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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 20, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the the business leg just is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this is the news our life from coming off in the next 16 minutes claims of war crimes. and guys of we had to have a sizing testimonies from civilians. besides these for any on
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a committed summary executions on the level. most of the, of the other. you cannot most of the list. what's the all those who are the, with the full palestinians detained and goes to tell who perfect stories of these things and abuses at the hands of israeli forces. the president reiterated his strong conviction in the viability of the test. the solution for you as president and to the trials, prime minister speak for the 1st time and weeks of to a public disagreement over the future of casa. and the white house is it's seriously concerned off to a 17 year old palace to need americans to shop did buys, rarely forces in the occupied west bank. and i'm finding homeless and i have all the support, including a shock result at the asian cop here. and cutoff iraq have beaten the tournaments highest seems of time to 12 weeks. then they'll come around
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the as we begin this news out in gaza, where human rights organizations had been gathering testimonies from palestinians who say, well crimes being committed by the israeli army held to 0. it has obtained exclusive pictures and witness accounts for members of one family. they say at least 19 civilians were executed by his ready soldiers. on december the 19th shall strip. it has the story and a warning somebody was may find the images in his report. distressing. the ruins have gone to the city, destruction dash sounds. nobody's really military drugs above the roll axis. ations of all claims committed by these really all me
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the stay is lead to an apartment of a family home, bullet cartridges, broken and abandoned belongings. walls and floors covered in blood the whole day can never forget the vip zillow fox lot. and the tanks and boulders is the round of the building. shells are being hay in the building for days, the situation was desperate. on the 19th of december israeli soldiers entered the building. they smashed another apartment to my husband, opened it, and told them we were all civilians, flats, and home, and the notion of the money and mother took them to another apartment. i folded them pleading wisdom to let him go because we were all civilians. there were no members of the resistance. you know, the whole full grass numbers up for long again, the color didn't. they beat me and my daughter's,
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they put us women in one place and threatened us with guns and knives. they made of strips. they searched us, insulting us, and using the most terrible words. they took our names and filmed us, make up the store, was massy on the 19 men in this building. they killed. my husband was one of them. they owed them to bend down and execute them. they killed them all. these pictures obtained exclusively biologist era was shot just al is off to the events all day. describes the bodies of main entry holes of bullets and their back oh, hamlet tow the but the color, the last one more days. daughter says when the killings have been carried out, show still defeating the bill of the game that sion faced exhausted and scared. she holds the tiny, sure one by her 3 year old sister,
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another who died in her arms to the family shelters and the dogs cold room in the children's day clothes go, lays wounded on the floor. there was little food except soup to 8 the law as the hand. when the settler had locked on, the soldiers came in and separated the women and the children from the men. they kept us in decision room while the excuse of demand outside was holding my sister in my arms, then the shell and resumed that i was hit. she made some self noises. she ask for some water. i thought she was crying, but she was dying. shrapnel has entered her head, eyes, and neck as my sister tried to carry the body. but she fell from her arms at the door. the notice eyes was still open as she passed away. the wounds to her hate, to show, to show
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a young family broken by the heart of these really always killing and destruction in the gaza strip. and knowing it's likely that no one will ever be tried for what they soul and the pain they continue to endure. catastrophic ultra 0 william ship boss is professor of international law at middle 6 university. he was chairperson of the commission of inquiry at the 2014 gallons a conflict. he told us that providing the test some of these by civilians of war crimes and guys that can be verified by compelling enough to bring a legal case against us for any forces is assuming that this evidence is valid, the film is authentic and that the eye witnesses are reliable and telling the truth . this is very compelling. strong evidence of the summary execution, which is an international, more crime. it's punishable by the international criminal court that have to know is the identity of the perpetrators a that's one of the great challenges in a, in
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a situation like this is actually finding out who are the people who, who fired the the, the weapons or gave the orders, presumably that's evidence, that is what it's not a mystery, but it's evidence on the control of the is really a defense force and whether they are going to provide access to that is another question. i would think that live under the circumstances it's, it's not likely now that they're going to be able to do that kind of forensic examination of the bodies to determine more of the details about how the killings took place so that the films themselves would be the fundamental evidence coupled with the eye witness testimony, but again that in my opinion, shouldn't be enough to convict providing that it's reliable. and of course, you need to ideally appear on the other side of the story from the perpetrators to
