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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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to take the days that another link is taking place, augusta nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. and nothing leaves us out with that as well as permissions allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without the identity needed. humanitarian aid is heading to gaza after israel and how must see a deal brokerage by comp time find the play you watching l g 0 live from do how? with nissan you back. people also coming up dangerous palestinians of rushed to hospital in rough up to another is really bombing targets to city in southern gaza. more drone strikes in the occupied
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westbank. israel says it kills a high ranking targets and then having used docusign one, some serious consequences after yvonne launched a miss on attack on his territory the . when begin with the war on guys, i wear another day of these really attacks as seen, more palestinians killed and put key infrastructure under more pressure gases. health ministry says 163 people have been killed in the past 24 hours alone. children are among the dead residential areas around nasir and amal hospitals, where hit several people are wounded and many are to be trapped under rubble. the. the max is a criminal. it is committed in the most day as crimes against the police thing and people and it gives to people of gauze. what are they doing this? they are the story and we have no place left. we would just place from based on them, but there is no safe place. there is
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a threat and danger everywhere. what should we go? as these rarely intensifies operations in 7 guys that the humanitarian crisis is worsening. the cities of rasa and con eunice sheltering around 80 percent of the strips population have reached breaking point. this little food and water to go around. a category pain has landed in egypt carrying medicine and age that's bound for gaza. that's after a deal was broken by kata and france that includes age to civilians in gaza and medicines for capt is held by him. us. let's find out more about this. the with theresa ball, who's in tennessee for so i understand some very complex negotiations went into securing this deal. what exactly is it going to do on the ground? how is this middle aged that's going in going to be process of the when it's an extremely complex, it's dina. extremely complex. it go ca, somebody's the 1st to real agreement that's has happened since passed november when,
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because of cost cutters negotiations over a $100.00 captives where release for being held in gas. so. so what we do know is that 2 military planes from catherine landed in ality air base that's close to the border with gas up on the diction side of the border. that the medicine i was going to cross the border. i'd taken to a hospital and there it's going to be distributed in different patches later on handed over to the red cross, who will be in charge of delivering it to where the captives are being located. we know that those medicines are for $45.00 of those captive apparently is for those were chronically ill, but we're also hearing but some of those medicines will include anti depressants. for example, i'm baby food among other things. how mass, however, has made a demand that for every box of medicines, for the captive, there has to be at least a 1000 others to reach those in gas. the horton desperately need of medicines. let's not forget about we'd be hearing this past week. so of people being,
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having their limbs, i'm to take it without anesthesia. so there's lots of need for more medical assistance. and the other reason why this negotiation is complicated is because of what's been going on in the ground. for example, the ease riley government has agreed for those medicines not to be checked. apparently it was a demand made by how much, but this has also generated tension within the government. as far right ministers are pushing the government and questioning on why our medicines being allowed into the guys as trip without being checked. and at the same time, it's come off for a freight that inside those folks. if there could be tracers that could lead these riley military to where stick, where the captives are located. it's interesting also that this is happening just in time. as there's growing concerns here, it is well about the safety of the captive. these really government is saying that they are moving forward to another stage of the war. but precedents, i've read prime minister by no means nothing yet. who said that this war is likely
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to continue until 2025. when people who are concerned about why are there not enough news about, you know, how this captives are going to be released. they believe that there's tension between this war and the possibility of their loved ones. uh, their relative faith being really so sadly, you know, lots of concern to you around the round about the captive safety. many of the relatives of those who are being held in gas. so right now i hoping to basically go see should we lead to other negotiations that could end up with their loved ones released today. so thank you for the update teresa boat line for us, the intent of the less crossover to guys and now i speak to ty capitalism, who's involved for us in southern gaza, target go, what do you know is happening at the roster crossing right now i have a truck started going into the us of the yes, that's completely wrong. it. within the past few minutes, a more folks had been allowed to cross the gauze. the strip. now they are on the
