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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 19, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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the 3 part series excludes the implications of us and people who called lowest the freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights. more about the issue, whatever i'm looking for. so my thing for talk to, in, quote, on which is 0, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on to mccrae, this has been use our life from coming off in the next 60 minutes is round rims off a tax on the southern gaza, forcing many displays families to flee again. about this know we're safe to go. as one of the main hospitals and costs of south could soon close at stores with disastrous consequences. the 10s of
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thousands of pregnant women in newborn babies are at risk and cause of we'll take a closer look at the maternal health in a was. 2 protest against israel's world goes, it takes place until a phase. and in other news, tensions rise is focused on its targets in which i look, treat strikes against a rom killing. at least 9 people. the top you in human rights expert has accused israel of breaking international law with its relentless, bombardments, have gone to francesca. ebony says, is rouse right to self. defense doesn't allow it to ignore the rules of proportionality and insure protection of civilians. now despite those condemnations, as well as genocide and gowns that continues on devices within $24620.00 pellets indians have now been killed,
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as well as bombing areas around southern causes largest hospital. all that, while the communications blackout across this trip continues for a week, cause he looked as hold of young begins of coverage. the sun sets over garza, on another day of death, destruction and communication blackouts. for a week, palestinians had been in the dark, their phone and internet connections, conte but some still find their phones useful. and stuff about i'm here at 7 am. as soon as the sun rises discharging station outside, the emerald city hospital is free charge phone last about a day. for now we can only use it for lighting. there's no calls and no internet, so we use it as a lice. see the roads were walking on to light up the tents where we live. but for now we can't do much more than this. lack of communication is fueling desperation and complicating the delivery of food. aid and medicine may have been was sad that
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they look to put them in the amount of 8 that's going through the roof of crossing is nothing of. i've been displaced for 60 days and i still have not received a single food possible. they all thousands of this, like me, hospitals are overwhelmed and understaffed, master hospital and southern goza is one of the few still functioning. but it's really airstrikes nearby could force to, to shut down. and that would force both patients and families to be displaced again . and you've got patients who are being operated on the floor. you've got patients were sleeping on the floor of staff who are speaking on the floor because they prefer to sleep in the hospital then to be able to take them to dentist, take the risk going back and forth to their homes, which may or may not still exist and the special your conditions are so unbearable . one doctor has annotated his daughter's leg without anesthesia is. this is the video. he explains. a family has been trapped inside the house for 15 days with
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ongoing strikes. the risk of going to hospital is too high. when i'm the where can we find mercy? god, please have mercy on us. where is the muslim world? more than a 100 days of israel's more on garza has left the palestinian families with nowhere to go. and with more than 24000 people killed, confronting this has become a daily part of life. caci, a little piece of the young israel has targeted residential buildings in jamalia in the north and con eunice in the south. i'll just here is terika assumed reports for rafa and southern casa. so i saw everywhere in gauze, destroying residential houses, attracting as well kept getting children and women within the past few hours. now the tax had intensified in the news were to value it had been wisely attacked by these very minute treat on the pointed jets bouncing difference with the windshield
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house through farm lands. and we have been revolting for long. we expected value has been why the tax on the r h are still people trapped in that very densely populated area where they are lucky also all kinds of basic necessities. now the people are grumbling as well in the middle overlays where the items are. we shipping and confrontations started to rate violently in such areas as it is very many trees are trying to destroy the mainland to growth and taking a full control over the position that considered to be a militarily bites. and for them to take full control over the far regions alongside with a very unprecedented compartment for the 2nd largest city of con eunice, which has been completely on the mass, is very attacks in the past hour of residential houses have been targeted alongside with different innovation if last be funny is in this car of, of called you to city, which means that operation all the ground continue by the industry as they are
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flowing up residential neighborhoods. complete the over this over completely reduced to the roughly what we can see that these ongoing due to solely to the attacks completely make the life of the residents the uninhabitable as they are. making a very corrosive environment that considered to be out 1st for school, for residents to be free and also to roof, which has been on the white ministry. i talk to the hours or pregnant women bearing the front of kansas cycling health care system. most hospitals and medical centers, a shot and women are forced to deliver babies an over crowded and unclean conditions. the last month see you in estimated the 50000 women and girls a pregnant, an estimated 180 for them and they're giving birth every day. palestinians, dying or named is ready strikes the 1st in line. so the precious few hospital periods that a lift pregnant women,