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see what they have to involve or can defense us can. let's return to the situation on the ground and gas are now and is ready. a tax on different areas of the strip is killed at least $25.00 people continue a strong safeco release, 13 palestinians in the southern city of con eunice as well. um, it has to put additional forces in the button. i also mean area in kansas city for the 12 people have been killed and is israel continues its military assault on guys, a tens of thousands of palestinians continue to flee for the south. the palestinian rid kristen has set up new displacement cans for refugees arriving and ruffled according to the you in roughly 85 percent of guns. this population has been internally displaced since october the 7th. and there's been a partial return of communications and goes up to 8 consecutive days without internet or phone service. it's been the longest communications blackouts since the wall sconces leaving palestinians logic lodge. we cut off from each other and the
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outside world in the middle of the was on a for more on this terika as soon as in rougher and southern gaza for us. and as we mentioned, communications partially restored. what impact is that head? so i saw of the yes, generally a now with the return of communications insight garza told me the situation seems to be calling best. so for residents to check on each other, especially for palestinian families who are completely are away from others. as part of the families are in the north and all those things as taking refuge in the south. and um, in the past few days, it was a full truck out of communications would consider it to be the longest since the outbreak of this conflict as a task for that it had lost for more than one week were, panaceas were facing a very notable difficulty in terms of communication with the communicating with each other side, also with
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a carrying out their commercial into actions. but right now with the return of these communications now they can, they can be able to communicate again. and we need also to report and to point out that there are a number of a technical teams belonged to the palestinian telecommunication companies have been cute as they were trying to repay the damage that had been inspected about by the east, by the wide destruction and a that had been carried out within the last couple of days, of course, separate areas, and especially in con eunice, where 2 of the engineers have been killed as they were hating to fix a pot to the network that had been damaged. so completely right now with the registration of these networks, the situation for palestinians considered to be partially good as they are waiting for full return for the communications of course, calls a strip just in order to check with each other and at least 2 reports. if there's any need point as tracks for the thomas, the minister of hills,
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to rush to evacuate the victims on the internet as well. it is. you mentioned that bombings continue, right, the way through all of this as well. can you just bring this up to date? with aliza sonia strikes, it says you can clearly right now hear the sound of the east bailey. fight to jets on the east. pretty surveillance, the drone bustling. great, now on this call you rough far as the we can hear the sound of a funny exchange from our location right now from rough behind the split francs change took place in front of us, which is far away. few kilometers from us where confrontations that continue alongside with a key destruction of residential houses. and you can use only during the hours of cities. morning, 18 palestinians have to report a cube. and one of the latest is ready strikes had been carried out on the vicinity of a nicer hospital where our residential building was from bondage along side with on
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getting military attacks. one of the city of a guns where one power city is. i won't publish to me and have been killed and others i find others have been wounded in a strike in the western side of the city as long as the cost of mine had bought the didn't both because the city and also endeavoured by for confrontation. so that between the policy and fight isn't that use very soon. just continue to rage the by day in the part of the town as different ones have been made for residents to keeps leading to rough and clean to your ration in the humanitarian conditions. and as we'll can discovery, densely populated area which is low, don't go as well. so you as compartment that continued within the past few days. i think so much terika terika is in for us there. in reference southern casa us us, a president joe biden has held us on cold width, is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu focusing on the situation and gowns of
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it's believe to be the 1st conversation. the 2 ladies have had in more than 3 weeks . there were fain reports of a rift between the 2 of israel's handling of the will. in garza, the moment we'll get the latest from home desolate and occupied east jerusalem. but this is code ellen fisher in washington, dc. and as we mentioned, the 1st phone call and quite sometime between the 2 latest, clearly tensions that we know why they held this phone call now as well. we've got the official read out and they say they talked about the things that they've talked about. many times before they need to get the captives out of gas or they need to get more 8 into gaza. the idea that the military operation is putting pressure on the how much leadership they also a surprisingly we find out that there's, there's also a plan to bring far into the port of ash, stuart that hasn't been announced by these really government. but everyone looking from the outside knows why this call came after 26 days of the 2 liters, not speaking. and that was because of the comments made by benjamin netanyahu on