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palestinian side, on the way to the areas that they're going to be distribution as insights as they are. they are containing humanitarian supplies, alongside with medications to the medical sex on the exchange of baths. uh the uh the medication will be delivered to the east valley kept tabs in there a that told hold by how much inside of the gaza strip. and this is a very practical step that had been pro, could by can talk incorporation with a from some different regional and international play is in the region just to it to be explained the situation of the grounds and also to achieve what kind of costs you break phrase in terms of the negotiations between a moss on the east bell as post pods on the ground have been fighting for more than $100.00 days till now. now the general sentiment among palestinians aside, the gaza strip that there was a sense, a sentiment of hope that it will help to about the weight of the kinds of negotiations to bring on to it. to reach us. these find it that would bring an end
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to for the fighting on the ground. right. that's, that's the help of course. but even a some age goal is the entire week is really a tax across the gaza strip. continue. we've heard jordan say that he's really showing his damage to our field hospital in con eunice. what more can you tell us spot this? yes, so we have to be reporting by the way, just throughout the last couple of days that there are these. but if the patient is expanding, get them and it's minutes. reparations to reach, move to a main central neighborhoods off on you to city. and yesterday, over night would be managed to get to the facility of another hospital where the jordanian fuel and hospital had been set up by the detaining on me. and they managed to make a kind of full encircling to the hospital and also the managed to destroy the symmetry such as completely opposite the to damian fields, hospital where they took a number of palestinian, the buddies, and from the grades they had been taken to disclose location by these, by the men to treat that were also with the destruction of
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a series of abutment of the residential buildings on the vicinity of another hospital. and the dra dania field hospital also linked to the injuries of, to damien, who are a good thing. and some are working inside this hospital provide the medical treatment for palestinians being wounded. and this is also a part of the ongoing genocide military campaign on han you in a city. and we are talking about a new system. a lot of that completely will continue to imposing a new spread even for the medical teams of rated inside the city of cutting units within the past 20 to 24 hours. thank you very much. sorry for that. terry capitalism, bringing us the latest data from guys. and as we've heard from tarik the, the latest is really strikes of hit residential areas across southern gaza. more now from honey my mood, who has this report on that or another night of intense is really bombing across gulf. and another desperate scrambled forces
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by rough, by a residential building was rescue workers and relatives search for those missing and make a discovery for others tragedy. this father is crying over the loss of his children, buried under the russell i want to see any member of my family. oh my god, this is not fair. this is unfair. don't all speak to calm down my children of gone altogether. none of my children are alive, i didn't see use of where is use of wherever seat of hospitals in gauze are overtones by an endless supply of casualties. and health
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care system is a close to collect the lack of a fuel and medical supplies is costing life. another father sees a loss for weld his children 3 times the military vehicles are continuing to push south displays. palestinians are told to move to areas that israel has designated safe zone, like this one in hon. you. but they have old been repeatedly attack the phone of a sudden we found tongue. so now head send the shows my we, because beyond imagination, they are coming here to do nothing but killing. they killed every one, women,
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children, old people, every what people are killed without knowing that we have lost on mines is what it is, not the kind of thing. the f one was escalating. as this play, as palestinians continue to fleet the southern gauze they are crowding into adverse smaller spaces. but these are also coming under continuous bombardment by israel, claiming even more lives, honey. my mode vieira cut off by southern gauze, now to be occupied westbank way is realized, carried out to west reich's with one killing. what it calls a high value target is really forces, how get it economy of a lot to refuge account not fall from the city of novice and one of the attacks. they say this try killed abdullah boucher law along with full out of palestinians. and to correct and full policy ends were killed in another drone strike. and that's where the, the abraham is for us to currently occupied. westbank where need a large scale rate is still under way of the refuge account behind you that tell us
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about what's been happening or yeah, we just heard the loud sounds coming from inside beach it to cut him back to jacob . we've been hearing similar sound, but now it we weren't. we're ducking because we are hearing the sounds of confrontations that are ongoing, seemingly by the palestinian fighters. and these really forces who have been raising the refugee camps. is that for the hours of the morning? now we've seen some jeeps moving around this area where we are, it's been relatively safe, but we've seen those jeeps making their way from this area. and we heard from a, our sources inside the new, some sort of few decals that the is really forces have made their way to the refugee camp in north shutting snow. north shems, the sword cut them. but a few jacob seem to be um the target to of is really attacks.
