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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 19, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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is this affordable? 15000 m samantha shaw pick phenomena cloud asking questions. what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection, refusing for the action? not just give us a sense of what is the target this places out as it was teams across the world. when you closer to the fox of the story, the helps us in god's as hospitals overwhelmed by the injured and these really bombings, dozens are killed and finally searched through the rubble for survivors, the life and also coming up. they owe them to bend down and execute them,
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the killed them all testimonies and how the city is in gaza accused these very armies of committing illegal executions. thousands of young men, these protests against us, air strikes that squeaky robins, a new attack against an american own ship in the gulf of a and goes tons in cells and 11 on funds. and this for you, there are homes as fighting escalates, but in terms of all that and is very forces the okay, well, at the beginning in switzerland for prosecutors say criminal complaints have been lodged against present isaac household for israel's war on guys the household has been attending the world economic forum and davosto diplomatic editor james bass is joining us on the phone that from 0 to can james won't mode to be know about these claims. well, the 1st thing to tell you is that yes, president hood,
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so was he or the well, the economic for him which concluded 3 hours ago, he is in switzerland and apples. it's worth saying 1st is that the is riley president, is no longer in switzerland, and he completed his business here and his left the country. it's also, it was saying that this is a criminal complaint which the federal prosecutor's office has confirmed, has been made. there is no finding against these riley presidents at this stage. they'll be an examination. we're told that we take place on the what is the usual procedure here in switzerland? the prosecutor's office is not confirming either who made the complaint or exactly what the complaint is about. now the complaint could be about the fact that there would be previous statements made by these riley president. and he himself was named in the court case pulled by south africa at the international court of justice in the hey,
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he was named specifically in that case. and that what quotations that were right out to the court that would made and statements from these writing a president. um, so it could have been about those previous things. he said it could potentially, i supposed be about things. he said, well, the economic forum because there was one particularly contentious passage in his remarks when he spoke on the stage in the world economic forum way. seemed to suggest that all the people in guns what culpable for full bulk of israel is pursuing in terms of its minute trip on bob. and he said that they search through homes in in, in garza and everywhere they find weapons. he said there are missiles hidden on the beds, as i say, no idea from the prosecutor who made these complaints. but one news agency angels false press is saying that that is a group called legal action against crimes of humanity. and they are aiming, does a file charges with the federal prosecutors here in switzerland. it's james,
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it is more as far as you know, just as you've been talking, i've been reading through the wire copy that we're seeing here, that the criminal complaints that we're referring to don't specify, as you mentioned, don't specify the details of what this complaints are. it is simply quoting that they are simply quoted as saying that they are criminal complaints, which have been lodged against them. i want to ask you just, you'd be not double as you'd be, not say uh the well they cannot make for them. obviously paula standing and representatives would have been very anxious that the the situation, the war in gaza. would it be towards the top of the agenda? what was your interpretation of how the forum was reacting to that as well? i think it's very clear from just what i saw the for on the comparing it from to a year ago. that guns, it was not tough as each and one year ago, every one of the world leaders, we're talking about the situation in ukraine and condemning russia and they were
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the most forceful comments. i have to say it seemed this is that most of the guns that was the end, the elephant in the room, that no one really wanted to bench it at any of the formal sections that took place . it was the subject of some sections about the situation in the middle east, but even those countries that believe they should be in the meet at c spa seemed somewhat muted and careful with the words here with devils. i think that's because among the a t participant in some of the, the headline is you might describe it at this is devil's was the us secretary of states in the us national security adviser. and i think the european countries and other countries that do believe that there should be an immediate cease fox and even those that support the cases taking place in the hey, really didn't want to get into a controversial situation, which was out to the united states. james, thanks very much indeed our diplomatic added a james based on the phone for, for us from zurich. we're going to go to today's about who's joining us from tel
