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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 19, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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on purpose, as far as i said, i'm going, i'm gonna save you. the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the of israel attacks a residential building in con, eunice and shells, areas around southern gauze, those 2 major at least 5 people. the uninstall the attain. this is al jazeera life and also coming cause as long as communications blackouts, since the war began for the 7th day phone and internet services on down across the street. on the tide vine us strikes,
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you're going through to say they've carried out miss all attacks against and us are and congress should know entries or damage road. and north korea says it's conducted a test of an underwater nuclear weapons news . garza is kind of the enduring, it's the longest communications blackout since, as well as will began back in october. the phone and internet services on down off of a 7 consecutive day as well. meanwhile, is attacking areas around southern dogs. does not the hospital and congress, and at least 4 people have been killed? one israel shows in residential building to near the city. rescue rock is a struggling to reach the injured fusion that has disruptions and communication. caleb has already on the sunset, solver goza on another day of death, destruction and communication blackouts. for a week,
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palestinians had been in the dark, their phone and internet connections, conte but some still find their phones useful. and stuff about i'm here at 7 am. as soon as the sun rises discharging station outside, the emerald city hospital is free. charge phone last about a day. for now we can only use it for lighting. there's no calls and no internet, so we use it as a license, see the roads were walking on to light up the tents where we live. but for now we can't do much more than mass. lack of communication is fueling desperation and complicating the delivery of food. aid and medicine may have been with the to put them in the amount of 8 that's going through the roof of crossing is nothing of. i've been displaced for 60 days and i still have not received a single food possible. they all thousands of us like me, hospitals are overwhelmed and understaffed, nicer hospital in southern gaza is one of the few still functioning. but it's
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really airstrikes nearby could force to, to shut down, and that would force both patients and families to be displaced. again, you've got patients who are being operated on the floor. you've got patients who are sleeping on the floor of staff who were speaking on the floor because they prefer to sleep in the hospital then to be able to take their to them to take the risk going back and forth to their homes, which may or may not still exist and the special your conditions are so unbearable . one doctor has annotated his daughter's leg without anesthesia is. this is the in a video. he explains. the family has been trapped inside the house for 15 days with ongoing strikes. the risk of going to hospital is too high, where the, i'm the where can we find mercy? god, please have mercy on us. where is the muslim world? more than a 100 days of israel's more uncle also has left the palestinian families with nowhere to go. and with more than 24000 people killed, confronting this has become
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a daily part of life. cod see a little piece of the young israel has also targeted residential buildings in giovanni and the north. and as we mentioned, con eunice then south. i'll do. there is talk of was doing reports not from rasa and southern garza, as so i saw everywhere in gauze, distorting residential houses attracting as well kept getting children and women within the past few hours. now the tax had intensified in the north where devalue had been warranty as had quite a bit of truth on the pointed jets bouncing difference with the windshield house. the whole truth phone lines, and we have been reporting for loans. we expect a value has been why the tax on the r h are still people trapped and very densely populated area where they are lacking all kinds of basic necessities. now the
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people are grumbling as well in the middle of overlays where the items were shooting and confrontation started to rate violently in such areas as it is very many trees trying to destroy the main link of growth and teaching a full control over the position that considered to be a militarily bites and for them to take full control over the far regions alongside with a very unprecedented compartment for the 2nd largest city of con eunice, which has been completely on the mass, is very attractive. the past hour of residential houses have been targeted alongside with different innovation. if last be funny, is in discard of upon you to city, which means that operation on the ground continue by these really minutes. we as they are flowing up residential neighborhoods, complete the over the city over a completely reduced to the russell. we can see that these ongoing, due to solely to the attacks completely make the life of the residents the on
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inhabitable, as they are making a very conclusive environment that to that, to be out for the 1st bill for residents to be free and also to ruffle which has been on the white miniature attractive areolas. it's thousands of his rallies gathered intel of ease cooling for us, the spot this was a red protest that also included the families of captain spinning helped by him as i get has been growing against prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government, which has failed to secure the release of captives despite waging a devastating goal. some of the protests have been previously broken up by police. oh, to raise the boat. is that those demonstrations for us in television? we're here in the center off, and i mean where hundreds of people have a dollar to protest against the war. people here are demanding a ceasefire from the government. understanding not only piece would bring security
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threat on their own. so asking the government to do much more defense or piece legal association. so the best top 10 thing guys that can be released. we were being told right here that they're not carrying time to send him plastic as many fears that they could be detained if they do so. security forces were not far away from here, even though this protest has been authorized by the government. in many cases, folders like this one. i'm end up with people arrested. joining me now is the old. she's one of the organizers on this close the what can we do like the governor? do you think the government is going to hear you this time? like me right now, we are demonstrating why he's given his speech, say that this war with the whole and we are doing any move right now. we need a piece. so there's mounting pressure on the government of prime minister venue.
