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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 18, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, so i'm for the back to go, this is in use our own knowledge as 0 life or my headquarters in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes for a zillow. and i will get tearful scenes in a rafa as 16 palestinians are killed in the latest wave of is really strikes on guys that
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a trickles into guys as hospitals with doctors are overwhelmed in thousands of patients. i showed of medicine also this our funerals, a housing the occupied westbank full policy in scales and is really base. and foggy science prime minister, cut short his visit to the world economic forum after an ad for a strike inside, yvonne escalates tension. on for a small with a sport tennis world, number one english wine tech stages and great escape api, australian open shore and tie came back to beat danielle collins in the deciding set and stay on course for a 5th grand slam title. the thank you for joining as we begin in gaza. where is raz will on the strip is now and it's $130.00 day families in vasa. i'm morning 16 palestinians. calles fi is really strikes. a house in the eastern part of the city has been paid and children
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are among those of been killed. any judge is really strikes that also his con eunice as fighting between palestinian groups and these really military has continued in its streets. meanwhile, vital 8 has been arriving in gaza after a deal between israel and how mos, but the u. n. is wanting that the amount getting in is nowhere near enough. michael, apple begins coverage. this boy is in shock. his family's home was struck by, he's really shedding, along with others east of the city of rough uh, in southern gaza. says dozens of people were killed. the among so much tragedy, some good news. the cries of a baby risk you to live from under rubble, the loss. but he's really a tax of wiping out the entire family. the family,
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our house was bummed up. don't. my brother, his wife and 3 children, have been killed. we don't know why they bombed us, that's it. they pump the children for 3 full and 5 years old. the grief of having to bury loved ones is too much for the south of gaza was designated as a safe zone by israel. and it's way, it's on the ordered people displaced from the north to go more than a 1000000 people are sheltering. the but it's come under constant attack. the amount of here in the us, i'm the, i mean, we're from the come up. somebody has them, we are supposed to be secure in our house and on and off the 2 families didn't have anything in the houses. the evacuated 3 or 4 times wasn't even moving the gauze of time. eunice, that's all. but i and they said roughly as a secure region is
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a quick funeral plan for the dead. then the bodies of young and old. okay. for the stacked on top of each other. for what will be the final gen michael level, which is 0. and let's get the latest on this situation on the ground. now with all just here is honey, my whole to is live from rafa is 7 guys. a honey central and southern areas of guys are still being bombed and the fighting is getting closer to nasa hospital in con eunice where many people have sought refuge. just bring us up to speed with, with the latest expressed a yes folly its just the not only being displays now, but constantly and continuously bombed in, in their either a refugee in their evacuation centers or inside the home that they've been sheltering in for the past. week then,
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and since the beginning of the were just within the past that were reports about intense artillery sitting at the eastern part of newness city, mainly talking about ibis on a district that's at the eastern side of the law. had dean road where artillery sitting in ears tried, destroyed the vast majority of the infrastructure and the residential homes within the past few weeks. and now continuing the destruction of the remaining at homes were forcing more people into this place. been at more artillery selling and massive air strikes, took place in the southern part of hon unit. that's an area that is at the edge of rough city. just making people in a day putting people in a state of panic and fear that the war and the military operation might be around in the world are covered by the diesel. really old. busy busy area but overnight. busy busy busy extend our deliveries so they provided a properties areas coverage for. busy invading forces on the ground as really
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trying some armed vehicles and push the. busy for inside. busy the. busy vicinity locked their hospital and that you're danielle field, the hospital in live down at 24 hours. busy busy we've done that, it's why last night there and the night before, we're in the much of, of the destruction cost not only to the residential home and the infrastructure. right. the equipment and the properties of the jordanian field hospitals making people trapped inside nasir hospital could not be good, not go for a safer place to seek protection. so destruction of residential buildings of hospitals. honey, in the meantime some a to has gone into gaza after that deal broken by ca, time friends. do you know what age specifically has gone in and where it's gone to
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the yes was much needed. the aids right now for palestinians across the gaza strip merely for the over crowded southern part that is trying to find food and a drink doable water. but more importantly for a segment of the portion and segment of the population in the northern part where the literally have no access to any of the food supplies or the water supply. but this time that it is exclusively meant for medical aid shipment that was agreed upon on a brokered bike a car to provide medical supplies for a captive in the gaza strip as well as for palestinians, much desperate desperate. the hospitals right now needing those medical supplies, particularly here we're talking about is to my functioning cost also, or the central a where one remaining health facility operating and functioning at the lowest capacity possible. giving the,
