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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 17, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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of again, all elections, lots of sol, for the global economy under the umbrella. so lots of potential political change and we'll look at the impact, the rising cost of shifting due to the tensions in the red sea. counting the costs on al jazeera, the us is always of inside the people around the world. people pay attention to this one here, and i'll just see this very good that bringing the news to the world from here, the desperately needed humanitarian. i'd forgotten that arrives in egypt. top is where islands most rich in new deal pro could by cuts off until mccrae. this is aaron line from the hot also coming up. we just heard the loud sounds coming from inside the tool cutting refugee camp. we've been hearing
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similar sound, but now we're, we're ducking because we are hearing the sound of a confrontation for drawing strikes and browns. incursions in the occupied west bank at least to live in palestinians of kills, including what israel says is a high value targets. the us reduce ignited skim increases as a terrorist group following a tax on vessels in the red sea. and despite face increase in charges here leon's full of presidents is allowed to leave the country on medical grounds, the desperately needed medicine and other humanitarian. i'd forgotten so it has arrived in egypt. israel and tomas reached the deal on tuesday, brokered by kata and from the agreement will send aid supplies to civilians and gaza and exchange for medicine. the captives held by mos you in team has visited
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egypt to check on the status of the i. i am here because of the mandate of the security council to see how we can facilitate accelerates, and expedite all areas of the assistance that is so much needed for civilians. and guys are given the very acute humanitarian conditions that they have to live with as palestinians wasteful that i to advise the is riley miller tree continues to bombard. cancer is riley strikes, are closing in on the south targeting buildings. and rafa and con eunice did your dining army says it's military field, hospital has been severely damaged. these really, i mean, has also intensified drones, strikes and ground incursions in the occupied with bank targeting refugee camps. at least 11 palestinians have been killed, including both these riley's a cooling a high value targets. honey mcclure begins coverage from rafa and southern gaza.
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another night of intense is really bombing across the dock. and another desperate scrambled forces by rough, by a residential building was rescue workers and relatives search for those missing and make a discovery for others tragedy. this father is crying over the loss of his children, buried under the russell i want to see any member of my family. oh my god, this is not fair. this is unfair. don't ask me to come down. my children have gone all together. none of my children are alive, i didn't see use of where is use of wherever seat of
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hospitals in gauze are over whelmed by an endless supply of casualties. and the health care system is a close to glass. the glass a lack of a fuel and medical supplies is costing life is another father sees a loss for weld his children. 3 times the military vehicles are continuing to push south displays, palestinians are told to move to areas that israel has designated safe zones. like this one in han, you but they have old been repeatedly attack the hold of a sudden we found tongue. so no head send the shells. maybe it was beyond
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imagination. they are coming here to do nothing but killing. they killed every one . women, children, or people every what people are killed without knowing that we have lost on lights is what it is. look, this kind of thing. the f one was escalating as this place, palestinians continue to fleet the southern gauze. they are crowding into every smaller spaces. but these are also coming under continuous bombardment by israel, claiming even more lives, honey. my mode alicia via off by southern gaza, of what size of a as in tel aviv with more details on the i being delivered from kata. but it's been a extremely complex negotiation, mostly because it took weeks for caught that and friends to get involved and get him as an ace row to agree for this type of, of, of deal to take place. so we do know that a plane landed in egypt,
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we met airport close to the border with gas a. supposedly, some of those trucks were meant to cross the mediately. the board of that did not happen mostly because of the internal pressure here and as well from far, right? ministers who've been questioning these rather prime minister, been, you know, mean nothing yet. one. why? many of those trucks were going to enter guys on checks, apparently, initially to request by how much we're not going to check the check. but of course it was not to pressure from the far right. we've been the government that something like this would happen once they cross supposed to, they're going to go into hospitals. there is going to be split into different patches handed over to the red cross and that is going to be distributed to where of by the red cross to where supposedly the captive are being located. we do know that among those medicines are some crucial medicines. also, baby food, for example, anti depressants among others. there's also lots of request for medicines to be handed on the ground. we've been seeing just in the past few weeks how um,
