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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 18, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business like just is free to you, i guess is that an ice fly on one of your just makes modern plates. the of the come on top of the cry. this has been use our life from coming up in the next 60 minutes, desperately needed humanitarian aid arrives in gauze. that's up to israel and the mos reaching you deal broke it by, cuts off. israel intensifies its military operations across guns that was 25000 palestinians. and i'll confess that 6 of the type of assistance plus we just heard the loud sounds coming from inside the tool cutting refuge account. we've
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been hearing similar sound, but now that we weren't before ducking because we are hearing the sound of the confrontation, more drones strikes and ground incursions in the occupied west bank. at least 11 palestinians are killed, including what israel says is a high value targets. us reduce ignites humans who sees as a terrorist group, as another ship is hit in the red sea. and on pete the same as for the sports and use host nation costs are on the 1st team through to the asian help. last, 16. thanks to a one, the projects that are moving away from the program, the desperately needed medicine and other stream into terry and aid has insights gals that it follows that you'll agree between israel and tomas, which was broken by kata and from the agreements full since i had supplies,
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the civilians and gaza in exchange for medicine. the captives held by mos you in time visited egypt to check on the status of the i'm here because of the mandate of the security council to see how we can facilitate, accelerate, and expedite all areas of the assistance that is so much needed for civilians and guys are given the very of cute humanitarian conditions that they have to live with as palestinians wait for that aids to arrive. these riley military continues to bombard garza is riley strikes are closing in on the south targeting buildings. and rafa and con eunice, the jo, dining and ami says it's military field, hospital has been severely damaged. the is rarely um, it has also intensified drones, strikes and ground incursions in the occupied with bank targeting refugee camps. at least 11 palestinians have been killed, including both the israelis, a cooling, a high value targets. honey,
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luckily begins our coverage for profit and southern gaza. another night of intense is really bombing across gulf. and another desperate scrambled forces by the rough uh, a residential building was rescue workers and relatives search for those missing and make a discovery for others tragedy. this father is crying over the loss of his children, buried under the russell i want to see any member of my family. oh my god, this is not fair. this is unfair. don't all speak to calm down my children. i've gone all together. none of my children are alive, i didn't see use of where is use of wherever seat of
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hospitals in gauze are over to by an endless supply of casualties. and health care system is a close to collect a lack of a fuel and medical supply wise is costing lives. another father saves a loss for will to his children. 3 times the military vehicles are continuing to push south displays, palestinians are told to move to areas that israel has designated safe zones like this one in han. you but they have old been repeatedly attack the hold of a sudden we found tongue. so now head, send the shells my mean,
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because beyond imagination, they are coming here to do nothing but killing. they killed every one, women, children, or people every what the people are killed without knowing that we have lost all mines is what it is, not the kind of thing. the f one was escalating as display as palestinians continue to fleet the southern gauze. they are crowding into every smaller spaces. but these are also coming under continuous bombardment by israel, claiming even more lives, honey. my mode alicia vienna, cut off by southern gaza. terra capitalism is in rougher and southern gaza and is we have same time and time again. tarik, the need for medical supplies is be on disparate at this point in time. if i finally has made it into gaza through this deal, do we know exactly what is includes? so yeah. so these are humidity or names that have been
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allowed to enter the goals. a striping agents contains medical supplies alongside with some food items along side with some basic necessities for palestinians just to could to help them to keep with the situation on the ground. but this amount considered to be very limited in terms of the size of the numbers of the humanitarian troops that had been delivered to the gauze trip. but the majority of such medications will be delivered to these very hostages being captured by how mos inside guns this trip. but it needs change. palestinians will get humanitarian aids in order to get useful use from, especially in the very end the very mostly a highly affected areas and wonderful areas of confrontations which did not receive sufficient amounts. all the humanitarian supplies, and this is considered to be one of the main steps that had been taken diplomatically to make a kind of a breakthrough in terms of the arguments on to narrow the gaps of misunderstanding
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. and it is an arguments between our mazda and the east bed in the ground. this policy is hoping to reach more kind of negotiations that would bring an end for the fighting. as, as the white house had said that there are intensive discussions made and they are still ongoing in order to bring a new uh, hostage deal. we come us and ease them inside the territory. i think so much to eric teracon assume for us they were in reference, southern gaza and while it spring in andrew mitrovica, he's a comb to send media commentary. he's with us live from toronto. thank you very much for joining us. the 1st of all, if we can start with discussing this either this finally going from egypt is now inside gaza. we've seen the steel get to go through. do you still think that there was room for diplomacy? he had given everything that has happened, and do you think this could be the style of future deals between our mazda and as well as well, because this is the hope of the off to this,
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to me. and i, i think many of the zeros view as a thinking today that may be, this is the beginning of the know of diplomacy. the diplomacy can work should what must with and that we need to pursue these agreements in boulder to reduce the, the pain and suffering of the posted in people who have suffered enormously over the past few months. and of course, my only qualification is that perhaps about, you know, perhaps they should have a, could much, much and of course, and as we've heard from many, many people in idle organizations and countries around the world cooling for that, for the months now, 3 months on from the start of this war, where is it now when israel started, i am bull's to want them us off the face of the you, if you it is still having to do deals with it. despite the top and bombing,
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as has been described for months and months, now we're, is it now, what does it signify about? israel is ability to want to mazda house? well, that's, that's the open question. and that's because the so much of the, the will community who sympathetic to the policy and in cause of caution about israel, the united states and its allies in western europe. that how, how do you determine when and how you've defeated come us? what is the metric to give us a lot of the metrics that you used to determine that the, the, these riley, subset of the course of several months that they are producing the capabilities. moss, particularly in, in solving casa. but we're, we're see the proof that that has happened. what are the metrics, tangible metrics, not the rhetorical metrics?
