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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 17, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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us to happen to next to the street on out to 0. what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they're going through here as a theater. we believe everyone has a story. we're hearing the . ready a desperately need a few minutes. heron aid arrives in gaza after israel and must reach a new deal broken by. cuts up the hold on the clock. this is out to 0 in life and also coming up is read intensifies as ministry operations across gaza. jordan says it's field hospital in con eunice, just being badly damaged. plus we just heard the loud sounds coming from inside the
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a to cutting refuge account. we've been hearing similar sound, but now we work for ducking because we are hearing the sounds of all the confrontations do drain strikes in ground incursions in the occupied westbank. 9 palestinians are killed, including what israel says. it's a high value targets. the u. s. re designates humans pcs is a terrorist. attacks vessels, the red sea, the so desperately needed medicine. in other humanitarian aid have started to enter the gaza strip. israel and mastery steered on, choose day pro good by casa, and by front. the agreement will send a reply to civilians and gaza and provide medicine for captives held by how much. but as civilians wait for the aid, the is ready, minute treat continues to bump, bump gauze is ready straight. so closing in on the south targeting buildings in
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reference, con eunice, the joy they do, you know, i mean size is ministry. field hospital has been surveyed, the damage is rarely army has also intensified. drayton strikes and ground incursions in the occupied westbank targeting refugee camps. at least 9 palestinians have been killed including what these rallies, according to high value target. a correspondent, honeymoon, who begins coverage from rafa in southern gauze. another night of intense is really bombing across the dock and another desperate scrambled forces by rough, by a residential building, was the rescue workers and relatives search for those missing and make a discovery for others tragedy. this father is crying over the loss of his children,
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buried under the russell i want to see any member of my family. oh my god, this is not fair. this is unfair. don't ask me to come down. my children have gone all together. none of my children are alive, i didn't see use or where is use of wherever seat of hospitalization guards are over to by an endless supply of casualties. and the health care system is a close to class a lack of a fuel and medical supplies is costing life. another father sees a loss for weld his children 3
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times the military vehicles are continuing to push south displays. palestinians are told to move to areas that israel has designated safe zone like this one in han. you but they have old been repeatedly attack the hold of a sudden we found tongue. so now head some of the shows and it was beyond imagination. they are coming here to do nothing but killing. they killed every one, women, children, or people. every what people are killed without knowing that we have lost all mines is where it is not the kind of thing. the f one was escalating. oh no. as this place, palestinians continue to fleet, the southern gauze they are crowding into adverse smaller spaces. but these are also coming under continuous bombardment by israel, claiming even more lives, honey. my mode alicia via are off by southern gaza to okay,
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let's speak now to target wazoo. my in a rough are in that southern garza so tarik strikes still on guy. understand yes, it can be strikes did not stop within the past few hours. of course the gaza strip and despite the fact that these real sites that they are moving to a complete new phase with low intensity of funding. but what we can see is that the best tool among civil using casualties also keep a value keeps rising to reach more than 100. 63 policy has been killed in the past of 24 hours. notice i've been more than $350.00 of those being wounded with strikes, eye teeth also the areas the odd designated as the save. so in wearing a roof on one of the latest ministry strikes. fried policy is at least being killed off to a targets. exactly, targeting had been made against them in the western areas of the roof where it's, it's also very close to the make shift tents where people are taking refuge inside
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and systematically. the situation is very complex and dramatic. extremely incognita city where the attacks that did not stop within the past 24 hours yesterday overnight. the completely, these very forces were in circling the sick. you all, can you just getting more close? we just, i really, if you meet the way from an officer hospitals where a hospital where they have destroyed to send me, theresa destroy also a number of residential buildings on the percentage of and also hospital terry fine residence at midnight, forcing them to sleep rough off at mid nights, as we have been seeing waves evacuations of nights, reaching to rough, are especially on the vicinity of a way to hospitalized people, trying to find shelter away from the bottom and stuff. which means that these very forces that completely try to take full control over on you to city besides the fact that they are plugging off residential neighborhoods completely at that number
