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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 17, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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to join him, let's discover a better world expo. 2023. the ha on the other on the clock. this is a news on life coming up in the next 60 minutes. desperately needed humanitarian aid. it's on its way to gaza and off to israel and mass reach. a new deal broken by cuts up is really intensified as ministry operations across casa jordan, such as field hospitals in hong unice has been badly damaged. plus we just heard the loud sounds coming from inside the tool,
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cutting me off to decap. we've been hearing similar sounds, but now we weren't. we're ducking because we are hearing the sounds of a confrontation, more drain strikes on ground incursions in the occupied westbank, 9 palestinians of dead, including what israel says is a high value targets focused on one's of serious consequences. off to iran launches drone is miss on attacks and that surgery and on pita simmons with your sport, there's been a big upsets at the stadium. open on stoopa is knocked off by a 16 year old and england football international jordan henderson. the state to be the saudi arabian club, just 6 months of the, assigning a big money deal. the so we beginning does a wed, desperately needed medicine and other humanitarian aid. started to enter. the strip is relevant from us. reach data on, choose a, broken by cutter and by front,
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and the grooms will send age to civilians in garza and provide medicine for captives held by him. us thoughts as civilians wait for aid. these really minute treat continues to pound, gaza is ready. strikes are closing in on the south targeting buildings in rougher and hon. unice to georgia. and, you know, i mean, he says it's ministry field hospital has been severely damaged. he's ready, ami has also intensified drug strikes and ground and cousins in the occupied westbank targeting refugee comes at least 9 palestinians have been killed, including what these railings, according a high value targets, are correspond to tiny. my mood begins our coverage now from russia in southern grocer. another night of intense is really bombing across the dock. and another desperate scrambled forces by the rough uh, a residential building was rescue workers and relatives search for those missing
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and make a discovery for others tragedy. this father is crying over the loss of his children, buried under the russell i want to see any member of my family. oh my god, this is not fair. this is unfair. don't all speak to calm down my children. i've gone all together. none of my children are alive, i didn't see use of where is use of wherever seat of hospitals in gauze are over to by an endless supply of casualties. and the health care system is a close to collect a
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lack of a fuel and medical supplies is costing life. another father sees a loss for weld his children 3 times the military vehicles are continuing to push south displays. palestinians are bold to move to areas that israel has designated safe zones, like this one in han. you, but they have old been repeatedly attack the hold of a sudden we found tongue. so now head some to show my mean. it was beyond imagination. they are coming here to do nothing but killing. they killed everyone, women, children, or people. every once the people are killed without knowing that we have lost all mines, is what it is, not this kind of thing. the f one was escalating as this place,
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palestinians continue to fleet the southern gauze. they are crowding into every smaller spaces. but these are also coming under continuous bombardment by israel, claiming even more lives, honey. my mode alicia vienna, cut off by southern gauze. we are following the story from tel aviv. i'm from dresser and i'm able to go to to his bo, if i speak to target but resume, he's in reference, southern gaza and tarik. we cannot eva state the need for medical supplies, and indeed, a limited supplies have started to cross into gauze and tell us what's been happening on the go. so that's complete. you're going to have very limited amounts of humanitarian supplies as substitutes crossed into garza's trip in order to get prepared to be delivered to the distribution extensive inside the territory. and what is completely new regarding the new shipments and even use the military and trucks that had been allowed to get into the territory that they
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will be delivered to the most highly affected environmental areas of a fight. especially for the northern and central areas of gauze city which completely did not receive any kind of sufficient amount of humanitarian age. as the protestant in very present society has said that the gaza strip in a very desperate need for more than 700. the human attorney drops in daily basis just to take people out of the state of hung up and says that they have been getting through since october the 7th. but what is an exchange for the arrival of these that you're going to tear your needs into? these areas is to deliver medication for the is rarely captives and come us hold inside the territory box. what the goal is a strip and what district goals as the territory on the very desperate need for which a sustainable humanitarian text is into the territory that will help to reduce the aggravating humanitarian crisis assignment as it really exists in the territories we're, that's about 40 pounds, simians, 40 percent of the palestinians are suffering from time to right now as they are
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receiving a decrease amount of s, a over humanitarian supplies. that could be barely only enough for one new birthday as adults of course, in some sets and cases just to guarantee that we'd be finding them enough amount of to, to survive on. so literally the growth continues garza's human beings into the chair to, to force unit house a new suit to with the situation part. what is also a is required right now for palestinians is unconditional humanitarian. the character, thanks to that topic. i'm going to do that in a rougher in garza, let's get more on the deal with her as well, who joins not from ton of even. so it's, or is this a very complex negotiations to get this limited supply of 8 in has or going to panel? well,
