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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  January 19, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm AST

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companies and northern parts of homes, you would be surprised if we catch a flight go to just around tokyo, but it shouldn't be too bad. shouldn't be too disruptive the when, when the weather coming in. having said that, weather that when the weather winfrey, whether there is a central pos of china further north, it's cold enough minus 3, the top temperature in beijing. we have got the usual fault problems across the area here for problem. small problems continue to the north west of india, right across the northern plains, pushing across into northern parts of puffy, stop much of india does stay long as you drive over the next couple of days. you might catch a shower too. i have it to was the small a lot to see a shout down to was the fall south and also into split and the have the right to boycott. anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that gods chosen to bless us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue. do you want to state level all that i can to support the 3 part series
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excludes the implications of us and people who called lower the freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights more about the issue whatever i'm looking for. so my thing for talk to him quote on which is 0 talk a song carries out strikes inside yvonne as long as on says it's in retaliation to attacks by paid off inside this country. those nations say that housing separate as groups, what might the consequences fee and can they be contains? this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the program. i'm elizabeth put on him. yvonne and focused on has almost attacks across the board to an end to each of those territory. both say
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the targeting on groups and used national security to justify their actions and groups and the below to san region have been launching attacks and iran and pockets dawn for years. both governments accused the other of not doing enough to stop them . but these makes us unique, natural military strikes have raised the tension between the regional pals that could undermine joint efforts to secure the board to will go to a panel and just a moment. but 1st, defense and monahan has this report the aftermath of a new reigning attack unpack, is donny territory to children among those killed law name. i did a lot, but around spar ministry said targeting arm groups hiding out in the border region, bottom test bed. i hadn't started yet to talk, he's done is on maybe the country a friend and i'll brother, it was not the target of your runs drones. and miss solves, this is any rainy interior risk. who's that has taken refuge in puppies? funny territory, the pockets don's response came within 24 hours an attack on uranium territory
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pockets on spartan ministry said it was also striking armed groups along the border this morning focused on and it took a series of highly coordinated and specifically targeted precision. military strikes against terrorist, how high adults and cis donald, but it was just on probing all feet on a number of terrorists or killed the block, just done region spans both countries. some are groups, there are fighting to gain independent homeland. others are demanding better treatment for sunni's in our on the attacks have been carried out in both countries . and iran and puckered stone, have exchanged accusations in the past, but not enough is being done to fight armed groups in the borderlands. they're out of pocket, some folks that they respect each other sovereignty, but just to fight the strikes on grounds of national security. although relations between the 2 states and here recently cordial, the attacks, the res, tensions focused on caretaker prime minister and iran. foreign minister met at the
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annual world economic form in double switzerland just hours before the 1st strike and their countries navies have been carrying out drink drills. there's a straight to port lose regional powers, including china, or cooling for com. now the boat sizeable and strikes some hope that this may be possible, but they're also peers a further escalation. benton monahan, l. g, sierra for inside story. the we have a panel of distinguish experts on inside the story today in the whole pockets done awesome especially it is a pre eminent textbook on, on groups and pockets. dawn has gone to some central asia and as a former resident until the bushes done and pocket stones capital as lama bus monday. hello d is a veteran. diplomat. i'm calling missed for the door newspaper and websites. and joining us from my shop in northeast in iran is mohammed there on the professor of the university of paid on a very warm welcome to the program. most of the,
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she's all stopped with you in the hall of the 2 sides even now that pox dawn has retaliated or does the pockets donnie strike raise the risk of escalation? what is the, the, the problem is that the, yes, there's an international dimension is conflict with to just raise, but what was being ignored very much by the media. and by, by other experts is the, the, the local power that, which is much more complicated. for example, if it's a fact that these but each stage you're on and focused on that being bombing their own citizens, they be bombing them in their respective countries. but the baby informing them themselves. most countries, the around in the box don have phase better, is read from within the below to community. and they have failed to deal with. the president failed to win the victory against these extreme. in some areas i was above or below to both in the around $100.00 done on the terrace that probably the