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the large amount of injuries before to this hospital. and here also in roughly a city and in hon. you and it's not sort of hospital app we've seen in the past 2 days of the dr. performing a surgery he was forced down get the, the leg of his 16 year old daughter on the family, the kitchen counter without and stage, and without any of the not the 30 minute goes to flight. this is how bad the situation a gun in the gaza strip because of the lack of medical supply. these are supposed to go to hospitals including the shipment for big hop that they're going to be going to designated locations as agreed upon. honey, thank you very much. for the updates past balance is here is honey, my modes reporting i live from rafa in the southern gaza strip of these really ami has carried out raising at least 7 cities across the occupied westbank. dozens of palestinians have been arrested into crammed, where a raid is continuing for
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a 2nd day. is there any forces killed at least 11 palestinians in the territory on wednesday? let's get the latest with nita abraham, whose life from nablus any occupied west by nita has been more than 24 hours since that rate until graham begun and, and you've just attended the funeral of one of the people who is killed during that . great. the yes indeed, the read to, to cut him has entered the 2nd day with is really bulldozers ruining the role is leveling them, damaging the infrastructure, not just in one comp, but in to the, to cut him refugee camp as well as the north shams, one where we've seen also and is really a strike that hit and killed for palestinians that was on wednesday. but then again, we've seen these really forces going home to home using a gun fire leading to the killing of 3 other palestinians. as a result, the latest is a 27 year old whose body has been taken by medical teams while there is going to be
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no funeral into and cut them because the rate is still ongoing. and it's reminding palestinians they are the long ray that took place for more than 40 hours. we've seen a funeral take place here, but not for one body, but for the remains of yes and no to me. he and his brother were both killed in a drone strike that targeted the car of, or a car that had abdullah a bush and then it's now of the lot was a lot has been accused by these really forces of needing and palestinian arm. girl based theater below that are few jacob and they been accusing him of conducting attacks against is really targets. but the family of, he has another me say that he does not re, is that the 2 songs the 2 brothers did not have anything to do with the auctions or the activities of that, of the lobby. so that has been doing now as
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a result of the strike. those palestinians have been killed. their bodies have been taken with these really forces except for some body parts. and we've spoken to earlier, the sister of you as an unsafe and she says that it was hard for her, but she was able to identify from the high said this was her brother, this is what she told us. he's my brother. you ask how i recognized him, his hands part of his body. some marks enables me to identify him. he's my brother . i will know him. i can tell you that i lost all of my feelings and need a, a very sad mood there and took them no doubt as that rage continues vastly in the north of the occupied westbank. but there also raises happening elsewhere across the occupied west by slowly or ways on the in the occupied west bank in many cities, villages as well as refugee camps,
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sometimes average more than 40 raves per day heat. and then we see a rest happening all across the occupied to us bank jump. this overnight and this morning we've heard that the 60 palestinians have been arrested, but that's not to mention. the math, detentions the thought of taking place is in different places. with epi, it, with these really forces goes into people's homes, 6 the palestinians out and then does what they call now field interrogations with them. they detain them for hours, many times blindfolded and uh, not being able to wear warm clothes and basically being a trip of being taken. but not only that, we're talking about killings as well. just so reminder that while we haven't been speaking to the family of you as an unsafe, this is the 3rd brother i love who was also killed by these weighty forces in 2016 . and also this is a picture of all the young man,
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all the men who have been killed in the future. you can. this is kind of a minded just what's happening here in the occupied us back is not a result of october. the 7th. it's just a continuation of its need to thank you very much for the update to me that you've rein revolting a lot from nablus. cindy occupied westbank or the u. s. has launched another series of ass twice on who's the controlled areas in yemen. that's after the group said it had attacked us ship in the gulf of age in the u. k. mary time trade operation says the attack was carried out about a 100 kilometers southeast of the city of age. and the agency says, a drone struck the vessel causing a fire. the us said it strikes hit 14 hosea decides that were to be used to target more vessels in the red sea. as spokesman for the group says, they'll continue with their attacks. and there was, it was the nasal forces of the many armed forces, well targeted,
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the american dream co, bacardi ship in the gulf of identity using a number of naval ms. ios and scoring a direct and precise thanks to a lot of the many armed forces will not hesitate to target. call direct sources in the re bmc and the red sea in line with our legitimate tried to defend our dear young men and in support of the 1st step in the people. the . it's not turn our attention to some of the days i've been using pakistan for and ministries. busy as it's a force has had targets any ron's father and so says fun and baluchistan union state media is reporting that 7 people have been killed. yvonne carried out an attack on tuesday, which killed 2 children. in fact,
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a science baluchistan province. kaylon says it was targeting and onto the fighting for the rights of the sunni. my noisy inside, yvonne is lama. bob has long alleged at separate schools that are launching a tax on pockets. on from inside the ron or pocket stands for an affair. as ministry spokesperson says, as strikes were carried out to defend the country solving to this morning's action was taken in light of critical intelligence of impending lot skin terrorist activities against focused on by the steadiness as this section is a manifestation of focused on unflinching results to protect and defend its national security against all traits. the successful execution of this highly complex operation is also a testimony to the professionalism of the armed forces are focused on