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no, it seems that it's a bit safer for us to stand. but again, this is kind of what we've been seeing since we arrived to, to, to cut him is, it was confrontations that are ongoing between these ready forces on the palestinian fighters. now we know that these really forces come to those areas in particular because they're targeting the palestinian armed men. some of them are in to cut in a refugee camp, some of them in nations, others in ballasa as we've seen. also earlier today. but again, it's remains a tense situation and i'm, yeah, i'm, i'm sure you can hear the sound of the way the drone we've been hearing that sounds over since we arrived to the area. this is part and parcel of palestinians live here in the occupied to us bank in terms confrontations with these really forces who read or cities, palestinian cities and towns and villages and refuge account averaging within 40
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rates per day. and subjecting posting is to kennings just as the one we seen earlier today, and we're hearing that was the, the buzzing sound of that drone to be around. you need to as well as a large explosions. the large pools we heard as you were starting your life, we can see the few most black silk smoke in the background there in the sky over to korean refugee camp. this is clearly an ongoing situation, a very tense one, but it's not the only area where these release have struck. and they've also targeted black refugee camp earlier in a raid in which they claim to have killed a high volume target. we have lost the connection to need a brain. who is that to come and refugee camp there. okay. need you back with us. need that. can you hear me? she's not back. ok. we've lost our connection to nita abraham. unfortunately,
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we will uh, go back to her at once. we are able to establish a connection with her once again anita abraham into cram that. thank you very much for the moment. she can hear me. okay, let me try one more time. nita, if you can hear me uh you were describing to us a situation into crime there, of course, a very tense situation. as you said, we heard the loud explosion at the start of your live. we've heard the drone buzzing around you as well. a huge beam of black smoke in the sky over to crime that but it's not the only area that these readings have been targeting across the occupied westbank. there was also a drones track in a ballade. yes, there was a drone strike that took place early this morning in bolts out a few g camp which is just close to nablus to the north of the occupied west bank. where these really forces have said that they've targeted the car with all the
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local shuttle. that was it when they hit that. now there's where the forces have been trying to locate on really a south and it's on the allowance. and then for a while now we survived several assassination attempts, and we've been there also in august when we've seen these really forces it from being a one wall to a at it towards, from one home to another, to get to and blah, blah. so none, and we reported that the time in august that was of course, because before the war that he has survived such an assassination attempt know, according to these really forces they say he is accused of having and being the needs are all a group, a capella simeon armed route, that has been a direct thing. it attacks towards these really forces. no i it is really a forces. i've taken the bodies of those palestinians and as far as cost indians were telling us that they've only found the body members of $1.00 person of the 5
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who have been hit by the strikes seemingly. that's 4 of them have been joining and where we have the loan. so that's when that strikes to please neither. thank you for the update for the moment need to abraham di for a say in to correct in the occupied westbank and still ahead on algae 0. we'll be looking at some of the days i've been using china experiences. this was close in more than 30 years. as it's population drops for a 2nd here in a row, the in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa from its accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that this is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census warships into the red sea, it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation inside story on al
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jazeera, the challenges era with the news
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the welcome back. a recap of our top stories on which is 0 is arouse latest strikes on the gaza strip of scale. at least 163 fantasy ends. in the past 24 hours residential areas need to key hospitals go ahead. several people have wounded in many a few to be chopped under rubble. and these room is carried out to us twice in the occupied west. fine with one killing what it called a high volume target. they say a striking of a lot to refugee camp kills abdullah booster law along with for the palestinians, was 2 people were killed in an attack on 2 grand at the refugee camp the rate which is ongoing. and in the last, our 10 a trucks have passed through the vasa crossing in egypt. age and medicine is bound for guys after a deal mediated by comp time funds. it includes 8 to civilians and medicine for
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captives held by hamas. literally i spoke to josh on baskin who's a former is where the negotiator and the middle east director for the international communities organization. he's praise comp, time funds for securing the steel. it definitely was less refusal than any of the medications come from israel directly. and that's why the deal was need for cut are to purchase the medication from friends, medical companies, and the, the medications were shipped directly to the crossing point, where it is real well up inspecting any of the trucks. entering with the medical supplies going into gaza. this was the condition of progress so that there could not be any gps tracking, making decisions planted within the medications their crossing if the gods are through the roof of crossing. they are expected to be transported to 4 hospitals in ga, so we're doctors will receive the medications and they're supposed to be separated . a medications for the is where the hostages and 1000 portions of medication for
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every dose of medication brought to the is really hostages. the 1000 doses for palestinians in garza, i think for one there was extraordinary american pressure on the cathartic government to make it happen, along with the french government who were brought in to help to facilitate the deal . and i think the categories were very effective in encouraging it and forcing it from us to agree to this. and there's also a very large shortage of medical in it, of medications in gaza for the palestinian population who are suffering 1900000 people who have lost their homes there and are living in trend cities within the middle of the cold winter rainy winter. people need medicaid things, and this is being provided into the post indian people as well. while the war on guys continues to have a ripple effects across the region. mice,
