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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 19, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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to the, [000:00:00;00] the on the clock. this is a news on line from the hall coming up the next 60 minutes. they want them to bend down and execute them. the killed, the more, more evidence of potential war crimes and guns at the devastating testament. it's from palestinians who say these really ami committed summary executions.
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the injured palestinians continued to pour into nasa hospital and dogs of south even as a group one. it is close to collab criminal complaints of filed in switzerland against is ready president isaac side. so he's been attending the world economic forum intervals and thousands of you have a nice protest against us as strikes to treat the rebels played a new attack against in american and ship in the gulf of a the so we begin this news in gaza where human rights organizations have been gathering testimonies from palestinian to say war crimes being committed by these rarely ami out 0 has obtained exclusive pictures and witness accounts for members of one family. they say at least 19 civilians were executed by his ready soldiers. on
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december, the 19th, charles stratford has a story and a warning. some views may find the images in his report. distressing the ruins of gall is a city destruction dex sounds. nobody's really military drugs above the roll axis. ations of all claims. committed bodies, really all me to stay is lead to an apartment of a family home, bullet cartridges, broken and abandoned belongings, walls and flows covered in blood the whole day can never forget
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the vip jonathan has families that are locked in the tanks, and builders is the round of the building shells are being hit in the building for days. the situation was desperate. on the 19th of december israeli soldiers entered the building. they smashed another apartment to my husband, opened it, and told them we were all civilians, glad to whom and i feel nauseous. the money and mother took them to another apartment. i folded them pleading wisdom to let him go because we were all civilians. there were no members of the resistance, you know, the whole full grass numbers of the color didn't. they beat me and my daughters, they put us women in one place and threatened us with guns and knives. they made of strips. they searched us, insulting us, and using the most terrible words, they took our names and filmed us, make up the stories massey on the 19 men in this building. they killed. my husband was one of them. they owe them to bend down and execute them. they killed them all
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these pictures obtained exclusively biologist era with shot just al is off to the events all day describes the bodies of main entry holes of bullets in the back. oh, hamlet tow the but the color, the last one more days. daughter says when the killings have been carried out, shows don't the teaching the building again. i should faced exhausted skate. she holds the tiny sure one by her 3 year old sister, another who died in her arms for the family shelters in the dog, cold room in jude children's day clothes go, lays wounded on the floor. there was little food except soup to 8. with the law as the hand, when the settler had locked on, the soldiers came in and separated the women and the children from the men. they
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kept us in the sitting room while they executed the man outside. i was holding my sister in my arms. then the shell and resumed that i was hit. she made some soft noises. she asked for some water. i thought she was crying, but she was dying. shrapnel has entered her head eyes and next is my sister tried to carry the body. but she fell from her arms at the door. not as always was still open as she passed away, the wounds to her. i hate to show to show a young family broken by the horrible these really all these killing and destruction in the gaza strip. and knowing it's likely that no one will ever be tried for what they soul and the pain they continue to endure child stuff, which is 0. what i've seen happen, i'm his mom, sharon joins is not a moment that you would fail. you did. i mean it's,
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it's truly gut wrenching. you know, i've been covering war for a conflict for 25 years now. and sometimes it just hits you, what is it that you've been talking about all these years? because we continue to go up with numbers and show explosions and buildings and tanks and soldiers. and in this very particular war, which was really showing the tragedy on this trying to evade the bombing of hospitals and schools and mosques and so on residential buildings. but then, so you watch all i hit by another silent and then 100 years of genocide is just summed up. and that one face, that one dialogue with desk that one exchange was evil. you know about the treasury that just some bravo, uh, only a few weeks ago to this family and it's just one time. yeah. long so many. but then
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once again, you know, it's gets all simplified onto this very basic humanity, right? the pale and this of this face besides this. but there isn't that much anger, this is what gets me there, isn't that much. i'm gotten. there's a, there's a lot much revenged there. isn't that much? there's just dignity, right? there's a dignity and it's not a living dead because it's actually the opposite. that's the, it's the, the living. is this something the song is deep, deep show, because now as well, and monks it will. yes. it's both at the, at the humanity of the victims and the in humanity over the victimizers. because the way this is foiled is that the soldiers came in and took the men, make the meal down and then shot them in the back. this really reminds me of the inhumanity of isis is the setting currently not at the assess an equal assess and
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um, you know, a criminal minds behind just as this is not normal, even in worst i see this is not just normal. there's not more and $91.00, what there is to call the self defense. anyone who causes this another normal war or conflict, or what have you, are mistaken because what we saw from blah, blah, you know, means and how to be something kind of a, a wisdom of sort and salad and safety. right? and that the, and you know, all the side of the family, the say family has been so unsafe in there and there, and that refuge account. because most of these people you can see on their faces, again from their voices. this is, uh, you know, this is what 17 years of siege means. this is what 56 years of occupation means. this is what this possession, this is what sphere means, and it's all dispelled in this one simple dialog dialog. would this be brought to good? it is, it is one immensely powerful story. among so many similar stories that we're seeing
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and the potential for war crimes everywhere. it is apparent. all we're going to see a reckoning. judging from the images we've been showing this afternoon from diverse you know where the come to where the club of the of the of influence and, and supremacy lies. clearly their favorite a guest is the, is there any president the one who enabled this genocide 1st? i mean i'm on for stuff only because he's the president of the country because he was the 1st to come out on life television instead of the world. the no one is innocent and guys, meaning girl asylum is not innocent, not the side in the little baby is not finished. so that's what people say. and it continues to talk about why there are rockets in children's rooms and hence is justified. the kid is not the the babies. right?