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and so this is still the open question. and i suspect the reason why this, this, or this for a continues do you think that there is room for more diplomacy here that this could be potentially the style of a prison? this won't deal. i can i that is my sincere hope. and i think it is the sincere hope of many people across the globe who have been demonstrating both like my writing in sympathy of the power standing close. that this might be the beginning of a rational, reasonable approach to the ending to the heart that we have seen the madness that is a golfing to reach and it has to stop. it must stop. and perhaps this is the beginning of some light on maple darkness. let's hope so. thank you so much, andrew. andrew mitrovica, homeless and media commentator. the delegation from the world health organization
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has returned from gaza and has again wound off and unfolding, committed, tearing catastrophe, and the strip. gabriel alexander has moved from the united nations as well. they said it's gone from bad to worse and that it's a tragedy based on his words is being shawn casey, who's the emergency health officer. and what's interesting about this is that, um, he was in guys that for 5 weeks. so a fairly considerable amount of time, and he was all over this strep, and what i mean, he was in the south, middle, and north part of this trip he saw firsthand. exactly what's going on in the hospitals. he visited how she for hospital on 3 separate occasions, spoke of just her rif exceeds there. of the civilians that are in desperate need of care. he talked about how israel blocked his team from the w. h o for 12 days from getting to see for hospital of course they need to get permission from these
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rarely authorities to go there. so he said that is a big problem. not only that, but he spoke of other hospitals as well in the south were just seems that people on the ground just needing all sorts of type type of help and also a burn unit where they're over a 100 people with severe burns and only one doctor to help them listen to a little bit more of what he had to say. every time i went to the hospitals, i saw evidence again and again of the simultaneous humanitarian catastrophe that's unfolding. we see it every day in gaza getting worse and worse and the collapse of the health system day by day with hospitals closing health workers cling casualty is continuing to stream and a lack of access to medicines and medical supplies, a lack of access to fuel to run hospital generators to keep the lights on to keep the machines running. and it's happening up alongside
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a dramatic humanitarian catastrophe just in the communities that he was asked what needs to change and what needs to be fixed with the health system. and he said there's a lot of things that need to rebuild hospitals at some point, get more supplies and rebuild stocks, get more doctors, be able to have people get to health clinics as well. but he said beyond all of that, none of that will be, have, have happening or even possible without a ceasefire. according to the case, he said, if you don't have a cease fire, it's just a matter of day by day trying to get through through here. so he called on anyone that has power in this regard really to push for a cease fire because he said that is more critical than really anything else. at least 11 palestinians have been killed in 2 separate as early as strikes and the occupied with bank since the war on guys have again,
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the frequency and intensity office really rides throughout the territory have been increasing. mama gems here and reports from ramallah. the aftermath of an early morning is really air striking. the blot, the refugee camp and the outskirts of nablus, one of several, palestinian men killed the level should that the leader of the military wing and but also the locks of martyrs per gaze. israel's army released to this video of the attack on the vehicle carrying the men in a statement. it accused that we should allow the planning to carry out what it called an imminent large scale terrorist attack. when paramedics arrived, they weren't allowed to reach the vehicle. so more on how on the north side of the broken leg more than once we tried to reach the targeted car. but these really forces would turn us back. i waited for an hour until we took the bodies as we reached the location after they withdrew. we found remains and body parts of the scene on those hours later. another airstrike, during a separate is really army,
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encouraging several people killed as a result this time and the total cut them refugee camp is rarely soldiers detained . palestinians, as is rarely bulldozers destroyed. infrastructure residents calling these tactics a form of collective punishment on wednesday alone incursions also took place and the hebron, jericho completely and here in the middle among other areas, palestinian officials say there are on average around 40 is really army rates per day throughout the occupied west bank along with the escalation and violence comes an increase in the depth to more than $360.00 promised indians killed in the occupied west bank since october the 7th. raising fears and already dangerous situation will only grow worse. how much improvement does he have? remo needed abraham has more now from to cover him in the occupied west bank or
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yeah, we just heard the loud sounds coming from inside the to tell him, but a few decals we've been hearing similar sound. but now we what we're ducking because we are hearing the sounds of confrontations that are ongoing, seemingly by the palestinian fighters. and these really forces who have been raising the refugee camps. is that for the hours of the morning now we've seen some jeep some moving around this area where we are. it's been relatively safe. but we've seen those many 3 jeeps making their way from this area. and we heard from a, our sources inside the new shelves that are few decals that b, a 's really forces have made their way to the refugee camp in north shim snow, north shems, the sword cut them. but a few jacob seem to be um the target to of is really attacks. no, it seems that it's a bit safer for us to stand. but again,