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mean, nothing. yeah. to end this war in a way, even the 17 most of the population here, any is road supports the war. many believe the way ours is to eliminate. i'm awesome. there's lots of questioning now and we haven't started to see that. so people taken to the streets from the, the, of a relatives of the captives on the streets, asking the government to do much more for also people protesting against the governmental prime minister. nothing you have to know totally questioning jesus his policies and what's been happening now as an expert. also questioning his leadership and calling for election. and then there's protest such as this one, calling for a ceasefire. now that only piece of people who are, say we re security for as well, protests like this one in a way are and examples of things have started to change. and they could be a new sign of what thing going on here in this route. that is how well as a feedback, and i mean, well is there any forces have been conducting a rated nablus to and younger pod westbank. there are reports of ongoing classes
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between these really ami and palestinians in the city in the village and faithful. this is, randy forces had also stormed a number of other cities across the field trip hog westbank. they withdrew from full car them off to 44 hours. thousands of palestinians were trapped in their homes for nearly 2 days that at least 8 people have been killed and thousands arrested since wednesday in the depart westbank. of all the us has lost another series of s strikes against trustees in yemen. lots, despite the washington acknowledging that the strikes have failed to stop a tax on read. see shipping? an official has america and just partners are stepping up a tax and yeah, and it says it has successfully targeted with the missile launch sites. but from the president, a stock, perhaps even a shocking mission. it's doing little good. the
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the who these have been targeting international shipping in the red sea since november. our response the claim to israel's warning guys. but many of the targets have no link to israel or the us and the bite. the administration has been worried about a wider regional conflict, spilling out of gas. it was several attacks. and the last few days, a pentagon spokeswoman denied they were not fighting a new war. we don't seek or regional conflict. we don't want to see a regional conflict. and we certainly don't want what's happening in gaza to spill out into a larger regional or wider scale war. who is these leaders says the us led to tax a direct assault on the people of yemen. and he says, he considers it on on to be in direct confrontation with alex america with video vanya, the issue that american britain have joined the board directly. and then we are now in direct confrontation with the americans, british, and is really, does not scare us at all elsewhere, the us is once again reiterated. it sees
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a 2 state solution as long term answer in the region, preempting comments by israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu essentially ruling out the idea of well, he's in charge. there is no way to solve their long term challenges to provide less than security. and there is no way to, to solve the short term challenges of rebuilding gaza and establishing governance and gaza and providing security for guys it without the establishment of a palestinian state. there will be for station in washington that these really prime minister has essentially ruled out the idea of an independent palestine. and joe biden will come under pressure to make that frustration clear for once very public. i was for sure, i'll just see the washington. well, as we had there and alan's report with the united states and its allies, israel appears to be at odds increasingly regarding the creation of a palestinian state, his more from home to so hot and occupied these stories. these really prime
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minister also spoke about his insistence that there will be no palestinian state saying that for 3 years this has been his policy. and while there are countries like the united states who want to see that you for wishing, he said that these rallies are going to control all of the land. whether it's gotta be occupied westbank or israel proper that there will be no palestinian state. and he has been farm on that the moving on just another while new style and north korean state media is reporting and young young has conducted a testament under was a nuclear weapon system. the ohio $5.00 to $3.00 system is tested in the waters off its east coast. well, let's go straight to our correspondent units can she's following this for us from the south, 3 and capital. so units, as we were saying earlier, there was a few underwater tests last year, there was
