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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 18, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the on the clock, this is the news on life. coming up, the next 60 is really strikes. pound, southern dogs are, is palestinians, more than 16 killed and attacks and residential no phone calls, no internet. no communication causes cut off from each other and the outside world . the 7th day running doctors without borders won't have disastrous consequences.
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one of the few remaining hospital to because of south it's on the type of shot, the 10s of thousands of pregnant women, a newborn baby risk. take expensive health and in sports treaty as secure this fall to end the last 16 of the asian cup. one, the window of was syria called the 2015 champions that join host cut off and then they'll cover the it is 1800 us gmc that is 8 p. m and goes away. we begin this news as the policy and death all continues to rise. families in the southern city of wrap a morning, the depths of 16 people that included children. eye witnesses say they were killed with an is rarely striking home where they were seeking shelter. the other day i went to the hospital and saw that my children had been killed. they were all so
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young. my eldest daughter was a 2nd grader. what did they do wrong? we can't rely on anyone. not even the arrows can only rely on our so that's what i know you guys are, is now approaching a week without incidental as health and services. this lack of communication is further complicating the distribution of food medicine. also in the south fields and mounting, but not so hospital, one of the few still functioning could be forced to shut down due to his writing strikes by doctors without borders, says that patients and thousands of displaced palestinians taking shelter inside. i'd be forced to flee in panic to to um, but i live as a deputy program manager for doctors without borders. and she says the situation inside now, so hospital has become unbearable. we've been seeing it as a degradation of the situation. us over the last several weeks, we've had to have only reduced our our work there for example, since december. but over the last couple of days. yes. as you, as you just said,
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they've been bombings, very heavily, very, very heavy bodies. bombings near the compound near enough there um, even 2 days ago without any evacuation order causing thousands of people to sleep, including staff and panicked patients and people who were displaced there in the hospital. there was also an air strike target on the 15th that was around a 150 meters from the hospital that killed 8 people and wounded 80. the situation is becoming unbearable. um, there are populations squatting or, or sheltering in the hospital because they don't feel safe anywhere else. and when the, when that population are feel safe in the hospital it's, it's an indicator for us that that the situation for the hospital is becoming untenable. our, our stuff has been working there tirelessly every time it just continues safe for 3 months and they're exhausted. and we have a surgical team doing $8.00 to $10.00 burn surgeries per day and they would love to
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do more. um, but that there's no space in the hospital. we can't when there are mass casualties of people who were injured nearby, who were brought in. and it's a 0 frank bodies stacked on bodies who are right in the emergency room and complete chaos. and there's just not enough space to do all the surgeries that are necessary and the types of surgeries that are necessary as patients are either immediately injured or people who've been sitting with wounds for weeks and weeks. those types of procedures needs to be done in safe environments and there needs to be space for those patients to be able to, to, to, to, to convalesce after the surgery. and that's just not the situation. and also right now, where is it was 3 months ago to i, let's go to reference housing does not target what was the study by for sarah and target pressure, of course is mounting on hospitals that has been for months now, but it's getting to a crisis point now,
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how people copious these facilities become essentially non function. the yes. yes, we can completely say that the vicinity of hospitals, of course, this other parts of it are 3 big bodies on databases as the previously and within the last 2 days as well and see that is what the forces had been away from the and also hospital the only few pages of they have destroyed a signature that is located completely in the back yards of the uh hospital itself where they have taken on both. busy kinda city and the bodies from the septic trees on the opposite to be a part of the genocide don't manage the attacks of the areas that are supposed to be protected by the principles of international lowball. we can see that that most of passivity has been widely attacked within the past few weeks for the use very
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forces that use mandatory hope to drive fire against residents who are well the main roads of the facility of the hospital in order to terrify the leave them to sleep mode, to rustle today, he attacks had been carried out to the vicinity to open the hospital in a walk off as these hospitals are completely overcrowded with patients. and also we get back to ways that before we goals of hospitals are completely full of aged people who are completely extremely receiving or amount of medical supplies in order to recover as these hospitals are struggling to keep providing good treatment for hundreds of thousands of residents. and also 4 people inside of the territory as the military operations of the tax scalar from a to another. but what we can say is that these hospitals are still partially functioning, and some hospitals, either north and central gaza strip, had completely become out of service as similar to the situation in a box. the hospital,
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which has been on the white ministry attack and is completely right now when the bad old shot down. so literally, hospice was laid with these confrontations is a very unconditional medical supplies to be delivered in order to help the medical workers to keep providing treatment for the encourage at least a searching level. you people on daily basis and psych garza charge. thanks for that upgrade the from rafa in southern guns, that type of f, as you would have seen, a un officials as pregnant women and girls were forced to give beth often in the streets and with no pain killers, as israel continues at some time. and all that kind of him is the executive director of united nations population fund. the focus is on maternal health and she's been speaking to out there combined together to change base of the world economic forums. annual meeting in devil's. so my rep, representative in palestine has told us this is the worst nightmare that he's ever