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most who is an ethnic group in south asia. they've been deprived of education of development of almost everything. and much of the approach it is a trying to get attention to the fact that they are being deprived rather go into slum about there's a massive demonstration of, of below to women who are the, who would kind of sit down that in a bit too. so i gone to attention to the fact that their husbands and man relatives, that'd be missing. so many of these kinds of things as long as they go on any wrong, it's the same situation. all right, let me put that to my hate, a low the and as lama bob, by carrying out these vitalia tree strikes, i suppose, by pockets don, is pockets on attacking groups that are fighting for grace autonomy, or even independence from pakistan is its attacking its own people as mr. rashid
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the saying, i think we need to keep the focus on what's happened between iran and buck a son, or we need to 1st acknowledge that iran fired the 1st shot as well. and created a situation to which park hassan was compared to respond for many years. in fact, religion groups have had centuries on both sides of the border. at least that's been the accusation of one country against the other. and i think the surprise that in the men's was that when did on conduct the strike on pocket sony territory. there was in fact a high level of ronnie and delegation in the summer, but, and focused on a new rod, were also holding joint ability exercises. so several channels of communication were open between a stomach bug and that on to address this issue, which of course remains on resort and needs to be addressed. as i said, that i'm going to turn groups focused on a q is,
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is it on of providing centrally to mention groups on each side of the board of a neutron. also accused is focused on off providing a haven for these, these a mission groups to be found on the progress on the side of the board according to iran. so i think this unreserved issue is really at the heart of what has happened with what has happened has happened. focus on top of the bush, not to response to what it on had done. and i think now we're looking at to pause. i don't think it's in the interest of either the country to further escalate the situation or to inflame the situation. so we have to wait and see how and when the escalation begins to dig this because i don't think we're going to see any further escalation in this situation. let's have a landing want to hear say to that. and what this lady is saying is that they would many open channels of communication between iran and pa cosign. and yet, yvonne chose to carry out the strike on pockets donnie soil,
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despite cooling pockets on a friendly and a brotherly country. why did it do that? the other 2 or 3 things here for us going back to one task mad said he is correct that these, this area in pa kasanya wrong is more backward than other parts of the country. so countries, one reason is the american sanctions, by the way, because iran and pockets on we're planning to have a major gas pipeline. and americans bought that. and so a lot of things that can be done between the 2 countries aren't being done in that makes this area like that in a 2nd. is that a big this attack that took place on the front of the right hand side? it comes within the context that is, randy is and ever since the genocide began in cause and the war began, they've been mobilizing to retaliate against the wrong because you're on support.
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some us run helps them. that's why they're able to build kind of roles and we have defense capabilities around supports. uh, yeah, i mean it's, of course, as one lot we all know that. and so israel wants to is highly and they've been activating town groups in cottage areas and the rock right, the rock is central government has less control and alongside the pa, cosigning products where the impact cosign government has less is less govern. partially because bancwest on has is focused on india and, and also like concert has problems we have found us on the border. porter is a problem with their many focus on these. we come to running for economic has wreck economic because i cannot make problems. there's a, there's a long, large pa, cosigning community alongside the border of the saying, mr. mirandi, the israel has groups that it controls on the border between iran and pockets on that it can off the computer. so then yes,
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as well does start fun elements of isis. it does, it hasn't fund elements within the courage step for those groups. and it does fun. and j sort of had before a judge on how it was also funded by a countries in the persian gulf of some countries. but that's ended. and i just and visual and both our hobby groups that the funding has ended, there is nothing coming from any of the country and the persian gulf region anymore . as far as i know. okay, let me put really what you will say. yeah. let me put what you're saying to mr. rashid. what do you think of what mr. mirandi is saying that as well, funds groups including jewish, all the other and that they are acting on the hospice as well. and that's pockets. don doesn't have control of the security in below just on is, is that true, despise for those hassan being one that's not the most militarized regions and
