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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 18, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the is around the tax homes and rough uh, in the south cause i can at least 16 people, including children, news on the bulk of this, i'll just say with life and also coming up along the way to the humanitarian aid arrives in gauze of to israel and her boss reaching you, deal brokerage by cuts off the us strikes several parts of the gym and after the
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who's he's talking to another ship in the red sea charge with treason. but of course allow see on the underscore, my president, some of these, the country, the thanks for joining us and we begin and go. so we're at least 16 people have been killed, an overnight shedding in the city of a rough or children or among those killed several have been extremely strong. so the house and the eastern part of the city findings also taking place between palestinian groups and this way the troops, me and not so hospitals and con eunice, those for a 2nd night, well, desperately needed medicine. and then obviously by the chair, an aide has finally entered gaza. it was sent from casa, o is offered, deal was reached between israel and i'm asked to allow the supplies to be distributed and run a con. how's will of the life saving aide for garza following a guitar in french broker deal between israel and how much the cargo includes
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humanitarian essentials for palestinians as well as medicine for his really captives introduce each strip. united nations is overseeing the process. 8 has been sporadically. trickling into the 2000000 palestinians besieged by israel, often through diplomatic channels. nearly never enough. it definitely my, you know, most of the doctors can't find anything to treat their patients. so now they just use don't. even salt is $13.00 per kilogram. now it's about, can you imagine putting salt on the people's injuries to disinfect them? they've reached a very critical point. people are dined and we can even find in killers. uh, a lot of that. the un estimates 93 percent of the population in gaza is facing a severe level of hunger and says pockets of the strip are already experiencing salmon light condition. i have the product that brought on as i'm not, not in the bible hope is on life is become
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a bunch of struggles between the queue for bread and that for gasoline and not for food, for our children. aside from that, people do not have income anymore that enables them to get. that means that there is no source of income. people who have income before the war will have a business or project have become unemployed now highly and got the disease of spreading rapidly. and leaving many in a state of desperation, the honorable, some people have become displaced, people are ripped apart. we didn't think the situation would become like this. how you know? well, the new 8 supplies will provide some relief. the un warren's, if the war doesn't stop. more palestinians will die, not from bombs, but from samuel and disease, ronald han out to 0. well, the health care system in goza is collapsing, another casualty of israel school and i'm us denigration from the world health
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organizations just return from there. i was once again warning off and unfolding humanitarian catastrophe across the strip cable. amazon days report contains scenes of injured people for the vice stop the the health care system in guys is collapsing. another casualty of israel's war on him. us. that is, the assessment from sean casey districts, has been turned into an inpatient ward, the world health organizations, emergency medical team coordinator, who just returned to un headquarters after spending 5 weeks in guys a. every time i went to the hospitals, i saw evidence again and again of the simultaneous humanitarian catastrophe that's unfolding. we see it every day in gaza getting worse and worse and the collapse of the health system. day by day, casey estimates that only 15 hospitals and guys that are functioning,
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but only partially. he saw how bad the situation is. first hand. these are a couple of his reports from last month. the largest hospital in goza for the 3rd time this week, where it's still a case of absolute misery. right now it's a hospital where i just the substitution a 9 year old boy was being treated basically with sedation, to use a suffering as the dies. when asked what was needed the most to help the guys a health system cope. casey was clear a ceasefire that he said would be the most effective and immediate way to end the suffering gabriel's on to, i'll just say to at the united nations and at least 11 policy and so being killed in 2 separate his radio strikes in the occupied westbank on wednesday. it's really
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troops have stormed refugee camp in ramallah and are continuing a rate in the city of to come in. meanwhile, the withdrawal from the time of funding night where they was fighting with how often you use those costs to have the solid who's in occupied east jerusalem and to bring this up to speed on the scale. and of course, the impacts of these latest rates, or will this raid into it and cut them now entering its 23rd hour this morning. these really military sending in heavy reinforcements throughout the day the night and now the early morning to arrest several palestinians. remember that in the last 23 hours, 6 palestinians alone have been killed into cut in residents are still reporting sounds of explosions and other gun fights. but let's shift gears a little bit to a village, just outside of bethlehem, the village of death for which we are now. understanding the 46 members of the same family has been arrested. it's
