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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 18, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the of the clog, this is the news on life coming up in the next 60 minutes is rarely strikes pounds, southern guns, or is tell us to use more than 16 people killed them to types and residential areas . no phone calls, no internet, and that communication calls use cut off from each other on the outside. well,
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for the 7th day run, it's ready for us has continued to re tool time in the occupied of westbank for 2nd day 7. the palestinians are killed, unpack us down 5 minutes, the consort, his visit to the well economic form of his air force launch and strikes in size. the so it is $1600.00, gmc, that is 6 pm in gals where we begin this use as the pulse to me and told continues to rise families in the southern city. a rough for a morning, the desk of 16 people, including children. i wouldn't say they would kill when and is really strikes hit the home where they were seeking shelter in the city. i went to the hospital and saw that my children had been killed. they were also young. my eldest daughter was a 2nd grader. what did they do wrong? we can't rely on anyone,
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not even the arrows. we can only rely on our so that's what i get older in the south physic mounting the nasa hospital, one of the few still functioning could be forced to shut down due to his reading, strikes nearby and gaza. now approaching a week without internet or cell phone services, the lack of communication for the complicating the distribution of food medicine. meanwhile in the occupied westbank, israel continues to intensify its raids, the at least 7 policy into being killed in the city of tool cut them. since wednesday dozens have been arrested. honey mama begins a coverage now from rough. this boy is in shock because his family's home was struck by is really showing along with others. east of the city of rough and southern guns and dozens of people were killed.
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among so much a tragedy, the cries of a baby rescued a live of from under rubble. but it's really a tax of wiping out entire family. stuff that's been in our house was bombed. don't my brother, his wife and 3 children have been killed. we don't know why they foamed us. that's it. they bomb the children for 34, and 5 years old. the, the grief of having to very loved one too much. this way it's going to traumatize rather than to from northern. * were ordered by these really military to move further south to avoid being bomb only to get killed within weeks, and sometimes within days of their arrival. more than a 1000000 people filtering and drop by city would most sealing on say, friend,
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forgotten as the war continues. and if most of the families of most of the columbia and the in the summer and those i'm actually world killed, a lot of children were killed for 7 months pregnant wife. of course i was killed along with her unborn child. what can we do? where can we go? if it's not really to god, this is our last distress to save us and rescue our specialist for like a quick funeral prayer for the dead. then the bodies of young and old are carefully stacked on top of each other for what will be their final journey honey, my mode, as you'll see it up about by but they're in gaza. what, let's go live now to around for in southern jobs. it's hard to resume this tiny bye for us that so it's hard. the bombing continues. just tell us about the latest strikes if you would, for us to. so yes,
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no, it was completely uh, another day of ministry strikes, of course, cause uh, as these very offensive did not stop work, move strikes have been directed and carried out in the fall in the past hour. and i do talk to land. that is one of the for send it to open the door hospital. the eastern positive roof had been widely attacked and loud explosions could be overhead from our location right now, kilometers away from us. um, this is completely a part of the ongoing military rates on the city that is supposed to be as a saved. so we can see and observe within the past few days that there is a see the increase of the rates of the mandatory strikes on roughly district. alongside with on top of the bombing of the city of con eunice, just really had been the center for the ministry attacks within the past 24 hours and the place on saturday i was with the thing is morning a these very all me have to move them a 19 policy and you saw the city um its on top of out hillary shooting of the
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residential neighborhoods and the constant plumbing, up of residential neighborhoods in the eastern side of the city where the just make the complete life the on inhabitable for residents of the situation is also it gets, it continued to be very deli, a for residents in the middle of roommates for the attacks and the pos out did not stop where a number of residential houses had been bought. and it does. we have been see me video is i'm talk to you and for an image is showing the confrontations that had been. busy going on the read the policy and fight is on the east baby. so just what point see to control over the middle areas of the gaza strip. now they have finished the 1st phase of the will just in the north moving to the central parts of the gaza strip. to write this down as a to right now, he didn't move to the south as the is ready for administer benjamin to tell you who said that it will not stop until that chief older goals for presented in militarily this monthly must alongside with
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a restoring captives and guarantee that there was the chief threats, released from the guards district attorney, what's being the effect of the communications blackout, no phone, no internet, no communication tools. that is what's, how is that being taken? yes we have been going through this conditions, this condition for mod, done for approximately one week right now. our policy is i'm no longer able to contact with each other, imposing a news struggle and also significant threats for the medical workers and medical teams in terms of a knowing. and i identifying the areas, indications, targeting, in order to pick the rest to the injured people from such areas. i'm now with the full absence. busy to the communications insight, goals of the situation for families will have been injured. also considered to be very dramatic as their relatives one or 2 to at least to have internet access to
