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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 19, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the alarm about this, and this is the news on life from jo. how coming up in the next, 16 minutes i don't know. nice of it is really attacks and
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gaza kills 25 pilot studies. hospitals are full of injured people. more rates across the occupied westbank on more consultations between these very focuses on college students. young sophie rebels claim a new method of attack against a us owned cargo ship in the gulf of age on north korea, as, as, as tested, an underwater nuclear weapon system. and support palestine of one bestest points at the asian cup and capsule, a $11.00 draw against the united arab emirates. it's given them a chance of reaching the knockout rooms the we're going to be getting does it? what is really attacks and different parts of the strip of killed at least $25.00 people in this audience that you have con unit is continuous strikes of killed at least 13 palestinians. israel's army has defied additional forces and the city has bought house so many in the area and gaza city
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a for the 12 people have been killed during relentless is rarely bombing. we're going to speak to honeywell commode. he's with us live from the rough and southern guy, so we're going to talk about the fact that there is, or that has been a communications blackout that's been going on. i mean, guys, of course communication cell not networks. internet networks are an actual lifeline for the people there. oh yes indeed. and so far in this state of the blackout is that a great deal of the complications? not only for it, for the exact reason, 1900000 displaced vivian and as a whole part to the gods. people are trained to the remaining family members in the northern part and all this would be more distressing reports emerging from the northern part of the new era strikes targeting the remaining residential buildings,
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reports about many people think we're looking at that at least at least the 12 people or the number might have increased within the hours, but because of the data to the black out, we're unable to get the exact figures of how many people i'm being told right after those would be identified by the the hospital. but this is not only having an impact to the people, but also on aid workers on the ground were unable to coordinate their, their efforts in delivering a too much needed areas, particularly cheap parts as well as here. in the blueberry crowded dropbox, they are allowed, making it very difficult for the ambulance as well as permitting the civil defense on the ground. there is a report emerging from the students from the area,
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the newness in which they have defined it very difficult to respond to you then the calls coming from targeted science either in the honda accord with the solution in part just further complicates specific leasing in the lives of injuries, so many of the injuries they're like you do deep communication and lack of better coordination, which i mean the civil defense, the crew on the ground. and yet they are going to apartments say that the headquarters coordinate their, their work. but the fact that this is not happening for the 1st time, it's happened before, at least $22.00 or 3 times in which these really military committed atrocities in the bars and the now there is a growing theater. the more it continues, the more attractive is, are going to merge you from san unit and the central part of the guy. i know, i would imagine this is also going to have an impact on the delivery of humanitarian aid. i want to talk to you about that because we've been hearing
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stories over the last few weeks of the last week or so that the 8 is gradually increasing. we know it's not nearly anything like what the, the people and guys need, but just describe to us what's going on with the humanitarian aid and how people are trying to get it. and the, it's hard to see any, any impact through changing the situation with the amount of a arriving to the bed. just for example, a representative sample of what's going on. the over crowded southern part of the street breakfast that the work more than 1900000 people. literally it fully reinstalled. 50 like very essential is supplies and assign it patients as well as the water and medical supplies needed for this chris remaining health facilities in roughly 50. we're talking about over crowded areas here and the population that is, is struggling the, and on the out,
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in finding food in the drink of the water in the sense from the area as well as the northern part of the javascript. there is a real fam and go on and it's been, this is our, we're sending it by the, the late 3 go live, then a trickle amount have been delivered to the northern part in which people are suffering or an actual family doing. it's really very difficult living conditions in terms of active duty supplies, particularly of women and children who, whose life about our threats because of not any attrition, as well as those who are either reading or pregnant women, lack of essential new trends to continue surviving. and this is the situation with the human at area. we don't see any increase the despite the talks about increasing the amount or providing more for people on a thank you very much indeed. that's honey. in my mind, giving us that update from this offer in southern guns here is where the voices of
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rated several villages across the occupied west bank. the fighting was being reported to between these really army and palestinians in the village of bedford. okay. and novelist is there any soldiers also strong villages in bed for him to us all to you? unfamiliar ramada is where the forces of withdrawing from to will come out and often any 44 hours, 5 minutes of palestinians have been trapped in their homes during the raid. at least 8 people were killed and dozens were arrested. okay, let's go back to the occupies westbank called out the how many to is in the to hold on. so the right there have been over. i've been over as we've just been talking about, what have you been seeing? well certainly it is a theme of the station. yeah. and the total cabin refugee camp where you can see the rubble just here behind me and we've been down this road uh through the narrow alleys. and every way we go,
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we see exactly the same thing. roads that have been torn off as a business is destroys, how's this towards causburn's? it's absolutely everywhere. the level of the divest patient in this time is something i have not seen in other times where there was similar long rays in everyone. i spoke to said that this is really a 1st but ever since october 7th, where he has there has been destruction. yes. but the occupation forces came with their bulldozers and made some damage. but that's the trade that damage increases and increases for the as you said, 7 people were killed during this rate, the loss of nearly 2 full days, but also many more where the change hundreds of them in the houses where is really sold as we're doing what they called in field interrogation and then after that taking a number of them away,