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pocket style. a well says me here, but at this time it has become extremely i'm going to try is because we didn't the below to community there. uh, extreme is entire as to the states is trying to wipe up. now that the, the problem is that um, what you may need at the moment um, because both governments ely and bikes done me to attempt same kind of peace and reconciliation with their own population. i'm not seeing the tool for many years. we haven't seen that being said, you'll see in box on has been going on for nearly 50 years in the wrong it's, it's something similar to bringing this to an end isn't it cannot be left to be as rarely use or the americans or anyone else. it has to be the local governments, have to empower their own people and, and taking kindly development of such things so that the young people do not head towards the militant green road. and miss low to mr. randy is saying that one of
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the reasons that's below just on a so on the developed is because of american sanctions is that's the only reason below just on has minimal riches. it has gold and sink, and oil and gas it provides around to half of the countries of pockets don's energy needs. and yet something like half of it cities don't have access to the natural gas as well. i think there have been problems up under development in brazil just on there's no question about that, but the focus on a federal government has been trying in recent years to address that issue. but what has not showed up is of course focus of gravy economic crisis, which is next. the country gosh strapped. so i think there are many dimensions to this issue. but i do think this suggestion that focus on does not have control or below just on. i think it's preposterous. of course it has control of the but it
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would just on but what it is struggling against all the do with these of secondary risk groups. and that's not unusual uh, along this border with it on as i said, both countries have had complaints made complaints to each other about the presence of middleton groups on either side of the border. and i think that is what focused on has been trying to respond to. but if we look at the current situation, i think there is a need, as i said before, for de escalation between focus on and to be wrong after all. and as i said before, these 2 countries had been in cooling relations in recent years. in fact, after the so the iranian dropped or small, which as you know, it was mediated by china. there was advance foot in activity diplomatic activity between pet on and this down by then we'd seen in fact an intensification of efforts to improve trade relations between the 2 countries. now you know all of that now is going to take
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a backseat until the 2 countries are able to re engage. remember, one thing, the 2 countries have not suspended diplomatic relations. they recall that investors from each of those capital activity bucks. i was the one that did that 1st, but diplomatic relations have not been suspended. and this to there is room, i think for diplomatic, this diplomatic space. there's room for the 2 countries to re engage once temper has come down once the temperature comes down and i think that's what needs to be done as a bucket son, it's crucial ization to the relationship with ron football, consent as being a strategic combustion for obvious reasons because both his daughter has trouble with both of those with india as well as with the fondest, done, and therefore to have a normal stable relationship with the b. ron had been to park most of buttons with docusign and remains so. so what i think is really perplexing and it defies or logic is why iran chose at this point in time to carry out the strikes,
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not just against my country, but i'm also against it, syria and iraq. another time, when did ron had managed to come out? if it's diplomatic isolation, it seems to have been, you know, walking back into this uh, isolation in the region. well, let's put that question to mr. mirandi around. certainly being very busy over the last few days strikes in iraq on what it says isn't, is really spy base and kurdish iraq and been it also carried out attacks and syria . it said on groups that are linked to iso and who are responsible for the attack and came on 2 weeks ago. can iran afford to be facing on another front? are probably wrong, does not fighting august. i'm, but i'll get to that in, in a moment. the strike on syria was not on territory helped by the syrian government . it was out of the territory is held by a terrace groups. it wasn't until august on his stomach party which has members
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from china, central asia, and it's a, it's very closely associated with isaac's. so the 10 government for it definitely be unhappy with the money is carried out. debit packed in cornish iraq. and this is an old problem, and iran has carried out and strikes before, and it's no secret that they're a terrorist space has their international media. does documentary is on. if they go to those bases, they need the members of those tara groups, and they often western media glorify or highest them. so what's going on in northern iraq is there's no, there's no controversy about it with regards to what happened with pockets on uh as the previous guess. right. you said there was, there was a delegation in pockets on the ryans, we're not planning an attack. what happened was, as you know, we kind of series,