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few patients in guys have been going on without any feature, for example. so lots and lots of need, there's a little terracon, but it isn't isn't rougher and southern gaza for us in the territory as we have started time. and again, the need for medical supplies is beyond disparate at this point. have we actually seen any answer this trip is part of disagreements yet the well, generally today i'm probably use a humanitarian. 8 supplies had been allowed to be delivered. insight going as a strip as a pos of agreement that be broken by can stop it. we come us and israel thought tomorrow more humanitarian supplies will be allowed also to get into the goals and strip along side with the medication trucks. there are about 5 medication trucks will be allowed to enter. the goal is, was the trip on the part of them will be delivered to the is very hostages inside of a i'm, i cause a strip that would be captured by him. aust, i'm up to over the 7th attack on the board is just the fact on the ground that the,
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the, there is a very desperate need for humanitarian and medical supplies, especially the for the medical sector which did not receive and the decrease amount of supplies to treat the $61000.00 palestinians being injured since the outbreak of this conflict inside the territory. and now what is has been, uh, happens within the past 8 to 2 days in terms of the negotiations because it has to be a kind of diplomatic breakthrough with that. had been a it made by his heart to reach out to dinner with the gaps of arguments between post pots and to allow for further humanitarian supplies to be delivered to the most behind the affected areas of the fighting between hamas and east belt. but what palestinians are right now, we're hoping is that these kinds of negotiations might continue behind the scenes just to reach us is fine. that would bring an end for the fighting. as the white house, i've stated that there are intensive discussions of major ongoing in order to reach to a deal hot to a hostage deal that we have most. and isabelle as well,
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in this final event happening. can you just give us the latest on what's happening on the ground in terms of funding because it has been another day of intense bombing bias. around hesitant of the cost of the situation inside garza strip is completely choppy. it means that the tech completely tons upside down with the blink of an i just have been hearing the sound of these very trains and roof i district room side with the sound of the 5 digits of the rating. and this kind of roughly, this area is supposed to be a safe zone and you cannot really imagine house. so it says, and if i q is up completely terrified from that sound, predicted up to something what happened on the ground going to be coming down was that the majority of s traits, that being conducted the late hours, in rough up within the past few days, and that restriction is completely dramatic within the past hour and con, you just as well where they had 3 you the military attacks on site, the, a, the south western part of con eunice,
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these areas that had been completely an operational. so and for the men to treat that as they are destroying residential houses in con, you'd a city, i'm with you evacuation for the residents and the an unprecedented level of compartment to verify our district as well. now, as the staff being trapped on may be used by the funniest people to not have any safe place to go, even in rough, i will check on the white military attack. looks like with a very good task, difficult it condition in the middle of go for an age which had been completely on the white men to treat attack on the ground, including in the eastern areas along side with the western slides of a great on the so right, and behind the dairy back town where locks the hospital has completely become on the verge of shot down as medical supplies. and also if you are about to run out of that hospital, which appraised and provides a treatment for thousands of palestinians living in 5 different regions in the middle areas of the territory. i think so much tara,
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tara can put this in for us the end ruffin, southern gaza. so at least 11 palestinians have been killed in 2 separate is ready as strikes and the occupied west bank since the war on gaza began to frequency and the intensity of his ready ride throughout the territory had been increasing nama ginger and reports from, from a. 7 the aftermath of an early morning is really error, striking the beloved, the refugee camp on the outskirts of nablus. one of several palestinian men killed, of the level should done the leader of the military wing and but also the locks of martyrs per gates. israel's army released to this video of the attack on the vehicle carrying the men in a statement. it accused was a lot of planning to carry out what it called an imminent large scale terrorist attack. when paramedics arrived, they weren't allowed to reach the vehicle. so i'm wondering how long it all started, smoke on the floor, then once we tried to reach the targeted car. but these really forces would turn us
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back. i waited for an hour until they took the bodies as we reached the location after they withdrew. we found remains and body parts of the scene on those hours later. another error strike during a separate is really army, encouraging. several people killed as a result this time and the total cut them refugee camp is rarely soldiers detained . palestinians, as is really bulldozers destroyed infrastructure. residents calling these tactics a form of collective punishment on wednesday alone incursions also took place in the hebron, jericho completely. and here in the middle, among other areas, palestinian officials say there are on average around 40 is really army rates per day throughout the occupied west bank. along with the escalation and violence comes an increase in the depth to 4 than $360.00 promised indians killed in the occupied west bank since october,
