far from the city of nablus. in one of the attacks they say, the striking abdulla bush alive. let's get more with mohammed jump june, who's in run my line, the occupied westbank? joining us live on a use our tell us more 1st about this attack in ballasa, which targeted uh, this man uh, what was uh, what happened of the so fully we're told that this drone strikes occurred around for a in today. um, this is while a raid was ongoing, the is really military had entered the fall off a refugee camp in nablus a few hours before that. and the israeli army has put out a statement subsequent to the attack, stating that they were targeting the level of shut down who they say was a terrorist. and that he and his cell who were targeted in that vehicle, that they had been planning a large scale attack against israel. now we also heard from people in the camp telling us that, that we should,
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that is the leader of the military. we got lots of martyrs for data in ballasa in that refugee camp sources on the ground medical sources as well as i witness to say . they believe that at least 3 men were killed in that drone strike. as i said that our, that rate was hours long. there were intense confrontations between these really military as well as defaults. any resistance fighters that were there. but that rate did end a few hours after that drones strike. and it was also a drawing stripe mohammed into correct of the that's right, this is a raid fully that is currently still ongoing. it's been going on for several hours . we're told this started also around 4 am. and there had been, we're told by eye witnesses to drones strikes in the past 30 to 40 minutes. and the 4 people had been killed as a result for waiting on more details about specifically who may have been targeted and why. but it's very concerning for the people and to try to cut them of course. so the refugee camp there as well as the city,
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the focus of these raids by the israeli military, especially since october 7th. these really military goes in trying to root out palestinian resistance fighters since they entered earlier today, we're told that there are many armored voltages that have go, i've gone in that have been focusing on destroying infrastructure. they're the palestinians that are there, continue to tell us that this is a form of collective punishment. that is a tactic use by the israeli army when they go into these camps in order to try to turn the local population against the fighters. now all told the violence has only increased when it comes to these raids the past few weeks. and since october 7th, at least $350.00 pounds indians killed throughout the oxford was. thankfully, thank you for the update. mohammed jumped to live in ro my line, the occupied westbank at a growing fee is that lebanon could be drawn into the guys a conflict since the war began in october. tension has been rising and 711 on where these really military and has been live exchange fire. is there any will? pain struck a target near the board
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a ton of full on tuesday. these really military also said it hit a has bullet on time ms. sign launcher mia casa caleb. joining us to discuss this is hey, sham job. bear who's a retired lebanese army general. he's also head of the middle east center for studies and research and beveled. thank you very much for being with us on the ologist era. so cross border fi between these really ami and has belie intensifying we seen in the last few days. we saw the most intense is really bombardment of a single location on tuesday. just how serious is the risk of escalation right now? yes, situation is of limit right now is very bands is a delta, me the op and the large scale war between live and on. and as i, and as one of the read said from the beginning when that take that get a responsibility to make that purchase that, i mean,
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purchase that i is just that i would would, should open the door, not the exchange offices, which is it's happening within 3 months as well that i trying to respond to as a uh, shinning does it just strikes or no. and the the to the patio it's you know from the beginning he wants to try to get an audi. it is that i, the military that it gets high, which, that you're the geography of living on a, allow him to get by. he misses right? uh, on the a you know, decide on the box and direct this is which will not be discovered by a, by the, by uh, by the, uh, is there any, uh, you know,
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that is it, is it okay, like general job or let me ask you this can i ask you what, what do you know about the, is there any uh, military presence along the border with levon on at the moment? because some reports have suggested that israel is pulling out to some guys. that ad forces near the israel 11 on border and therefore increasing their to, to present that is, that's what's happening. you know, and, and what would this increase in true presence along that border signal you think of, you know, i don't think uh, it's a nice tool when moved the girls around because i need a son. that is a has a 10 division at least one or no. uh, is there a to put in for them. that'd be getting an increase of courses and most of them are not as i and have the right now on the 50000. so just the divisions that with that plus a 2 rigs is not a no, it's, uh,
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it's a, i don't think it needs to tech too. so i'll just fine. or the guys from gets up to at least for send them or not. okay. that for that, i mean, in case the opened, loutish yeah. was between one of them. is it a, of course is a link i bring that to that. so i'll just okay. gates. i've got the reason for that insight. thank you so much. when we look at the front of the drum. yeah, thank you so and how does that have the westbound kinds of guns? yeah, there are several fine. does. they have the several font studies or at least having to deal with right now. thank you so much general job of talking to us about this issue. i'm java is a retired lebanese army general joining us there from build your now the very fully effective is, are as well on guys i is causing in maritime crisis in the red sea, with another mis sized striking, a condo ship on tuesday. yep. and sophie on gold has gained responsibility for the
