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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 19, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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by we finally arrived at north coast some 30 kilometers south of the epicenter of that point where many elderly people called home, they tell us they were simply shocked at the level of destruction. with so many structures needing to be in susie with one of the highest casualty. counts supplies are so low and it's feared many people are still waiting for rescue the the problem. so robin, you, what email does it renews online from coming up in the next 60 minutes, 17 palestinians are killed in the gaza strip. pulling multiple is really attacks on con eunice and garza city. they phone lines and no incident. the millions of people
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in gauze where is the strip in jewels. the longest communications blackouts has been moved again. and you have been since the rebels playing a new besotted attack against the usaa and congo ship in the gulf of age and it doesn't use north grandsons. that conducted a test of an underwater nuclear weapon system. the welcome to the pack and we'd be getting gone. so what is really a tax on different parts of the strip have killed at least 17 people in golf. the city and 12 people were killed in his writing the bombing time and income unit strikes killed another 5 people after a residential building was also these right. the bombing has left the goals and stripping the total communications blackouts. katia looked at today and ripples for a week. palestinians had been in the dark, their phone and internet connections conte and still find their phones useful and
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assess about i'm here at 7 am. as soon as the sun rises discharging station outside, the emerald city hospital is free charge phone last about a day. for now we can only use it for lighting. there's no calls and no internet, so we use it as a lice, to see the roads were walking on to light up the tents where we live. but for now we can't do much more than this. lack of communication is fueling desperation and complicating the delivery of food, aid and medicine. give me the most. i the to put them in the amount of 8 that's going through the rough a crossing is nothing of. i've been displaced for 60 days and i still have not received a single food parcel. they all thousands of this like me. hospitals are overwhelmed and understaffed. nasir hospital and southern gaza is one of the few still functioning, but it's really airstrikes nearby could force to, to shut down. and that would force both patients and families to be displaced.
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again, you've got patients who are being operated on the floor. you've got patients were sleeping on the floor of staff were speaking on the floor because they prefer to sleep in the hospital then to be able to take them to then to take the risk going back and forth to their homes, which may or may not still exist and the special your conditions are so unbearable . one doctor has annotated his daughter's leg without anesthesia is. this is the video. he explains. a family has been trapped inside the house for 15 days with ongoing strikes. the risk of going to hospital is too high. where the, i'm the, where can we find mercy? god, please have mercy on us. where is the muslim world? more than a 100 days of israel's war, uncle also has left the palestinian families with nowhere to go. and with more than 24000 people killed, confronting this has become a daily part of life. capielo piece of land was
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a zip. let's be to honey my very to join us on line from rough uh, in southern gauze for just to get with the communications blackouts, honey, because that affects the way people talked to each other across the strip. but it also affects the way the emergency services can react to any attack on the strip. yes, the have been since though the last time we spoke the problem, it continues to exacerbate and effect the vast majority of, of services across the gods trip. not only an entire population has been left out in, in darkness, as there is no electricity since the wants of this genocide of war. but now a ford the ac in a row, we have a total of the phone services and internet communications. internet connections have been often just making it very difficult, not only for people who have it's still have family members and loved ones in gauze,
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in the northern parts of the good hold over, but the very work of paramedics and civil defense, the crew on the ground it just henders and impedes at their work and make it further as complicated as the the they are unable to identify the targeted sides. they're unable to respond to appeals, bytes, people who are caught inside buildings while they are under a heavy bombardment. just the fact that it's the, the no, no communications for the policy, it's based, just keeps on folding. many of the tragedies that double the trash it is for some people who thought that family members who were in targeted side might have survived was find out the early mornings of yesterday. and there the mornings of the day that they have been killed in. and those airstrikes they've just making the whole situation and very difficult for everyone across the board. and of course,
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she said the strikes do continued both in the day and during the night. why should we be focusing our attention on friday? a yes, all it entails, the aerial bombardment continues across the, the gaza strip, just the causing further destruction and the more civilians inside the residential homes than inside shoulders. they have taken out the rest of us since the beginning of this war, just that within the past 45 minutes, an air strike target. it's a house here in northern dropbox. and again, it, due to a missed work out, they were unable to get the exact numbers of casualty, but there are many reported with severe injuries doing not just hospital, but waiting for more confirmation in hon. you and as the over night air strikes on
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a heavy area of bartman as these rarely military times. then armand vehicle pushed deeper into the vicinity of nasir hospital and the dirt. danny, or via the hospital leaving 7 and leaving 5 people killed and the destruction of the vast majority of the residential area and the infrastructure. this happens for the 3rd time in the role. but this time, as of this, our, these really military, along with its tanks and armored vehicles and invading forces have been lift the area a just causing a wave of products to people sheltering inside nasir hospital force thing. hundreds of them just do run for their life, searching for a place to shelter in, in gaza city over night air strikes and just so pot air in the hours of this morning a causing the depth of, of 12 people that's confirmed by a is source inside a ship, a hospital, there is a fear of the number that is going to it. they do gets higher within the coming