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the 7th raising fears and already dangerous situation will only grow worse. how much improvement does it remo? need abraham has more from total karl in the occupied with the bank a. this is the sound of palestinians here in the to tell them area have been listening to since the early hours of the morning. when is really forces have ray the tude cutting area, including the refugee camp behind me, but also the north shams refugee camp? in addition to the sound they've been also listening to sounds of explosions. volume is randy forces will have been reading palestinian homes one after another. they took many palestinians to 2 areas. basically what we've been seeing a lot of it lately is the practice of these really practice of taking palestinians out and detaining them for hours and hours for what they called field interrogations, amongst palestinians. now that strike that's happened in the tory cut, them refugee camp has left for palestinians dead. now the bodies are still in the
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hospital, but people are not expecting to have any funeral anytime soon as the is really read is still intensifying. also, we've been hearing from the present teams, they said that the ambulances who have been operating and trying to take the one to, to the hospitals have been targeted also by v is really forces. now people here say that yes, they've been so subjected to numerous rates by these really forces since october, the 7th, and even before. but this particular rate reminds them of a long one more than 40 hours. a read that took place a couple of weeks ago. the also seeing a lot of destruction inside the refugee camp. what kind of thing is our trying to use? homemade explosives to deter those as we need vehicles from entering the come. and we need wrecking having and ruining palestinians infrastructure need that. but he just need to sort of cut in the occupied westbank. it is being reported that
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official has been damaged by a suspected drone attack and the red sea, the u. k. maritime trade operation. sorry that the attack happened about 100 kilometers south east of the city of 8. and the agency said, as roland struck the vessel on its port side, causing a file that the crew lie to extinguished the who's the group has claimed responsibility for similar attack since the start of the ball on gaza. of the incident comes just out as opposite the united states realistic humans who sees as a court specially designated and global terrorist group. the white house is the decision which will come into effect and says he dies is in response to who the attacks on shipping in the red sea. it is intended to hold them accountable for threatening civilian vessels. the by the administration had removed the designation in 2021. to is the entry of humanitarian relief to more torn gammon. the hoot, the site of the sanctions will not change the tactics. white house correspondent kimberly healthcare has more from washington dc. what this means is that if it
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finally goes into effect, and we'll talk about that in a moment. but essentially, it will mean that members of the group who sees will not be able to enter the united states. that means that anyone who provide support to the who sees will be potentially subject to sanctions. and also any who's the funds that are held in the united states would immediately be frozen. now, the white house said in a statement, but the reason for this is that the who sees who are supporting the palestinians in their war that israel has launched on gaza. that this is because of the ongoing attacks. it gets commercial shipping in the red sea and as a result the white house is trying to protect normally global trade and freedom of navigation, but also the free flow of commerce. so the bottom line and all of this is the white
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house says it's not targeting the many people, but instead is targeting via ron back, who sees themselves. okay, well still a hit hit on al jazeera home at last 100 says cultural choices are attentive through from the us, germany in canada, the groundbreaking films, from award winning filmmaker. watch. listen witness on out as here. in depth analysis of the today's headlines. how does south africa, cruise bits, accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and hold across the scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term informed opinions when the us census warships and to the right. see
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it's not receive task protection that seem as convocation inside story on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, for your watching, i'll just say are a reminder of our top story. so these riley military continues to pounds, gossip is ready strikes the closing in on the south targeting buildings and roughly con eunice to jo, dining. an army says it's military field. hospital has been severely damaged, given through the group all facing renewed us sanctions as a terrorist group over the tax on bridge sheets. c shipping the who, the side of the sanctions will not change the tactics and desperately needed medicine and other humanitarian aid has arrived. in egypt is where i land the most rich detail on choose type, broken by comp. time from the agreement will say it's plus the civilians and casa, and provide me the sense of captives held by him on the delegation from the world health organization has returned from casa and as again bold off and on.