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a drone test in april. and what they was saying is that practical nuclear attack submarine back in september, what should we make of this test? right, so this seems to be an improved version of that and underwater drone that you mentioned in april that here too, that was tested the north had for revealed images of that test though it did not with this latest test, after only in march, announcing to the world that it was working on an underwater nuclear capable of attack drone to quote unquote make sneak attacks on naval stripe groups. but unlike once again, we have not seen any images of this latest one, but state media is saying that the defense ministry said that this latest drill was taking place on an unspecified date as a result to deter her, the quote,
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hostile military and the new version of the navy's of the us and its allies. now for some context, there was a pretty big naval drill conducted between amongst the us, south korea and japan, monday through wednesday of this week, also featuring the nuclear aircraft carrier us. that's called vincent, as well as destroyer as of the south korea and japan, and back then, sol had said that the aim here was to bolster deterrence and response capabilities against nuclear and missiles for us from north korea, as well as prepared for any maritime threats such as the transport of weapons of mass destruction. this of course is just the latest rise intentions of what has already been quite high this month at north korea and the 1st weekend of january firing hundreds of artillery along the western coast.
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close to a south korean island called junk town. and just this past weekend, it said it tested a hypersonic intermediate ballistic missile that runs on, on a solid fuel as well as came down there. and the leader on monday declaring that south korea is no longer a fraternal country, but one that is a foreign enemy. number one, eunice, what do we know about these high l drones? you mentioned, sneak attacks. that what is the government saying that they can do right, so there isn't a whole lot of information is that can be derived from the, the drip drip of, of images that we saw in the earlier test some last year. and at the hate, utah does seem to be in the, in the early stages based on analysis of here, 2 analysts did say that it seems it would be quite slow running on
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battery power. it wasn't clear that it had a transmission system and speculated to be designed to carry a 10 kilo ton nuclear warhead. so at the case in a report that came out today, did note that the test was conducted by the underwater weapon system institute. this seems to be a new entity under the defense ministry to further propel a head in developing this underwater nuclear capable drones and very interesting developments. the eunice came with the nicest force from sol. thank you again. it's still a head view here on out as a new sweat to palestinians in garza as hepatitis infections, unavailable campaign in the netherlands in support of palestinians times to kansas city. is there any propaganda? the
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hello. we've got a little cloud. it's just around the gulf at the moment. you see this line of cloud here. can we have a fab nights as a child? so one or 2 spots that bite, but nothing too much to speak of. what to whether on the other side of the golf, that just making his way into westman southern, paused all around as we go through friday. so quite a bit. squeeze up, loving down the golf other. no fish generally try be plenty of sunshine. i just noticed one or 2 showers just around the southern end of the red sea. it's pushed by the north. we got a few showers into ducky a, but for the eastern side of the made, it should be long as you try. as we go through the next couple of days, you can see that west to weather adjust to the north, a slide for us. would you like his wife by the east, which makes white for the next system? actually, that will bring some very wet weather in across the bus with fabulous nova on the northern side, the winds coming in from a southerly direction. so any consolation i can offer is that it's at least on the
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miles side, and that's the most solely pulling out of the north of africa. scirocco window is known as 26 celsius there and tripoli. so wet weather, just around the world in the rock, stretching its way into the far north of algae or with just the mediterranean coast over the next couple of days. lots of north africa and lots of west africa staying dry. we've got some dry weather now coming into south africa, but the rain, really gas information b, as in bob way. the vague, i mean that the artificial intelligence is altering the political landscape. how can we, as humans trust to you, the machine's trust is, und not given as and defended from the comfortable power for i believe it's important to build trust to transparency is communication between humans and machines. but do we know that you're not going to lie to us? no one can ever know that for sure, people empowered investigates a democracy on
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a jersey to the plug. imagine watching out a 0. i'm just audio tag here. and let's remind you about top stories. israel is attacking areas around southern gauze is not hospitalized con unit, and at least 2 people have been killed when israel's child, a residential building. rescue walk is, are struggling to reach deacons and usually disruptions to commuters. meanwhile, thousands of people took cars on a rand, calling for a safe spot in garza. and it has been growing against the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, which is failed to secure the release of defied wages devastation,