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check on the on them. or at least to know if their names were involved in the latest strikes and best tools that had been resulted from the east, very football abutment. you saw the charge, right? this is not the 1st on, by the way. that way, the internet communications also had been cut off from the charge report. previously, there have been a cut due to the unrelenting secular destruction abutment that had been ongoing inside the territory since october the 7th. right? tired things going to talk. i resume that in reference, southern gaza and meanwhile, the palestinians in southern garza cemetery is being desecrated. buy's ready forces is located in the con eunice area, which is just south of nasa hospital. i would is to say these rarely assault is exposed, loan buried bodies, leaving them scots, it across the ground. and then i was surprised last night with the amount of rockets and shelves, but here thought it was truly massive. we were surprised because the tanks next to
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us kept firing on the plains and rockets around just as well. look at the graves. how are they on the some of the houses over that people have left for the women floods with all that have scar. they didn't know where they were going or look at the graves, or you can see people called supper from its affairs and mounting the nasa hospital in con eunice and southern gauze. it could be forced a shot to any movements due to his ready strikes me a by the group doctors without borders which is working at the hospital. it says the is there any minute tr his phone binding surrounding areas with no cry, evacuation born that says patients and thousands of displaced palestinian seeking shelter inside. i'd be forced to flee and panic. nicer is garza's biggest hospital and it is one of the few ones still partly functioning adults. i'm alan is the deputy it program manager for the doctors without borders and says that the situation inside that's the hospital has become just unfair. he's been seeing it as a degradation of the situation and us over the last several weeks,
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we've had to have only reduced our our work there, for example, since december. but over the last couple of days. yes. as you, as you just said, i have been bombings, very heavily, a very, very heavy bodies bombings near the come home near enough there. um, even 2 days ago without any evacuation order causing thousands of people to flee, including staff and panicked. the patients and people who were displaced there in the hospital, there was also an air strike through the, on the 15th. that was around a 150 meters from the hospital. they killed 8 people and wounded 80. the situation is becoming unbearable. there are the population is squatting or, or sheltering in the hospital because they don't feel safe anywhere else. and when, when that population of water feel safe in the hospital it's, it's an indicator for us that but the situation for the hospital is becoming untenable. our, our staff has been working there it tirelessly about time,
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so it just continues safe for 3 months and they're exhausted. and we have a surgical team doing $8.00 to $10.00 burn surgeries per day. they would love to do more. um, but there's no space in the hospital be can't when there are mass casualties of people who were injured nearby, who were brought in and it's is, are frank bodies stacked on bodies who arrive in the emergency room to complete chaos. and there's just not enough space to do all the surgeries that are necessary and the types of surgeries that are necessary as patients are either immediately injured or people who've been sitting with wounds for weeks and weeks. those types of procedures needs to be done in safe environments and there needs to be space for those patients to be able to, to, to, to, to convalesce after the surgery. and that's just not the situation. and also right now, where is it was 3 months ago? well, a senior view and official says pregnant women and girls are being forced to give breath,
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often in the streets and with no pain killers. this is israel continues is attacks the toilet. kind of them is executive director of united nations population fund that focuses on with mental health. she's been speaking to a different magic attitude. james base at the world economic forms annual meeting in devil's my rep, representative in palestine has told us this is the worst nightmare that he's ever experienced. the situation where we have over a 180 women struggling to deliver and give birth each and every day with the health system collapsing. there are only a couple of places left where you can do an emergency. so very infection. beyond that, as we all know, humanitarian circumstances mean that people seek shelter. this is never a target. and health facilities should never be a target. so it's very distressing to think of a midwife having to thread her way through
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a community often in the dark because of the fuel and energy picture there and not be able to render service. and as she does sometimes she's helping a woman to deliver outside on a plastic sheet. and the wall has not stopped the bombardment continue. so almost every hour there is bombing a, it's a something that the secretary general has called attention to. certainly all of the humanitarian community that a ceasefire is the 2nd essential for humanitarian aid across those carters were in a situation where hunger is rampant. if you are pregnant, it is a time when for yourself and for the developing fetus, your caloric requirements have increased. your need for water, what course is higher than the regular person. so how are we to provide for women during labor and childbirth under circumstances where humanitarian aid is not coming in 2000 over 24000 people killed in terms of the the desk told that this list is,
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but i'm assuming there are still bus. they're all newborn children probably won't survive in the circumstances. one of the things which we've documented is that because of the stressors on women who are pregnant, ready to deliver the need for so their infection has shut up. we're doing almost 20 percent more than they would have been under normal circumstances. is there anastasia? are there times and they actually have to operate without being able to give the right drugs to this woman just to save her life in the life of the newborn. so again, i think our appeal is to think about who is bearing the brunt of this bombardment. ceasefire. now is something that we have been calling for repeatedly. and it's objectionable that this has not happened successfully. a desperate situation for pregnant women now wrapped protests against israel's ball and draws reset to take
