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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 19, 2024 4:00am-4:31am AST

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in the community, off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and elders, the integrity in the pursuit of the company buck window here, the top stories allowed to 0. israel is wyoming areas around southern causes, largest hospital. this is a communications blackout across the strip continues for a week. at least 4 people have been killed when israel showed a residential building, the con eunice in the south. in other tanks, dozens of palestinians have been killed as well. steps up its attacks on calling units itself. medical facilities including nasa hospital, now struggling to stay open. i was just curious how a cabinet resume report some rafa in southern gaza. a number of residential houses
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have been targeted alongside with different innovation. if last be funny, is in discard of a city, which means that operation all the ground, continue parties with the ministry as they are flowing up residential neighborhoods . complete the over this over a completely reduced to the roof. what we can see that these ongoing, due to solely to the attacks completely make the life of the residents uninhabitable. at least 7 people have been detained in tel aviv drawing a protest coating for a c spot in gaza. dozens of people took part in the separate riley against the wall. thank is growing against prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government, which has failed to secure the release of captives despite waging a devastating war. similar protests were previously broken up by police to raise the bows and tell of eve with more. we're seeing an increase of the pressure on
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this morning, we're seeing the pressure because with nothing yet has been going down. in reason we've with many questioning leadership, even though most people are an express support award, we're starting to see lots of people going out on the seat of questioning. keep cedar ships in a way, also wanting to call for a new one next. and so those sub approved systems such as this one, where people are demanding a ceasefire and into the world for many people would be a sign that things have started to change. i just see that they love you. you haven't said the rebels say they've kind of it ask them to tackle the us ship chem range right in the gulf of aid. and the heat used to have conducted thousands of operations of the red sea since november, saying that the aiming for ships would ties to israel as a response to the war in guns that, you know for the the was the naval forces of the many um, forces carried down to tugs of the operation against an american ship and the gulf
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of aiden with several appropriate naval ms. silas, resulting in direct hits, given the forces consume that a retaliation to the american and british a text is inevitable. and that any new aggression will not go unpunished. do you have any um, forces consumed that navigation traffic in the error of and read sees will continue to oldest the nations around the world except for the ports of occupied palestine and the block of his writing navigation. all those heating supports of occupied palestine will continue until the sci fi is achieved. m a c is listed in the gaza strip. let's take a look at some other news now, and at least 15 students and a teacher have drowned off to the boat capsized in west in india. the incident took place in the state of goods or of 11 students were rescued. that was on board well, on a picnic organized by the school initial report suggest the boat was overload. spain's
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coast guards rescued. 18 migraine, some 2 different wooden boats of grand canal area. on thursday, the number of migrants entering spain illegally by sea has quadrupled in january. the vast majority, arriving of the canary on it's at least $6000.00 migrants died or disappeared while trying to reach spain last year. as a queen to a mind, goods rights of ga, equitable police have rated a prison where drug traffic is suspected to be operating. security forces, launch the operation and got killed. prison equitable has suffered a reason spiking dining violence, which saw some 200 prison stuff. taken hostage then released by inmates in 7 prisons. the operation is part of a 60 day state of emergency that was issued by equity was present up last week because you're up to date, those are the headlights the news continue see on how to 0 later, but listening post is up next followed by witness stay with us here without using the,
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the weather brought to you by visit cutoff. hello. we got some very unsettled weather, pushing into western parts of the us using across into a washington state into a oregon as well. i'll see every of low pressure coming in quite a tight feature. this one that will bring wet and winfrey weather and as we go through the next couple of days, may not exceed these areas of plan just around the northern place, sliding out to the rockies. some winter weather too, just around the lake. some lake effects nice and the a possibility. as we go on through friday and that rain, that snow freezing right at times grassy pushing its way up towards new england as we go through the next couple of days. clarence, god, come back in behind for a time and along the west coast, cheapest. save a bit of rain coming in here. california thing, some pretty wet weather that it's that rain readily to snow as it moves in across the high ground. i will be some heavy down pools just to the north of san francisco to cool some localized flooding. central area somewhat quad to cold enough
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minneapolis for example minus 12 celsius cold enough to a new york minus full celsius here. chris sunshine, though, for the time being south eastern corner, we stand retry, with plenty of sunshine and is a fair amount of sunshine to across the good parts of the carrier being will say, some showers creeping into the far north of the cuba. but for most is fine and sunny of the weather brought to you by visit castle, the landmark legal case over a devastating war. israel gets taken to court on charges of genocide in god's chaos inquiry into gang violence in ecuador, live on tv, and tens of thousands killed millions displaced. why is the story ensued on? not in the headlights, the,