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so when you see the, the influential wolf, ours western powers, i must say, regrettably, right? those soul champion democracy and human rights taking in the is there any president in order to once again spread the lies and the fake claims about guys to justify this been humanity disabled. that's been unleashed on the people guys. uh that does not give me comfort that those people are going to ever be actually actually have the sponsor because the, the, the, the icing she had international come out of the international court of justice might come up with some bullying. but with the supporting ever to be implemented in the presence of the united states and, and united kingdom others. and as i think somebody gave us a change based that the, the whole issue of gauze was almost the elephant in the room. if you weren't really talking about it anyway, we'll leave that for a moment to more later. thanks very much. well, we spoke to william chavez, who's
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a professor of international law at middlesex university. he was jefferson of the commission of inquiry on the $2014.00 a conflict. and he told us that providing the testimonies by civilians of war crimes in gaza can be verified at the compelling enough to bring a legal case against is ready for since assuming that this evidence is valid, the film is authentic and that the eye witnesses are reliable and telling the truth, this is very compelling. strong evidence of a summary execution, which is an international, more crime. it's punishable by the international criminal court that have to know is the identity of the perpetrators. that's one of the great challenges in a, in a situation like this is actually finding out who are the people who, who fired the the, the weapons or gave the orders of presumably not the evidence. that is, it's not a mystery, but it's evidence under the control of the is really defense force and whether
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they're going to provide access to that is another question. i would think that that under the circumstances it's, it's not likely now that they're going to be able to do that kind of forensic examination of the bodies to determine more of the details about how the killings took place so that the films themselves would be the fundamental evidence coupled with the eye witness testimony, but again that in my opinion should be enough to convict providing that it's reliable. and of course, you need to ideally appear on the other side of the story from the perpetrators to see what they have to involve in defense. this is relas, relentless, bombardments on different parts of the strip is killed at least a 142 people. that in the last 24 hours in the southern city of con eunice, 13 power seems to be killed and is ready as striking as a wounded or rushed to the hospital. adulthood described the what conditions there
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is unbearable warning that the facilities on the brink of collapse, palestinians now into an 8 stay with the nit toefl telecommunications blackouts. it is the longest blackout since israel for begun. and israel continues its minutes result on gaza. tens of thousands of palestinians continuing to flee further south, the product of the red crescent to setup new displacement comes for refugees arriving in rough or less. cause now to talk, i resume who is in rafa in southern gaza. so tara could not as for, in that, tell us about the latest with the strikes festival. if you yes, strikes continued during the past few hours, of course, cause a stripe where they use very 5 to just have bound to different areas. of course, the territory. now one of the latest mandatory strikes had treat uh the vicinity of a lot of hospitals, where
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a number of the factories have been injured for 2 of them were, have been killed, bringing the desktop incognito to city la, only within the hours of the day is morning to a $19000.00. it's 18 palestinian have been at killed since at the hours of today's morning on these attacks on the spell on this very densely populated area continued as these by the forces continued to clue up residential neighborhoods. they are also carrying out different house to house search, looking for pounds, thinking fine to, to eliminate, and to completely take full control over the city. and it's worth mentioning to point out that within the past hour, the tax on the goal is the city also had intensified where one of the latest strikes and on the facility of a she felt medical complex had been a targeting or residential building. were 15 powers thing is killed alongside with dozens of an injury being transported to she felt hospital to receive very primitive medical, alongside with ongoing bombardments for the coast to line of the western slight of gauze,
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especially on shot the refuge account. now these strikes continued bringing the desktop during the past 24 hours to rise to more than $140.00 pounds. a city is killed while moved on $270.00 of those it till now. the entire and we were talking about the communications blackout yesterday. and century and say they know how serious is that it does. it has been the longest black outs of communications and internet services in goals list since october the 7th send this a complete black out right now had the results that from the unrelenting cycle of destruction, of course, because of where these, where the forces have destroyed are the main works of the telecommunication companies where they are technical teams. right now we're trying to do the best. so in order to repair the destroy network or at least to reach to the areas that just sit it to be vital for repairing this damage. bought the,
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the on your own during bombardment of residential buildings and also in some vital areas in gauze as check prevents the medical a bear would prevent the technical team from reaching to such areas. while also this ongoing blackouts had resulted to full episodes information to be released from the gaza strip as guns are facing also a difficulty to can talk with each other, at least a full on uh to inform about limitations of target things for the at thomas, the ministry pills to help medical workers to reach to the areas of targeting to move into it from under the rustles of the destroyed house. a target, thanks for that to attack, i was in the, in reference in southern garza, are well polishing using does it say hunger is another weapon being used against them in the wall. the u. n. is wanting, hundreds of thousands of palestinians are at risk of starvation while others are already in front me. while i look shy whether or not, oh yes, i see the most destructive of them. but as you can see, this is off situation. the children want food,