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experienced. the situation where we have over a 180 women struggling to deliver and give birth each and every day with the health system collapsing there only a couple of places left where you can do an emergency. so very infection. beyond that, as we all know, humanitarian circumstances means that people seek shelter. this is never a target. and health facilities should never be a target. so it's very distressing to think of a midwife having to thread her way through our community. often in the dark because of the fuel and energy picture there and not be able to render service. and if she does, sometimes she's helping a woman to deliver outside on a plastic sheet. and the wall has not stopped the bombardment continue. so almost every hour. there is building a, it's a something that the secretary general has called attention to. certainly all of the humanitarian community that a ceasefire is the 2nd stem cells for humanitarian
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h across those carters were in a situation where hunger is rampant. if you are pregnant, it is a time when for yourself and for the developing fetus, your caloric requirements have increased. your need for water, of course, is higher than the regular person. so how are we to provide for women during labor and childbirth under circumstances where humanitarian aid is not coming in 2000 over 24000 people killed in terms of the the desk told that this list is, but i'm assuming there are still bus there on newborn children probably won't survive in the circumstance. one of the things which we've documented is that because of the stressors and women who are pregnant, ready to deliver the need for so their infection has shut up, we're doing almost 20 percent more than they would have been under normal
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circumstance. is there anastasia? are there times and they actually have to operate without being able to give the right to, to this woman just to save her life in the life of the new boy. so again, i think our appeal is to think about who is bearing the brunt of this bombardment ceasefire. now is something that we have been calling for repeatedly, and it's objectionable that this has not happened successfully. yes, as natalia kind of, if we take a closer look at the maternal health in dogs that last month the you an estimated that 50000 women that are pregnant, a 180 give birth in cause that every single day because of the da state of gauze and hospitals and the overwhelming need the blessing, women often a low priority for adults. his focus is on saving the lives of those injured in his right. he's trying since that huge shortage of medication means busing and post pots and women aren't able to access key can, for example, the anti di injection,
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which should prevents disease. it must be given within 72 hours of beth and can hardly be found in the gaza. strip off the giving bus. many women the losing the milk supply due to mel nutrition, which of course quits at babies at severe risk. let's take this on the side that we can speak not to talk to deborah harrington, who with the consulting us attrition and specialist in maternal and people medicine be working at the alex. the hospital in the bella only recently got back on, i understand, joins is now from london. so dr. harrington, 1st stop, i guess at maternity k. as you would know, it is all but non existent. now can you paint a picture of just how difficult things are to? absolutely, and i agree with absolutely everything that you law speaker says i'm in daily contacts with the remaining maternity hospitals. and there isn't actually the 2
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that are even trying to function from the tennessee cab uh nasa, and uh, in rough uh out in reality and out. and reality is in rough uh and is a tiny hospital. he usually does about $10.00 to $15.00 deliveries a day and it's doing the equivalent of about $30000.00 deliveries and a 80 in a year. so it's doing, you know, 60, to a 100 bucks a day. but if i can really paint the picture, this is an appalling, a piece of, of health care for women. what is happening to women is that they are not able to access the cap, been not able to have any 19 a full cap. so every woman i school and i often when was the last time you've seen and they were last seen in october. so they all having none of the visits that you would have in your prenatal periods, which may pickup complications for you and your,
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your unborn baby. many women all in a new mac and then not guessing accessed to even the simplest of an ion. supplements not means when a woman goes into labor. if she please, she's much more likely to die because she just doesn't have the reserves to be able to cope with any kind of hemorrhage, right? and then even in the holding a, sorry to interrupt a, it's a, it's an important situation. is this process of prostate leaves you're talking about it now. you know, i guess it just, there's no midwife is no pain. medication hygiene as is, does not exist the to in the come. so i visited one of the camps. it have 40000 people in 60000 square. me to say just a per square meter pass. and can you imagine most of a many of those women are most able to get to the sense it is either too dangerous because they got to go through places of bombardment to even reach the hospital and think there's no, there's no cause you know, many, some dates, if you have any transport to get that as your previous vegas tech, you know,
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with electricity, there's no electricity. so it's dog. they called coolant ambulance because there was no wi fi or access to you. they couldn't get in method that has been 6 continuous days. of not having any access to why fi or find signal, so you call someone and ambulance say they just leave me and i'll give you buff alone, then getting bus with out midway, freeze. i know that they haven't got any kind of skills left attended many on delivering, you know, in the streets, in the camps, in, in, in shelters. if they, if they get to the hospital, the hospitals themselves are valuable. well, and i spoke to the director of our office yesterday and he's giving me daily updates. and he is telling me that they have got women everywhere. they have 300 within in their emergency room yesterday. this is a, this is a hospital, it usually has about 10 inpatient beds and they sit on the list. and then you put