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a developing situation. we're not sure what the circumstances are just yet, but these really military has subsequently rated clinically in yeah, in the occupied west bank and earlier they have rated the village of ebony. now i am a just outside of hebron. this is just a continuation of these really armies intensified raids since october. the 7th. the army says that they are cracking down on arms. palestinian resistance with palestinians will tell you this is just a daily occurrence of their life under is really military occupation. since october, the 7th, you're looking at at least $366.00 house unions who've been killed more than 90. 5 of them are children, at least 6000 other arrests and 4000 other injuries while we've been covering these raids repeatedly, medical workers have been prevented from reaching the injured in. that situation has been the case in the last 23 hours in the city of doing kind of the many things
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for the south. we would love and look by the streets, live for the war and gaza, or is inviting the why the region as well to us as last. another strike against if he controlled areas. and given this comes on the hours of the who t rebels claimed responsibility for new attack on a us vessel in the gulf of age of the u. k. maritime trade operations, as it happened about a 100 kilometers south east of the city of 8. and the agency says, a drone struck the vessel, causing a fire to the crew linked to extinguished. the naval forces of the many armed forces, well targeted, the american dream co, bacardi ship in the gulf of identity using a number of naval ms. aisles and scoring a direct and precise thanks to a lot of the many armed forces will not hesitate to start default direct sources and the re bmc. and the red sea in line with our legitimate tried to defend
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our dear young men and in support of the press that was to new people. or let's bring it in my kind of who's standing by in washington dc. and my kid was on a few days ago with us was saying that it doesn't want to, well with yemen, almost being said about these lakes, it strikes were you a central combined test concerned that the strikes took place? it says both systems strikes since the initial attacks to it carried out by us, then it's allied forces on friday last week. the central combine says that a number of targets was selected. all of them. it says, well, ms files that were prepared to be launched. they were on actual messiah rails, and they were shut down, ill destroyed in what the central command says was a pre emptive action. earlier the tact on a us own right to once again another attack by the who to use this is not more than
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40 attacks, that the who sees have carried out against shipping. since november, the who sees movement insistent that this is in alliance with the the fight against the palestinian forces in gaza in response to the is really action. the, however, the us continues to contend that there is no co relation that doesn't see it as a spreading of the conflict in gaza. rob it sees it as an attack on the shipping lanes in the red sea. but the us still contending at that it has degraded the who, the movement quite substantially. and you've had the spokesman from the pentagon saying in the course of the day that they had been degraded to an extent, despite the fact that these attacks on shipping continue as it did in the course of the day. but the us still maintains that position, that it does not want a wide, a wall breaking out that a bunch to control the situation. it does not want to see a spread of conflict throughout the region, but you still have these attacks going on. and now for the full time,
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the us attack against who t targets in human. right. mike, many things that i might kind of in washington dc. and in addition to what mike's just told us, uh these lines from the controlled stop, a news agency that says, so the us and british across have target to the of and it's all of the data, it's highest amount of by the unsolved in yemen. of course, this will be a repeat, so for britain's involvement, it will so close to place in a sort of phase launch from cypress a few days ago. we wait for confirmation though, from the british ministry of defense. of course, we'll bring you the latest on that when we have it moving on now. and in response to those attacks on vessels in the red sea, the united states has released the the, who t's as a specially designated global terrace quote, provided administration had remove the designation back in 2021 in favor of allowing humanitarian aid into the watch on country for now some fee and the sanctions will restore those barriers to age can be how can,
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how small following us the air straight on who's the control missile facilities given for attacking merchant vessels and u. s. navy ships and the red sea, the united states. again targeted the who sees and on wednesday, the 5 mid ministration announced it was designated the who's these as a specially designated global terrorist organizations who these cc a tax. we can certainly reconsider the issue if they don't, as the president said, we will not hesitate to take further actions. but why, how says the designation is designed to protect freedom of navigation, about 12 percent of international trade passes through the red sea and who the attacks have already had an impact on global supply chains. declaring the who is these a terrorist group bounce members from entering the us?