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a lower priority women are also unable to get advice with medicines. such things, such as the n t d injection, which should be given to mothers whose babies are a different blood tide through them. without it, the mother's immune system could attack future fetuses. but even if a mother and child survived the birth without complications, they simply not enough food in the kansas trip. and mothers unable to produce enough milk to feed that babies. almost old hospitals and gaza are out of service leaving this place pregnant women to give birth outside and forced to have c sections without pain killers, conditions the you in has described as a nightmare. a diplomatic, it is a james by his is that doubles and spoke to the executive director of the you in population fund about the state of maternal care in the gaza strip. as my rep, representative in palestine has told us, this is the worst nightmare that he's ever experienced. the situation where we have over
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a 180 women struggling to deliver and get 1st each and every day with the health system collapsing there only a couple of places left where you can do an emergency. so very infection beyond that, as we all know, humanitarian circumstances mean that people seek shelter. this is never a target. and health facilities should never be a target. so it's very distressing to think of a midwife having to thread her way through the community. often in the dark because of the fuel and energy picture there and not be able to render service. and if she does, sometimes she's helping a woman to deliver outside on a plastic sheet. and the wall has not stopped the bombardment continue. so almost every hour. there is building it's something that the secretary general has called attention to certainly all of the humanitarian community that
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a ceasefire is the center essential for humanitarian aid to cross those carters. we're in a situation where hunger is ramp and if you are pregnant, it is a time when for yourself and for the developing fetus, your caloric requirements have increased. your need for water, of course, is higher than the regular person. so how were we to provide for women during labor and childbirth under circumstances where humanitarian aid is not coming in to 1000 of over $24000.00 people killed in terms of states that the desk told that his list is. but i'm assuming there are still bus, they're all newborn children, probably won't survive in the circumstances. one of the things which we've documented is that because of the stressors on women who are pregnant, ready to deliver the need for so their infection has sat up, we're doing almost 20 percent more than we would have been under normal circumstances. is there anastasia?
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are there times and we actually have to operate without being able to give the right drugs to this woman just to save her life and the life of the newborn. so again, i think our appeal is to think about who is bearing the brunt of this bombardment ceasefire. now is something that we have been calling for repeatedly, and it's objectionable that this does not happen. so leslie, at least 7 people have been detained until of age during a really cooling for us. the spot and gaza. thousands of people took part in the rear, protesting is growing against prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his government, which is bound to secure the release of captives despite waging a devastating war. some of the protests were previously broken off by police. teresa bar was at those demonstrations intelligence were here in the center of the
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hundreds of people out there to protest against the war. people here are demanding a ceasefire from the government are saying that the only piece will bring security is read and they're also asking the government to do much more to answer piece legal affairs. and so the top 10 thing gazda can be released and we're being told right here that they're not carrying time to spin. you loud. take as many feared that they could be detained if they do. so. security forces were not far away from here, even though this protest has been authorized by the government, in many cases, folders like this one. i'm end up with people arrested joining me now if you're the old. she's one of the organizers of this close. isn't that what can we do like the governor? do you think the government is going to hear you this time? like me right now, we are demonstrating why b b is given his speech, say that this war with the whole and we are take
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any move we need a piece. so there's mounting pressure on the government of prime minister venue mean, nothing. yeah. to end this war in a way, even the 70 most of the population here, any is road supports the war. many believe the way ours is to eliminate. i'm awesome. there's lots of questioning now and we have started to see that some people taken to the streets from the relatives of the cast says on the streets, asking the government to do much more for also people protesting against the governmental prime minister. nothing. you know, totally questioning jesus his policies and what's been happening doesn't export also questioning his leadership and calling for election. and then there's pros, as such as this one, calling for a ceasefire. now that only piece of people who are, say we re security for as well, protests like this one in a way are and examples of things have started to change. and that could be a new sign of what's been going on here in this world series. how will i just see
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that? and i mean to keep it al, to is and is rarely political and list and contributed to the hertz newspaper. he says unity among politicians in this room is deteriorating. this is not the very close. that is why the video is actually more and the many of them will just return from a long service in gaza as reserving so as soldiers will take you through the streets to gaze. the government is right, there is a kind of an actors that while the guns are firing and our cobra's the oh sacked, advising the lies where they knew this unity what they need to support. and this is the reason that barry does believe that all for the sense of body has decided to join the cabinet. and um,
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uh right now to use bato decision making process. but at the same time, it seems that the unity is really not really possible. why the prime minister is losing the public trust in the last pause the position his leaving by 2 thirds of the connector to watch sir. uh, guns uh is eating was for the seats. wireless on the oh is down to 16. so it's actually i'll do all of this situation and this makes it closer. it makes it comfortable for people to go to the street and ask for early elections. honda civic joins us from occupied east jerusalem now and then. yeah, he's coming on the increasing pressure isn't a these really prime minister is under