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that kind of the humanity of it that, that simple human joy of, of giving birth and should be such a special name. but it's just a shadowed by fear. the account believes that you know what we all allowing to happen to sell humans and i'm giving bath is a, is a basic human rights, isn't it? it, you know, that safely is something that you shouldn't even need to think about. of course, it should be something that any civilian civilized society allows, and i'm afraid, you know, we'd be attacking of health care facilities, not protecting them systematically, the shooting. they, the hospitalization, gaza means that this isn't happening, and a kind of, i guess, in a, a, you know, they, the humanitarian response is to, to new full, to a 5th of, you know, the golf and people. but simply because it's not being allowed to get in and it's
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being prevented. and it can be distributed up to, you know, to where the need is that the, you know, medicines a food for me in the milk for babies. and a, you know, the usual medicines that you need to prevent the tunnel death and not getting in. and i think this one really important thing is that as the last speak of sad to put in humanitarian crises, particularly unit in conflict, there is overwhelming evidence of the damage to that. so, miscarriages go off. stupid scale, a pre 10 best go up and what i'm hearing on the ground for the daughters who are dealing with this is that that is exactly what's happening. the neonatal unit is absolutely fold it over. overwhelmed? they are, they babies of dying, of infection and set face because they don't, they don't know, they were going to leave them very vulnerable. the little sure isn't clean. and those babies comp, possibly, you know, they just overwhelmed and they don't have the even the equipment to do with those.
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and babies all dying, they then grow up safe babies. this is going to rick along foot decades and decades for generations to cause dr. howard. so we're going to have to leave it the it's, i'm sorry to interrupt you, but it is so important to get this across it, and we thank you so much for your time and for sharing your experience and talk to deborah harrington speaking 0 now to their thinking now these really all, i mean has killed a palestinian in the occupied westbank and so it expands as rates of the territory was shot dead and it will cut them where the ministry is carrying out the rate for a 2nd day. at least 7 policy going to being killed in the city since wednesday. israel has conducted almost daily rates in westbank since this started because of all they often involve building, since they used to destroy the streets and of the infrastructure. which according to the palestinians, amounts to collective punishment, having jump june joins is not from ramallah and the occupied west bank. and i'm happy to tell us more about these rates. it'd be on the way for very long time. no
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more than 36000. that's right. nick, actually close now to 40 hours. that rate that's been going on since 5 am wednesday morning yesterday morning in that sort of cut them refugee camp. were told now by medical sources that there had been 8 published indians killed since yesterday in the cut them refugee camp. eye witnesses say that there are still dozens of israeli military vehicles there. as you said, there is infrastructure of being destroyed. we keep hearing these reports from eye witnesses. they are that those armored bulldozers that are being utilized by these really military that they are taking up streets that they are destroying homes. we're also being told that there are dozens of men that since yesterday have been taken away. they've been detained. they've been taken off site where they are facing interrogation and we're hearing reports of terrible treatment that they have
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been experiencing. many of them saying that they have been beaten by the israeli army when they are taken away. the palestinian red crescent society said that at least 15 of the dozens that have been taken away have been badly beaten according to what they've seen that we heard from one man. his name is um cut. uh, how about a smart he testified as to what has happened to him. this is more of what he had to say. we made a little bit and i couldn't, i'm high. yeah. they took me from my home to the refugee camp when we were inside the refugee camp. we didn't actually know we were there because we were completely blindfolded and we didn't know what was happening. there was something exploding every minute. there were flashes or some kind of lights, they were trying to make us panic. i think it was done on purpose. they're also screaming at us and one of them was trying to put out his cigarettes on us. he was putting a cigarette out using our bodies. you can see the marks on my feet. we've just heard more from the palestinian red crescent society nick telling us that they've
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been prevented by these railing army from retrieving the body of one of the men who was still to day all in all a very tense situation in sort of cut them to cut them, of course, is one of those refugee camps that has been the focal point for is really army rates, especially since october 7th, because there are palestinian resistance fighters. they're now on average. there are around 40 is really army rates throughout the west bank every day. tell us the indians continue to tell us this is a form of collective punishment when it comes to those tactics that are being increasingly utilized by these really army. when they go into those camps like digging up roads and destroying homes. many palestinians we speak with tell us that they believe this is a tactic being utilized by the army to try to turn them against resistance fighters . but they say that ultimately this is a tactic that will not work nic. and thanks for that to manage them june of at speaking to us with the story from ramallah. now i read protest against israel's borum dodge, was taking place until the fif organizes have been given a permit to hold the riley. some of the demonstrations have previously been broken
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up by the police. let's get more of this from her as a boy both who joins us now from telling me an theresa. this is an unusual protest in the shape of a be allowed to have a permit for it. tell us what's happening a well, that's the regular here in the center was gonna be worth hundreds of people have gathered to protest against the war and they're demanding a ceasefire. we've been listening some very meaningful message, a thing that jews and narrative shouldn't be any children in god that shouldn't be dying. they say that a piece is what will bring is ro security and it's quite humble, even though there's hundreds of people on the street marching through the street saw. so they love eve. this is happening just this tension on prime minister venue . i mean nothing. yeah. who has increased in the past few weeks or seeing the
