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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  January 19, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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iowa does rainy rain with killings of loss, the sun should add destruction. stay with us for the updates and detail coverage of the wrong cause of the the more evidence of potential crimes and costs of the devastating system in these from palestinians. besides, he is rarely committed summary executions. the ultimate cry. this is al, just here a line from top. so coming up the engine, palestinians continue to pour into nesa hospital and gases south, even as
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a good school. it is close to collect the president reiterated to strong conviction in the viability of the tech speech solution. understanding of course, we're not going to get there tomorrow. the us presence of israel's prime minister to speak to the 1st time in 26 days after the public disagreement of the future for cancer and thousands of human. these protests against us as trunks, as for people to climb and you attack against an american on ship. in the gulf of agents the we begin in gas or where human rights organizations have been gathering testimonies from palestinians who say, well crimes being committed by these riley ami. how does era has obtained exclusive pictures and witness accounts for members of one family? they say at least 19 civilians were executed by his riley soldiers on december. the 19th tell strap it has the story and a warning, some of us,
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but i find the images in his report. distressing the ruins have gone to the city destruction dex sounds. nobody's really military drugs above the o. accusations of war claims, committed by these really all me of the stairs lead to an apartment of a family home, bullet cartridges, broken abandoned belongings, walls and fools covered in blood all day. can never forget the vip zillow. fox
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lot and the tanks and boulders is surrounded. the building shells have been hay in the building for days. the situation was desperate on the 19th of december is rarely soldiers entered the building. they smashed in our apartment to my husband, opened it, and told them we were all civilians, flats, enrollment of the notion of the money and money took them to another apartment. i folded them pleading with them to let him go because we were all civilians from the window members of the resistance. you know, the whole grass numbers up for long. yeah. and the color didn't, they beat me and my daughter's, they put us women in one place and threatened us with guns and knives. they made a strip. they searched us, insulting us, and using the most terrible woods, they took our names and filmed us. we may go to the stairways massey on the 19 men in this building. they killed. my husband was one of them. they owe them to bend down and execute them. they killed them. all these pictures obtained
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exclusively biologist era was shot just al is off to the events, almost a describes the bodies of main entry holes of bullets in the back. oh my laptop, the bad, the color, the last one more days. daughter says when the killings had been carried out, show started shooting the bill game. a sion faced exhausted skate. she holds the tiny sure one by her 3 year old sister, another who died in the family shelters in the dog, cold room in jude children's day clothes go, lays wounded on the floor. there was little food except soup to eat with the law as the letters in the hand. when the settler had locked on, the soldiers came in and separated the women and the children from the men. they kept us in decision room while the excuse of the man outside was holding my sister
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in my arms, then the shell and resumed that i was hit. she made some soft noises. she asked for some water. i thought she was crying, but she was dying. shrapnel has entered her head, eyes and neck. my sister tried to carry the body, but she fell from her arms at the door. the notice eyes was still open as she passed away. the wounds to her hated to shock, to show a young family broken by the horror. these riley armies killing and destruction in the gaza strip. and knowing it's likely that no one will ever be tried for what they soul and the pain they continue to endure catastrophic ultra 0. when you missed your boss is professor of international law at middlesex university . he was to a person of the commission of inquiry on the 2014 cause
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a conflict. he told us that providing the testimonies by civilians of what kinds and cause it can be verified that compelling enough to bring a legal case against his rarely forces. it's assuming that this evidence is valid, the film is authentic, and that the higher witnesses are reliable and telling the truth. this is very compelling. strong evidence of a summary execution, which is an international, more crime. it's punishable by the international criminal court that have to know is the identity of the perpetrators a that's one of the great challenges in a, in a situation like this is actually finding out who are the people who, who fired the the, the weapons or gave the orders of presumably not the evidence, that is it's not a mystery, but it's evidence under the control of the is really defense force and whether they are going to provide access to that is another question. i would think that that under the circumstances it's, it's not likely now that they're going to be able to do that kind of forensic
