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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 18, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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all powerful, i believe it's imposing to build trust through transparency is communication between humans and machines. but do we know that you're not going to lie to us? no one can ever know that for sure, people empowered investigates a democracy or just the, to the base or the tax homes in the wi fi in southern guys are killing at least 16 people, including the children. the, this is all just do a live from the also coming up. rates are currently taking place in the occupied. the west bank is ready to exist on the refugee count. the us started several parts
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of the gym and off to the who things target another ship and the red sea. i'm charged with treason, but a quarter low, seattle, liam's former president. to leave the country the at least 16 people have been killed and gaza. an overnight shelling in the city of ruffled children are among those killed several of the wounded. this very strikes of the house and the eastern part of the city fighting is also taking place between palestinian groups and these trading troops and naso hospitalized con eunice. the 2nd night, so desperately needed medicine, as well as other humanitarian aid has entered garza that was sent from costa our hours after a deal was reached between israel and homeless to allow the supplies to be distributed. in the con reports life saving a forgot that following a guitar in french broker deal between israel and how much the cargo includes
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humanitarian essentials for palestinian as well as medicine for as really captives in the bas each strip. united nations is overseeing the process. the deed has been sporadically trickling into the 2000000 palestinians besieged by israel, often through diplomatic channels. nearly never enough. it definitely my blue most are the doctors can't find anything to treat their patients. so now they can just, you sell it to even salt is $13.00 per kilogram. now it's about, can you imagine putting some salt on people's injuries to disinfect them? they've reached a very critical point. people are joined and we can even find in killers the bad. the un estimates 93 percent of the population in gaza is facing a severe level of hunger and says pockets of the strip are already experiencing salmon like conditions. i have the product that brought on as i'm not, not in the board and hope is life is become
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a bunch of struggles between the queue for bread and that for gasoline and not for food for our children. aside from that, people do not have income anymore that enables them to get the needs of them. there was no source of income. people who had income before the war, who had a business or a project. they have become unemployed now highly and got the disease of spreading rapidly and leaving many in a state of desperation. the honorable, some people have become displaced, people are ripped apart. we didn't think the situation, but to come like this. how ya know? well, the new aid supplies will provide some relief. the un warren's, if the war doesn't stop. more palestinians will die. not from bombs, but from salmon and disease. rundle, of hon. l g 0. now the system in gaza is collapsing, another casualty of israel's war on homeless delegation from the world. health
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organization has just return from there. and once again, the warnings of an unfolding humanitarian catastrophe. this dr. gabriel, alexander is a port contain seems of injured people from the start. the the health care system in guys is collapsing. another casualty of israel's war on him. us. that is the assessment from sean casey districts, has been turned into an inpatient ward. the world health organizations emergency medical team coordinator, who just returned to un headquarters after spending 5 weeks in gaza. every time i went to the hospitals, i saw evidence again and again of the simultaneous humanitarian catastrophe that's unfolding. we see it every day in gaza getting worse and worse and the collapse of the health system. day by day. casey estimates that only 15 hospitals in guys that are functioning, but only partially. he saw how bad the situation is. first hand. these are
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a couple of his reports from last month, the largest hospital and goes up with a 3rd sign this week where it's still like he's an absolute misery. right now it's a hospital where i just the recertification a 9 year old boy was being treated basically with sedation, to ease of suffering as he dies. and when asked what was needed the most to help the guys a health system cope. casey was clear a ceasefire that he said would be the most effective and immediate way to end the suffering. gabriel's on to, i'll just say to, at the united nations, at least 11 palestinians have been killed in 2 separate as many air strikes in the occupied westbank on wednesday. is there any troops installed? the refugee comes in ramallah under continuing
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a rage and this city will come down. meanwhile, they've withdrawn from the time of funding 9 where there's been fighting, which kind of stand in use it. abraham's joining us from novelists and they occupied was fine. just bring us the latest on these rates made a wild, rob. we are sending here in nablus, where 5 palestinians have been killed. but only one funeral will be held this a noon just for the remains of one palestinian who has been hit by a strike. that these were the forces, se targeted one leader of armed men armed here in the occupied westbank. but the 10th and ongoing rate. now this is due ongoing for more than 26 hours is in full credit, which is to the north of the occupied to us bank. we have, we are still seeing these reports is raising into postilion home, sometimes exposing them all those times excluding the doors. i mean and sometimes