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freezes funds held in us banks and trigger sanctions against any entity providing the who's these with support. but the who the say the attacks on commercial ships. the began in october, we'll continue in solidarity with the palestinians and the more than 24000 killed in israel's war on gaza. the escalation has fueled concerns of a broader middle east conflict. in the past week, the united states and the u. k. carried out joint error strikes on who's the control missile, batteries, width and storage sites, and air defense system. designating the who's these as a terror organization requires congressional approval. and some congress members argue israel, using us weapons against the palestinians, is the real terror organization. still, despite some push back, there is overwhelming support for israel and congress. that's why the designation
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against the who's these is expected to take effect next month can really help it al jazeera, the white house was thing of the us, of members of congress, of what a vigil in washington d. c. for the people being held captive in gaza. so full dozen people, including relatives of the concepts gathered on the steps of the competent insult and as to how speak a volume songs and length of enjoys are due with us. at least a 100 captives are still believes to be here for a golf. and that families to be pressuring this way, the government to negotiate every time on the other side of the capital building. another venture was held for more than a 100 posting in general, as killed in gaza. it was attended by members of congress, notably democrats, corey bush, and posting in the american machine to tell you why the war and gaza has also been high on the agenda of the world. economic forms, annual meeting. and this was kind of devil's your secretary of state anthony blinking describe the was got wrenching. he said a palestinian state needs to be established. and there has to be ways means
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vehicles, how soon is to make these decisions. but i think what we're talking about is to, since you're talking about a governance, the government and the structure of governance, that maximizes the ability of the authority to actually deliver what the power steering and people want and leave. but it also has to be able to operate in uh, what you might call permissive environment. in other words, with the support of, with the help with his real not with it's active opposition. because even the most effective authority is going to have a lot of trouble if it's got the active opposition. if any. and he's really government the still ahead on al jazeera headquarters war on guns claims and other victims victim as a prosecutor, investigator t v station show that they demonstrate deluge heavy rain and open level floods,
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homes and refugee the had a lot of that was stopped by looking at the satellite image for south asian is barely a cloud in the sky across southern parts of india. and she lanka where we had heavy rain last week. the stars have dried up there looking pretty dry across the north as well. but what you can see is a dense fog that has been causing travel k us for about 4 days and places like in new delhi, stretching across as well into moving parts of pockets done misty and foggy conditions, which is set to last for at least the next 5 days, we've also had a cold wave dropping temperatures across moving pockets done and india. but it will be some improvement coming through on friday. some improvement as well for the winter weather that stops to ease across eastern parts of india and pakistan. still a few showers, sprinkling in to the very south on fridays and heavier rain,
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affecting shore line cars that on friday as well. there was a move from the east to put a band of rain. that's a dividing a factor in terms of temperature across china's, the east asia for to the cold up in the north is going to get cold over the next few days, down in the south and not one of the temperatures on where they have been that way . to weather shifting its way further east. so slowly we can in shanghai much to why i however, for japan temperatures on the up here, that's not the case with beijing. israel has now imposed a complete these on god's that so how do they survive? if you have no income, how do you live? cost of living rose sharply after the war and ukraine could something like that happen again as a ripple effect of the guys. and what is it us contract is mainly who are benefiting from this when the price of oil goes up,
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the cost of almost every thing goes up. counting the cost on algebra. the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out just the razor months on top stories this, at least 16 people have been killed. and i have a nice showing our residential buildings in the city of roughly 2 to remind you that that almost 25000 positives have now being killed and desperately needed medicine. and i'm a humanitarian aid has find the answer because i place well and from us reach to deal on choose