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but we don't have any. they go to sleep without dinner. we drink polluted and contaminated water. what kind of life? so we missing this is in line why death is better than living in these conditions. sometimes i get a small piece of bread and i divide it between my 5 children, but other times we back from the neighbors. if i get an orange or 11 and i will divide to talk and give it to the children, all the countries are going doing nothing compared to us. they seem to have no masi for us. we need a solution. when there was flour available, we would buy animal feet and we would grind to talk to eat instead. but we can't even find animal feed now, it's not available anymore. a life is very difficult. the smell is bad because the soon as over, fly, and get the ball consulted up. you know, for amc, my next little me to go up at home. they all 35 people, you know, my family and those displays came to live with me. in the market. we can only find
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clothes and kids toys. there is no food to buy in the market. i swear and we'll grinding the animal feeding the rice together and try and make some bread. these rainy shoulders guarding the humanitarian a few days ago. this differently means the starving of the occupation forces wants us to die of hunger rather than killing us with the bombs and missiles in the gun. while the office of these, with the attorney general has confirmed that is ready, president i just heard. so because the subjects a criminal complaint they were filed as he visited the world economic forum and devils during the past week. and at the time that israel stands accused of committing bull crimes in gaza, as was prosecuted said, the complaints will be examined according to the usual procedure is ready. government has not commented to promote to get us a james base to spend the week that most and has more now from the source capital. zurich of these riley president was attending the world economic forum,
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which is now concluded in davos. he was here on thursday. now he's now left switzerland, but since he's deposited there's been a criminal complaint made against it. now this is not a formal case yet, and the certainly no charges against them at this stage, but the prosecutor's office say they will now carry out investigations. they are not confirming who made the complaint or what the complaint is about, but we have some clues. we know that there was a group that call themselves legal action against crimes against humanity. and they say they made complaints to the prosecutor's office and to some of the regional or forces here in switzerland about these righty president in terms of what the complaints are about. we don't know whether about things. he said here in switzerland or comments or actions that he made earlier. we know that the case in the hague, the international court of justice present, solved, was named and south africa who made its case under the genocide convention, right out in court. some of the statements that he had made in the cost, of course,
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he also spoke here the world economic forum on 1st day. and there was some contentious comments that in his address to the forum. he said at one point, what seemed to be a claim of that old him in go cause of what culpable. but what was going on. he said that in every single house that these radio army visit, they find weapons, and they find missiles hidden on the mattress is it's not clear with a virus commons all the complaints relate to. but clearly, i think this shows the danger now for is riley officials when they go on trips to countries around the world and around europe. but potentially there are people who will press charges against them. james bays out to 0 zurich. my certification is in most griffith told russia says during discussions it and besides a need for the group to release is ready to captive and condemn the catastrophic
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humanitarian crisis unfolding in the gauze. has triplets cost now to you to shuffle oliver, who joins us from moscow. you this isn't the 1st time home asked allegations being in moscow. what's it all about? yeah, absolutely. right. so basically here in law square the have my stomach ation headed by police beer of men. but mussa, i believe our zig discussed ways to achieve a c spot and gaza. they were talking with the russian deputy for administer behavior. what was done over here, uh, the policies emphasized the humanitarian flies and the gorgeous trip it had reached catastrophic proportions. the last movement up to you pursued a statement on that telegram channel. the statement says that the high mazda kind of gauge some highly appreciate structures diplomatic efforts, as well as russian humanitarian assistance provided to the palestinians in gaza at the meeting here on behalf of donovan. also,
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besides the judge and needs to release a 3 russian citizens held by mas, as you mentioned, they were taking the captive during that time on october the 7th. and since then, they have been held by policy and admitted to functions. it talking about a 0 on some of the 2 warring policies, financing and gaza. how much actually was the 1st one to visit most, but also this nonce of the, his citizens over the 7th and the visit to most pits, a place at the end of october last year and fonts on it was seeing here as an important gesture. by high mass full, the international image, so to speak, it was important for them to demonstrate that they were welcomed here i'm they that would know alone and they so most because the friends and pod and so right now it's been that 2nd visit to most and hopefully, we'll hear more about what exactly has been achieved here. you to, i think to that update to the from most great, thank you. is ready for us as
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a rated several villages across the occupied westbank. a 17 year old postilion was shot in the head. and killed and a village northeast of ramallah, a 19 year old was injured in another incident in a village west of remodel. also in the west bank is ready, forces have left a trail of destruction and told cut them off to a series of rates that which lasted some 44 hours. buildings have been partially destroyed, many roads dug up by boulders. is this ready army claims? they were uncovering its place of devices, at least 8 people were killed dozens and arrested. a bill how man has been into economy and has seen the extensive damage to infrastructure and hundreds caused by its ready forces. certainly it is a scene of the station and the total cabman refugee camp. we can see the rubble dust here behind me and we've been down this road uh through the narrow alleys. and every way we go, we see exactly the same thing. roads that have been torn off the business is this