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place in tel aviv on thursday night organizers have been given a permit to hold the reilly some of the demonstrations have previously been broken up by the police. let's close, now it has raise about who joins us live from tell, have even to raise a rat, but annual with demonstrations of given the payments proceed. what do we expect to make? what we starting to see lots of this type of protest in the past few weeks of previous ones. however, we're not permitted by the police, but this one has been granted. i know police station. it's interesting to know that prior to be october 7th, to attack me, some massive demonstrations against the government for the once the attack happened, the country side is no way to stay united, not fully set for that starting to change right now where i am is here in the middle of a square where people are going to start gathering in about an hour, it's mostly to one rights organizations. we're calling for a cease fire. and again, they have an a for we station to carry out this protest. however, pass protests to have ended with arrests, and this in a way, shows
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a bit of the mounting pressure, the front minister been, you mean nothing. yeah. who is seeing right now along that me. so the relatives of the captive thought are putting pressure for the government to do more to release them all. so mounting pressure to see what's gonna happen with guys on the warring garza so there's not so and also what's the, what's going on within there waiting for alicia. lots of pressure from the far right to minister within the administration. we. so what happened on wednesday with that were trying to get entered medicines into guys i for the captive. additionally, those medicines were to go in in a truck and checked with the orientation of the government. then we saw the pressure by 5 right. ministers asking for those medicines to be checked, and that's what ended up happening. and it's not just that we're seeing a constant pressure from the far right ministers, the government, which in a way, shows you how fraudulent the current administration is. right. no, maybe nothing yet was popularity, has been going right down. it's been around a 30 for sense. but it's interesting to know that this,
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the protest today does not mean that people in this world do not support the war. you know, most of the population in this country continues to support the war. however many have started to question many. i mean, it's not fun. yeah. we either ship and that's why we're seeing lots of protests on the street suite seats for c and got the relatives from the captive taken to the suite, asking the government to do much more to get their loved ones we lease. we're also seeing poll says by those who do not like been you know, mean nothing else to believe that the government is responsible for what happened on october 7 for, for the, for creating the biggest security threat for east road in this country's history. and also the pro says that it's happening later on where i am right now. it's an anti war protests. people are demanding a ceasefire. an end to the word b be gathering here where i am not right, whether they'd be marching for their own through this road. it's unprecedented in a way many are expecting it to be the largest. however, we do not know how many people are going to turn out, but it's suddenly in
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a way of fine of what's been going on in this country and how much has changed here since the october's having put tax. all right, so is it will be back with you in our assert and see how many people are gathered on the streets when we see them. now they will on dollars that and the tensions and the occupied westbank and take a large total of small businesses in israel. they're really from like a small and in a short for the work is $350000.00 is really army reserve is to be mobilized for duty and tens of thousands of products. and you work as well that block from entering israel or con, has more now from tennessee, a yeah, here runs a new mexican restaurant in a 20 street in tel aviv bought less than a year of to year this business, the war ongoing to become over the government has promised support to small benches . he hasn't received anything. loans that you need to have more than one need
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to see what your work before the previous years. and they give you the 1st and, and i don't have one use a lot of small business clothes already because they didn't have the head. and then not the foot. we have here just 3 or 4, the a, the students and the mini market smith put a date on put of this as punch the new amended budget. the government has promised money for companies that are brought out to funds during the war. a survey by the central bureau of statistics in november found one and 3 starts up businesses of close. this will remain open, reported significant losses. straight flight vist intel available only made up of small businesses and some of the owners which include resolve, sol, just tell us they feel neglected by the government and then the loss of business itself during the war. they also say the skeptical for the new projects will fill the void, bought to many economies,
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say the government's priorities are skewed as money follow to religious schools and illegal assessment projects remain intact on small businesses and not being prioritized. one of the things that i think, let me fully fish as an economist and not understand that it's not enough to allocate $12000000000.00 for a sudden cause you must have a mechanism that actually takes the money and funnels it down and photos it quickly . and as well, we do not appreciate enough small businesses, we look down at them. and that's a big, big mistake because these are the businesses actually drive the economy. this any man maya understands this all too well. she's been a tv theater and children's entertain up for 25 years now. she struggles to put food on the table. the worst was the minute it started because the diary was full booked. so we came from 100 percent work to 0 percent. i know it's
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small stuff, but when you don't have money to buy food, you're starting to be nervous. i even starting to lose my voice to just stress, you know, like, and i to the sleep small business though it is like my it says it's the working costs in poor who barring the economic costs of the war and the also being acosta and laura han i'll just sarah tel aviv. these ready armies killed the palace didn't in the occupied westbank as it expands its rates and the territory. he was shot dead and told cut him a web military is turning out a rate for 2nd day. at least 7 palestinians have been killed in the city since wednesday. israel has conducted almost daily rates in the west bank since the start of the gauze will be open of a bulldozer as they used to destroy the streets. and now the infrastructure, which according to palestinians, amounts to collective punishment for the eval. how many would you can and has more