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attack. it says it will continue targeting vessels linked to israel until there's a ceasefire in garza that contain a vessel with a crew of $24.00 is owned by a greek company and registered in malta. the attack happened a 140 kilometers west of the many port city of asset. each of us is expected to be less c, m, and base who pieces what it costs that's truly designated global terrace is comes a day after the us kind of got more tax and strikes on the cool. my count has more from washington, the president biden, to see yourself the terrorist list shortly after assuming office use hope was that such a move would facilitate an end to the ongoing role in yemen through and negotiated agreement. now, the spokesman for the national security council in the white house confirms that this move is being reviewed. you wouldn't have to comment publicly if or when an
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announcement would be made. if the fees are put back on the target list, it would have a significant financial impact on the movement. individuals and organizations would not be allowed to contribute funds. members of the who team movement would not be allowed to enter the united states and do is banks would have to freeze all funds belonging to the who t movement. the state department and the national security council has declined to comment on the matter in montana. i'll just sarah washington, the best i'll take a look at some of the days out of world news and pakistan has some of the wants top different mountain is i'm about over what it describes as an unprovoked violation of a task space. that's up to table on find a miss on into pocket science below just on problem and it's getting at least 2 children. yvonne says it was targeting the headquarters of the drive. i'll address group the country blades it for carrying out several attacks on
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a security forces over the yellow bar and speak to i'll just see what's come on. hightail, who joins us live from kind of district in send providence in pocket signs. so not the 1st time i understand uh, come out that e radian jones for example of into entered pakistani territory. what can you tell us more about this specific incident and how serious a raft isn't causing between a t ron and some of that was there to give you an idea, a large monday in, in the progress on it. imagine that ron, the mutual concern that they had was the groups operating from of wrong stories. they board said they were all put it in order to stop. that part gets done were taken by surprise. when the radian decided to hit the dog is brought to the board up, i'd rather than focused on august on now saying that this is a violation of
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a shelf in jail and that it's a very smart violated data. and on the other hand, i've been blaming this gestures. all those done in, sorry, uh, forgetting all deadly attacks inside this don broadband richard. the near on earlier my la gray gave were needing just go to the what phone responsible for getting out of the tag. in order to invite david and jen, it were denying than any rate in prison. mr. ross and up starts off, day is dead. gender loud and big game day? sure, i'll, i'll, i'll does. and that the, the organization really didn't end up blame me. but there has been incidents in the boston area and in drawing board shark a few years ago. they've been a while and flattered between that girlfriend, the indian security voice is on the market. so and did that video so fast? mike? one that did like need to be controlled because of an airport bi board governments to try to extension. thank you for the updates. come on. hi,
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there live the from docusign since province. well, earlier we spoke to z, shawn slide hello dean, who is the with the center for regional and global connectivity in tablet by and he says package sign is extremely angry. and, and, and views yvonne's act as bad faith. these relations for being involved in august all has historically all the delegates best of times. but there's been a component of, you know, strategy and cooperation. and that relationship part time is also maintained in, at the top of the national upfront the but the sanctions gets to the wrong amount to collect the publish. whether there's unfair millions of people that reside inside of the rock. and therefore, having this kind of a middle attack changed, right? exact details which are clears us. this time,
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the election bypassing many is doubled. diplomatic and military channels due to the 2 countries is really the big use the few as a matter of great trail by a wrong the wrong space is a significant gym. ready that it's not for some parts involvement and back in the open webinar and yet, and in the middle of all that, to open up this new front is just our president. nobody you know, been around have to fight upset about the massive suicide. all that happened on january 3rd in the wrong, to close to 80 people and be a biased spotted state responsibility. and it was, it was part of the stripes, the doctor yesterday it's, you're all read direct retaliation that but then switching to 24 hours later striking the meeting will be inserted. waterfall is this the very spring? it's almost as if it's designed to pull like some conflict, the parts that has been serving the parks, but it's not necessarily directly