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dollars. as these attacks happen in overnights where civil defense, the crew members, paramedics, were unable to get to any of these targeted sites. in fact, many of them did not know about these palming, had taken place until the early hours of this morning. the search continued for more bodies under the rubble. so that's why we're expecting the numbers to go beyond the 12, within the coming hours. honey, my main force, the in rush, the thank you a human suit. these say they have a time to know that you're a ship and the goals of a them. they say it's and responds to us and strikes on the military infrastructure across the m, and the remaining back group has been coming out of the tanks on israel, linked to vessels in the red sea, which they say isn't solidarity with the attacks on garza. now the, the, yeah, the was at the naval forces of the many um, forces carried down to tugs of the operation against an american ship and the gulf
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of items with several appropriate naval ms. silas resulting in direct hits. given the forces consume that a retaliation to the american and british a text is inevitable and it's any new aggression will not go unpunished. so you have any um, forces consumed that navigation traffic and the error of and read sees will continue to oldest the nations around the world except for the ports of occupied palestine. and that the block of his writing, navigation, all those heating supports of occupied palestine will continue until the si, fi is achieved. m a c is listed in the gaza strip. now the heat, these products came out of us low. so let's say res bestbuy escapes the group lots despite washington acknowledging the strikes that failed to stop several times on red c shipping electrician. how's the story america? i'm just partners are stepping up with tax and human insist. it has successfully targeted the missile launch site. but from the president, a stock, perhaps even
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a shocking mission. it's doing little good. all these they've been targeting international shipping in the red sea since november, a response the claim to israel's warning guys. but many of the targets have no link to israel or the us and the bite. the administration has been wanted about a way to reach an of conflict, spilling out of gas. it was several attacks. and the last few days, a pentagon spokesman denied they were no fighting a new war. we don't seek original conflict, we don't want to see a regional conflict. and we certainly don't want what's happening in gaza to spill out into a larger regional or wider scale war. who is these leaders says the us led to tax a direct assault on the people of yemen. and he says, he considers it an honor to be in direct confrontation with alex america with video
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vanya, the issue that america and britain have joined the war directly. and then we are now in direct confrontation with the americans, british, and is really, does not scare us at all elsewhere, the us is once again reiterated. it sees a 2 state solution as the long term answer in the region, preempting comments by israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu essentially ruling out the idea while he's in charge. there is no way to solve their long term challenges to provide less than security. and there is no way to, to solve the short term challenges of rebuilding gaza and establishing governance and gaza and providing security for guys it without the establishment of a palestinian state. there will be frustration in washington that these really prime minister has essentially ruled out the idea of an independent policy. and joe biden will come under pressure to make that frustration clear for once very public . i was for sure, i'll just either washington stephanie,
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that could join us the multiply these to reach them. i'm listening to that report from ireland. it's sort of ads to the fact that while the us says it's, it's support phase riley, sort of, i'm glad they do differ of what the day after will look like in that debate seems to be getting louder and louder. a yes and more public co even heard for a month and he blinked. good and double us again, reiterating that the only way forward was for the palestinians to have their independence in the form of the state and not just linking it to the israel palestine. so are linking it to regional secures you her during his report. you are seeing a various range of spill over if you will, with the who sees with iran lodging messiah is it northern iraq? now obviously, hezbollah, but that is also a real possibility of escalating with iranian link groups in iraq and syria getting involved. there is such a regional possibility for major escalation and when you boil it down to at the
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americans of saying, well really now we need to start looking at a publishing and state, i think looking at what they say publicly and what is really possible. practically on the ground is incredibly difficult. uh, but even so these really prime minister has of left to door open to that to go should i told it keeps pushing back categorically, saying this is not going to happen yesterday when he addressed his work cabinet that in yahoo, very defiant and saying that the day after for gaza, which of course would be part of a palestinian state, ment, israel in full control of its borders and in full control of what goes in and out of cause. and now of course, this is not an independent palestinian state for palestinians. one is a freedom of movement, is self determination is dignity and how they move forward. so i think difficult discussions probably behind the scenes how much pressure the americans are going to put on israel. and remember, the americans are really the only ones that can really twist israel's, or how much pressure they're actually going to put on them to deliver or roadmap
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for political solution. in the future, we're gonna have to wait and see it is an interesting public discourse, as you say, stuff because such public disagreement does eventually sort of filter down to the wide public. and certainly in israel, people that must be wondering what as well as international relations that going to look like the day after. and also what is political direction is both domestically and internationally. after all, this is over. if it does come to an end in the not too distant future setting either war on gaza as well. if we listen to the politicians here, the war and gauze is going to continue for a long time, some indication that one. yeah. who giving it's going to go into 2025, but certainly saying that it's going to be a long fight. they said this since day one. i mean, in terms of international direction and foreign policy. israel is always been very clear on where it stands. i think the real question is the day after of garza who's
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going to govern garza, the publishing and authority in its current state and form is not capable. most people will tell you to run garza, it needs its own reform, and that is something that the americans are asking for too. and you have a lot of voices raised now from the ground. and israel's, not just against the government policy in terms of how they're dealing with the captives because they want netanyahu to strike another deal. they want him to get the captives back and live in the longer this, what goes on for the more risk. there is to their lives, he maintains it's going to be a military solution and there's cracks in the war cabinet about one of that as well . so i think it's going to be interesting to see in the, in the coming weeks of how this is all going to play out. because certainly at the moment the message from the political leadership and the minute you one is up, this will continue. stephanie deca this from occupied eastern eastern time. yes, thank you know, thousands of his right knee is a valid integrity too cold for