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choice? how's the stores causburn's? it's absolutely everywhere. the level of the diverse patient in this camp is something i have not seen in other times where there was similar long rays and everyone i spoke to said that this is really a 1st that ever since october 7th, where he has, there has been destruction is that the occupation forces came with their bulldozers and made some damage, but that each re that damage increases and increases for the according to the red crescent that was here on the ground throughout the morning. well, they say that there's at least a 100 buildings inside this guy that have been either destroyed or partially damaged. so certainly putting a lot of pressure on those who live here. a united states as low as another series of strikes against the the rebels in yemen. best to spite washington acknowledging instructive,
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failed to stop 50 forces attacking red sea shipping out of fisher has this now america and just partners are stepping up attacks and yemen insist it has successfully targeted the missile launch sites. but from the president, a stark, perhaps even a shocking mission. it's doing little good. the the who these have been targeting international shipping in the red sea since november, our response, the claim to israel's warning guys. but many of the targets of new link to israel or the us and the by the administration has been wanted about a way to regional conflict, spilling out of gas. it was several attacks. and the last few days, a pentagon spokeswoman denied they were no fighting a new war. we don't seek or regional conflict. we don't want to see a regional conflict. and we certainly don't want what's happening in gaza to spill out into
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a larger regional or wider scale war. who is these leaders says the us led to tax a direct assault on the people of yemen. and he says, he considers it on on to be in direct confrontation with alex america with video vanya, the issue that american britain have joined the word directly. and then we are now in direct confrontation with the americans, british and israelis does not scare us at all. elsewhere the us is once again reiterated. it sees a 2 state solution as long to answer in the region, preempting comments by israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu essentially ruling out the idea of well, he's in charge. there is no way to solve their long term challenges to provide less than security. and there is no way to, to solve the short term challenges of rebuilding gaza and establishing governance and gaza and providing security for guys it without to the establishment of a palestinian state. there will be frustration in washington that these really
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prime minister has essentially ruled out the idea of an independent palestine. and joe biden will come under pressure to make that frustration clear for once very public. i was for sure, i'll just either washington, the thousands of people have been demonstrating in you, i'm and against those us and british strikes on who's the rebel positions in the country. this was the same as the northern city of soda. earlier on friday, a protest is also condemned to israel's will and gaza. the cold for cease for. there was also a process in the capital out, 0 is my $100.00 top. as more from sona, of these the foot, this does have tickets to the states. those to show their support to their uh rather than part of 7 to the now is the ongoing must seka and genocide committed by israel again as the brothers and father side and also to show their support to the ongoing operations carried out by uh oh,
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these uh and the rates see they say these, the ladies that this group could do in order to put the pressure all there's ways to stop. it's ongoing for on guys and also to lift its blockade on the people of guns that to allow medicine food to answer to the people go. so what would be the most, the, the straight is of try to slow because they said that the all and supported by the site is 5 gone. green and ways that have been carried out by it was shunted on different uh, parts of yeah. but they say that the, these uh, base x rays or a spread that'd be made by the us in order to prevent the hose these from the, carrying out their operations. the red sea students prevent this group from the cutting out this the bridges. and so they're the med miss,
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that's what i had here now the 0 hardwood casa in is involved way. keep watching. i will tell you how this country and its neighbors, zambia are trying to control a call around the the brought to you by visit capital to hello rainclouds to be gathering for good parts of the korean peninsula easing across into what japan. you can see. he's looking quite mobile now pushing outs of china. another pace of facts out just coming through here is our main weather system list to i think joining together. so we'll see some what the weather coming out to central china. cool to add to the normal fashion. quite just 8 degrees celsius when it came to wet weather, some winter weather in to west south korea might be pushing into something positive, north korea. then a mix of rights statements know that into a good part of japan,
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which really wraps up as we go on into sunday. really heavy right. of course, at eastern side of hong shoes. no. because no, because of home shoot into her car. i brought this guys come back into high, cool weather talking in as well. by that stage we'll see trying hard around 8 degrees celsius, much cooler and tie. probably something like 10 degree drop. by the time we come to sunday night to some unsettled weather. rain, sleet, and snow coming into west and in central pos of china. kind of shared with me while i'm across south they started. so the majority of us, i was just to the north of the a quite of the heaviest ones. at least from your showers pretty much everywhere actually say one or 2 shelves into southern parts of india, some showers that to into west lancaster over the next couple of days. goals, eastern, india. meanwhile, the fall continues to the northwest. the weather brought to you by visit castle hall, choose solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative