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throwing in 5 round stocking those homes. but also is the seeing these really bulldozers is ruining the infrastructure of that to tell them for future as well as the north. some sort of fiji comes that's already we've been talking about these really ruining of infrastructure in these times. this doesn't really, there's not really enough time for palestinians to rebuild those rows before these really forces comes back again and ruins those infrastructures. this is just part of what's happening and then we'll, since and 210 and refugee camps. but also what speed is where the reef across the occupied with bank and receive calls from schools and settings to holes education that are 6 palestinians who have been silver to cutting but the funerals or not. so when they're going to be at taking place because the ongoing because of the ongoing rate, their data, thank you very much indeed. need to able to him talking to this from novice the us
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as long as another strike against the whole thing. controlled areas in yemen, it's out to who the fights was attacked to us shipping the gulf of 8. and then you came. moto time trained operations, as it happened about a 100 kilometers south. east of the city of a agency says a drone struck a vessel causing a fire that the crew later extinguished the naval forces of the many armed forces. well targeted the american dream co, bacardi ship in the gulf of identity using a number of naval ms. ios and scoring a direct and precise thanks to a lot of the many armed forces will not hesitate to start default direct sources in the array bmc. and the red sea in line with our legitimate tried to defend our dear young men and in support of the press that a studio people might kinda is good lower than the latest wave of attacks on who's
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the targets. the us central command has confirmed that a another set of strikes that being carried out against who t targets in yemen. sand. com says that the strikes what aimed at missiles that we're preparing to be launched in what it describes as a pre emptive action. this is a full set of strikes that the us has carried out since it's launched an operation against the who t's in yemen with its allies in recent days. as the domain continues to insist that it does not one conflict in the region spreading, but maintains that it needs to carry out these actions to protect the shipping in the red sea area. at the same time, it has the knight who claims that their attacks up being carried out in response to is wally operations in gaza. early in the day of pentagon spokesman said that the who t's capacity had been degraded by these ongoing strikes. but at the same time,
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you said that was not expected that it would all happen at the same time. and the strikes will continue. he says, as long as the who t's maintain their attacks again, shipping in the red sea by kind of i'll just the era washington the united states is also re listed the who sees as a specially designated a global towers group. the bottom administration has removed the designation in 2021 in favor of allowing humanitarian aid to given. now some fear the sanctions will restore those barriers to aid. kimberly hawkins was following us the air straight on who's the control missile facilities given for attacking merchant vessels. and u. s. navy ships in the red sea, the united states again targeted the who sees. on wednesday the bible administration announced it was designated the who's these as a specially designated global terrorist organizations who these cc
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a tax. we can certainly reconsider the nation if they don't, as the president said, we will not hesitate to take further actions. but why, how says the designation is designed to protect freedom of navigation, about 12 percent of international trade passes through the red sea and who the attacks have already had an impact on global supply chains. declaring the who these a terrorist group bounce members from entering the u. s. freezes funds held in us banks and trigger sanctions against any entity providing the who's these with support. but the who the say the attacks on commercial ships. the began in october, we'll continue and solidarity with the palestinians and the more than 24000 killed in israel's war and gaza. the escalation has fueled concerns of a broader middle east conflict. in the past week, the united states and the u. k. carried out joint error strikes on who's the
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control missile batteries width in storage sites and air defense system. designating the who sees as a terror organization requires congressional approval. and some congress members are you, is really using us weapons against the palestinians. is the real terror organization still, despite some push back, there is overwhelming support for israel and congress. that's why the designation against the who fees is expected to take effect next month can really help it out as 0. the white house, united nations is warning the crisis and guys will have lost in consequences for years to come and provide. no residents are struggling to meet even their most basic needs. are the magic editor james base has been speaking to austin stein. i'm the administrator of the united nations development program. we are also seeing a developing crisis that will extend years into the future,
