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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 18, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the colors that hold on, let me what you go to the news on life. my headquarters here in dough hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. he's really struggling home. southern guns are leaving 16 people that was fighting intensifies the city of con,
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units desperately need today, trickles into goals of the hospitals. doctors are overwhelmed and thousands of patients that facing medicine shortages pulses. right. default is target palestinians that he's across the west bank. a raid onto the problem has been ongoing for 24 hours and rising tensions along the around pockets on boulder, turnaround demands and explanation after officials and a slum about consensus strikes on the wrong se, the welcome to the news that we'd begin in go. so what israel's will on the strip is now and it's 100 and said day 16 people have been killed and over like showing by these, right. the ministry in the southern city of rossa children among states have been killed and injured. these very strikes at the house and the eastern part of the city findings being taken place in con eunice,
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between palestinian groups and is ready false as me and not ser hospital and desperately need aid has begun to arrive in gauze, are following a deal between israel and thomas, but the human is warning for the mountain, guessing it is nowhere near enough. emerald elecom begins on coverage of the life saving age for garza following a guitar in french broker deal between israel and how much the cargo includes humanitarian essentials for palestinians as well. as medicine for his really captives introduce each strip. united nations is overseeing the process. it has been sporadically trickling into the 2000000 palestinians besieged by israel, often through diplomatic channels. nearly never enough. it definitely my blue most are the doctors can't find anything to treat their patients. so now they just you. so even salt is $13.00 per kilogram. now it's about can you imagine putting salt on people's injuries to disinfect them? they've reached
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a very critical point. people are joined and we can even find in killers. i love that the un estimates 93 percent of the population in gaza is facing a severe level of hunger and says pockets of the strip are already experiencing salmon light conditions. i have no follow up. i brought on as i'm not, not in the bible hope is life has become a bunch of struggles between the queue for bread and that for gasoline and not for food, for our children. aside from that, people do not have income anymore that enables them to get the needs of that. there was no source of income. people who had income before the war, who had a business or a project, have become unemployed now highly and got the disease of spreading rapidly and leaving many in a state of desperation, the honorable people has become displaced when people are ripped apart,
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we didn't think the situation become like this, how you know? well, the new aid supplies will provide some relief, the un more ins, if the word doesn't stop, more palestinians will die. not from bombs, but from salmon and disease. rundle, of hon out to 0. well it state 200 maybe to join us from rough. i in southern gone. so let's just begin with that a. so it's what is coming in. how do you, what do you know so yes. well, so far and since the late, se, afternoon, hours of yesterday, there were at least that at 10 humanitarian aided. 1 were allowed into the gaza strip. we happened to be at the roof at crossing and we documented that during our reports they were followed by um, another, a patch of, of,
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of trucks coming into the gaza strip, including the uh, the medical emitted code a that was a part of a broker deals with guitar to allow more of the medical supplies much needed for the hospitals in the southern part of gauze as well as the northern part, including the deep roll occurred at deal about the delivery and k. 2 hostages inside the the, the gaza strip at, but so far as the daily life for palestinians have been defined by uh, by uh, routine of, of the queueing. more than half a day. or is stay in it waiting for buddhist times. a just increasingly difficult to come as the amount of it coming in is so little when compared to the great demands of more than 1.9 displaced at
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1900000 displaced palestinians here only in the southern parts of the gods. but mainly in drop off a city so far we talking about that the demand is a great, but the help available is so little to meet those. those demands were we talking about food supplies, water supplies, as well as medical and other survival items, much needed for a very crowded evacuation centers and an areas here in real fast would be. and that's the situation here in the southern part in the northern parts. it's even worse, there are, there is famine going on and the condition of this spam and is worsening in each passing b as reports. devastating reports coming in from the northern part and gods as if they were people had been going for a while now without the proper nutrition, without the food supplies and lit on the them, the water available is contaminated. there are no hospitals available. none of the hospitals into notifying goes up is functioning right now. do the uh,
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the ongoing bombardment on the destruction, the lack of fuels that eventually pushed all of them out of service so far. what has to be not allowed in terms of the ada trucks does not satisfy the greatest needs of people given the difficult living conditions. indeed, and you know, if, if trying to get agent medicine was a problem, the public, the, the palestinians have to deal with ongoing strikes in the gaza strip. yes, indeed. then just as part of the ongoing, a problem, the reason there is a broken a, the process and, and, and broken aid mechanism is the ongoing air strikes and, and the continue was pounding across the, the gaza strip that put the risk of, uh, put the life of aid workers on the ground at 1st,
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but so far we're talking about areas that being targeted and lifted in ruins or severely damaged just makes it very difficult for the aid workers to work so far. we have 16 people that killed overnight in a, in an air strikes and a residential home. there was a, in which a 3 families were show during, at the eastern part of dropbox and multiple injuries were reported to a very over whelmed hospitals in the central part of, i mean, they were talking about in the hospital, tanya and his son, the central air yet another intense night, the ongoing guard tillery shinning and heavy, a aerial bombardment providing coverage for invading forces that in less than at 24 hours for the 2nd time, pushed deeper into the central parts of han. you. and it's that on the way it's leaving. and much destruction to the residential homes in the infrastructure in the area and causing a great deal of damage to a field hospital. and just they are not that are hosp. the depth is,