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solutions. not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person and yourself and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the education reward because the women in my country and that's suite one. we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally . we are making in their thoughts. that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to
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the the other guy you're watching out 0 reminder about top stories this out, and testimonies from palestinians in guthrie cues, the is ready all me, of carry out executions. how does 0 has obtained exclusive pictures? and with this account from members of one family, they say at least 19 civilians were executed by is ready soldiers on december, the 19 swiss prosecutors have confirmed this. ready president isaac had sunk. was the subject of criminal complaints. while in devils the files as he intended the world economic form and his israel stands accused bullcrap guns. at least seen palestinian to be killed. none is really as striking, the city of con units and southern causes. the wounded were rushed to l, not the hospital. a doctor describe the working conditions. this is unbearable.
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well, honey, my food is in reference, southern dogs with more on the own good. it's really a tax. the dogs, the 2nd biggest city han unit. one of the areas where israel is constant, treating it pensive industries. more than a dozen palestinians killed during the latest artillery cellar further south and roughly more residential blocks have again come under attack, coming dozens of people and traveling more beneath the rubble of their homes. and so he also thought that would encourage rivers keeping when my family woke up to the sound of the explosion. i didn't know what had happened onto my sister told me, she said our front of the house was hit by a strike. and one of those inside the to where could 710 people, my sister and no, and her children. her mother and sisters are all of them. no one from the family,
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survive young with the war into its 4th month. a then supplies are trickling into some parts that are too late for me. in the u. n. c's, only a few of a 22 medical facilities remain operational in central and southern guns, leaving those in need, begging for health. the doctors do whatever they called. so i can have my face, but i want to go back home, be with my husband and daughters in the north of distress. a search for the bodies of family members killed in an air strike while live in hell and the most of the trying as much as we come to recover people under the rubble thermal. the nice people here. this is the house of my sister. she was hosting my brother and his family. my other brother was also wisdom. these rarely bummed to the house without any warning and killed them all. we live and witness sadness every day. they must be very dead. bodies must have decomposed, but we will hug that bones. there is little dignity in gaza,
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even for the dead. and those who have been there this cemetery was desecrated by these really pulled. those are the officials say is the wear searching for some of the bodies of his regularly captives held in gaza. for more than a week, there have been no internet or phone services across the gaza strip. the blackout has got families off from each other. it has also slowed the process of getting a nearly 2000000 displaced policy and who can go no further south in their desperate search for safety. i mean without 0 has heard from multiple palestinians and gone to her legs. they were abused and is ready. custody. i've listened to this the more now looking about, we've arrested by specialists riley false in the office after we area. they took off our clothes and were left off, make it a little blindfold and beaten badly. they accused us of carrying and using weapons
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late. they puts us in jeeps and transferred us to an army company, his router. they let the dogs come towards us year and they told us and to move the son towards us. they threatened to shoot us off to 2 hours being hoffman to get in such a situation. they moved us. a few meters announced us to be ready for being executed . what are you and human rights? official is also accuses relative humiliating costing in detainees. in garza, these are meant or detained by these for any security forces in unknown locations. for between 30 to 55 days described being beaten, schumann needed subject to a new treatment. and toward me i'm on to touch it. they reported being blank for that for long periods. some of them for several consecutive days, one month said you had access to a shower, only one student because $55.00 days in detention. there are reports of men, but i subsequently released,
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but only in diapers without any adequate clothing in the score by the it is wrong, as long as, as strikes on the village of dice. in southern 11 is ready, army says they would talk, think has boss sites as since october, the 7th, the israel level and board is witness to the exchange of 5 between his ready forces and hezbollah, or the cross far along the borders was thousands of people to leave the homes, then a 100 reports. now from munger unit in southern southern lebanon's border towns largely abandoned and devastated an escalating conflict between israel and the lebanese arm group has beloved, has created the de facto buffer zone along the border. several kilometers deep below israel has floated the idea of formalizing the buffer zone, saying it will restore security. that hezbollah says it will pull back with you. but instead it to start,
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the targeting largely evacuated towns to make northern israel uninhabitable in israel is trying to show it has options to helps us to those return to the north in a safe way. and to keep has the law, the resistance away from the false. what it doesn't, it must stop. it's war on garza, i'm deliberate on israel has increased the intensity of it strikes on what it says is hezbollah, as military infrastructure in one of the biggest attacks is repeatedly hit the strategic valley known to be the lebanese arm groups, main area of operations and the gateway to the countries interior v as railways appear to also be trying to degrade the infrastructure, the kind of, the, the, the capabilities in depth that has bella has. why? because i think, and this is true for both sides, that there is at least an expectation for they are preparing, which would be smart for a much wider and open conflict. for now, as well as not using its full military capabilities in what some describe as