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this is kind of what we've been seeing since we arrive to tools cutting those confrontations that are ongoing between these ready forces on the palestinian fighters. now we know that these really forces come to those areas in particular because they're targeting the palestinian armed men. some of them are in to cut in a refugee camp, some of them in nations, others in ballasa as we've seen. also earlier today. but again, it's remains a tense situation and i'm, i'm, i'm sure you can hear the sound of these really drone. we've been hearing that sounds over since we arrived to the area. this was part and parcel of palestinians live here in the occupied to us back. and it's being reported that a vessel has been damaged by a suspected drone attack and the red sea, the u. k. marathon tried operation side that the attack happened about 100 kilometers south east of the city of 8. and the agency said drones struck the
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vessel on his port side, causing a fight that the crew liked to extinguished the boot. the group has claimed responsibility for similar attacks since the start of the war on gaza. while the incident comes, this now is uh through the united states relisted in humans through these as a quote, specially designated global terrorist group. the white house is the decision which will come into effect, and soon as he dies is in response to who the attacks on shipping in the red sea. it is intended to hold them accountable for threatening civilian vessels. the bottom to administration had removed the designation in 2021 to ease the entry on a few minutes here in relief to war torn human or us national security council spokesman, john coby said, the move would not hinder the delivery of health to the most. indeed, its 1st, today's designation targets the who. i think you many people united states remains the world's leading donor of you mandatory assistance for young and we recognize that more than 15000000 people in yemen are still in desperate need of food,
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water medicine. and we are taking a range of steps to ensure that these sanctions preserve the ability of 8 organizations to be able to deliver all of those much needed supplies. second, this designation takes effect 30 days from now. the reason for that is will give us time to work closely with those 8 organizations to make sure that they understand all the ramifications of this designation. answer all our questions and be able to provide enough context for them to have a measure of assurance as they continue to provide that humanitarian assistance. a white house correspondent, kimberly how could has moved from washington dc. what this means is that if it finally goes into effect, and we'll talk about that in a moment. but essentially, it will mean that members of the group who sees will not be able to enter the united states. that means that anyone who provide support to the who sees will be potentially subject to sanctions. and also any who's the funds that are held in the
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united states would immediately be frozen. now, the white house said in a statement, but the reason for this is that the who sees who are supporting the palestinians in their war that israel has launched on gaza. that this is because of the ongoing attacks. it gets commercial shipping in the red sea and as a result the white house is trying to protect normally global trade and freedom of navigation, but also the free flow of commerce. so the bottom line and all of this is the white house says it's not targeting the many people, but instead is targeting via ron back, who sees themselves focused on, has recalled a 10 best of the from around and by the around noon invoice from returning to his post of, of what it describes as an unprovoked violation of space that's opted to wrong find them a solid pockets, towns below just on provence,
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killing at least 2 children around says it was targeting the headquarters of the josh little group to run plans. the group for carrying out several attacks on the security forces over the years. all honda is following the story from the kind of district and send proven a diag by the radians on a bar. the area of bug is gone and the ones go has, of course, from good. a strong reaction from focused on focus on has gotten, it's invested there back from there on all the reading and budget who's got only in there on not to come back. this of course, is a serious issue, given the fact that just a few days ago, both sides were discussing about the mutual threat board by i'm groups operating from inside of one is done as i tried to eat on, i'd really focused on this coming are the major surprise, the focused on the the thing that there is of the light to respond and that didn't and really be responsible for the consequences. this is, of course,
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the serious issue between the 2 countries. given the fact that both sides have been trying to cooperate with each other on several occasions. but this of course is seen at the city as incident by focused on let's say that this was a clear violation of its 8th grade, and also offered silver and to come out of the data con, uh us. and recent dies around has on several missed hollow tanks on water, coal security threats. on monday to run launched ballistic missiles at iraq, sidney a ton of this curtis region of a bill. it says it was targeting spy headquarters. linked is room. at least 4 people were killed. well, so on monday, around targeted several areas in syria hissing, bought a cold, and t around tara groups. around foreign minister has defended the countries action . second, national security will never be compromised for him. caught on magazine according to you know that i man, i spoke to my colleague the foreign minister of pockets. and i assured him that we
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do respected sovereignty in the territorial integrity as well as those of the rough . how can yet, but time on me yet who do not allow our national security to be compromised, more to be played wages? and we have no reservations when it comes to protecting our national interest will be those terrace groups inside of pockets on each and those affiliated to israel and the curtis regions of a rock. but what we did to them, what's in line with the regional security door, latrice policies, the executive vice president of the quincy institute for responsible statecraft. he joins us live from washington, dc. now, thank you very much for being here on al jazeera of multiple strikes on multiple countries and really just a few dies. what's your reaction to this increased regression from around a hi frank, it comes across as a desperate know by the government to move on to claim that it is restored.