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are daniel field hospital leaving much of its equipment in ruins, as well as a good injuring a number of the medical staff in that area. that's it. creating a cemetery nearby and removing the newly varied bodies in, in grades and just causing great deal of panic for hundreds of 1000 of displaced in populations in, within the courtyard of nasr hospital. and within the vicinity of that district and causing great deal of fear. and panic to people and the fact that is happening for the 2nd time, and in less than a 24 hours, given indication that not sort of hospitalized is, is experiencing a scenario that happened to all the health facilities in the northern part, including a ship and the indonesian hospital, the largest to hospitalization, garza and the northern part in the central area. my another intense night of the environment but mainly concentrated this time into rough digit kinds of raise out
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of the not as many reported to along the hospital. but between the injuries and those who were killed in over nights artillery it's showing this is it has become the daily routine of not only local residents of the central area, but also the hundreds of 1000 displaced palestinians. it from the northern parts. and guys of been sheltering in that area when they were told it is safe to move due at the beginning of the word. but for the 2nd time, there are told now do deep as they are becoming a red zone for the military. for this really military, and there is a surgeon b r, a strikes school on monday. the 4th and roughly thanks for the update. the full tenants is where the, where the war ongoing is that is taking a large, told on small businesses, leaving them reading from a lack of demand. and a short, full of work is 350000 is the way the army reserve. it will be mobilized for gt; and tens of thousands of pallets didn't even work as
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a blocked from entering as ro lubricant report. so from tel aviv a yeah, here runs a new mexican restaurant and a 20 street in tel aviv bought less than a year of to year this business, the war or going to become older. the government has promised support to small benches. he hasn't received anything that owns that you need to have more than one needs to see what your work before the previous years. and they give you a person and i don't have one use a lot of small business clothes already because they didn't have the head. and then not the foot. we have here 3 or 4, the a, the students in the markets that put a date on the 4th to the, as part of the new amended budget. the government has promised money for companies that have brought up the funds during the war. a survey by the central bureau of
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statistics in november found one and 3 starts up businesses of close. this will remain open, reported significant losses. straight flight, vist intel of eva, fidelity made up of small businesses and some of the owners, which include resolve, sol, just tell us they feel neglected by the government and then the loss of business itself during the war. they also say the skeptical for the new budget will sell the voice box. many economists say the government's priorities all skewed as money follow to religious schools and illegal assessment projects remain intact on small businesses and not being prioritized. one of the things that i think, let me pull it is shows an economist and not understand that it's not enough to allocate $12000000000.00 for a sudden cause you must have a mechanism that actually takes the money and finals it down and photos it quickly and here's what we do,
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not appreciate enough small businesses. we look down at them, and that's a big, big mistake we, because these are the businesses actually drive the economy. this any man maya understands this all too well. she's beat a tv theater. and children's entertain up a 25 years now. she struggles to put food on the table. the worst was the minute it started because the diary was full booked. so we came from 100 percent work to 0 percent. i know it's small stuff, but when you don't have money to buy food, you're starting to be nervous. i even starting to lose my voice. i get stressed, you know, like, and i couldn't sleep. small business though, does like my it says it's the working costs and people who are bearing the economic costs of the war and the also being the cost. and laura, hon. i'll just sarah tel aviv, stephanie, just to join us though for a walk you parties,
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theresa and stuff. it does seem that sort of various parts of his writing society are either not happy or critical of the government beat the media, small businesses. so just parts of the is really public, depending on who you talk to of the just want to give you an example of this deal to get medicine to the captives inside garza, which really these really government wanted to be held a success, particularly benjamin netanyahu, who issued a statement around 5 days ago saying that it was him who i talked to most side with going to contact with a deal to get these medicines to the hostages as well. that only really transpired yesterday as to the details is riley's woke up to some of the main headlines. first of all, here the baby. this is the youngest captive inside goes a. he turns one today. so this is pressure on the government having him on the front page saying a 104 days later, his family is on everything to try to get him out. and that headlines very critical
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actually of this medicine deal. you have another, the main newspaper saying bitter medicine. why is that? and the headlines talking about the fact that this deal actually showed the mess in quotes in the security establishment. the fact that benjamin matching out, who was so eager to announce the deal, i just referred to that about 4 or 5 days ago. and that his defense minister, you'll have to go on to yesterday, only found out from a how mazda official that, according to this deal, initially, israel was not going to inspect those a trucks with the medicine. now this is something that is ralph always insist upon . it is pretty on hurdles to have the trucks going into garza that aren't inspected by israel. so as we still on folding, as we reported yesterday, there was a trucks are ready to go. that because of the outdoor in the security establishment, they then went to be inspected by israel zone event to be allowed into garza. so the irony here is that benjamin netanyahu, who are ready,
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is under incredible fire. first of all, i don't think it is right is, will ever forgive him for the events of october, the salvage they do hold him responsible. he has never taken any of that on board, but it now is real, a real backlash. as the details are unfolding as to how that deals with and on, i'm many people in the highest elements didn't know about these kinds of fox. so this is the mood here and you were mentioning there are that a lot of people that are criticizing us, particularly the hostage families, also tens of thousands of people. you see them protesting in tennessee every weekend say that this government is not doing more to bring the captives back, that the war is not going to course that they don't seem to know what they are doing. and i think these calls, as time goes on, now's people get more and more worried for the lives of the captives. those calls that criticism will keep increasing. so think of that for a say no to bodies, theresa and thank stuff.