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aviv any reaction from israel towards this well, there hasn't been any reactions just yet. we're waiting to see whether there's going to be any official commons coming out from the prime minister's office of the president's office, but we have not heard anything yet. however, this is interesting to know that this is happening just as you know, there's pressure building up on the government for what's been happening here in the country. pressure in a way to get the hostages. the captives we needs that are currently held in gaza in a way to come out with that solution about what is going to be happening in gaza after the war. so there's no, as i said before, no reaction, but it's important to know that's the majority of these really population here. in spite of this pressure that we're seeing all the government to, to show more, we solve these largely support the war. on thursday evening we attended the demonstration, for example, but some people started to show up on the streets to express their concerns about
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the war that is ongoing gazda. many of them use riley calling for a ceasefire right now, but the majority of the population continues to support the war. they continue to believe that the government may eliminate that how much which has been a clear objective also. so, you know, it's not such an walk, the reactions is going to be, but most of the population here, but i are likely to support the pressure them the prime minister or whatever they do. however, we have started to see in this just past few weeks, i'm serious questioning about what is happening in gaza. yes. and that i wanted to ask you about that because of course this issue is raising big divisions within is raney's themselves about how the, how the war is being handled and how benjamin netanyahu has coalition. government is proceeding with the war in gaza. of the well, that's correct and we have started to see some of the protests on going on the street, those against the war, those protesting against prime minister bang. i mean nothing yet went how he's
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handling this war. hi. how he has been unable to get to most of the have also captive squeeze or currently in gas have for questioning his leadership, we're starting to year for example, people that would like to see election happen because that would be the only way for the population in a way to, to gain back the, the, the trust and in the government right now. so there's not subdivisions. and we're also seeing, you know, that the government be pushed from within the ruling caller from being pushed from within by 5 right. ministers in this country have administered clark calling for an occupation of gaps. i would like to see miss settlements, the east riley settlements back in gaza and this is also happening as we just heard . prime minister bang, i mean nothing. yeah. who addressing the nation on thursday night saying that he's not going to consider the possibility of a palestinian state. the united states has been pushing israel to acknowledge that once this war is over, there will be a possibility of establishing a 2 state solution or a palestinian state on thursday. nathan,
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yeah. who said that that's not going to happen. that is what needs to maintain control from the west of the jordan river. and that, that sees in a way, in contrast to what is palestinian sovereignty and the united states. if they continue to push something like this, it would be have a huge impact on, in swell security. so suddenly, you know, lots of things ongoing. we've been, the government with the international community was increasing. it's pressure in a way on is riley increasing pressure to replace the war with the diplomacy. but until now it seems that is rather is not interested in doing so today. so thank you very much. indeed for the update theresa boats hoping to us from to be it is ready as acts in different parts of the gaza strip, have killed at least $25.00 people. and con eunice, at least 13 people have been killed and is really evolving a dozen died and strikes and gaza city honda most most jump reporting uh from rough gauze. the 2nd biggest city hon unit,
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one of the areas where israel is constant trading. it's offensive industries more than a dozen palestinians killed during the latest artillery selling further south. and roughly more residential blocks have again come under attack, coming dozens of people and traveling more beneath the rubble of their homes. and so he also thought that would encourage members keeping when my family woke up to the sound of the explosion. i didn't know what had happened until my sister told me . she said our front of the house was hit by a strike. and one of those inside the, to our could 17 people, my sister and no, and her children. her mother and sisters are all of them. no one from the family, survive young with the war into its 4th month. aid and supplies are trickling into some parts that are too late for me. in the u. n. c's only a few of a 22 medical facilities remain operational in central and southern guns,
