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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 19, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the hello and robot this, and this is the news on life from don't coming up in the next 60. the things of chaos inside garza's over whelmed
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hospitals. officer is ready strikes it. palestinian homes, dozens of being killed. families are searching to rubble for survivors. they want them to bend down and executes them to killed them. testimonies from palestinians in guys i accuse these really army of commission, illegal executions. fives if you have my name is protest, it gives you assets strikes as compete. levels claim a new attack against an american on shipping the gulf of 8, revising, ghost hunters in southern loving on thousands, free their homes as far as the escalates between us. paula and is ready for the audience full. it's no big deal cuz it should state on close to when a reco breaking 25th grand slam, single final joke of which is through to around for the all strong you know, finish the song, gets a little 11th temperature when the
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is just passed, 13 gmc that's 3 pm in gaza, where there's really a tax on different parts of the stripe of killed at least $25.00 people in con eunice, at least 13 people have been killed and is ready bombing while a dozen died and strikes in gaza. city name heard reports from rough gauze. the 2nd biggest city han unit, one of the areas where israel is concentrating. it's offensive industries more than a dozen palestinians killed during the latest artillery selling further south. and roughly more residential blocks have again come under attack. coming dozens of people and traveling more beneath the rubble of their homes and stuff. we also think that would encourage members keeping when my family woke up to the sound of the explosion, i didn't know what had happened until my sister told me. she said, our front of the house was hit by a strike. and one of those inside to,
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to where could 710 people, my sister in law and her children, her mother and sisters, all of them, no one from the family, survive young with the war into it's 4 months. a then supplies are trickling into some parts that are too late for me. in the u. n. c's only a few of a 22 medical facilities remain operational in central and southern guns, leaving those in need, begging for health. but the doctors do whatever they called. so i can have my face, but i want to go back home, be with my husband and daughters in the north of district, a search for the bodies of family members killed in an air strike while live in hell and most of the trying as much as we can to recover people under the rubble thermal, the nice people here. this is the house of my sister. she was hosting my brother and his family, and my other brother was also with them. these relatives bummed to the house
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without any warning and killed them all. we live and witness sadness every day. they must be very dead, bodies must have decomposed, but we will hug that bones. and there is little dignity in gaza, even for the dead. and those who have been there this cemetery was desecrated by these really bold dozer. officials say they were searching for some of the bodies of his regularly captives held in gauze. for more than a week, there have been no internet or phone services across the gaza strip. the blackout has got families off from each other. it has also slowed the process of getting a nearly 2000000 displaced policy and who can go no further south in their desperate search for safety. honda is joining us now live from rough. i in southern garza, these are only just a couple of the attacks that have been happening over the last 2448 hours talk us
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through what else has been going on. 100 useful and 10 cereals at bombing campaign continues to pound across the gauze district really concentrated right now in gauze, on the central area where more, 2 more people reported killed the ride the ship hospital. and for more, we're looking at the z. in fact, i'm getting right to an update right now, 7 more and of the my as the records you can arrive to a lot of the hospital and subaru, other injuries in the records, you can multiple injuries. they're also reported to the hospital. it's important to point out a survey ask that is not a functioning hill facility. it just people have the furnace within the past few weeks. right out there was a storm then pushed out of service into study evacuation center. people have been shouldering inside the facilities for the past 4 months and a half an hour more than this time. but the fact that there, there is
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a few of the medical is stop in the hospital, but they don't offer any medical treatment or, or intervention. do any of the injuries that arrived at the hospital or just putting the risk of injuries for arrived at that facility, a trip in the central area. there's a tsunami of injuries that have been channeled into a lot. so hospital, they were looking at a very overwhelmed health facility right now with people literally on the floor of the hospital waiting for a medical staff to intervene and to save them. and that's what we're seeing, an increased number of casualties increase number of those who are dying because not only they're injured, but also they don't get there. and that's a 30 minute goes and the intervention needed to, to save them in hon. you and as the situations are not better at all, we were looking at cereals in tens aerial bombardment. and throughout the nights during the hours of this morning, just within the past hour,
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more intense artillery sitting within the vicinity of not the hospitals and all the main roads leading to its gave them that these really times pushed deeper during the night and have been stationing there for the past, the hours a we don't know what's going to happen next, but all day and occasions pointed out not there. hospitalized these are getting the closer. they might be store minute within the couple hours or overnight we're waiting for more updates to come. but most of the people who evacuated in the hospital. 2 i've already left for the exception of those who don't have any place to go and just still seeking safety inside the hospital. honey, thank you very much. indeed, we're going to be keeping in touch with you and trying to find out more about what's going on with northside hospital, as you say, is those attacks as start to approach within the next few hours, finding out more in draw. so thank you very much indeed guys not into its 8th consecutive day without the internet and phone service is the longest