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and what's been happening the this is actually 36 hours since the military 1st entered the refugee camp into cairo. and throughout the 36 hours, it has actually a beef its presence in the refugee camp. now we do know that the confrontations are still ongoing, that the army is still there, doing doing house to house searches. it has detained a large number of people, local residents, we just booked. you have told us that actually a few had been released. but they were in such a bad condition from the beatings that they have to receive medical treatment. but elsewhere were also told that they have few injured people who are laying on the ground one for at least 4 hours. and the army is not allowing the paramedics to reach that person. now this is something that does happen in other reason,
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other refugee calves across the occupied west bag. but people are also talking about destruction to an infrastructure above doors. will do is, is tearing up the road, destroying the sewage system to string the electrical grid. and that really makes people wonder what exactly is the aim of the army inside the refugee gab the stated a is to go after gun man after a list of wanted man. but the amount of this structure and the, and that it leaves behind makes people wonder what is actually at, you know, if they're being pushed out of these refugee camps. the 2 of the news now and iran has summoned pack of stones topped it, provided in the country of to focus on the fullest current out retirees re strikes and the rating problems this is done and pollute. just done it right now and 30. so
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at least 9 people were killed. let me read that as long allegedly, to separate his groups have been attacking launch attacks on projects done from inside around on choose day around, carried out to the type that killed 2 children in which has done provence in practice. done at terence as it was targeting a sunni on group, which it says regularly carries out the tax inside iran, ballpark stones, front defense ministry, space person says it carried out. this tries to defend its sovereignty. this morning's action was taken in light of critical intelligence of impending lot skin terrorist activities against focused on by these territories. the section is a manifestation of focused on unflinching results to protect and defend its national security against all threats. the successful execution of this highly complex operation is also a testimony to the professionalism of the armed forces are focused on
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focused on will continue to take all the necessary steps to preserve the safety and security of its people, which is sacrosanct, inviolable, and secret. let's say not from camille height, it has more from you fired about district in the police. don't provence of pocket stuff. a weird and below just on bravo. and this is the country's largest proven encompassing an area of 42 percent. it is strategically important, but there is, of course, a conflict brewing and that they are both on the buckets on each side as well as on the iranian side. the buckets on a throne to strike targets incited on here and did it, did it. but they were careful enough to mention that the drones did not cross and create any an expert, but was able to launch their stand off weapons with precision strike green. got it out again, deliberate, asian army, which focused on blame for getting it figured important in getting out the tags
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against buckets. i need to really and didn't. and on the other hand, the blame buckets on for harboring the digital are the group which they said was responsible for killing a dozen policeman on the indian side. now the chinese have stepped in and said that needs to be a d. s. collision there really intermediate, but they're just on is of extreme strategic importance of alludes liberators. unami has got a dog attacks dog getting chinese interests and buckets on his red. and that of gods is of your good son. it will be important to see whether the 2 countries renada dog, there's different, magically, all whether david gold or the major that collision where squared of cards have severe consequences for both countries come out of high the day at all and job for of our district. but not just on the head of view, and you can watch targets hold on, sir. a. the durant and youtube program is now i've,
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it's most advanced stage of the international atomic energy agency says this to be concerned about growing escalation in the region as a result. of the will in augusta that they are already. they have proven that they cannot reach out to weapon great. and they are regularly enriching uranium at 60 percent, which is, you know, i just an inch away from weapon. great. they have, they have done it for a brief period more or less a year ago. so in this regard, i would say that you're on has no technical due to cross or to overcome. so iran within days if it won't eas, could launch at a nuclear missile. well, i would say that it would be perhaps a little bit too far. as the development of a nuclear weapon requires a number of additional steps. indeed, having the new given to you, just as the city is, it is, is
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a very significant step. and this is why we have been talking about in a rush. it says it stopped to drive an attack on the capital in the house of thursday. morning fence ministry says it shot down a drug and just as it goes, just south of moscow, no casualties reported another drain was reportedly intercepted this petersburg and the no moscow has accused the crate of turning out the attacked in ecuador police of re did a prison where drug traffic has a believed to operate on forces laurance's security operation in glad keel prison equitable has to suffer to reason space have gained by that switch. so some 200 present stuff, taken hostage and then released by inmates and 7 prisons. the operation is part of a 60 day state of emergency that was issued by equity was president last week. i mean, want a prosecutor in charge of investigating the tag on a television stations that could always be shut down and guide you at the station was taken over by mos gunman live on. that last week,
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prosecutor says us was was ambushed in broad daylight. let's assume that the noise to companion, view of the matter of our colleague sees us. what is prosecutor for organized crime and glass prevent on inside to organize criminal groups? interest will not undermine a commitment to ecuador in society. this event is a source of grief for us as an institution. we are currently conducting the 1st investigations at the scene of the crime with the aim of ensuring, as in every case of finding death, that this crime does not go unpunished. still to come here and out there in north korea's nuclear ambitions, and it's neat as recent rhetoric about it. southern neva, top the gender, the key macy in south korea the the, brought to you by visit capital. how are they?