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leaving those in need, begging for health. the doctors do whatever they called. so i can have my face, but i want to go back home, be with my husband and daughters in the north of district, a search for the bodies of family members killed in an air strike while live in ho and the most of the trying as much as we come through a couple of people under the rubble thermal that makes people happy. this is the house of my sister. she was hosting my brother and his family. my other brother was also wisdom. these relatives bummed to that house without any warning and killed them all. we live and witness sadness every day. they must be battery. deputy is must have decomposed, but we will hug that bones. there is little dignity in gaza even for the dead. and those who have been there this cemetery was that's that created by these really pull those are officials say is the, we're searching for some of the bodies of his regularly captive held in gaza. for
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more than a week. there have been no internet or phone services across the gauze and strip. the black out has got families off from each other. it has also slowed the process of getting a to nearly 2000000 displays, palestinians who can go no further south in their desperate search for safety. honey, my lord, i was just the rough uh, southern gauze. this is how they call volumes and wi fi in southern gaza. so does what has been going through one of the longest continuous blackouts of communication since the war began. and of course we have ongoing strikes as well. just bring us up to date with what the situation is. the yes, well as strikes and fighting on the ground, the site goal is a stripe continues to spike within the past few hours in the southern part generally of the territory as we have been seeing and these by the 5 digits at dozens of them hovering on this type of district alongside of this call is due to
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city, where are the demolishing house white house neighborhood by a neighborhood where completely they are trying to advance more in the western parts of the city. or con eunice as you are having classes with possibly in finances that and did the personnel and kind of go to city. in particular, these very quite cool to drones had opened the fire games. one of the factories were taking shultz out of the facility of, i'm an hospital, one of the main central hospitals that belong to the eye that belongs to the palestinian verdict. present society in con, you just have to type in multiple lead attract within the past few weeks. of the situation that day by day is getting much more difficult on the ground as residents off. been able to sleep mode to run for an order to seek refuge and also to seek safety away from the east. very button. the button a situation as well in the middle areas continues to be very critical. rip abutment did not stop within the past few hours. where 7 palestinians have been bored from
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under the ruffles in previous strikes. and oh my god, the refuge account being transported to i'll ok, so hospital m e goes to city, especially on the vicinity of a ship, a hospital. it had been while i met a tree attack conductor around the city and had been killed and then a strike that flaps in a residential building in the vicinity of a she got medical complex in the past all cowboy zoom in rough and southern gaza tonic for the update, thank you. as okay, i want to take you back to our top story about switch, prosecutors a think that's what they're describing as criminal complaints. so being launched against president isaac hetzel, as israel continues as war and god so helps ought to be attending the world. economic forum in douglasville was william chavez is professor of international law . middlesex university was chairperson of the commission of inquiry on the 2014 does a conflict. he's joining us from london. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. what kind of criminal charges could be brought against the president had something to think with this would be
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a prosecution under what's called universal jurisdiction, which means it would have to be for an international crime that could be genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes and use this as possible under switch law to undertake such a prosecution. the big obstacle is going to be the status of perks, august the president of the country. is it unusual for an individual to face charges of this nature as we are seeing israel's wall continuing and goes and it's increasingly less than usual. it used to be extremely rare for this to happen, but more and more particularly in europe, there is an effort to prosecute such crimes, the international crimes of genocide, more crimes, and so on using universal jurisdiction. so many european countries are now undertaking such prosecutions. but as i say, the, the obstacle will be the alleged immunity of the president of the country. i think that's going to be the real problem or talk to some of the legal process for this.
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where is a case like this heard well, there are cases going on right now for genocide in france and belgium and in denmark, i think in germany, so there, there in german courts recently prosecute the german outside case from syria. so there been a number of them, as i say, all low or lower ranking people than the president of the country. these are difficult, costly proceedings, but there is a very much political will within european states to do with that being said, there's not a lot of political will to do with regard to israel. they're doing that with regard to countries that they consider to be of unfriendly or troublesome, like, like syria, rather than israel. and as part of that legal process is the next stage, i would imagine to establish whether or not as we were talking about, the president actually has some sort of immunity against this kind of prosecution.