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a balancing act. and there are those who believe isabel is not in a position to start a wider conflict, as because a war rages. so for the moment is right, it doesn't have really any strategy but to be responding to head for allows at that and create kind of a balance between the husband and i that, that without going any further because it doesn't have a plan. all these capability, this regulatory has said a lot, still needs to be done to return residents home as well. strategy may be to use targeted escalation to pressure hezbollah, but the group says this front will remain active until as well as hor on garza ends . and while it is unlikely to trigger a large war, it says it is ready to fight without limits. if war breaks out of an all out war may not be eminent. but even though the combat is still largely limited to the border and 2 military targets. this is very much
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a war center for their own shows you the southern lebanon. i still the head hair on al jazeera, the chaos on the streets of haiti's capital. i. civilians are forced to flee the homes as criminal gang see control of more territory.
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the the, you know, sources of concerns around 0. the puck has done is resuming full diplomatic ties with the wrong flagstones cabinet, has endorsed the decision to end the standoff with his neighbor off to the 2
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countries fight into each of his territory. on the 1st day is not a bad carried out attacks against what it says with bases of a bleach set, which is group in iran, at least 9 people, including women and children, killed. and that's off the 2 people died in their writing and strikes impacts don't split just on purpose on tuesday that you're on says it was targeting and on group fighting for the rights of been sunni minority inside iran. we have correspondence on both sides of the is on page of 8 is the line. but with the latest developments from the as to the board meetings on friday. the place in progress on the national security council is shared by the prime minister. if i could find who got toward his visit to the most economic for him in dallas, as all the ministry choose the top there, off the seat of diplomacy came together with one resign the message that they need to de escalate the situation on focused on southern border with iran,
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there has been tension in the last few days at ron carried. i'll just strike and right off to that part to san carrot. i've just strike on any and soil. and these 2 neighbors which have had a long history of cross border skirmishes with non state actors for a very long time, have not and been going off each other using drones besides and jets. but now things seem to be back on track focused on is likely to send back it's inbox with a to bear on and also invite back it runs in boston to, to, as i'm about as well. this has been an ongoing issue in the last 24 hours because they've been further calls from other policies as well and couldn't united nations . the therapist government, there been a telephone exchange within the budget funding for minutes at just the additional deposit as well. the old sites have been urging these 2 countries who have, during this price is a little calling, been calling each of the brother the states and distinguishing between what they called service groups and the government and people all focused on and iran. so
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things seem to be moving in in the simmering down direction. they're both can be said that they're working to try and get a effective mechanism in place. but not all of these things can be avoided in the future. and those under the so we're saying that this could be signaling from a new inside was gone wrong because focused on also retaliated. now seem to think that the worst might be over and both countries are moving towards that direction, where they will resume diplomatic ties, send back their diplomats and make sure that if there is an issue of counter terrorism, it is in it is it results by dialogue and by talk between the 2 sides of the job without the bureau is not about well from his loan by the to the writing couple of tyrone russell said are, is there. and he says lead is all keen to maintain conversations with his mom. i don't see it into one is all about the escalation that has been a statement released from the running for the ministry seen that you run condemns of pakistani attacks on your running and soil. however,
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at the same time as long as the problem because you're run, adheres to the policy of good living, this and brotherhood between the 2 nations. and the staples also says that you run with not a low enemies to screen a couple other these nations between ron and his mom about that has been some puddle of statements coming from the ready for the minister. the middle of july. yeah, i'm seeing that you're wrong, did not target pack is done with pakistani is but just target jason as a, an anti you running a separatist group. and this distinction is quite important because it's regarded as another attempt of defusing, the passion here and also a friday. there has been another statement from the for the ministry here, saying that there has been a phone call between the running and pakistani for the ministers. and they both agreed to close the corporation when it comes to the security issues. so on the other side of the pakistani embassy inter ramos will release the statement on the
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social media platform x. and it says that pakistan has always stood by you want to take a team and cooperation and mutual trust between the 2 broadly. companies in a complex regional environment is critical force for peace and state benefits. so based on the statements coming from both sides, all of that emphasize on the brother who owns the good liberal in this is also the god the year that both parties are trying hard to deescalate distribution and not to further get into a conflict versus out of that hope to 0 to run. well i is just the dk is a senior fellow at keys called his london and she says, she's concerned about how both governments will target the disciplines in the bleach region. this is totally, there's going to be more pressure right now. we have women, hundreds of women from below, just on focus on uh, suggesting for missing people of their loved ones have been picked up that disappeared. they don't know if they've been killed,