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relatives of the hostages, demanding that more to be done so that the ones are release, we're seeing the international community also starting to question the prime minister. and then lots of problems just like this one. also pressure from the far right ministers be i've seen several tension on going in the past few weeks and asking for exam time sample that prime minister to go back on to several measures that he has taken among the moving trips from northern. gotcha. and then some rockets were launched and then once again, the rockets were launch and that the far right ministers were telling him that it was a mistake. so lots of criticism are. he's probably that already has also be placed around 30 percent. is right now, and that doesn't mean that people in this country does not supposed to let me clear above that. most of the population in this country is supporting the government's actions in god's done. however, many of them have started to question his leadership. and what we're seeing is any
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among them, the relatives of the captives that are being held in garza all the closest against our prime minister being i mean, nothing happens. what's doing, what happened in october, the 7th, saying that the government has create each of the biggest crisis in this country's history. the biggest security card prices in this country's history. and also probably just like this one, people on the sweets demanding i saw you were asking for the patience for priest talk sense for many of the we have already been to what they're saying is that maybe protests like this one are just to sign stuck things they started to change through other things very much for the terms of probably the enterprise as the gains to drill school and does it. intel of eve. while the war and dogs are in the tensions and the occupied westbank are taking a large toll on small businesses, it is real. the reading from a lack of the month and a short full of work is $350000.00. just really army reserve is to be mobilized for
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juicy and tens of thousands of palestinian workers, a blogs from entering israel for account is mona, from tennessee. yeah, here runs a new mexico restaurant and a 20 street in tel aviv bought less than a year of to hear this business. the wall of garza begun over. the government has promised support to small benches. he hasn't received anything loans that you need to have more than one need to see what your work before the previous years. and they give you the person. and i don't have one use a lot of small business clothes already because they didn't have the head. and then nothing of the 4th we have here was 3 or 4. the a, the students and the many markets that put a date on to the, to the, as part of a new amended budget. the government has promised money for companies that are brought out to funds during the war as
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a survey by the central bure. a statistics of november found $1.00 and $3.00 starts up businesses of close. this will remain open, reported significant losses. straight flight, vist intel of eva, fidelity made up of small businesses and some of the owners, which includes reserves. so just tell us they feel neglected by the government and then the loss of business itself during the war. they also say the skeptical for the new budget will fill the void box. many economists say the government's priorities all skewed as money follow to religious schools and illegal assessment projects remain intact on small businesses and not being prioritized. one of the things that i think, let me fully fissions any kind of missed and not understand that it's not enough to allocate $12000000000.00 for a sudden cause you must have a mechanism that actually takes the money and finals it down and photos it quickly and here's what we do, not appreciate enough small businesses,
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we look down at them. and that's a big, big mistake because these are the businesses actually drive the economy. this any man maya understands this all too well. she's be the tv theater and children's entertain up the 25 years now. she struggles to put food on the table. the worst was the minute it started because the diary was full booked. so we came from 100 percent work to 0 percent. i know it's small stuff, but when you don't have money to buy food, you starting to be nervous. i even starting to lose my voice. i get stressed, you know, like, and i couldn't sleep. small businesses like my it says, it's the working costs of people who are bearing the economic costs of the war and the also being the cost and laura, hon. i'll just sarah tel aviv, a still head hearing officer, a 1000 people move from the area around
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a volcano into an easier way, at least 40 or options. and the last we've got the phone coming up the how much sol as egypt targeting the 1st way in at this is africa. efficient the the hello. we've got a little more cloud just around the gulf at the moment and see what's the line of clout here. tell me about the weather nights as a child. so one or 2 spots it but nothing too much to speak of. what to whether on the other side of the gulf and i just making his way into westland southern, paused all around as we go through friday. so quite a brisk breeze blowing down the golf other. no fish generally try be plenty of sunshine. i just noticed one of 2 showers just around the southern end of the red sea. it's pushed by the north and we got a few showers into ducky a but to, for the use the side of the made. it should be loud as you try. as we go through
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the next couple of days, you can see that went to weather, adjust to the north of cyprus, which you like his way by the east, which makes way for the next system actually will bring some very wet weather in across the bus with fabulous snow. the on the northern side, the winds coming in from a southerly direction. so are the constellation i can offer is that it's at least on the miles side and that to mount solely pulling out of the north of africa, scirocco in this note. as 26 celsius therapy, tripoli, so when the weather just around the world in the rock, stretching its way into the fondles of algae or with just the mediterranean coast over the next couple of days, lots of north africa to west africa standing try. we've got some dry weather now coming into south africa, but the rain really got for information b, as in bob way. the flooring being going off of the full day, it's
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a 120 kilometers in many areas. how does the news continues to define the basic needs to live? certainly this year most of them are some of the rumbling that's happening. now. i'm not is going from here over to the 11 east side. there's new, any place in gaza is considered to be safe, needs in the north for the south, and north in you and shelters or in hospitals. president biden says, one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world?