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i think the probably the 1st stage in switzerland is that they need to get some kind of political authorization within the country. in many countries, of course, it's possible for individuals to initiate criminal proceedings, even for ordinary crimes, like murder or theft and so on. and those cases proceed without any need for political authorization. but when crimes like genocide and other international crimes are concerned, this generally requires a level of political approval. and that's going to be the other obstacle in this case, i believe in switzerland that we should make clear that all we know is that the criminal complaint has, has been filed against the president has on. but we don't know the details of it. so we don't know whether or not it is linked to the what is going on in gaza at the moment. but from your experience, what's the success rate of this kind of thing when it goes through this process as well, the success rate isn't, isn't bad. they're sometimes difficult to,
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to prosecute they've, they have a significant number of acquittals, partly because of the difficulty and getting evidence these crimes are difficult to prove. and they're particularly difficult to prove outside the country because of the need for access to witnesses or another. and other evidence, so it's all of, it's all quite doable. and there's increasing expertise in, in doing it as well with them. the countries that engage in this, including switzerland, they've had some defeats in the past of these prosecutions. but they generally do work. one of the 1st obstacles, of course, is getting the person into into custody. and once they have that, then they, then they proceed. it's absolutely doable. wayne wish of us, we appreciate you being with us on alda xander and giving us the benefit of your analysis. thank you very much indeed for your time sir. human rights organizations were gathering testimonies from palestinians in gaza. so there's an
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increasing evidence of war crimes being committed to by the is very ami. oh to 0. has obtained exclusive pictures on witness. a comes from members of one family, they say at least 19 the civilians were executed by israeli soldiers. on december, the 19th child struck for it has more. and some of you might be distressed by the images and this report. as the ruins have gone to city destruction. dex sounds. nobody's really military drugs above the more accuse ations of war crimes. committed bodies, really all me to stay is lead to an apartment of a family home. the bullet cartridges broken from the band and
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belongings. walls and floors covered in blood the whole day can never forget the vip zillow foxes lot. and the tanks and boulders is surrounded. the building shells are being hay in the building for days, the situation was desperate. on the 19th of december, israeli soldiers entered the building. they smashed and our apartment to my husband, opened it and told them we were all civilians, flats, and home, and the notion of the money and mother took them to another apartment. i folded them pleading wisdom to let them go because we were all civilians. there were no members of the resistance. you know, the whole full grass numbers up to long again, the color didn't, they beat me and my daughters. they put us women in one place and threatened us with guns and knives. they made of strips. they searched us, insulting us, and using the most terrible words. they took our names and filmed us. make up the
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stories massey on the 19 men in this building. they killed. my husband was one of them. they owe them to bend down and execute them. they killed them all. these pictures obtained exclusively biologist era with shot just al is off to the events all day. describes the bodies of main entry holes of bullets and their back oh hamlet tow the but the last, the last one more days. daughter says when the killings have been carried out, show still defeating the billing game. a sion faced exhausted and scared. she holds the tiny sure one by her 3 year old sister, another who died in the family shelters and the dog cold room in jude children's day. clothes go, lays wounded on the floor. there was little food except soup to eat.
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with the law as the letters in the hand, when the settler had locked on, the soldiers came in and separated the women and the children from the men. they kept us in decision room while the excuse of the man outside was holding my sister in my arms, then the shell and resumed that i was hit. she made some soft noises. she asked for some water. i thought she was crying, but she was dying. shrapnel had entered her head eyes and next is my sister tried to carry the body. but she fell from her arms at the door. the notice eyes was still open as she passed away. the wounds to her hate to shock, to show a young family broken by the horrible these really all these killing and destruction in the gaza strip and knowing it's likely that no one will ever be
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tried for what they saw and the pain they continue to endure catastrophic ultra 0 is there any forces have rated several villages across the occupied west bank fire has been reported to between these rarely ami and palestinians, and the village of bait for ya in nablus is ready. so it is also stormy. village is best for him. 2 of us, coffee and meal romano, and is ready for it, is of withdrawing from total cut them off to nearly 44 hours. but as a pot of citizens, when trump turned their homes during the raid, at least 8 people were killed in dozens, but arrested and thousands of people to be marching in yemen in protest against us and british air strikes on to the rebels in the country. these are pictures from the northern city of saw. the crowds are also condemning israel's war garza and calling for the seas 5. i'll just as mohammed a laptop is that, that protest in the center these the foot. this does have tickets to the state. those to show their support they're uh,