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security after it's been haven't been criticized internally for it's lobsters security. i mean, the terrorist attack and carmano is the largest terrorist attack to move on in history for the last 40 years. quite a suddenly striking, an empty building in syria striking a building very close to us consciousness in the ball. and then targeting not quite off shoot that had not anything to do with the clermont attack. but with the other attacks, the border area of you on most the goals does not give the impression that the vonny is, are really thinking is true. but while they're trying to demonstrate some sort of a, some of the strengths in order to. ready to show their internal audience is, in this case is mostly conservative, hard miners were pressing the compliment. i criticized you that for having shown too much of a strength, right? so you said it is more about internal politics rather than a message site is trying to send a pack of stine or a rock in particular. i don't think he focused on the iraq or the audience. if any
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external audience is probably these ratings in the united states, but i think i had a statement from the foreign minister kind of made clear they're trying to do damage control right now because this was disappear. so i've had a miscalculation in the midst of all of these different tensions in the region where you've gone to suddenly have disagree attention with pockets on and with the wrong is extreme beyond was right. do you think that the run is going to continue acting in this way that this is gonna escalate even further or not of this product? i think however, when it comes to the attention is between israel and the wrong with these really is having assassinated. the bar in general is the central fair. i think the risk continues to exist although so far divani is have a full year to direct confrontation with each raise. the broader context of course, is also very worse on which is the continuation of the slaughter and cause that which use tensions any voc between the us and the document is sharise between
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israel, the 11 on and of course the sessions we see in the receipt that as a whole, definitely has the risk of driving the volumes in as well. no, but that's different from these tensions of the now they have created for themselves. you're in washington dc. how is the us looking at all of this? what, what phase does the us have? does the prism funding have when it's looking at around and i guess is the strikes on so many friends at this point in time? that's i think the biggest concern on the american side is not the strikes but brought it that the volunteers will respond to these railways in a way that actually will bring about a larger regional consultation. so far. that's not what the ronnie as how, but that's not the direction the buyers have gone so far, but i think that's a critical concern. and another concern, of course, is that it wasn't troops between the united states and evolved prior to october the 7th. and was steve on your stop some of their new track activities or the snow it
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down. there was an end to the box, munitions attacking us troops that has completely blown off because of the war a cause. and it now the volumes of restarted some of the nutritive ease. this may not grab the attention of the us decision makers right away given all the crisis, but it's going to be impossible for the one tomorrow. yeah. there's also the issue of who sees in human reports. i've had another ship and the rid see it today. the us as also once again a designated them a terrorist group. how do you see this in particular applying out this? so going to be a tip detach over the next few weeks and months. and why didn't it seem like the multi americans and the volumes are using the same, unproductive and counterproductive playbook. the us strikes against different to use have further height to attach. innovation has an alternative and, and, and,
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and it's, we're way actually made their efforts to lock a diversity more effective because now, and there was a, should be work between difficulties and the americans, even less ships feel safe using the red sea as a traffic. and as resolved to try to blockade the rest, the actions become more effective. and again, mindful of the fact that we're not seeing the gc, the chart is, has further risk all escalation. and again, the obvious and most efficient way of the escalating all of these different fires is to go to the immediate cause, which is the ongoing slaughter and casa a ceasefire. there will help pacify on either side of course, thank you so much treated policy. we really do appreciate your insight and time here. announce is there. thank you. stuff. so it hit on else, is there a protest? and a southern russian region turned violent and a re, a show of ango, over the wrist of outlook rights activist. 10 to 10 time champion at the start of
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you know, if it is made to accounts are focused by some of the 2nd round figure. it will have all the details slides. we have a lot of that, we've got some very nice the winter weather affecting europe at the moment. that's thanks to storm irene pushing its way from west to east. it's bringing some strong wind and rain to the likes of spain and portugal. but the west is going to be in germany. we've read warnings out for very heavy snow as well as freezing rain and the likelihood of black life. some of those warnings extend into belgium as well as lock some bug for heavy snow. and that system shifts its way further east. it's likely to pull into the czech republic, flipping some snow in prague on thursday. it will get colder as well,
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but still clear up by saturday when to weather, as well as a story across the north or person on the island of island. but it is looking much dry up a cold, a head of a pretty mild, but wild we tends, that snow pushes its way further east across into denmark as well across the mediterranean, things. * going to turn more on several tanks to that system on fridays, some very heavy rain coming into the pots of space. unimproved picture for the se ahead of winter, whether that starts to creep in and look what that does to the temperature. as you can see, the dump flu descending further south will be very cold in zurich and bell, great, a drop of 10 degrees. by friday. the vague, i mean that the artificial intelligence is altering the political landscape. how can we, as humans trust to you, the machine's trust is un, not given as