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the video to the days of the news, the bunk is stones, foreign ministry size is apples as it targets in it runs proven. so it's just fun and, but it's just fun. if any and state media is reporting that 2nd people have been killed, involves foreign ministry says that and iran carried out to the attack on choose day which killed 2 children in pakistan's book just on the province. the turnaround says it was target technology group funding for the rights of the city minority inside it wrong. some of us has longer legs that those separatist groups are launching attacks. oldenburg hassan from inside. iran, well focused on foreign ministry space presences box on carried out the strikes to defend itself into this morning section was taken in light of credible intelligence of impending large scale terrorist activities against focused on by the service. this section is
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a manifestation of focused on unflinching results to protect and defend its national security against all threats. the successful execution of this highly complex operation is also a testimony to the professionalism of the armed forces are focused on focused on will continue to take all the necessary steps to preserve the safety and security of its people, which is sacrosanct, inviolable, and secret. let's close eva to i'll focus on correspond while high, the hydro is not in the city of stuff in the southern province of sitting in pockets. dawn come all when we spoke 24 hours ago, we didn't expect the situation to escalate in this fashion. us absolutely. um and that the escalation of gosh,
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taking place off the bug or don decided to respond to this and yeah. and that tag inside focused on you did it just a it must be understood that but not just on and complicates 42 percent of the line . bosh stragglers did a bit and see what the strategic board and go on to a very close to the straits of our most. uh go either way to best buy the drain a. now the dog is dep been hate and the early morning attack included uh uh what bug just on said well below deliveries are nami uh, cabs. now doors uh um by does have been attacking a bug just on a uh, take your day for the civilians and even chinese. well good then chinese, uh, well, fisher and then the problem is a couple you're just on extremely strategic area. but one has to understand the broader dimension of that on the right hand side. uh great. the below just on is known as fixed on broadband. now what do you, the indians were saying is that the judge allowed data, which is that group,
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but there wasn't a response that better for killing at least a dozen it in young police man. what they intended target that in order to bring that about your son a watch can that while your son is also very carefully saying that they did not target any area in, in citizens and their brother in the country that burger sony miller district saying that they called ignored, why late january and aspects, but were able to fly a standoff, precision guided munitions, adult style, get multiple, your dog, get your head. oh, but we're just on. as i mentioned earlier, extremely important because china has been a huge board ad go either. this is a part of the joining our best denver or to initiate dave. i was so known as the join now focused on economic carter. go, is it a white tail importance because of that length? and the fact that for decades, the buckets on the military has been fighting, but those fighters who have been attacking will agree, but their turns inside focused on show buckets on sending a clear message. but at the same time,
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it is ironic that board navies were recently ordering maneuvers in the northern part of the straits of our moods. both sides met in dogwoods where the buckets on the prime minister of course has now got it already written it. and they were discussing the tract, emanating from groups. and tonight i've run this done withdraw enough mutual concern focused on raise the issue we did in and about the balloons liberation army again. so i'll put anything on their side. they didn't. yeah. and you must have shut the door to bug just on that go. sure, i'll, i'll does, was operating from budget on this story. and so both sides hitting these particular dog gauge, but not dog getting a drug, the military. and that, of course, would be a significant explanation of that going to happen. but at the moment it measured response from both sides and both sides. stressing that none of the focused on you or any of the citizens. what can then for this particular diag counted out by the focus on the aspect i did call, did not cross into
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a new and experience. they were able to fire the munitions across the border and hit the dog, which had things come out. of course, we'll continue to follow the story with you from us as the hours progress, and we'll catch up with you later in the day as well. but let's go saving out to my home in the run these but professor at the university of toronto, it joins us now from the writing capital this tomorrow. and you can tell you with this field and alice's a 24 hours ago, we saw what we heard, what rounded in terms of its attacks into pocket stone, china ask for restraint from pocket stone. that hasn't happened. so i'm wondering what your assessment is of how we rob may react now of the story is that and after the wine gods, uh and when things began to go down this way of me raising,
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they started activating various organizations. phones in the rocky current just on and uh, and the sort of no man's land in pockets on me. other chest on the progress on the government has problems with that area and in controlling good there. and right now there are large numbers of pocket, sony's who are gave me your on because of the economic situation. so the near the border with pocket stuff. so the ronnie ends discover that a major operation, a major attack terrorist attack was about to occur. and we've had a, an increase in terrorist attacks, as you know, uh from that area. and bock this on, inside the run where we have lots of casualties. so the ronnie adams felt that they had to strike immediately because something bad was