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a part of the keep thinking about this particular room which has been active since 2013 is that it's all in nature. and that is the low and starts and so on both sides of the floor as he said. but on top of all that, it's all funny if somebody follows, which means it's very much opposed to that on and has a bit of a band as well. stuff so don is accusing the into a governmental authority on development or iga those violating of sovereignty and has suspended corporation. the regional block was you to hold an extraordinary meeting in uganda to discuss peace talks to end the conflict into the on it invited the military rapid support forces leader mom at home done dialogue, comedy known as i met t, an at that so don condemned. so fond diplomatic efforts and the conflict that started last april have failed. the war is between the regular army led by i defy toddler, han and the rival power military rapids support forces. that group is headed, bible huntsville,
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my deputy mom and i'm done talking to him at the battle has to be done in the capital cartoon, but have spread to other parts of the country. at least 12000 people have been killed both sides of it. being accused of war crimes, but you and say, 7400000 people have been displaced, and unicef has warranted the conflicts could create catastrophe for generations of children. of joining us on to discuss this is why need medieval, who is the president of the sudan policy for them. thank you very much for being with us on andrea. why the? so what do you make of this decision? by sedans on the chief to suspend is participation in the negotiation efforts led by a god. what, what's the real reason behind this? and, you know, where does this place a piece off? the grounds agents on part of the or footboard hahn is due to the fact that he is incapable of devising award to start thinking or he is he, is he capable of the office taking piece a piece the and this has the,
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this is due to the fact that he's becoming more like nothing. yeah. whole. i mean his, his presence impala has to do with a long day thing. the war, i mean, the, the, the, the longer the war becomes, the more capable he would be able to stay in power interest. so it's, it's, it's a, it's a very sad situation and, and i think that you got is, has become a little bit pragmatic because he made the is behaving more like a statement unlike bore on who is behaving more like militia. pearson committee control is like 70 percent over the 10 or 30. he has about 50000000. so then he's under his o sat id and you do have behind who has is only containing like 3 median. so then he is, right, so i but this controlling more territory in the case of him that he does that give him more legitimacy. i mean,
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i know his toward 6 african capital is recently including e got members. he's clearly trying to achieve diplomatic status, trying to gain legitimacy, but easy succeeding though. or i don't think that the, i mean we, in political science, we differentiate between holding a government thing. he's capable of come cutting territory, but he's not capable of rooting. notice he capable of governing any part of the country. that's that, that's very obvious. but if you look at it, both of them are unconstitutional. i mean it behind him said he attempted to equate data on the 25th of october last year and he made, he is now leading. i mean, a part of military group. so both of them don't have any legitimacy. but so in order to strike a piece deal, i think the guy is like in, in the sense that they have to have invited him at the, in order to have
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a direct discussion between the 2 of them. because you, you need the 2 sides included a, so they asked me a piece there. but then where does this leave negotiations? and is he got the right body to be leading these negotiations? what about the african union for exam? at this moment that this was done, these people are very desperate. i mean, whichever a regional organization leads the process they, they would be very a more than well coming through the process. it's of, of a piece making. however, i think the moment that behind the party, they get the agreement, he has become vulnerable and he is likely to accept he was suppose to have accepted any of the invitations to either the got or the i think and you and you think the problem is now is he made to be invited to these different african countries and especially south africa? there is a question that you know, that agent on an international part,
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and that's accepting humans. the states might not. that's very serious, because in order for this piece to be sustainable in so done both, i'm at the, i'm behind have to be out side the governors equation. very interesting. thank you so much for insight. very interesting to talk to you about this why lead monday bl joining us here. thank you. vague enough for kind sally owns from a president and his bike rama is expected to appear in court on charges of treason there related to a failed school in november. more than 20 people were killed as sites across to west african country were attacked. the government says that was orchestrated by security forces loyal tacoma. live to, i'll just say was, i'm a, these race was entirely honest capital free time for us. so are we expecting um it is any decision today on the charges facing and a spiker on man? well, finally,