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we don't have the exact number yet. but according to the right question, that was here on the ground throughout the morning. well, they say that there's at least a 100 buildings inside this guy that have been either destroyed old, partially and damaged. so certainly putting a lot of pressure on those who live here. how do i thank you very much indeed. that's how the other, i mean, talking to some to call them off to those rates. let's go back to our top story, these really killings in guys like human rights organizations. i've been gathering testimonies from palestinians and say there is increasing evidence of war crimes being committed to by the israeli army. obviously, that has obtained exclusive pictures and witnesses a cons from members of one family. they say at least 19 civilians were executed by israeli soldiers. on december, the 19 child stratford reports the ruins of kansas city
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destruction dash sounds. nobody's really military drugs above the roll axis. ations of all claims committed bodies. really all me to stay is lead to an apartment of a family home, bullet cartridges, broken and abandoned belongings. walls and floors covered in blood the whole day can never forget the vip zillow fox lot. and the tanks and boulders is the round of the building. shells are being hay in the building for days. the situation was desperate. on the
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19th of december israeli soldiers entered the building. they smashed another apartment to my husband, opened it, and told them we were. all civilians collect enrollment of the notion of the money and now they took them to another apartment. i folded them pleading wisdom to let him go because we were all civilians. there were no members of the resistance, you know, the whole full grass numbers up to along again the color didn't. they beat me and my daughter's, they put us women in one place and threatened us with guns and knives. they made of strips. they searched us, insulting us, and using the most terrible words they took our names and filmed us, make up the store was massy on the 19 men in this building. they killed. my husband was one of them. they owe them to bend down and execute them. they killed them. all these pictures obtained exclusively biologist era was shot just al is off to the events all day. describes the bodies of main entry holes of bullets in
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the back. oh hamlet tow the but the last, the last one more days. daughter says when the killings had been carried out, show started teaching the building a game for them. a sion faced exhausted skate. she holds the tiny sure one by her 3 year old sister, another who died in the family shelters in a dog, cold room in jude children's day clothes go, lays wounded on the floor. there was little food except soup to 8 the law as the hand. when the settler had locked on, the soldiers came in and separated the women and the children from the men. they kept us in decision room while the excuse of demand outside was holding my sister in my arms, then the shell and resumed. now that was hit, she made some self noises. she ask for some water. i thought she was crying,
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but she was dying. shrapnel has entered her head, eyes and next to my sister tried to carry the body, but she fell from her arms at the door. not his eyes was still open as she passed away. the wounds to have to show, to show a young family broken by the heart of these raggedy armies, killing and destruction in the gulf of strip and knowing it's likely that no one will ever be tried for what they soul and the pain they continue to and you shall stop it after 0. how much your honda is chief of programs and communications as you roll mediterranean human rights monitor is joining us live, not from copenhagen. thank you for being with us. i understand your organization has been calling for investigations into events such as the one the charles has been documenting in his report. first of all,
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what evidence have you been gathering as an organization that events like this are happening? and basically we have documented up until now about 16 incidents of feed exclusions with the over over to tennessee victims reaching over 70. people can advise street 70 civilians. and in the police, sorry to you know, these field exclusions we for operate at that it was hard to terry, on the part of the secret forces, the method that we use, we corroborate witness eyewitness testimony with the accounts of family members that lost their loved ones. in these attacks with reports from the beginning ministry and, and field visits, these areas to where we, our, my colleagues can visit the crime scenes or the neighborhoods where the, where these events were unfolding. and the conclusion that we've reached is that there have been
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a pattern of systematic feed executions by idea of forces where restrains and any sort of protections for civilians have been dropped and in areas. but the idea has invaded in particular the northern half of gaza, where ever the wind, there were incidents of such nature, whether in people's homes or in schools and is purportedly safe shipped as or people trying to flee, or people actually following the instructions of the idea to walk on a set and road in order to leave their homes forcefully. i want to ask you about a couple of words. they just use their you said that your, that report felt that this was, are you stablish that this was a systemic or systematic? forgive me, systematic process that was being used by his very forces, but earlier on you said that these incidents were also arbitrary. would that seems to be a contradiction to me in that arbitrary indicates that it's being done sporadically
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by individual groups. but systemic st or system matching seems to give the indications it is actually a policy which just to be clear, which are we talking about. i wouldn't say that it's a precise policy without having evidence pointing to the matrix. but the point that i was trying to say arbitrary means the people that were executed were shot at point blank without constituting any danger to the soldiers. the reason why we believe that it's systematic is because we believe the idea has dropped restrained in its conduct in gaza, enabling soldiers to confidently conduct these atrocities without fear of accountability. which is why we're seeing them in multiple neighborhoods and parts of the gaza strip. because we feel that the idea of soldiers underground have a sense of impunity that they can do the scandal atrocious acts without any sort of accountability or investigation afterwards. bank, um, is there any minutes?