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apparently the tax knew the pockets on the border. and when in 1100 people were killed, that was of course, as the set of most, probably israel, a different group. but they came in through cock this time. not that the pockets down to come around. it is. yeah, by the extra disappointing finish. the final point of this group was about j shortly as it was about to carry out another strike that gathered in their 2 bases . they were bound to leave towards the border. the writings had 30 minutes to make a decision. the people in the field made that decision that we have to prevent this attack, otherwise it will be in, at the average the government has in collections and a few weeks for problem entry elections. and people are very angry with the government. the name allowed a 100 people that danielle watch, the people were killed into their minds. 11 soldiers were killed alongside the corridor 3 weeks ago. so they made that decision. it was a tough call. and but i think hopefully now the running government and the buckets
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on the government will have to sit down together really find a solution. ok. or they have to create a structure. so the terrace of smuggling terrorism and smuggling will come to that out there. and certainly both countries say that they don't want an escalation listed as she could. how much do you think of both countries play into the domestic audience? domestic precious here with these attacks, mr. randi mentioned himself, the elections that are coming up in a, in ron b, ronnie and public is not happy about the worst attack on iranian territory. the one in combined 2 weeks ago since the founding of these alignment for public and 1979, there was an election general election coming up in pocket style next month to i do think that this is a very important factor that is also be missed out on the both countries here on fox the uh, facing the same. yeah. in the account to terrorism policies so far, pockets on his face with terrorism. not as timberly to sun,
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but not small in the northwest frontier province where it pays about playing a good ttp, which is a bucks dining tally binding. true, that is organized in atlanta is done across the board and. busy into the tax inside focus and the wrong i had that as bait of a terrorist attacks the recently with, with new numerous people calling out various a various people being accused of being a helping them all of the fact to both countries have not been successful. so far, and yes it is, it's appreciate to say this, but it is, and it has to be said that one way that they can die. but domestic attention on the eve of windows of elections and divert to domestic attention to precisely and include the fact that they are not winning the. busy or against
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terrorism, and i think it's a very important fact to find here until governments and certainly governments of control of the region and the areas. but they don't have control in winning the war against terrorism that continues like hassan has been yeah, believe it in this aspect for re long time. thing back to the soviet invasion of a gun. it's done. and the flatter refugees that came across that. so you're on time focused on and i've got a similar problem which then not yet be able to tackle jointly in a, in the, in a, in a more friendly moment. all right, a miss lower the, we have a runs revolution regard saying that it will launch large scale military exercises in the country, se nearby focused on do you think as long as i could see this as a provocation following these attacks?
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you know, i think it's all about is reassured that once it has taken the action that it is digging, it was beam the deterring, any further strikes by iran. and in fact, focused on stripe into iran was also designed to signal to any other country which may have contemplate similar direction and tried to come into bucket signing that entry. so i think a box on is, there's quite confident, but what it has done and it has done it in a very measured way in a very proportionate way. but i do want to respond to what emma just said about. the sun ended on having similar problems. i think the con weeks 2 countries move dissimilar in how they have confronted some of the domestic issues. we in boxes, i do have an election. but that doesn't mean that the action box on took was meant to divert attention away from the election. quite the country. because i didn't stop this fight. it was initiated by as long as you, when know
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a and football consent to take the position that it did. and then to strike, i think was also designed to show the different job taught. the focus of ami was preoccupied with the election duties which of course evictions are only 2 and a half weeks away when they were mistaken. and the signal was very much the don't underestimate, focused on the ability and the means that it has to retaliate and retaliated did. but as i said before, focus on does not wish to inflame the situation. that is okay to de escalate. and i think we will see efforts towards de escalation in the coming days. okay. mr. barometer. think that ron has got that signal. you said that this attack was carried out because they had information that they had half now to act on. what if they receive information again, that these groups occur planning another attack isn't going to risk inflaming the relationship with pakistan again at this point? well, i think 1st of all, we shouldn't misread the situation. the fact is that