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there's been an uptick in development over the last french flowers in particular. uh, 1st of all i just by chrome has been expected in this quote for both. and then i will . so because the magistrate dealing with that case is all right, has been here for more than 2 hours right now. but we also understand that they've been new developments in the last hour. his lawyer is on his mike, hold on much noise. why the high quote to file an application regarding his medical condition, which could of course, turn the case on it. we know of diplomatic efforts to resolve this crisis between mr. chroma and his uh, successor trust and uh, do this might have been, uh, he's one of the principal. i choose process for that. and is it cool? but we also understand that there's been several diplomatic efforts to push that the case to be resolved. i me to be out of court as soon as possible. we know over the past few weeks, we've seen a cause proposing be exile of the former president to nigeria,
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which is being discussed which has been discussed. and of course, as i'm going to guess, we have several times what we, i'm not sure at the moment whether this case will be resolved today, but definitely have a lot of people expect this days to be resolved between today and tomorrow. and it could be a very good developments in the next. yeah, they're useful. so you touch on this a little bit. i was going to ask you, where are we with echo was his effort to, to save the form of president of the what's the course coming into set on the, on about the past 2 weeks, several times. and they've been pushing and pushing and pushing. actually the case to be so splendid and miss at the end of my career to be allowed to leave this country. in fact, even expected to host him while he's in exile. now initially there was angry response from the authorities. yeah. instead of the on, simply because it came sol, southern and of course the video holder just wanna know how feasible,
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original purpose intervening. in that case, i'm the manner in which they intervene. but over the past few days, we noticed that the course of the 5 to push going back to the pre war and was complex situation in this country. acor's was trying to use that leverage the presence of his forces. it's hot to the country to resolve several issues, especially the company basically what they've been trying to do so that the government here can allow things to be decided on. because the way probably we're going to see a virtual in the next few days or so. thank you very much. i'm 83314. they live from free town. sadly on the the, it's $1030.00 g m t. you're watching the news hour on algae 0 reminder of our main stories, kata and friends have negotiated a deal between israel and how much that will enable 8 and medicine to enter gaza.
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medication will be sent to 45 is really captive, but how my says it's concerned. it could be used to track its positions. israel has carried out an asteroid in the occupied west spies near the mulatto refugee camp is really forces say the strike is abdullah bush child, someone that called a high ranking target. and at least 4 people were killed in a separate jo and striking tool correct in the occupied, westbound during and these really res, daily incursions by is really forces that become increasing the violence that of war on guys that is top of the agenda on the 2nd day of the world economic forum in davos, switzerland, the us secretary of state on to me blinking describe the will as quote got wrenching. you said a palestinian stage needs to be established. that's go live to our diplomatic editor, james spaces in dallas for us. so james, what more did we hear from the us secretary of state, anything different from the us that we haven't heard previous?
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a lot of it is what was that we've had before. and he wasn't really pressed on the brutality of the bombardment of israel and the fact that the us is the one countries stopping the un security council coming up with the resolution. and of course, the fact that the us repeatedly says that it's pushing israel to get more humanitarian access. that was even a security council. resolution on that saying is real hard to let more humanitarian access. and of course, that's not really happening, wasn't pushed on those things, but there was some interesting comments on what the us sees as to what could happen at the end of this conflict. now he's making the points that was changed now is that there was a regional approach to this. he says that there are many now arab states that have normalization with israel and others that will normalize with these around these as that's what it's going to make things different. now of course, there are many who will say that's actually the problem that this administration
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and the previous administration pursued these normalization deals with all the arab states and ignored the palestinians. and that's why we've got the situation that we've got right now. in gaus, he made it clear. uh that's what happens next is he wants a pulse away to a palestinian state. now that's an interesting phrase that he always seems to use as a site. we want to publish the new site. he says, we want to pop the way, which i think is an interesting formulation, but he does say that that needs to happen as soon as possible. and he's also say that he wants to see the policy unit 40 in the lead, but a re booted product and you know, star t. and he did admit when he spoke in the session here in demos, the, one of the problems that is israel, israel, and the sub struction, all of the current policy university that has to be ways means vehicles. how soon is to make these decisions. but i think what we're talking about is to,
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since you're talking about a governance, the government and a structure of governance that maximizes the ability of the authority to actually deliver what the palestinian people want a vi a. but it also has to be able to operate in what you might call permissive environment. in other words, with the support of, with the help with his real, not with it, some active opposition. because even the most effective authority is going to have a lot of trouble if it's got the active opposition, if any. and he's really government. but i think it's also clear from conversations that are, that are going on. now the policies are looking very hard at how they can come up with a more effective governance. they can actually deliver what people want, some of what needs to be delivered as the basic um, the basic function of, of government services. no corruption, transparency and the way government is,