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a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line the the other day and you're watching out 0 reminder about top stories this out on palestinian families in the southern city of rafa. a morning, 16 people, including children who were killed and the latest round of his reading strikes, i would say, how square they was seeking shelter with strong fis on mountain team at nasa hospital in southern gauze, it could be forced to shut down doctors without borders, say is relevance from body surrounding areas, no evacuation. patients and thousands of displays, palestinians inside of being forced to flip. these ready armies killed the palestinian in the city to taught him in the occupied westbank as it raised area
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for 2nd day in a row. israel is conducted near daily rate, west banks are still not the $1007.00. whether or not the states has launched another series of extracts when he controlled areas. as often the group said and had attacked to us ship and the gulf of 8 and the cape maritime trade operation says the attack was carried out about a 100 kilometers southeast of the city of a a. the agency says drones struck the vessel causing a fire. united states that it strikes, hits 14, we team is all set with to be used to target more vessels in the red sea. a spokesman for the group says they will continue with their attacks. federal ball, the naval forces of the many armed forces targeted the american dream co, bacardi ship in the gulf of identity using a number of naval ms. ios and scoring a direct and precise thanks to
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a lot of the many armed forces will not hesitate to call direct sources and the re bmc. and the red sea in line with our legitimate tried to defend our dear young men and in support of the press. that was to people's united states is also re listed. the reason is specially designated global terrorist group, the by the administration, had removed the designation in 2021 to allow more humanitarian aid and to human committee. how could, has this report following us the air straight on who's the control missile facilities given for attacking merchant vessels and u. s. navy ships and the red sea, the united states again targeted the who sees and on. 2 wednesday the bottom administration announced it was designated the who's these as a specially designated global terrorist organizations. if the who these cc a tax, we can certainly reconsider the nation. if they don't, as the president said,
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we will not hesitate to take further actions. but why, how says the designation is designed to protect freedom of navigation, about 12 percent of international trade passes through the red sea and who the attacks have already had an impact on global supply chains. declaring the who's these a terrorist group bounce members from entering the us, freezes funds held in us banks and trigger sanctions against any entity providing the who's these with support. but the who the say the attacks on commercial ships, the began in october, we'll continue in solidarity with the palestinians. and the more than 24000 killed in israel's war on gaza. the escalation has fueled concerns of a broader middle east conflict. in the past week, the united states and the u. k. carried out joint error strikes on who's the control missile batteries, width and storage sites,
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and air defense system. designating the who's these as a terror organization requires congressional approval. and some congress members argue israel, using us weapons against the palestinians, is the real terror organization. still, despite some push back, there is overwhelming support for israel and congress. that's why the designation against the who fees is expected to take effect next month can really help it out as 0. the white house, let's be mounted. benjamin freedman, who's the policy director at 2 different properties. it's a specialist on international security, middle east policy, and counter terrorism, and joins is not from washington dc. i miss friedman. so wife us will do sense of the us felt it was necessary to issue this re designation or i think the most important reasons are political and that the binding administration, the pressured by congress, their own party and republicans to,
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to do something more about what the who these are doing? i think they found it hard to explain this. they hadn't designated different gives us terrace while they were shooting regularly shipping. so i think it was more of a way to tell, tell political pressure than something that is intended to be really effective. as a policy to stop these from doing anything, including attacking shipping rugs, going to say, how meaningful is it a man? what would the impact be on the ground? well, uh, there's actually 2 tiers of designations. i don't wanna get too technical, but then they use the lesser ones. so that limits the sanctions that are available . and happily, i think it limits the effect on a, but there still might be some humanitarian organizations that are fearful that they'll have laws of force against them. despite that. and beyond that,
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i think there was a chance that this would be a prelude to cover actions by the united states against these uh, often uh, these designations are uh, sort of a step along the way to uh, the legal process that needs to cover actions which could involve, you know, various cyber or even direct me is attacking the duties. right, and we're hearing the state department has just said there is a 5th, ronda strikes on the, the missile sites. a thing is a ron is active on many fronts, not only in the immediate neighborhood, the likes of syria and iraq and pockets done, but also of course, with the who sees and his beloved right. i mean, there's a lot of people in the united states who would like to use with the who these are doing as a reason to go attack or ron? i think for a bunch of reasons, that's a terrible idea. number one, it might work. i think the, you know,