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a broken point capital i'm from the agreement was send aide supplies to civilians in guns and provide medicine to come to us as always, still not a strike against cruise, he controlled areas and human is also the who seems to talk to us a vessel in the gulf of age of the group is facing when you do us functions as a terrorist attacks and the red c a prosecutors are in charge of investigating an attack on a television station in ecuador has been shot dead in geico. suarez was ambushed in broad daylight. gang violence in ecuador was increased in recent, most of the, one of his most powerful drug was escaped from prison, safe emergencies currently in place. let's assume that the noise to companion view of the matter of our colleague, this is our swat, is prosecute careful, organized crime and glass. prevent on insight to organize criminal groups. interest will not undermine a commitment to ecuadorian society. this event is a source of grief for us as an institution. we are currently conducting the 1st investigations at the scene of the crime with the aim of ensuring,
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as in every case of finding death, that this crime does not go unpunished. only look at russia says it stopped a drone to attack targeting the capitol of the early hours of thursday morning. the country's defense ministry says it shut down a drone of adults kind of just south of moscow. no casualties are reported. another drain was reportedly intercepted me a st. petersburg in the north. moscow has a ques, ukraine of carrying out the attack. well, earlier russia launched more tax on ukrainian cities is defense ministry use as a kind of high position strikes on for interfaces in the city of hockey. this prompted evacuation orders for residents living near the front line for my brides reports from the ukrainian capital ukraine. second city had a key once again targeted in an overnight test strike with 2 russian missiles
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hitting a residential area, leaving some people injured. the southern port city of a desa was also hate to buy drones, the damage buildings, and also left several others wounded close to which could you lease the den transfers the burning. my neighbor ran outside, but the shelter was still far away when there was at the door teeth, we just have to crush down for when the continuing strikes. tom is nato c'mon does have been meeting in brussels voicing support for ukraine and with defending western style democracy high on their agenda. in 2024, a record breaking 2000000000 people on the earth will cost their vote in a democratic election. and yet, the concept of democracy needs to be defended, more than ever, a strong message of support from french president emanuel macross has also given ukraine to boost saying the russia mustn't be allowed to when i'm promising delivery of more artillery and long range missiles that help is increasingly needed
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as russian forces pushing the tax, the points on the eastern front, such as here around the backboard y ukrainian. so just say they face a shortage. if i made a shift about mcbride, i'll just say era. keith well then use a sierra leone. high court will allow for the president and his by corona to travel abroad for medical care. the 70 road is charged with treason accuse of complacency . in the november 2023 filed to regional blog. echo as has been trying to convince sierra, the leaders to let him go to exile the nigeria, which is offered to take him in. i do it just has more form free time. item security and expectations in freetown as a cruise, in case a guest and is by court all my resumed. but after hours of waiting for my president failed to turn up to the court as his lawyer, as did though successfully appealing to a higher court to grant to permission to leave the country. and i've lost by the quotes not to speak much on the quality in continental pointed phase. but the exact
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word has been given against me, and i will stay before the port sees. but in any event, there has been granted and reconsidered on his by chrome. it has been charged with the full counts of treason and hovering others who are accused of putting the field developer to do. that's cool. $27.00 soldiers and several cities have been charged . but there are diplomatic boost to prevent the 70 award from trial. for weeks. regional block, of course has been pushing to get mr. by chrome out of selling the nigeria house off of divorced him. legal and political analysts say mediation will help echoes us a region of blood and reduce tension in a countries why members of this have not been pulled up by the government of sanity on says the court order doesn't mean an end to the trial rented. they will go to, to nigeria, but it's also important to point out that the local,
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the magistrate court deed joining the case to elect the dates and sometime in march where we expect all the way us to be back even in front of the courts. and now what happens in terms of conversations with echo wise, between the head of states of ceremonies, excellency precedent view those and are things that we will comment on. while the former president has permission to leave the country, the other accused will not. but many here expect the court decision on chroma will help the country avoid a major political crisis. edris argues ita, freetown, the british m. p. 's of voted for controversial. that would see migrants to pull it in from the u. k to her, when the bell will know and towards the end reading. now the final stage of the reading of the house of commons. critics say the plan risk break it. it's a national move the cult leader in can you accuse of ordering follows to style themselves to death if they wanted to get to having has been ordered to undergo a mental health evaluation for mackenzie and the other stuff. specs appeared in