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whether does put some a model of the flights for good parts of japan, mcduffton aircraft sliding out to china. i will push his way up to move to patty little sick, his way through too bad over the next couple of days behind this area. of fact, i have a station we front, we have got some very wet weather coming into central and southern parts of china itself is that still warm and home gone around $24.00 degrees celsius and cold in beijing, around freezing. notice another area of a snow which will come in to the far north of china as we go through the next couple of days and things. moving a little further, reese with the rain running across the shanghai through the yellow sea to ramp an inch listings and went by the southern parts of the paddles. i see some wet weather with some smoother across the high ground for good measure. but me a shout was made monica se, asia, the live you down, put to set to continue for many, particularly over towards the southern parts, often by light peninsula, which is where the heaviest ray is going to be. a little speculation here, bringing some big down, pause in joining up some weather weather which is making its way across the by have
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been goal so it will try to increase the way across the us for like a, maybe a shower. what he went to the fall south of india, but for months of india it stays dry. more dense for red bone eastern falls up towards the north west, which extends into golden august on the west brought to you by visit cuts on hearing the facts have you had any lady says he has the support of the people implements of shop economic land asking questions, what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection reporting from the action? not just give you a sense of what is the target this places out as it was teams across the world. when you closer to the fox of the story as the war was rush of wages on, an internal thought is escalating the new claim. there will be more p t,
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a state there will be flashbacks. many civilians will find it's difficult to understand. a one of the biggest mental health crises of living memory mindset to meet the therapist helping ukraine soldiers to find out what is your desired outcome for the patients that come through the store to make a purse and wants to live the the beginning. welcome back to watching out 0 reminder about top stories and the palestinian families in the southern city of rough morning 16 people including children who were killed at the latest round of its ratings drive. by which to save
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the house where they was seeking shelter. struck affairs and mounting the nasa hospital in southern guns that could be forced to shut down doctors without borders says it's rented from bonding surrounding areas with no evacuation patients and thousands of displaced palestinians being forced to sleep. these ready army is killed, the palestinian initiative tool, cut them in the occupied west bank is it rates the area for 2nd data road as well as conducted near daily rates in the west by start over, cause us back on october. the 2nd now the u. n. says catastrophic levels of hunger and the risk of outbreaks of disease and also the moans, immediate access and supply routes paid according to is children's agency 1200000 palestinians suffering, emergency levels of acute food shortages, 335000 children under the age of 5 are at high risk of severe mal nutrition and preventable death. the agency estimates nearly 10000 children will suffer the most
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life threatening full noun nutrition known as severe wasting. and that in the next few weeks, children and gaza are only getting between one and a half, and 2 liters of water a day. unicef says is provided safe drinking water to more than 1300000 people and also medical supplies, including 600000 cases of vaccine nutritional supplements and vitamins to lets explore this further, we can speak now to jed ted tie band who is a global deputy executive director, i unicef joined just now from car time to joining us here in houses are now you are lost in gas for a couple of months ago and you've just got back again. how is the situation change in that time? the 1st thing that strikes you is the level of displacement that this time i went into rock you, you're just going to the 1st crossing and you've got tens of fun tens,
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plastic sheeting of some plastic sheeting as far as the i can see people and shelters accommodating around, but they hold or say spaces like hospitals or do some open fields pushing their times because they're trying to be as close to the border as possible because of the siding that's going on throughout the strip. and there is no safe space in the strip. um, the 2nd point is that the conditions under which there they move is are on sanitary . it is, there's simply not enough but trans. uh sometimes why don't the trans assistant people sometimes people use in a bucket to really use the themselves. obviously, we're doing everything possible to bring a shelter for bands to, to address the situation, but much more is needed. and you mentioned and the only piece of the hospital i was there on tuesday and saw the children that had been.