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communications blackouts since the war are corresponded and also by reports from dental gala in the central gaza. for more than a week now, the gaza strip has been disconnected from the world's 7 days without internet, without calls, without withdrawing from the bank. here we're front of the bank. the policy didn't bank where you are merely. this area is filled with hundreds of people trying to withdraw money because people in classes, trip loss or jobs for more than 3 months now they have not been working. and the only way they depend is on the money transferred from their family road and so on. here also, the bank provides people with internet and people normally sit here and call their family from abroad. call each other a call people in the another in areas in the southern areas. but for the 1st time it stays for 7 days more than 7 days. this is walter 1st telecommunications
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blackouts on the cause of the trip. it has been the 5th, but it's this long. and according to past the policy and telecommunications company, they set the stage tents 2 of their team workers to fix the problem. but they were killed by the horses, according to the palestinians. they told us that this is another type of torture, not being able to call your beloved ones and not being able to reach the ambulances . because if anything surrounding your house happened during the air strikes, palestinians believe that is right, has been losing a lot on them. and life has been very challenging as people are still with missing displacement, homelessness, and starvation. this is betty from out for out to 0. or is there any forces of rated several villages across the occupied westbank fighting has been reported between these very ami and palestinians in the village of bait, fully and number. this is very soldiers. also,
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strong village is best for him. 2 of us call k. yeah, i knew ramona is very voices have withdrawn from to come out and after nearly 44 hours, thousands upon us, the news which dropped in the homes during the raid at least 8 people were killed in dozens. what are arrested honda about coming to install them and she's seen the extensive damage to infrastructure on homes caused by his really forces. certainly it is a scene of the station and the total current refugee camp. we can see the rubble dust here behind me. and we've been down this road uh through the narrow alleys. and every way we go, we see exactly the same thing. roads that have been torn off the business is destroys, how's the stores causburn's? it's absolutely everywhere. the level of the station in this camp is something i have not seen in other times where there was similar long rays in everyone. i spoke
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to said that this is really a 1st that ever since october 7th, where he has, there has been destruction. is that the occupation forces came with their bulldozers and made some damage, but that each ray that damage increases and increases for the according to the red crescent that was here on the ground throughout the morning. well, they say that there's at least a 100 buildings inside this guy that have been either destroyed or partially damaged. so certainly putting a lot of pressure on those who live here of us as long as to another series of various strikes. again, this was the rebels in yemen, as despite the washington acknowledging that his strikes have failed to stop with the forces attacking red sea shipping and official reports. america and just partners are stepping up attacks and yemen insist it has successfully targeted the missile launch sites. but from the president, a stock, perhaps even
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a shocking mission. it's doing little good. the the who these that being targeting international shipping in the red sea since november a response the claim to israel's warning doesn't. but many of the targets of new link to israel or the us and the by the administration has been wanted about a way to regional conflict, spilling out of gas. it was several attacks. and the last few days of pentagon spokeswoman denied, they were no fighting a new war. we don't seek or regional conflict. we don't want to see a regional conflict. and we certainly don't want what's happening in gaza to spill out into a larger regional or wider scale, or the who is these leaders says the us let the tax director sold on the people of yemen. and he says, he considers it on on to be in direct confrontation with alex america with video vanya,
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the issue that american britain have joined the word directly. and then we are now in direct confrontation with the americans, british and israelis does not scare us at all. elsewhere the us is once again reiterated. it sees a 2 state solution as long to answer in the region, preempting comments by israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu essentially ruling out the idea of well, he's in charge. there is no way to solve their long term challenges to provide less than security. and there is no way to, to solve the short term challenges of rebuilding gaza and establishing governance and gaza and providing security for guys it without the, the establishment of a palestinian state. there will be frustration in washington that these really prime minister has essentially ruled out the idea of an independent palestine. and joe biden will come under pressure to make that frustration clear for once very public. i was for sure, i'll just either washington or you in human rights. officials accused israel of
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humiliating palestinian detainees in gaza. he says pablo standing and prisoners were beaten, blind folded, and dressed in diapers. these are meant or detained by the strain. the security forces in unknown locations, but between 30 to 55 days. they describe being beaten, schumann needed subject to eat in treatment and toward me i want to touch it. they reported being blank for that for long periods. some of them for several consecutive days. one month said you had access to a shower, only one student because $55.00 days in detention. then all of the posts of men was subsequently released, but only in diapers, without any adequate clothing in this quarter by the thousands of people to be marching in. yeah, my name protest against us and british air strikes on who's the levels in the country. these are pictures from the capital. so now crowds are also condemning