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is pursued. there are also things that people want that they can't on their own deliver, absent a partnership with us. so that has to be part of the equation as well. so to acknowledge been the from the us secretary of state, the policy no authority is had access to the position from israel. and that is one of the problems we'll hear more, i think on the board and goes up because so many other things discussed here in deb policies old about the world economy as well as about global ga politics. but on gaza, we've got into as time the uranium for administered, he's going to be speaking here and towards the end of the afternoon, president mack chrome will be making his address 1st of my conference. thank you. james james spaces diplomatic editor live there in davos, switzerland. a cuba has announced the shop rise in shadow water and electricity. prices of governing comedies bodies says and measures are needed to improve the islands economy. but many are skeptical of the time at augusta and re,
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for some have on a the long lines outside have on his petrol stations have become a grim reality in recent years. but soon they may be a thing of the past. the communist party to announce the price of petrol will soon increase fivefold. i guess we have, but it should come with a link that i said, although when the price of fuel goes up, everything gets more expensive that people need to go to hospital of travel some where it's going to cost them more. yeah. and then the actual price is went rise until next month. but just the announcements has made an impact. how much does it cost you to get to your house before from here miles 150 basis? no, it doesn't go into a 150. they will pull their price is up these price hikes, the costs of what the communist party is. quoting a macro economic stabilization program with us sanctions choking of fund. currency inflows like never before. we'll salaries a plummet thing. keep as president says, he's managing a war economy, all is equal partners. this is not a package of neo liberal measures against the people. nor is it
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a crusade against small businesses nor the illumination of the basic basket of goods. the i can see this is going to says an adjustment program should have been done years ago to correct major distortion is in the items economy. that is better late than never. you said it was going to very fund raising prices and reducing subsidies as an austere already program, but the government isn't able to keep spending on these things as an adjustment program necessary or is there another option when you're ready? i'd say it has to be implemented ok, buttons are insights with the basic food russians at st prices at the countries famous. but i guess that's, that's changed to food restaurants will be targeted to valuable goods. what's the electricity and gas prices have been low for decades? encouraging wasteful consumption is not expensive to leave the gas on all the time . no, no, no, no, no, not at all. rather than buy lighter, it's better for me to leave it on the whole time and spend the money on
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a few pounds of sweet potatoes or some bananas of the the high utility bills will mean less money for food. this is what the bill is. the equipment just $0.15 a month, but that's no small change in the country with an average salary is full. and so the equivalence of just $17.00 a month, people already feeling the pinch and they're worried about the coming price hikes. and with the economy creaking, essential food russians started arriving like a capital a to make the price that the russian store hasn't come in yet. this month, so i have a better price list from last month, so i'll still have a bit cheat. did they missed the bus out? as politicians tell the long suffering public to the tyson about keeping the pricing for a tough year. at augusta in algebra and cuba, china is economy grew 5.2 percent in 2023 between government targets. but missing alice productions. officials have done paid concerns about the country. sloane economic growth, pointing to a new boom. and when to tories in katrina,
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you wait for somebody g. a tours sloped to china's freezing northern provinces to enjoy winter attractions, such as hard bins, famous by city, and the snow covered ski slopes of the name of a travel. dr. shows winter tourism here is a 30 percent compared to a year ago bringing a much needed boost to businesses. it's a rep right spot in china is slowing economy. the government says the country beat its target a 5 percent close to 2023. achieving 5.2 percent, but that that goes to one of the lowest in decades. and the outlook the 2024 remained striking at the world economic forum and doubles china is premier down play to consent from boy g g. the chinese economy is making steady progress and we'll continue to provide a strong interest for the world economic development. chinese officials say the economy will improved in the coming months, positions to badging historical chan hi, like feeling positive. so i got to look alone. i am from china,