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expected to happen. now obviously the ryans didn't want to do this because they, they have excellent relations with pockets on. and the economic relationship is to expand. the president has a special focus on that. but there is a big problem on the board or as we speak and then is being manipulated 5 bits ravaged by the you. you say that what we had to have any proof of that to us that and except because no proof is being provided. if you look at it from a cultural point of view, you have the book just on the side of pocket on an individuals that you've always felt that they've never been looked after by something about the properly. it never been positive pockets. nonsense. but look, just by was bought from oman bucket in the late fifties and you've got your aside. the rainy inside the balloon population, the who some also need some of she i, i believe is a small,
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a cultural problem with the respective capitals about who below 2 people. uh, what rights they want. and i, i really can't comment on the pockets on me. but it's just not an issue because i'm not an expert on that. and i think there are a lot of people in congress dot that you've just coming to is commented on on groups in pakistan, and that have been activated by israel. so you have commented all the other 2 things. yes, i the 2 things i commented on. one is that that area is not well controlled by the pockets on the government and the focus on the government has a problem. their host of reasons, it's economic. uh the, the, their focus is on the. ready order with india, there's also as bonus on, they have big problems with a half bonus and just as we do so, but there's a huge economic problem in rather just on pockets on now whether they feel neglected by the central government. that's something that really an expert tends
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to be calm, but many of our any wrong because of the very difficult economic situation in progress on. well, any ronda situation is significantly different, different, even though it's very tough for them to be wrong because they're not running and citizens and they're alongside the border. but the 2nd issue is that because there is no man's land on the pockets on each side of the board or more or less, that these groups have been able to station themselves there. and the writings had to try to ban. let me just add something. it's sort of like in kindest, on the rock committee, wrong, the central government doesn't have that sort of control that it should have an arrow beam is unfortunately under a lot of influence. of course, this is a bit different, but in the sense that it would be this about under direct influence. and we have basis for terrorist organizations alongside the border,
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which is well documented. dr. documentary is had been made where people go and visit those parents spaces. so in pockets on it's not that the government wants them to be there. it's the fact that they don't have full control in at a b a. it's how should i put it more nuanced? okay, we'll see what does happen then, and hope that that escalation doesn't get to any more pronounced a was for the moment. i mean, you know, they have to leave it. i thank you very much. now have you flooding has caused widespread devastation in regions across level. many families have been trapped in the home as well, and several refugee comes across the board when sylvia have been damaged and it's called the report. so from a call in northern, let them for 3 days, this low lying coastal area in northern lebanon was inundated, when nearby rivers overflowed during heavy rains. so walters may have receded,
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but people's lives have been turned upside down. many homes suffered extensive damage. now the ali tells us the water reached up to her waist, chose living. here are some of the most vulnerable in lebanon where the economy has all but collapsed. luna, and i lost everything. i have nothing left. i don't know where i'm going to stay. relatives, when did she stay for a few days, but then what many here lost their livelihoods. they are demanding compensation from those in power who they accuse of corruption and neglecting deteriorating infrastructure. going to see the what are going to the they make promises and do nothing. they don't care about us. as you can see, we are not able to deal with this crisis alone. days of heavy rain transformed roads into rivers of months. there are several informal sacraments for refugees from neighboring syria in this region as well. the tents were submerged by walter
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that rose quickly. hundreds of families were saved, but many are again homeless. i wouldn't matter how you said this is the 1st time we experience something like this. you know, all of a sudden the water level rose, i have to be rescued by the lebanese army. people here say the floods is the worst i have seen in years. and it's now happening each year. the river is walter level, reached up to here, experts say global climate change is leading to intense bouts of rain after long periods of dry weather. and that's also contributing to the crisis. but there are others who point the blame on the lack of infrastructure and barriers along the course of the rivers. now suddenly we have been telling the authorities for years, so if they need to build proper burns, if they do that, then we wouldn't have this recurring problem. your concern is growing among communities living here near the banks of 2 rivers. that the worse is you have to
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come and more bad weather is forecast for next week. said their elders. eda, northern lebanon, a little still head. hey, i'll be. i'll just even use another victim and equitable as well on guns as a prosecutor, as shown that in broad daylight, the had that we've got so very nice the winter weather affecting europe at the moment. that's thanks to storm irene, pushing its way from west to east. it's bringing some strong wind and rain to the likes of spain and portugal. but the west is going to be in germany. we read warnings out for very heavy snow as well as freezing rain and the likelihood of black life. some of those mornings extend into belgium as well as the luxembourg for heavy snow and that system shifts its way. 6 the east, it's likely to pull into the czech republic,