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a develops and becomes more powerful. i believe it's important to build trust through transparency is communication between humans and machines. but do we know that you're not going to lie to us? no one can ever know that for sure, people empowered investigates a i n democracy on a jersey to expo 2023. the fast to make sure. we're sorry. to join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the deal
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. what you'll just hear a reminder about top story is the south, desperately needed medicine and all the humanitarian aid has insect cancer as well and mos reached a deal on tuesday. broken by, comes on from the agreement, will send aids supplies to civilians and gaza and provide me to send to captives help by him. us, he is ready. military continues to pounds. garza is rarely strikes the closing in on the south targeting buildings and profit. and con eunice was 25000 palestinians . and now confronted since october, the 7th and humans who the group facing renewed us sanctions as a terrorist group over their attacks on the grid. 6 shipping the side, the sanctions will not change the tactics for the war on cause a has been playing high on the agenda at the world economic forms annual meeting,
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and this was town of devil's us, secretary of state and to the blinking. disgruntled boy is guthridge and he said a palestinian state needs to be established. there has to be ways means vehicles, how soon is to make these decisions? but i think what we're talking about is to, since you're talking about a governance, the government and the structure of governance, that maximizes the ability of the authority to actually deliver what the power steering and people want and the but it also has to be able to operate in the what you might call a permissive environment. in other words, with the support of, with the help of israel, not with it's active opposition because even the most effective authority is going to have a lot of trouble. if it's got a the active opposition, just any and he's really government l g 0 is diplomatic. it is a james by spoke to sion stein to the administrator of the united nations
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development program at the world economic forum, annual meeting and of us. he said that when it comes to guys that they are dealing with a survival economy that is still under attack. we are also seeing a developing prizes that will extend years into the future. not only through the destruction of infrastructure, which has already reached catastrophic levels, the disruption of the economy in gaza, but also in the westbank. and beyond that, as you in the p also works as many countries in the region. we have begun to do assessments in order to determine what is the cannot make disruption that is also affecting living on the king or jordan egypt and other countries. and also how the spread of a conflict could affect the economies of the regions that the whole how will the un approach this? i know that you have a colleague secret call who has been made developing an humanitarian coordinator. and she has a background in the u. n. d p. so i'm sure you'll be working very closely with her . what so the challenge is and how do you go about something?
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as john into stats find the secret condos, the seniors, humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator. now in place the whole, you and family, including you in the p, we have a focal point and i think much of what one would refer to as any recovery. and i would be cautious even at this moment to invoke the notion of the construction because we're still dealing with the an active role, an active bombardment, right, 9 the mountain and as we speak, the destruction continues. and uh, just imagine, you know, in the area around rough or where they used to be maybe 250000 people there. 1000000 people are right now trying to survive the infrastructure that has been lost, but also the patient institutions. the ability of an administration to function to re establish water electricity. we're dealing with a survival economy right now that is still under attack. but behind that and particularly gaza with all the trauma that has now occurred. this is not just a matter of physical infrastructure, it's not just a matter of economic recovery. you're talking about rebuilding in a sense,
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a societal and developmental pathway forward. and that's going to be very challenging. but as you say, the war has to end 1st and what we're seeing, everyone's won't about the risk of escalation. we're already seeing escalation, however, at all you about what's going on in the wider region. well, i think like anyone and we are extremely concerned. one is the virus escalation in hostilities, whether it is in the red sea right now. what we're seeing is in a sense of multiplier factor playing out exactly as one would have done in future scenarios. a conflict, a major shipping route and use source of uh, come back and, and come pick emerging there. but also, um, in the immediate vicinity, uh, there are many potential points of escalation. the are turning now to the dies of the news in sierra leone cycle. it has allowed for
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the president to end as by corrupt, charged with treason to travel abroad. carumba has been allowed to travel on medical grounds. he was charged for his alleged roland, have filed a military coup and nothing but more than 20 people were killed. as science across the west african country were attacks of correspondence on the address spoke to see it really owns administrative information about the liked his court ruling. as the governments are fairly and has been consistent throughout the investigations that's we will abide by and stick to the principles of the rule of law. today, his lawyers, the lawyer, as of the former precedents upfront, is by for them. i see you said, made an application in front of the court. our lawyer, as the mazda of the states argued, and the court made a ruling. we're very happy to abide by the courts because we believe in the flow. and that's the principle that's guided discussed throughout the course has been pushing your government to release mr. coral not to go probably side. there was