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ready wounded in berkeley, a 13 year old sheltering in a school in the north of the gaza strip. got hit in the hand and the chest because there was no answer by products. and part of the strategy got game really had to be amputated above the, the elbow. his story is 1000 as of stories that we should not be seeing in this day and age. yeah. it is the most dangerous place in the world right now to be a child. isn't that the situation that is clearly desperate i made was by disease and by hunger it is the 25000 people have been killed, reported the depths of 70 percent of women and children, so 70 percent of that $25000.00 are women and children that just isn't a discriminant level of violence and we know are worried that best doing
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a complex is going to be confounded by death due to disease or see a significant increase and monitor some 71000 cases of diarrhea. so that's a, an exponential increase in the cases of diarrhea and we were at a mile. so they told us about the upper respiratory infections diary. a separate tire to say, insecurity sections. signs of the air pollution because the bar code usually wouldn't charcoal, but also of course sanitary condition. so what we cannot have is the combined effect of violence and disease killing children. and yet when we're able to access the population, when we're able to get supplies and we can make a difference, the us has been able to bring wins. renovation equipments hor, uh over 25 percent of the children and the guy that's
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$200000.00 uh children. uh and you see if they're able to at least be warm against the elements. we're taking steps to bring more sanitation of suppliers and so that people have access to the sol uh, to sanitary pads so that they have dignity in their lives. right. so we then need an access to be able to do this work. yeah, you can make a difference as you say, if you, you can get in there and if the aid can get in there, or you mention some things. but the truth is the flow of age has been a trickling comparison to the to the ocean of humanitarian needs. tell us about the restrictions that these readings are putting on a coming in. and so before the conflict, the average of 500 trucks were going in now, even with the to crossing a rough sign instead, i'm sure long there's an average of a 150 to a 170 trucks that are going in on average just for you matter and the
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commercial and what we need is to increase the number of trucks in order to do that for so you have to have faster inspections. you have to have more crossing points, you have to have the conflicts. and so that's a con morris can safely move up and down and get to distribution point you have to be able to have the telecommunications for the last 5 days. that hasn't been telecommunication. so you've been to arrange for distribution. you have to meet people in person and we need to be able to get to them more. so the guy does for, you know, only 7 missions have been allowed into the north of the gaza strip, or they're still 300000 people. we estimate. so the vast majority population to solve this, to be under a 1000 people in the market square. and we have access to a hold of us for all of you said that she was asked to be in place in order to be able to meet the needs of population. very important is also commercial suppliers
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and needs to be part of the solution. this cannot be only put on the back of your manager and agencies because you commercial imports the private sector do with our our tech. it's a grim, grim at picture the paint. but thank you for coming on to tell us about it to us to try. but the global deputy executive director, unicef, thanks very much. thank has not been great price as well. why the games warren does the citizens in many western countries, including the united states, putting pressure on the government to stop supporting israel. this is footage from harvard university web. lots demonstration was held against the war back in november. the situation in gaza created a great deal of controversy within harvard leaving leading to the resignation of its president. and yeah, i spoke to molly cabinets, who's a professor of political science or having universe, she explained a more detailed events which took place as the controversy was a sensitively sparked because of a letter that a bunch of students produced,
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calling a blaming israel, a 100 percent for what happened and that led to a series of events that are too complicated to go into. but basically what this did was invite a lot of extra no forces into the university to target at. and so there's many factors involved here. certainly there are some who believe that there is rampant anti semitism on the harvard campus. others have use this as an excuse, frankly, a right wing group of politicians to try to exert control over harvard and other institutions, educational institutions, right. and how does that then affects academic freedom, navigate it from your point of view when you, when you're teaching, when you're lecturing your students, how does it impact you? do you have to take that into account? well, it is a major threats, and many of us are increasingly vocal about the need to respect core principles of academic freedom. even if you don't like what people are saying. now of course, if people are calling for violence and threatening people,
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that's one thing. but we have to be very serious and dispassion about what is a call for violence and what is not a call for violence. and i think people have been weaponized saying some of what's going on to try to ban all kinds of speech related to palestine. and we should instead, as an academic institution, have a fact based com, dispassionate, and respectful conversations. mentally comment that a palestinian student shown today due to the state of among to november says the government talking to him because of his heritage issue. i'm out of time. and 2 of his friends were attacked by gunman. well, take your will. your son was wearing a black and white post and into 5 scuff. he believes he was shot out because of what he calls the systemic dehumanization of palestinians in the united states. the bullet struck his spine, leaving him paralyzed of that scene. and i were both wearing a look for you, like the traditional, pulsing headscarf for variety of reasons. practically because it was really cold. but on a more like, you know,
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meaningful sense because that we felt as pulsing ins during this time period. it's important for us to show our identity and to show that we exist and that we're human. just walking along the street. you know, this man comes down the porch approaches us pulls out a pistol, it's definitely like something that's hard, but i takes all from the fact that i'm able to receive this care. it makes me think of like other people and goals are who, you know, have been disabled by like bombings and like they are not able to receive that. so the head here and out 0, thousands of people evacuated from the area around the volcano in indonesia, following at least 200 directions. the last few days, the