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israel's water and gaza. i'm calling for the cx 5. the us as being targeting iran box cruising synced onto began attacking vessels in the website. but it says a link to israel on thursday with the officials that they were targeted on american ship. but what i'll just say there's more coming to alaska is in. so now he's been out those protest and we can see some of the people who've been gathering for the protests behind you. there. mohammed, meanwhile, of course jerry, who's the attacks and shipping are still going on. uh yes, uh the 10s of thousands of you have any them astray this i've taken to the southern and square to find space and a proud as to called uh, we asked that fast besides our brothers and guys on palestine. and also the us is the mother of tourism. this uh, slogan, has been, uh this uh, the has been designated off of the us. so washington has, uh,
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once again puts um, so a lot of these and the list of filters to groups in the world. so these to put this there is that have taken to the states both to show the sub pods to their brothers and thought a send them to the now is the ongoing must seka and genocide committed by is there like in, is there a brother's and father's side, and also to show this up for to the ongoing operations carried out by, uh oh these uh, and the rates. see, they say this, the least that this group could do in order to put the price uh, all of those rates to stop its ongoing for um guys and also to lift its blockade on the people of guys that to allow medicine food to answer to the people because oh, what we need is most the, the story this, i've chatted slow because they said that the all and supported by the side is by
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don't going and ways that had been carried out by it was shunted on different uh, parts of. yeah. but they say that the, these uh, base x rays or the threats that are being made by the us in order to prevent the whole of these, from the carrying out their operations. the roots say the students prevent this group from the cutting out this the pressure, and so their demands met the, the mystery. there's also attended slogans that the say that the u. s. a is behind the ongoing force that has been carried out again, is there against the admin? says the beginning of 9 to 2016. they say that the, the us is the beginning of those of the bottom. and so the categories of the structure. so they are also calling the rules to do something serious in order to
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vote and, and to the palestinians a suffering the, the yeah, is really a cutter. the raise the most of luck. a interesting watching some of the pictures from sonata as you've been talking to is mohammed then they that is whether a problem. anything else seems very, very for despite that, of course, because it seems very large indeed. obviously there's more coming to a lot of talking to these forms and i thank you very much. indeed. a human rights organizations were gathering testimonies from palestinians in gaza. say there's increasing evidence of war crimes being committed by the is really ami. i'll just say that has obtained exclusive pictures on the witness accounts from members of one family. they say at least 19 civilians were executed by israeli soldiers on december, the 19th child stratford has more. and some of you might be distressed by the images in this report. the ruins have gone to city
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destruction. dex sound. nobody's really military drugs above the more accumulations of war crimes committed by these really all me. the stay is lead to an apartment of a family home, bullet cartridges broken from the band and belongings. walls and flows covered in blood. the whole day can never forget the vip zillow foxes, lot in the tanks and boulders is surrounded. the building shells are being hay in the building for days, the situation was desperate. on the 19th of december israeli soldiers entered the
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building. they smashed and our apartment to my husband, opened it and told them we were all civilians, flats, and home. and the notion of the money and mother took them to another apartment. i folded them pleading wisdom to let them go. because we were all civilians. there were no members of the resistance. you know, the whole full grass numbers up for long again, the color didn't, they beat me and my daughters, they put us women in one place and threatened us with guns and knives. they made of strips. they searched us, insulting us, and using the most terrible words they took our names and filmed us, make up the store was massy on the 19 men in this building. they killed. my husband was one of them. they owe them to bend down and execute them. they killed them all these pictures obtained exclusively biologist era with shot just al is off to the events all day describes the bodies of main entry holes of bullets in
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the back. oh, hamlet tow the but the last, the last one more days. daughter says when the killings have been carried out, show still defeating the bill of the game that i should faced exhausted in skate. she holds the tiny, sure one by her 3 year old sister, another who died in her arms to the family shelters in the dog, cold room in the children's day clothes go, lays wounded on the floor. there was little food except soup to eat. at the law as the hand, when the settler had locked on, the soldiers came in and separated the women and the children from the men. they kept us in decision room while the excuse of demand outside was holding my sister in my arms. then the shell and resumed that it was hit. she made some self noises. she ask for some water. i thought she was crying,
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but she was dying. shrapnel has entered her head, eyes and neck notices. my sister tried to carry the body, but she fell from her arms at the door. not his eyes was still open as she passed away the wounds to have to show to show a young family broken by the hara these riley armies killing an destruction in the gaza strip. and knowing it's likely that no one will ever be tried for what they soul and the pain they continue to endure child stuff, which is 0. i'm going to bring it until the cabman is an international human rights lawyer and he's joining his life from london. thank you very much indeed for being with us. i know you've had a chance to watch charles's reports clearly some hadaway pictures that we've been seeing and there in your assessment with that qualify as war crimes.