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focused on will continue to take all the necessary steps to preserve the safety and security of its people, which is sacrosanct, inviolable, and secret. let's speak to, i'll just say or has come out of high to who joins us now live from jeff, or bob's district in the baluchistan province of pocky sign. so come off tension soaring between the 2 neighbors. what's the latest as well indeed, those dancers had been storing 2 days ago. it was a rainy and go to the trunk targets. go to the bar, the inside pocket on and button to go. they said that the j. charlotte, uh the uh the uh was uh, of operating from there. now that group has been blamed uh for a number of attacks on the drawn in police and security voted on the, on inside of the board of august on guard at some badger the back. always start drawing to the training and bad today, and they're on the edge on them back to the to bug just on know where then they're on the do not to come back to by get done. so indeed,
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downgrading of diplomatic relations. but through this try that happened earlier in the morning and through they weren't that the buggers on is a dirty board. did the thing with killer drones. these drones are, did not why later on in a space, but they were able to launch standoff, precision guided munitions on targets. we're doors about 3 kilometers inside a ron targeting, where the buckets on the say, well below just a group, the operating, the balloons liberties your. now me, this is a band outfit declared that the debtors steven by the united states and buckets on said that it had shared information. were there any and on several of the towns that dish or do something about that? so the buckets on it is now going in for what they say when the dahlia treat preemptive strikes, targeting the balloons liberties are now me now, but no, just on this critically because on the one side it has
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a long quotes line where they're at a b and c, there's a port of go order, which is also good for the straight truck for most, but they're just on it also create the good it because the chinese have had been that board that go either the chinese engineers and workers that most are being targeted by the balloons there, but ation all me. which of course warn the chinese to get out of pocket. it's don altogether. so indeed it is cool. surely because, but they're just daunted about 42 percent of the country, latin moss and of your strategic and board is but people are saying that there needs to be a d escalation. that censored prevent because neither on all bug just on getting a ford and escalation beyond a certain point, right. and so will this be then a one off response from the pocket? sony's of a, is there appetite to de escalate and his normal box weighs what the bug just on is and they're in,
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in they've been saying if you're in between the line and the, the, the, they're not targeted uh that the guardian for the country that nobody gets on a what uh, what can a bug, it's on a citizen, north canada india dag by the uranium. that's where the it ends up saying the buckets on it. of course, the thing that they did not get any here in citizens of our targeted by losing their bridge. and now, i mean, so both sides very gave for all those going for did for dest. keeping the door for negotiations open because china has also come into the fray, asking both sides to exercise and max the maximum, restrain under, tried to solve this to dialogue. thank you for that. come out. hi to reporting that live from jeff. are bad in pakistan. well, earlier we spoke to major merante who is a professor at the university of kaylon. he says, attacks by on groups in pakistan, force the run to carry out
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a pre emptive strikes after the wind godsa. and when things began to go down hill for this way of the regime, they started activating various organizations wells and iraq, encouraged us don. and in the sort of no man's land in pockets on the other chest, on the progress on a government has problems with that area. and in controlling that there and right now there are large numbers of pocket. sony's who are gave me the wrong because of the economic situation. so the near the border with pocket stuff. so the ryans discovered that a major operation, a major attack terrorist attack was about to occur. and we've had a, an increase in terrorist attacks,
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as you know from that area and pockets on inside the run where we had lots of casualties. so the ryans felt that they had to strike immediately because something bad was expected to happen. now obviously the ryans didn't want to do this because they, they have excellent relations with pockets on. and the economic relationship is to expand. the president's has a special focus on that. but there is a big problem on the board or as we speak and it is being minute today to find its way these to let us get more on the pakistani perspective now and speak to z, sean. so loud dean who's director at the center for regional and global connectivity to bob live, i think time focused on security risks and geo politics. thank you for joining us from is on a bobbsey, sean. so i wanted to ask you 1st because we had you on our air by 24 hours ago, whether you anticipated this reaction from docusign, it was thought that he's done,
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the bi would be more restrained and it's response that's precisely right. it's uh 24 hours ago when i was on the shuttle. one of the things that i spoke about was that there is the star, the president, for when a foreign country a neighboring company has conducted strikes inside a box that has an adult with a kind medic response from box them, which has been proportional and surgical in nature that's more or less, as i can see, my whole i've been that this will be resolved by the channels that are channels. but that certainly does not see the case of are kind of more testing and choose series of steps. the 1st one of them being diplomatic in nature, in the sense of pulling back our on boys from that off and then on the on board. and some of us is currently on vacation, is now not being allowed to return. is both leaving both embassies the box on the wrong in the charge of the cds. respect will, will be, will this be the only steps? do you think? will this be a one off response?