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so when the south end is rarely get the chance to see, i am having a lot of fun shows what comes out to you. i brought my son here to enjoy himself. the ice passed away and the dose east is very popular. this year we can go, but we can get similar experiences. yeah. it's the 1st winter since 2019. the tories have been able to enjoy without fear of carpet, 90 locked downs. these types of went to sports and activities are traditionally part of chinese culture. but since paging one to 2022 winter olympics, that popularity has sold the government just banking on the trend. continuing over the upcoming luna new year holiday with a record 9000000000 trips predicted over the 40 day travel period. however, analysts say a boost in tourism is unlikely to sol, bigger problems such as the crisis and the property market. some of the people have spent more on things like tours on culture activities like concerts, or they would buy more consumer goods,
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but overall on the savings rate is still going up to those enjoying themselves. here the economy is the furthest thing from deadlines. katrina, u. l. g 0, aging a while joining us to discuss the chinese economy further now is way see shay was the strong i direct to with the economists intelligence corporate network and his line from china. i thank you so much for being with us. so any other country with a more than 4 percent growth would normally be celebrating. why the disappointment in china? what's the concern? well, china has been enjoying really high cro speed over the past 3 decades, let's say. and purchased, used to be observing a high gro, speaker, for china, however, it's very natural for a, an economy that is as large as trying to, to witness a declining trends in terms of real. it's not a growth. and even china is only be a will only be growing at
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a 322 percent percent annually over the next few years. so you can prevent a size of the economy. now change up the economy size will still be substantial. i think people are just us to use to china having your high growth rate, so based on the historical experience, right. but as we heard in the report that there was significant growth in sectors like torres and, and electric cars. so what factors contributed to, to the slow a growth and to what extent do you think the decline in population is also a factor in this to yes, on the slower it grows most or mostly due to the weak performance, the specially associated with the manufacturing sector harry in china, for instance, the overall investments are fixed assets, uh, over the past year only grew by our thoughts of 4 percent. so according to the most recent data, and this is actually at a relatively low level, most of it was because of the slackers property markets,
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which country people to it's to about a quarter of china, s g d p. and since the year of 2021, when chinese government started to the leverage the property sector and who started to rule out regulations imposing very restrictive uh, constraints um the developers could that better to, to a large star ex, turn the depths or we have been seeing a very large declining trends in the properties that 1st investment, what about the declining population? what impact is that having? well, at this moment i will try not the last year after they had again for the 2nd year. uh, uh, a net gross in terms of population, we believe that this will have a long term impact on the country solver, on a per cards activity. and it's property cannot be drafting of the labor productivity, especially in the manufacturing sector of china. however, on the other hand, we're happy seeing that the chinese government is pushing forward the industrial
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automation. better quite high speeds by not chinese authorities in recent days have told some investors from institutional investors not to sales thoughts in order to stabilize prices. does this type of intervention actually what, what policies do you think the government should be supporting right now? a, a well, a lot of hands, the external environment that you step now nazi in china's favor high, for instance, the large diff, rick, different policy rates differentials between china and the us. and the use definitely is a very determined until chapter 4. capital inc. close into china at this time, all governments uh from a, from the central to local have being very, uh, very active in terms of attracting after you as well. but from our perspective, and also from the perspective of many leadership seeing and sees the major concern
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that the house is the uncertainty associated with the chinese business environments and the governments, you'll be doing much more. i mean in terms of intent a certain certainty associated with policy directions and policy tons, yarborough, to bring back investor confidence. thank you so much for talking to us way. see she joining us at from shanghai. thank you for your time and insight. thank you. that's when we us present donald trump has appeared in court in new york for the 1st day of a defamation case, brought by a magazine lighter a jury will decide if trump should be forced to pay for remarks he made about each in counting 2019. when he was president, trump has already been found liable for sexually abusing and defending cow. she's seeking $10000000.00 in damages. now to kenya, where a co leader and 11 other suspects have appeared in court and are expected to be charged with murder. they are accused of ordering that follow us to solve
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themselves in order to go to having more than $400.00 bodies wake, soon from shadow grades in a coastal town last year. catherine, so a report from melinda in southeast in can. yes, this is vicky chombo is still waiting for news of her 2 sisters and children who have been missing since january. she believes they were members of a doing state college in molding the more than $400.00 canyons, including children, died after their charge seem to convince them to stall themselves in order to meet jesus. 600 people are still missing. autopsies showed signs of suffocation and beatings. the shallow graves were discovered on a property in shuck hola. in south eastern kenya might not be to have in our last conversation with one of my sisters, she said big things are happening. we will see each other again. but you must have faith and you must be a believer. if you don't have jesus,