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thank you. so based on what we see and based on the, the testimonial, all the survivors or the witnesses, it would be um, so a sufficient basis for renewal crimes allegation what it wouldn't pay as is that the individual in question was detained, stripped beats, and possibly even interrogated and then summary executed and the couples would cost you will crime, regardless of whether they are on the sites. it is also williams and essentially it would appear that they were civilians, the family that charles was talking to in his report. at the very end of his report, the said that they are concerned that nobody is ever going to be brought to trial for the crimes that they say that they have witnessed in your experience. how difficult is it to bring an action of war crimes based on the supposed i executions likes this against either
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a group or particularly individuals of what we've seen of executions such as this before. certainly that was a several years back. a group called a school cans and so because it had to some early executed by a number of civilians. and of course, what kinds of challenges were brought and people were held accountable. i mean, i, i completely synthesize with, with the, with the victims and the survivors have lost family members because we've done nothing for full positive news for 4 generations. and, and so there is this sense that nothing will happen. i think we're looking at a very different situation now, and i think what we're seeing the evidence being recorded in real time and even is really soldiers storming themselves. committing crime means that there is now increasingly a sufficient basis for individuals to be charged for nothing. individuals wouldn't
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be charged any event that individuals are not charged. and the reason i ask is that i would imagine that many of that much of the evidence makes it can make it very difficult to identify individuals actually carrying out crimes. if it is held that a group is responsible rather than individuals. is it possible to bring actions against that group and if it is what kind of punishment would that group face? and so, i mean, intellectually, when we talked about criminal justice, we talked about individual criminal responsibility. and so there, there, so there are some, there are, there are 2 things that we need to look at. first of all, there's um, whether these are proceedings pro before the internal criminal court be brought before another court on the universal jurisdiction that would only go against individuals for some criminal conduct. you can't prosecute a group much as some countries i've tried in the past. but window for an individual
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criminal responsibility. but the circumstances where you cannot identify the actual individuals generally what you would have military records. and we noticed that the idea is, is a very, very bureaucratic, well documented process. and so you will be able to identify which particular unit tanya has gone for particular area. and even if you can't identify the individuals who are responsible, you may be able to bring charges against to come on this festival for funding to prevent such acts or failing to punish those responsible. so the come on this, all those units ultimately can be held responsible. but certainly when we, when we talking about the criminal actions, then then we have to think of individual criminal responsibilities. no collective responsibility. um, i know that tab and various agencies have been trying to collect uh, evidence of actions like this,
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both on the side on the cookies and also on the side of the is really military. what is the process just briefly if you don't mind for bringing that or collecting that evidence, i'm presenting it to something like the international court of justice. so so when, when we looked at the 2 different legal processes that we have, the international criminal court, which is obviously full criminal responsibility, then we have the court of justice which is full state responsibilities that are holding these records back to us. as we now know, this is the action brought by by south africa is holding israel fibers on both. ready full french breaches of the genocide convention base the, the internal court of justice will not be looking at whether there's a war, crimes of crimes against humanity but, but whether the, the, the genocide convention has been impression. so by what fading to prevent the
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genocide all by the conduct be an active genocide. but when we talk red criminal responsibility at the international criminal court, there is a process by which evidence can be presented to the prosecutor in what's called an article 15 communications. so a legal submission with evidence requesting the prosecute to an investigation. we also have the situation separately in the united kingdom. the metropolitan police has now opened up a process where evidence can be presented to the metropolitan police for potentially bringing charges against individuals in this country. whether they operate nationals or whether they are. is there any officials who previous in this country can be arrested in prostitute? so, so that there isn't price as the cost, the evidence has to be properly documented. we're not talking bad. human rights monitoring to pull us we talking about evidence that would stand up to a criminal stand it too because we appreciate it. thank you very much indeed for
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being with us. thank you. thank very much it's time for the other. here's everson. hello. the weather is pretty quiet now across the good parts of the middle east. had a few spots of frank here in the hall on the thursday evening, but still nothing too much to speak of. some shadow was echo southern end of the red se a repeat performance as we go on into sundays exhibit a fine and dry by the windsor using just around the golf and t back 24 celsius here in doha. then further north, as you can see now destroyed by them until we get up towards the black sea just around tech, a, some very wet weather as and when she was just coming in across the boss for us, there was a, some shower so, so just sliding the way to was cyprus, by the time because this sunday went to weather to coming into west and syria, and maybe back down into 11 on south is that it stays loud. she tried. you can follow that dry weather because northern parts of africa are few showers just around coastal fringes of algae area. 20 full sales research. i believe we got a southerly wind in place. come sunday flips around in the middle of late to 17
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degrees. you may well notice that change in conditions here, then by yourselves. meanwhile, across the central parts of africa, some really heavy writers spilled its way out to south africa is nothing further north with northern areas of the mesa and big pushing into southern times of the sinks in big down pulls that could cause some flooding. and it really wraps up by the time we come to monday. the still ahead and i'll just say the calling for an immediate cease fire in guns are leaders of the was largest grouping of states off to the united nations novice israel's want. we're going to be a life and the summit from pon, pon and sports for here from livable manager and jump in club. i just, one of the clubs, key players who's on injured the, after a couple of nations, the vague, i mean, the artificial intelligence is altering the political landscape. how can we,