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the international court of justice has concluded its preliminary hearing in the hague, on south africa's genocide case against israel. the i, c. j. judges are now deliberating over whether or not they will order an immediate cease fire in vasa for the global media. this case will, or at least should govern how this story is reported. what kind of terminology should apply if the u. s. highest court suspect is real of carrying out a genocide and who are a journalist to say otherwise by continuing to describe the utter carnage in water down terms. geopolitically mistakes could not be higher because a ruling against south africa signals to the world than what we have witnessed over these past 3 months in gaza. the collective punishment and indiscriminate bombardment of civilians is permissible in the eyes of the i. c. j. but a ruling in favor of south africa will let israel and its powerful backers know
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that when it comes to genocide, no one, not even israel, and it's american allies, is above the law. the. this is a potentially pivotal legal case. one of the least with historical hire and the government of south africa, the country that invented a part time taking israel, which still practiced as a part time to the international court of justice, accusing it of genocide in gosh, the 1st genocide in history where its victims are abroad cast. ready their own destruction in real time and the desperate so far as vain hope that the world might do something south africa's lawyers chose their words, care from the challenge facing israel's lawyers. is that since october 7th, he's really leaders have no. we will exact a prize that will be remembered by them and israel's other entities for decades to
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come. the difficulty is, are facing, is that every single day that are more and more statements that are a genocide to include things the increasing told about not only the ethnic cleansing off a guy's hands, but also the thing to reset the lens and guys both into the classroom and it's got, it's called the theme you get about the limitation of the population from guys raising the different cities and towns in the ground and then building on the use of them and stuff at george, the genocidal rhetoric that has come out. why was that allowed to be edge to proliferate? if indeed this was totally out of sync with the intentions of these rainy states? it behooves you to clamp down on that. that was not on the market i last should
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meet at the home us out. that's a huge, that should be the cornerstone sort of how much because of homeless, in fact, something else happened which is only all stuff is ro realized. the international court of justice is a serious thing that they will have to contend with. they do something the seeing the order kind welsh keep quiet, don't say that stuff anymore. the end, if you have said that kind of stuff is walked in fact as well as finding how much terrace, not the palestinian population, which is what the net and yahoo government was doing right up until the day before the hearing. but all those previous statements, inflammatory ones biased really officials matter because as stipulated in the genocide convention passed by the you, when in 1948 declaration of intent are every it's an entire nation out there that is responsible. it's not true this wrecked or take about civilian. it's not the way where not
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a well not involved. it's absolutely not true. so israel has tried to roll back the cloth to october 7th, but i am obliged to put before the court today, some small fragment of the scenes of unfathomable cruelty showing the r, c. j judges. some of the same images of our mazda is gruesome attacks that it showed journalists foreign governments, and the un that may have proven effective in the court of public opinion. but it does not constitute a legal defense for what has happened since. propaganda does not work. you know, quote a little while israel will argue to the court that how much attack on a israel, on a to the 7 amounted to genocide of its own sort. regardless off an attack or the states 10 feet, no matter how atrocious it does not justify genocide, the fact that is real has landed at the i. c. j in the hague. by way of south
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africa has to do with 2 countries with similar histories and shared experiences of old pressure. we are also particularly mindful of isabel, institutionalized, every team of discriminatory laws subjecting the publishing and people to apache apartheid era. south africa and israel were both highly militarized countries with societies that were racially segregated. both were political, parias, isolated by their neighbors. israel needed or south africa provided south africa faced with an arms embargo needed weapons is real, help supplies, the respective resistance groups. the amc and the p l. o forged an alliance of their own. given that history a and c leaders have always backed the palestinians. as nelson mandela did from the moment he came out of prison, such as in this encounter with the u. s. a. network, a, b, c. in 1998 on eric. you met over the last 6 months,
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3 times. it's guesser arafat. are these your models of leaders of human rights. one of the mistakes which has some forget to come to other another is make is the thing. but yeah. and should be away from the get go in this current situation and goes to south africa's being completely pro palestinian. now there's a moral type that the amc and this african government sees. the gardens and the palestinians more generally has been cancelled the oppressed, a group of people in the world that are involved in the struggle against collecting listen. and therefore, to some extent it's seen through the same lens as the struggle against the contract . the amc support for the people of palestine did not stop in and with for the president's nelson mandela that solidarity and support continued under the error of to have them becky, under their of, for president, jacob,
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sue my and b. c is unfold under the presidency of cetera, around the ports of south africa. has historically stated that as well as forced the settlements. it's a mass incarceration of palestinian people is reminiscent of the past a genius in south africa. from most cynical point to view a we're going into an election. you're in south africa in the next few months. and the amc is determined to deflect and distract attention from its multiple domestic failures. this i c j. case is an opportunity for south africa to reclaim the moral high ground. so i think this combination of struggle history deeps in the system and to a degree opportunism behind the south african case if the judge has ruled against israel, an order it's bombing up gaza to stop while the court determines if this war is in
