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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 18, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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every same international, so my cousin, wells class, john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is my, you house. this is way what these are 15 foot side of the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on the how does era the a little get logical seems in gaza as 16 pad is to move. that cube in the latest wave of these radius ranks will be life from the play you're watching out. you 0 life from doha with need for the budget. also coming up, funerals i held any occupied,
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was killed in is really res. running out of business house is really small. entrepreneurs are reading under a lack of demand and a short fall of workers because of the war on guys. and in other worlds, use focused on 5 minutes. so it's kind of short, his visit to the world economic forum after an ad for strike inside, yvonne escalates finch. the thank you very much for joining us. it's just past 14 gmc, that's for pm in gaza with palestinian families in morning 16 people who were killed in the latest round of is really strikes on residential areas. it happened in the southern city of rafa. a house was hit and children are among those of been killed and injured. attacks are continuing in the area with explosions near the rock. a crossing entry point into gaza is really strikes have also his con eunice
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as fighting between palestinian goose and these really military continues in his streets. meanwhile, vital aid has been arriving in gaza after a deal between israel and her boss. but the u. n. is wanting that the amount to getting in is nowhere near enough. a michael apple begins coverage. this boy is in shaw. his family's home was struck by his riley shedding, along with others east of the city of rough uh, in southern gaza. dozens of people were killed. among so much tragedy, some good news. the cries of a baby risk you to live from under rubble. no, but he's really a tax of wiping out entire families. the family, our house was bummed up. don't my brother,
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his wife and 3 children have been killed. we don't know why they foamed us. that's it. they pump the children for 3 full and 5 years old. the, the grief of having to bury loved ones is too much for some of the medicine. but it doesn't locate the south of gaza was designated as a safe zone by israel. and its way its all the older people displaced from the north to go more than a 1000000 people or sheltering the but it's come under constant attack. john, on the bottom level with the title hardware, that's just the families of most of the collab number in the summer. and those i'm a world killed. a lot of children were killed for 7 months pregnant wife. of course i was killed along with her unborn child. what can we do? where can we go? so if it's not road, this is our last distress. cool. save us of the rest of us on
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a quick funeral prayer for the dead. then the bodies of young and old. okay. for the stacked on top of each other. for what will be the final gen mike level, which is 0. on the phone and internet connections in guys that has been down for 7 days, worsening the lives of millions of palestinians already struggling with di conditions . the near total communications back out is a long as since the war began. it's less 2300000 palestinians with no contact with the outside world, nor with those in other parts of the gaza strip. without a nurse notifications paramedic tests struggling to reach one that people and many are dying in the streets. the group that provides communication services in gaza says 2 of his employees were killed while trying to restore services that find out the latest with tie cup was um,
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who joins us from rafa in southern gaza. so tarik long is continuous outage of communication since the war began. talk to us about the impact of having on top of the continued funding. well generally the military attacks on the goal is to strength did not stop within the past 24 hours as we had progressing. and we own with this with this for or on the territory. remote policies have been killed alongside with more casualties amongst civilians as well in possibly 24 hours more than 170 pass thing is being killed alongside with more than 320 of those being injured. then we systematically can see this number repeatedly recorded every day as because when he met a tree strikes, when the gaza strip did not stop, would you deposit the 24 hours now the bank will situation for the rates were di did to be separate parts in particular incognita city where the ministry that is
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using all possible minute to method. so in order to cause destruction to carry out genocide of attacks against a residential neighborhood, they depend on the principles, residential houses, the and then the last few hours. they have also blew up a number of residential building in the eastern and also in the western sides of can you to switch. and one of the latest strikes that killed full power city is in august on a town in the eastern side of the 2nd largest city in con eunice. now what is also important to say the roof had been hit also in the last hour, loud explosions of overhead. later, i discovered to be an attack that had been directed towards farm land that was directly targeted by the military situation. and so is considered to be very dia for the middle goals and age where the confrontation steps on the ground with the palestinian fighters and the baby. so just did not stop day by day tend to move areas from has more high rates or destructions. for residential houses,