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one of the world's largest shipping firms, predicts that disruptions in the red sea will continue for at least a few months. this is after humans host the fighters fight. another misfire striking a cargo ship on tuesday that contain a vessel with a crew of 24 is owens bike for a company and registered in malta. a gold says it will continue targeting vessels linked to israel until there's a ceasefire in gossip. the us being model is expected to be list humans who sees it as what it calls specially designated global terrace. our white house correspondent kimberly hawk it has moved from washington. it is likely that the binding administration is going to re designate the who seizes a ford terrorist organization or what. busy is often known as an f t o, and this is because of the renewed or continuing attacks on commercial vessels in the red sea. now, what we know and what this would mean is that this would essentially freeze the
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assets of the who fees that may be existing in us financial institutions. it would also put a place sections for any group or that would in any way provide material support for the who fees. so this would be, for example, iran that is a major financial backer of the who the is now. it's important to know that the who's these have been on the ford terraced organization list in the past. in fact, they were put in place by the trump administration. and then it was lifted by the, by the ministration back early when bought and came into office. but the reason for that is because it was believe that it was crippling their economy. there is a humanitarian crisis. and so that's why it was lifted. but now given the crisis that is going on in the red sea, it is expected that this is something that is with an hour is going to be reversed . so we're watching very carefully for some announcement by the, by the ministration. we expect that to come down any time
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the best turn to the days of and use out and pakistan has one of those serious consequences. and recall that some boss that are from yvonne over what it describes as an unprovoked violation of its ass face tehran fide ms. eileen to pack his sons baluchistan province. at least 2 children were killed. yvonne says it was targeting the headquarters of the drive. i'll add onto the country, blames it for carrying out several attacks on his security forces over the i saw him caught on by the state of florida. yeah, most that i met, i spoke to my colleague the foreign minister of pockets. and i assured him that we do respected sovereignty and the territorial integrity as well as those of the rough hawk him yet about time on the do not allow or national security to be compromised, more to be played wages. and we have no reservations when it comes to protecting
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our national interests to be those terrace groups inside of pockets on each and those affiliated to israel and the curtis regions of a rock. but what we did to them, what's in line with the regional security data fairly on for my president n a spike aroma is in court on charges of trees. and that related to a failed school in november. more than 20 people were killed as sites across the west african country were attacked. the government says that was orchestrated by security forces. loyal tacoma, china's economy grew 5.2 percent in 2023, beating government targets button missing. analysts predictions. officials have done paid concerns about the countries slow in economic growth pointing to a new boom in winter tories and katrina. you wait for somebody, jane. the tours slots to china is freezing northern provinces to enjoy winter attractions such as har, bins, famous city, and the snow covered ski slopes of the name of travel data shows when to tourism.
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here is a 30 percent compared to a year ago, bringing a much needed boost to businesses. it's a really bright spot in china's slowing economy. the government says the country beat its target a 5 percent north, 2023, achieving 5.2 percent. but that it goes to one of the lowest in decades and the outlook, the 2024 roommates shaky at the world. economic forum and doubles china is premier down play to consent to board gigi, the chinese economy is making steady progress. and we'll continue to provide a strong interest for the world economic development. chinese officials say the economy will improved in the coming months, positions debating historical can highlight a feeling positive. so on the phone i am from china. so one more south i'm is rarely get a chance to see i am, jaime, a lot of fun shows what we'll find out to you. i brought my son here to enjoy himself, especially in the don't see is very popular this year. we can go,
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but we can get similar experiences. yeah. it's the 1st winter since 2019. the tours have been able to enjoy without fear of carpet 90 lock downs. these types of when just boats and activities are traditionally part of chinese culture. but since paging one to 2022 winter olympics, that popularity has sold the government just banking on the trend. continuing over the upcoming luna new year holiday with a record knowing billy and trips predicted over the 40 day travel period. however, analysts say a boost in tourism is unlikely to sol, bigger problems such as the crisis and the property market. some of the people have spent more on things like tours on culture activities like concerts, or they would buy more consumer goods, but overall on the savings rate is still going up to those enjoying themselves. here the economy is the furthest thing from deadlines. katrina you all to 0 aging
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and that's the news. went out on algae 0. um for the back to go my colleague nick talk, we'll have the owners here and use out for you in a little over 30 minutes from now coming up. next is the weather then inside story looks at the escalating violence in the occupied response to stay with the the way it's been a good wet season. so far. the cloud pictures fairly typical, most of malaysia and indonesia are covered in showers on a daily basis sandstone. you like sumatra, java and boy ord inclusiveness in the northeast monsoon, which sometimes brings to harsh winter conditions in. but currently, as you can see, the full cost of the state in japan, it's not particularly cold of the most no child's in some pump. the home in the southeast of china,
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which has been so obvious and the last few weeks is being pushed down to the right . non chang is coming down to near average. but it's up in the twenty's in a couple of days ago. and then this is the cold as the north, but not extremely cold except in hub and, but it is leaking south was seen how it seemed right in this folding in the yangtze . no rain to speak of really for indeed the few shots and middle face. you can see as the assistant fucking north indian plain enough in northern pakistan, this call's flight delays. it's not clearing any time soon and it's typical of this time of the year. the big picture goal should be a drywall and a fine movie temperature. fairly high in some places, 100 miles up to about 33. we generally speaking it's a dry, i'm fine time and the come friday there is some enhancements in order to share. so otherwise the pressing remained pretty stable. the, the us is always of interest. the people around the world,
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this has been going on for a number 50 price, but i can see the report 34 and it's an active perspective to try to explain to global audience why it's important to impact the lives at the height of the storm to hi, this is an important part of the world. people pay attention to this very good that bringing the news to the world from here. last year was the worst on draco, is really a tax on palestinian fully occupied westbank and as being intensifying since the one goes up again. palestinians in the west bank of this whole county down 7 the tax on his res. so wicked, this violence leave. this is inside story, the.


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