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if they're in june where they want, you know, information about them. so then march, 1800 kilometers from me to so i'm in fact this on to the bottom and that's adjusting that. and so there's going to be great to come down. i mean i, i see that there's going to be with the military, you know, more boots on the ground in 5 percent. and they'll be, they'll be more pressure. and then on a run side where people are not asking for on any, any, a separation from the wrong. in fact will be good to move rights in front of me. and they all send me uh, the below cheese uh, the below 2 in iran or sunni, assuming they are asking for a, telling me that will be great. depression used against them as well. so they'll be a lot of mistreatment of their own population. under the job of solving this, this, this property of north korean state media has reported up showing young has tested
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and under water nuclear weapons system. it says it was used in the waters of north chris east coast divided the tests, which in response to recent joint miniature drills by south korea, united states and by japan. certainly ends full of presidents by colorado has left the country for temporary yet. so the nigeria comes off, he was charged with treason over his involvement. and what the authorities say was attempted to be addressed later style from the f one they are crept from. now judas, presidents of when you arrive building the apple at 1245, g m t and 35 minutes later it left with new stuff. and as by chrome, a former president upset of the own on the head of his departure and the president of setting the only incumbent julius might have the address of the country stating that mister chrome was prior has been suspended, but not discontinued. however, the trial of other suspects in the coupon is still ongoing, but we understand that according to some sources make mr. chrome i may as well be
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heading into i tell him that i did it and i did as of what to host him on. yeah. and because i'm a community of west separate tested, the west african regional book has pushed for mr. caroll most remove up from suddenly on who pledging to move him to a safe location. most likely. and i did. and that now due to has accepted on thursday when he was due to appear before i might just put in the free time, the capital. there was an a petition by his lawyers before high court, which was granted the application was for him to leave steadily on on medical grounds, so that he can attend to his health even before the computation they were uh, there was a leak off. his medical reports for the social media, and that was and get his lawyer. i missed a call by himself. now, what is clear is that mr. cole, my may be well on his way to ex. um, in that junior, what remains to be seen is what that departure will cost me a position. the biggest supposition here instead of the on with his departure, he has become the running point of the particular political party, the a p. c. how many degrees i'll just need a lift gate saturday on lead it through
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a 120 countries or a new gun. it's capital to discuss the global challenges, israel's war and goals. risk provenance on the gender at a meeting of what's known as the known align movements. the great was founded to advance interest of developing countries. catherine solely reports. now from can paula. i gain express my global tensions un reforms and other issues pop the agenda. i the see is non online movement, or number representatives from a 120 countries are here to, for a great to say in international affairs. when now i'm on the phone with the private, there was a decor and my vision, which was that, you know, how do you put it? i know none of the movement concept does not mean you tried. it doesn't mean you know what these countries are doing is what we have trying to define that split that you cannot in the middle of the heart of discussions is the war between east
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while and palestine. foreign ministers adopted a resolution calling for a ceasefire and, and he did he many tardy and assistance for palestinians. they also support the ongoing genocide case against, as well as the international court of justice. the appointment is the struggles to find the right language to address the killings in gaza. but i agree that genocide is now a legal mata that needs to be decided by the international court of justice. i'm a see me and representatives will do this assignment of solidarity in light of the global situation on what's happening. and you will claim on the 5 by the big guys and in light of the aggression against our people, and more on the exposing them and send them over the west. now as happens in a part of the unity now to play at lead enrolled after the united nations nom is in
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large as cooperation of states worldwide. delegates here say it's a pa for block was boyce cannot be ignored. kathy saw all it is there a compiler? as the leader of a tuesday count and kendra has been charged with terrorism, of the deaths of hundreds of his followers pulled mackenzie of the good news. international church is accused of judging. almost 500 watch stuff themselves to 8200 of them with children. the problem is that would help them go to heaven for the world ended. mckenzie denies. yeah, cause ations now the united nation says, is concerned about a color outbreak in africa that is spread to at least 10 countries. the numbers of infections and dest, it'd be rising, particularly fost in some type of way. and the neighboring zambia hiring latasha sent this report from jewish a engine by color of axioms from the world health organization haven't reached communities like these ins and bob we that the
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government says the doses are on the way. but while families wait for the drugs to get here, some in rural areas say they are being stigmatized. as family members become ill when we dump it as a front of lindsey at before in the village. say our house is going on because of the dead from the disease. others don't to gloss and you know, i'm afraid they will get to that if you go with it in neighboring zambia. a mass vaccination program is underway to try and contain a color outbreak in the capital of the sucka and other parts of the country. now the thing i came to get vaccinated because lots of people, his date, there is hope. the vaccine project sense that in health officials say they are overwhelmed by the number of infections and the disease is bad. and therefore, the best is to get it protection of protected myself. the next 6 months. schools in zambia are closed to try and stop the disease from spreading across the board. a in