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court wednesday. catherine story reports from melinda in southeast, in kenya. is vicki chombo is still waiting for news of her 2 sisters and children who have been missing since january. she believes they were members of a doing state caused embodying d. more than $400.00 canyons, including children, died after their charge seemed to convince them to start themselves in order to meet jesus. 600 people are still missing. autopsies showed signs of suffocation and beatings the shallow graves. what discovered on a property in shuck hola in south eastern kenya, my mother to have in our last conversation with one of my sisters, she said big things are happening. we will see each other again. but you must have faced and you must be a believer. if you don't have jesus, you will not see me. thousands of people including the pasta, paul,
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and then give mackenzie are in police custody. the relatives who have been waiting for dna results thought they would have the answers by now, but they say that government officials are not giving them any information. and the silence is unbearable. it's believed mobile, ease of buried in shock, a whole lot. the government is struggling to identify them, some of badly decomposed relatives off, frustrated by the long wait. it waited on prostate, then the pro, sometimes what we get you to do that this is simply be patient because unfortunately people think over the dna, is it like use that the cost? i think of the dna tomorrow to have the results. no, no, no, no, that would be cheating. if somebody it may take months. sometimes e. s for has to be able to identify even 10 people. skill is like mackenzie's well known and muggy. indeed,
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he preached aghast. education and medicine and has been arrested several times over the yes. relatives are demanding answers from the government. the one justice enclosure. catherine saw it all to 0 by the se, kenya, before us present, donald trump was back in court on wednesday this time to decide how much she should pay in damages for defining rights a. e gene count obviously denied that he draped to the judge. one trump, he could be called from attending cold. if he's disruptive a self, we spoke loudly with his legal team during cal's testimony. that's a nasty man, he's a nasty judge. he's a trump hating guy, and i've used everybody in the court to disgrace, frankly, what's happening. it's a disgrace, happens to be a clinton appointment, but i'm sure that has nothing to do with it. the bad weather has caused damage and several regions across the level in the north heavy rain, full tramp families in the homes and destroyed comes for syrian refugees saying to
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hold a report, some aka, in northern level for 3 days. this low lying coastal area in northern lebanon was inundated, when nearby rivers overflowed during heavy rains. so walters may have receded, but people's lives have been turned upside down. many homes suffered extensive damage. not the ali tells us, the water reached up to her waist, and then the pillows living here are some of the most venerable in lebanon where the economy has all but collapsed. luna, and i lost everything. i have nothing left. i don't know where i'm going to stay relatives when they should stay for a few days, but then what many here lost their livelihoods. they are demanding compensation from those in power who they accuse of corruption and neglecting deteriorating
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infrastructure. going to see the what are the wonder if the they make performances and do nothing. they don't care about us. as you can see, we are not able to deal with these crises alone, days of heavy rain, transformed roads into rivers of months. there are several informal sacraments for refugees from neighboring syria in this region as well. tents were submerged by walter that rose quickly. hundreds of families were saved. but many are again homeless. i wouldn't matter how you say, this is the 1st time we experience something like this. you know, all of a sudden the water level rhodes, i have to be rescued by the lebanese army. people here say the floods is the worst i have seen in years. and it's now happening each year or the rivers. walter level reached up to here, experts say global climate change is leading to intense bouts of rain after long periods of dry weather. and that's also contributing to the crisis. but there are
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others who point the blame on the lack of infrastructure and barriers along the course of the rivers. now suddenly we have been telling the authorities for years so that they need to build proper burns. if they do that, then we wouldn't have this recurring problem. concern is growing up on communities living here near the banks of 2 rivers. that the worse is you have to come and more bad weather is forecast for next week. said their elders. eda, north 11 on the latest volcanic eruption and the splendid kind of creating the vic has finally stopped by the towns residents were unable to attend because of continuing seismic activity. so you've got to go reports from going to make the drawing and because of the over option in green, to make that the state of emergency here is fall from over. trim is still being south. and the new fisher that runs to the eastern portion town has widened. even


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