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and not reinstate media as reporting that young young has conduct. the test of an under was a nuclear weapon system of a so called high o $52.00 or 3 system is tested in which is authenticated price. it out of that, the test was in response to reset the joint military trials by south korea, united states and japan. the disease is spreading and also with sanitation and health care fits. this has been a collapse a search. and hepatitis infections is posing a growing risk for people that study account under the constant is ready, bombardments, palestinians in gaza, face another that's visible, right. makes it shelter surrounded by sewage and waste have become a haven for disease, causes health ministries. as an outbreak of hepatitis a is spreading. i'm in a lot of something i guess we've received so many patients in the, in the,
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in the out patients department of the reason behind the large numbers. the paper type is patients of a densely populated shelves is and the current situation that lead to pull hygiene, in addition to the polluted drinking water that is not suitable for human beings, almost like sewage systems not working. and there are rivers of sewage around schools. shelton, as mosque and everywhere else. hepatitis a is a highly contagious liver virus that causes diarrhea, vomiting, fever and john this it's rarely chronic but with causes health system near collapse it could prove fatal for the most vulnerable. in the my daughter's face and eyes look yellowish, so i came to the hospital to treat her. they told me that she has appetite to say uh, due to the pollution, the densely populated shelters, and the spit of garbage on the roads. as far as i know, this disease is dangerous to have the disease has a long incubation periods, and doctors and guys of warren,
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the number of cases called rise rapidly in the coming weeks. children and the elderly are especially at risk, but i didn't tell you that the i'm, you know, i just showed you what our usual. my son didn't eat for few days and she suffers from she but tight again. she's phase and nice little yellow. and she feels pain and she's stomach for most of the time. if he eats something, you drinks and you think he vomits. yeah. but whatever the world health organization has warrant that disease and hunger could eventually claim more lives in guys within the war itself. right now, palestinians have no escape from either for the car, which is 0. well adults, women has done to that campaign to counter which equals is really propaganda on billboards across the country. for a successful campaign, she's raised nearly $80000.00. that money is being used to buy billboards and showing messages, ronda in support of palestine,
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step off and reports from amsterdam to $100.00 times in our messages in support of palestine being beamed to move to his own busy dutch highways. this one reads every 10 minutes, one palestinian child dies, the part of a campaign to highlight the horrors of israel swore on gaza. the palestinian voice was nowhere to be heard in the mainstream media or even on these very public places . so um, yeah, i figured we need to do something about the we called stay silent. probably new, blew a stop to to a campaign after she drove past these billboards soon after october 7 with photos of is for a. capt is taken by hum us, but i know about it's really propaganda and it was basically to justify the genocide that's going on and it was to justify the war crimes and to justify the 75 years of occupation. natalie did not expect her campaign to go viral, and within a few days, people in the netherlands donated enough money to buy time on billboards at 17
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different locations. far away from guys next to a mote away in the netherlands. the fight over who controls and narrative of the war is being fought. researches say, is raleigh spending millions of dollars to promote its message and european for additional and social media. one that's room and says she managed to count or it's propaganda. and by doing this, the billboard showing images of the sort 80 captives were investigated by a commission dealing with advertising regulations of the people complaint it was paula, rising, myself is the person behind that campaign lobby group support in israel says the commission cleared them of those charges, but they have no plans to show them again, i never intended to to continue this and, you know, think of something else. why do you, if you do a campaign, why do you have the answers with another company? and you know, i, i predict the facts, but your companion was considered one sided and only supporting the narrative of as