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that's correct. it's so commonplace. there is no way to get this type of negotiations ongoing negotiations between the as well and how much involving cut that on friends trying to get some much needed medical assistance into guys. and what we do know is that 2 military aircraft landed in that at each air based close to the any zip codes to the border with guys, i'm from there, those medicines i going to be make it into guys and be distributing hospitals where they're going to be put into different patches and been handed over to the red cross. i'm been taken to where the captives are located inside guys. and as i said, you know, we do know that the medicines are meant to assist at least 45. capt is located in garza, we've heard that there's much needed medicine for those who are chronically ill but also including anti depressants, for example, baby food for the children, among other things. and it's interesting to know that how much demanded that for every box of medicine, that at least
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a 1000 be handed over for the palestinians that are struggling with that tremendous lack of medical assistance. i'm on food and other things we've been seeing in the past few days. you know, they have a doctors amputating limbs without anesthesia. so if an extremely complex situation on the ground them this type of negotiation, i would still be difficult. how much initially was extremely concert that to, to the medicines could be traced it to where the captives are located. but also internal politics. here in israel, from the very beginning, it was decided that those medicines because it was requested by how much would it be checked? well, we started seeing lots of pressure from far right. ministers here in israel, pushing these rarely governments think, how could it be that those medicines are going to go into was gaza without being checked then we're just hearing now that prime minister benyamin nothing. yeah. who is requesting those medicines to be checked by these riley military. and this is why we're saying that the medicine we're going to enter guys as through that effect
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border. and we're hearing now that it might be directed to another location to be checked by these radio forties there. so lots of tension. we've been days where the government that we're seeing right now one, then you mean that? so she did not, and yet we're trying to preserve this rolling coalition. this is happening just as concern here in this world continues to rise about the situation of the captives. we're seeing operations on the ground in the guise of stripping different parts of the location that our intention in a way with rescuing the cap to that are located there with increasing pressure from the relatives of the captive in gaza. but they want the government to do much more than what they're doing right now. they're feeling for the lives of their loved ones were currently being held captive. but of course, the tension within the ruling coalition. the fragility of the ruling correlation with a not been young calling simply being forced by the far right of course. many believe here, that puts the lives of their loved ones at risk. that's better than telling me,
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betrays very, thanks very much. let's bring it in our senior political analyst, ron bouchard joins us here and see there's a moment we have this, it critically trickling in at, in the 1st deal that's been done since the truce and it couldn't pay for the way for me or do you think more medical aid, but it well yeah, so be our deal of any time. i'm not sure this is necessarily going to trickle down to a hostage deal. that's a whole other ball game because that is a neck. if you think about it, right. why is the a deal and the 1st place to get me that code 8 in. i mean this is supposed to be even in, during the worst of horse. the thing medical a then is the just the basic thing. the fact that a cup are volunteer to do this. i mean, you know, that's definitely a goodwin and i definitely appreciate the effort. but why should there be
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a deal to get them ethical aided? we have heard from the very 1st captives that were released the, the old people, the old women, that in fact, thomas was careful to give them their medicine on time in the early days. what, how much had medicine when there was medicine and goes because we're getting them is. so the idea that you need to go through this convoluted process and then distance yourself from it, because until now there's in the government. the say, well, not bought it to this deal kind of thing. just which add zip another layer of buses of bizarre next to it. right? but it is getting in, it's a normal thing for it to get in. we are in the 4th month of the war, the least you can do for the 10s of thousands of injured then the hundreds of 1000 display is just to provide the basic age. you measure these really government. what is the deal that for, for nothing, you know, who with this a go into the captives as well medicine is going to the captive because we are hearing from the razor under intense pressure from those one. see,
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those caps is released. i mean, there is a and there are differences in the is rarely security cabinet. and there are differences and these are in your walk up and about the way forward, i think is there is a bit stuck now. right? because on the one hand, we are in thing the 4th month, it's under a tremendous pressure from the united states and the international community to wind down the war. but its objective is, has not been achieved. not to play, does he think of us, right? but in the process, it's on the clear objective of destroying gauze as more or less done right and destroyed, designated doesn't give tens of thousands of students. so what now, right, clearly the, the a symmetry between her mouse and it says, what have i saying? we are able to withstand your war crimes and we will stay, but we will not release any captives unless you do 123. that puts the federal
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government in a bind because there is domestic pressure to get the captives fried. there is domestic pressure to get the economy back on track. there is a domestic pressure to get those to where the space from the south and the north, back to their homes in the south and the north. and there's of course, public, there's almost political pressure from his own bass and from his partners that none of this should happen. so what, because he was always been saying that he would not stop until all the caps is released and how much is being destroyed. they're still saying that yeah, by the way. yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. yes. are you still saying that? but if it's it's making no sense whatsoever. because on the one hand, if he maintains this line of thinking, it's good, it's clear that there are uh such cracks. now, in the war cabinet that uh, those who joined in under the slogan of national unity joining time award, winning part of a believe. and that could mean the morning after the day after it could mean