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immense pressure, not just from his own society and the families of the captives, but now from within his own government. israel's work cabinet is convening tonight, but it comes as there has been a lot of disagreements between us and yahoo, and members of the war cabinet that she chose. there have been a lot of different arguments that have been reported. it is really media on different policies, specifically when it comes to issues of the captive. these really prime minister is still insisting that military pressure is the only way to bring them back with this evening. these really prime minister gave a solo press conference and answer questions from the media. and you spoke about a wide variety of things. but the main thing he wanted to reiterate and stress was that the war is continuing via land, air, and sea, until all of the objectives are cheap and it is going to continue that way. he stressed that victory is many months away,
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and there will be no concessions from these really side on stopping the war until they are victorious in every which way. remember, they've had 3 goals. they've been hoping to achieve this entire time, but they have not had those military accomplishments on the ground that they want to see these really prime minister. also speaking about other things like humanitarian aid into gaza, he said that israel is providing the minimum amount of a necessary in order to prevent a humanitarian crisis. but again, that humanitarian disaster has already unfolded and has been unfolding for the last 3 months. and remember just a couple of days ago with a meeting with a binded administration official, these really prime minister denied that there was any humanitarian crisis in gaza. so again, just disconnect from the reality on the ground and what is actually happening on the issue of a palestinian state. benjamin netanyahu was insistent that he would block this kind of move and said that these are talks that people are having that don't include him
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. that are talks for what he's calling, quote, the day after netanyahu is something we haven't heard from these really prime minister before. and he insisted that a lot of these really public, most of them actually do not want to see a palestinian state. this is something the americans are not going to be very happy with. they think positions like this are huge obstacles for peace and up. they are simply not within the right head space or thinking to solve this conflict. then remember there was just a visit by the us secretary of state anthony blinking, who reportedly told these really prime minister that he needs to get into that thought process where there will be a palestinian state, both in gaza and the west bank so that they can have the same type of legitimacy, but additionally, what these really prime minister was trying to stress is that these really war is just, he said that there is with no war. that is, as just this is how many he's been repeating for the last 105 days now. but again,
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the main thing he wanted to focus on was that the war is continuing, even though it is causing now immense division within his own government. like i think so much at home to home, to salute for us and occupied east jerusalem. the us has launched another series of electronics against the rebels and given this, despite washington, acknowledging this trunks have failed. just don't their attacks on rid see shipping . we don't seek war, we don't think that we are at war. we don't want to see a regional war. and the who, these are the ones that continue to launch a cruise missiles and to ship missiles at innocent mariners at commercial vessels that are just transiting an area that sees, you know, 10 to 15 percent of the world's commerce. the u. s. is what we are doing with our partners is self defense. but for more on this one for sure, joins us now from washington,
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dc and l in the us clearly says this conflict is something that is going to continue. and just in the last though, we've had that there has been another messiah tag in the red sea. certainly there with ease of lunch, somewhere in the region of $55.00, miss out and joint attacks since november. the us, of course, has responded. it says it's an international cooperation, and just in the last week they've fired more than 5 miss outs. no. the, the americans are saying that they don't want to see this expand his original conflict, but they admit that they're going to continue fighting this operation. in fact, joe biden was us incredible on so if the attacks against the who these are watching and he said no, but he said they were going to continue. so they're going to continue fighting multi 1000000 problem missiles activities in the hope that at some point along the line there will be at the tenants. now what is interesting as well is that the who
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sees seem to believe that this is some sort of budget on their spokesman in a televised address. on thursday said it was agreed that the owner to be directly engaged against the united states. and if it is going to be pointed out that all of the $75.00 or so attacks, many of the been again, shipping that have no direct links with israel or the united states. but it's clear that if the hosting is regardless as a great on a to be fighting the united states, as far as the united states is concerned, they're going to continue to enjoy that on a, for some considerable time. certainly seems that way. thanks so much ellen, ellen fisher, for us in washington dc because really forces have conducted multiple of rides across the occupied west bank the longest isn't this leave to cover which had just been continuing for more than 40 hours. these really ami has killed 8 people this since wednesday. the palestinian rid kristen has only been able to retrieve the
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body of one palestinian man. mamma ginger and reports on those rides from ramallah in the occupied with bank. that the is really army says that they go into these camps and these areas in the occupied west bank because they are trying to root out minutes and see if they are going after resistance fighters who are in those areas . you have these armor, bulldozers that go in to say tear up roads that they cut infrastructure. they cut water lines and power lines, and these are the reports that we're hearing coming out of to cut them the rate that's been going on there has been going on for over 41 hours. now there are signs that perhaps is really army is starting to withdraw, but in the past day and a half, almost 2 days now, you had at least 8 palestinians killed as a result of the raid there. and in fact, the policy, red crescent society says they have still not been able to retrieve the body of the 8th palestinian man, the person who was killed earlier today. it's a very dire situation in that camp. dozens of israeli military vehicles still in