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fact genocide, the legal implications would apply not just to the, nothing yet in the government, but to all countries that are signatories to the when's the genocide convention for failing in their legal duty? to prevent that genocide more over media outlets everywhere would be robbed of any excuse. they have conjured up to avoid calling this story what it is, instead of labeling it the way humanitarian groups and various n g os have. as a genocide in progress, they have missed their words, resorted to you fitness and miss characterizations that reflect the language of their governments. not the reality on the ground. this is a genocide happening in front of her eyes. we have to wait. that was as, as you know, incredibly emotional. and the, as riley's as you know, we saying that they are talking to and come off and leave us. i thought it will. so for our, for kids case against israel, have a game changing effect on the news narrative because it could use. so the interest
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of justice rule that is that is a disc of genocide. this would also put on notice and shame photo. those who have supported uncritically the war and the last 3 months without it states like give us the you or the media in the west that have been promoting that supporting aiding and abetting the genocide and cause. so hopefully this kind of reading would punch a critical self reflection on the part of the wish, the media as well as a change. of course the product of western governments amongst the media coverage has been through the lens of retaliation. that is, raul was acting in self defense to what happened october 7th. but if the i c j makes of finding that israel is now a suspect in a genocide case, it changes that lens and it changes the narrative. and that shifts things. joe
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politically, in many ways it just was stepping back for a moment, not giving a fully pulse to these re media. you have literally half people sitting in t. v studios as expert analyst and commentators saying, i think we should have killed 100000 in the 1st few days without the size. i asked what are the default quite a bit to through email if you don't remember. rewind, and the way the media play and they were going off to as well. so the media's not on trial in the court, but we shouldn't give them a free policies. june 20 countries have now step down to back south africa, putting their names to the case against is really not one of them is from the west . for all their talk of western values, all their moralizing, not
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a single so called the leader in north america or europe, has supported what analysts degree is the best chance to secure a ceasefire. to say, how was the indian last history will judge them, according from the time those writing, their obituaries should do the same. the, the ecuador has been in a state of emergency for the past week is the government, there bottles and epidemic of drug gang violence. one of the most shocking scenes came from a tv station that was stormed by government. direct an offer is here with more. richard, what view is of ecuador t. c. 10 of it's young. so on tuesday was like something else of a non coast, rather moss gang members, breaking into the studio in the middle of and use broad costs, armed with guns and explosives, firing at john this and taking hostages. some of the, yeah,
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the police puts an end to the attack before it went any further, but the breaking was only the most visible case in this latest escalation of gun violence in ecuador, it began last sunday when one of the country, it's my from the tory if darnley has escaped from his jail, fell triggering uprisings in multiple ecuador and prisons with god's warehouse hostage, unfortunately, mode by frontier. since then, during violence as code, at least 10 people, the countries need elected president dining on the bo. if the could a 60 day stay to the emergency saying that the country is fighting, not co terrorism, and a tough thoughts on criminal gangs, was a cool piece of both election platform. but it's been an uphill struggle earlier on in the campaign about his opponents with a fascinated just dave of the pricing. a war and criminal gang must be a talk on sci fi television and make the media outlets covering the story. also targets death threats against john that's a common and federal,
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broad cost as have been sent explosive devices that has intimidated many reports of in the silence on the story. thanks. start moving on now to see don, where the civil war and resulting humanitarian crisis continue unabated and largely under reports. the news audiences may remember the images from the capital city cartoon from april of last year when fighting a rep that between 2 factions of su don's military junta. since then, this conflict hasn't golf. most of the country claiming more than 10000 lives. displacing an estimated $7000000.00 sudanese, the international media however, are no longer paying close attention, a lack of interest that began long before what happened on october 7th, getting this story out to the world are soothing these journalists inside the country and abroad. people like is smart, even push push. a student is american writer who left kind of to them just as the
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war broke out. and the, i mean, i've done my cheat, an author broadcaster, and editor at the website i's onto doc. the let's me post spoke with both of them on so don, z or of crisis and why the news media have failed to convey the escape of the story . so do you feel like the story that gotten me the story or so then looking back from the end of 2023 is the one that i find really dispiriting. actually the article that i left that i last saw in 2020 will never exist again. not only are we dealing a suit needs people with this, but the weight of the country collapsing. but it's also having to deal with it in relative silence in an international media context. without other was the people paying more attention to and it feels like the suit needs people
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a morning and grieving, learn the 7000000 people have been displaced over a 1000000 people are now with the d as in neighboring countries. the amount of debts that's been recorded according to you and numbers, at least 10 was probably higher. so i think we, we do have one of the largest catastrophes of, of last year, still unfolding is still ongoing. this time, 5 years ago we were witnessing the beginning of protest. the tail end of the machine for military has forced to present. nobody's here to step down ending 30 years of rule. and it was this real period of excitement. it felt like finally we were going to be known for some things, a pop from a genocide into,