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of residential houses in different neighborhoods, have been completely destroy boy and were reduced to the ruffles as if the situation considered to be also completely catastrophic in the middle governing it says, our fleets that they're reporting within the last few days, that the destruction. and if you monetary crisis moves and unfolding residents who are being a truck in the middle areas as isabel is trying to take full control over the city on the very intense unprecedented compartments. a target thanks for that to target and resume the in rough and southern guns. i think you elected now to tennessee with the raise of both standing by with more details on the deal reach between israel and thomas. these are extremely complicated negotiations as not only is well and how nice involving friends and catherine in order to get these deals going. it's the 1st time that there was an agreement between is read and him us since the freedom of the caps. it was back in november that left a 100 captives that after negotiations happened. so this one example of how complex
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the situation is, is that those much needed medicines landed in the irish air base close to the guys a border on the egyptian side of the border. however, they were gonna have meant to go straight into gas. and that's not what happened because of internal, it's rarely politics and they have to meet the truck steak and further down south in order to be checked in is rarely check points initially apparently how much has demanded that those medicines not checked. and apparently they're concerned that those medicines could be traced back to where the captives are being held. apparently, these riley government had agreed with something like this, but coming under pressure from far right ministers were saying, how can this happen? how can medicines getting together without those trucks being checked? so now these riley government changed their precision. and now those trucks bo, heading to the southern part to the, to the gates cut almost alarm further south. and then to be distributed in the guys
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as trip. what we do know is that the going to be taken into hospitals distributed into patches and then take it the red cross is going to take them to where the captive are located. so as i mentioned, you know, we're including among these, our medicines for at least $45.00 of those captives including antibiotics. medicines for the clinic, lea, a baby food, among other things. then how mass had demanded that for every bulk the enter, the guy's us trip there be a 1000 more for the palestinians who are in desperate need. we've been hearing in the past few weeks of surgeries, ongoing of amputations on going without the anesthesia, for example. so there's much needed the need for medicines on going on. and what's interesting also, if we're on the phone of this that's been going on, is that in the meantime, here it is. well, the tension, the fear of the faith, of those captives continue to increase the operations on the wrong continue. the fighting is ongoing. and many of the relatives of those for being
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a housing in guys that are concerned about whether any type of negotiation is going to happen. whether after this thing goes to ation, there might be another one that will lead to the last one was to be released because as operation on the ground continue, of course, there's the fear that those captives might be killed. clashes between palestinian fights is and is ready forces on going in the tool kind of a refugee camp in the occupied westbank. yes, the confrontation comes off. the israel a carried out to drain, strikes in the region as well. said one of the strikes kills of della bu shut out, who they accuse being a leader of the palestinian army group. the, the abraham has more from, i told, cut them in the occupied west, back a this is the sound of palestinians here in the to tell them area have been listening to since the early hours of the morning. when is read the forces have ray that the tooth cut them idiot, including the refugee camp behind me,
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but also the nordstrom's refugee camp. in addition to the sound they've been also listening to sounds of explosions by the is randy forces will have been reading palestinian homes one after another. they took many palestinians to 2 areas. basically what we've been seeing a lot of it lately is the practice of these really practice of taking palestinians out and detaining them for hours and hours for what they called field interrogations, amongst palestinians. now that strike that happened in the 3rd cutting refugee camp has left for palestinians dead. now the bodies are still in the hospital, but people are not expecting to have any funeral anytime soon. as the is really read is still intensifying. also we've been hearing from the present teams, they say that the ambulance has, will have been operating and trying to take the one to, to the hospitals. have been targeted also by v is really forces. now people here say that yes, they've been so subjected to new me or was rates by these really forces since
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october, the 7th, and even before. but this particular read the reminds them of a long one more than 40 hours or read that took place a couple of weeks ago. there are also seeing a lot of destruction inside the refugee camp with palestinians are trying to use homemade explosives to deter those as really vehicles from entering the come. and we need wrecking having and ruining palestinians infrastructure need that. but he just need to sort of cut in the occupied westbank. the united states has relisted him and she sees as a quite a specially designated global terrorist group. the white house has the decision which will come to affect society days is it responds to who tax and shipping in the red sea. it's intended to hold them accountable, free for threatening civilian vessels, divide the ministration had removed the destination back in 2020 one's chinese. the entry of humanitarian relief to watch on him and at the who's he said,