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their reports of homeless being destroyed. infrastructure being destroyed and reports about palestinian men numbering, perhaps in the hundreds who have been detained. taken off site and interrogated. it is a dire situation. the palestinians we speak with when we go to the towns and villages in refugee camps and cities that have been rated, they all say that they don't believe the situation is going to get better any time soon. situation is so grim right now, that in fact, even last week and these really media, it was reported that is really security chief, had warranty is really government that the occupied west bank may be on the verge of a 3rd in default, or that it may be on the verge of exposure, not just because of the violence and the rates that are going on and how much longer there is as a result of those. but also because of the fact the economic prospects of palestinians, the occupied west bank are so grim right now. you have so many thousands of palestinians who had permissions to be able to go and work in the israel not been
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able to do so since october 7. beyond that it's been very deadly. and since october 7th, at least $365.00, how is the indians have been killed throughout the occupied west bank? a civil row and guns are and the tensions and the occupied with bank of taking a launch total on small businesses in israel that we're getting from a lack of demand and a short full of work has $350000.00. just ready army reserve is set, the mobilize for juicy and tens of thousands of palestinian workers. a blog from in touring is ro, or con has moved from tel aviv. yeah, here runs a new mexican restaurant and a 20 street in tel aviv bought less than a year of a year. this business, the war of garza begun over, the government has promised support to small benches. he hasn't received anything but owns that. you need to have more than one need to see what your work before the
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previous years and they give you the person. and i don't have one use a lot of small business clothes already because they didn't have the head and then not the foot. we have here was 3 or 4, the a, the students in the many markets that put a date on to the, to the, as part of the new amended budget. the government has promised money for companies that are brought out of funds during the war. as a survey by the central bureau of statistics in november found one and 3 stall top businesses of clothes, those will remain open reported significant losses. straight flight vist intel available only made up of small businesses and some of the own us, which includes reserves. so just tell us they feel neglected by the government and then the loss of business itself during the war. they also say the skeptical for the new budget will fill the void box. many economists say the government's
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priorities all skewed as money follow to religious schools. and illegal assessment projects remain intact on small businesses and not being prioritized. one of the things that i think let me pull it there, shows an economist and not understand that it's not enough to allocate $12000000000.00 for a certain clothes. you must have a mechanism that actually takes the money and finals it down and photos it quickly in this room. we do not appreciate enough small businesses. we look down at them. and that's a big, big, big mistake because these are the businesses actually drive the economy. this any man maya understands this all too well. she's been a tv theater and children's entertain up the 25 years now. she struggles to put food on the table. the worst was the minute it started because the diary was full books. so we came from 100 percent work to 0 percent. i know it's
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small stuff, but when you don't have money to buy food, you're starting to be nervous. i even starting to lose my voice to just stress, you know, like, and i couldn't sleep small business though. it is like my it says it's the working costs and poor who bearing the economic costs of the war, also being precaution, nor hon. i'll just narrow tel aviv the around so is committed to improving relations with pockets on the cold, on this, on the bond to prevent these tablets meant of what it calls terrace spaces on that soil. tensions have escalated between both countries due to recent attacks on each of those territories on tuesday, around carried out and attack and focused sounds below just on provence, coming to children and wounding civil offers. and retaliation focused on loans to missile strikes into
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a run killing at least 9 people hush him. allah bar reports. this is the aftermath of pakistan's attached to border with iran. is level about says it's fine to jets. drones and drunkards struck. i'm group high down inside iran admitted to a 2 pointed quote or necessary measure to avoid civilian casualties. this morning's action was taken in light of critical intelligence. open spending lots good terrorist activities against focused on by the stead of his as this section is a manifestation of focused on unflinching results to protect and defend its national security against all twits focused on says it's attacks were retaliation. augusta yvonne's beside strikes. it is the province of believe she's done a day earlier, a guess what it said. what made it to base is about on group to have on can sit is
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ation either a terrorist organization and a threat to its national security. founded in 2012, the below she separately just organization operates bailey in southeastern iran, along the border with docusign tap on to that point and that square see that our focus meet is owns that any and services on deck is done. so it that before this conversation i discussed was mike would need the 40 minutes sort of practice 10. and that's we use big integrity or bucks that we just fix the ticket at 2 o'clock. but we are not allowed to play with the security of our kids. it's unclear if this exchange of attacks could turn into a wide confrontation between the dominant to so in the back is done. and she a on it runs attacks with part of why it's admitted to it strikes against what it run, described as an, as riley spine hub in