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dropping some snow in prague on thursday. it will get colder as well, but still clear up by saturday. winter weather as well as the story across the north of person on the island of island. but it is looking much t y, a bit cold ahead of her putting mild but wild weekends that snow pushes its way further east across into denmark as well, across the mediterranean, things all going to turn more on several of the thanks to that system. on fridays and very heavy rain coming in spots of space, unimproved picture for the se ahead of winter, whether that starts to creep in and what that does to the temperature. as you can see, the dump flu descending further south will be very cold in zurich. and bell, great, a drop of 10 degrees by friday. the situation in gaza escalates. we bring you expertise in on the face. he's going to
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ask you the 20000 people, 70 percent of whom are women and children. these are the has destroyed garza. this is a little worried when we see sadly civilians being moved, one from one area to another and the area there. so the reason for this is here he is, is having life in cuz that becomes so heavy that the thousands are one thing and forced to fits in the i expect to be liquid where we sit openly, health plan is to expel palestinians. stay with us for the latest developments on which is ever on heard voices, very few people and this rather are sitting up against the door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. he's healthy, the human noises, but also i want to want to know us as a human, to have a connection with the stream on out to 0
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the the open to being out of the news that we're going with me. so robin a reminder of all the top stories, at least 16 people being killed. and even though it is really showing in the city of rough and southern guns and functions also being taking place between palestinian groups and is very full say is needed as a hospital. in con eunice for more aid has then to gauze the following a deal between as well as most but the united nations rules. it's nowhere near enough full cities right now. i mean, it's kind of that raise in the, at least 7 cities across the occupied westbank, dozens of palestinians to be interested in total current. where a raid is continuing for a 2nd day is ready for us is killed at least 11 palestinians in the territory on
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wednesday. as it brain has moved from us from douglas and joins us from the new to . let's just begin with the ongoing raids in total crew, which is being what go from building 24 hours the yes indeed, they've raises the full set of refugee stuff and they've made for some stuff for them here too. and both times are in to getting my city to the north of the occupied the bank. and those 2 places i've seen numerous is ray the ways one in particular, they've stayed there for more than 4 hours. have said that this is a reminder of the long wait. we were there yesterday with the the confrontations between the policy and fighters within the top. but this morning we
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see more videos of the function infrastructure. the been happening some of these really bulldozers that's also this for the one home. also you have to remember that those places have seen so much destruction already. so there aren't really rooms in the real sense of the work. but then these resources would come my gallon levels was making it more difficult for palestinians. what is the only thing they are now? let's look for just that's why these where the phase of the main goal is to target those arms of men, palestinians would send you the, the main goal is to destroy their life. never to make it really impossible for anyone to think about something that was the scene of showing towards israel all in order. justin to tell him itself we have 64 of them in let me try that. his need to be in car, into,
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for the city of the men leaving the very intense situation. the calls today for the past several months. if not for many, many years, you at 1st time know how difficult it is to move from one location to another with the check points and the security issues that it's el puts in, in everybody's way. so wherever you right now, because it's taken time, doesn't to seize and get to where you are to report the news itself. and it's even hard to move between 150 to another. so i wasn't not listen, i am filling out this, but now i have lost all the few where we are expecting if you're at 29, the man who has been killed. but still it's, it's tough to move around in the cities themselves because of the way the truck points the car path or is that all you have? what volume check points. we just put something on the spot by the way, the forces,
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and sometimes people can save it for hours. why are we beautiful also? because this is a place where that is really rooms truck hit until now let me show you the area where. a the policy me and then where with the, with his know, these really forces 1st i'm to into the fiji and gives the illusion. this is kind of going to be a place where the tele, simians are going to be at us. this is kind of an, a rough operation, but what's happened is that the 5 men with the policy is who is real, like conducting target. the heads of the sense he moved with his car towards this area. it was around 4 am in the morning. there wasn't anybody in the freeze as the main street as you can see, but that's when the when his and struck, the 5 men fell off to the side. yes,
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he's ready for us. but this is the one. hello sylvia. yes, i'm in desert. those remains were found, the city is here, they said the one was to be able to identify those remains below to get them to bring some source of comfort to the lady in those remains. these are today and we'll review the envelope for that and we'll show you later as well. obviously the, the april enforced in douglas. think, you know the us as low as another as tried to get into the controlled areas in yemen. and that was after the group said that it at a time to us shipping the gulf of 8 and the u. k. maritime trade operations says that the a tank was carried out about 100 kilometers southeast of the city of 8. and the agency says a drive and struck the vessel, causing