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a cx 5 the right and he will protest also included some families have kept his health by him on the streets. i was that those demonstrations and some of this report a we're here in the center, i'll say that'd be worth hundreds of people out of dollars of protests against the war. people here are demanding a ceasefire from the government are saying that the only piece would bring security is right. and they're also asking the government to do much more to answer piece legal affairs. and so the top 10 thing guys that can be released, and we're being told right here, that they're not carrying palestinians take as many fears that they could be detained if they do. so security forces were not far away from here, even though this protest has been authorized by the government, in many cases, posters like this one. i'm end up with people arrest and joining me now, if you're the old, she's one of the organizers on this home. now what can we do like the governor? do you think the government is going to hear you this time? like me right now, we are demonstrating why b, b is given his speech,
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say that this war and we are take any move the we need right now. we need a piece. so there's magazine pressure on the governmental prime minister venue mean, nothing yahoo. to end this war in a way, even though 17 most of the population here and is road supports the war. many believe the way hours is to eliminate. i'm awesome. there's lots of questioning now and we have started to see that some people taken to the streets from the relatives of the captains on the streets, asking the government to do much more for holding people protesting against the governmental prime minister. nothing, you know, totally questioning keys of his policies and what's been happening doesn't export also questioning his leadership and calling for election. and then there's protests such as this one calling for a fee fire. now that only piece of people who are state will re security for israel
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protest like this one in a way are and examples of things have started to change. and that could be a news sign of what's been going on here in this world series. how will i just see the, i mean, is there any holes of conduct divides in several villages across the occupied westbank? there were reports of fighting between these by the army and palestinians and the village of but so they can not please. is there any soldiers? also, storm village is the best way him to us frontier. enter the model is a full size of the withdrawal from total cut in half to almost 40 full hours. thousands of palestinians are trapped in the home said 82 days, at least 8 people were killed and dozens arrested. since wednesday. hold on, let me join us from to cut. i'm in occupied westbank for the moment. those rates i was saying, hold up. but what are you seeing around j? o, we seem to just last on communication with hold on. let me obviously we will try and
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get back to as soon as we come. let's move to the days of the news now and bulk as well as national security council will be meeting in the coming else to discuss. the rising tensions with iran on thursday is talking about kyra, down to tags, the gains, what it says, what bases, all of a below to separate is group in the wrong 9 people, including women and children, were killed. lots of people died and it rainy and strikes on bulk is found below just on prominence on tuesday to around says it was tugs acknowledged, route, fighting for the rights of the sydney minority inside iran. national algebra. how's the story? this is the aftermath of pakistan's attached on the border with iran. it's not about size, it's fine to jets. drones and drunkards struck, i'm group high down inside iran and it's submitted to a 2 pointed quote or necessary measures to avoid civilian casualties. this morning's action was taken in light of critical intelligence,
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often sending lots good terrorist activities against focused on by the stead of is, as this section is a manifestation of focused on, unflinching results to protect and defend its national security against all. twits, pakistan says it's a tax we're retaliation. augusta yvonne's beside strikes. it is the province of believe she's done a day earlier. a guess what it said? what made it to base is about on group to have on can sit is ation either a terrorist organization and a threat to its national security. founded in 2012. the below. she separately just organization operates bailey in southeastern iran, along the border with pakistan. pub, i'm hoping that we'll see that our focus meet is on. is that any, i'm serious on that, cuz then so it that before this conversation i discussed was mike would need the 40
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minutes sort of practice 10. and that's we use big integrity or buckets that we just fix the ticket at 2 o'clock. but we would not allow them to play with the security of our kids. it's unclear if this exchange of attacks could turn into a wide confrontation between the dominant to so in the back is done. and she, i, on it runs attacks with thoughts of winds admitted to it, strikes against what it run, described as an, as riley spine hub in a be rock. and i feel positions in northern syria. the us condemned via tax carried on by it runs revolutionary gauze as reckless american officials like use a lot of using proxies to destabilize the middle east. many fia, this recent escalation along with his rise more on gaza, his beloved warning of an expanded with as well as you'll see a tax in the red sea could lead to a full scale. it will ask you about the 0 such as i thought to uh,
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the west bank and hold on. let me is uh, back with us from the to the crime. and obviously those rates are over for the moment. although just tell us what you're seeing around you right now, as well as surgery days, a sigh of relief here in the car and refugee camp, even though the mood is one of anger. we just so several people passed by and really where were quite angry at what has happened. just see if i just move out of the picture. you can see the visa is really booked. those are the sort of top of all the roads, and we're just at the entrance of this camp. and everyone that has passed by here told us to go deeper and then they will see the case of the destruction. now the rate here lasted nearly 40 hours is one of the longest ways they have been in the occupied westbank since october 7th. there's a large number of people who have been detained. some have been released after
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being interrogated here on the spot, but many others have been taking away and we still don't have a total number of those who have been detained during this rate. we know that 7 people were also killed, but what people are really angry about is this destruction because this destruction means, you know, the destruction of livelihoods, like a business, is shops, but also houses. and people here think that this is happening more and more often. because the occupation forces want to make life inside these refugee camps is very difficult and want people to go and live elsewhere. that is, act, that is the believe among many of those we spoke to so far this morning. it's like the rise of the people that do like that. how do i mean, what has the is really all be gained from these raids over the past 2 days?