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a be rock. and i feel positions in northern syria. the us condemn via tax carried out by iran's revolutionary gauze. as reckless american officials like use a lot of using proxies to destabilize the middle east, many fia, this recent escalation along with these rise went on gaza, his beloved warning of an expanded more would as well. and truth, the attacks in the red sea could lead to a full scale. i will ask you about the 0. how the phase is direct to all of the around project that international crisis group uses both around and puck, us down, have no interest in further escalations, and i think the lines unit last roll sites deep into ok. assignments every 3 left sparked a song with no option other than retaliating and kind of pockets not as much of your rock or syria that is close the line. but iran, it has a self image of it. so that is fully capable as
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a nuclear weapon states of protecting its own territory on sovereignty. and therefore it has to respond. i'm hoping that now that they have responded, they can draw a line under districts, the tat because neither side really wants this to turn to pull out the compensation on both sides can walk away from the breakdown. neither sides actually has an interest in for escalation, both sides of both the wrong and part of spawn have elections coming up in the coming weeks. both have economic problems at home. both have other things to worry about. so from the park, as long as india and the top to bottom for iran is the war and gaza and the confrontation between your ronnie and partners of boxes in the region with, with the us and israel. and so i don't see really an interest for either of them to further escalate this. they have both now engage in this test with that. and therefore it appears also signed
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a diplomatic messaging that they don't want to see for escalation. an incredible police have right into prison. we're trying traffic is a suspect. it to be all for i think security forces launch the operation in quite a keel. the prison ecuador has suffered a recent spike of gang violence which saw some 200 prison stuff, taken hostage then released by inmates and 7 prisons. the operation is part of a 60 days type of emergency that was issued by a quinn who was present last week. or meanwhile, 2 men have been arrested in ecuador on suspicion of murdering prosecutor, says suarez. they were at a time during a ride in which they also found a rifle, pistols, and 2 vehicles. 2 more suspects remain at lodge. the prosecutor was in charge of cracking down on organized crime in the province of glass and had been looking into an attack on a tv station which was hijacked live on. yeah. let's assume that the noise to companion, view of the matter of our colleague sees us. what is the prosecutor for organized
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crime in glass, prevent uninfected organized, criminal groups, interest will not undermine a commitment to ecuador in society. this event is a source of grief for us as an institution. we are currently conducting the 1st investigations at the scene of the crime with the aim of insuring, as in every case of violent death, this crime does not go unpunished. only look at a correspond to entail essentially around p a. t has more from bulk to. so this is a question that a lot of people have, they're worried about the consequences of this full scale military's ation of the country in terms obviously of human rights. but also the fact that it's unclear what the, the long term plan is. we haven't heard much from the president the so far he has announced a couple of measures that he would like to see going forward. any increase in value added tax is to essentially fund his uh, uh, quote unquote, uh,
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war against the gangs. and he also promised to call for a referendum later in. a the year with a number of security questions, we haven't seen those. the questions or those questions haven't been released yet. that we know that at least he's a trying to restart, takes the extra addition in the country that has been banned the years. the go. so that will be an issue, but the, the most promising thing we've heard so far is that an ongoing investigation that was presented a couple of weeks ago by the country is attorney general. she's calling this investigation metastasis. because she's saying that the guy, the gangs influence, has been spreading like a cancer throughout the ac, whether a neck, whether it's institutions, and she's promising soon to put charges on police,
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fissions and, and judges and other officials that the she alleges uh, could be working with and for the gangs, oh, still a hit hit on al jazeera sewage and honey contagious hypnotizes infections where it comes with this applies. palestinians over crowded and sanitation surfaces have collapsed. and the billboard campaign and then in the netherlands and support of palestinians. the crimes to countess paused as rainy propaganda. the the hello setting. no, still on the laptop in that heavy right across northern australia and see that circulation cleared him off to you. this is all to do with the monsoon trust, the barrier of life precious. why like a way, just around the top and around the gulf, the commentary as well. so the wet wet season that really has set to him with
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a vengeance. what's enough to down towards the south east pushing towards new taylor lowness and very heavy rain pushing into the south. all that, oh sweet fruit temperature is not very close to it. it's 30 celsius. but sundry down pools coming in over the next couple of days. meanwhile, the thunder down pulse continued because northern parts of australia we have got some great weather that to cause a good part of queensland brisbin. seeing some of the showers down towards the se, things a good deal. dry amber i to 21 celsius in melbourne on friday afternoon. stuff to pick up as we go on into uh the weekend 26 celsius on saturday. 30 full the for allied me while i was the us, the side of the country passed around 32 celsius. similar sort of temperature as you go through sunday. noticed by sunday, really heavy down pulls right there across from the past of australia. so i more big down polls coming in at this stage. meanwhile, we got some wet weather just coming out of central areas of china, right? eventually tripping the fossil of japan on
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the highway as well as on gaza, continues to bring you the late. we are on the grounding gauze covering the ongoing is raising arguments and the suffering to people's tones that we lost displacements and block of resources. and from multiply is very similar to how the how data rate and restrictions prevent 3 different placements and the right to worship from tennessee will continue our coverage of israel will cabinet decisions. the caps is and all the political development part westbank senior reporting on the line as is where you raised with feelings last the sanction destruction. stay with us for the updates and detailed coverage of the wrong cause