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thursday. what he said, he didn't see a 2 state solution is a long term on so for israel security and that goes completely against what the united states has been saying. it's been us policy since 2002, when george bush addressed the united nations and said he saw an independent state of palestine in the future. it goes against what happened in 2007 when the families and the palestinian liberation organization agreed with the americans at a conference in maryland. that there would be a 2 state solution. and certainly that idea has been pushed by joe biden by, onto the blinking his secretary of state by jake sullivan, his my social security advisor. and they have continued to see that. so the fact that joe biden would say that he's not in favor of that idea under cuts to bite and dramatically. and that's certainly a number of congressmen have been on social media in the last few hours saying that this is wrong. and the only way to get to a final point of peace in the middle east is sort of the 2 state solution and don't
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could, the has also recently helped a briefing pushing the 2 sites solution as well as a that's right. he was asked about the possibility of a safe spot and said the us still isn't there yet. and we know the benjamin netanyahu updated joe biden with what was happening, noah? totally and guys, uh, and the fact that they are moving towards a much more low intensity war, which of course will still bring casualties and still bring desk. but there was a pointed warning from joint carb united. they might not dress up this way and maybe were reading more into it. but it's very clear that when he was asked about the 2 state solution, he essentially said, look, benjamin netanyahu isn't going to be there forever. usually people get to decide who represents them, who they're elected officials are we don't aside that and we will always work with whoever these really people decide to put in into power. and government will always
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work with them regardless of the differences, maybe in on political issues. they chose this government. this is the government that is in charge of conducting warfare against them. us. we're going to make sure that they have what they need, in addition to making sure, as i said in the old page statement that we're doing everything we can lead to attend that task. so the white house and the really is might say that there's no gap between the 2 governments, but joint can be the it is acknowledging the real politics involved here. the recent pool in israel suggested only 15 percent of is really c. benjamin netanyahu continuing in government after the war. very few people think he will be the prime minister, so he will be unable to influence the future policy of the really government. and it certainly clear from what the americans are saying. they believe that the security of israel and the rights of the policy to be and people can only be guaranteed if there is indeed a 2 state solution. ok, thanks so much. ellen, ellen fisher,
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for us there in washington dc. for more on this we're going to go now to whom do i salute? he joins us from occupied east jerusalem and dylan was outlining the clear attention between the us and israel. but there's also the st inside the. is there any war cabinet? can you explain the permission to, to just continues to keep piling off on different yahoo even though there's all this international pressure from the americans on these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the domestic pressure from inside his own government, inside his own war cabinet for ministers. but she selected to assist him during war time. there was also defend there. you had an interview in his really media with one of those war cabinet members, that guy the eyes in quote, who said that there needs to be more realistic approaches to this war. that time is running out piece left, the idea of totally eliminating how mass is a little bit far fetched and that there needs to be something a little bit closer to reality. he also said that there should be is really
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elections that are held so that these really people can show confidence in the government that they have chosen the government that is leading them in this war time. and if you ask, the average is really, if you look at these poll numbers, the situation remains the same. that prime minister benjamin netanyahu is wildly unpopular and if elections were held today, she would not be the prime minister. but this is not the only sort of issue there is also differences within his own coalition on how he's prosecuting this war. you have members of the right wing camp who are not agreeing with some of the decisions that benjamin netanyahu has made regarding 8 going into gaza. that these really prime minister has stress many times. it is the minimal amount of a necessary in order to prevent the humanitarian crisis. he says, and in fact, he's even denying the fact that there is a humanitarian disaster that has been folded in gaza the reality on the ground. again, there was a disconnect from what these really prime minister was saying,
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and the policies that he is projecting. but there is also attention from the opposition. now that is normal, considering that they are not fans a prime minister benjamin netanyahu, even before this war. there were several motions for no confidence votes from 2 different parties. now they're both unlikely to pass because they don't have the number of boats that they would need. they would need 61 out of a 120 can assets members to vote in favor of those motions. and these really prime minister has 64 seats and his coalition is highly unlikely that anyone is going to vote against their own government against the coalition. and against prime minister netanyahu himself, but you have a lot of varying opinions within these really government. and they are causing problems and divisions that are not getting things done in terms of israel achieving it's warren goals. there are really varying opinions. polarizing ones, in fact ones that say there needs to be some sort of deal on the table to bring