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the east african lead as a holding an emergency made to you and your gun to, to help diffuse tensions between smaller and if you, if you, as off the, i just have a very are reach to deal with some money line to gain access to the port of buffer in the red sea on january the 1st, if you have his sign that agreement with somebody land giving you access to 20 kilometers of land by the sea. and allowing it to build, enable base the in return. and if you, if you would recognize the region of somebody land that sort of 20 or 20 mean from smaller since 1991 smaller cool design basset it from, i just have it. but in protest, if you, if you became landlocked when eritrea seated in 1993, those 2 bar, it has more now from the gun and capital of composite. according to the secretary
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general of the chairman of uh you got there is now great concern about the escalating intentions between uh, somalia and e. c o p. and that's why they've called this emergency meeting that is being hosted by the president of uganda. you very much have any of his presidential compounds in and take a about 50 kilometers from here at, but they're already problems with this meeting before they even sit down because not all parties involved are in attendance according to the foreign ministry statement issued by if you open officials, they are, there's been a scheduling conflict and they were not able to attend this meeting. and also there is a delegation here from somalia, but the somali foreign minister has also issued a statement saying that before there's any kind of dialogue between small you see, appear, there needs to be an understanding from the fuel p inside that they have now violated the sovereignty and an integrity of somalia, by going around the central government,
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him over the shore and signing this memorandum of understanding with officials in small he lives. so a lot of obstacles along the way and we expect some kind of communicate to be issued later on today. whether or not they will be able to achieve anything at this point remains to be seen. probably british permanent services to 9 because cold on the upper house of parliament to get on board and vote in favor of his controversial bill to send asylum seekers to rewind the bill, passed by the house of commons, same's to stop legal challenges against the government plan. the tracy with rolanda resigned and the legislation which teams rewind or a safe country has been paused on, amended and are likes to change the there is now really one question. will the opposition in the appointed house of lords try and frustrate the will of the people as expressed by the electorate house? will they get on board and do the right thing? it's as simple as that. we have a plan and the plan is working. last year was the 1st year the number of small
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boats arrivals went down. not just down by bit, down by the competitive crossings in the year before. and that's in the context of arrivals being up 80 percent and you are a type of the same period. public sector workers and no not taking industrial action in what's being billed as regions big. it's striking history around a 170000 teachers, nurses, police dos and civil servants from 16 different unions have been taken to the streets, quoting, for better pay in working conditions. jenna, how has more now from belfast to this about hey, so public sector workers here and those knowledge who say they'd be left behind while they're colleagues elsewhere the united kingdom has fault for and one pay increases over the past 2 years in the face of high inflation and the cost of living prices. and i take a look behind me. this is what i normally bustling city center looks like what 80 percent of your public sector workforce goes on strike. potentially the biggest strikes in northern ireland history and complicating matters it is northern ireland,
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off the rule. it's not just just about the economy. it is about politics as well. political crisis, paralysis. the devolved government here hasn't sat since february 20, 22 and one side in power sharing the democratic union. this party walked out, complaining about posts for exit trading arrangements. they didn't like. and since then, there's really no government to offer these workers any pay increase the government in london has done what it can to try and control the d. u. p. back stuck in the middle vote and increasingly angry public sector workers here in rhode island. no political solution on the horizon there is however, a very substantial financial package. the incentive package on the table put the by the government investment stuff like last year. it was nearly $4000000000.00. hundreds of millions of dollars within that, specifically set aside to meet these pay times, but it's all being withheld by westminster until the d u. p. go back into government, the d u p site. well,
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that's simply political blackwell. and as the say, despite these efforts to control them back coat in the middle, they describe themselves as phones in the game. a nuclear invoice from the united states, japan and south korea of health thoughts. and so north chris growing ministry relationship with rusher and intent to change its constitution to make south credits, principal enemy were among the top consent unit, kim reports now from so of the nuclear envoys of the us, japan and south korea. sit down and sole and what's been a tense week on the korean peninsula and the policy address on monday, north korean leader kim dunn and declared the status of its new form. and the mean number one, south korea should be codified in the constitution and quote, subjugated and reclaimed in the event of war. proceeding it on sunday, the test firing of an intermediate ballistic missile claim should be tipped with a hypersonic warhead. that coming as north korea,
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also known as the democratic people's republic of korea, or d, p r k, transitions. it's missiles to more difficult to detect solid fuel engine guard posts. and artillery had been put back along the demilitarized zone. but the pure case continued development of its unlawful nuclear and ballistic missile programs. it's transfer of ballistic missiles and other weapons to russia for use against ukraine. all of this demands our attention and coordinated action. as pinions top diplomat choose on, he wrapped her moscow mission. this week, the kremlin said they're developing relations in all areas, including quotes sensitive ones, a reciprocal visit by russian president vladimir putin to north korea is being planned. the ministry in charge of a decree and affairs here says more military agreements appeared to have been agreed with his visit. so estimate some 5000 container is able to hold millions of artillery shells resend to russia. last year,
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washington says no. 3 and ballistic missiles are already being used by russian forces in ukraine. back on the peninsula, south korean president use on your maintains north korea's publications when we met in kind and many fold. but this north korea's scholar says there needs to be a shift. we'll just have it to support the as a divided nation, south korea's to turn power against the north is crucial, but the unit government needs a policy shift, the balance of deterrence and dialogue, maintaining diplomacy relying on the us alliance, but not neglecting cooperation with china is in south korea, japan and the us take the north korea matter to a close door. united nations security council session on thursday were all 3 our members this year eunice, kim alda 0. so to, into an easier way, more than 6300 people have been evacuated from the home is on the island to far as the street to increase the activity from volcano,