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profit spinning. it's been through the streets yet again, just like it was before october 7, except this time i'm not sure nothing now would be able to withstand it because that's the one that was heavy, failed politically filled in a security. and then, you know, big time failed in your war and to be accurate. now, war crimes and general sides of the hague uninstalling, i think that's really put some in even greater bind. right? these being blackmailed by those stories, right? he's trying to write those to his right answer his left. i'm just not sure how long he'd be able to keep up that balanced game. all right, mama leave that for the moment to more later as evening goes on here in the am, i'll be sure i'll see you clicked on the 2nd now israel, his car down to as strikes and the occupied westbank killing, bought it called high value target is ready for us is talking to the con there, but lots of refugee camp not far from the city of nicholas, and one of the attacks that they say the strike killed abdulla,
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i will follow along with 4 other palestinians until cut them full palestinians were killed and another drain strike, the abraham joins this life now from to a group in the occupied west bank and need it. so there's lots go rate is still under way. is that right? yes, we are still hearing the sounds of those is really airstrikes that are taking place every now and then. but also with the heating, some explosions that we believe are carried out by tell us to me, in spite there's 4 trying to do to some of these really big vehicles from entering the areas. we're not just talking about this area behind me, which is the total cut him refugee come to that has been seeing a lot of tension, but also the confrontations between the posting and fight doesn't. these really forces, but it has also been seeing a lot of eh, mass detentions, by these way. the forces that are going from one home to another, a rough thing, palestinians, some of them taken to one area inside the refugee camp. the other are. others are
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taken to another interrogation site outside the refugee camps. now, not only are we talking about this is really intensification of raids in the military vehicles entering. that's one kind of refugee. but we're also talking about another refugee camp close by called the north shams through a few g camp where we've been seeing these really forces making that way they are those 2 refugee camps have seen new owner as is really waves. and also we're seeing palestinian fighters trying to fight them with some homemade explosives. now we've seen some of the videos. 1 the nations refugee camp where palestinians are saying that they've managed to deter one of these really big vehicles is entering the area . let's not forget that when these are the forces rate, those areas, they've been doing a lot of damage to the roots to the infrastructure. so these really forces say that
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this is done to deter palestinians from using in those explosive default devices and putting them on the streets. but the result is really massive when it comes to the damage when it comes to the lack of palestinians access to infrastructure. the water not looks electricity and what's have you. in addition to that, we've just received information from the rest present that one woman a 40 year old woman has sustained serious head injuries by shrapnel as a result of these really strikes, these really areas strikes. and if you can still hear behind me these really drones that has been buzzing ever since these really forces and to this area from 5 am this morning. indeed, anita and i was a drone that struck in ballasa. it wasn't that that's uh these readings claims of talking to the high value person who was that as well. these really forces of entered is involved with a few g comp at the beginning,
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but then they struck the car that had all the law of bush. and then now he has been identified by these really forces as a leader of what they called to main tower. cells, these are the terms that these really forces use to describe some of the armed groups that have been operating here in the occupied to us back. and when we say arm group, we're talking groups, we're talking about people with minimal really access to arms, mostly some smuggled weapons from hidden data, but also some home made ones. so we're talking about primitive ones, but i'm, the law was a lot of himself. he belongs to the front, the party, he was a part of a martyrs brigade involved. and indeed we've been developed those several times and we've seen the damage that has been caused to his house to his uncle's house. and he managed to escape several attempts to assassinate him by these re, the forces now in the car that she was in. and that was the truck. earlier this morning,
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there were 4 other policy simians and how we know that because these really forces later released the statement of that they took all the bodies of those who were in the card with the saying that 5 people have been killed. that as a result, as far as policies are concerned, they only have body parts, but the members of one of those who have been killed in that strike it's remains to be a tough situation in the occupied westbank with those is really rates or intensifying . and this one here in to, to cut him and in north shims g minds, palestinians of a read the top and a couple of weeks ago with these really forces have stayed for more than 40 hours. or i need to, thanks to that, to need to abraham reporting that from to chrome and notified was by as well. the us is expected to release the young man's who sees as a quote, especially designated global terrorist group by ministration that had removed the designation back in 2021. in the hope of using the entry of humanitarian aids war