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folding humanitarian catastrophe. in the strip of more on this gabriel elizondo joins us from the united nations and you at the briefing by the w. i chose. busy exactly, what did they say? how does a lab write on the situation and goals are at this point in time as well? they said it's gone from bad to worse and that it's a tragedy based on his words is being shawn casey, who's the emergency health officer. and what's interesting about this is that, um, he was in guys that for 5 weeks. so a fairly considerable amount of time, and he was all over this strep, and what i mean, he was in the south, middle, and north part of this trip he saw firsthand. exactly what's going on in the hospitals. he visited house she for hospital on 3 separate occasions, spoke of just for rif exceeds there,
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of the civilians that are in desperate need of care. he talked about how israel blocked his team from the w. h o for 12 days from getting to the hospital course, they need to get permission from these rarely authorities to go there. so he said that is a big problem. not only that we spoke other hospitals as well in the south were just scenes of people on the ground just needing all sorts of type type of help. and also a burn unit where they're over a 100 people with severe burns and only one doctor to help them listen to a little bit more of what he had to say. every time i went to the hospitals, i saw evidence again and again of the simultaneous humanitarian catastrophe that's unfolding. we see it every day. and goals are getting worse and worse and the collapse of the health system day by day with hospitals closing health workers fling casualties continuing to stream and lack of access to medicines and medical supplies, a lack of access to fuel,
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to run hospital generators, to keep the lights on to keep the machines running and it's happening alongside a dramatic humanitarian catastrophe. just in the communities us. he was asked what needs to change and what needs to be fixed with the health system. and he said there's a lot of things we need to rebuild hospitals at some point, get more supplies and rebuild stocks to get more doctors be able to have people get to health clinics as well. but he said beyond all of that, none of that will be have, have happening or even possible without a cease fire, according to case. he said, if you don't have a cease fire, it's just a matter of day by day trying to get through through here. so he called on anyone that has power in this regard, really to push for a cease fire, because he said that is more critical than really anything else and day. thank so
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much gab gabriella ellis, on the, for us, the, at the united nations, the pretending now to the days of the news here, leon's high cold has allowed for the president in his by corona charged with treason to travel abroad. coronado has been allowed to travel on medical grounds. he was charged for his alleged role and filed a military coup in november. more than 20 people were killed as science across the west. african country were attacked. correspondence and the address spoke to c. c. it really owns administrative information about the latest court ruling, as the governments are fairly and has been consistent throughout the investigations that's we will abide by and stick to the principles of the rule of law. today, his lawyers, the lawyer, as of the former president's upfront, is by prove, i see you said, made an application in front of the court. our lawyer,
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as the mazda of the states argued and made a really, we're very happy to abide by the courts because we believe in the flow. and that's the principle that's guided this case. to, of course, has been pushing your government to release. mr. coral, am i to go? probably. there was even talk of nigeria agreed to host it. should this be considered as mr. chrome a going to exide. as i've said, from the beginning, we will abide by the will of what the applied for today was full of a rush of his bill conditions to our live and to travel specifically to measure. i see you are asking me that that was the case. that was the application, and that's the application that's been granted. he will go to to nigeria. but it's also important to point out that the lord of my district court deed adjoining the case to elect the dates and i sometime in march when we expect all the way us to be back in front of the course. now what happens in terms of conversations with echo
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wise, between the head of states of ceremonies, expedited, see president b, o i. those are things that we will come into what's we know and what we can report and we know for sure what you've just said. that he's been granted and leave to to, to leave. sarah did essentially to seek medical attention because to what becomes of the charges. i guess mr. caroll might eventually he go st. direct site. what becomes of the charges against the bypassing that those cases. at this stage, the case of steve a life, it's been a joint and we expect us to set the instructions of the courts include that's a to continue to reports on his medical conditions. and secondly, as i said, we have a dates to go back to courts now. for now. that's the, the status of the case. and that's where, that's the position of the governmental fairly or an explosion at the fireworks factory in thailand has killed at least 23 people. that lost happened. and so upon very providence, in the town. about 120 kilometers north of bangkok,