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i would imagine like many other managers around the world would suggest that they would carry out something like this because they regard to be individuals as some sort of threat and the evidence that you have gathered. is there any indication that those who's been killed in this way would have posed any sort of threats to the soldiers? is none at all? and that's the point. so, so just would storm a school like this new chevy of west atlanta, north of casa, and the motor developed or executed about 9 civilians hiding in the school. just arbitrarily. in other incidents we identified incidentally, people, people who have to answer hi emerge or dementia killed in their homes, oil or wine walking to see if a hospital on a designated road that the idea of instructed them to walk on when they forced them out of their homes, so we were not having any doubt that these individuals constituted, that stripped or a danger, particularly the nature of the incidents where they were killed, killed in an open street from
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a safe distance called the idea of soldiers. they was recently a footage of a mother with her child trying to flee in a group of people raising white flax, both the mother and the child. and she was shot on camera that the incident was from november, but we received us, which is only a few days ago that she was shot on camera in front of her child. the front of the group will defeating people with is 0 doubt that she had constituted any danger whatsoever. okay, well how much the honda we appreciate you being with us and i'll just 0. thank you very much indeed for your time. thank. thousands of people have fed their homes in southern lebanon, is across the board of islands between is ready for season, has ball escalates. they are on by group has rejected israel's proposal to set up a buffer zone in the region. is in a lot of reports from ma, shown in southern lebanon, southern lebanon as border towns, largely abandoned,
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and devastated. an escalating conflict between israel and the lebanese armed group has beloved, has created the de facto buffer zone along the border. several kilometers deep. below israel has floated the idea of formalizing the buffer zone, saying it will restore security. hezbollah says it will pull back, but tell you what in step is to start, the targeting largely evacuated towns to make northern israel uninhabitable in israel is trying to show it has options to help set the time to the mill in a safe way and to keep has the law, the resistance away from the file, but it doesn't. it must stop. it's war on garza. i'm deliberate on isabel has increased the intensity of it strikes on what it says is hezbollah, as military infrastructure. and one of the biggest attacks is repeatedly hit the strategic valley known to be the lebanese arm groups, main area of operations and the gateway to the countries interior be as railways
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appear to also be trying to degrade the infrastructure, the kind of the, the, the capabilities in depth that hezbollah has why? because i think, and this is true for both sides, that there is at least an expectation for they are preparing, which would be smart for a much wider and open conflict. for now, as well as not using its full military capabilities and what some describe as a balancing act. and there are those who believe isabel is not in a position to start a wider conflict as the cause of war rages. so for the moment is right, doesn't really any strategy, but to be responding to hezbollah as at that and create kind of a balance between that has been like that, that without going any further because it doesn't have a plan. all these capability is random. military has said a lot still needs to be done to return residents home as well. strategy may be to
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use targeted escalation to pressure hezbollah. but the group says this front will remain active until as well as hor on garza ends. and while it is unlikely to trigger a large war, it says it is ready to fight without limits. if war breaks out, an all out war may not be eminent. but even though the combat is still largely limited to the border and 2 military targets, this is very much a war center for their own shows you the southern lebanon, thousands of people and you haven't know, marching in the northern city of so either into protest against us and british it strikes against the rebels are also condemning israel is war on garza. i'm calling for seas farm. the u. s. has been targeting and running and backfill fees since their own group began attacking vessels and the let's see that says the ships are linked to israel on thursday. who is the official said they targeted an american ship not from the federal go out. and it was at the naval forces of the many um,
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forces carried down to tugs of the operation against an american ship and the gulf of aiden with several appropriate naval ms. silas, resulting in direct hits. you have any of the forces consume, that's a retaliation to the american and british a text is inevitable and that any new aggression will not go unpunished. you have any um, forces consumed that navigation traffic in the arab and read seas will continue to oldest the nations around the world except for the ports of occupied palestine and the block of his writing navigation. all those heating supports of occupied palestine will continue until the si, fi is achieved. m a c is listed in the gaza strip. the focused on is national security council is meeting in the capital this. i'm about
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to discuss the rising tensions with the run on the 1st day is some of od copied out, attacks against what it says with bases of about last separatists group in iran, at least 9 people, including women and children, were killed. so that's up to 2 people died in the running and strikes and pocket stones blocks just on provence on tuesday. the one that says it was targeting on, on group fighting for the rights of the city minority inside iran. so my main job aide is in this, i'm about this isn't the 1st time the iran and practiced on a bean, i'm conflict, but this time it does seem a lot more tens. is what it does appear that way in the last 3 days. as you mentioned, there has been the summoning tens inventions between the 2 countries as they tie it out, the tax on each other as well as the 1st where it is involving both countries, minutes. he's getting involved and getting these targets. as you mentioned, the problem, mr. the can't take or 5 minutes to reflect. hassan has done his visit, short to double, she's retaining just returned back to the country and creating these 2 very