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to and you haven't been imposed by for president donald trump, the full uh some further sanctions could complicate efforts by international organizations to help people in one of the world's 1st countries. let's speak to. kimberly how k dot white house correspondent joins not from washington dc. and kimberly said a reversal on the he's, he's in the offering. and yeah, we're expecting that an announcement nick at any time and this is according to the bottom and ministration result of these continued attacks. they say by the who sees on commercial shipping vessels in the red sea is they try to pass to the suez canal . and as a result of those stepped up attacks that are in solidarity with the palestinians, who of course are fighting back against israel and his war and gaza and have been doing so since november. uh, this is why the united states says that it is designating the who sees as
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a foreign terrorist organization that get expected to happen at any moment. now, as you mentioned, this is something that was lifted by the, by the administration, but had been put in place by the trump administration. what it would do is it would trigger sanctions. it would also put in place very strict rules in terms of material support. and that means that those the, such as groups like iran, that would try to support the who sees they would be subject to sanctions that also any funds in financial institutions in the united states that belong to the who sees would immediately be frozen and could not be access now in terms of the process is a little bit lengthy, although this is an announcement it wouldn't take effect until likely next month. the designation is put in place by the secretary of state and the attorney general . it needs to go to congress and then if there are no objections,
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it would take effect once it's published in the federal register, can be thanks for that's a back with you soon as we get any further use on that can be how can meantime thank you this packet still in has that record is on back to different iran and bought the rating and boy from returning to his post. but what it describes is an unprovoked violation of his asp base that's off to tyrone fide a missile into bucks dunn's village is done. providence can at least 2 children around says it was targeting the headquarters of the judge. i don't group that's are on blames the group carry out several attacks on the security forces they've the is all hired that has been following the story from the like kind of districts in since the province and the tag by the ran in on a bar the area of bug is gone and the ones go had, of course, from good. a strong reaction from bug it's done. focus on has gotten, it's invested there back from there on all the reading and badges who's got only in there on not to come back. this of course, is a serious issue,
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given the fact that just a few days ago, both sides were discussing about the mutual threat board. but i'm groups operating from inside of run, it's done as i tried to eat on. i'd really focused on this coming are the major surprise, the focused on the, the thing that there is of the light to respond. and that did any and really be the ones that but the consequences. they said they've got a serious issue between the 2 countries. given the fact that both sides have been trying to cooperate with each other on several occasions. but this of cause is seen at the city as incident by focused on received that this was a clear violation of it. it's great and also offered silver and to come out of the data con, a good reason, days around as long as several of miss all the time. so what it costs security threats on monday to around launched ballistic missile is that a rags sent me with one of those code is region available. it says it was telling spine headquarters linked to israel. at least 4 people were killed. also
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a monday around targeted several areas in syria. hey team, what it called n g a wrong, tara groups around foreign ministers defended the countries action saying that national security will never be compromised. i'll have him call them as a to florida. yeah. most have, i mean i spoke to my colleague the foreign minister of pockets, and i assured him that we do respected sovereignty in the territorial integrity as well as those of the rough talk to me yet, but time on me yet do not allow or national security to be compromised, more to be played wages, and we have no reservations when it comes to protecting our national interests to be those terrorist groups inside of pocket studies and those affiliated to israel and the curtis region to the rock. but what we did to them, what's in line with the regional security? well, let's take this one we can speak now to i've done that about the by who's in iran list and the co founder of the center for applied research in partnership with the or and t joins is live now from this will do done welcome to 0 thanks for joining
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us. so iran very much in the frame at the moment on many fronts. what's going on, do you think, i what i guess we can say is that iran feels the need to act, to respond to both to pressure it faces domestically. we saw the terrorist attack on the city off came on a bit more than a week ago. then of course, the events around saucer, which also injects some pressure on your lawn to do something about it. and we saw the attacks on the wrong in general, and syria is wrong in the city to the from us officials and 11 on. so you don't have to do something which is well calibrated enough in order to not be dropped into the conflict around us up. but at the same time to send a strong signal both domestically and abroad,
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things with the pack as donna attack it. ironically, it comes in mid increased interactions between pakistani, underwriting and officials, both civilian and military guy on embracing date. yeah, this is probably the most interesting of the 3 cases that we have been witnessing. and also potentially the more, the more concerning one as this is at least and it's optics quite unprecedented. what we will have to wait and see is what government lines are coming from. some of that hasn't been in the past, some coordination between the intelligence perhaps as, as of both countries when it comes to cyprus folks, the only yvonne is worried about that also the focused on the side. so there might be some sort of a heart for an element within focused on which is not that much at odds with iran taking action in by the just on the type of stuff. so do you think there is