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the sanctions will not change the tactics. whitehouse because when it can be how it can joins us now from washington dc. kimberly tell us more. yeah, well this is just come into effect in terms of the announcement, but in terms of how this will play out that could take a few weeks. but how, what this will mean if it does eventually go into effect, and we'll talk about that in a moment. is that the who sees themselves in terms of the members could be bad from entering the united states. their funds held in us financial institutions would immediately be frozen. and any group that supports it, for example of ron, because we know that they are major funder of the who sees well they, in fact uh, could be subject to sanctions. now, the white house says the reason for this is that the, who these happen jeopardizing with their attacks on commercial shipping vessels in
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the red sea have been jeopardizing global trade and freedom of navigation add. as a result, they say that this is important to make this distinction, that they, they, being the united states are targeting the wrong back group the, who's these and not the people of human themselves. it can be, as you say, it's not a done deal by any means what, what's the process now or yeah, so the process or is yeah, in terms of this designation at the secretary state and the attorney general, they are is basically saying, look, we want to make the who sees a foreign terrorist organization. this is, as you mentioned, something but the by the ministration lifted when president biden 1st came into office. donald trump had originally put them in at the tail end of his term. so this is something that needs approval. it goes to congress. and what's interesting
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about this is it, congress could object to it as a reason, some members of congress may have some objections. this, there's a bit of irony here. the reason that the whose these have been a have been attacking commercial shipping is because they're actually getting solidarity with how much less and the israel's more on gaza. the israel is attacking the palestinians and come off with us weapons killing women and children in today in excess of $24000.00 casualties. and so many would argue that to israel might be the terrorist organization, but they are not being designated as such. and so some members of congress are raised this point. 2 there may be a little bit of push up, push back rather, but the bottom line and all of this is but if there is no push back, this designation could go into effect sometime next months. kimberly, thanks for that to can be how come there?
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that's mary whitehouse. thank you at. let's type this on with a seeing if this on as long as charge on here right now. so most unsafe president trump listed that he fees. yeah. for, for the trump listed the fees as a terrace group at present bite and the listed them. and now he's listed, will hoping to list them again. it will say in the next 30 days, a say, if it does pass through, what does that read as if nation that's the main on the ground floor, the who sees themselves. i think the most important thing is the relationship with saudi arabia and the future of a possible peace agreement between uh so the area and yeah. and, and the whole season. yeah. and you know, this has come uh, after, uh, 67 years of the bloody war. uh that left. 2 or 300000. yeah. manage that. and uh jim and basically a failed state. uh, with the incredible in missouri. it was called on
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a couple of years ago. the worst humanitarian disasters of the 20th century, 21st century. so the fact that the significant, how much is going to make it more difficult for this all these to deal with them? what's the entire piece process between? so the idea and then in jeopardy is that a basically is a recipe for, for the instability in the, in india to be in pensacola. and then there's the issue of what the hostings will do next, because that's going to leave environmental reasons what the incentive to behave if you will. but rather than what he said, they're going to just carry on with that, that attacking shipping. absolutely. and then there is the public perception of all of that, right? the regional public perception, i mean, you have to, excuse the people that at least for having a bit of a historical memory, right? so just the past 4 months, you'll see that is right. the cat is the genocide and god's war crimes and so on,
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so forth. gives us tens of thousands injures tens of thousands, an america designated as a ford most online in the middle east. on the one on a democracy. right. the house eas, try to block is red bound shipping and that i'd see a data quote terrace that does drop, you know, does not look good in the eyes of the public opinion. the region where america is trying to re gain confidence includes ability as also for would have been much easier for everyone involved if just america tried to stop the word and gaza instead of instigating another warning human. right. all right model, we're leaving that for now. if trends you more on this in the i was a, had no down for me time. thanks a lot. a still head here now does. there are ukraine issues in factories notice near the front line off the rush or run stuff is compartment in the northeast.