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important meetings and national security council events, as well as the federal cabinet where this discussions will be around how to deal with this situation. that as a rise in on the border, although there seems to be an open channel of communication between the fees, the amount that talking to each other and private on, on social media as then there seems to be scaling down of these tensions. but it will take some time before the trust can lead restored, and as well as the complete and diplomatic good relationship is also established because focus on told the radians and bosses enough to turn to the country. and it also told him not to park a sun. so as the situation in gauze is involving use, you've seen these strikes coming from iranian fine against various targets. this had a target in iraq, the tips, the targets in syria and also in markets on no bucks. on this thing,
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the discount not to continue it as not allow any infringement of its sovereignty in violation of its s face, but it does appear to be coming down for now. as in the last 24 hours should be no more attacks and more diplomatic messaging from both sides or something. thank you very much. indeed, that's are some of the things of 8 in this line, the bad while i used to. so this is a senior fellow at kings called his london and they all sort of military think inside pakistan's military economy. she sonya as live not from london. thank you very much indeed for being with us as was saying to are some of there isn't the 1st time that the 2 countries have seen tensions rise between the 2 of them. why has this time seemed different to well, this is unusual because in the boss of, you know, they have thoughts so conventional and they've used proxies against each other. so, you know, using military's against each other and active. uh, you know, uh, fight to get some results and drones that's happening to the 1st time. so this kind of sparking, as we know usual,
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i would say it's all unusual and despite the bank or sign any wrong, have good relations relations has improved. suddenly, without any visible propagation or any indication that iran with stripe iran struck . and that's the, or the single biology a given to find that you're describing this as being unusual. the fact that iran has decided to take this action, what do you think it was trying to achieve when it did? i would say that iran was probably, this is bob. it's ron signalling the both to park the sun and the rest of it was because fox is being under dog blakely. i mean the, the, the suicide did tax and the mom, which i think more when they lost their lives. and it's raining proxies all the time. you know, and all over the middle east. so the signaling to the why was that,
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you know enough is enough. we're going to strike back. and let's not forget, there was treat of attacks which, which iran garrett are. there's one in syria. one is iraq and $100.00. so focus on is a bit of often unusual, is that because dr. song is, is not part of the larger middle of movies. conflict with that, that takes place and where, where it, raining proxies were back. so it was unusual, but i think the signaling to focus on have balls because our concern has been trying to bad relations to the united states who just seen as one of the main countries pushing the wrong and, and, and trying to we to new wrong. so the signaling was to do more engage in that mean don't, don't, don't be part of any goal but, or would call mission that, that, that type of. but if you decide to run your own, we'll get back. and sadly,
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i think one of the signaling to it's proxies around the world and both the negative and positive proxies in boxes that work with, with, with their honor proxies that work against the wrong, that the ryan is a strong company. so i think with overall signalling practice on became a target. but i think i don't think that it was wants to us use this policy this, this, that was, was formerly of using military against our concerns. any salt and cold in the middle is all of this, of course, as a piece of people of the vision of our uh, boss, just on a itself and i find it sounded correctly. there is a significant cultural difference between the people of blocks just on to those between and park a strong and, and a wrong they regard themselves as at. so we say having an individual culture within that region. how does this all play into how they're feeling about that the,
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the standing that they have between the wrong and pocket stop? my concern, my greater concern is no. but what happens between the run and bark is found that's going to definitely make his own. a great concern is how now both governments any wrong and fox sound are going to use this opportunity to target the below 2 people . the decisions that then focus on this already conversation we'd be held about you corresponding don't provide a meeting of the national security council, let it go. take the pride, mr. shane bag and heading to the board meetings. i think i is one of the primary agendas that will be discussed because i don't think that uh, the issue with a router is going to be uh, no, uh, sorted. i'm in a dire need to be done about it. but internally there's going to be more pressure right now. we have women 100. so women from below just on focus on uh
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for just things for missing people of their loved ones have been picked up that disappeared. they don't know they've been do if they're in june where they ones you know, information about them. so then march, 1800 kilometers from believe to storm in fact this on to this level about and that's adjusting that. and so there's going to be great to come down. i mean i, i see that there's going to be with the military, you know, more boots on the ground in boxes. and they'll be, they'll be more pressure. and then on the wrong side, where people are not asking for any, any, any, uh, separation from the wrong. in fact, will be the rights in the army. and they all send me uh, the below cheese uh, the below 2 in iran also needs a sunni and they are asking for uh, autonomy. they'll be greater pressure used against them as well. so they'll be a lot of mistreatment of their own population under the job of solving this this,
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this problem. i usually it's a very kind thank you very much indeed for giving us your analysis of this. we appreciate it. thank you very much. i are still ahead and i'll just run the tests on the streets of haiti's capital civilians are forced to free their homes as criminal guide and seek some sort of lord secretary and in sports, we're going to be going lives education city stadium in doha, where japan is going to be looking to book fair place and the asian cops, you know, kind of state the color we have got some changes taking place in the weather across here up as we go on through the next couple of days to as long line of cloud here, stretched from battle rose through the balkans,