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the comment was one should at the moment be a one off response. i think what needs to be demonstrated is that sense as well now prevail? iran has taken the what i will call a very professional step, especially considering to your politics, especially considering the matter and in which the turn it wrong back and then insert the particular move uh past that a prefix is being used across the national media for id to disrupt explanations with microsoft and to, you know, conduct these kinds of strikes. hi. of course now has to be searchable strikes. they're very deliberate in nature. they are very much a show of sprite capability for the parts funny here. of course, with the just remaining inside of our sensors, base and spiking targets of the kilometers inside the rama rates. and those market supports the bombing to be less insurgents. and some of the screen that haven't
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been able to be boxed by the province of the low spot for the past several decades . just for context for international view ization. i mean, this is not new, of course, because both docusign and iran have a font militants in in the rest of solution reach and for some time now. but how much of this is also a cultural issue about the balloon people who straddle the 2 areas? of course, the groups that operate in these areas have dual identity. the 1st of these, i've been edited ordinary capital simply and that they're in the launch in nature. and of course the below interest on the people exist on the border painting remarks on and photographs. that's something that's going on. we some about that on. but the mother identity, but these books, particularly just you have which is that they're all planes to have targeted into the strength of 72 hours ago. as long as assuming that's a specific problem. work that out. that's not a problem for, for some of us. because assuming focus groups traditionally or not believe in miss
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like fox about state, right, this is certainly something that will continue to be a born and fed onside for to sometimes stop. and the other thing to always bear in mind, especially when it comes to the border, big box on the rock is a. this is very mountainous to rate, right. booms can operate outside of the parameters of access uh for law enforcement agencies and paramilitary groups. simply because of the nature of the bar because they all right we, we have the chinese urging, restraints calling on both sides a to, to exercise restraint. of course, china has good relations with both yvonne and pockets on what role could they play in the escalating the tensions? absolutely, china is certainly welcome looking for bucket or in the process uh, fox and having already connected it's kind of responsible not that any additional response unless additionally for both other moves that i see is the statement from the radiant floor minister at the bottom, you can amik for which he has very categorically said that these bikes were only
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intended to target iranian terrorists, that might have fled across the border and on fox, punish soil. and then once that product submitted, the run has no further cause for any additional insulation. hopefully, that will remain to be the case for the next 24 to 48 hours. obviously are crucial probably doesn't ask for box on that because it's kind of exploits the response that comes from ronald b, a diplomatic nature or crime. metacognition well actually determines the course of action. push a few days ahead now that thank you very much for talking to as a sean so loud in joining us. the by thank you for your insight. not to tensions any stuff like i n d. so african need is a oh, holding an emergency meeting in uganda to help diffuse tensions between somalia and the field. this is off to ethiopia, reach a deal with somebody line to gain access to a port in the red sea. somalia has recall, did some buy cetera, to a fuel cap that's bringing dosage of volumes live for us and you've done this
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capital come padlock. talk to us about why you guys call this emergency meeting. now in the background to these tensions between, if you're in somebody well following this was an emergency session caused by the occurrence of president of the guys that is the president of general t uh to discuss and try and find a solution to the escalation intentions between if you appeal and somalia, central governments in mogadishu, but also on the agenda is going to be the ongoing situation in. so john, as the organization that is made up of 8 member states is trying to find some kind of a path forward to try and bring all these different parties together. but that's a very, very whole order. a given the current situation between maybe some of the a and e, c o, p, a. and also the other issue is that not all the parties are actually in attendance . there's been
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a number of issues at play that have prevented the different sides from attending, which makes you guys main objective to try and find a solution is nearly impossible at this stage. what's the dispute about door set and what has been the reactions from the parties involved as well. the dispute between issue appear on somalia dates to a memorandum of understanding that if you will, p as a government signs with the a government in some, all the lands. they didn't go through the central governments in somalia, in mogadishu. they bypass them and signed a memorandum of understanding to use the ports in somali land that was the main issue. and this prompted the government and the foreign ministry in somalia to issue a statement saying that if you appeal has violated the sovereignty and integrity of somalia by doing this and until they go back on this memorandum of understanding
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there is no point of having a discussion with the governments in adis and at the other issue is that no member of the government from me to appear is actually attending. they've sick said that they have a scheduling conflict so they won't be in attendance of this emergency session. so moving forward is going to be very difficult on that front. the other conflict that is up for discussion at the moment in and type a which is about 50 kilometers from where we are at the moment of the presidential palace is the ongoing conflict in so dawn, the 2 main parties involved in that have been invited and we know that the head of the rock, that security forces has been in the country as of a few just of less than 24 hours ago. mohammed him down has said that they will do anything to provide more security for the sort of these people. but the head of a sudan solver and transitional southern council until such