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a threat, if you like, between these 3 attacks and, and what is going on? not only in dallas or, or, you know, in the lebanese border and also the he sees in yemen. and certainly i think the ones, the one symbolism we should have in front of our eyes is this analogy with, with the frog and boiling water. it's getting hotter and hotter around the countries of the region. and the immediate whole out escalation throughout the middle east has both happened, but we're seeing that the number of countries somewhat getting affected by the conflict around because of the and the number of these countries is increasing. so we are certainly, we cannot just separate these events from each other, all countries fee and $1.00 way or another, the, the need to do something to uh, to show their strength and their willingness to act. i have not the right to tight . it's about to buy, appreciate your time. thanks very much. the. so the head here now, is there
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a damaging day? huge heavy rain in northern loveland floods havens and refugee pig upset at the strait opened as well as number 6 on the bear was knocked out by 16 year old. emboldened the . so once again, big chairs have been causing city streets, flooding, pots of uruguay. they probably average the saving the size of preserve the next 24 hours. put the allegra the 1st in line. and this and the study north was the high temperatures, 42 a. so in power guy will come down a little bit as long since took off $36.00. you'll notice he's doing wednesday. and the potential of a big charles has potential local flooding still where anywhere from bolivia or up to world southern columbia. and we've seen the result of that in the last week,
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we'll say to him, just aren't as high as they were in the caribbean, if it is rather more in the way of cloud and sherry right all the way across. central america mostly the shows are quite light. there's no big contrast in terms of the real color in the us has gone across the great lakes that look at these daytime temperatures for wednesday. not pro, with the stove for a long time, for the north east. there's also brought a phenomenon where you put really cold air, what seems chicago optics, facebook effectively, the river is steaming then in new york, sophists know for a company. it is not by the impressive not for the most part, but it is enough for this. got at least have some fun, is the most significant today to come the next tons of your eyes, but it's temperatures rise and you see are rising further with a huge amount. it seems like a lesson kind of and the rockies of the lock. so during lockdown, held in an infamous us detention center,
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immigrants documents the horrendous conditions during the co dependents separated from their families and to 9 basic protections they fight to have their voices heard demanding their whites to release the facility with this documentary on, i'll just see the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the other guy you're watching out 0 from one of the top stories and some of these ready military continues to pound dogs that really strikes a closing in on the south targeting buildings. and reverend con eunice jordanian army says it's military field hospital has been severely damaged. israel has carried out to a, strikes me occupied westbank, killing political, the high value target forces, talking to the con, your laptop, refugee camp. not far from the city of nicholas in one of the attacks desperately
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needed medicine and other humanitarian aid have started 20000 as well and must reach dealing choose a pro could by cuts out in front agreement will send 8 supplies to civilians in gaza. provide medicine for captives health 5 mice will. early on my calling 40 bucks a spoke to gosh, on basket. and who's a full minutes? reading, negotiate and middle east, our international communities organization. she also feels will soon be on the table to really accept. i think that from us has made it clear that they want an end to the world is really withdrawal from god. so before the doing to negotiate a deal for the remaining hostages, i have put forward an offer it to her last on my own part with the support of the families that might be done in parallel. in other words, that israel with the work we drove to the international border. and at that time all the hostages would be released if from good,
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also allied engage in exchange for all the prisoners in israel. but rather than delaying the negotiations on the hostages. my proposal to us is that the medically agreement now that the hostage and prisoner exchange would take place immediately after these were the withdrawal from gaza. we've heard reports of tensions within these really cabinets as to the way forward for, for this war, this pressure, as we said from the cap to somebody on the nets now government to get the loved one is released. to what extent are these tensions also uh, influence thing in the way these, where the government is negotiating right down. i don't think it's the interesting thing because these really government has apparently convinced the families of the hostages that there is no deal on the table. there from us has not made any demands for an all for all deal or any other conditions that is real, might consider, and therefore the few voices within the workshop. and if we just saying we need to postpone the war war pos,
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the war and bring the hostages home or not the majority voice at this time. i believe that if there was any indication from us, of accepting the kind of deal that i'm proposing that we couldn't generate more support both within society, amongst the families and within the work cabinet. well, the more on dollars has been play high on the agenda of the world. economic formed annual meeting, and this was town of devil's us extra stake. and to the blinking described, the will as gut wrenching. he said a palestinian state needs to be established. there has to be ways means vehicles, how soon is to make these decisions. but i think what we're talking about is to, since you're talking about a governance, the government and a structure of governance that maximizes the ability of the authority to actually deliver what the power steering and people want and be a. but it also has to be able to operate in uh, what you might call a permissive environment. in other words, with the support of,
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with the help of israel, not with it, some active opposition because even the most effective authority is going to have a lot of trouble if it's got the active opposition, if any. and he's really government. well, obviously international says it believes the us is complicit in more crimes and gaza speak in davos. the surgery general that the human rights group told down to 0 is diplomatic. yeah, that's a james base that she never thought she would say. seems as bad as those in gauze and the 21st century. it's not since the lesson somewhere what to not seems so less sons of the former yugoslavia always in owing to the honda. but this is phone well, because the extent of casualties of such a short period of time is really unheard of the extent of the humanitarian crisis, such as men made and driven by violation of international law. that too is unheard