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of the the news the you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder about top stories, the ssl israel continues to bomb guns and heading to bali in the north, in con eunice and profit in the south, at least 16 people were killed in rough on more than 24 and a half 1000 palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th is ready strikes in the south of this group have had very close to the largest function across present. thousands sheltering this fair is pretty close, meaning they will have to flee again. and at least 7 people have been detained in tennessee during
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a rally cooling for us. these 5 gallons of thousands of people took part in the rear protest. i think it is growing against from mister benjamin netanyahu, whose government, which has failed to secure the release of captives despite waging the devastating disease is spreading in gaza with sanitation and health care services. near collapse, research and hepatitis infections is posing a growing risk for people them. so the account reports under the constant is ready, bombardments, palestinians in gaza, face another that's visible, right. makes it shelter surrounded by sewage and waste have become a haven for disease, causes health ministry acts as an outbreak of hepatitis a. is freddy, as on the on the, on the border? or that's something i guess we've received so many patients in the, in the, in the outpatient is department of the reason behind the large numbers. the paper type isn't patients of
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a densely populated shelters and the current situation that lead to poor hygiene, in addition to the polluted drinking water that is not to a bull for human beings, almost like sewage systems and not working. and there are a rivers of sewage around schools, shelton, as musk, and everywhere else. hepatitis a is a highly contagious liver virus that causes diarrhea, vomiting fever, and john. this is rarely chronic fit with causes health system near collapse. it called proved fatal for the most vulnerable the my daughter's face and eyes looked yellowish. so i came to the hospital to feed her. they told me, but she has appetite to say uh, due to the pollution, the densely populated shelters and the sped of garbage on the roads. as far as i know, this disease is dangerous to have the the disease has a long incubation periods and doctors and guys of warrens, a number of cases called rise rapidly in the coming weeks. children and the elderly are especially at risk of being killed. you distracted?
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yeah, me to charge you food. what our usual. my son didn't eat for a few days and she suffers from keep a tight. she's phase and nice look yellow. and she feels pain and she's stomach for most of the time. if he eats something or drinks anything, she vomits, whatever the world health organization has warrant that disease and hunger could eventually claim more lives in guys within the war itself. right now, palestinians have no escape from either. for the car, which is 0, did you ins is catastrophic levels of hunger and the risk of outbreaks of disease and gaza demands immediate access and supply routes. i. according to its children's agency, 1200000, tell us the needs of suffering. emergency levels of acute food shows, which is 335000 children under the age of 5 are at high risk, severe mill, nutrition, and preventable death. the agency estimates nearly 10000 children will suffer the
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most life threatening form of male nutrition known as severe wasting in the next few weeks. children and cancer only getting between one and a half and 2 leases of was it a day? any steps is provided, safe drinking water has a more than 1300000 people and also medical supplies, including 600000 doses of fixing, nutritional supplements and vitamins. but to try then is the global deputy executive director ad eunice if he explains the di conditions he witnessed during his visit the council. and the 1st thing that strikes you is the level of displacement the this time i went into rough. uh you, you just go in to the 1st crossing and you've got tense upon pants, plastic sheeting of bum plastic sheeting as far as the i can see people and shelters the common lading around. but they hold or say spaces like hospitals or just on
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open fields for team there tense because they're trying to be as close to the border as possible because of the fighting that's going on drops of stuff and there is no safe space in the strip. um, the 2nd point is that the conditions under which there they move is, are unsanitary. it is, there's simply not enough. the trains of sometimes one to 250 people, sometimes people use in a bucket to relieve themselves. obviously we do everything possible to bring a shelter for pins to, to address the situation, but much more is needed. and then you, you mentioned the piece a mile. so hospital i was there on tuesday and saw the children that had been wounded. a 13 year old sheltering in a school in the north of the gaza strip. got hit in the hand and the chest because
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there was no antibiotics in the heart of the script. got game reading and you have to be amputated above the, the elbow. and his story is 1000 as of stories that we should not be seeing in this day and age. a don truman has started a campaign to count of what she calls us, rarely propaganda on billboards, across the country. up to a successful campaign, she's raised nearly $80000.00. the money is being used to by billboards and showing messages and supported palest on step boss and reports from interested in $100.00 times an hour. messages in support of palestine being beamed to move to his own busy dutch highways. this one reads, every 10 minutes, one palestinian child dies, the part of a campaign to highlight the hearse of israel's war on gaza. the palestinian voice was nowhere to be heard in the mainstream media or even on these very public places . so, um, yeah,
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i figured we need to do something about the and we called stay silent. probably new blew a stop to, to a campaign after she drove past these billboards soon after october 7 with photos of is for a kept his they can buy him us. but i know about it's really propaganda. and it was basically to justify the genocide that's going on and it was to justify the war crimes and to justify the 75 years of occupation. natalie did not expect her campaign to go viral. and within a few days, people in the netherlands donated enough money to buy time on billboards at $17.00 different locations. far away from guys next to a mote away in the netherlands. the fight, overall controls and narrative of the war is being fought, research and say, as well as spending millions of dollars to promote its message in european for additional and social media. one dodge woman says she manage to count or it's propaganda by doing this. the billboards showing images of the sort 80 capt. his were investigated by