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a overhang. i've said that's the so down issue was an internal one and he's not attending this emergency meeting. so a lot to discuss with those this side can lead is meeting in uganda dosage or byron come thought i thank you very much for that. still ahead on this news, our another victim in ecuador as well on guns as the prosecutor is shot dead in broad daylight. a protest in the southern russian region turns violent in a rash of anger over the rest of the local whites. back to this, and in short mom, it's not as egypt are targeting their 1st when a, this is ask a couple of nations file be here with the actual how i there is still more disruptive, whether on the costs across central pots. so if you, we all still in
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a cold mosley flow up towards the bridge you saw is we've got this area of high pressure has been in place as a weakening feature, but it is allowing those winds to keep on coming in from a know if we direction we can say from the speckled clouds that we do still have some more wintery showers over the next 24 hours or 7, and things will slowly 10 to 10 of them out of this line of wet weather here, this heavier cloud, this purple line that is uh what, what the system thinking farther south was bought a fabric of heavy snow is brought some freezing rain to across jeremy thinking further south was coming up with that other system the which will push more so that when she makes cross the alps, we see most of the coming into the central, the southern pos of france along with austria and pulse of poland. that'd be guy with the showers, the wintry showers that will continue to affect know the scotland in particular as a wintry, whether that to coming into what no way of shifting a little further east, which as we go free friday, just not just have a wind spot to push around to move a west the direction a less cold direction. showers, meanwhile, will continue across the mediterranean,
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and some of the showers will eventually push the way into the fall north of iraq. and even it's a northern areas of algeria. the, the latest news as it breaks rebates in control of the presence will likely help. well, this immediate emergency with detailed coverage, the war between the army and b. r. a stuff has race of the largest displacement among children in the world that to make children then mobile level to be recruited from around the world. the system in russia is beginning discharge some planes of fatigue. no one knows what the limits are with your ability to have the right to boycott. anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that gods chosen to bless us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue to do in a state level all that i can to support the 3 part series explodes,
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the implications of us and people who called lower the freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights, more about the issue, whatever i'm looking for. so my thing for talk to, in, quote, on which is 0. the, you're watching the news out on algae is here with me for the back people. a reminder of on top stories is really strikes of hit the southern gaza strip, killing 16 palestinians in rasa. these really military has also shelves, con eunice, while fighting has continued. and these are the army, has killed a promise to be entering an ongoing rate into power. i mean, the occupied westbank,
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dozens of policies have been arrested, cost will time. and the us has launched another series of s rides on is the controlled area, seems to have a laptop to the group said it had a task on american ship in the gulf of aden, causing a fire of us has relisted the who sees as a specially designated global carry school 5 ministration has removed the designation in 2021 to allow humanitarian 8 and t m. and kimberly hawk. it reports following us the air straight on who's the control missile facilities given for attacking merchant vessels and u. s. navy ships in the red sea, the united states, again targeted the who sees. and on wednesday, the bottom administration announced it was designated the who's these as a specially designated global terrorist organizations who these cc
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a tax. we can certainly reconsider the issue if they don't, as the president said, we will not hesitate to take further actions. but why, how says the designation is designed to protect freedom of navigation, about 12 percent of international trade passes through the red sea and who the attacks have already had an impact on global supply chains. declaring the who is these a terrorist group bounce members from entering the us? freezes funds held in us banks and trigger sanctions against any entity providing the who's these with support. but the who the say the attacks on commercial ships. the began in october, we'll continue in solidarity with the palestinians and the more than 24000 killed in israel's war on gaza. the escalation has fueled concerns of a broader middle east conflict. in the past week, the united states and the u. k. carried out joint error strikes on who's the control missile, batteries, width and storage sites,
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and air defense system. designating the who's these as a terror organization requires congressional approval. and some congress members argue israel, using us weapons against the palestinians, is the real terror organization. still, despite some push back, there is overwhelming support for israel and congress. that's why the designation against the who fees is expected to take effect next month can really help it al jazeera, the white house. let's discuss this now with our senior political analyst. my one of the shy who joins us only use our soap, my one. what do you make of these actions by the us against the who is easy? i'm and 1st the strikes, the designation. once again, we know what it, what are they trying to accomplish it as well? southern they, they want to deter any attempt at disrupting for the vacation as it were. you know, nothing says empire. then controlling the seas and nothing says they might still