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even talk of an idea to green to cost it. should this be considered as mr. chrome a going to x? i said from the beginning we will abide by the will of what the applied for today was full of your vision of his bill. condition store lies him to travel specifically to an engineer. i see you were asking me that that was the case. that was the application and thats deputy cushion that's been granted. it will go to to nigeria. but it's also important to point out that the lord, the magistrate court deed adjoining the case to elect the dates and sometime in march, where we expect all i us to be back in front of the course. now what happens in terms of conversations with echo wise, between the head of states of sarah luna's excellency press then b, o i. those are things that we will comment on what's we know and what we can reports and we know for sure is what you've just said that he's been granted to leave to, to, to leave a credit essentially to seek medical attention. because to what becomes of the
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charges, i guess mr. caroll might eventually he go st. direct site. what becomes of the child you suggested by pursuing that those cases at this stage, the case is still alive. it's been a joint, and we expect us to set the instructions of the court. include that's a to continue to reports on his medical conditions. and secondly, as i said, we have a dates to go back to courts now. for now, that's the, the staples of the case, and that's where that's the position of the governmental fairly. so don is accusing the into a governmental authority on development. so i good of finalizing itself, warranty and has suspended the co operation. the regional block was due to hold an extraordinary meeting and uganda to discuss peace talks in the conflict. and so then it invited the paramilitary rep and support forces and acts then suit and condemned bethel settle, has more. the chance for peace is getting city amount issue of the country has officially suspended its involvement in peace. a force that by the 8th of governmental authority on development,
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or it got original blog. and the only organization committed to facilitating peaceful between the warden parties that she does municipal for the field is loyalties, army chief and the fact the leader opposite the have behind. so you've got, you set a dentist precedent by invite them how many times on through god, commonly known estimate to, to summit. and you get the minutes to believe this back is providing diplomatic list them is the to for meet the leader or part of me that through rep itself or forces who cartoon close to this to be the leader of every type of group. i think that you got is, has become a little bit pragmatic because humanity is behaving more like a statement unlike bore on who is behaving more like militia. pearson committed to control is like 70 percent of the territory. he has about 50000000. so then he's under his o thought idea in 202100 from 80 to control of the government is through down to
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a minute to cool and over to upload them to den prime minister overseas to da spread drive precision to civilian law. several of that behind and how many people became rivals mean disputes between the 2. turn into a warning, the capital costume and conflict quickly spread to the provinces, seize them more than 12000 people had been killed, and nearly 7.5 medium displaced, both sides heavy and accused of war crimes. in order for this peace to be sustainable in so done both, he made the i'm behind have to be outside the governor's equation. do you and one's of a potential catastrophe for a generation of children. if the water doesn't stop bustle, far diplomatic efforts have failed. and the conflict of the artist of chief systems the towards the 6 epic and capitals, including you got members seeking diplomatic legitimacy. arms chief apprehend has reacted angrily to him. it is grouping diplomatic status. it gives an african leaders receiving him of complicity in atrocities
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a guess with any civilians. experts say make is made it to the success doesn't make him a viable solution for so with that important, think of science, we differentiate between holding a governing, he's capable of come cutting territory, but he's not capable of rooting. notice he capable of governing any part of the country many believe and is good reason to isolate the diplomatic and the decision to suspend the corporation with the got could deepen that isolation. there's some sort of that. i'll just say russia has launch more attacks on ukrainian cities. it's defense ministry, said it carried out high precision strikes on $4.00 and $5.00 isn't hockey. and this from the evacuation orders for residents living near the front line of correspondence. rob mcbride reports from cave ukraine. second city had a key once again targeted in an overnight to strike with 2 russian missiles hitting a residential area, leaving some people injured. the southern port city of
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a desa was also hate to buy drones, the damage buildings, and also left several others wounded. close to which could you lease the den transfer as burning my neighbor around outside. but the shelter was still far away when there was at the door teeth, we just have to crush down single with the continuing as strikes calm as nato c'mon does have been meeting in brussels voicing support for ukraine and with defending weston style democracy high on the agenda in 2024. a record breaking 2000000000 people on earth will cost their vote in a democratic election. and yet, the concept of democracy needs to be defended. more than ever. a strong message of support from french president emanuel mac cross has also given ukraine to boost saying that russia mustn't be allowed to when i'm promising delivery of more artillery and long range missiles that help is increasingly needed,
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as russian forces pushing the tax. the points on the eastern front, such as here, around blackboard. why ukrainian? so just say they face a shortage. if i made a shift about mcbride, i'll just say era. keith? well, thousands of people in russia's southern this coast on region have protested against a court decision to sentence a rights activist fail else enough has been charged with. and so i think if nick hatred, q, leadership of all the has more from laska, a red pro system function, which is a delay, responds police quad down on sounds as a demonstrators in the rush quote of stone reach. and they will rallying to support rights activists for you. a scene of he's been accused of is the only thing ethnic hatred for corbin's had made about work. it's from central asian. the caucuses is always did nice to accusations, but inside cold, he was sentenced to 4 years in a penal colony with them. i was all the way you might,
