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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 19, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the, the the from north to south israel tal, i guess because there's hospitals now, so hospital and con eunice could soon shut down the low on the bulk of this. i'll just say our life and also coming up at least 19 policies have been killed and con eunice where it's really military, it's step pump. it's a tax is now claims you have reached its southern most areas. 2
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rap protest against these rails war on cause the intel of eve ended up in use that could or the police soldiers to take control of a prison at the hospital or between the government and criminal guns. thanks for joining us as well as bombing areas around the southern guns as largest hospital. this as the communications black out across the strip continues for a week, at least 4 people have been killed when israel showed a residential building, the con eunice in the south. and other attacks, dozens of palestinians have been killed as israel steps up as the tax on con units itself medical facilities including national hospital and al, struggling to stay open. capture lopez. honda yeah. and begins are coverage the sun sets over going so on another day of death, destruction and communication blackouts. for a week,
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palestinians had been in the dark, their phone and internet connections, conte but some still find their phones useful. and stuff about i'm here at 7 am. as soon as the sun rises discharging station outside the emerald city hospital is free charge phone last about a day. for now we can only use it for lighting. there's no calls and no internet. so we use it as a lice, to see the roads were walking on to light up the tents where we live. but for now we can't do much more. the mass lack of communication is fueling desperation, and complicating the delivery of food. aid and medicine may have been with the equipment, the amount of 8 that's going through the rough across thing is nothing else. i've been displaced for 60 days and i still have not received a single food possible. they all thousands of us like me. hospitals are overwhelmed and understaffed, nicer hospital and southern gaza is one of the few so functioning. but it's really
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air strikes nearby. could force that to shut down. and that would force both patients and families to be displaced. again, you've got patients who are being operated on the floor. you've got patients who are sleeping on the floor of staff who are speaking on the floor because they prefer to sleep in the hospital then to be able to take their to them to take the risk going back and forth to their homes, which may or may not still exist and the special your conditions are so unbearable . one doctor has annotated his daughter's leg without anesthesia is. this is the in a video. he explains. a family has been trapped inside the house for 15 days with ongoing strikes. the risk of going to hospital is too high, where the, i'm the where can we find mercy? god, please have mercy on us. where is the muslim world? more than a 100 days of israel's war, uncle also has left the palestinian families with nowhere to go. and with more than
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24000 people till confronting death has become a daily part of life. catchy a little bit of a yan and israel has targeted residential buildings in jabante with the north. and as we mentioned, the con eunice in the south. i would just say it was target assume reports right for that since the southern gaza. i saw i saw everywhere in gauze, destroying residential houses attracting as will refuge account getting children of women within the past few hours. now the attacks had intensified in the north where devalue had been y gets hacked by these very minute trees on the pointed jets bouncing difference with the windshield house, the whole truth phone lines. and we have been reporting for loans. we expect a value why the tax on the r h are still people trapped, and that very densely populated area where they are lacking all kinds of basic necessities. now the people are grumbling as well in the middle of overlays where
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the items were shooting and confrontation started to rate violently in such areas as it is very many trees trying to destroy the main link of growth in taking control over the position that considered to be a militarily bites and for them to take full control over the far regions alongside with a very unprecedented compartment for the 2nd largest city of con eunice, which has been completely on the mass, is very attractive. the past hour of residential houses have been targeted alongside with different elevation of last be funny is in discard of upon you to city, which means that operation on the ground continue by these really minutes. we as they are flowing up residential neighborhoods, complete the over the city over a completely reduced to the russell. we can see that these ongoing, due to solely to the attacks completely make the life of the residents the on inhospitable as they are making
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a very conclusive environment that fits it to be out for the 1st bill for residents to be free and also to ruffle which has been on the white miniature, i talked to the hours for at least 7 people have been detained in tel aviv during a private test cooling for a ceasefire in gaza. thousands of people took pulse in a separate rally against the war and was growing against the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government, which has failed to secure the release of captives despite waging and devastating conflict. similar protests were previously broken up by police to raise a bow was at those demonstrations and tell of eve were here in the center of their that'd be where hundreds of people have got to protest against the war. people here are demanding a ceasefire from the government. there are standing not only piece where bring secuity is red and they're also asking the government to do much more to answer