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you will not see me on thousands of people, including the pasta, paul, and then give mackenzie are in police custody. relatives who have been waiting for dna results thought they would have the answers by now. but they say that government officials are not giving them any information. and the silence is unbearable. is believed small bodies of buried in shock a whole lot. the government is struggling to identify them. some of bodily decomposed relatives are frustrated by the long wait. it's of waited on policies in the pro sometimes will to get you to be seen. please be patient because unfortunately people think over the dna, is it like, is that because i think of the dna tomorrow have that is oh no, no, no, no that that would be cheating if somebody it may take months. sometimes yes, for us to be able to identify even 10 people skill is like mackenzie's well known
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and loved. indeed, he preached a ghast education and medicine and has been arrested several times over the years. relatives are demanding answers from the government, the one justice and closure. katherine saw it all to 0 as the andy se kenya. the 10 off of this for you is, is joe. thankfully, yeah, let's start with a dramatic you time from best man, england football, a jordan henderson, who's leaving saudi arabia just 6 months after moving that the midfield that has reached an agreement to terminate his contract that out. it's a fact and is now expected to sign for i x and the thought sleek ends. and lastly, the pool of to 12 years and july 2023 was one of several high personal names joined the saudi pro league on big money contracts, including his full month difficulty. mate said you money cream venza, christiana, rinaldo,
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and name off the sad. the rapier have cut off to a winning stall to the asian top, but they were given escape. i am on a team ranked 18 places below them. jim and nash was there for us. saudi arabia's national team of becky and cast off 14 months almost from closing. one of the biggest shops in world history by beating a venture champions, argentina, the green falcons we're up against a mom and the agent in the side. they were expected to beats. it was the mom who had the chance to take the lead when the video assistant referee, awarded them a penalty. the top step. so uh yeah, he has lots of time to pretty sorry. go ahead and just want to make pressure from the saudis towards the end of the assessed off a mon help some to go into the break one that up and downs
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resistance with break into the delay, the 10 minutes to go after them on gary equalizing to saudi arabia not long after coming on as a substitute just wouldn't let me do like the saudi arabia has a boat in the back of the net in stuff which time the office. so i just like went up a david to one the finest. the huge upsets against legal machine codes, 2020 seats. saudi arabia have managed to avoid being on the wrong end of one here. that kite's robust site and my teammates has guided easily to be are being championship monitoring to their primarily titles added to add another made to trace me to that already impressive collection has cut off to the best possible stop, much to the relief, the saudi arabia, 5 is 7 as out as there are even international stadium. but it's thailand to talk saudis group, thanks to a to know victory against tend to sense super tight tied to
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a full sized goals. and this one thailand reach the round of 165 years ago. and then have a chance to do it again here in castle 2 more games coming up on wednesday, but i think group a lab and on take on china and then host cuts all will look to make it to wins room to when they face touch it gets done as a short cut, the advocate of nations was one of the favorites to visit losing that opening game . the 2004 champions will be one, no bind them maybe a the on hotel o, schooled in the 88 minute securing the b b as 1st victory out and ask on and what does that for, for parents as tournaments. but it's molly that it's helping prove a ahead of namibia that so, so they think south africa to, you know, with 2 goals in 6 minutes. i'm already troy unless seems to know you'll come with the goals molly facing to see it in the next game later. on wednesday, we'll see one of the ask on favorites. morocco take off the campaign against him at tons of it, there in group f, find his p to summit with
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a closer look at what we can expect. morocco or the standout team in group based and highest strength team from africa buffy. but they reach the semi fund except last year as will copy and cut to the base performance ever by an african team at footballs. biggest tournaments, however, they've only other one, ask all the ones. and that was back in 1976. the rocco will host a couple of nations in 2025, the democratic republic of congo, or to to i'm ask on champions lifting the trustee 19. 681974. but the slide frequently qualify. they based results since as being 3rd place in 19982015 fail back off the failing to qualify for the last edition zambia with chrome champions in 2012. but it's been a rocky road since then. they've missed the last 3 additions. that's a cute they faced this time around 3 and when