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a fine. the crew managed to extinguish the naval forces of the many armed forces. well targeted the american dream co, bacardi ship in the gulf of identity using a number of naval ms. ios and scoring a direct and precise thanks to a lot of the many armed forces will not hesitate to target. call direct sources in the re bmc and the red sea in line with our legitimate tried to defend our dear young men and in support of the 1st. that was to people like color how small the latest wave of the tank sold, who targets the us central command has confirmed that a another set of strikes that being carried out against who t targets in yemen. sand. com says that the strikes were aimed at missiles that were preparing to be launched in what it describes as a pre emptive action. this is
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a full set of strikes that the u. s. has carried out since since launched an operation against the who t's and yemen with its allies in recent days, as the domain continues to insist that it does not one conflict in the region spreading, but maintains that it needs to carry out these actions to protect the shipping in the red sea area at the same time, it has denied who claims that their attacks up being carried out in response to is wally operations in gaza. early in the day of pentagon spokesman said that the who t's capacity had been degraded by these ongoing strikes. but at the same time, he said that was not expected, that it would all happen at the same time. and the strikes will continue. he says, as long as those who tease maintain their attacks again, shipping in the red sea by kind of out you, sarah, washington. the united states has also relisted the hugh fees as
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a specially designated global terrorist group. the by the administration had removed the designation in 2021 to la. he by the time in a, in t m. and company how chemicals following us the air strikes on who's the control missile facilities and given for attacking merchant vessels and u. s. navy ships and the red sea, the united states, again targeted the who sees and on wednesday, the bottom administration announced it was designated the who's these as a specially designated global terrorist organizations who these cc a tax. we can certainly reconsider the nation if they don't, as the president said, we will not hesitate to take further actions. but why, how says the designation is designed to protect freedom of navigation, about 12 percent of international trade passes through the red sea and who the attacks have already had an impact on global supply chains. declaring the who these
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a terrorist group bounce members from entering the us, freezes funds held in us banks and trigger sanctions against any entity providing the who's these with support. but the who the say the attacks on commercial ships, the began in october, we'll continue in solidarity with the palestinians. and the more than 24000 killed in israel's war on gaza. the escalation has fueled concerns of a broader middle east conflict. in the past week, the united states and the u. k. carried out joint error strikes on who's the control missile batteries, width and storage sites, and air defense system. designating the who's these as a terror organization requires congressional approval. and some congress members argue israel, using us weapons against the palestinians, is the real terror organization. still, despite some push back,
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there is overwhelming support for israel and congress. that's why the designation against the who fees is expected to take effect next month can really help it out as 0. the white house, one of the licensed agents is wanting, the clients isn't gone, so it will have lasting consequences for us to come. residents all struggling to meet even the most basic needs of diplomat together to james base has been speaking to understand the administrator of the united nations development program. we are also seeing a development crisis that will extend e as into the future. not only through the destruction of infrastructure, which has already reached catastrophic levels to disruption of the economy in gaza, but also in the westbank. and beyond that, as you in the p also works as many countries in the region. we have begun to do assessments in order to determine what is the economic disruption that is also affecting living on the king know, jordan, egypt, and other countries. and also how the spread of
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a conflict could affect the economies of the regions that the whole how will the un approach this? i know that you have a colleague, secret call could be made the developing and humanitarian coordinator. and she has a background in the u. n. d p. so i'm sure you'll be working very closely with her as well. so the challenge is, how do you go about something? as john into stats find the secret condos, the seniors, humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator. now in place the whole you and family, including you and the p, we have a focal point and i think much of what one would refer to as any recovery. and i would be cautious even at this moment to invoke the notion of the construction because we're still dealing with a, an active role and active bombardment right on the bottom. and as we speak, the destruction continues. and uh, just imagine, you know, in the area around rough or where they used to be maybe 250000 people there. 1000000 people are right now trying to survive the infrastructure that has been lost,