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piece legal affairs. and so the top 10 thing guys that can be released, and we're being told right here, that they're not carrying time to send him glancing as many fears that they could be detained if they do. so. security forces were not far away from here, even though this protest has been authorized by the government, in many cases, folders like this one. i'm end up with people arrested joining me now if you're the old. she's one of the organizers of this close. isn't that what can we do like the governor? do you think the government is going to hear you this time? lightning right now we are demonstrating why b b is given his speech, say that this war with the whole and we are take any move we need peace. so there's mounting pressure on the government of prime minister venue mean, nothing. yeah. to end this war in a way, even the 70 most of the population here,
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any is road supports the war. many believe the way hours is to eliminate. i'm awesome. there's lots of questioning now and we have started to see that some people taken to the streets from the relatives of tap says on the streets, asking the government to do much more for also people protesting against the governmental prime minister. nothing, you know, totally questioning jesus his policies and what's been happening doesn't next, but also questioning his leadership and calling for election. and then there's pros, as such as this one, calling for a ceasefire. now that only piece of people who are, say we re security for as well, products like this one in a way are and examples of things have started to change. and it could be a new sign of what thing going on here in this world series. how will i just see the, i mean. 6 all right, let's look a little bit closer. the political implications for this ready prime minister with them to solid. she joins us life and look at by the history system and having to clean it. and you all who coming on the ever increasing pressure
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a lot of pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu, both domestically and internationally. let's begin on the domestic front where there is not only pressure from is really society of the families of the captive, but pressure with, in his own governments, specifically the war cabinet. but before we get into that, there are 2 parties within the is really government who have submitted proposals for no confidence vote against nothing. yahoo and his government for how they've been conducting themselves throughout this war. it is unlikely that there's no confidence vote will pass at it as it needs 61 votes in these really parliament. and remember there are a 120 seats, and benjamin netanyahu in his government have 64 seats. so the opposition would be 5 votes. shy, they're now when it comes to the war cabinet, there was an interview conducted by is really media, the featured war cabinet minister, dad,
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the eyes and codes. and in this interview he says that actually what these really prime minister is saying is wrong. he says that there should be elections to prove the confidence within the government by these really people. he also says that netanyahu is not right in his assessment about not wanting to speak about the day after the war, and insisting that a total defeat of how mass is perhaps not in the cards given, but you cannot defeat an idea. additionally, this interview was aired, so it was found weeks ago, but it was air just hours after these really prime minister gave a solo press conference, insisting that military pressure is the only way to bring the captives back. but discussions about what to do the day after the war is over, are difficult until israel achieves a total victory. and he's also saying that in his 30 years in power, he has had the same stance of rejecting
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a palestinian state. something he has come under immense pressure from internationally or i have done many things that i have the solid isn't occupied east, jerusalem. well, there's pressure mountains on benjamin netanyahu, the us and it's a israel. they appear to be an old regarding the creation of a palestinian state, washington, his reiterate to the only way forward. so the 2 states solution. we do believe that this conflict is all conflicts. you will end at some point and that there needs to be a critical path forward for the establishment of a palestinian state. that is the only way, not just to answer the legitimate hopes, rings, aspirations of palestine, people. but it is also, and this is critical. the only way to provide the lasting security for the is really people like kind of a spring and unofficial who joins us now from washington. d. c. and island. a israel saying that it must be capable of saying no to our friends. friends, a k, a being the united states as your last name for me is over. is there a waiting, a beacon, sam, let me give you a very brief history. less than back in 2002. george bush spoke to the united
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nations and said he supported the idea of an independent palestinian state in 2007 . there was a conference in the united states where both the low and the as really is agreed that there would be a 2 state solution. and certainly the idea has the support of the g 7 and also the u, as well as the united states. the us has made it very clear so they will be very upset both publicly and privately with the idea of benjamin that yes thing. it's simply not going to happen. if he remains as prime minister, i know they'll be additional pressure on your bike and he's been very supportive of the is released. even though we're told behind the scenes he's been concerned that the way the war has been conducted. but not people will say that he's got to come out and criticize benjamin netanyahu. not just do it privately behind closed doors, and one of their regular phone calls, but actually to see and public. this isn't going to fly the united states wants to see a 2 state solution. most of the main organizations globally want to see