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well, it is really our we would say that is going after gun man. i'm groups what, but the valley seen is with tell you that these raise a want a 2 things. one is to get ahold of the palestinian resistance. that is, has a presence here inside this refuge account, but also in other refugee cabs that have seen similar very long and intense raids in the past. places like geneva, places like the block, the refugee cab near nap blows. so that is the focus of the occupation forces when it comes to these long extensive raids, the last one to and sometimes even 3 days. but policy is also send you that these rays are aimed of making their lives more and more difficult. there is a believe among many palestinians across the occupied westbank, especially lately after hearing resurrect, coming out of certain senior officials in these really government. that is
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a believe that is well wants to push palestinians out of their lives even further. if any, if it could push them all the way to georgia and then by making this kind of destruction, then you're making people's life extremely difficult. but then the other hand is very difficult to understand because israel is worried, at least to secure the agencies. and these will all worried that the situation in the occupied west bank has reached boiling point and can become explosive. now to be the same thing at least publicly. and israel is that if you allow the economy to be kick started again, if you give the police didn't, you know, sorry to is facts revenue. if you allow the 10s of thousands of workers to cross back into israel to get of their wages and to get the jobs back things with called out. but people here with tell you that is this, that is angering them is the amount of beds more than 360, since october 7th,
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more than as 6000 detained since october 7th. that is, was, is angering them at the moment. and that is, was bringing the situation to that boiling point, which is one wearing is robust as we speak, is really the occupation forces oper paying for other ways that what happened maybe later in the day. but certainly overnight again, hold on. let me for is the in total time in the occupied west point. thank you. let's just head back to the top story the following. obviously the surgical strikes committed by pockets, don and yvonne over the last 48 hours. now pocket sounds full about 4 to 5 minutes, the beloved boot type. so diary has wound of a potential regional escalation. if the crisis is not solved urgently, i do hope that we do not see an excavation in this crisis. i hope that there is diplomatic engagement of the whole of the region could be effected by
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an escalation in these tensions. i'm old. the most surprised that such an attack or such an incident took place given the multiple levels of communication and institutional mechanisms for sharing concerns between pakistan and they were on menu which we created over the last 18 months when i was a foreign minister of a box scott, and what's all the most surprising was that our prime minister was with their foreign minister on the day of this attack. presumably, no concern was shed in that meeting. well from all of us that speak to come out of hydro correspondent to join stuff for me. just thought about district envelope. just done problems in bunk hassan. as we said earlier, um come all talk is those national security council are expected to meet. what can we expect to hear? do you think in that meeting? we'll certainly, but it's finished is likely to
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be more of the same rhetoric that focused on really not to tolerate any act sofa across the board to categorize them what focused on go standardized them and obviously strong language but did as those store. now i realize they shouldn't bi board, did iranians as red as the focused on these that they need to go to the things down . now china of college, which is a key strategic ally of august on has close relations with you. drawn also is saying that the diplomatic guards and also dialogue should be the weight or do you guys collect the problem? now, the situation of cause data ends at all. so now using mall of friendly language by saying that the victor noticed rather later, elation would focused on. so it seemed that the nature of the appetite for an escalation. however, people are watching this very carefully because this is the 1st time that focused
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on the extra really get it out across the board. uh, i can always do. it said that the tech office did not violate the space. it did the 1st time that bug just thought i'd been as drunk targets are in another country, even though very close to the border. so the more that i doing in both countries, but they're on and it's not, nobody's realize that given that situation and i and gods and occupied palestine, that this is not the right time to be going in for an escalation between these 2 countries. so likely, or that there will be a toning down of directory. we shall have to watch this very carefully over the next 24 to 40, at dodge, to see where the data outside of our dx can nation. so the thing, so what is called the policy will come back to as the situation develops, a still head have all the new price, the same thing. dollars. so as hepatitis infections search amongst palestinians, the
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color of the weather is somewhat of the town across here. now not necessarily a good thing, but i think most people off across the north west would be pleased to lose that co got tick boss. so if you went through shy, was to come of the winds, will grassy notch ransom over wesley direction. these 2 other lines this here, just making my wife for the south woodside, including fun to cold front, sinking further south with the same rain, sleet, and snow freezing. right us up to some as well. course positive jeremy that so that it continue making its way further southward so that when she makes getting down across australia, grassy pushing into romania, something positive you crave is what and coming down across the balkans. when you buy the 2, i would to us most guy minus one celsius most guy. so bad in january, you have a tool, it's a north west, you go see temperatures,