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as the rates of evacuation continues to rise to the southern parts and in particular, in rough destruction of residential buildings on hospitals. meanwhile, some aid has gone into guys uh uh, tarik, after this deal broken by ca, time friends. where has it gone to where and what 8 is it i guess the majority of age that's have been allowed to get into the gaza strip, have been delivered and transported to the most desperate areas. installing goals of strict on a number of them had went to the international organizations in order to be distributed later to the by the city administered health as a way just to help defend the city and sick to survive and to keep up the rating. despite all that for us, that goes to the limit that the medical sector has been facing since october. the 7th, as more than 30000 and hospital have become out of service alongside with more than
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150 medical health care centers become completely on functioning right now due to the way to screw, minute treat attacks and get against the medical sectors. and also in areas that have been involved in the battles between our mazda and is we're what it's also important to say that this amount of a that has been allowed to enter the goals. this trip is still very limited. as the medical sector needs new kinds of help and we've been curious supplies just to be able to keep providing a treatment for the thousands of times. these who are being trapped in the mood and also in the summer at cost of the territory as the number of injuries had toys into more than $61000.00 palestinians being in jet till now. tara, thank you very much for the updates that saw tie capitalism reporting that live from rossa in the southern gaza strip in the occupied westbank. meanwhile, these really ami has killed upon a simian as it expands its raids in the territory. he was shot dead into crime where these really military is carrying out a rate for a 2nd day,
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at least 7 out of seem to have been killed in the city since wednesday. dozens will, will have been arrested. let's get an update from her job to allow me to was in, took reinforce in the occupied westbank, the raid onto her and refugee camp hold. i still ongoing. i understand. tell us about what's been happening and just how intense intense the situation is inside the account. as well as ongoing and from what we have experienced. it has also expanded in the sense that we have been trying for several hours earlier to reach a position overlooking the refugee camp. and wherever we went, where a local residence told us to turn away because they said that they were a snipers, that took positions on rooftop. that a certain point. actually, a young man even told us to quickly turn left because he said that there was a wounded just down the road. the. the rate is ongoing inside the refugee cab its and its 35th hour at this point uh local residents. the tool does
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that, bulldozers have been shoveling the roads destroying the, the infrastructure, and also destroying houses of people living there. as you mentioned earlier, there was a 67 people have died. it says this rate started on wednesday morning at around 5 am of 4 in the jose strikes on a, one of the houses there. we also know that dozens of young men have big, round it up. they are b integra, gated as we speak. it could be that the, the end of the day, or the end of the raid, actually a, some of them would be released. but this is a practice that israel has now been applying more and more gathering intelligence on site. how that, why the focus on to crime and, and the refuge account as well. the focus is, has been ever since october 7th, all the took care of refuge account,
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but not only that one did you need refugee. gov, the ballasa refugee cab next to that block, and that's because of the presence of palestinian resistance. now israel looks at these are the groups as a what it labels there is, but there actually is seen by police students as a valid student resistance. they try to get and round up as many as they can, but in reality, what we have been monitoring ever since october, 7th of that, a lot of people have been detained, were now up to 6000 since across the occupied buzz back since october 7th. none of them have to do anything with an armed resistance. none of them are members of high miles. some of them are simply detained because the soldier find something he did not like on the mobile. so this is a practice that has been going on and it's growing according to all accounts we