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a 2 state solution. and benjamin netanyahu ton keep fight to your game space when the us believes that that is the way that there will be a long term peace in the middle east. and of course, the rest is all the crisis brewing and the region as well when it comes to the city of tax on commercial ships and the ride, see us appears to be getting drawn into this conflict and you haven't with limited effect on our america's aims here and the other things have just in the last few minutes, confirmed that they launched the attack towards the us ship in the red sea just in the last few hours. now we know that the us to step top attacks on who's the positions that have been 5 in the last 24 hours. they believe that they're making significant inroads and targeting who's the missile sites. but the hosting is a continuing to move those sites because most of their all kids are on the back of something that can be easily transported. and so they will continue to do what
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they're doing it the pins. again, there's already said look, they don't want to see a wider conflict spilling out of gas. and they have denied that there is they are no fighting a war with the who sees. but joe, by he made a betty board stock and betty, on his comment when he was us, whether or not the strikes we continue the so the idea is that all of these a strikes essentially having new impact on what is happening. there is a bizarre thing for the us present to see essentially say that he's committed to fighting several more multi $1000000.00 missiles towards targets in the m. and the who is cesar said that this has an attack on the people of human and also on the sovereignty of the country. but interestingly enough, the head of the who these in
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a tell a by statement on thursday. so if she considers it on, on a, to be in direct confrontation with the united states, so to abide, whose comments are the thing to go by? it would appear that he's going to enjoy this on a, for some considerable time yet. i'm for sure in washington dc. thank you. now is there any forces that conducting a raid in nablus and we'll complained westbank, they are reports of ongoing clashes between this ready army and palestinians, and the village of bate, frederick. it is where the forces of also stormed a number of other cities across the occupied westbank. the longest rage was in the city of poke around, which lasted for almost 45 hours. 8 people have been killed and thousands arrested since wednesday. you're without your 0 still to come tensions rise and as pockets to on hits targets in with tyler treat, strikes against the wrong. can we have these? people know that as power sharing vacuum leave,
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striking public sector workers without resolution the a team decimal assistant, the day is headlines. how does south africa? since it's accusations of genocide, in this case, many genocide and holocaust scholars including his ravings con, confirm that space is a textbook genocide, frank assessments politicians need to be able to run for office without the fear of facing a jail term. informed opinions when the us census will ships into the red sea. it's not receive task protection that seen as convocation. inside story on al jazeera, being a journalist is a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been drowned out by the noise is a 4. is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks.
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facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working about 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the, [000:00:00;00] the fucking bucket without a 0 is a reminder of our top stories. israel continues to target to see things across
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cause that 16 people were killed and rough, or least 4 people have been killed when israel showed a russian residential building. the con eunice in the south. is there any strikes in the south? so if the strip of hit very close to the launch is functioning hospital, a 1000 sheltering last year, close meeting, they will have to sleep again. and at least 7 people have been detained in tennessee during a rally cooling for a ceasefire in gaza. thousands of people to parts of the ramp process is growing against the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. government, which has failed to secure the release of captives despite waging a devastating rule. the wrong says it is committed to improving relations with pockets the cold on a slab of about to prevent the establishment of what it calls terror spaces on it. so tensions have escalated between both countries to recent tax on each of these territories. once you say they were all and carried out in the tasking pocket stones bleak just on provence, getting 2 children and wounding several others. they retaliation packaged on launch
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missile strikes into iran coming at least 9 people. how some of our reports this is the often act of pakistan's attached to border with iran. is level about says it's fine to jets. drones and drunkards struck. i'm group high down inside iran admitted to a 2 pointed quote or necessary measures to avoid civilian casualties. this morning's action was taken in light of critical intelligence, often sending lots good terrorist activities against focused on by the service as this section is a manifestation of focused on unflinching results to protect and defend its national security against all twits focused on says it's attacks were retaliation. augusta yvonne's beside strikes. it is providence of believe she's done a day earlier. a guess what it said?