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all the way down into spain and poach. go right the way down into white be area that we have a mix of rain, sleet and snow south of that line. we have got some warm weather across central in east, in palm. so the minutes, right, but to the north of that there's plenty of cold as still in place. this area of high pressure still keeping things quiet by quite make folk and for us full, okay. part of france pushing into the low countries into what jeremy changes in companies. we go through the next couple of days. you can see some wet to weather, some windy weather. it's creeping into the northwest. still a little bit of snow through the remainder of friday. the across northern parts of scott said, pushing across into the western side of norway, right? spring sidebar into west spain, particularly northern flag. even madrid could get a little dusting of snow. and is that snow across the balkans? pushing gave it to us. have them passed all but you crate as we go on through friday and see what sat say. our wet weather starts to push this way in monterey coming from the south west then. so it was the type of just getting up to 6 celsius in london. make up to 8 degrees in edinburgh, but it's going to be very windy. it's going to feel particularly pleasant.
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meanwhile, the close of the policy, if you have a slope or something positive, all can say easing across it, it took a of what's out of their existence, its lordship as a principle present as a correspondence with any breaking the story we want to hear from those people who was normally not get that voices heard on the international news channels. one moment i'll be very proud all was when we covered the fullness quake of 2015 at the terrible match, all the facts. and the story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story was very important at the time. the latest news as it breaks the word one over a 100, they have left many feeling like you will never end with in depth reports. many saying that is no victory until all the caps is about the price. even if that means
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i didn't need it from the how to the story palestinians here say destruction caused by is really forces is a form of collective punishment. and the israel is attempting to turn them against the resist the . ready the reminder of our top stories, this is continuous air strikes of cube, at least $25.00 power steering's across the gaza strip of bombing, mainly targeted residential areas in the southern city of con you this and garza city. is there any forces have conducted raids in several villages across the occupied west spiked athena reports of fighting between these very army and palestinians,
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and the village of pay for it in numbers. us as long as the most strikes against who targets and yemen who things have counted up dozens of attacks on vessels and divide, see the face of ties to israel in response to its war. and johnson, as most, despite washington acknowledging it, strikes have failed to solve who the forces attacking right seems shipping out loud, official reports america and just partners are stepping up attacks and yemen insist it has successfully targeted the missile launch sites. but from the president, a stock, perhaps even a shock admission. it's doing little good. is that being targeting international shipping in the red sea since november, a response the claim to israel's warning garza. but many of the targets have no link to israel or the us. and the bite, the administration has been worried about a wider regional conflict,
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spilling out of gas. it was several attacks in the last few days. a pentagon spokesman denied they were no fighting a new war. we don't seek original conflict. we don't want to see a regional conflict and we certainly don't want what's happening in gaza to spill out into a larger regional or wider scale war. who is these leaders says the us led to tax a direct assault on the people of him. and he says, he considers it an honor to be in direct confrontation with alex america with video vanya, the issue that america and britain have joined the war directly. and then we are now in direct confrontation with the americans, british, and is really, does not scare us at all elsewhere, the us is once again reiterated. it sees a 2 state solution as long term answer in the region, preempting comments by israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu essentially ruling out the idea while he's in charge. there is no way to solve their long term challenges to provide less than security. and there is no way to,
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to solve the short term challenges of rebuilding gaza and establishing governance and gaza and providing security for guys it without the establishment of a palestinian state. there will be frustration in washington that these really prime minister has essentially ruled out the idea of an independent palestine. and you'll bite and will come under pressure to make that frustration clear. and for once very public. i was for sure, i'll just either washington. it's stephanie deckers joining start from walking by the east jerusalem seems to be a whitening rift. we seem to buy the ministration and israel's prime minister about the future for palestinians. the these really prime minister has made it very clear that this is not something that he is going to consider. he was defiant, 20 address the war cabinet. last night, talking about the next day for garza saying that israel will stay in control of its borders and stay very much in control of what goes in and out of college. and now this is exactly how it was before october,
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the 7th. and this is exactly what is suffocated garza for the past 16 years, whether the americans, which really is the only country to have real power to put pressure on israel, will do more than just to the fact that this is the way ford remains to be seen also, that still quite pathetically, if benjamin netanyahu decided to say okay, i will leave the door open to some kind of negotiations on that. if you look at the make up of his government of those that were the only way for him to come back in terms of his political career. right. waiting parties with right to bring ministers that the americans were not happy about even before october the 7th. they would never consider you consider a policy and state. so i think, you know, these are conversations that are happening behind closed doors at the moment. there is no road by road map, and i think it's interesting also, if we look back the last time the americans were on the ground to you're talking about any potential political solution was 10 years ago. i was here covering that you had us talk to