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grassy picking up. well, just gotten still saying something about when few weather as we go through friday, notice a little bit of winter weather to close. the spanish play some heavier right across the west side of the mediterranean, which will clear so it brightens up a winter weather down towards the southeast. continues to sink further south with cooling offsetting, progressed to around to celsius, as some of the temperature that full bel gray, some snowy weather that just pushing into that western side of a russia. we have go where, whether it's mild weather. but boy, is it going to be windy through this weekend? of the i have the right to boycott. anyone i want to in the state has no business getting involved in that got chosen and blessed us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue. do want to state level all that i can't support the 3 pot, serious explodes, the implications of us and people who called lower the freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights more about the issue whatever i'm looking for. so my thing for
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talk to, in, quote, on which is 0, the of the, [000:00:00;00]
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the book about kill watching me. i'll just even use our recent around the reminder of all the top stories. it's not, it's on different parts of the goal. it's a strip of killed, at least 17 people think of the city 12 people died this ready bombing, an incognito. spike killed another 5 after a residential building was hits thousands of his right and he's a valid until the b to whole force. he's fine. even protest against the war on gaza also included some families attempt. his hell. find him off some of the products and sweat previously, but it's not by the police and the us the launch most strikes, gates easy targets and yeah, but the seats of town doesn't mean sort of tax on vessels and the red sea that they say of ties to israel in response to its full on guns. diseases spreading in garza with sanitation and health care services may collapse. the search and hepatitis a infections is posing
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a great risk for people for the account has. the story. under the constant is ready, bombardments, palestinians in gaza face another less visible thread, makes shift shelter surrendered by sewage and waste have become a haven for disease, causes health industries as an outbreak of hepatitis a. is freddy, as on the, on the, on the border, or that's something i guess we've received so many patients in a, in the, in the outpatient is department. the reason behind the large numbers, the paper type is a patients of a densely populated shelters and the current situation that lead to poor hygiene, in addition to the polluted drinking water that is not suitable for human beings, almost like sewage systems and not working. and there are rivers of sewage around schools, shelton, as musk, and everywhere else. hepatitis a is a highly contagious liver virus that causes diarrhea, vomiting, fever and john this it's rarely chronic but with causes health system near collapse
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it could prove fatal for the most vulnerable. the my daughter's face and eyes looked yellowish, so i came to the hospital to feed her. they told me, but she has. appetite is due to the pollution, the densely populated shelters and the sped of garbage on the roads. as far as i know, this disease is dangerous to have. the disease has a long incubation periods, and doctors and guys of warren, the number of cases called rise rapidly in the coming weeks. children and the elderly are especially at risk. why didn't charge you the fact that you want me to go ahead and charge you what our usual. my son didn't eat for a few days and she suffers from he but tied to his face and nice look yellow. and she was pain and she stomach for most of the time. if he eats something or drinks, anything, he vomits at the whatever the world health organization has warrant that disease and hunger could eventually claim more lives in guys within the war itself. right
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now, palestinians have no escape from either. friday, a car, out a 0 deductible business starts with a campaign to come to what she calls is rarely propaganda on billboards, across the netherlands. after successful campaign fees raising any $80000.00. the money is being used by billable it's true messages of support for palestine. step boston reports from months to $100.00 times an hour, messages in support of palestine being beamed to move to his own busy dutch highways. this one reads every 10 minutes, one palestinian child dies, the part of a campaign to highlight the heroes of israel's war on gaza. the philistine invoice was nowhere to be heard in the mainstream media or even on these very public places . so yeah, i figured we need to do something about the and we called space islands. valley new blew a stop to to campaign after she drove past these billboards soon after october 7, which photos of is for 80 kept is taken by hum us. but i know about this really propaganda,
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and it was basically to justify the genocide that's going on and it was to justify the war crimes and to justify the 75 years of occupation. catalina did not expect her campaign to go viral. and within a few days, people in the netherlands donated enough money to buy time on billboards at $17.00 different locations. far away from guys next to a mote away in the netherlands. the fight, overall controls and narrative of the war is being false, research and say, as well as spending millions of dollars to promote it's message in europe and for additional and social media. one dr. wilmont says, see, manage the account or it's propaganda by doing this. the billboards showing images of the is where a kept is. were investigated by you commission dealing with advertising regulations of the people complained it was paula rising. sort of the person behind that campaign, a lobby group supporting israel says the commission cleared them of those charges,
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but they have no plans to show them. again. i never intended to to continue this and you know, think of something else. why do you, if you do a compelling, why do you have the answers with another company and you know, i, i predict that facts, but your companion was considered one sided and only supporting the narrative of as wells crimes in, in gaza. it's, it's not a narrative it's, it's not supporting any crimes. it's creating awareness of the people that were abducted from their homes. it's report to dr. companies turned down request by israel to by exercising time last week. the reports say israel and to show them during hearings at the international court of justice where it is on trial for genocide in gaza. messages supporting palestine will continue to be shown to the dodge public, or at least the next 4 weeks stepped fast and l just sierra the escape on.