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what made it to base is about on group to have on can sit is ation either a terrorist organization and a threat to its national security. founded in 2012 the below she separately just organization operates bailey in southeastern iran, along the border with pakistan. tab on to that point and that's we'll see that our focus meet is owns that any and services on that gets done. so it added before this conversation i discussed was mike would keep the 40 minutes sort of practice then. and that's where this picks up, the integrity or buckets that we just fix the ticket at 2 o'clock. but we are not allowed them to play with the security of our kids. it's unclear if this exchange of attacks could turn into a wide confrontation between the dominant to so in the back is done. and she a on it runs attacks with parts of winds admitted to it, strikes against what it run, described as an, as riley spine hub in
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a b rock. and i sailed positions in northern syria. the us condemned via tax carried on by it runs revolutionary gauze, as reckless american officials like use a lot of using proxies to destabilize the middle east. many fia, this recent escalation along with these rise war on gaza, his beloved warning of an expanded more would as well and truth the attacks in the red sea could lead to a full scale. i will ask you about the 0. another news display, syrians living incomes across the north west of the country are struggling to cope with harsh winter conditions. torrential rains, of course, flooding, and the comes and destroyed all the 10s. people saying they've lost all their belongings. heavy rains of it was a form, huge multi puddles to the area into a jobs. one. spain's coast guards rescued 80 migrants from 2 different wooden boats of grand canaria. on thursday. the number of migrants entering spain illegally by
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sea as need be quadrupled in january. with the vast majority, arriving in the canary islands and the 6000 migrants died or disappeared while trying to reach spain last year, that's according to a migrant rights. and geo did not go to a police or radiate a prison where drug traffic is of suspected to be operating security forces launch the operation and guy i. cro prison like with all his stuff for the reasons i can gun violence with so some 200 prison stuff. taken officers then released by inmates and 7 prisons. the operation is part of a 60 day state of emergency. it was issued by equity was president last week. 2 people have been interested on suspicion of suspicion of murdering prosecutor just as a suarez they would attain during a raid in which they also found a rifle, pistols, and 2 vehicles. 2 more suspects remain a launch. the prosecutor was in charge of cracking down and organized crime. and i've been looking into an attack on a tv station which was hijacked,
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levona alexander, run patsy reports and bucket saw in neighboring columbia. this is the largest prison in ask weather and the only one that had not been intervened by the security forces since the beginning of the crackdown of following this unprecedented wave of violence. so that enveloped the country, a security forces were worried by the fact that in this particular a prison in y, a keel, the city on the pacific coast that has become the epi center of the violence of many of the leaders of the gangs are held. and they are all so we're also believed to be heavily armed, but there has been no confrontation with the policeman and the soldiers that entered the prison. however, this operation happened the just one day after another high profile at killing and ask whether the assess the nation. according to the story these of
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a prosecutor says as to why it is that was investigating the connections between the gangs and the police fissions and, and did you did sherry in the city of quite a few. and that was also investigating the assault on a t v station in a way, a keel 10 days ago. the police as also now. so they arrested 2 people in connection with that killing the as the, the new the, we have the change to people, a cab driver and the presumed assassin. we're studying the ballistic evidence found epicene to confirm whether the 2 weapons we found with those use. the beginning of the prosecutor, the killing of the prosecutor, shows that despite having been hit hard, the gangs are still willing and able to inflict damage and the fight the government at true high profile, assess the nations. and it also tells us that the conflict,