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heard from palestinians a bit all over the occupied was by now. this is also happening at a time with these really secure is security forces all worried about the volt. that is, situation here in the west, back the sheet that has actually even warned that it's potentially explosive. it's has saying that it recommends the government to allow the balance to do the workers, to go back to the jobs inside israel. but what is really making this situation explosive here is actually this continuous raids. we're focusing today onto the curve at the moment because it's the largest one, but they have been many rigs over the past 12 hours a bit all over the occupied with batch and with raise you have death and you have the tension and that is what's causing the explosive situation and exposing situation, no doubt in the occupied westbound code that they've had me. thank you very much for the updates. well, joining us to discuss this and other developments now is melanie comment, who is
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a professor of political science at harvard university, and is here with us in doha today. thank you so much for being with us, melanie. i wanted to get your thoughts 1st about the situation on the ground, not just in gaza, but also in the occupied westbank way. policies are being attach that being arrested. what does that say to you about where this conflict is headed? yes, well obviously i don't need to tell you it's a catastrophic situation and it's obviously most catastrophic in gaza. but the fact that it's spreading at an increased pace in the west bank suggests that this is nowhere near over. and that there is a really deep conflict that is even more protracted them before. and i don't see much hope for a conclusion to this anytime soon. right now melanie, a 4 of yours, you signed a petition back in november with more than a 1000 american political scientists calling on the biden administration to stop
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this war on gaza. and we're going to talk about the controversy in a minute. but what, why did you sign this petition and what, what were you hoping it would achieve when you look at the way the biden administration has handled this war ended on equivocal support to israel today. right, well obviously our petition didn't have a great impact to the we can see. yeah. but the reason i signed it is i thought it was a very fair minded expression representing diverse opinions. this was not a, you know, radical partition. it was extremely balanced and we are tick elated, our demands in the language of human rights and universe. so human rights. and we felt that this was the right way to proceed is the only way that any resolution can be reached. and frankly, not only is it, of course, most important to save palestinians, but also is not in the interest of israelis how this conflict has proceeded. so you faced a lot of backlash was which we face some backlash with his petition. and for many
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other things, it was not widely covered in the american media, to be honest. but certainly this is part of an ongoing set of controversies that have become deeply polarized on campuses. and they're in american and, and we're going to talk about harvard and what's happened there, but many, many members of american civil society who voice support for the war. i mean, for our guys, i for the people of guys a and an expose, you know, their views against israel and, and the genocide that's going on and guys are right now have either face censorship in the us. housman or community of actions. you know, when you look at a country like the united states, what, what does that say to you about the state of free speech in america today? yeah, well, free speech is clearly selective free speech. and it's really alarming how much things are wretched up at the same time you are hearing more voices occasionally on mainstream media as well. which i think is part of the issue is that there is a greater diversity of voices on palestine. and this is frightening to people that
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have those that are extremely pro, is real at all costs step. now your from harvard university and the war. and guys of course, you know, created controversy in many american campuses. but harvard was really, i mean, under the spotlight throughout, you know, the last few months, which ended with the resignation of counting gay as its president. talk to us about how, how it over on fold and, and what do you think hobbit handled to this very well? yeah, i mean how it on folded as a complicated story and there's some great sort of monday morning quarterbacking articles out there and they take it, take us through it. but basically it started with a petition or a statement by a group of students who placed all the blame on israel, and this was on october 7th. i so it was an ill timed statement, but to cut to the chase 1st, the administration was accused of being biased against israel for not immediately
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forcefully condemning her mouth and just regretting the events that unfolded and um, and then it ratcheted up to this congressional hearing and so at 1st the demands were great, are statements condemning him ass, and then the hearing unfolded in a way that was really a set up and then put the university presidents on the stand there in a way that i think was unfair. and to get to your question about how harvard handled it, i think all of these presidents were not well prepared for this. they were prepared for a legal deaf at the deposition, not for a political campaign. and that's what this is right now, just briefly melanie, i know you specialize in post conflict of politics and i wanted to ask you about how you see this and then this, this war on guys. can it be results? do you see? no, you hear the americans talking about a 2 state solution, palestinians and israelis living side by side. mm hm. is that going to happen?