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not only through the destruction of infrastructure, which has already reached catastrophic level. so disruption of the economy in gaza, but also in the west bank and beyond that, as you entity also works as many countries in the region. we have begun to do assessments in order to determine what is the cannot make disruption. that is also affecting living on the king know, jordan egypt and other countries, and also how the spread of a conflict could affect the economies of the regions that the whole how will the un approach this? i know that you have a colleague secret colleague who's been made developing an humanitarian coordinator and she has a background in the u. n. d p. so i'm sure you'll be working very closely with her . what so the challenge is i'm, how do you go about something as joining to stats, find the secret condos, the seniors, humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator. now in place the whole, you and family, including you in the p, we have a focal point and i think much of what one would refer to as any recovery. and i
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would be cautious even at this moment to invoke the notion of the construction because we're still dealing with a, an active role, an active bombardment right on the bottom. and as we speak, the destruction continues and just imagine, you know, in the area around rough or whether used to be maybe 250000 people there. 1000000 people are right now trying to survive the infrastructure that has been lost, but also the patient institutions, the ability of an administration to function to re establish water electricity. we're dealing with a survival economy right now that is still under attack. but behind that and particularly gaza with all the trauma that has now occurred, this is not just a matter of physical infrastructure. it's not just a matter of economic recovery. you're talking about rebuilding in a sense, a societal and developmental pathway forward. and that's going to be very challenging, but as you say, the war has to end 1st and what we're seeing, everyone's won't about the risk of escalation. we're already seeing escalation,
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however, it all you about what's going on in the white a region. and i think like anyone, and we are extremely concerned, one is the virus escalation in hostilities, whether it is in the red sea right now. what we're seeing is in a sense of multiplier factor playing out exactly as i would have done in future scenarios, a conflicts, a major shipping route and use source of come back and, and come stick emerging there. but also um, in the immediate vicinity, there are many potential points of escalation, the members of congress of how the vigil in washington dc for the captives in gaza . several dozen people, including their relatives, gather the steps of the capital and sold a diversity speaker mike johnson left the vigil at least a 100 people. they still believe to be held here because of the families to beautify shore. and these various governments threaten goshen every time on the other side of the capital building. another which opens harold for more than
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a 100 palestinian journalists killed in gaza. it was attended by members of congress and most of the democrats, courtney bush and pano standing in the madison law. she's actually, while i do still ahead on all of the 0, we're gonna have the latest. and the deadly canyon called just doesn't, is that in order to undergo psychiatric tests before it's trial can begin the i had a lot, i was not in southern africa and we'd like to see some flooding and madagascar over the next few days. thanks to an area of low pressure, the spring, very heavy rain and some stronger winds. it's also flaring up, so writing across, moving parts of mozambique, putting those storms into zimbabwe. some of those affecting but swan is what we could see. flooding from those very heavy rains that really take off on friday,
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across moving parts of us. and bob with the rain extends its way further north getting as high up as it can. you before the north of this much to lie a picture, certainly for west and parts of africa. that'll change for the north west as when, when do with a creeps into morocco dropping the temperature in rebecca to 18 degrees celsius. but temperatures remain high across and most of libya, thanks to a southerly flow of a that's also affecting to keep pushing temperatures up for the likes of anchor over the next few days that went to whether you can see placing these scenarios of saudi runs across the gulf, we could see some of that in katasha on thursday, but by friday it's expected to push its way further east into parts of iran, where we have seen a lot of heat. but it is looking a lot cooler across the region breezy conditions a day on friday, doha, at $23.00 degrees celsius on friday. the
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hard hitting intervenes as a un ambassador position given to you by well, does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than apart to answer facing realities. usb 2. in the security council, this is a major stumbling block, is a problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era the the the you're watching or does it. a reminder of our top story is this. out of the 16 people have been killed and overnighted shedding on residential buildings of the