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of in such a short amount of time in the fall, in front of all those in front of our very eyes in front of the cameras of the world. we are looking at the situations with all the signs of risk of genocide in the un security council. the us has repeatedly blogs, goals for a c spa resolution that would have to order to see spa in gaza. the us is also providing many of the weapons and funding, many of the weapons that have been used. you say israel is committing war crimes, is the u. s complicit? the us fails. a long responsibilities for what is happening under international law for providing the weapons that are being used to commit war crimes. i'm just in till national as invest to get to the number of attacks that the left dozens of
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civilians killed. and we have found that the weapons in question was us made and had been sold by the us. government stays absolutely no doubt that the united states given its relationship with is riley to a degree of influence. it's knowledge of the situations. they have a greater responsibility to prevent atrocity crimes, and yet it is doing exactly z opposite by preventing a ceasefire from being adopted. that the security council the, let's get into some of the news now. and a bad weather has cause damage and several regions across lebanon. and then know all the heavy rain full flooded planes and truck families in the homes and destroyed comes the syrian refugees. it is becoming a yearly occurrence blamed on global climate change and also have poorly maintained infrastructure and bad governance set in
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a 100 reports. now from echo in northern level for 3 days, this low lying coastal area in northern lebanon was inundated with nearby rivers overflowed during heavy rains. so walters may have receded, but people's lives have been turned upside down. many homes suffered extensive damage. not the ali tells us, the water reached up to her waist, shows living here are some of the most vulnerable in lebanon, where the economy has all but collapsed. colutus and i lost everything. i have nothing left. i don't know where i'm going to stay. relatives when they should stay for a few days, but then what many here lost their livelihoods. they are demanding compensation from those in power who they accuse of corruption and neglecting deteriorating infrastructure. going to see the what are doing to the they make promises and do
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nothing. they don't care about us. as you can see, we are not able to deal with this crisis alone. days of heavy rain transformed roads into rivers of months. there are several informal supplements for refugees from neighboring syria in this region as well. the tents were submerged by walter that rose quickly. hundreds of families were saved, but many are again homeless. i wouldn't matter how you said this is the 1st time we experience something like this. all of a sudden the water level rose, i have to be rescued by the lebanese army. people here say the floods is the worst i have seen in years. and it's now happening each year. the river is walter level, reached up to here, experts say global climate change is leading to intense bouts of rain after long periods of dry weather. and that's also contributing to the crisis. but there are
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others who point the blame on the lack of infrastructure and barriers along the course of the rivers. now suddenly we have been telling the authorities for years, so they need to build proper burns. if they do that, then we wouldn't have this recurring problem. your concern is growing up on communities living here near the banks of 2 rivers. that the worse is you have to come and more bad weather is forecast for next week said their elders. eda, northern lebanon, paused canada have hit record low temperatures due to a weather phenomenon called to put a vortex people to be getting creative with extreme temperatures. tiny hot water into steam, and standing food in mid to a cold weather is likely to continue throughout the week. while the light is volcanic eruption in the ice 90 tons of green, the vic has stopped, but the towns residents are unable to return because of continuing seismic activity . sonya diego reports now from as the doing and because of the over option in green,
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the vic. but the state of emergency here is fall from over. trim is still being south, and the new fisher that runs to the eastern portion town has widened. even though molten lava can barely be seen on the surface, the towns of residence are still unable to return home and to send a new spot in the sled. as soon as they heard the sirens go off on sunday night, the 2nd time in 2 months. but i know that, i mean some people are having literally breakdown because they have since been staying at his parents home in the capital. they know they may never be able to return back to, going to make so many people have already said that they don't want to return back to the town. then for me it's very difficult to move there. you know, because the community itself is so damaged, living in an area of high seismic activity will always carry its risks. but the damage done by this last 2 option has left many, hey,
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wondering where exactly is the safest place to live in this part of the country often event as a rupture menu, a hopeful that new morality would return. that hope ended on sunday, when the love of flowed into the town itself, that something could go back home. so maybe some people only have a few months left and now they need to make big decisions about their future and where, where they want to live. recovery could take years while the maxima pressure may decrease and shift the route. there was little guarantee that little fishes weren't suddenly up here, changing the landscape and the communities themselves. so when you guys to go out to 0, north of going to big, the lawyers for sierra lee and form a president on his bike row are in coal to defend him on charges of treason. the related to a failed to back in november, more than 20 people were killed or sites across the west african country were attacked. the government says that was orchestrated by security officers loyal to corrupt account. neither in kenya or accused of ordering for us to starve