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a state then john terry shuffling between the 2 sides. and when it failed, he blamed both sides, but mostly is or what he said at that time was that perhaps it's the leadership that needed to change on both sides and both met and then in chars are the same. ones now is ready probably minister benjamin netanyahu and the posting president. my name is stephanie, thank you very much. indeed. that's definitely definitely talking to us from occupied east jerusalem. the, the leaders from a 120 countries are in uganda is capital to discuss global challenges. israel's war on gaza is prominent on the agenda of a meeting of what's called the known a line movement. the group was funded to advance the interests of developing countries. it's the largest grouping of states world wide off to the united nations gas and saw a report from kampala again express,
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my global pensions you when reforms and other issues pop. the agenda i the see is non online movement, or number representatives from a 120 countries are here to, for a great to say in international affairs. when now i'm on the phone with the private, there was a decor and vision, which was actually, you know, how do you put it? i know that the movement concept does nothing mean you try to, it doesn't mean you try to know what these countries are doing. is what we are trying to define that split that you cannot in a minute. or the heart of discussions is the war between israel and palestine. foreign ministers adopted our resolution calling for a ceasefire and unheeded humanitarian assistance for palestinians. they also support the ongoing genocide case against you as well as the international court of justice. the appointment is the struggled to find the right language to address the
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killings in gaza. but i agree that genocide is now a legal mata that needs to be decided by the international court of justice. damien representatives will do this assignment of solidarity in light of the globe of situation on what's happening in ukraine. and the 5 by the big guys. and in light of the aggression against our people and morally exposing them and send them over the west. them is happens in a part of the unity now to play and lead enrolled after the united nations and nom is the largest quality sion of states worldwide. delegates here say it's a pa for block was boyce cannot be ignored. kathy saw all the 0 come by law. this is about is joining us now from kampala. so just as customers describing their policy, the thought of sending issue that was that israel is coming on and the guys are going to be key to the summit. the imagine there's going to be
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a lot more than the agenda as well and talk us through what we can expect the well, we've been hearing from world leaders here already when the president of uganda is hosting this summit. you wary the survey needs as started off the day with a long and lengthy speech taking over the chairmanship of a, the non aligned movements. and we also have been hearing from a number of high ranking officials, including the un general assembly secretary general from said that that's the issue of palestine is an important one. and the called for an immediate cease fire humanitarian sees far. we also heard from the turkish vice president who said that there has to be peace in gaza for there to be peace in the middle east. so there seems to be consensus on the policy an issue with south. of course, the other topic here has been the ongoing dispute,
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political dispute between ethiopia and some of the are now a surprisingly we saw the if you open 5 minister ivy, i'm a make an appearance here and he did deliver remarks a short while ago and he posted on his ex social media account of what seemed to be a rebuttal or a fucking down of his position, defending his country stats. when it comes to that memorandum of understanding that you sign with some, all the land about using the ports in that region in somalia without having to gone through as the central government and nobody issue a be on the roads on his ex accounts that's land lock countries face an insurmountable challenges injuring their ability to fulfill the demands of their people. he said if you appeal continues to seek a peaceful and mutually beneficial a negotiated solution to such a challenge. now, for a response from an official from the central government in mogadishu,
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i'm now joined by senator ivy smells thomas hart. thank you for joining us here on out to 0. you are part of the delegation. the official association here from lubbock issue. and you were in the convention hall when of yeah. and that was speaking. can you tell us more about what he had to say and your reaction to his position? thank you very much. it's pleasure to be with them to the i think the prime minister just double down on what he said previously, and that's easy to appear assigned to the government. but on the more understanding would have probably been so for british and leader in some audio, which would give you to appear in naval base. it 50 a nice and 20 kilometers from the coast all the way to the, to a p and border. in other words, what the prime minister is saying that it wants to occupy illegally somebody 10 to 30, which is a games international law. the un convention on the opposite kind of unions, convention of the sanctity of nations and states in this,
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in this continent. the prime minister also searches debt to appear is disadvantage of because it's land locked. went ahead and do segments we out in yukon, which is also land. okay. and it's peacefully works with the community and government. and did you put the governments on started with a key and government and does any and government get access to the see for commercial purposes? what's, what's the use, let's say the prime minister is that it wants to take a piece of the somebody territory. and that's illegal at the somebody people never, ever accepted. no, i understand your position when it comes to the see will be in officials. what are you doing to discuss the situation with your officials in somali land itself? why would they agree to such a memorandum at this point? was the gentleman who is the provincial leader in the northern? somebody called somebody is really protecting his own particular interest, the interests of the region of the country. and i'm so happy i am at the prime minister, has given him