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rather than part of 7 to the now is the ongoing must seka and genocide committed by israel again as the brothers and by the side and also to show their support to the ongoing operations carried out by uh oh, these uh and the rates see they say this, the least that this group could do in order to put more pressure, all these rates to stop, it's ongoing for on guys and also to lift its blockade on the people of guys that to allow medicine food to answer to the people because what would be the most the down the street as of chatted slow because they said that the all and supposed to file this time despite the ongoing and ways that had been carried out by washington on different uh, parts of. yeah. but they say that the, the uh,
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base x rays or a spread that'd be made by the us in order to prevent the hose, these from the, carrying out their operations, the red sea, the students prevent this group from the cutting out this the prison. and so their demands, a mess of thousands of people are fed to homes and southern 11 on his cross motor wilds escalates between is ready forces and has bola is in a corner reports from now soon in southern lebanon, southern lebanon's border towns largely abandoned and devastated an escalating conflict between israel and the lebanese armed group has beloved, has created the de facto buffer zone along the border. several kilometers deep. below israel has floated the idea of formalizing the buffer zone, saying it will restore security. hezbollah says it will pull back with k u and step it to start,
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the targeting largely evacuated towns to make northern israel uninhabitable in israel is trying to show it has options to help set the time to the north in a safe way to keep has the law and the resistance away from the file, but it doesn't, it must stop. it's war on garza and 11 on israel has increased the intensity of it strikes on what it says is hezbollah, as military infrastructure. and one of the biggest attacks is repeatedly hit the strategic valley known to be the lebanese arm groups, main area of operations and the gateway to the countries interior be as railways appear to also be trying to degrade the infrastructure, the kind of the, the, the capabilities in depth that hezbollah has why? because i think, and this is true for both sides, that there is at least an expectation for they are preparing, which would be smart for a much wider and open conflict. for now, as well as not using its full military capabilities and what some describe as
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a balancing act. and there are those who believe isabel is not in a position to start a wider conflict as the cause of war rages. so for the moment is right, it doesn't have really any strategy, but to be responding to hezbollah, that, that, and create kind of a balance between that has been like that, that without going any further because it doesn't have a plan. all these capability is random, military has said a lot, still needs to be done to return residents home as well. strategy may be to use targeted escalation to pressure hezbollah, but the group says this front will remain active until as well as hor on garza ends . and while it is unlikely to trigger a large war, it says it is ready to fight without limits. if war breaks out, an all out war may not be eminent, but even though the combat is still largely limited to the border and 2 military
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targets. this is very much a war center for their own shows, the southern lebanon leaders of what's called the non a live in movement of countries have been noticed. israel's war and guys on demanded. i mean, mediates these 5 meeting and you've gotten this capital, discuss global challenges. the non aligned to move on to and a m was funded to to advance the interest of developing countries. catherine, sorry, reports from kampala, again express, my global pensions, un reforms, and other issues pop. the agenda i the see is non online movement. or number representatives from a 120 countries are here to, for the upgrade to say in international affairs. when number was phone with the private, there was a decor and vision, which was actually, you know, helped deal politics. i know not the movement concept does not mean you try to doesn't mean you know what these countries are doing is what we have trying to
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define that split that you cannot in the middle of the heart of discussions is the war between east while and palestine foreign ministers adopted our resolution calling for a ceasefire and, and he did he many tardy and assistance for palestinians. they also support the ongoing genocide case against you, as well as the international court of justice. the appointment is the struggled to find the right language to address the killings in gaza. but i agree that genocide is now a legal mata that needs to be decided by the international court of justice from athenian representatives will to this assignment of solidarity in light of the global situation on what's happening in ukraine and the 5 by the big guys and in light of the aggression against our people, and more on the exposing them and send them over there with them as happens in
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a part of the unity now to play a leading role after the united nations nom is the largest quality sion of states worldwide. delegates here say it's a pa for block was boyce cannot be ignored. kathy saw all the 0 compiler. the focused on special security council is missing and the capital is low. i'm about to discuss recent tensions with a run on thursday. so i'm about carried out to tax against what it says or bases of about last separatists in iran, at least 9 people, including women and children, were killed. and i came off to 2 people, died in a rent in strikes and pocket stones, but not just on problems on tuesday, around the says it was targeting and on the group fighting for the rights of the.


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