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examination of the bodies to determine more of the details about how the killings took place so that the films themselves would be the fundamental evidence coupled with the eye witness testimony, but again that in my opinion should be enough to convict providing that it's reliable. and of course, you need to ideally appear on the other side of the story from the perpetrators to see what they have to involve looking defense. is there any attacks on different areas of the gaza strip have killed at least $25.00 people strikes? okay, let me stay and tell us citizens in the southern city of con eunice, israel's army has deployed additional forces in the facing else. i mean area for the north and gaza city for the 12 people have been killed. teracon, who is the m, as in robert and southern gaza across everything the terrace. clearly another day,
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the day strikes continuing as well. can you just bring us up to date with the licensed us? yes. every hour, with hearing different explosions and loud attacks that had been carried up by the east verify to debts on the city of con units. we have been hearing the very, the preparation of these military attacks from our location right now is rough, which is far away. a few kilometers from the city, the confrontations and clashes with the policy and find has continued. and one of the latest attacks have been carried out against the facility of i'm a hospital where to palestinians have virtually killed to bringing the desk to incognito, to city cincinnati. hours of today's morning to 18th palestinians, who have been killed alongside with those injured, being transported to another hospital to receive uh, treatment. and in the past, oh exactly. we've been seeing that the costs interation of the military strikes
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were on the kansas city central neighborhoods, where they have a tax tell it how what neighborhoods of destroying the number of residential houses along side also with a talking salty refuge account on the coastal mine of the territory alongside with the coastal area of deputy, but ask for confrontations on the ground and coaches by the military that is advancing more and more to reach the bind to areas between dairy but of a break. and the so rock and across the refuge account. but the situation that for residents getting much more west day by day as the is by the forces are destroy incomplete residential neighborhoods. clearing up our residential houses, closing a very a c, v. just a struction and damaged for residents that making the life completely on inhabitable for the majority of them, forcing them to flee to rough a, which is right now relatively seem to be a seems to be called the sound of the surveillance. the doors of the find to just
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continue to be overhead on the, on the past few hours. making made as was, has been this communications blackout this less than 5 days now, but it is slowly being lifted. isn't that so? yes, partially communications inside. you also have to restore woods within the past hour as the the goal is this trip had been going 3 completely full. like out of communication for mod, done one week. it's considered to be the longest since the outbreak of this complex part of what the uh to the communication companies have to have done is that from the 1st day of the black out, they tried to do the best in order to fix and to re bed the damage that had been selected to then what could do to be why disagree with tax by the military. and a policy is within the past period, we're struggling to contact and to check on each other at least to know what is happening around them. he saw the goal is a strictly due to the opposite. also internet connection is it because both of
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which are connected to each other, but right now with the partial restoration policy is taught to, to check with each other. also will be april from tomorrow to. busy to carry out their a commercial actions throughout pants and also to know more about what is happening in the other parts of the territory, especially in the north and central areas have gone to the city. okay, thanks so much to eric that is terika is in for us in reference, southern gaza you as president joe biden has held a phone call with his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the, to discuss the latest developments in israel and gowns up in a moment to get the light is from home to salutes an occupied to east jerusalem, but visits go to ellen fisher who was standing by for us in washington dc. and now, and this was the 1st phone call and quite sometime between the 2 late is what was discussed. the levels had the usual briefing. they the usual redone of the meeting
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and it suggests they talked about things that they've talked about plenty of times before getting more aid into guys that the idea of keeping military pressure on how much those leadership. and also making sure that negotiations continue to free the captive instead of being held in gaza. but everyone looking at it from the outside news, why there was a phone call on friday and that is because benjamin netanyahu on thursday evening in tel aviv said that he doesn't see a 2 state solution as being the answer in the long town. now this isn't new from benjamin netanyahu, it's a position he's hell for some time, but a completely undermines the us we've had from joe biden. we've had from on to the blinking to us secretary of state. we've had from lloyd austin, we've had from senior members of the bank and white house constantly saying look, we need a 2 state solution that is the we will push forward security for israel and also a cheap the rights of the palestinian people. so for benjamin that in yeah, to, to undermine this, certainly seems to undermine joe biden. now,