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yeah. so can it be resolved? what i mean is going to have to be resolved, and we know that it's going to have to be resolved diplomatically. war is not the answer. it's not going to work. israel's not going to achieve it stated objectives through a military campaign. so eventually there's going to have to be a conversation and is really jews and palestinians are going to have to live side by side. but frankly, i don't see that as any said, a 2 state solution as reliable in the immediate future or any other configuration at this point. very interesting to talk to you. thank you so much for coming in talk just they are mailing the comic professor of international affairs at top and university. thank you for your time. thank you for the war on guys that is taking a large toll on small businesses in israel, leaving them reading from a lack of demand and a shortfall of workers. 350000. these really on a b service has been mobilized for duty and tens of thousands of policy and workers of blocks from entering his route or con, before some televi of the yeah,
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here runs a new mexican restaurant in a 20 street in tel aviv bought less than a year of to hear this business, the war of garza begun over the government has promised support to small benches. he hasn't received anything loans that you need to have more than one need to see what your work before the previous years. and they give you the 1st and, and i don't have one use a lot of small business clothes already because they didn't have the head and then nothing up. the 4th we have here was 3 or 4. the a, the students and the many markets that put a date on to the, to the, as part of a new amended budget. the government has promised money for companies that are brought out to funds during the war. a survey by the central bureau of statistics in november found one and 3 starts up businesses of close. those that remained open
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reported significant losses. straight flight vist. intel only made up of small businesses and some of the owners, which include reserves. so just tell us they feel neglected by the government, and then the last, the business itself during the war, they also say the skeptical, the new budget will fill the void pots. many economists say the government's priorities all skewed as money follow to religious schools and illegal assessment projects remain intact on small businesses and not being prioritized. one of the things that i think, let me fully tissues and economist and not understand that it's not enough to allocate $12000000000.00 for a sudden cause you must have a mechanism that actually takes the money and funnels it down and photos it quickly . and here's what we do, not appreciate enough small businesses. we look down at them, and that's a big,
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big, big mistake we, because these are the business activity drive the economy. this any man maya understands this all too well. she's be the tv theater, and children's entertain a for 25 years now. she struggles to put food on the table. the worst was the minute it started because the diary was full of books. so we came from 100 percent work to 0 percent. i know it's small stuff, but when you don't have money to buy food, you're starting to be nervous. i even starting to lose my voice. get stress, you know, like, and i couldn't sleep. small business though. it is like my it says it's the working costs and poor who barring the economic costs of the war and the also being the cost and laura han alger 0, tel aviv c u. s. has launched another series of s racks on who's the controlled
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areas in the admin desktop to the booth said it had to talk to us ship in the gulf of age and the u. k. maritime trade operation says the a tankless carried out about a 100 kilometers southeast of the city of aging. the agency says a drawing struck the vessel causing a fire us that it strikes heads 14 who feed miss hahn's that were to be used to target more vessels in the red sea, as spokesman for the group says they will continue with their attacks. the naval forces of the many armed forces, well targeted, the american dream co be party ship in the gulf of identity using a number of naval ms. ios and scoring a direct and precise thanks to a lot of the many armed forces will not hesitate to target call direct sources and the re bmc. and the red sea in line with our legitimate tried to defend
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our dear young men and in support of the press that was to people the if that take a look at some of the days avenues and docusigns for and ministry says it's had 4 sides, hit targets in the province of seized on envelope just on any vaughan, at least 9 people have been killed. a wrong carried on an attack on tuesday that killed 2 children in below, just on problems in pockets on their on says it was targeting and onto the fighting for the rights of the sunni minority inside. yvonne is lama. bob has long alleged at separate his groups have been launching. a tax on pakistan from inside you bought. come on, hire has more from jeff or a by district in the baluchistan province of pakistan. a weird and below just on programs. this is the country's largest proven encompassing an area of 42 percent. it is strategic, really important. but there is, of course,
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a conflict growing in this area, both on the pockets on each side as well as on the iranian side, the buckets on the road, the drone go to strike, target inside it on here and get it to but never get bored enough. to mention that the drones did not cross and create any an expert, but whatever to launch the stand off weapon precision strike green, got it out again, w, deliberate, asian army, which focused on blame for killing it. figured important. then getting out the tags against buckets. i need to really and didn't. and on the other hand, the blame buckets on for harboring the dish or other group which they say was responsible for killing a dozen policeman on the air in the inside. now the chinese have stepped in and said that needs to be at the collision. they're really intermediate, but they're just on is of extreme strategic importance. the liberators are nom,
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it has got it out. the tax targeting chinese interests and budget don is ready and that they've got the huge concern. it really be important to see whether the 2 countries renada dog, there's different, magically, or whether they've had a goal for the major escalation where it's squared of course have severe consequences for both countries come out of high the data off and golf heard of our district but not just on page 5 minutes to receive. so knock has called on the upper house of parliament to get on board and pass his controversial bell to send the asylum seekers to wanda. the tracy with rolanda resigned in the legislation which steams reminder, a safe country has been paused on, amended and are likes to change the or there is now any one question. will the opposition in the appointed house of lords try and frustrate the will of the people as expressed by the electorate house? or will they get on board and do the right thing?