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vampire the losing control over the seas. we've known that since the british into the american, i'm clearly the united states wants to center a very strong message that it really does not want disruption of the navigation. right now of course the whole thing is i've been saying for a long time, but only one of the one at tech, those is there a bound ships. and then there was, there's a bit of a gray area is it really is right of balance. does it connect to to, is there any way or but so the united states basically lost patients with that sort of uh, attempt. but i think the, your response for attacks in a week right against yemen. i think that certainly going to create a lot of problems in the area, especially between young man and so do you have any idea who have been trying to reach out to mr. green? right? yeah. so that's a good i think that house is that there was organization that's definitely been up, put the entire piece process a trask. and that's really a major problem because you know,
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for our viewers around the world who followed this with us between 20152022. we know that this was one of the worst human disasters of the 21st century. some 230-0000 jim and he's died in that us back floor. right, right. so the fact is that us back at the bombing. yeah. man. and designating the house he's terrace organization, just when the soldiers want to make a deal right. wiles, a while back they do designated the stairs organization just wasn't the so it is wanted to launch what against it. right. and what's interesting here. so with that for the case of yemen, and the us is that not all countries, not all western countries, at least on board with the us, his actions, france, for example, has said he and want to plot the point of this coordination. that the us that has put together what does that suggest to us 5, you know, is the us in, in this alone right now? well, i mean, it is with the u. k. there's always, well, there's
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a u. k. of course. right. i'm glad you. i'm glad you know, but the, just through, i mean unfortunately it's becoming predictable that way that they follow in the footsteps of the united states that you know, richardson not is not a, it's not a decision making when decision maker, when it comes to these issues. but it then follows into which steps of the united states. so there is that you can the us, i think everything else about 20 country correlation, but i think that's just not tending to be the case. i but it's a but there is something to be said about britain get involved in the m and in particular, i mean, you know, people are in the middle east, you can excuse them for having a bit of a memory historical member breton going back to bomb young man, after very, very dark history in young man and in the region just doesn't bored. well right now, coming back to guys and my want, i want to ask you about these reports of growing frustration between the buying the administration and the national government with netanyahu reportedly rejecting the
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us band to get israel and diabetes to, to agree on a path forward to 4 guys i, once the war is over, the reports suggest again it's in the american media so, you know, take it maybe with a grain of salt, but the report suggests that the us, the bi ministration is not looking past nothing. now laying the groundwork for a post that's now era in israel, what do you make of this look? i mean secondly, by didn't was in agreements with nothing else for the past 3 plus months a. but the idea was if he thinks how much i think for by them just for the near whole, how much is that sacramento for 7 basically, or undermine not to see more than a project of new back. so many kind of right, american piece as it where images, where start with the area and is, are we're just about to normalize relations. but they as much as they agreed on the
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issue of defeating how much as much as they disagree on the day after. and that's the message that the, by the administration wanted to send to both is rainy's and people in the region that there is a daylight between nothing, you know, and by the end, when it comes to the day after that, you know, as far as binding is concerned nothing you know is rejection for his vision of the day after it simply is not acceptable and will not pass. and that america has left, but it's and it can go beyond or over uh, nothing. yeah. his head in order to start talking about what's next? no, i think by didn't what wins both ways. right. and i mean, he's giving the impression that he has issue with the l. and by the same time, he puts issue, he puts pressure on to now the fusing these kind of stories. and the american media helps the by did administration, was that they would have effective the end of the day. we will see clearly that anyhow is not in good position and is verified. and clearly his last thing is using popular to thank you very much,
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my one mile and the shower is our senior political on this while the war on gaza is taking a launch tool on small businesses in israel, leaving the reading from a lack of demand and a short fall of workers, 350000 is really on a reserve is, has been mobilized for duty and tens of thousands of policy and work as a blog from entering as well. laura con has this report from tennessee. a yeah, here runs a new mexican restaurant in a 20 street in tel aviv bought less money. yeah. up to here. this business to go, or garza begun over, the government has promised support to small benches. he hasn't received anything but owns that. you need to have more than one need to see what your work before the previous years. and they give you information and i don't have one use a lot of small business clothes already because they didn't have
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the head. and then not the foot we have here to city or the for the a. the students in the markets that put a date on to the, to the, as part of the new amended budget. the government has promised money for companies that have brought out for funds during the war. a survey by the central bureau of statistics in november found one and 3 starts up businesses of clothes. those will remain open reported significant losses. straight flight vist intel of ava only made up of small businesses and some of the own us which includes reserves. so just tell us they feel neglected by the government and then the last of the business itself during the war. they also say the skeptical the new budget will fill the void box. many economists say the government's priorities all skewed as money follow to religious schools. and illegal assessment projects remain intact on small
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businesses and not being prioritized. one of the things that i think, let me pull additions any kind of missed the notes, understand that it's not enough to allocate 12000000000 dollars for a certain clothes. you must have a mechanism that actually takes the money and finals it down and photos it quickly . and here's what we do, not appreciate enough small businesses. we look down at them. and that's a big, big, big mistake we, because these are the businesses actually drive the economy. this any man maya understands this all too well. she's been a tv theater, and children's entertain a for 25 years now. she struggles to put food on the table. the worst was the minute it started because the diary was full booked. so we came from 100 percent work to 0 percent. i know it's small stuff, but when you don't have money to buy food,