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a status that he doesn't deserve even wants to negotiate with somebody in order to be able to get access to see you should be coming from a nissan talking with the president of somebody. i'm just somebody leaders. okay. furniture. i'm sorry to cut you off. everett, we're out of time senator a at the smell sound a to are. thank you for joining us on out to 0. so there you have some points of view, different points of view about the ongoing conflict between ethiopia and somalia. we expect the final communicate from world leaders here on saturday as the summit wraps up here in some paula though, so thanks a lot number obviously, because we're going to be coming back to you. is that uh, meeting progresses before. now dar such a body and caballo. thank you very much. north korean state media support independent. yeah, it has tested an underwater nuclear weapon system. the higher the 5 to 3 system has been used in the waters of north korea's east coast. it's added that the test was in response to reason, joins military joe was by south can be of the us and japan a neighborhood and haiti's capital has been targeted by gang members and an attack
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. this lasted for days, dozens of being killed in salina. it's an area that's home to several police officers, have his face going, going violent since the assassination of present presidential going on. why is a 2021 coming and that will, that cause more the sounds of will bring out in a residential neighborhood in haiti's capital residence, drawing to plain clothes, police trying to find. so for me to talk from a gang hoping to extend its territory to felina since sunday on demand have repeatedly attacked it. i made a fresh defensive on thursday was so fall. residents split the homes who were forced out the ones that you meant to be there. i'm on the street because of armed guns. they took my house. i was sheltering in another neighborhood, but they invaded to, i'm on the street now. i don't know where to go. oh, the residence erected make shift barricades and
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a bit to protect themselves and cold local radio stations for help. i the most of photo pulse is under control of criminal gangs. and if selena fools, they could start to target all the areas of the city that into now were full to be safe. in the power struggle between organized crime and the police civilians often quote in the crossfire motives in the 1st milling months of 2023 for up by over 70 percent. as compared to the same period, the year the full on sunday, i was sitting with a friend near my house when 3 bullets came in, one break my buttons, but i can't afford to go to the hospital. i moved to the growing violence. there's also growing resentment. residents protested against interim president ariella murray, the crying his failure to tackle the countries growing. notice this we are asking the entire metropolitan area to stand up the entire republican as rise to make area
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along with the response. we can no longer resist in security by gangs, nothing is functional, not even the democratic institutions. we want to elections free of games. the here to stage is not even involved in games. the whole country is gangs the rise. you know, tell you about the un security council voted, defend canyon troops to stop the violence. but that deployment was blocked by a canyon high court until at least the end of this month. community lack of to 0. a still a head and i'll just sit up and sports, the teenagers who pulled off an incredible complex to reach the last 16 of the stadium open. i understood that story, that the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in dubai.
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the business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by
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the time for the sport who is on day. thank you so much for help. well, that's possible 5, mr. problem that back in action of the asian cup, show me that game against the rock kicks off in under and i was time now both things winning the opening games which puts them in a good position to move into the last 16 japan beat vietnam for 2 while a rock was 31. when is it just in denise? yes. let's go live now so far is smaller. is that the game for us? uh and aside from this much and particularly as tournaments and the stadiums. that choosing far, one of the obvious legacies of the 2022 welcome of the fall heavy. it's absolutely buzzing down here at education city stadium. stadium built specifically for the 2022 world tab with the idea of accessibility. the key
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part of its design. now for talk to talk more about this, we're joined by acceptability experts and iraqi shikes, a super fan i'm it had be i thank you so much for joining us. so i apologize for the wind. but you know, i wanted to talk to you about ahead of the world child the did talk a lot about it being accessible for all fans. and i want to know what your experiences were back then and now. yeah, education city offers one of the best viewing experiences for disabled fans. if you're in a wheelchair, you get to sit all around the bowl it's. it's a wonderful experience. and then of course, the stadium is also equip the sensory room that how that or that given opportunity to fads with your diversity use like as with autism, to watch the match for the cold environment. so it's that it's a lovely stadium that i courage, everyone to check out. okay,
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now let's talk about the football because as i said, you are a huge die hard iraqi super fan and you have been following the team. do you think they are title contenders? when i read a rock, whatever we're in, a competition like this, we're definitely a tough team to beat the. the reason being is you can see behind you the tremendous amount of support the b joy of the stadium. but also the millions of iraqis are going to be watching that get it the match today from their tv screens everywhere from that brisbin to back. that's toronto to london that everyone's going to be to den. so it definitely gives us an extra push. okay, so do you think they're going to be okay against japan today? i think so. i mean, you know, japan is a big team, maybe on the world stage, but i think that, that, you know, uh, iraq isn't, isn't asian consent. jerry won the championship of 2007. got a young guy group of players. uh, a domestic football is that is researching. yeah. there's a lot of excitement in the cab. uh so we'll wait and see 90 minutes of football.