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a commission dealing with advertising regulations of the people complaint it was paula rising. i saw the person behind that campaign. a lobby group support in israel says the commission cleared them of those charges, but they have no plans to show them again. i never intended to to continue this and you know, think of something else. why do you, if you do a campaign, why do you have the answers with another company and you know, i, i predict the facts, but your companion was considered one sided and only supporting the narrative of its wells crimes in, in gaza. it's, it's not a narrative it's, it's not supporting any crimes. it's creating awareness of the people that were abducted from their homes. it's. we bought a dr. companies turn down request by israel to buy advertising time. last week. the reports say israel and to show them during hearings at the international court of
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justice where it is on trial for genocide in gaza. messages supporting palestine will continue to be shown to the dodge public, or at least the next 4 weeks step fast and l g 0. the escape on the east african leaders have held an emergency meeting and you can to, in an attempt to the fuse tensions between somalia. and if you attend this off the edits above it reach to deal with some of the land to gain access to the port of fever. and the red sea, somalia has ruled out mediation. i missed a deal script. the block also discussed the ongoing funding in sudan reiterating that the country belongs to its people and not the boring policies. dosage power has moved from the uganda and capital. can paula, are you aware he was of any of the presidents of you can, that has been hosting officials from 8 member states that make up the group known
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as i got at his presidential palace in integrity. that's about 50 kilometers from the capital compile of where we are. now this special session was called to try and discuss the deteriorating relations between c, o, p, a, and somalia. that had come as a result of the issue of assigning a memorandum of understanding with the officials in somalia that now the central government and will be the issue of such as this act is a violation of their country sovereignty and integrity. and until the officials in ethiopia walk back on this memorandum of understanding, there is nothing to discuss. so the 1st issue on the table has been that and very little has been achieved since the officials from if you ever were invited to, i got said they had a scheduling conflict and did not even attend this meeting. the 2nd item of discussion of was the situation in don as the 2 sides that have been fighting in that country were invited to uganda to discuss their differences. we know that's
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the head of the roughest of all forces mohammed him down. scholar has been in your bound up but his other side of this equation, the head of saddam's transitional solver and counsel. abdul thought to, oh boy han has not attended and said that whatever happens in his country is in internal matter and i got should not interfere in those issues at this organization has wrapped up their special meeting and they have not been able to resolve any of their stated aims for having this extraordinary session or safari, alcera kampala, or at least 15 students, and a teacher have drowned off to the boat capsized and wished in india. the incident took place in the side of the cruise. you're off living students will rescued. those on board for on a picnic organized by the school and investigation is underway to determine the cause. but initial reports such as the boat was,
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or the largest spines coast guns risk id migrants from 2 different wouldn't by itself, grand canal area. on thursday, the number of migrants entering spine illegally by sea has nearly quadrupled in january. with a vast majority, arriving in the canary islands, at least 6000 migrants died or disappeared while trying to reach spain last year. according to migrants rides in g r. display syrians living in camps across northwest syria, struggling to cope with the unbearable conditions the winter season. is springing torrential brains have caused flooding in the camps and destroyed all the 10s people living there, so they have lost all their belongings. the heavy ryans have also formed huge muddy petals, turning the area into a john swamp. along the way that reports into the 2022, you found a school shooting, says the police response was a fad in the us department of justice is the police showed no urgency in the
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shooting. with 2 teachers and 19 students were killed. hundreds of officers with the point of prob, elementary and texas, but it took more than an hour to confront and to the gunman. the department's review concluded that a series of major failures failures in leadership and tactics and communications in training, and then preparedness were made by law enforcement lawyers and others responding to the mass shooting at rob elementary to thousands. has protested in slovakia against the government's plan to reform the criminal cause, the new government to administer the code signs to apologise, sufficient prosecutor's office. the charge of organized crime for the plans also includes more leg sentences for corruption charges and other crimes. the opposition says the concern this traditional reform could fill the isolate the country from
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the european union. who am i sole public sector? workers in northern ireland went on strike over wages. demands from unions for high pi, have gone on, hated destinations devolved. government is suspended and unable to make decisions. correspondents during the holidays in northern ireland and tells us more of the argentina's economic crisis because it tenants especially hard and is forcing thousands of families to build checks without electricity storage or water online grabs. since the elimination of rent control laws a month ago, new people have started arriving here. a lot more families are going to move here with this situation. things will get much worse. this week, at least 5 people were killed, an 8 seriously injured here in a violent land dispute. the families that you'll see behind we say that they are traumatized,