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bombing around is not probably going to make them be, be better, and the us size is going to make them more changes. and beyond that, i, a rod supports the use, they give them aid and they may be helping them with these attacks. a bus, you know, other types of difficulties are not that tight. it's not like their target, their ties to his beloved, which are much closer. so it's not clear to who these are acting of the ronnie, and perhaps in fact, if the iranians wanted to help these more. so these might be getting more ships. it's important that you know, they've been missing with almost all these missiles. and when they hit start, usually with drawings which have very little effect and they have so few explosives on them, they can't carry anything. so you know that your audience might be able to fix some of that stuff. so these, if they really put their minds to it, and i think to some extent that shows that there and there are flies, aren't that close and threatening and attacking around isn't the solution here. finding mr. freeman is, is you will view the, the opening up this front with who these is mistake or yeah, the, you know,
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it domain is nice because the mistake is, uh, it's not gonna work. i mean, we've seen already that the air strikes haven't stopped the who needs from trying to shoot. as i said already, they haven't been hitting bucks. so the cost of shipping are actually not very high in the price increases our implant testable, most that we've seen as a result of this. so, you know, we're starting a war that we don't, we don't have that. we're not committed the means to wind to stop something that's not the bigger problem and i think that's just advice escalation that nobody wants . so i think, you know, what we ought to do is open up talks with the these and see if we can resolve this diplomatically what they're asking for. and also is arguably not that much. so i think we should be willing to negotiate at a minimum. all right, we'll leave it the benjamin freedman policy director of defense products. he's thank you very much. thank you. the,
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the, now the news, ecuador police of it rated a prison with drug traffic is a police officer rates on the 4th, is lawrence's security operation to quite keep prison. ecuador has suffered a recent space of gun violence which saw some 200 prison stuff, taken hostage and then released by inmates in 7 prisons. the operation is part of a 60 day state of emergency that was issued by those president. that was last week . i mean, want a prosecutor in charge of investigating and the tax on the television stations. ecuador has been shot dead in black. you at the station was taken ever by mos gunman while live on that last week. the prosecutors to the sweat as was ambushed in broad daylight, seeing that the noise to combine in view of the matter of our colleague sees us. what is the prosecutor for organized crime and glass prevent on insight to organize criminal groups? interest will not undermine a commitment to ecuador in society. this event is a source of grief for us as an institution. we are currently conducting the 1st investigations at the scene of the crime with the aim of insuring,
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as in every case of finding death, this crime does not go unpunished. let me look at, let's close now to amazon to run p i. t joins is not from the columbia and capital of bogota. and now it's under that. tell us more about what we know of this latest police operation to yes, nick, this is the latest operation that is part of this ongoing crack down on the gangs. and that has seen the police working together with soldiers of the army after president and then yeah, no boss issued unimpressive. then said, the cri, defining what was happening and ask whether as a state of internal conflict at this prison in particular, is the largest in ask whether is known as the daily filled out and has a number of 5 villians, the maximum security pavilions. this is where a number of leaders of the main gangs operating and ask whether that have been
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arrested are being held out, or it is believed that they are heavily on the inside these pavilions. and i've spoken to people on the ground that i've told me that the so far the soldiers and the police have entered the prison but have not reached those pavilions. it's on clear if they will try to retake them as well. we've seen aerial a footage of a hundreds of inmates of other pavilion at mid security, lower security, if the pavilions that have been stripped, naked, or half naked, and rounded up as the police continues to move forward the forward further inside this prison. this was the last prison, at least of the logic prisons in the country that has not been intervened by the security forces, unlike other prison. uh there were no hostages. here you'll remember just a few days ago,
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there were almost 200 prison guards in other prison staff. there's that were being held us hostage by a gang members inside the prison inside. so this of a patient is under way and it's coming just a day after the killing, the prosecutor that was investigating the relationship between the gang and the high level officials in the government and the judiciary in the city of play up to you. so what is the best plan in the long term beyond this ministry? correct to he hasn't given many details. he has actually has spoken very little since the beginning of this crisis. we've heard more from a general desk. i've been courting anything of the military operations from the attorney general, but not so much from the price. the data. what is clear now is
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a sense. this operation has been relatively successful as fast as he will continue with the, with the military operations on, on the ground in the long term. he has talked about the possibility of holding a security referendum, asking people to restart the poor things at present nurse to other countries. and he's also called the to increase the facts, fax, it to finance is war, but we haven't heard much in terms of a long term plan yet. and it's a 100 things with that 700 room because the reporting a long way to report into the deadly 2022 about the school shooting. so as a police response was a failure, u. s. department justice as a place to show no agency in the shooting what 2 teachers 19 students were killed. hundreds of offices with deployed to rope elementary in texas, but it took more than an hour to confront and kill them. the departments review concluded that