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the examining the impact of today's headlines, explorer and abundance of world class programming programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on al jazeera, in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa prove it's accusations of genocide? in this case, many genocide in hold across the scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of a single jail term informed opinions when the us, since it's well shifted to the right, see it's not receive task protection. that scene of complication inside story on al jazeera, the
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news . the other guy you're watching out 0 reminder about top stories this and desperately needed medicine and other humanitarian aid have started to integrate israel and mastery. still on tuesday, broken by cuts up and by front degree with will send to 8 supplies to civilians and
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drugs and provide medicine for captors help. but i'm not is there any minute treat continues to pound guns or is ready strikes are closing in on the south targeting buildings and rough or anything on units. and so they need not. he says it's ministry field. hospital has been severely damaged. you haven't suit the group is facing renewed us sanctions is a terrorist group and we are attacked red st. shipping. the he's the save assumptions will not change the the text on his record is on bassett. from around and bowed the writing invoice from returning to his post davis, what it describes is an unprovoked violation of its aspects as of to tear on fire to miss out into pakistan's pollute just on provence. can at least 2 children around says it was targeting the headquarters of the giants, out idol group. its her on blames the group for carrying out some of the types of security forces. and he is around for a ministers defend of the countries actions. he says national security will never
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be compromised for him. caught on by state of florida. yeah, most, i mean, i spoke to my colleague the foreign minister of pockets. and i assured him that we do respected sovereignty and the territorial integrity as well as those of the rough talk to me yet about time on the do not allow our national security to be compromised, more to be played wages. and we have no reservations when it comes to protecting our national interests to be those terrace groups inside of pockets on each and those affiliated to israel and the curtis regions of a rock what we did to them, what's in line with the regional security. russia has loans more tax on your credit in cities as defense ministry said it carried out high precision strikes on foreign fighters and kind of keep this problem to the evacuation orders for residents living near the front line of corresponding rep. mcbride reports from the capital of key ukraine. second city had a key once again targeted in an open. i test stripe with 2 russian missile,
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getting a residential area, leaving some people in get the southern port. city of a desa was also hate by drones, the damage buildings, and also left several others wounded. was to lose. could you lease the den transfer as burning with my neighbor around outside, but the shelter was still far away when there was at the door teeth, we just have to crush down for when the continuing strikes, tom is. nato c'mon does have been meeting in brussels voicing support for ukraine and with defending western style democracy high on the agenda. in 2024, a record breaking 2000000000 people on earth will cost their vote in a democratic election. and yet, the concept of democracy needs to be defended, more than ever, a strong message of support from french president emanuel mac cross has also given ukraine to boost saying that russia mustn't be allowed to when i'm promising delivery of more artillery and long range missiles that help is increasingly needed
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as russian forces pushing the tax, the points on the eastern front, such as here around buckboard way ukrainian. so just say they face a shortage. if i made a shift about mcbride, i'll just say era. keith certainly islands high court is allowed for president on his by quarter and charged with treason to travel abroad. graham has been allowed to travel a medical grant, who was charged for the ledge. roland feldman if you could, november more than 20 people killed the sites across the west african country were attacked is see don is accusing the intake governmental authority on developmental you got a violation sovereignty and the suspended co operation. the regional block was due to hold an extraordinary meeting and you kind of to discuss peace towards to end the conflict and see don invites at the permanent re, rapid support forces lead. haven't done dollar bonus committee and act that suit on government condemned to zeros. russell cetera, as well,