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the dental screen's take me do is reporting that feeling young has conducted a test of an underworld setting nuclear weapon system. they have a 5 to 3 system, was tested in the waters of his east coast. now it's added that it was in response to the recent joint military trail was 5 south korea, the us and japan, a correspondent eunice could join us on line from. so this was the 1st time that north korea has tested it sort of underwater capability to yeah, that's right. the last time we heard this, hey, use uh name it was in april of last year. march was when north korea announced that it would be working on a nuclear capable underwater drone system. and it seems that today the defense ministry through state media say that this was an important test of its underwater nuclear weapon system. the he $5.00 to $3.00, which it said was
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a part of its armies, new phase countering pastor. and what we didn't see are images of what the system looks like. it's specifications, but the defense ministry pointed the blame at the us, south korea and japan for holding a naval exercises this week. it's threatening at security at the start of the year . now there were unable exercises monday through wednesday involving the us as call vincent aircraft carrier, as well as a several other warships also in belonging to south korea and japan. and we did hear souls military saying that it was to counter rather bolster deterrence and readiness against or christmas style and nuclear threats, as well as maritime for us that could come from the transfer of weapons of mass destruction. now we have yet to hear official comment or condemnation from soul on
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this latest drone test, but in the wider picture, this is a continuing trend of a tit for tat that really took a turn for the worse when this week, north korean leader king john then declared to his country in a policy address that south korea would no longer be regarded as ken, but as a 4 in state, it's number one enemy, that should be subjugated in the event of a nuclear war breaking out in on the peninsula. and let's not forget nor careers for administer, chase. hon. he just arriving to come young on this friday after a trip to russia, where she met with president vladimir putin, as well as her russian corner part 30 love rob, amid concerns over what kind of military assistance come down could receive for the estimated millions of artillery shows that it has been providing to russia in support of its war on ukraine last year. you just can miss that update. thanks very much. that's coast over to mason richey, a north chris specialist stands and associate professor of international politics at hon. cook, university of foreign studies,
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join us now from so good. have you with this miss richie on the program? obviously, how to verify independently, the veracity of north korea's claims, but a claim it stays. so how seriously should the region take it? well, you know, in the 1st place we don't really know you any details, but particularly at least not in the public domain about what the system is and how closely related it is to the systems that it tested last year. what we do know about it, if it's close to what they tested last year, is that this under water unmanned vehicle is likely quite slow. it's a very exotic system. it probably runs only something around 8 knots per hour. we're just somewhere around 14 or 15 kilometers per hour. it's probably quite vulnerable to anti submarine warfare. and it's a sort of exotic system. and i think it's really not so much about the military.
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you spell you of this type of system as it is political signaling. no history isn't the 1st place trying to demonstrate that it's uh, building out its nuclear arsenal in order to be able to counteract a missile defense by the united states, south korea and japan. and secondly, with respect to political signaling, we are seeing the us, south street in japan increasingly exercise their militaries, including their naval assets together. this does not make nor 3 happy. and just political signal here from, from this message is quite clear that you know, he's going to continue to develop its nuclear arsenal in this sort of a tit for tat or, or spiral a situation that we find ourselves in now. okay, we'll talk about the messaging today, but we never take anything that north korea says with a pinch of salt i have seriously, should we take so this development of undeveloped the technology knowing that some of the readings aren't really that reliable? or yeah, that's part of it, there's some res, probably aren't very reliable. you know, their noisy,
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they're relatively vulnerable to anti submarine warfare. this is probably a, uh, a somewhat still of your type of system. i probably runs off of the battery power, but given its speed, it is still going to be uh, detectable. and uh it will be, you know, possible for anti submarine warfare measures to intercept the system. but more than likely, i'm not saying that wouldn't be, you know, certainly take but it's, but the us in japan and south korea do have fairly good entities, submarine warfare capabilities. and that would also be applicable here. so again, the military value of this is much less than it's ballistic missile and it's cruise missile arsenal. this is, i think, is much about political signaling as it is about military use value. yeah, you saw a political signaling and yeah, you know, we tend to, when we look at those career, they, as you say, and they'll be noting that apple missile success and sporadically we hear about on the water development as well. why are they then focusing now more on that? if it is the case why they fixing more real down toward the program?