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a 100 iranians were account and they were all innocent civilians and they went as families. and many of them were women. many of them were children who died that one and 311 soldiers who were killed alongside the border. they were young man, and we had a series of other showings near the pond cosigning for over the last few weeks. all of them, young man, all of them having families. the running government is responsible for the safety of ordinary writings at the same time the wrong wants to preserve the best of ties with congress on the 2 countries have to secure the border upon cosigned past to do more to secure inside the border. iranians have to pockets on, in that regard. hopefully this will not be necessary. any maneuvers in the
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southeast that'd be run are in order to make sure that that areas sharon has nothing to do with the pockets time government. i think the 3rd parties that have a me that have a vested interest in creating their vision dimensions between them. you're out of pocket sign and people make it emotional. but the fact is that the bond between the wrong and pocket sign is very strong. and then as a terrorist will not be able to and their bankers will not be able to create it, divide, distract attention from gods. and this to the shade. when mr. miranda talks about how the 2 countries have to work together to secure this border. it's a 900 kilometer long border, very mountainous, very porous. busy how can they do that? something that they haven't been able to do yet, as well as i say, i think is pretty much you want to be able to say, even talk about the go to in there. so many attentions on the ground, the tension between states, iran and box is done,
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which i hope to get the at least pull down in the next few weeks and months that i had. so both sides come together and deal with this in the diplomatic way. i'm but the i, i go back to what i said originally that i'm the, i'm going to is going to be a more serious um, attempting to look at the deprivation of the below 10 votes either on hand and buck is done and improve the quality of life that they, they have or don't have a demo and you're going to get the s p 's areas. i think they're just done and like to notice from are going to be breeding grounds for terrorism. and what is me is a strategy, a policy which addresses some of the local domestic issues and $10000.00. unfortunately, both countries are on. if i sign appropriately, i'm doing this loading. they're saying that that is something that pot, kasanya government is capable of doing after, you know,
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70 years of people then below interest on slicing progression, which wanted me, you know, i, i think you should, you are completely mistaken in depicting it that way. there are groups there which i thought in sponsored and foreign and supported, which are active, but by no means do they to present the mainstream of below what your opinion. oh yes, focus on does need to address under development didn't go to just sound good. i think if we look at the focus on iran dynamic right now, i think there is, let's not forget that there has been intelligence cooperation between the 2 countries on dealing with dice. so both countries have a lot to lose. if this, if the tensions continue. so i think we are going to, i mean i, at least it's my hope that we will see not just the escalation, but a serious effort by both sides. do we agree on the kind of border management that addresses the security concerns of both countries?
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or i suppose miranda does law say we don't have very long left in the program. china is a close ally. both countries is urging was trying to see china playing a role in here or is it not necessary? and i'm trying to click play a role. i mean perhaps since, as from your previous guess, pointed out that cosign has economic difficulties, perhaps china, but their own interests could help. uh. ready to part of the border infrastructure to protect the borders and helps prevent terrorism into my feelings. but i think that one kind of read says, this is true. iran for example, has trying to develop the country it's. it's a somewhat less meaning country. anyway. anyone has been under sanction, some of the, as i said, some of the projects went with pockets on i've been gone. right. so is that the americans belong to the economic the economy. it has struggled in both the running pockets on how to do more. right. mr. miranda ations,
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you need to define the primes, i'll feel better in gauge of society. mr. morality. thank you very much for that. i'm afraid we're running out of run out of time, but thank you to all of i guess with the machine in the hor, lee. hello the and as long above and mohammed the randi, in my shop, and thank you to for watching, you can see the program again any time by visiting our website on to 0, dot com and prefer the discussion to go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a inside story. you can also join the conversation on x. a handle is at a inside story from me, elizabeth put on and the whole team here, bye for now. the we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others
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can know as far as, as to what i'm going on. the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the or the not the nice have is really a tax and you guys are kills 25 by list. any ins, hospitals are full of injured people, the enrollment center. this is obviously the life from dell. i'm also coming up. they want them to bend down and execute them. they killed them all somebody's palestinians and gaza accuse the israeli army of committing walk.


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