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as humans, trust you, the machines trust is and not even as a develops it becomes more powerful. i believe it's important to build trust through transparency is communication between humans and machines. but do we know that you're not going to lie to us? no one can ever know that for sure, people in power investigates a i n democracy on a jersey to the latest news. as it breaks the word one over a 100 states has left many feeling life. you will never end with in depth reports many saying that is no victory until all the cups is about to the prize. even it's not mean an immediate and from the heart of the story, palestinians here say destruction caused by is really forces is a form of collective punishment. and the israel is attempting to turn them against the resist the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the fortune all does it a reminder of ourselves. so is this our, israel's continuous various types of killed of these $25.00 products screenings across the gauze and strip the bombings, targeted residential areas and songs, if you fun units, and the guys and city fives. and so people in yemen that'd be marching across the country to protest us and british air strikes against the hoop is on thursday, the run by groups that they attacked to us shipping a gulf of a is there any forces or conducting raids and several villages across the occupied west by the reports of fighting between the israeli army and how the citizens and the village of bags for in numbers turn into some other world news, not
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a pocket stands. national security council meeting and the capital is slow. i'm about to discuss tensions with the wrong on thursday. it's not a bad cabinet. i was attacks against where it says, where bases of about last step, which is in iran, at least 9 people, including women and children, were killed. and that's after 2 people died in, in a rainy instruction packet stands. but i'll just on province on tuesday to hong says it was to augustine and on group fighting for the rights of a sunny minority inside iran. the correspondence of following the story from both a ron unpackaged on in a moment and we're going to hear from vessel set out into our front. first. let's go to our some of age of 8 in islam of us. so are some of the care take a p. m apartment, cut short and visit to the world economic forum and demos to deal with these strikes that we're talking about. the me security meeting has been going on. what can we expect from the that the, for what's been happening in the last few days is if not extraordinary, then extremely that,
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that these 2 countries have been happy each other with using their military might with drones the fight tickets and rockets have been used to strike each of this 3rd fees and that's why the k take 5 minutes are focused on the cocker cup toward his visit and has been sharing the leasing of the national security council with the hobbies between all over his diplomatic team in the country as well as all services, including the army, navy, and air force, deliberating on how to go forward next in the last 24 hours. there being a number of diplomatic developments as well with both sides, have signal more diplomatic and diplomatic, measured responses towards each other. this being more communications between the by cosigning, the raining and the turkish foreign minister for veterans. if i could find new methods, events that it does not want to escalate this any further. and this has been sort of the case from huron is velvet. both sides seem to be scaling back on what we've been seeing in the last 48 hours as both the cues. each of the,
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of us both accused terrorist groups to be operating from each of the soil and say that there's that distinguish men between the progress on the government and those service groups. that if i could find on the spot to think that it's considered as a, it's a sovereignty and then freeman's office, his face as a red line in the globe, move me to put forth wherever it comes from. but i'm of this who read between speaking to say that the worst might be over as they feel that this was signaling from him on. not just the words focused on, but further the of the vin size and the tension in gaza goes forwards and run back and munitions of fighting 11 on in syria in iraq. and some see that this accept the latest episode and focus on is a consequence of that event. but as, unless have been telling us that the worst might be over the sound of thanks very much. that's the sound of inch of it. in this one, the bible griffin, universal sort of who's in the front. so somebody was just saying that it seems to be
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a flight of diplomatic efforts to try to defuse the situation. and yet around may have also been trying to create some sort of signal to other parts of the region or other parts of the world for that not for that matter, with the actions that 8 to one, all the reactions from iran. and what's the mood like there as well? the moves here is all about the de escalation. so there has been a statement released by the reading and for the ministry is saying that it's iran condemns the pakistani attacks on its soil. however, it says that there's wanting to apply because you're on the, at the same time that here's the policy of good. the name of them is an brother who is between the 2 nations. and also he says, you run with not load the animal. he's just the train me couple and brought the live relations between a tip run and as i'm about so here the rental officials believe that there are some enemies, extra or no x there is worth trying to strange relations between his mom about and to run. so that parent little estimator,
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statement came from the writing for the minister. i mean, after law he on previously, he said that we have called with a visual adler but not packaged study. so the writing for the minister is making it could be a distinction. so now that they have not target this pakistanis or pack is done the so target was an anti you run, you separate, it is google traditional avenue, and that's why it was a track to the national security. they have specifically just targeted that and also it is another time to buy the new officials to diffuse, detach them. and he also went on and seeing that you want respect the territorial integrity of sovereignty off pakistan. so the similar statements are coming from peg started sides as well. the pakistan advocacy intent, ron has just shared the post on the social platform x and seeing that pakistan has always to the by you run to obtain cooperation and mutual trust between the 2. bradley, countries in a complex regional environment is critical for peace and stability. and the attack