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a host ivory coast to finish talk of they qualifying group 10 zeniah. all the adults in this group is the lowest rank team in the home. good them and they have made the progress beyond the group stage and they previous to ask on appearances most recently in 2019 the hood pizza mentions i'm be of a well professional football players in the country face many challenges including a lack of funding, unlimited results is but last can we? honda off to they stopped playing. i remember test the reports in 1965, fleetingly paid for this national football team. he then joined the club with the united states of america and late to england. when he returned home, he code samuel national squad of a football clubs in southern avenue. i tried to put them go through these guys the late fee using now retired for the sales vegetables and goats and says he is of
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a former professional play as often struggle to make ends meet. you know, a day me to i like a social thing. i've been really good. is it people by your drinks and or that a of that again, then that was it. but as i know it play, i must see that this is future eyes look desk. otherwise, a there there will drop in a situation like i was doing is glad to encourage young players to contribute to a pension fund while they can to full background when times are hard and to get other support. we've been buckling with some clubs with plans getting just on the job. it's available edition to make sure that we say we have these did the players, but you find that may be due to one or 2 issues. it play as just uh, you know, uh your best got to really get to, to, to the beach and basically, you know,
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trying to, to rehabilitate to themselves emanuel my, you can play it in europe until an injury forced him to retire. he wants young players to remain, but that in football there was no such and feature every time you know, playing football, he just didn't go, i'll keep on playing football. but as i did at the end of the day, we used to have it behind your back of the mind that you can get to ingest money, worries, and mental and physical problems holds many retired football players around the world and zambia. so i'm glad to hardway preparing the next generation, so they know how to code by matching me with the dream korea and how to metasource out is there. the premier league says a hearing date has been set for months and cities alleged financial real reaches, but still weren't say when it is, is that to be the most significant disciplinary case and the least history with the current champions facing 115 charges and a possible points deduction or expulsion from the late premier league chief executive richard most as was off by and piece why it was taking so long compared
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to evidence. nothing as far as they've been charged with breaking spending. if any come up with the current champions or otherwise have been found in breach on the spending, we are $23.00. they would be in exactly the same position as ever to. and what i'm seeing, forrest, that the volume and currents of the charges light for months as he was obviously kind of took about to popping hubs in a completely different environments. there was a date set for that proceeding. i come unfortunately, gonna tell you when much is definitely a starting and i for way defending women's champion arena sutherland because safety through but well, number 6 almost of a has been knocked out by 16 year old. the 3 time grand slam runner up was facing russian meta and say about in the 2nd round. and then i have, i was the runner off in the junior goes final in melvin last year. and it took a just under an hour to each of us 6 of 6 to see pod result. so the teen who's also having to study the same time as playing any problem. so i am super
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happy with the level that i showed to the board and about the school. i still don't like chemistry a still have to do at the school. it actually started 2 days ago. so i have to do it a 2018 champion. caroline for his neck, he also went out on wednesday, she lost a 20 year old russian qualify very up to a fever and $0.03 in the days of the action. don't joke of it. just play a 2nd when a match against australia isn't like super pirates as he resumes his chase for 24. and sometimes i'm finally that was the day be to remember for west indies creek to shamal. joseph running into bo, his 1st full in test cricket. he called the white kid australia is steve smith, who was paying for the 1st time through staples. whenever time does it also i school $36.00 of the box for the stray is still pretty comfortable trailing by a $129.00 runs. with 8. we can see hands in the us. all right, that is all your support for now. i'll have more for you like to fully joe. thank
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you very much for that. that's the news. our phone, our knowledge is here. i'm for the back to stay with us. so rahman has more of a day stop, so he's coming up after the short break, the what constitutes exempt. so we can talk to a see, i want you to start with just the facts as to what happened as independent. we won't be. so we want the education i want to, we don't have to leave them in different countries in the policy and it's going to get 50 percent representation and accountability benefits. know 1000 service this placement and you're saying you don't have any reports for that. i should just trust that unity often is the cool that used to produce outstanding jen this and i'll just the integrity in the
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pursuit of truth in unsettled time upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it says it's context questions, professional and unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission and nothing leaves god without permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding, and these fires demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. and i'm told stories from asia on now to see if
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the the a much needed humanitarian aid including medicines is on its way to gaza after deal broken by cancer. the problem. so robin you, what do you want to say?


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