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police side found no survivors. the prime minister's office has ordered an immediate investigation. paraguayan is experiencing an unprecedented heat wave with temperatures reaching over 40 degrees celsius. how many cities across the country have experienced recorded braking temperatures during the 1st few weeks of january? in some areas, the extreme with the event has lead to high is up to 43 degrees celsius. the region has been experiencing, drowned since 2019 britons king charles the 3rd will receive treatment for an enlarged prostate. next week, backing and pellet says specifically 5 year olds condition has been on and that his hospital appointment is for a corrective procedure earlier. it was also announced that his daughter in law, the princess of wales, had retained abdominal surgery. kate is expected to remain in hospital. the $10.00 to $14.00 days of the peruvian government says it's recovered more than $200.00 ancient artifacts from around the world. the cultural objects were returned from america, jim, the belgium, canada, and spine,
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the testing game food has the story. the parts of paris history have returned home sculptures, textile ceramics, and other works of indigenous art. some of them more than 2000 years old. they tell the story of a time before the spanish conquests. the limits of neat decor um looks like elements such as the club hates and sculptures, a typical indian culture. there are also various instruments and take style fragments belonging to the shanghai culture and a piece of meat or with she knew cultural affiliation. there's also a group of ceramic pieces from the much a nascar land by a kit in the end of the cultural stock. number, you again got into some of the items were smuggled out of the country illegally. others had been held and museums, or by private collectors, most were headed back to power voluntarily. but not all. that the law must have what ends up being more than 40 paces was seized by the united states department of homeland security in the gym. and police, which unfortunately proves the importance of food. a stream thing,
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international cooperation to combat traffic, heating of cultural prophecy around the world. who has re patry a to 840 looted antiquities over the past 2 years. it's seen as a success, as indigenous communities worldwide. rec, and with the colonial past. and campaign for the return of stolen artifacts. if this i'm get food, i'll g 0. mix inside story, we'll be looking at the surprise policy shift in north korea towards that southern night. stay with us the the, the weather brought to you by visit capital. had a lie there, it's a stormy story across australia at the moment, not just in the move and in the southeast,
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but also in the west. we have non expected storm caused a trouble in cost, southern parts of western australia. the good news is it has cleared away. we are still seeing some cloud, however, lingering to the south of post temperature is coming down here slightly over the next few days. but the west of the wet weather continuing to hold the northern territory. very heavy rain expected that brings a flood threat. you can see that rain pushing its way further east as well in the northern areas of queensland. so good news is, is what is looking at all clear of the southeast corner on fridays from recovery to the temperatures in places like adelaide and talking about temperatures. we have to get some new zealand because christ church just seems something of a yo, yo, not just christ church, but much of the south island temperatures down and up the west of where the moves and nothing temperature is down. but they'll be white up by friday. so do you want degrees celsius? so lots of rooms to be enjoyed. that doesn't move to southeast asia. the heavy rain continues to plague the southwest corner engineers. you're seeing some very heavy
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falls in the likes of java, much dry and how to a southern north for thailand. over the next few days, bank clock at $33.00 degrees celsius. the weather brought to you by visit castle are 3 years in, and joe biden, faces little competition from within the democratic party. despite concerns about the popularity of the aging presidents as the formalities of phenomena, nation contests begin, does by didn't have what it takes for another 4 year. us election 2024 on elsa's 0 . the a dramatic shift by north korea. it's tearing up. it's goal of unification that the south a policy in place for decades. north korea's leader kim jong and also said his country doesn't want more, but was
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a void one ava. so what's behind his surprise move. this is inside story,


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