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but hopefully we can now send millions of iraq bad drafters today. all right, well good luck to you guys. you might need it because you are going i up against the titans, as you said, of asian football that much taking off and about 30 minutes. anything could happen well, have to wait and see and be back to you. far as small education sits, he's starting. thank you for now far. i will post on a secure best those points of this asian cup a 11, draw with the united states. remember, it says, given that same hope of reaching the last 16 joining as a real sca. how's this reports? a loss to iran in the opening match didn't spoil the optimism in palestine funds who came to watch them take home. the united arab emirates, hopeful of seeing the team pick up the 1st points at this. asian. com is showing their strengths, the showing the obviously resilience not just on the principle of the pitch as well
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. and it's important for us to show of support to them. we don't really watch football. i oh yes, of course we have company that is considered to pay for them. i think they feel the pressure, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. i think it's going to help them focus on the task at hand. so that i think the team is ready and a very good. it was the united arab emirates who went in front midway through the 1st health sultan deal. rising above his defend to school, the policy and sons to the in the sons above the referee. giving a right to, to enroll, to play a, somebody and a penalty to tell a sign of the check via tennessee. i'm sick to be in people's holidays, so saved it. so let's go and continue to press the 10 menu or use an early in the 2nd, hopefully post them into
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a customer state and own goals for vanessa. let me close to that and continue to slowly create you to the ultimate way not much to be found on a wild ride of emotions about policy and support. this will be pleased with the tool is a 1st points of a team. up is asian tops and it also says that the chances of reaching the count states joining us for off the out is 0 out. you need the stadium now, but it concerning use the age of ton little pool funds. is muhammad solid was full of stuff injured during his substitute teacher organs gone, or they i forgot a couple of nations. sila going down, holding his hamstring towards the end of the 1st off it up to visibly upset as he was supposed to walk home after the match. the idiots had coach selling at this stage. the expense of the injury still unclear, could be crucial to each chances of reaching the knockout stages because they drew
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a 2nd straight game. you proceeded and minutes of this, i left the field with them having to create a score and twice how many stuff the rescue into point for the 2nd. so i'm champions leaving a potential must win match against k. but on monday, nigeria there is that close is around the 16 of the basing ivory cars will know a penalty from william trees to account for the difference defeats the highest slaves. then 3rd, in the great, now the documents don't close to when a wrinkled, breaking 25th crime. so i'm single time please. just bates and thomas motzinger at your very of the auction seen in his food or i much of the only open the world of the one winning this one in straight sets. joking which tossing on 11 temperature, when in melvin and 16 year old mirror, andrea event pulled off a great to escape another match. the russian was 51 down and the deciding side against frances damn, harris recovered. so when the matching upside break,
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she's making your 1st appearance and the total and she beat succeed on jump uh, in the previous round. okay, that is high school is looking for now, or of course i finally thank you very much indeed. so he'll rama is going to be with you in a couple of minutes with most of the day. is news. i'm road office in stay with us on august. the israel has now imposed a complete fees on god since so how do they survive if you have no income? how do you live? cost of living rose sharply after the war. and ukraine could something like that happen again as a ripple effect of the 1000. what is it us contract is mainly who are benefiting from this when the price of oil goes up, the cost of almost every thing goes up. counting the cost on out of the business. the chart bins approve is legal,
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but heavily restrictive. most of the end result of the block they can go for more than $500.00 us dollars a pound in hong kong sharks and is an incredibly lucrative commodity. i'm going to price per kilogram is equivalent to several different alyssa trucks and it's almost like the now look it up. tell me what it has. i mean, don't you know that this francis aquatic ok. so we'll see everybody is that we can hear from them and that is basically the means that he gets it and get it is a key. and your name is that the politics you on this can be really late. but i think i mean that in that kind of simple life and it will cost them, we have to but i most of the say evelyn inspected fishing nets and the catch developed for bringing up some push on. we're not too happy with their presence. and we will need to know, i mean,
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did i send me the the, the end of the life is where the building goes. uh, which goes $25.00 palestinians. hospitals are full of injured people. the problem. so robin, what, you know, just their lives,
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what headquarters here in the halls that are coming up, they want them to bend down and execute them to killed them. all testimonies from palestinians and calls or keys is rarely all we have committed war crimes, all rights across the occupied west bank and all confrontations between is very


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