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is done resolutely stands for each values to promote peace, the ability and that will open. and so when you look at all of the, steve was coming from both sides. the language that is being to use the phone that is being used, that the emphasize on the good, the good point is to have the need unless and the brotherhood is full time. but the about, the de escalation is so clear that both sides do not want to further escalate distribution here. talking to them to occur on that's russell set. all right, so thank you very much. i the leaders of what's called the non aligned movement countries of the non israels water and gaza and demanded an immediate cease fire that meeting. and you've done this capital to discuss global challenges in israel's water and gaza is high on the agenda. the group is funded to advance the interest of developing countries as well as largest grouping of states off to the united nations. catherine, sorry reports from kampala getting express,
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my global pensions you when reforms and other issues pop. the agenda at the see is non online movement, or number representatives from a 120 countries are here to, for a great to say in international affairs. when number was phone with the private, there was a decor and my vision which was achieved now. well, you know, none of the movement concept does not mean you try to doesn't mean you try to know what these countries are doing is what we are trying to define that. but that you cannot, in the middle of the heart of discussions is the war between east awhile and palestine . foreign ministers adopted our resolution calling for a ceasefire and unheeded humanitarian assistance for palestinians. they also support the ongoing genocide case against as well as the international court of justice. the appointment is the struggles to find the right language to address the
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killings in gaza. but i agree that genocide is now a legal mata that needs to be decided by the international court of justice. kind of damian representatives will do this assignment of solidarity in light of the global situation on what's happening in ukraine. and the 5 by the big guys and in light of the aggression against our people, and more or less exposing the dublin, send them over the wes now is have, is that a part of unity no. to play at lead enrolled after the united nations nom is the largest quality sion of states worldwide. delegates here say it's a pa for block was boyce cannot be ignored. kathy saw alta 0 come by law. and this is, yvonne is joining us now from come paula. so just as catherine is saying that the agenda has been covering a lot of stuff. clearly garza and the warren guys are towards the top of the the yes,
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that's correct. it's been a very busy day here. the you got the president to you where even serena he has taken over as chair off know for the next 3 years and he spent some time addressing the heads of state that have gathered here. we also have been hearing from a number of high ranking officials, including the if you pin prime minister of the outlines. of course, that is a topic that is very much at the top of the discussion here at the deteriorating political relationship between issue in somalia as a result of in memorandum of understanding. if you open government signed with officials in small the land and not gone through the central government, but with the issue that costs a lot of problems between the 2 countries in terms of the relationship at the if you open prime minister took to the social media account to defend his position saying that he was looking out for the interest of his own country. that issue of p a is
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a land locked country and it getting access to the port in somalia. that is something that is very important for sustaining countries. developments the officials we spoke through here from the central government and nobody should see this issue very definitely. they say this is an attack on the countries integrity and sovereignty. so we're expecting a more to come on that in the next 24 hours as the summit wraps up on saturday. the other issue, of course, is the palestinian issue and we've been speaking to the south african foreign minister as she talks about how her government has this fear heading this campaign at the international court of justice. and what more they've been asking from officials in that governing body, let's listen into what she have to say. so we have the actual measures important measures to be for 95, the just because we think we need some urgent decisions. so we really a waiting response from the what are the provisional measures really measures that
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we see the grades of protection with the civilian population. that would allow humanitarian aid and boost to see the destruction of public institutions. and the really the huge, huge threats that the ordinary in the sense kind of simeon faces on a daily basis. the summit is that lined up to finish on saturday. we expect the final communicate to be issued a call. this is going to be called the kampala declaration. we've seen drops of it already. we expect not many major changes a reiteration of discovery, this body of it to their goals of basically, furthering independent and solve our nations and helping them achieve their independence and maintaining it. for now, we'll wait for that to come out on saturday. as officials continue to meet in
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kampala door, so thanks very much indeed. just before you go, i'm just seeing a line that's come out saying that the, the libyan presidential cancel head says that libya has no. finally, joining south africa in that case found to the international court of justice over the accusations with israel is conducting genocide in the gaza strip. we're going to try and find out of course more about that. and we're going to bring that to our view as soon as we have it for now. dosage of adding to paula. thank you very much . well, it's as war on guys at the top of the official agenda for business leaders, ministers, i'm heads of state attending the world economic forum and double spots. as israel's bombardment continues, many seem to be avoiding realities on the ground or diplomatic editor james base, reports from dollars. the war and guns loomed large of it. this is gathering of the world economic forum. but at times it seems like the issue very few wanted to talk about. among those who did as well as president is a quote,
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so himself named in the genocide case. currently before the international court of justice in the age. you might think he being damage limitation mode. perhaps not. when you hear this comment about the people of cancer and even every house you'll find, tell equipment. you pull up in a, in a, in a live in a bedroom, you pull up the bed, you'll find the mesa. all those were very careful with the woods, particularly those who still oppose and then meet you see spot. there is a profound opportunity for regionalization in the middle east in the greater middle east that we have not had before. the challenge is realized, we want this conflict and as soon as possible, we don't want to go for a long amendment. but with the necessary, more than a decade ago, the world economic forum setup a youth group called the global shapers, which now operates in over a $150.00 countries. they are raising the alarm about garza and the new york delegate told me she was shocked by the way the conflict was address this week.