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a series of major failures failures in leadership and tactics and communications in training. and then preparedness were made by law enforcement while you, there's and others responding to the mass, shooting at rob elementary subpacket stones as it used drains and rockers to hit targets and the province of sustainable interest on, in iran, at least 9 people are being killed. the retaliated, 3 strikes, come 2 days after ron carried out to the attack in pakistan's pollute just on provence. actually on the whole bar as this report. this is the aftermath of pakistan's attach on the border with iran. it's not about size, it's fine to jets. drones and drunkards struck, i'm group high down inside iran, and it's submitted to a 2 pointed quote or necessary measures to avoid civilian casualties. this, this morning's action was taken in light of critical intelligence of impending lot
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skin terrorist activities against focused on by these territories. this section is a manifestation of focused on unflinching results to protect and defend its national security against all threats focused on says its attacks were retaliation . augusta runs beside strikes in this province of ballou. she's done a day earlier, a guess what it said. what made it to base is about on group to have on can sit is ation either a terrorist organization and a threat to its national security. founded in 2012. the below she separatist organization operates bailey and southeastern yvonne along the border with pakistan . tab i'm hoping that we'll see that our focus meet as owns at any unfit or is this on the next 10 story that before this conversation i discussed was mike would need a 40 minute sort of practice 10. and that's we use big integrity or bucks that we
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just fix the ticket at 2 o'clock. but we are not allowed to play with the security of our kids. it's unclear if this exchange of attacks could turn into a wide confrontation between the dominant to so in the back is done and she a on it runs attacks with lots of wides admitted to it strikes against what it run, described as an as riley spine hub in a be rock and i sailed positions in northern syria. the us condemned via tax carried out by runs revolutionary gauze, as reckless american officials like use a lot of using proxies to destabilize the middle east. menifee a. this recent escalation along with these rise war on gaza, his beloved warning of an expanded with as well as you'll see a tax in the red sea. it could lead to a full scale. i will ask you about the 0. now the head of the year ends, nuclear watchdog coast,
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held onto 0 that runs nuclear program is now it is most of on stage of international atomic energy agency says it's t p concerned about growing escalation in the region as a result of the role in gauze hey, already they have proven that they can reach out to weapon great. and they are regularly enriching uranium at 60 percent, which is you know, it just an inch away from weapon. great. they have, they have done it for a brief period more or less a year ago. so in this regard, i would say that you're on has no technical due to cross oh to overcome. so iran within days if it won't eas, could launch it a nuclear missile? well, i would say that would be perhaps a little bit too far and, and the development of nuclear weapons requires a number of additional steps. indeed, having the new given to you,
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just as the city is, it is, is a very significant step. and this is why we have been talking about it to into an easier way, more than 6300 people have been evacuated from the homes on the island flores. it is due to increased activity from a volcano, which is relative at least $200.00 times. that since sunday. jessica washington reports not from east flores, about how officials are urging locals to stay at least 5 kilometers away from the volcano. this is mountain of which will be lucky, lucky rumbling of the eastern flores and sending up dense plumes of hot ash from its crater since lake to send the clouds as high as 1500 meters. the flow of lava has increased in recent days. the mountain has 2 peaks, but only one is erupt doing the sap in am embarrassed to continue with tremors and low frequency upgrades. this means the movement of magma to the surfaces, very intense. this can be seen from the launching of lava and the northeast of the
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one channel that they've done collier, those residents in nearby villages. i'll stay in evacuation centers. this group has been sleeping in a classroom since the beginning of the year, the month and we have enough food have but my children are starting to get health problems. they have fever slips, maybe because the sleeping on the floor and because of the volcanic ash, those people in this area work in farming or fishing the local government since the options are affecting people's livelihoods. but safety has to come 1st and see the best. so sometimes we keep publishing information so people can understand the impact of the russian is not just dust, but also pyro caustic, florida. that pirate plastic flow travels fast and is made up of gas ash and fragments of rock. the authorities say people must stay around 5 kilometers away from the center of the your options. and they say there's also
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a risk of cold lava flooding. it's heavy rain full because we're traveling through the village of nobel and authority. say this is within the danger zone. with joining them on petrol as they tried to find residents who haven't evacuated, but some residents have refused to leave the homes and farm animals. while this is a hole in the beginning, yes, i was afraid, but now i'm used to the rumbling, we needed for data from different authorities warned against such complacency, saying the dangers are constantly evolving as the russians continue going up or the, the villages in the parts of the law of a slow and volcanic ash, it's very important for people to leave this area before this latest round to so kind of activity the last recorded eruption of mount label. toby lucky, lucky was more than 20 years ago. right now, the volcano is on, indonesia is highest and lowest of possible eruption. jessica washington to 0. east