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but we will appeal the sentence. i don't understand. the policy carried out by the bishop put this down republic head like i don't understand what's going to happen next. we don't want this, this is such a huge thank you to all those who support see my rooms. i see the see of seat is supposed to say his imprisonment was delayed revenge for his activism in preventing the construction of a soda plant near the crushed town mountain, which local people can see that a safer place. the protest this child to freedom and demanded the resignation of the governor of bush coldest on the same time. social media outlets supposed to go to the kremlin, have accused for you a scene of, of being the leader of a bond organization. bush cooled, it advocates the separation of the republic of bush coldest on from russia, and is a keys to provide an estimate conflict. while for us as soon this kayla rat sizes
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has been detained in the pulse. 2, yes, 5, posing beyond comb, fixing ukraine. and while i was seeing if was an opponent 2 i, let's say the price has invest coldest on what's directive tools, the regional authorities, i know the power of presentation unit ship all is all about. i'll just say right most skirt, an explosion edify works. factory and thailand has killed at least 23 people. that last happened and so upon very providence, in the town about 120 kilometers north of bangkok, police sight they found no suffices. which on is economy grew 5.2 percent and 2023 beating government targets that missing. analysts predictions officials have down 5 concerns about the countries slowing economic growth pointing to a new boom and went to tourism katrina. you reports from beijing. the tours have flocked to china's freezing northern provinces to enjoy winter attractions such as
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har, bins, famous city, and the snow covered ski slopes of the name of travel. delta shows, winter tourism here is a 30 percent compared to a year ago, bringing a much needed boost to businesses. it's a really bright spot in china's slowing economy. the government says the country beat its target a 5 percent close to the 2023. achieving 5.2 percent, but that that goes to one of the lowest in decades. and the outlook, the 2024 made straight up the world economic forum and doubles china is premier down play to consent to board g g. the chinese economy is making steady progress and we'll continue to provide a strong interest for the world economic development. chinese officials say the economy will improved in the coming months, positions debating historical chan highlight feeling positive. so i'm not alone, i am from china. so one more south i'm is rarely get a chance to see i am jaime, a lot of fun shows a little comes out to you. i brought my son here to enjoy himself,
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especially in the dose east is very popular this year. we can go, but we can get segment experience. yeah. it's the 1st winter since 2019. the tours have been able to enjoy without fear of carpet 90 lock downs. these types of when just boats and activities are traditionally part of chinese culture. but since paging one to 2022 winter olympics, that popularity has sold the government just banking on the trend. continuing over the upcoming luna new year holiday with a record knowing billy and trips predicted over the 40 day travel period. however, analysts say a boost in tourism is unlikely to sol, bigger problems such as the crisis and the property market. some of the people have spent more on things like tours on culture activities like concerts, or they would buy more consumer goods, but overall on the savings rate is still going up to those enjoying themselves. here the economy is the furthest thing from deadlines. katrina you all to 0 aging
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to the former us president donald trump has been back in cause this time of the penalties for defamation against the woman. the civil court found him guilty of raping in the 19 ninety's the jury in my order. trump, to pay rights at each in carol $5000000.00 over the assault, which occurred in a dressing room at a department store. this trial will determine additional penalties. trump owes for defamation of his statements he night and 2019 burdens. king charles the 3rd will receive treatment for an enlarged prostate. next week. buckingham palace is the 75 year old's condition is benign, and that is hospital appointment is for a corrective procedure earlier. it was also announced that his daughter in law, the princess of wales, had routine abdominal surgery. cages expect it to remain in hospital to 10 to 14 days. that was still a huge hit on al jazeera because of the 1st seem to qualify for the asians have no
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count stages of the big house. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the good time to support now his patients tell him, thank you so much. it's been a dream start for defending agent kept champions kata they've qualified for the knockout. stay just as group a windows with a game to spare following. they won no victory against touch a keystone jim and ash has moved from all bite stadium. casals fines arrived out to
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our bait stadium, hoping to see something they didn't witness out the world cup of victory. so that team here, this was the venue accounts all lost their opening game and final game on the biggest stage in 2022. but the circumstances were very different. going into this match, cancel our class favorites to beat asian cut. dave, you told us that to just on an impressive win at chrome, a fees put the host in front, 17 minutes in with his 3rd goal. the tournament cheek is down types of a come back stated with 10 minutes to go. when they had to play a central office to view all reviews, there was 11 minutes of stuff. it's time for them to try and get to equalize us. but it was. so he was like, go to new principals to pieces heading home. happy that team into the last 16 is great. when is and with a game that will they perhaps they might have expected a more convincing school line here. nevertheless, the team moved