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these really have said, sometimes you have to disagree with your friends, but the bright and white her sees this as something more than that. they are trying to undo what bison is talking about, and certainly it could make things more difficult in the future for these families in washington. now a lot of age goes to the israelis, but suddenly you can start talking about conditions being attached. and there being a number of politicians on capitol hill eating disk in sam about the way the war is being waged in guys. so while that is all this nice, the poor speak about the call, it is clear that joe biden is not happy. the problem is, of course, he's keeping that behind closed doors and not coming out on publicly seeing that indeed, in the same time john kobe has just held a briefing. what has he been saying, as well? he's been talking about the need for the 2 state solution. clearly it is something that is dominating the discussions here in washington today. but there was also
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a warning to benjamin netanyahu. if you look at the latest poll from israel and suggest the only 15 percent of people see benjamin netanyahu playing a part in the government after the war. the saying that he will be replaced as prime minister and certainly from john kirby. there was a reminder to benjamin netanyahu that the us will work with whoever could be his replacement years, really, people get to decide who represents them, who their elected officials are. we don't aside that um and we will always work with whoever these really people decide to put in into power and government will always work with them regardless of the differences, maybe in on political issues. they chose this government. this is the government that is in charge of conducting warfare against them us. we're going to make sure that they have what they need, in addition to making sure, as i said in the statement that we're doing everything we can to alleviate the
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public late, the position between the us and these realize like that the, the clothes they had been since october, the 7th and the white house doesn't want to give the impression of any sort of rest . in fact, john car be said and play diving the idea of the risk between the 2 governments. but there is concern that there's definitely consent from joe biden. and we hear that from likes have joined cubby when he says there could be problems ahead. but the united states position is very clear that a 2 state solution is the way to guarantee security for israel on the right. so the palace to me and people i think so much and one session for us in washington dc. welcome to salute, joins us now from buddies, jerusalem, and currently is ellen, was outlining the distinction between the us and his role as reopen is also going tension inside the is riley, won't cabinet. can you just explain the pressure that is piling up on yahoo there as there's a lot of pressure on these rarely prime minister,
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both on the international front from the americans and domestically from his own government. you have several parties within these really opposition who motioned for a no confidence vote against these really government. now this is unlikely to pass because they simply do not have enough votes. it would need 61 out of the 120 states in the is really can i said, and that's and you know, whose party has 64. and it's unlikely that anyone with in his own coalition is going to vote against the government. now, within his own war cabinet, remember, these are ministers, nathaniel who had selected to assist him with the country's war. there is one minister guy, the eyes and coat whose folks who was rarely media those several weeks ago. it was just published on thursday and released. he said that the is really prime minister and the other members of these really government need to be more realistic about what is actually possible when it comes to defeating him. as he says that these really public should be holding elections. there should be elections for the people
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so that they can confidently select their government and show that they have confidence in what these really government is doing. but these really prime minister is seemingly wanting to do things his own way. there's also immense pressure on him from his early society, from the families of the captives who say that enough time has gone by. and these rarely prime minister hasn't done enough to bring them back, but he's been insistent, but military pressure is the only way to bring them back. and remember in his remarks on thursday, he said that he would do everything in his power to block the palestinian state. that in his 30 years as prime minister, this has been his policy and it's going to continue to be his policy. and it's something the americans don't want to see. the americans have been staunch supporters of a 2 state solution. and there are reports that there are a lot of frictions between the americans and this and yahoo on this very issue. and remember there have also been several other binded administrator and officials who have come to israel and met with these really prime minister. and those meetings
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were also reported. we filled with a lot of tension and hostility because these really prime minister is simply not willing to, but not willing to offer any concessions on how to solve this conflict. rather just wanting to continue the war despite the catastrophic and die. or she monetary a situation that has unfolded as a result. ok, thanks so much. i'm to, i'm to salute for us the and occupied east jerusalem. a still a head here on al jazeera to describe, being beaten, schumann mediated, subject to, to equal the treatment. and toward me, i'm on the cox, i'm assuming is detained in guns that describes over 6 treatments at the hands of israeli soldiers the