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flores, indonesia. i still head here without very good support coming up. another team, booking us, both of them know got around to various football action coming up the a business like this, this wrote to you, boy, i guess is
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a line fly on one of your makes modern plates. the business latest is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates. the . let's take a glimpse into a lot of support here. sorta. thank you very much. and as well as truly have book this, both in the knockout rounds of the asian cup of here and cut all the, all these fields. clarification from good b by
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b things syria. jackson are vine sealed a one meal victoria for the so who's to make it to wins from to australia, looking to lift the asian top for a 2nd time. having won it in 2015 to make a sign that have taken a step closer to the last of the 16 they crashed in. yes, we know the result means that they sit 2nd in goofy 2 points behind australia. they say in the final and ask a couple of nations nigeria moments away from beating ivory coast one. now homicides, egypt team it take on gun and the other game, a penalty from a salo rescue. the point for egypt in their opening, a game against mozambique gun are looking to hit back up from a to on the feet a guess cape verde. the result extended their windlass run at the torment 25 matches football coaches in gonna say an increasing number of people with disabilities or getting involved in the game. it follows the recent victories of
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the national entity team. as malcolm, what reports every day. as soon as 9 year old data, i have to run that finishes school. he says about making his dream come true. he wants to play for gone is national side to 2 months ago when the football comp, the 1st have a africans power games here and across night dom disability is not an inability. i have great passion for football and my dream is to play for the gun and national m p t team on level pool in the future. i never missed training sessions and i combine this with my education dollars. daily training routine is tough to be pulled with one leg, the plays of the team of boys who have to on the national team. all the players use crutches except the goalie in line with the international rules. if $12.00
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continental tournaments and made several world comp appearances in recent years. and getting people watching, if i've been even the sports who wants to enjoy forgotten opportunities, 19 is to get more police on board. pig did, particularly as from the st. bring them and send them to disperse, so they can become for 1st now, please. so gonna con, reading more so if you for the country the managers have had many more players to choose from since and national league was founded 5 years ago. but the politics plays a role. the comment and team were expelled from last year as well. cap in tech here because of an administrative dispute. play is also a competitive clinic on the funding. none of that, it has a data. he says he'll keep training. so one day we can play for his country. malcom web houses, era where we sat as well. number one, a guess, wanted to escape that with a narrow victory to reach the 3rd one of the us during open off the winning the 1st
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set, the published play last the 2nd to american daniella collins. before time grand slam champion then riley from the full on down in the decide to she won 5 games in a row to take the said set and the match was your next phase that check says linda i don't even know really. yeah, i was under your 1st already know, but i want to if i told them i knew that you know, she played just perfectly, but it would be hard for anybody to keep that level. so i wanted to be ready when i for mistakes that are going to come from the other side. and i just wanted to push them and i did that man, and i'm really proud of myself. so long this time breaking grandson single is history handed, the end of the seats for one of the title favorites said to you,
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they did not have a kina. was beaten to by, i not being cova of russia, the decides of tie break at last it for more than half an hour with the teen. i'm missing 8 met the wimbledon champion cutlass and cut it, so it was forced to call on all these tricks to get past it. it is lorenzo san diego. the spaniards eventually close out the match and the full set tie break. i've kind of says and when does title for the 1st time, so only 20 is was he's willing to help. never do that. no, that's about. yeah i'm, i'm really happy. i'm just uh, uh, 2 years i'm to work to just on a hot on the i really made to the 200 wins on the tool for me. it's a, it's incredible, you know, on the, i'm looking forward to, to make the 300 and also support for me, a 100 back to me. so thanks very much the,
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that's it for mean o'clock this, these uh, tell mccrae will be right around the or the staging type is being played in touch or from a rock or 3rd time. 24 teams are competing from the trophy. there can only be 4. can you see right across the action from out the tournament facing cap on slaving under the hot sun? collecting a limitless energy. so their own tri, hoses down the. so the panels on his roof, the decades, the and then relied on the diesel, shipped in a great expense with crowns from the australian government. the island built itself a so the grid now they can capture and store fully energy they need kind on state fits future fossil fuels,
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no renewables to natural gas from the gulf of thailand. power stations burning co shipped in from australia to transition away from fossil fuels could be relatively easy in china, but the government remains committed to colon guess expo 2023. the world, the fascination of
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joining us and let's discover a better world expo. 2023. the ha. the the hello until mccrae. this is and use our live from coming up in the next 60 minutes is rarely strikes. pounds. solving cancer is tell us simians, more than 16 people killed in attacks on residential areas. no phone calls, no internet and no communication palestinians and gallons


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