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it's as simple as that. we have a plan and the plan is working. last year was the 1st year the number of small boats arrivals went down. not just down by bit, down by the competitive crossings in the year before. and that's in the context of arrivals being of 80 percent. and you are a type of the same period in ecuador, a prosecutor in charge of investigating an attack on a television station has been shot dead in black. he says suarez was ambushed in broad daylight, gang violence in ecuador as increase in recent weeks after one of its most powerful drug launch escaped from prison. a state of emergency is in place to indonesia. now, with thousands of people have been evacuated off to increased volcanic activity, officials have raised the outlet for mount loa toby. lucky, lucky to the highest level. jessica washington before some east flores. i'm
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here in east flores and to my rice can see mount level toby lucky, lucky, the volcano has been erupt and consistently since december, because you can see now it's a rough thing. again, you can see the sick gray smoke coming from the volcano and we can also hear this steady, loud rumbling as a volcano continues to a rock in early january authorities increase the low level of the volcano to the highest possible warning stages. and the regional government has urged people not to go within 5 kilometers of the volcanoes. krasier. there's also wanted people to be on a less prefer the cold love of floods. if heavy rain occurs, seismic data indicates a significant increase in low frequency earthquakes. that means the movement of magma is intensifying. experts say this means the volume of lava is likely to increase. within 6300 people has been evacuated from the homes and villages close to the volcano. jessica washington to 0 east flores indonesia. as
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always more news on alger 0 on our website that the couch is 0 dot com. nick talk. we'll have another news hour for you. in 15 minutes, i sent from you shortly back to an old team inside. so he's coming up next, looking at north korea's dramatic policy change towards his neighbors to stay with us. the how are they, whether it does put some model of the flight. so for good parts of japan, because 10 aircraft sliding out to china, i will push this way up to move to patty little slickess way through all too bad over the next couple of days behind this area. of fact, i have a stationary front. we have got some very wet weather coming into central and southern parts of china itself is that still warm and home gone around 24 degrees
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celsius and cold in beijing, around freezing notice. and another area of a snow which will come in to the final south china as we go through the next couple of dice and things. moving a little further, reese with like rain running across the shanghai through the yellow sea 3 and put into listening. some went by the southern parts of the paddles, i see some wet weather with some smoother across the high ground. for good measure . by me, a shout was made monica se, asia, the live you down polls set to continue for many, particularly over towards the southern pots. often by like an inch loudecker's by the heaviest range, kind of a little speculation here. bringing some big down pools in joining up some west the weather, which is making its way across the by have been goal. so i will try to increase the way across the us for like a, maybe a shower, what he went to the fall south of india. but for months of india it stays dry. more dense for red bone eastern falls up towards the north west, which extends into golden buckets. tom. the
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unique perspective. some people need to see these really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices for 2 people in israel are sleeping up against door right now. i want to be one of them. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. he's healthy and, and so i want to go and see, you know, as if you were to happen to next to the stream on out to 0. a dramatic shift by north korea. it's tearing up its goal of unification with the south, a policy in place for decades. north korea's leader kim jong and also said his country doesn't want more, but well to avoid one eva. so what's behind his surprised move? this is inside story. the.


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