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they still expected that given the events of the last $100.00 days, we would see more one more of a humanitarian discussion to that the word gaza would be brought up more. and i don't think it quite has and see i taught that there would be more palestinian voices to balance out the voices that we're hearing from israel. here we go here in devil's world leaders with chewing up to talk very forcefully about the war and ukraine. now it seems different when the global headlines are on the bum, bothered by israel of gauze. there are those countries that are calling for an immediate cease fob, but they're not saying that much here perhaps because they don't want to upset the americans. and then there were those that say, israel still has the right to self defense again, that comments are limited at the time when israel is facing a case in the international court of justice. under the genocide convention,
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james bays al jazeera doubles sizes of people are fed to homes in southern lebanon, his cause motor violence escalates between his ready forces and has the ball. on the heart of reports from ozone in southern 11 southern lebanon's border towns, largely abandoned and devastated an escalating conflict between israel and the lebanese armed group has beloved, has created a defacto buffer zone along the border. several kilometers deep below israel has floated the idea of formalizing the buffer zone, saying it will restore security. what hezbollah says? it will pull back with you. in step is to start, the targeting largely evacuated towns to make northern israel uninhabitable in israel is trying to show it has options to help set the time to the move in a safe way to keep has the law. i'm the resistance away from the file. but it doesn't, it must stop. it's war on garza, i'm deliberate on israel has increased the intensity of it strikes on what it says
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is hezbollah, as military infrastructure in one of the biggest attacks repeatedly hit the strategic valley known to be the lebanese arm groups, main area of operations and the gateway to the countries interior, the as railways appear to also be trying to degrade the infrastructure, the kind of the, the, the capabilities in depth that hezbollah has. why? because i think, and this is true for both sides, that there is at least an expectation for they are preparing, which would be smart for a much wider and open conflict for now, as well as not using its full military capabilities. and what some describe as a balancing act, and there are those who believe isabel is not in a position to start a wider conflict as the cause of war rages. so for the moment is right, it doesn't have really any strategy,
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but to be responding to head for louse at that and create kind of a balance between the headboard. i get that without going any further because it doesn't have a plan. all these capability, these regulatory has said a lot still needs to be done to return residents home as well. strategy may be to use targeted escalation to pressure hezbollah, but the group says this fraud will remain active until as well as hor on garza ends . and while it is unlikely to trigger a large war, it says it is ready to fight without limits. if war breaks out, an all out war may not be eminent. but even though the combat is still largely limited to the border and 2 military targets, this is very much a war center for their osha's, either southern lebanon. the still ahead on all the 0 and sports, the teenager who pulled off an incredible come back to reach the last 16 of the
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history and open on because that story next
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the start of this board here is on the thank you so much for i'll be a big result from the asian cup of rock if just bates and title favorites japan say one to reach the last 16 with a game to sped. japan dominated sing possession throughout this much, but sing. first off, go of some of these signs,
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proving decisive for the 2007 champions. a stoppage sancho from a beautiful star with her and not enough for the highest renting in the tournament . this erect 1st, when i've a japan, emboldened for 2 years, the old house on a secure bass. those points of the totem is a $11.00. draw with the united arab emirates has given the same hope of reaching the last 16 joining as a risk of reports. a loss to iran in the opening match didn't spoil the optimism in palestine funds to came to watch them take home the united arab emirates, hopeful of seeing the team pick up the 1st points at this. asian com is showing the strength is showing the obviously resilience not just on the principle of the pitch as well. and it's important for us to show of support to them. we don't really watch football. i oh, yes, of course. we've come into this country for them. i think they feel the pressure, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. i don't think it's going to help them focus on the task at hand. um, but i think the team is ready and
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a very good. it was the united arab emirates who went in front midway through the 1st health sultan deal rising above his defend to school, the policy and sons today in the sons above the referee, giving a right to, to enroll to play a somebody, and a penalty to tell a sign of a tech va, tennessee. i'm sick to be in people's holidays, so saved it. the son continue to press the 10 menu or e, an early in the 2nd, hopefully post them into a custom state and go from the bottom. that's a, let me close to that and continue just solely to create to, to, to take away that much to be found on