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city of ruffled children. among the dead, almost 25000 palestinians have not been killed. the overnight is very forces rated several cities in the occupied west, 5 inhabitants soldiers, strong the, all of the refugee camp and the rest of the us as long as i know this. so i for guys who to console daily is in the oven. it's also the use of talk to us passed on the go central on says 14 voted this house of the target son says is conducted a series of military strikes and iran, the countries foreign ministry says it's hip for that called catalyst hides in the system as well, as just on problems, it's in retaliation off to attack on find a missile. it's a pockets, tons bellow system problems. getting at least 2 children around the says it was targeting the headquarters of these ice. all i have a group of turf. i'm blooms them, are counting out attacks on the security forces. one of us we're gonna speak to
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come all high to be joining us in the city of so called in the same province of pakistan. so the story seems to be moving on a little bit, talk to some of what's been happening is indeed moving on. and that of god's coming at the time. as you mentioned that this was the reunion, the tag that took place a little over 24 hours ago. the bug or sunny miller, j. uh said that you had uh a, a meeting high level meeting. and that of the, the consent of the government. they kept it out. what they say is a precision strike that said that focused on the air force at crawford and ward are they did not cross and do it in, in a space. but what able to launch what they say are standoff precision guided munitions to target can solve the by root liberation all me. now the progress on it have been complaining to the range and about the presence of
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a balloon. sure. fighters who are attacking focused on the positions. this is an organization that there's also banned by the united states. they have got is that a get it out deadly attack against chinese worker, the engineers and the province of but you just dont even connect and try another district for an hour to focused on or to get the so a bucket, dont need them which i think that day for the pre emptive precision guided attack on cam. so richard says that already complain too about the rainier and however they would no action. so budget started making it quite clear that it's really not tolerate any of and so you're interested dirty. however, there's going to have serious ramifications of both countries going forward are good for that policy. china, i had dodge both countries to exercise and maximum, restrain must be their member dollars so that china has on board to ron and focused on the dish or not go for the,
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for the escalation. but the situation indeed very dense. and does it the 1st time that progress on the actor? obviously, i've got it out an attack. what did say the precision attack from its own experience by launching don't stand off weapons to come out. thank you very much. indeed, we're going to be checking in with you as we try to give some more information about what's been going on, but for now come off high that in. so thank you very much indeed. sizes of people and rushes, southern bish called us fun reason to have protested against a court decision. this sentence, a rights activist file also is being charged with any size a s a h would glue shop, a lot of it has more from last a red process, which is a delayed response. please kwan down on cells as a demonstrate is in the rush, cold histone region, they will rallying to support rights activists for you. a scene of he's been accused of installing, sing ethnic hatred for corbin's,
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had made about work. it's from central asia. and the caucuses has always been nice to accusations, but inside code, he was sentenced to for years in a penal colony with them, i was always yeah, you but you might, but we will appeal the sentence. i don't understand the policy carried out by the physical dis, down republic head like i don't understand what's going to happen next. we don't want this. this is a huge thank you to all those who support see my rooms see of seat is supposed to say his imprisonment was delayed. revenge for his activism in preventing the construction of a soda plant near the crushed stone mountain which local people can see that a safer place. the protest this child to freedom and demanded the resignation of the governor of the shortest. on the same time, social media outlets supposed to go to the kremlin, have accused for you
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a scene of, of being the leader of a bond organization. bush cooled, it advocates the separation of the republic of bush co to stand from russia and is accused of providing ethnic conflicts while for us. as soon this kayla rat sizes has been detained in the pulse. 2, yes, 5, posing beyond conflicts in ukraine. and while i was seeing if was an opponent 2 i, let's say the products has invest called us don, was directed towards the regional authorities and know the power of presentation unit ship of all of that. i'll just say right, most skirt rushes. so is it still drove the top attacks targeting the counseling the out of the hours of thursday morning. the country's defense ministry is as it's shutting down a drone over for adults just sort of of moscow, no casualties were reported. another drum was reportedly intercepted near saint petersburg and the north. moscow has accused a crane of carrying out the attack as a prosecutor here in charge of investigating an attack on