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brought to you by visit castle. hello. we all look and get some very heavy right across northern parts of australia at the moment. it's a combination of the monsoon trough, add a tropical low over a 100 millimeters of rain here in that tenants creek in the the n c. and i the last couple of days we've actually saved 199, but let me just a frame. so while over the monthly average coming down in just $48.00 has to be twice that month. the average. in fact, this area of low pressure here that will swell away will continue to drift this way . little further west with this, we go through the next couple of days. there we go, and there's the month. so traffic all the way to all the way out to was a policy that's the developing protocol. so i find something to watch out for them that queensland coast as we go into the middle console next week. so here we got, we got these 2 systems, lots of right and then across the northern queensland pushing across towards the or wherever you have flight pressure with stress a little further west, which as we go one through sunday, pick down pulls coming in and it will of course, cool some flooding, flash flooding in places of a warnings in full say for the south they,
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there's general right drive. you got some west to weather, some shabby rain making his way across things either, but not too bad. if we've got some sherry wright and longest spells a frame, maybe some winter weather, also spitting out of the central china into south career and a garage, he makes his way across a good pots of japan. the weather brought to you by visit castle expo 2023. the world, the fascination of joint and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the news
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the you're watching. i'll just hear a reminder about top stories. the sound system of these from civilians in concert, excuse these rarely, if carrying out executions. i'll do sarah has obtained exclusive pictures and witness accounts for members of one family. they say at least 19 civilians were executed, finds fairly so i'll just assume that the 19th at least to obtain palestinians have been killed in and as ready as struck in the city of con eunice and southern guns that the wounded squared rushed to elm. that's the hospital adopt to describe the working conditions the as unbearable. and us presidential binding has spoken to is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu for the 1st time. and nearly a month. they discussed the ongoing war and regional tensions in the middle east. there being reports of
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a rift between the 2 of israel's handling of the war in gaza. and so just sarah has been hearing from multiple palestinians and gaza, who alleged of being abused by his ready forces while in custody. some of the testimonies are ropes of a physical trauma perpetrated by israel soldiers. it's estimated that thousands of palestinians have been detained since the war began. cuts the lopez already gone, has more and holding some of the images and system of these other steady accounts of anguish. and abuse are shared by these palestinian men. many say the injured physical and psychological torture, well being detained by his really forces. this man says the scars on his back or a mere glimpse into the pain he experienced others recount acts of violence, beatings, and constant humiliation. the national will said, we were blindfolded impatient, badly as riley forces accused us of carrying and using weapons lighted. they
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transferred us to an army camp and as royal they, they don't unite on us. and some sand on us, on the place to reach into showtime after 2 hours of being half naked in such conditions and moved us a few maces and told us to get ready for execution. abdel is struggling to cope while in detention. he says he felt like he was dying, his collarbone was badly injured by his release soldiers and his arms and hands have scalps from weeks of being restrained. last go to the yeah. the. these readies arrested me and ordered me to take off my clothes. my hands were tied in my eyes blindfolded, they shut my head back and forth. i told them i have health issues and a prosthetic on my neck and, but they continued to hit me. i felt like it was going through my neck. i've lost all sensation of my left arm and i wasn't assaulted, beaten, and repeatedly slapped in the face. and that'd be,
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it's unclear how many post indian men had been detained by israel since the war began. but the un says the believes the number runs into the thousands. they say they're giving little to no information on where they're being held and why and accounts of humiliation, or mounting. there are reports of men, but i subsequently released but only in diapers without any adequate clothing in the score by the we're not exactly sure why they've put in diapers and sent out, but they're clearly visibly shocked and even shaken when, when i met them and i spoke to them, the u. n. is calling on israel to follow international humanitarian law. the is really government insist adults despite testimony saying otherwise. on the, on the i only survive because of god's will. we've gone through collective punishment day in and day as i feel very sorry for the palestinian men to detain teenagers who were 1516 years old for the torture they've gone through. though no