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you're starting to be nervous. i even starting to lose my voice to just stress, you know, like, and i couldn't sleep. small business though. it is like maya says, it's the working costs and people who bearing the economic costs of the war and the also being precaution nor hon. i'll just narrow tel aviv speak to stephanie decade unoccupied is through slim about this, stephanie. so it seems that various parts of these really society not happy with the government, with the prime minister. what effect is, is having on the cabinet and just the decisions it makes there is constant back and forth within that cabinet funny. i mean, even in response to that deal on the medicine, something that benjamin netanyahu was very keen to harold as a success for himself. we had his statement, the prime minister's office, 5 days before the guitar. you mentioned that that this deal was a cheap saying, that during that time you all had tossed most out the intelligence agency with the
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plan to go to cost her to take this plan to call to her. and that it was going to be executed in an at and sorry madison was going to enter goals in the next couple of days. what we saw yesterday about the complexities and the real, according to the media, how they're quitting it here. the mess in the security structure of israel because some things that he had agreed upon, it seems which is not checking those 8 trucks, which i can tell you something unheard of really, of anything going into gauze is that israel doesn't check it, which caused an uproar so more criticism to netanyahu today and what is i think safe to say it's lowest in popularity that it's ever been in his political career that spans almost 20 years in this country. you know, he's a man who has always sold himself as being mister security. he's a mind also solely responsible for bringing in what is this country's most right wing government yet, which is also the reason why this country has been added most polarized before october, the 7th. and you can see that now again, creeping in 3 months after this,
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or on the streets. and the last 2 sa, today's, we've had not just the protests and thought i'd be to bring the hostages back, but also the anti government, antoinette and yahoo! quoting for new elections, quoting for him to sign down, starting again. and i think if you look at the timing as this more continues over time and you know, according to the political and military messages, there is no intention to stop. and now you are going to hear those calls increase of criticism i just briefly, it translates to the polls for the the last time the poll was done just a couple of days ago showed that only 28 percent of those questions would support nets. and y'all was prime minister and it was many guns that over 50 percent were now looking at to lead this country forward. so he's not doing well at all. very interesting. thank you. stephanie for that, stephanie decker live for say, you know, q find eastern the
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town to having use. and the prosecutor in charge of investigating an attack on a television station in ecuador has been shot dead in quite a key. says suarez was ambushed in broad daylight. gun violence in ecuador has increased in recent months after one of his most powerful drug laws escapes from prison. a state of emergency is in place. let's assume that the companion view of the measure of our colleague, this is our swat, is prosecutor for organized crime and glass, prevent uninfected organized, criminal groups, interest will not undermine a commitment to ecuadorian society. this event is a source of grief for us as an institution. we are currently conducting the 1st investigations at the scene of the crime with the aim of ensuring, as in every case of finding death, that this crime does not go unpunished. thousands of people in russia's southern bish coached on reach and half protested against the court decision defendants of rights. activists file also known has been charged with inciting ethnic hatred. usually
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a shop of art has moved from moscow a red pro system, which is the delayed response police quad down on sounds as of demonstrates as in the rush, quote, a stone breach and they were rallying to support rights activists for you. a scene of he's been accused of installing st. esick hatred for corbin's him aid about work . it's from central asian the caucuses. he's always did nice the accusations, but inside code he was sentenced to for years in a penal colony with moms all the way. yeah, you by the way, but we will appeal the sentence. i don't understand the policy carried out by the physical dis, down, republic head like i don't understand what's going to happen next. we don't want this, this is such a huge thank you to all those who support supervisor on the stress of the c o. c. that's supposed to say his imprisonment was delayed revenge for his activism
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in preventing the construction of a soda plant near the crushed town mountain, which local people can see that a safer place. the protest this child to freedom and demand the resignation of the governor of bush coldest on the same time. social media outlets supposed to go to the kremlin, have accused for you a scene of being the leader of a bond organization. bush cooled, it advocates the separation of the republic of bush co to stand from russia and is a keys to provide an estimate conflicts. while for us, as soon this kayla rat sizes has been detained in the pulse. 2, yes, 5, posing beyond comb, fixing ukraine. and while i was seeing if was an opponent to let's say the process invest coldest on was directed towards the regional authorities. i know the power of president pacing you nash above all about. i'll just say right most skirt,
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still a head on algae 0 in support of the tournaments tops for upwards host, cause i into the non count runs of asian come 5 here with that story. they shortly stay with the business, latest a sponsored by intellect, global. your real estate destination and due by