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back the captive. and then you have nothing you all who says that military pressure is the only way to bring them back. so more than a 105 days into this war, these really prime minister still with mounting pressure on his shoulders, i think so much i'm to, i'm to salute for us then occupied east jerusalem for the white house is it is seriously concerned off to the killing of a palestinian americans in the occupied west bank. this happened during a day of multiple is rarely brides across the region. the 17 year old palestinian american was shows in the head and killed in the village east of ramallah. he had just moved back to the occupied west bank from the united states a year and a half ago. another man and 19 year old was injured in a separate incident in the village west of ramallah little so when the westbank is ready, forces have left a trail of destruction until coming up to a series of rides there which license in 44 hours buildings had been partially destroyed and many roads stuck off by bulldozers. the it's really on the claims
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they were uncovering explosive devices. at least 8 people were killed in thousands, arrested. hold on an adult, how many has been in to car them and has seen the extensive damage to infrastructure in homes caused by israeli forces. a surgeon, it is a scene of the station and the total cabman refugee camp. we can see the rubble does hear behind me and we've been down this road uh through the narrow alleys. and every way we go, we see exactly the same thing. roads that have been torn off the business is destroys, how's the stores causburn's? it's absolutely everywhere the level of the reputation in this camp is something i have not seen in audra caps where they were similar, long ray, then everyone i spoke to said that this is really a 1st that ever since october 7th. well yes, there has been destruction. yes, but the occupation forces came with their bulldozers and made some damage. but that
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each raid that damage increases and increases for the according to the red crescent that was here on the ground throughout the morning. well, they say that there is at least a 100 buildings inside this guy that have been either destroyed or partially damaged. so certainly putting a lot of pressure on those who live here. israel has launched this strikes and sell them living on these highly ami says they were targeting has bloss sides since october. the 7th. the is where i live in on florida has witnessed a daily exchange of 5 between is rarely forces and his beloved with across by along the boat, it has force thousands of people to leave. the huns said, hold a reports from southern living on southern lebanon's border towns largely abandoned and devastated an escalating conflict between israel and the lebanese armed group has beloved,
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has created the de facto buffer zone along the border. several kilometers deep below israel has floated the idea of formalizing the buffer zone, saying it will restore security. hezbollah says it will pull back with you, but instead it to start, the targeting largely evacuated towns to make northern israel uninhabitable in israel is trying to show it has options to help set the time to the mill in a safe way. and to keep has the law, the resistance away from the false. what it doesn't, it must stop. it's war on garza and 11 on israel has increased the intensity of it strikes on what it says is hezbollah, as military infrastructure in one of the biggest attacks is repeatedly hit the strategic valley known to be the lebanese arm groups, main area of operations and the gateway to the countries interior be as railways appear to also be trying to degrade the infrastructure, the kind of the, the,
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the capabilities in depth that hezbollah has. why? because i think, and this is true for both sides, that there is at least an expectation for they are preparing, which would be smart for a much wider and open conflict for now, as well as not using its full military capabilities. and what some describe as a balancing act. and there are those who believe isabel is not in a position to start a wider conflict as the cause of war rages. so for the moment is right, it doesn't have really any strategy, but to be responding to hezbollah, that, that, and create kind of a balance between that has been like that, that without going any further because it doesn't have a plan. all these capability is random, military has said a lot, still needs to be done to return residents home as well. strategy may be to use targeted escalation to pressure hezbollah,
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but the group says this front will remain active until as well as hor on garza ends . and while it is unlikely to trigger a large war, it says it is ready to fight without limits. if war breaks out, an all out war may not be eminent, but even though the combat is still largely limited to the border and 2 military targets. this is very much a war center for their own shows, the southern lebanon, the focused on, has indicated it's open to resuming diplomatic ties with around. the suggestion comes and been focused on stand off with it's 9, but also the 2 countries fight into each other's territory. on thursday is lemme bond carried out a tax against what i'd say is, with bases of a village, separate his group know from these 9 people, including women and children, were killed. that's up to 2 people. died in rainy and strikes and pockets, towns below just on provence,
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on tuesday to around says it was targeting to group funding for the rides of the sunni minority inside around. but we have correspondence on both sides of the board sounds and jeff side is, and as i'm involved with the latest developments from their the tools important meetings on friday. the place in progress on the national security council is shared by the 5 mister fox hassan, who cut short his visit to the most economic forum in dallas. as all the ministry choose, the top there up to see of diplomacy came together with one result of the message that they need to de escalate the situation on focused on southern border with iran . there has been tension in the last few days as they're on, carried out to strike and right off to that part of the phone carrier that just strikes on iranian soil. and these 2 neighbors which have had a long history of cross florida skirmishes with non state actors for a very long time,