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that they were attacked overnight by gunman working for the alleged mafia that buys and sells plots of land in this area. for all the people who cannot afford any longer to pay for rent. the property owners welcome the elimination of rent controlled regulations, arguing the previous laws made renting unprofitable because of chronic high inflation. is yeah, we, uh, now we have more wrinkles on the market. yesterday we had a 100, as opposed to 150 the previous week. let me look the works in a restaurant in an upper middle class neighborhood implant site is. she says she was already paying a fortune for rent, but now her housing problems are much worse. and i'm afraid that argentina will become unlivable and i don't want to leave my country. she's referring to the illumination of rental property regulations. her landlord can now renew release for
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short periods, and in any currency, even input coins that are in oscar and they need all my new lease is for only 3 months and for $300.00 a month, i'd have no choice but to pay in dollars in buying them is impossible. it's a crisis that's like between intensify, especially for those already struggling to keep a decent roof over their heads. to see and human al jazeera, not much cancer argentina. well that was the sea and human the from a lot of my towns in argentina now to northern ireland. we are almost old public sector workers have gone on strike of, of wages to months from unions for high of high have gone on heated as northern islands, power share and government remains suspended. corresponding to in the home has more . so this is what happens to a normally bustling city center when public sector workers stay at home in northern ireland as elsewhere,
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it is the public sector that keeps the wheels of the economy tending and here as elsewhere, high inflation and the cost of living crisis have put pressure on public sector pay, but this big, northern ireland, there is a political crisis as well. the whole government in the store bought the assembly that has some function for almost 2 years. the democratic union, this party walked out to protest, the post breaks it trading arrangements. and despite controlling by the government in london, including withholding billions of dollars in financial incentives that could be used to pay high wages. the d u p refuses to rejoin the work is increasingly angry or quote in the middle. what we need here is a british government to release the money, which they've indicated is available, which they are withholding as
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a means to lever the democratic unionist party back into the executive and storm workers are completely set up and frustrate of. this is the consequence of political paralysis. public sector workers have toiled away without a pay rise because there's no devolve government with a budget to give them one. they say here that they're pulling in a game and is often held up as a working example of piece building and power sharing. but the formal structures set up under the good friday peace agreement that ended decades of conflict, hardly work, a tool with the public sector among those paying the price go to whole elders 0 belfast the a pile of stones football teams. the que would,
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this is points on the asian cause of the thrilling 1. 1 tool with united arab emirates. it gives them hope of reaching the last 16 to and it gives a rough scope reports from kata. a loss to iran in the opening match didn't spoil the optimism of palestine funds, who came to watch them take home. the united arab emirates, hopeful of seeing the team pick up the 1st points at this. asian. com is showing the strengths, the showing the obviously resilience not just on the principle of the pitch as well . and it's important for us to show our support to that. we don't really watch football. i oh, yeah, that's close. we've come. maybe they've come to the for them. i think they feel the pressure, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. i don't think it's going to help them focus on the task at hand. um, but i think the team is ready and a very good. it was the united arab emirates when confront midway through the 1st health. so to deal rising above his defend to school,
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the policy and sons to the see in the sun down in the book, the referee giving a right to, to enroll to play a, somebody, and a penalty to tell a sign of the check va, tennessee. i'm sick to be entered and saved it. so let's go and continue to the 1st 10 menu, a e, and early in the 2nd, hopefully post them into a customer state and own goals for vanessa. let me 11. most of that you decide to switch you to the ultimate takeaway, not much to be fun is on a wild ride of the policy and supports us will be pleased with the tool is a 1st points of
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a team app is asian cops and it also starts the chances of reaching the knockout stage, joining us raska out is 0 out. you need stadium for that. so for me, tell me the price and now, and the fact it will be here in just a moment. with much more, the more comfortable with the flips through the pages of his books. he was hoping to be a doctor, but the fighting in savannah put a stop to studies refugee population here because across the 600000 and walk most of them under the age of 30, they receive this cheaper intervention to get you into a classroom. that is another curriculum. and so then it's different from what you're trying to get for tutoring, and gauge that and send them to regular school sizes. the priority for now is to provide shelter and full, and even that is close to the united way. there is no clear indication of when refugees, students would be able to return home. and to that process. locks up during lockdown,
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held in an infamous us detention center. immigrants documents the horrendous conditions, june the co, dependent separated from their families and to 9 basic protections they fight to have their voices heard demanding their whites to release the facility with this documentary on, i'll just see injustice from me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war or natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the facilities already 50 percent evacuated. most of those people actually left in the
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early days at the will. i couldn't do this job without the best time remained best produces the best fixes. and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the well the from north to south scholars as hospitals come on the x ray, the attack, that's the hospital themselves consuming shut down the color on the bulk of this is all just are life though, also coming up at least 19 palestinians have been killed and called eunice where he


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