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the business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the right time that supports his for fully. thank you so much. how scotts are have become the 1st came to qualify for the all got rounds of the asian cops. the defending champions beat the g. he's fun one now to guarantee their spot. and the last 16 german ash reports from i'll bait stadium. casals fans arrive that to our
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bait stadium, hoping to see something they didn't witness out the world cup of victory. so that team here, this was the venue accounts all lost their opening game and final game on the biggest stage in 2022. but the circumstances were very different. going into this match, cancel our class favorites to beat asian cut. dave, you told us to take this on and the impressive wing at chrome, a fees put the host in front, 17 minutes in with his 3rd goal. the tournament, did you just on types of a comebacks faded with 10 minutes to go? when they had to play a central office to view all reviews, there was 11 minutes of stuff. it's time for them to try and get to equalize us, but it was so he was like go to know the, the, the, the minute i cannot do this on my own today i was able to play well because of the help of my teammates. and thanks to the time 6 of the coach, it's
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a collective assets. so i have to thank everyone for helping me to perform well and that the capital support is heading home. happy that team into the last 16 is great . when is, and with a game that will they perhaps they might have expected a more convincing school line here. nevertheless, that team moved a step closer to defending this high school, a one in the u. a. in $2197.00 ash, which is 0. i will make save you morocco. have made a confident start in their effort to win the africa cup of nations. ask cuz 1st broke up. somebody finalists began their campaign with the 3 know when overtime zeniah, veronica were targeting their 1st title trying since 1976 democratic republic of congo drew 11 with zambia and the other group f. bomb. and sal is egypt team and take on a gun or later a penalty from seller rescued a point for egypt, and their opening game against mozambique gun are looking to head back from a to one defeat against tape their day. the result extends their windlass run out to
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turn them into 5 matches, a football coaches in gonna say an increasing number of people with disabilities are getting involved in the game and fall is a recent victories of the national m p t t. as malcolm lab reports every day, as soon as 9 year old opt out of to rosa finishes school, he says about making his dream come true. he wants to play for gone is national side to 2 months ago when the football comp at the 1st ever african power games here and across night dom disability is not an inability. i have great passion for football and my dream is to play for the gun and national m p t team on level pool in the future. i never missed training sessions and i combine this with my education dollars. daily training routine is tough to move forward with one leg, the plays with a team of boys who have to on the national team. all the players use crutches
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except the goalie. in line with the international rules. if 12 continental tournaments and made several well, couple appearances in recent years and getting people watching. if i'm reading this for us who wants to enjoy or going out putting us 19 is to get more police on board . pick that i'm particularly is from the st. bring them and send him to disperse so they can be comfortable for snap leaves. so gonna kind reading more. so if you for the country, the managers have had many more players to choose from since and national league was founded 5 years ago. the politics plays a role, the comment and team were expelled from last year as well. cap in tech here because of an administrative dispute. play is also a competitive clinic on the funding to none of that. it says abdullah, he says he'll keep training. so one day we can play for his country's mountain web houses, era women's tennis?
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well, number one, english wine test escaped with a narrow victory to reach the 3rd round of the australian open. after winning the 1st that the top rang polish started last the 2nd to americans. danielle collins before time grand slam champion then rally from 41 down in the decider to 15 games in a row to take the 3rd set, an unmatched twice her next phase, a check player linda and the men's draw wimbledon champion. carlos alvarez was forced to call on all his troops to get past, at least lorenzo scenario, the 20 year olds. a spaniard eventually closed out the match in a for a set tiebreaker. and we're all number 2 is amy to win this title and alexander's a rab needed $0.05 meeting to look back in qualifier lucas klein, the 6 said winning a match that lasted 4 and a half hours. okay. and that is all your support for now, fully back to you. fine,
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thank you very much. we'll see you later. that's and use our for now on i, which is 0. i'm for new back to both for rahman, which is next with today's top stories, including the latest from gaza to seems a sense of the 3 years in and joe biden faces little competition from within the democratic party . despite concerns about the popularity of the aging presidents as the formalities of the nomination, concepts begin, does by didn't have what it takes for another 4 year. us election 2024 on elsa's, the sirens sound as ambulances from across the main island of when she race to rescue people in need. suddenly a warning to halt. there is a fight point 5 magnitude come or nearby. we finally arrive that note to some 30 kilometers south of the, at the center of that point where many elderly people called home,
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they tell us they were simply shocked at the level of destruction. with so many structures needing to be in susie with one of the highest casualty. counts, supplies are so low and it's feared many people are still waiting for rescue. unique perspective. some people need teasing really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices. very few people in israel are sitting up against the door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. he's healthy human noises. that is all i want to go and, you know, as a human, to have the connection with the stream on out to 0.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the a zillow number of the whole scenes and gulls at a 16 palestinians are killed. and the latest wave of it's rarely strikes will be live from rough. the phillips that are around the, me what you all just every log in time. also coming up


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