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or is it a slight distraction, or just as you say, it's a is a message to japan, the us and south career that you know, we have the capability, we know what you're doing. yeah, so it is quite real hard and you can see a military logic to this uh, you know, their previous statements about uh, the ability to, to deliver a nuclear warhead through this underwater drive. and i realize on the idea that they would have what we call a counter force, a nuclear capability. that is to say, a warhead with the year old. that would be appropriate in order to destroy a, a port or ships near a ports. because those are the places where, for instance, and, and in time of conflict or war between the south korea and or japan versus north korea. those are the places where the united states and friends as japan would flow forces into the cramped and then sort to push back against north korea. so there is
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a sort of tactical logic to why it is that they would develop the system. in addition to simply building out a larger number of delivery uh means for nuclear weapons that can get around the united states, south 3 in japan's missile defense efforts. mason rich, thanks so much joining us from so thank you there. thank you. the update will economic form and double slow latest businesses and civil society. i've been discussing a tracy on global plastics. the chief of the you and environment program spent 12 cuz there was diplomatic heads to james base. well, i have to say here the west, we've actually been having some really good conversations on exactly this issue. the plastic, we have it everywhere. and we understand that it is an amazing material that can do lots of things for mankind that has done so. we're not sort of n 2 plastic, but where we are obviously is enterprise picking the environment and everyone is particularly new in the ocean in our rivers, in our you know,
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soil's and our water that we drink in the fish that we eat, etc. no 11 side, so we need to find solutions to that. and there is a complete global agreement that we need to find some ever since to that. does it have to be wrapped in plastic, tend to be conveyed differently and that which we wrapped in plastic, can that product be conveyed in a dry or different phone? and then we need to think about take back schemes in many countries in europe, for example, you have an extended producer responsibility, meaning that i have a thing, i have to give it back so that it can be in a circular manner is so that the body to bundle back to back kind of thing. this involves major companies and corporations and government sold around the world. you've managed to speak to both of those here, i guess the devil's cause that represented here. you have an ambitious, tall gauge of trying to get a treaty by the end of the year. correct. do you think you'll make it? yes. it's my job to be the intent. very, not just optimistic and full of hope and all of that. but also very determined and
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determined means we've already had 3 negotiation rounds behind us. we have 2 ahead of us. there was a draft tech 2nd version that is out. and we will be aiming to where we are going to meet in ottawa in the spring where we will actually go into the text itself, the options to redo it this way or that pointing because and then that should end in the fall in bu sign in korea, with the finding negotiation around where we are to agree on the final text. still a head, him all the offices or cancel the streets of haiti's capital . civilians are forced to flee the homes of criminal gain control of military attract
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the look about the lead to of a doomsday. colton. kenya has been charged with terrorism over the deaths of hundreds of his followers, pulled the kenzie of the good news, international church and the keys. the very oldest, 500 worship, is still of themselves to test that the 200 of them were children. he promised it would help them good to have him before the world ended, because he denies you accusations that the 100 others have also being charged. leaders from 120 countries already new guns is capital component to discuss global challenges, including is also oregon's of the number line movement was found to, to advance the interest of developing countries. now it's the largest grouping of
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states worldwide after the united nations covering, sorry reports, and express my global pensions you when reforms and other issues pop. the agenda at the see is non online movement, or number representatives from a 120 countries are here to, for the upgrade to say in international affairs. when number was phone with the private, there was a decor and i vision, which was i to, you know, help deal politics. i know none of the movement concept does not mean you've tried . it doesn't mean you know what we've gone through that doing is what we have trying to define that split that you cannot in a minute or the heart of discussions is the war between east while and palestine. foreign ministers adopted a resolution calling for a ceasefire. and, and he did he, many tardy and assistance for palestinians. they also support the ongoing genocide case against you as well as the international court of justice. the appointment is
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the struggled to find the right language to address the killings in gaza. but i agree that genocide is now a legal mata that needs to be decided by the international court of justice. i'm a see me and representatives will do this assignment of solidarity in light of the global situation on what's happening and you will claim. and the 5 by the big guys, and in light of the aggression against our people, and more on the exposing them and send them over the west. now as happens in a public unity now to play at lead enrolled after the united nations nom is the largest quality sion of states worldwide. delegates here say it's a pa for block was boyce cannot be ignored. cathy, sorry, oh, this era kampala, well, dosage of already is following events was from composite and also as confidence