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wells crimes in, in gaza. it's, it's not a narrative. it's, it's not supporting any crimes. it's creating awareness of the people that were abducted from their homes. it's report to dr. companies turned down request by israel to buy advertising time last week. the reports say israel and to show that maturing hearings at the international court of justice where it is on trial for genocide in gaza. messages supporting palestine will continue to be shown to the dodge public, or at least the next 4 weeks step fast and l. g sierra, the escape on the wrong says it's committed to improving relations with pakistan. but it's called on as i'm about to prevent the establishment of what it costs. terrorist base is on us soil on tuesday, around carrier 1000 attack and focused on but not just on providence coming to
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children and wounding several others. in retaliation practiced on and launched missile strikes into iran, killing at least 9 people that have some hold on a ripple. this is the aftermath of pakistan's attached on the border with iran. it's not about says it's fine to jets. drones and drunkards struck. i'm group high down inside iran admitted to a to point to quote or necessary measure to avoid civilian casualties. this morning's action was taken in light of critical intelligence, often pending large scale terrorist activities against focused on by the stead of his as this section is a manifestation of focused on unflinching results to protect and defend its national security against all twits focused on says it's attacks were retaliation. augusta yvonne's beside strikes in this province of believe she's done
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a day earlier, a guess what it said. what made it to base is about on group to have on can sit is ation either a terrorist organization and a threat to its national security. founded in 2012. the below. she separately just organization operates bailey in southeastern iran, along the border with pakistan. tap on to that point and that's we'll see that our focus meet is owns that any and services on that gets done. so it added before this conversation i discussed was mike, would you use a 40 minute sort of practice 10, and that's we use big integrity or bucks that we just fix the ticket at 2 o'clock. but we would not allow them to play with the security of our kids. it's unclear if this exchange of attacks could turn into a wide confrontation between the dominant to so in the back is done. and she a on it runs attacks with part of why it's admitted to it strikes against what it
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run, described as an, as riley spying hub in a b rock. and i sailed positions in northern syria. the us condemned via tax carried out by iran's revolutionary gauze. as reckless american officials like use a lot of using proxies to destabilize the middle east, many fia, this recent escalation along with these rise war on gaza, his beloved warning of an expanded more would as well. and truth the attacks in the red sea could lead to a full scale. i will ask you about the 0 displays to syrians living in camps across most questions, syria are struggling to cope with harsh winter conditions that torrential rains have cost flooding. as you see in the camps and destroyed all the 10s, people say they've lost all of their remaining belongings. the heavy rains of also formed huge muddy petals, turning that whole area until the joints on. and that could all police have rated
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a prison with drug traffic is have been suspected to operate security forces, lonestar operation and guy, quail of prison, equitable has been suffering from a recent spike and gang violence, which so summit, 200 prison stalls taken hostage. and then released by inmates and 7 prisons. this operation is part of a 60 day stage of emergency that was issued by equity was president last week. in won't 2 men had been arrested on suspicion of measuring prosecutors at caesar, suarez. they were to change it during a range in which they also found a rifle, pistols, and 2 vehicles. 2 more suspects remain at large. the prosecution was in charge of packing down on organized crime and had been looking into an attack on a tv station, which was hijacked live on it, a sound around because he reports from the top and neighboring columbia. this is the largest prison in ask weather and the only one that had not been intervened by
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the security forces since the beginning of the crackdown of following this unprecedented wave of violence that enveloped the country. the security forces were worried by the fact that in this particular a prison in y, a keel, the city on the pacific coast that has become the center of the violence of many of the leaders of the gangs are held. and they are also aware also believed to be heavily armed, but there has been no confrontation with the policeman and the soldiers that entered the prison. however, this operation happened the just one day after another high profile at killing and ask whether the assess the nation. according to the story these of a prosecutor says as to why it is that was investigating the connections between the gangs and the police fissions and, and did you did share in the city of quite a few and.


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