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which is approximately 200 times since sunday as jessica washington reports now from east flores officials are rising locals to stay at least 5 clumps away from the volcano. this mountain, which will be lucky, lucky rumbling of the eastern flores and sending up dense plumes of hot ash from its crater. since late december, the clouds as high as 1500 meters, the flow of lava has increased in recent days. the mountain has 2 peaks, but only one is erupt, doing the south in a mattress to continue with tremors and no frequency of grace. this means the movement of magma to the surface is very intense. this can be seen from the launching of lava and the northeast of the world cannot be done. collier, those residents in nearby villages stay in evacuation centers. this group has been sleeping in a classroom since the beginning of the year. we've got a month on level, we have enough food here, but my children are starting to get health problems. they have fever,
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obviously that maybe because the sleeping on the floor and because of the volcanic ash, those people in this area work in farming, or fishing the local government, since the options are affecting people's livelihoods. that safety has to come 1st and keep up with this website. we keep publishing information so people can understand that the impact of the russian is not just dust, but also pyro classic florida. that higher caustic flow travels fast and is made up of gas ash and fragments of rock. the authorities say people must stay around 5 kilometers away from the center of the your options. and they say there's also a risk of cold love of flooding if heavy rain full because we're traveling through the village of notable and authority save. this is within the danger zone, with joining them on patrol as they try to find residents who haven't evacuated. but some residents have refused to leave the homes and farm animals. while this is
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a hole in the beginning, yes, i was afraid, but now i'm used to the rumbling, we needed for data from different authorities warned against such complacency, saying the dangers are constantly evolving as the russians continue going up or the, the villages in the parts of the law of a slow and volcanic ash, it's very important for people to leave this area before this latest round to so kind of activity the last recorded eruption of mount label. toby lucky, lucky was more than 20 years ago. right now, the volcano is on indonesia is highest and lowest of possible eruption. jessica washington to 0 east flores, indonesia, and to origin tina with president heavy miller. it has repealed laws which put a ceiling on rent. the landlord can charge. as a result, rents have now sold me, leaving many poor people to live and make shift times a lot in america to this isn't even reports from that. my tons,
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the argentina's economic crisis because it tenants especially hard and is forcing thousands of families to build checks without electricity, sewage or water on demand grabs. since the elimination of rent control laws a month ago, new people have started arriving here. a lot more families are going to move here with the situation. things will get much worse. this week, at least 5 people were killed, an 8 seriously injured here and violence land dispute. the families that you'll see behind we say that they are traumatized, that they were attacked over night by governments working for the ledge to mafia. the buyers themselves plots of land in this area for all the people who cannot afford any longer to pay for rent. the property owners welcome the elimination of rent controlled regulations, arguing the previous laws made renting unprofitable because of chronic high
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inflation. uh, good. yeah. we, uh now we have more rentals on the market. yesterday we had 800, as opposed to 150 the previous week. that's the thing. let me look the way it works in a restaurant in an upper middle class neighborhood. implant site is, she says she was already paying a fortune for rent, but now her housing problems are much worse than the question about. i'm afraid that argentina will become unlivable and i don't want to leave my country. she's referring to the illumination of rental property regulations. her landlord can now renew release for short periods and in any currency, even input coins that are in alaska and they need all my new lease is for only 3 months and for $300.00 a month. i'd have no choice but to pay in dollars in buying them is impossible. it's a crisis that's like between intensify,
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especially for those already struggling to keep a decent roof over their heads to see and human al jazeera, my dance argentina, a. uh, that's it for me and the clock this these up and i'll be back in a couple of minutes with the as a, as well as on guys, a continues, we bring you the late we are on the rounding dollars a covering the ongoing argument. and the suffering to people's tones that we lost displacements and block of resources and from the height is to refund the data rate and restrictions prevents freedom placements of rights to worship from tyler v. we'll continue our coverage of his route. we'll cabinet decision, the campuses and all the political development,
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the west bank. we've seen the reporting on the line and does really raise with feelings of loss, dissension, and destruction. stay with us for the updates and detail coverage of the wrong cause of the or israel has now impose a complete space on gossip. so how do they survive if you have no income, how do you live? cost of living rose sharply after the war and ukraine could something like that happen again as a ripple effect. if it does a, what is it us contract is mainly well benefit thing from this. when the price of oil goes up, the cost of almost every thing goes up, counting the cost on out of their unique perspective. some people need to
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see these really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices. very true. people in israel are sticking up against door right now. if i want to be one of them connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. i hate healthy, deep human noise. this is all i want to want to know us as a human to happen to next to the stream on out just the are the is there any strikes, pound, southern dogs, wrist policy is more than 16 people killed and attacks on the residential area. the dogs is out 0 life and go home. and so coming up is ready, forces continue to rachel, got them in the occupied west bank for 2nd day. a 7 more palestinians are killed.
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small business owners in his rela,


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