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but also the educational institutions. they have been that you have an administration to function to re establish water, electricity. we're dealing with a survival economy right now that is still under attack. but behind that, in particular, and gaza with all the trauma that has now occurred. this is not just a matter of physical infrastructure, it's not just a matter of economic recovery. you're talking about rebuilding in a sense, a societal and development or pathway forward. and that's going to be very challenging. but as you say, the war has to end 1st and what we're seeing, everyone's won't about the risk of escalation. we're already seeing escalation, however, at all you about what's going on in the wider region. well, i think like anyone and we are extremely concerned. one is the virus escalation in hostilities, whether it is in the red sea right now. what we're seeing is in a sense of multiplier factor playing out exactly as one would have done in future
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scenarios. a conflict, a major shipping route and use source of uh come back and, and come check emerging there. but also um, in the immediate vicinity, uh, there are many potential points of escalation to that as a casualty of, as well as long calls or as the territories health system. the delegation from the world health organization is desperate to and from the straight. and once again, federal warnings of an unfolding humanitarian catastrophe. gabriel is on this report, contains images that some of you might find distressing. the health care system in guys is collapsing, another casualty of israel's war on him. us. that is, the assessment from sean casey districts, has been turned into an inpatient ward, the world health organizations, emergency medical team coordinator, who just returned to un headquarters after spending 5 weeks. and guys, a, every time i went to the hospitals, i saw evidence again and again of the simultaneous humanitarian
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catastrophe that's unfolding. we see it every day in gaza getting worse and worse and the collapse of the health system. day by day. casey estimates that only 15 hospitals in guys that are functioning, but only partially, he saw how bad the situation is. first hand. these are a couple of his reports from last month. the largest hospital in goza for the 3rd time this week, where it's still like he's an absolute miseries. hospital where i just a 9 year old boy was being treated basically with sedation, to use a suffering as he died. when asked what was needed the most to help the guys a health system cope. casey was clear
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a ceasefire that he said would be the most effective and immediate way to end the suffering gabriel's on to, i'll just say to at the united nations a close to a head hey on the increase volcanic activity and indonesia of souls as the evacuation of thousands of people
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the the book about k. hi coles and see earlier and has allowed the form of present and is buying co, raymond, to travel abroad some medical cat, the 70 year old is charles with treason following failed, giving november,
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regional bulk echo us has been trying to persuade 70 is meters. so let's him go into exile in nigeria. that's office to take him in. i mean address has moved from the capital free time height and security and expectations in pre town as a cruise in case a guest and is by court on my resume. but after hours of waiting for my president failed to turn it up to court. his lawyer as though successfully appealing to a higher court to grant to permission to leave the country. and i've lost by the quotes not to speak much when they call it in continental for the phase. but the exact word has been given against me and a i will stay with with the port fees. but in any event, bill has been granted and reconsidered. just by cool, my husband charge and the full counts of prison and hovering. others like used to go to the field developer to do that's cool. the $27.00 soldiers and several cities have been charged,
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but there are diplomatic bulls to prevent the 70 award from trial. for weeks. regional block, of course, has been pushing to get mr. by corona. out of san antonio, nigeria hung up on the doorstep. legal and political analysts say mediation will help a course of the origin of loss and reduce tension in a countries why members of the civil have not been pulled up by the government of sanity on says the court order doesn't mean an end to the trial rented they will go to um, to nigeria, but it's also important to point out that the local, the, my district court deed joining the case to elect the dates and sometime in march where we expect all the way us to be back even in front of the courts. now what happens in terms of conversations with echo wise, between the head of states of ceremonies, expedited, c, preston, view. those are things that we will comment on. while the former president has permission to leave the country, the accused will not. but many here expect the quote decision on chroma will help the country avoid
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a major political crisis. edris argues ita free town for the prosecutor in charge of investigating at a time called a television station. and that google has been shot dead in black. you says us what is was ambushed in broad daylight, gang violence and equitable has increased in recent months after one of his most pop on truckloads escaped from prison. the state of emergency is in place. let's assume that the noise to companion, view of the matter of our colleague says us, what is the prosecutor for organized crime in glass, prevent uninfected organized, criminal groups? interest will not undermine a commitment to ecuador in society. this event is a source of grief for us as an institution. we are currently conducting the 1st investigations at the scene of the crime, with the aim of insuring, as in every case of violent death. but this crime does not go unpunished. the thoughts of the people in russia's southern disco to southern region have protested against the court decision, defense of rights activists to file as knowles, who's being charged with inciting ethnic hatred. usually