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a wild ride of the policy and support. this will be pleased with the tool is a 1st points of a team at this asian top and it also says that chances of reaching the don't count stage. john industrial sca out is 0 out. you need stadium level manager, you're going clubs says it was a shop to see my habit satellite going down in jude in egypt. i forgot a couple of nations game against gonna fall a pitts injures, hamstrung towards the end of the 1st off it up to visit the upsets as he was supposed to volkoff the much finishing in a 2 to true. and the moment to shock i got was it couldn't see that it was like it but something like this high and tens. and then i'm going down. you have these kind of palm springs res, differently, but just salad. and we all know how, how rally a mold goes off or need to go off. and so there's definitely something that could be crucial to egypt. the chances of reaching the account stages, as thanks drew
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a 2nd strike, gang agent conceded a minutes up to select the field with mohammed crew to score and twice how many mis stuff arresting a point to the 7. so i'm champions leaving a potential must win match against skype, but on monday now jerry has moved the step closest around the 16th to evaluate 5 re coast one mills, a penalty from william trees, a comb proof that difference defeats the highest bleeding then. and so it's in 38, that's because equity through any beat, any boost sales, a lead the way in that group. so the tool unless 1st have tricked since 2008 medium series the months to do it in the full let's see what jordan and this is, tom is saudi arabia has officially come to an end of the signing a deal with i x and t shirts has already become the quickest selling one in the clubs, history. henderson moving to saudi probably. so i'd like to find in july, but he stayed with the team for the 6 months. the foreman of the whole counts and
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joining the ducks club on a 2 and a half. you deal with this side struggling by the usual standards in 5th place to bring you some breaking news. not a swiss prosecutors have confirmed that is where the president, as a castle, has been the subject of criminal complaints during his visit to the world economic forum and doubles diplomatic added to james basses into office is joining us on the phone. in fact from 0 to can james, do we know any more about what these allegations are? we don't know any details rolled of exactly who made the complaint and what exactly they are complaining about. now it's not clear whether they're complaining about anything that he said to join the world economic forum which concluded that 3 hours ago in davos or whether it's about things that he said in the cost or done in the past. remember that the is ray, the president, mr. hutsel has already been named in that course in the international court of justice. in that case, under the genocide convention,
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he was named and these comments that he's made in the past with a pointed to by the team, the south african team that is bringing that case under the genocide convention that the colt i'm the, the judge is in the hague on now, considering it's worth reminding you that president had sold appeared on stage at the world economic forum. and one thought perhaps he would be in damaging imitation . but he made a fresh claims in that, in that hearing saying that in gaza everywhere these riley military go, they find weapons. he said they find me styles on the mattresses. whether it was those sort of come into the lead to fresh complaints of what the complaints were about things. but he said in the past and simply because he was here in switzerland, they were made is not clear. it's james. thank you very much. indeed, the just to bring you up to date that was james bay's,
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our diplomatic correspondent talking to us from zurich about are breaking story switched. prosecutors have confirmed that he's ready, president as that costs heads up as being the subject of criminal complaints during his visit. so the world economic forum, in davos as israel is finding himself accused of committing war crimes in gaza with the case that's being brought to the international court of justice in the hague. by south africa, we're going to be back in a couple of minutes with more and all about i'm robotics and stay with the unique perspective. some people need to see these really moving from pieces of imagery to wake up on heard voices for 2 people. and it's really are sticking up against door right now. if i want to be one of them connect with our community and talking to conversations, you will find elsewhere. he's healthy human noises, but then you know, so i want to go and see, you know,
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as if you were to happen to next to the street on out to 0. on a saturday morning we came to where access to the santa rosa market on the south west coast when it struck, been smugglers got us while we were here, it didn't seem like any one was inspecting the catch the window. isn't that the fish market in santa rosa, i don't see any government officials inspecting or observing one kind of looking fussing because the statement is going to allow for murphy's. i know i use the going ahead that we will. no, i 90 of the month just at least to go 9, not the seen the money today. oh, the business park humor caught a fisherman bringing a hammer head shirt. most of this beast is in danger. he jumped off the head and the body was destined for the pinning pile,
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indistinguishable from the other sharks. her presence at the market quickly became problematic. hearing the facts, have you had any lady says he has the support of 15000 implements as shop economic land asking questions. what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection, refusing for the action? not just give us a sense of what is the target this places out as it was teams across the world. when you closer to the fox of the story, the helps us in god's as hospitals overwhelmed by the injured and these really bombings,
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dozens are killed and finally searched through the rubble for survivors,


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