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a television station in ecuador has been shot dead in gal kia, says, as far as was ambushed in broad daylight, gang violence and equitable was increased in recent months after one of his most powerful junk laws escaped from prison, a state of emergencies in place. let's assume that the noise to companion, view of the matter of our colleague says us, what is the prosecutor for organized crime in glass, prevent uninfected organized, criminal groups? interest will not undermine a commitment to ecuador in society. this event is a source of grief for us as an institution. we are currently conducting the 1st investigations at the scene of the crime with the aim of ensuring, as in every case of finding death, this crime does not go unpunished. only look at people, they're gonna see it in the own high court with a lot of former president dennis, by called on to travel abroad for medical care. the 70 year old was charged with treason, accused of complacency in november's failed to original block eco was, has been trying to convince seattle they own leaders to let him go into exile in
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nigeria, which has offered to take them in. um, it is, this has more from free time item security and expectations in freetown, as a cruise in case against defendants by court. all my resumed. but after hours of waiting for my president failed to turn it up to the court. his lawyer, as though successfully appealing to a higher court to grant to permission to leave the country. and i've lost by the courts not to speak much when they call it in continental pointed face. but the exact order has been given against me and a i will stay with where the port sees. but in any event, bill has been granted and reconsidered on his by co, my husband charge of full counts of prison and hovering. others like use to go to the field, november 26. cool. the $27.00 soldiers and several cities have been charged. but there are diploma to boost to prevent the 70 award from trial for weeks. regional block, i course has been pushing to get mr. bike roma out of san antonio. nigeria has
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offered to host him. legal and political analysts say mediation will help a course of the origin of loss and reduce tension in a countries why members of the school have not been pulled up. by the government of sanity on says the court order doesn't mean an end to the trial rented. they will go to um, to nigeria, but it's also important to point out that's the local, the magistrate court. deed joining the case to elect the dates and sometime in march, where we expect all the way us to be back even in front of the quotes. and now what happens in terms of conversations with echo wise, between the head of states of ceremonies, expedited, c, preston, view. those are things that we will comment on. while the former president has permission to leave the country, the accused will not. but many here expect the quote decision on chroma will help the country avoid a major political crisis. edris argues ita frito. patient pays
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a voted for a controversial law that would c migrants to port it from the u. k to the one to the available now into it's 3rd reading is the final stage and the house of commons . critics say the fine risk of breaking international law account later in kenya, accused of ordering. father was to starve themselves to death if they wanted to get to have them as being order to undergo a mental health evaluation. fall. mackenzie and 30 other suspects appeared in court on wednesday. more than 400 bodies. but it seems last year. catherine, sorry reports from my lender in southeastern, can you? this is vicky chombo is still waiting for news of her 2 sisters and children who have been missing since january. she believes they will, members of a doing state caused embodying d more than $400.00 canyons, including children, died after their charged convinced them to stuff themselves in order to meet jesus
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. 600 people are still missing. autopsies showed signs of suffocation and beatings. the shallow graves. what discovered on a property in shuck hola, in south eastern kenya, my mother to have in our last conversation with one of my sisters, she said big things are happening. we will see each other again. but you must have faith and you must be a believer. if you don't have jesus, you will not see me. the thousands of people including the pasta, paul and then gave mackenzie are in police custody. relatives who have been waiting for dna results thought they would have the answers by now. but they say that companies are officials are not giving them any information. and the silence is unbearable. it's believe small bodies of buried in shock a whole lot. the government is struggling to identify them. some of bodily decomposed relatives are frustrated by the long wait, it's of waited on prostate,
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then the pro, something's. what do you to do that seem pretty patient? because unfortunately people think over the name, is it like, is that because i think the dna tomorrow have the results? no, no, no, no that that would be cheating somebody. it may take months or sometimes yes. for us to be able to identify even 10 people skill is like mackenzie's well known and loved. indeed, he preached a ghast education and medicine and has been arrested several times. over the years, relatives are demanding answers from the government. the one justice and closure. catherine saw you all to 0 by the south east. can you from us president donald trump was being back in court on wednesday, and this time to decide how much she should pay in damages for defaming right to e. jean carol, after he denied that he draped to the judge, one trumpet could be barred from attending court if he's disruptive. awfully spoke
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loudly with his legal to turn car.


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