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zimbabwe government officials are trying to tackle the outbreak without too many disruptions. schools in zimbabwe have openings, but on the sticks conditions. for example, teachers and students have to wash their hands a 2 to 5 more to enter and leave the office. if the outbreaks are not controlled, the disease could spread to more countries hartaman tossed out of their tuition. and by the us, congress has passed the bill of proving temporary funding to federal agencies avoid to get a government shut down in a rush of unity. house of representatives agreed to keep and ministrations running for another 6 weeks under the deal. multiple sectors, including agriculture, energy, and water will receive funding until march 1st to the right to jean carol has rejected that he's ations in court that her reputation improved after she accused the former us president donald trump. of right carol acknowledge that while she had received increased attention from the media and celebrities,
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she had also been wanting to disperse, to seek at least $10000000.00 us dollars in damages. the civil damages trial. we'll decide how much the former president you pay a civil court ruled last year, the trump and rate. and the same time a neighborhood in the eighty's capital is being targeted by gang members. it in a tight, it's lost for 4 days. thousands have been killed in salina, an area that's home to several police officers. i see his face growing dying violent since the assassination of president juvenile noise in 2021. camille metal as more the sounds of war ring out in a residential neighborhood in haiti's capital. residents joined clean clothes, police trying to find so for an attack from a gang hoping to extend its territory to felina. since sunday on demand have repeatedly attacked, it made a fresh defensive on says day was so full resident, split the homes,
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who were forced out the email. i'm on the street because of armed guns. they took my house. i was sheltering in another neighborhood, but they invited to. i'm on the street now. i don't know where to go. oh, the residence erected make 6 barricades in a bit to protect themselves and called local radio stations to help. the most of total pounds is under control of criminal gangs. and if selina fools, they could start to target all the areas of the city that into now were full to be safe. in the power struggle between organized crime and the police civilians, often quote in the crossfire now it is in the 1st 1000000 months of 2023 for up by over 70 percent. as compared to the same period, the, the full on sunday i was sitting with a friend in my house when 3 business came in. one break my buttons, but i can't afford to go to the hospital. i mean,
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it's the growing violence. there's also growing resentment. residents protested against interim president ariellas, i'm re decrying his failure to tackle the countries growing. noticing us, we're asking the entire metropolitan area to stand up the entire republican as rise to make area along with the respond. we can no longer resist in security by gangs, nothing is functional, not even the democratic institutions. we want to elections free of games. the here to stage is not even involved in games. the whole country is gangs the rise. in october, the un security council voted to send canyon troops to stop the violence, but that deployment was blocked by a canyon high court until at least the end of this month. community lack of to 0 is spanish coast guards rescued, 18 migrants from 2 different wouldn't by itself grind canaria, the number of migrants entering spain illegally by seen in the cold,
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truthful conjecture. the vast majority arrived in the canary of it's at least $6000.00 micros died. or disappeared while trying to reach spain last you a and that same from me from me for this is i'll be back in a couple minutes another. we'll see what the big, i mean, the artificial intelligence is altering the political landscape. how can we as humans, trust you machines trust is and not even as and develops it becomes more powerful. i believe it's important to build trust to transparency is communication between humans and machines. but do we know that you're not going to lie to us? no one can ever know that for sure, people in power investigates a i n democracy or that just either in savannah, a construction boom is under way for hotels. h enormous new hotels were not rated
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and other 5 will be opened by december of this to the so called economic engine continues to stall. as evidenced by these old convertibles standing idle in old have that for lack of foreign tourists. millions of cubans depend on tourism. chain define work, i spend money and others make money. the pro he vision of cruise ships imposed by donald trump has impacted us a lot. the streets are empty, they're no tourist, almost anywhere. so the big question is, why are they building so many new hotels? new hotels are being built with government money on property, not being claimed and us courts choose one party state system, eventually change. they could then be bought and sold. industry officials insist there's simply preparing for a tourism boom of feet that will take more than just new hotels. examining the impact of today's headlines. the fear of what the
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destruction of your everything, international filmmakers and world class john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 hospital stories for a global audience. this is my, you house. this is way what these are tied to the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era the they want them to bend down and execute them. they killed them. all. testimonies from palestinians and dogs are accuse he is really ami, have committed legal executions. the don't make long. this is out 0 live from doha will say, coming up,
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the injured palestinians continued to pour into national hospital and


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