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themselves to death if they wanted to get, having has been ordered to undergo mental health evaluation, who, mackenzie, and so the other suspects appeared in court in the coastal chinaman. and the judge of john the proceedings for 2 weeks, while all 31 defendants are assessed. more than $400.00 bodies, written jimmy from shadow graves in the town last year. catherine sawyer reports now from 1000000 in southeastern is vicki chombo is still waiting for news of her 2 sisters and children who have been missing since january. she believes they were members of a doing state caused embodying d. more than $400.00 canyons, including children, died after their charge, convinced them to starve themselves in order to meet jesus. 600 people are still missing. autopsies showed signs of suffocation and beatings. the shallow grades were discovered on
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a property in shuck hola in south eastern kenya. my mother to come by, he will in our last conversation with one of my sisters, she said big things are happening. we will see each other again. but you must have face and you must be a believer. if you don't have jesus, you will not see me on thousands of people, including the pasta, paul, and then give mackenzie are in police custody. relatives who have been waiting for dna results thought they would have the answers by now, but they say that government officials are not giving them any information. and the silence is unbearable. it is believed small bodies of buried in shock. a whole lot . the government is struggling to identify them. some of bodily decomposed relatives are frustrated by the long wait, it waited on prostate, then the pro, somethings. what do you to, to do that? things seem please be patient because unfortunately people think over the dna,
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is it like things that cost? i think the dna tomorrow have the results. no, no, no, no that that would be cheating somebody. it may take months. sometimes. yes, for i have to be able to identify even 10 people. skill is like mackenzie's well known and loved. indeed, he preached a ghast education and medicine and has been arrested several times. over the years . relatives are demanding answers from the government, the one justice and closure. katherine saw it all to 0 by the south east kenya, and explosion that a fireworks frenchman thailand is killed at least 23 people. last happened in the c panel ability province in a ton about a 120 kilometers north of bangkok. please say they found no survivors. the prime minister's office has ordered an immediate investigation. now the china is economy grew 5.2 percent in 2023,
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which the government targets but missed. i'm the predictions officials have done play concerns about the country slurring economic growth, pointing to a new boom in winter tourism through the new reports. now from paging a tours have flocked to china's freezing northern provinces to enjoy winter attractions such as har, bins, famous by city, and the snow covered ski slopes of the name of travel. delta shows, winter tourism here is a 30 percent compared to a year ago. bringing a much needed boost to businesses. it's a really bright spot in china's slowing economy. the government says the country beat its target a 5 percent close to the 2023, achieving 5.2 percent. but that, that goes to one of the lowest in decades. and the outlook, the 2024 roommates shaky at the world. economic forum and doubles china is premier down play to consent to board g g. the chinese economy is making steady progress and we'll continue to provide a strong interest for the world economic development. chinese officials say the
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economy will improved in the coming months, positions debating historical can highlight a feeling positive. so i got to look alone. i am from china, so one more south i'm is rarely get a chance to see i am jaime, a lot of fun shows a little comes out to you. i brought my son here to enjoy himself, especially in the dose east, is very popular this year. we can go, but we can get segment experience. yeah. it's the 1st winter since 2019. the tours have been able to enjoy without fear of carpet 90 lock downs. these types of when just boats and activities are traditionally part of chinese culture. but since paging one to 2022 winter olympics, that popularity has sold the government just banking on the trend. continuing over the upcoming luna new year holiday with a record knowing billy and trips predicted over the 40 day travel period. however, analysts say a boost in tourism is unlikely to sol,
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bigger problems such as the crisis and the property market. some of the people have spent more on things like tours on culture activities like concerts, or they would buy more consumer goods, but overall on the savings rate is still going up to those enjoying themselves. here the economy is the furthest thing from deadlines. katrina you all to 0 aging. so the head hearing out 0, the 10 time champion of this training opened his mates of what causes of displacing the rob? peter will have the details for the
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business latest is sponsored by intellect, global your real estate destination in due by the business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the
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the let's get onto this pul paid this dining by 6, thank you very much. defending australian open champ, another chunk of which is through to the food round. you was given. another tough taste against the straight is alexi pepper. in the world of the one dropping and straightforward, the 2nd match running, cut off the saving full saved points in the 3rd wins on so we mean full and remains on close to when he's 11 tightly melvin. that's pretty straight. winds up the straight and open full junk of which we thought the last space is 2018. but at the women's door will number 6 on stupid has been knocked out by a 16 year old. the 3 time grand slam runner up was facing russian meter on z, eva in the 2nd round of it was the runner up in the junior goods. finally melvin last year and it took a just under an hour to be chip, a 6 love $62.00. it's