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a shop of oliver has more of a most good read process, which is the delayed response police quad down on sounds as of demonstrates has in the rush, quota stone reaching. they will rallying to support rights activists for you. a scene of he's been accused of installing thing ethnic hatred for corbin's had made about work. it's from central asia. and the caucuses has always been nice to accusations, but inside code, he was sentenced to for years in a penal colony with moms all the way. yeah, you by the way, but we will appeal the sentence. i don't understand the policy carried out by the physical dis, down republic head. i don't understand what's going to happen next. we don't want this. this is such a huge thank you to all those who support supervisor on this. i see the c o c. that's supposed to say his imprisonment was delayed,
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revengeful. his activism in preventing the construction of a soda plant near the crushed stone mountain which local people can see that a safer place. the protest this child to freedom and demanded the resignation of the governor of bush coldest on the same time. social media outlets supposed to go to the kremlin, have accused for you a scene of being the leader of a bond organization. bush cooled, it advocates the separation of the republic of bush co to stand from russia, and is accused of providing ethnic conflicts. while for us, as soon this kayla rat sizes has been detained in the pulse 2, yes, 5, posing beyond comb, fixing ukraine. and while i was seeing if was an opponent 2 i, let's say the products has invest called us don, was directed towards the regional authorities. i know the power of presentation unit ship all about. i'll just say right most skirt no rush just as it stop. they
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try to tackle the capital in the area as of thursday morning. the defense industries as it shut down the drain plug will ask just south of boca, the casualties were reported. another dream was ripples of intercepted this in petersburg in the north. most good because the keys ukraine is coming out of the tax as well. the rush at low as more times on ukrainian cities, and that's the 2 residents living near the front line being told to evacuate. but mcbride to pull. so from the ukrainian capital keys, ukraine, 2nd city had a key once again targeted in an overnight test strike with 2 russian missile, getting a residential area, leaving some people in get the southern port city of it. desa was also hate to buy drones, the damage buildings, and also left several others wounded. close to loose. could you loose the den transfers the burning. my neighbor ran outside, but the shelter was still far away. when there was at the door teeth,
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we just have to crush down the continuing as strikes calm as nato come on. does have been meeting in brussels voicing support for ukraine and with defending western style. democracy high on their agenda. in 2024, a record breaking 2000000000 people on earth will cost their vote in a democratic election. and yet, the concept of democracy needs to be defended. more than ever, a strong message of support from french president emanuel macross has also given ukraine a boost saying that russia mustn't be allowed to win a promising delivery of more artillery and long range missiles that help is increasingly needed as russian forces pushes the tax, the points on the eastern front, such as here around the backboard y ukrainian. so just say they face a shortage. if i made a shift about mcbride, i'll just say era, keith and indonesia, as, as the people are being evacuated, to increase volt,
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kindly captivity officials of valence loans and lower toby. lucky, lucky to the highest level. jessica washington has moved from east flores. so i'm here in east flores and to my rice can see mount level toby lucky, lucky, the volcano has been erupt inconsistently since december, because you can see now it's erupting again. you can see the stick gray smoke coming from the volcano and we can also hear this steady, loud rumbling as the volcano continues to a rock in early january authorities increase the low level of the volcano to the highest possible warning stages. and the regional government has urged people not to go within 5 kilometers of the volcanoes, krasier. there's also wanted people to be on a loss for further cold lava floods. if heavy rain occurs, seismic data indicates a significant increase in low frequency earthquakes. that means the movement of magma is intensifying. experts say this means the volume of lava is likely to
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increase. more than 6300 people has been evacuated from the homes and villages close to the volcano. jessica washington to 0 east flores, indonesia. well, i'll be back. good morning is on the other side of the break. that's watching the news of kind of assuming few minutes. the of hi, joseph lar, 3 years in, and joe biden, faces little competition from within the democratic party. despite concerns about the popularity of the aging presidents as the formalities of the nomination, concepts begin does by didn't have what it takes for another 4 years. us election 2024 on elsa's, the groundbreaking films from award winning filmmaker.
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watch. listen. witness. on out as here, i have the right, the boy costs anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that gods chosen and blessed us because we protect israel. i want to continue. do want to state level all that i can't support the 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lower the freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights more about the issue whatever i'm looking for. so my thing for talk to in, quote, on which is 0, i care about helping us engages with the rest of the world. i cover form polls, the national security. this is a political in house. here's the conflict army telling the good story. we're really interested in taking you in to a place that you might not visit otherwise. it's actually feel as if you were there
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the, the, the, the is rarely shutting hit southern gauze that killing 16 people is fighting, intensifies the city of con, units the problem. so how many watching, how does it have life and coming up in the next 30 minutes desperately need age
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trickles into goals of hospitals. but doctors are overwhelmed and thousands of patients and some sort of medicine. is there any falls as target published city in cities across the occupied west bank right?


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