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a step closer to defending the tied to a one in the u. a. in 20197 s. i was just different outbreak. save you the early 11 on and china tied out a mill, mill. drilled liberties defended. nice. perhaps lucky not to be seen till for this kick to the face. chinese midfield, the di. why 2, and i'm happy to tell you, recovered to play the full 19 minutes. both teams can still qualify for the last 16 to be africa, a cup of nations and the democratic republic of congo in zambia, all locked at one goal each with that one coming to a close early and morocco head and encouraging still today campaigns of the 3 no victory against pennsylvania and forgets 1st ever world cup semi finalist. so looking for the 1st ask on trial since 1976 goals from roman size as of the new i me and the uses and the cd and shooting a comfortable victory against pennsylvania. things you've asked on action continue
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on thursday, including a big clash between hosts, ivory coast and nigeria. the ivory ends when they're open to tune again skinny purcell. while nigeria was surprising to be held by equitorial gimme defeat for the nigerians could put the 3 type champions at risk of trumping out of the groups. they just for the 1st time since 1982 besides have not made in the tournament since 2013, which not generally a one on the way to winning the tournament. meanwhile, 2 of them at organizes have been criticized for failing to fill the stadium. so for the split painting of interest, fewer than 37000 fans attained to the opening match between the ivory coast and you need to sell. despite it being a sell out of the 60000 seats olympic stadium, football fans have been gathering outside the ivory and football headquarters in the hope of getting tickets, containing that people have both tickets in bulk and have not managed to sell them on to the we came here because there are guys with tickets,
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but they don't want to sell them to us. they don't even want to sell us 2 tickets and nobody is telling us why that's going to send me the tickets worth. $5000.00 francs are going 425000 here to tell them that we win them for the normal price. they have to sell them or the normal price. they'll go admin fee for even if we have to sleep here to buy the tickets. we're prepared to do that one. defending australian open shopping though that chunk of interest through to the 3rd round. this given another tough case, this time against australia is alexi popular in the world level. i'm dropping a fateful. the 2nd match running off the saving full set points in the food you went on to win in full lanes on close to when he's 11th. title in melbourne, that's pretty straight when you a straight and open to junk of which it was not lost but it since 2018 episode also had a heated exchange with the heck clean speak face that was still raising it from most of the match. but i, you know, at one point i had enough and i asked him whether he wants to come down and tell it
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to my face, you know, and when you confront somebody, you know, unfortunately for him, he didn't have a courage to come down a button in the women's door will number 6 on strawberry has be knocked down by a 16 year old. the 3 on grand slam runner up was facing the russian leave. and right of us in the 2nd room was run rough in the junior goulds, finally mailed in last year. and it took a just an hour to be shipped uh 6. the $62.00 of those for the team uses are having to study at the same time as payment of grants. the defending champion, the reading, the sutherland k is safety through with a fairly straightforward win over another 16 year old brenda for visits of all you have to go through qualifying for this tournament to top 5 games in this victory, which is a 9 straight when the f melvin falls up to the match sutherland because the new
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hosting needs potential times the hosted va fine is in saudi arabia. it comes a day off the rest on the del, became an investor. the for the saudi timos federation expected something different, but they treated us really well. and it was really amazing as much here. i'm just telling people i really like it looks for people they're, they're really how like attorneys and the most fair was incredible. and the level of hospitality was definitely way, way better than it wasn't control. and so, so yeah, i'm happy to go there. and then we'll finish with stage 10 of the deck already in saudi arabia. and sebastian load continues to cuts into carlos sciences over lead low band science. both have to stuff for punches with science, requiring help from his teammates, sciences, lead or below these now just 13 minutes and 22 seconds. the stage was one by
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overdrive racing. getting teach it by 5 minutes and 43 seconds. and that's all the sports needs for tonight. so thanks so much patience. well, that's a convey tell mccrae, i'll be back in just a moment with much more on today's news. stay with the ivy as well as on guys, a continues bring you relate. we are on the grounding, gaza covering the ongoing is raising apartments and the suffering of people's tones that we lost displacements and block of resources and from occupied is david raised and restrictions prevents 3 different placements of rights to worship . from tyler we will continue our coverage of his route, will cabinet decisions, the campuses, and all the political development part westbank senior reporting on
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the line at this rate he raised with feelings of loss, dissension, and destruction. stay with us for the updates and detail coverage of the wrong cause of the a long journey lockdown held in an infamous us detention center. immigrants, documents the whole vendors, conditions during the cold. it depend demik separated from their families and to 9 basic protections they fight to have their voices heard demanding their whites to release the facility. with this documentary on august the export 2023, the world,
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the fascination joined us and let's discover a better world expo. 2023. the ha. hello until mccrae. this has been use our life from coming up in the next 60 minutes long . the wife is humanitarian aid arrives in gauze of to israel and the most reaching you deal for could by contact. his royal intensifies. this military operations across concepts was $25000.00 palestinians and now consented since october the 7th,


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