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the will most likely continue for a long time. i listened that i'm get the address, the level with that the leader of a do mistake colton can yet has been charged with terrorism over the depth of hundreds of his followers. full mackenzie denies the challenges instead of the good news, international church. she had a huge worship as the children to stuff themselves to that. i'm missing them, that we go to head of and before the end of the world, the right. so the gene carol has rejected accusations and quote that our reputation improved after she had choose for me, us present. donald trump, right? speaking in quotes carol said she was wiley disparaged at a seeking at least $10000000.00 us dollars in damages. the civil court ruled last year that trump had indeed right to and the fame to these ongoing hearings on how much the full the president should pay in damages. the almost old public sector workers in northern ireland to have gone on strike over wages. dom on
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some unions for high pay have gone on heated as northern islands power, chevron government remains suspended. the correspondent journal hall as best from belfast. and this is what happens to a normally bustling city center when public sector workers stay at home. in northern ireland, as elsewhere, it is the public sector that keeps the wheels of the economy turning and here as elsewhere, high inflation and the cost of living prices have put pressure on public sector pay . but this, the northern ireland, there is a political crisis as well developed government in the store about the assembly that has some function for almost 2 years. the democratic union, this party walked out in protest of post breaks it, trading arrangements. and despite controlling by the government in london, including withholding billions of dollars in financial incentives that could be used to pay high wages,
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the d u. p refuses to rejoin the work is increasingly angry. the quote in the middle, what we need here is a british government to release the money, which they've indicated is available, which they are withholding as a means to lever the democratic unionist party back into the executive and storm workers are completely set up and frustrate of this is the consequence of political morales is public sector workers who toiled away without a pay rise, because there's no default government with the budget to give them what they say here, that they're pulling in a game with is often held up as a working example of piece building and power sharing. but the formal structures set up under the good friday peace agreement that ended decades of conflict. hardly work a tool with the public sector among those paying the price. joe the whole l g 0.
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belfast. oh, okay, that's it for me. nice bach of more news in about 30 minutes time. they've got a website out to 0 adult calm weather is next to the inside story. we'll examine the full allowance of the retailer treat strikes by ron and pockets tom targeting separatist groups. thanks for watching the how are the weather does put some a model of the flight to for good parts of japan and got 10 aircraft sliding out to china? i will push this way up towards the pad a little stick his way through. too bad over the next couple days in this area. of fact we have a stationary front. we have got some evaluate whether coming into central and southern positive john itself is that still warming home, going around $24.00 degrees celsius and cold in beijing,
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around freezing. notice in another area with snow which will come in to the far north of china as we go through. the next couple of dies and things moving a little further east with like rain running across the shanghai through the yellow sea korean punch. listening some went by the southern parts of the panels. i see some wet weather with some snow that across the high ground for good measure benny a shout was made mon across south east asia. the live you down polls set to continue for many, particularly over towards the southern part. so from the light peninsula, which is where the heaviest, right is going to be a little speculation here. bringing some big down, pause in, drawing up some west weather, which is making its way across the bye. have been goal so it will try to increase the way across the us for like a maybe a shower to into the fall south of india. but for months of india, it stays dry, more dense, smoke red ponies in full supp towards the north west, which extends into golden, focused on the lock. so during lockdown,
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held in an infamous us detention center. immigrants documents the horrendous conditions during the cold. it depend demik separated from their families and to 9 basic protections they fight to have their voices heard demanding their wife's release. the facility with this documentary on, i'll just talk a song carries out strikes inside yvonne as long as on says it's in retaliation to attacks by paid off inside this country. those nations say that housing separate as groups, what might the consequences fee and can they be contained? this is inside story,
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the hello and welcome to the program. i'm elizabeth put on them. yvonne and papa fall


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