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that in her report we, if the summit, we expect a lot of things to be discussed on the agenda, the issues of security in the red sea, the palestinian issue of the war on gaza, but closer to home perhaps as well. the growing tension between somalia in ethiopia . it's all on the agenda to be talked about. the absolutely, and we just found out the convention hall right behind me is where all the world's leaders are gathering at the moment for the opening ceremonies that is headed by the president of the account. are you very mr. vinny, who is taking over the term and shut off now for the next 3 years. and we've just been told that the prime minister of if you'll hear idea how much is in attendance . this was something of a surprise to most of us because there was a special emergency session on thursday of i got to try and de escalate their ongoing tensions between if you will, p, r and somalia as a result of
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a free minutes that the see open government has a signs that with the officials in small the land. so there's a lot of regional tensions on the table for discussion, but many meters from not only africans, but the middle east are here. and there will be a final kampala declaration on the final day. of the summit, which is on saturday. so we expect of course the policy an issue is at the top of that declaration as well as the regional issues which will leaders, we're likely as stress. it's important for them to tackle in order to bring stability to this region. dosage of already that far as income powerful event schools will uh, defend to that through the day with you those. so thank you. no security goal so that i could do the rage of a prison where drug traffic has a suspect is to be operating at the lowest operation of the facility in the city of gland to ecuador, his stuff at
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a shopping facing gun violence with about 200 prisoners not being taken hostage by inmates and 7 prisons, they will relate to release, but the operation is part of a 60 day states of emergency issued by the president last week. this is also in ecuador to man have interest built suspicion of measuring a prosecutor of investigating an attack on a tv studio. they were detained during a rate and the rifle and pistol also found 2 other suspects of being sold. the prosecutor was in charge of tracking down, organized crime, and probing the rate on a tv station that was hijacked live on a neighborhood in hades. capital has been targeted by gang members into the tank. this last it's a full days. several people were also killed and selena, and many residents of trumped in the homes. come in, not to let us know the sounds of war ring out in a residential neighborhood in haiti's capital residence, joined plain clothes police trying to find so for an attack from
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a gun hoping to extend its territory to felina since sunday on demand have repeatedly attacked it and made a fresh defensive on thursday. the west. so fall resident, split the homes who were forced out the email. i'm on the street because of armed guns. they took my house. i was sheltering in another neighborhood, but they invited to to, i'm on the street now. i don't know where to go. all the residents erected make shift barricades in a bit to protect themselves and quote, local radio stations to help. the most of portable past is under control of criminal gangs. and if selina fools, they could start to target all the areas of the city that into now were full to be safe. in the power struggle between organized crime and the police civilians often quote in the crossfire moses,
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in the 1st 1000000 months of 2023 were off by over 70 percent. as compared to the same period. the year, the full on sunday i was sitting with a friend near my house when 3, but as came in, one breath, my buttons, but i can't afford to go to the hospital. i moved to the growing violence. there's also growing resentment. residents protested against interim president ariella murray, the crying his failure to tackle the countries growing. noticing us, we are asking the entire metropolitan area to stand up the entire republican as rise to make area along with the respond. we can no longer resist in security by gangs. nothing is functional, not even the democratic institutions. we want to elections free of games. the hidden states is not even involved in games. the whole country is gangs the rise. in october, the un security council voted defend canyon troops to stop the violence. but that deployment was blocked by
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a canyon high court until at least the end of this month. community lack of to 0 or . and that's news for me for maybe some of the stories on our website. it's delta 0, dot com is updated throughout the day. i'll be back to more news on the other side of the right. but until then from may have the needs team here in denver, thanks very much for your time. and your company, the in on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a co tax to what is happening now. it is a question of 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another mcclin's thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without us real permits, and nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront, without 0,
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the one or the memory center for nearly 3 years. evelyn lemitrus has been investigating a chart fen trafficking operation. now she's putting together the team that's going to rate it and lexie though they're still quite as b. o. but i said, unless indeed this bit of a humble sure expensive global commodity price doesn't agree to it. and the special soup in asia sharps that play the vital role in the ocean for hundreds of millions of years. but the trade is now pushing some spaces to the brink of extinction. there was a trade in short, francis value to hundreds of millions of dollars a year. i'm which i didn't mind that then. okay. one more thing. go that on the reading that i'm assuming that we're talking about we gained exclusive access to a team of investigators into dismantling or ring the short vend traffickers video.
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be my gosh. okay. think of that. he always thinks under the for me until then. so that a lisa, this is what i'm for following this car here, has an investigator and a couple of cops in it. we're going to lead or rates today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some spaces, a sharp at risk that take a few seconds. so activity nadia. the the phones, the internet and those safe place a communications blank. bouncing garza and to is an 8 the is, is very spice continues to pound residential areas. the


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