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apart from the long distance and come from it. so that december revolution really caught the world's attention as one of the most outstanding lives with the non violent movement. and in recent decades, it provided images that i thought were vague. i'm forgettable money in the world. well, i remember the image of a lot so long as a young so that these women who mounted a car race or had dressed in a traditional so that he's told the one image that that for me that remained in my mind, that arrow really was april 6th, a few days before the removal of the shift was to see the amount of protesters in front of the army headquarters. i thought that was a game changer to me that signaled that the edge of the government was near
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doing this transitional period on after the revolution of, of 2019. i think that you could look at it and see this kind of game of thrones like situation between 2 components of the military establishment. they then you know tent against each other. and that's what we saw in april 2023 fighter jets circling overhead firing missiles on fire, interrupting the live television broadcast. the 2 main belligerence as we like to call them him. it sees is the head of the rapids support forces and behind who's the head of the sydney is on. both him at the end, behind what together in 2021, over through the transitional council. and declared that they were protecting the
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revolution. of course they were not, it was about returning. so then we military autocratic regime. once the 2 generals of the through the, the civilian led government, then it became, well who's going to do the top top the rapids support forces that are this irregular power, military militia, essentially that came out of the we, the ginger we, which roughly translates to devils on horseback were responsible for the genocide and that for that happened 20 years ago. in some ways, the easy story is to say that it is a tale of 2 generals or a tale of 2 belligerents. i myself used that framing sometimes because it felt like a way to quickly talk about what was going on. but of course that's, that's the only the superficial story. the real story is about is a challenge that suzanne has faced over the decades since independence. and that is,
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how do you govern a country like so that would be a general people have lots of different ideas was done, doesn't get the attention internationally that other conflicts do. part of it is because it's in africa and honestly is the fact that in the international media, stories of conflicts in africa on see is that interesting, the scene is off of the course. another reason i think, really does contribute to the lack of international media is the challenge for journalists on the ground. in 2022, it was about 800-1100 gen list, slacking, incident. and this was a great movement actually because under the appreciated re, team journalists were really, really suppressed a recent report that came out of the unesco supported. so they said that of about
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90 percent of those generalists unemployed. now the displacement of that is that it's coming with the, the war includes of course, journalist and their families, according to we still report by the pores without borders of $26.00 newspapers have stopped production, 10 radio stations have stop. the news coming out of sudan vices and these journal, this has a taking the hit, and that includes journalist normally work with international media outlets. round producers, fixtures, translators, freelancer's. but there are, of course, some news for that is a news outlets that i think they're still doing some good work. radio, debunk the funds, become really an important source of information. so then to view, of course, these are news outlets that have basses outside of through that. so i think the, the role of the, the aspect does play an important role uncovering. and so that there's quite
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a lot of pressure on those particular gen list to communicate what is happening to the world, especially those who are reporting in english. i mean, this is the case of use really bad, who was doing a report and displace cheaper and puts it down. it ended up being one of her relatives in the, in the crowd. and as the crowd part, my uncle it really sums up the challenge for gen. listen to then trying also to report to the rest of the world. it's not just at a distance thing. it's not just to see a medical story. and as we entered 2024, we be starting to see the trickling of interest in and sit down again, trying to keep attention to what is happening is to them is something that's important especially that many of us think that as bad as a situation is to that it's still can get worse, it is moving into
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a situation where sudan could easily become what somalia and by the stand where in the ninety's and a complete collapse of the state. and i think that would just simply be a disaster situation. i spend a lot of my time feeling like i'm in 2 cells. there's a self that lives in london that is physically safe. that has coffee with my husband in the morning. and there's the self that is in the conflict that is watching the news that is seeing the images of you know, babies dying and orphanages rest alone because movies that to save them, of women that describe awful abuses that has been visited on their bodies. and also feeling the pressure to really do something about it. but because that responsibility is real. and i think that is some sense whether it's i ask for
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a savior ism mentality. whether it's, you know, the idea that, that we want to be able to just fix it, but you have to be able to just focus on what is within your control, who are the individual people and you can help who are, what are the individual stories you can shed that will, that will move the needle if all it is today is sending a message to every single one of your family and checking that their lives. that's important to you that has a place to in closing frequency awareness of our program. we'll have note of that that piece onto don, and our previous mention of the situation in ecuador are the 1st stories we have done since october 7th. that have not been about israel's war on garza. and we still have some more catching up to do on developments in other countries and region stories rich in media angles. the kind that we've covered in the more than 15 years of doing the show. that is not to say though that we're turning our back on the gaza story.


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