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is the chance for peace is getting a city amount so that the country has officially suspended its involvement in peace or force that by the 8th of governmental authority on development. or it got original blog and the only organization committed to facilitating peaceful between the warden parties. so those municipal for the phase is loyalty is army chief and the fact the leader opposite the house behind. so he's got some adventures precedent by invite him how many times on through god, commonly known estimate to, to summit in you'll get the minister believe dispatch is providing diplomatic list them as a to for meet the leader or part of me through rep itself or forces who cartoon close to this to be the leader of every type of group? i think that you got, this has become a little bit pragmatic because he made the he's behaving more like a statement i'm like, put on who is behaving more like militia, pearson committed to controls like 70 percent of the territory. he has about
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50000000. so then he's under his own side of the in 2021 at behind and from 80 to control of the government extrude on to a minute to recruit and over to upload them to that prime minister overseas to da spread drug transition to civilian last several of that behind and how many became rivals disputes between the 2 turned into a warning, the capital costume, a conflict quickly spread to the provinces, sees them more than 12000 people had been killed and nearly 7.5, medium displaced. both sides have been accused of war crimes, in order for this peace to be sustainable in so done both he made the i'm behind have to be outside the governor's equation. do you and was of a potential catastrophe for a generation of children. if the water doesn't stop bustle, far diplomatic efforts have failed, and the conflict to the artist of chief, this is the towards the 6 epic and capitals,
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including the gods members seeking diplomatic legitimacy. arms chief of who has reacted angrily to him. it is grouping diplomatic status. it gives an african leaders receiving him of complicity in a prostitute, a guest with any civilians. experts say for macy's made it through a success, doesn't make him a viable solution for so with that. in political science, we differentiate between holding a government thing, he's capable of come cutting territory, but he is not capable of rooting. notice he capable of governing any part of the country many believe and is good reason to isolate the diplomatic and the decision to suspend the corporation with you got could deepen. that is an issue with some sort of that was just the burdens king charles, the 3rd will receive treatment for an enlarged prostate next week. fucking palaces to 75 year old condition is benign and that is hospital appointment is for a corrective procedure. it was also announcing his daughter in law, the princess wells had routine of don't know surgery. kate is expected to remain in
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the hospital for between 10 to 14 days. and that's it for me, mccloud, i'll be back in about housing. i was fine with now the news are difficult. all right, so i'll just a heads up. comb is the address. plenty of comments and analysis inside story. right on the the brought it rained in took here it's nodes and then the whole pushed out of the way . but the following when this state assembly, which means for example, hist, i'm bowl where it rains all his way back again. or at least a few channels. it's quite warm. the average for both january and february is 9 degrees. so to see 15 when it probably feels robert, unlike mid january 1st and
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a few shows left in cyprus, property 11, and maybe an inferior as well, which i'm speaking is otherwise try and find in sunny. but there is a battery shells, maybe send the stones forming in eastern side each might creep across towards cover during suicide, where the temperature has dropped quite considerably $23.00 degrees site where it should be just up in the high twenty's. not quite low, said he's not last week or so. so if you shot as possible on thursday, but the breeze car was on for the to of to that. the overall pick some remains dry for the most part, low cheryl's go across into something they run and eventually possibly something pakistan. and there's still some hanging around the whole as i forget, i'm around like victoria quite a good art croppers. you'll notice over good positive kenya, the heavy rain has been for the size seasonally, it should be, but also including the congress. i but i think the feds are more likely to be in most i'm big hope ups one. the
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hearing the have you had to be like he says he has the support of 15 minutes of shop economic land asking questions. what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection, reporting from the action? not just give you a sense of what is the target this places i'll just see, it was teams across the world. when you closer to the fox of the story, a dramatic shift by north korea, it's tearing off its goal of unification with the south. a policy in place for decades. north korea's leader kim jong and also said his country doesn't want more . but well to avoid one ava. so what's behind his surprised move. this is inside story. the
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