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a favorite sales for the team. so having to study at the same time as play grants. them super happy with the level that are show to the end of board. and about school, i still don't like chemistry, a still have to do it of school. it actually started 2 days ago, so i have to do it. defending champion the main k is safely through with a fairly straight forward we never or another 16 year old brenda had a visit of a who had to go through qualifying for this tournament. she took 5 games in the 16, which is the 9 straightway math melvin paul. also that's supposed to boost potential plans to host the w t. a finals in saudi arabia. it comes a day off the ref on the adult became an investigator for the saudi tennis federation expecting something different, but they treated us really well. and it was really amazing as much sir, i'm just stating when people are really um, likes like sport, people there. they're really hall liked attorneys,
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and that was fair was incredible and the level of hospitality was definitely way way better than it wasn't concluding so. so yeah, i'm happy to go there as well. number full goss battled through a difficult opening st to eventually beat side of american caroline don't hide 7662 . she'll take on another competitor it's alicia parks in rooms 3 but 2018 champion. caroline was the actually went out on wednesday and she lost 2 twin to your old russian qualify maria, team of fever now so dramatic due to him from england football, the jordan henderson, who's leaving saudi arabia just 6 months after moving to the mid field. it has reached an agreement to to him and he's contract. oh, that's a, it's a fact. i'm just now expect it to sign for i x in the to actually and doesn't list the pool of to 12 years in july 2023. and it was one of several high profile names to join the saudi pro. and are you going big money contracts including these from
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a livable teammate? sorry, i'm on a cutting benjamin christie on the rinaldo and name off or the in group a of the asian cop post nation casa, and subject keystone are on the field right now. the guitar is lead one, know in that one early in the 2nd health earlier librium and china, it played out to know little girl. it's trying to stick and straight go the store, giving them 2 points in the standings. the lebanese also also defeats the host in may 1st game, 1310, so telephone. so the last 6 to the i think a couple of nations and 2 of them and organizes have been criticized will. failing to follow the stadium sofa, the spot plaintive interest. see within $37000.00 fans at the end of the opening match between the ivory coast and guinea purcell. despite it being
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a sell out of the 60000 seats olympic stadium, football fans have been gathering outside the ivoly and football headquarters in the hope of getting tickets containing that people have both tickets in both and haven't managed to sell them on. the we came here because there are guys with tickets, but they don't want to sell them to us. they don't even want to sell us 2 tickets and nobody is telling us why that's going to send me the tickets worth. $5000.00 francs are going 425000 here to tell them that we win them for the normal price. they have to sell them at the normal price. they'll go admin fee for even if we have to sleep here to buy the tickets. were prepared to do that while not to match those lights running, group f as will cup semi finalists, morocco take on tanzania before the democratic republic of congo face zambia as well. professional football players ends and b a face many challenges including a lack of funding, unlimited resources, but loss can be even harder after they stop playing around with task. so reports usually to a 1965 for
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a team leader paid for this national football team. he then joined the club in the united states of america and late to england. when he returned home, he code 70 as national squads and other football clubs in southern africa. i tried to put them go through these guys the late fee using now retired for the sales vegetables and goats and says he and of a former professional play as often struggle to make ends meet. you know, i need to, i like a social thing. i've been really good. is it people by your drinks and or that a of that again then that was it. but as i know a plan must see that this is futures. we'll definitely otherwise a there there will drop in a situation like i was doing is pledge encourage young players to contribute to
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a pension fund while they can to full back on when times are hard and to get other support. we've been buckling with some clubs with plans getting that on the jewel it's they will begin to make sure that we say we have these did the players, but you find that may be due to one or 2 issues. it play as just uh, you know, the best getting ready to get to, to, to the beach and basically, you know, trying to, to rehabilitate to themselves. emanuel my, you come plate in europe until an injury forced him to retire. he wants young plays to remain, but that in football there was no such and feature every time you know, playing football, he just didn't go, i'll keep on playing football. but as i did at the end of the day, we used to have it behind your back of the mind that you can get to ingest money, worries, and mental and physical problems. hort's menus are tied football players around the world and zambia. so i'm glad to hardway preparing the next generation, so they know how to code by matching me with the dream,
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korea and how to matessa out there. that's what we're supposed to use for the time being. i'll be here again with another update later on next page, and we will see you later. thanks very much for that. that is it for me, for this news of i will be back in a couple of minutes and have a another hour of use. and so perhaps we'll see you bye for now the, the the, the
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the the, the, well, the telephone go down the hard to attain the entities as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thought provoking answers. my question to you all the good coops i think is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us veto in the security council. this is a may just something go because it did x or to hear the story on told to how does
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era exploring type less cultural examining political disco exposing societies, the doctor award winning intense investigations the get compelling insights into humanity open until the stories from asia are in the pacific one. 0 one east. on i'll just see around the, [000:00:00;00] the 11 o'clock. this is a new life. coming up the next 60 minutes desperately needed humanitarian aid


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