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longer imprisoned, the trauma lingers and many more palestinians, they say, are still being detained. and abused katia lopez to again, how does their american national security spokesman? john kennedy has said, the white house is seriously concerned up to the killing of the palestinian american in new york. but westbank it happened during a day of multiple is ready, right. it's across the region. the 17 year old palestinian american was shot in the head and killed in the village east to from iowa. he had just moved back to the occupied westbank from the united states a year and a half ago. another man and 19 year old was injured in the separate incidents in the village. west of ramona, also in the west bank is ready forces have left a trail of destruction until car him up to a series of rides there which lots of 44 hours buildings had been partially destroyed and many roads dug out by bull doses. these ready on the climbs they were
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uncovering explosive devices. at least 8 people were killed in thousands of wrist as, as the office of the swiss attorney general has consent. that is ready. president isaac has all, is the subject of criminal compliance. they were filed as he visited the world economic forum in davos during the past week. and at a time as well stands accused of committing for crimes and gaza. switched, prosecute as to the complaints will be examined according to the usual procedure. these run, the government has not come into us. thousands of people have been demonstrating and given against us and british strikes on 50 people positions in the country. now this was the scene in the northern city of santa alia, on friday. protest is also condemned, as well as more on garza and cold for cease 5. there was also a protest in the capital. some of these areas mohammed a tub has moved from new these the foot. this does have tickets to the state. those to show their support they're uh,
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rather than part of 7 to the now is the ongoing must seka and genocide committed by israel again as the brothers and father's side and also to show their support to the ongoing operations carried out by uh oh these uh, and the rates see, they say this, the least that this group could go in order to put more pressure, all this ready to stop it's, i'm going for on guys and also to lift it's blockade on the people of guns that to allow medicine food to and said to the people, because old made is most the, the straight as of try to slow because they said that the all and supported by the site is by the ongoing and ways that have been carried out by washington on different uh, parts of. yeah. but they say that the, these uh,
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base x rays or a spread that'd be made by the us in order to prevent the hose, these from the carrying out their operations. that would say the students prevent this group from the cutting out this, the fridges. and so their demands miss israel has launched as strikes and self and living on the is ready. um it says they were targeting hezbollah sites since october, the 7th. the is where i live in on board. it has witnessing a dining exchange of 5 between is ready forces and his bloss the . let's take a look at some of the other stories making use focused on has indicated it's open to resuming diplomatic ties with around. the suggestion comes and mid focused on stand off with it's neither after the 2 countries fired into each other's territory on thursday as lumber bonds carried out the tags against what it says with bases of,
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of alludes to protests, creeping around these 9 people, including women and children with kills events up to 2 people died in a rainy and strikes. unplug it, sounds but look just on problems on choose day to around and says it was targeting and the group fighting for the rights of the sunni minority inside around the sound of been, jeff has moved from islam of us to important meetings on friday. the place in progress on the national security council is shared by the prime minister, 5 hassan who got toward his visit to the most economic for him in dallas. as all the ministry cheese, the top there up to see of diplomacy came together with one result of the message that they need to de escalate the situation on focus on southern border with iran. there has been tensions in the last few days as they're on, carried out to strike and right off to that part of the lawn care that just strikes on iranian soil. and these 2 neighbors which have had a long history of cross florida skirmishes with non state actors for
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a very long time, have not and been going off each other using drones besides and jets. but now things seem to be back on track focused on is likely to send back. it's invested to, to pair on and also invite fact it runs in boston to, to, is i'm about as well. this is been an ongoing issue in the last 24 hours because they will be further calls from other policies as well, including the united nations, the therapist government, there been a telephone exchange with me and about funding for mr. on this, the discount the part as well, that all sides have been urging these 2 countries who have during this price is little calling, been calling each of the brother, the states in distinguishing between what they called service groups and the government and people all focused on and iran, so things seem to be moving in in the simmering down direction. they're both can be said that they're working to try and get a effective mechanism in place where not all of the.


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