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have not and been going up each other using drones besides and jets. but now things seem to be back on track focused on is likely to send back. it's invested a to bear on and also invite back it runs in boston to to is i'm about as well. uh, this is been an ongoing issue in the last 24 hours because they will be further calls from other policies as well, including the united nations, the therapist government, there been a telephone exchange within the budget funding for an minister on distribution on their part as well, the old sites have been urging these 2 countries who have, during this price is a little calling, been calling each of the brittany states and distinguishing between what they called service groups and the government and people all focused on and iran. so things seem to be moving in in the simmering down direction. they're both can be saved, that they are working to try and get a effective mechanism in place that not all of these things can be avoided in the future. and those under the so we're saying that this could be signaling from
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a new inside was gone wrong because focused on also retaliated. now seem to think that the worst might be over. and both countries are moving towards that direction where they will resume diplomatic ties, send back their diplomats and make sure that if there is an issue of counter terrorism, it is in it, is it resolved by dialogue. and by talk between the 2 sides of the job without the bureau is not about as a rock is finding it hard to balance. diplomacy with one of its closest allies around and with washington. the terms it strikes on the availability of this week. i have laid baghdad to file a complaint with the you in is also growing public and good to expel the us lead coalition to drones, dr. killed a senior parent military commander earlier this month. so best robbie has moved from baghdad of the friends comrades in order to fluffy islam, its state local critics of the west, immortalized in stone where they die assassinated in the us. drone strikes 4 years ago here in both the running into member costs and so on. and the rocky
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paramilitary leader of who must be on the hunt. this still walk hand in hand dogs and circle the wreckage of their bond cars. there was no mistaking the close bonds of cooperation between but on that right. which is why rocks government says iranian air strikes on her bill earlier this week, against what he described, the separatists. and this really intelligence assets came as such a shock. i'm, but a lot cotton c seal. the depth of relations on matters of politics, security, military intelligence, economics, and religion. iran should have taken all of this into consideration. it is totally unacceptable to act unilaterally. the other elephant in the room, the 2500 strong us let color iraq often be coming to stage on which the rivalry between iran and the united states plays out to set that up. you know, iraq is struggling to stay out of this fight. it is very difficult, the least we can do to protect our own interests is maintain
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a balance of relations between the us and run. the whole situation is very complicated, especially a mid. the escalation of fighting in the region will wait and see. 2 wars, occupation, generations of suffering and violence. america's indelible mark on a rock is office. despite it all, if you want to turn heads in both thought, it is usually from behind the wheel of an american muscle, car po, at this the number 2 people of american cars because of the look they have big and loud engines. it gives young people something to be proud of like it's ties to iran . iraq's relationship with united states is a love hate one as well. curfews blast walls and power cuts have given way to investment to prosperity and a degree of political harmonies, the new shops and restaurants, people out on the streets, the return of a vibrant night like susan booked out, are visibly improving and iraq, you say that they're learning to enjoy themselves once again,
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instead of just trying to survive the and that's not really that, and we want security and stability. we are against any external intervention in our business. hope for the best for my country, so my children can leave in peace. there is progress, but it is built into rocks. people agree on at least one se. instability comes with a real risk of backsliding. the same beside the old is 0. above the still ahead on al jazeera families don't participate. and mexico accused the government of falsifying dallas are on the numbers of missing people and didn't support us to get their tons and campaigned back on track up to sucking up a bit of sounding too bias the
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high weather static, and even more changeable now across circuit parts of here, but i think that will come to some relief from isaac, had been suffering with some quickly, cold weather particular cause. move in pa, sir, i suppose, thoughts, it's coming from over a wesley direction. so that's a mazda vibration. is coming in from the atlantic, it does mean wind and rain. these are out ever of high pressure is a weakening feature sample that you called this area cloud. a couple of areas of low pressure all the way from the i. b area i buried prevents last through the bulk is why the way out towards the politics. that's what we got some right statements. now that's the boundary between some very well, maybe we've had some break will break in january. won't that go central past all the way to try it in step? it'd be co 5 and all 6 celsius the atlanta. but look how it changes we getting up to around 12 celsius in london on sunday. more yellow showing up on that jobs. and that becomes more widespread as we go through into the parts of next week. so that is that mild weather coming in is that west of weather as well. so lots of cloud and rain coming into a west and pa, squatting down. meanwhile, across spain and portugal, pushing up into central pa, still that snow,
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that kind of a sudden bulk is pushing over towards the fall. se of you clear a try whether it does come back in behind, but it does look really white as we go. 13, sun baby cow, fullest wins running it across much of the north, west. the phone causing the cost of all the $100.00 days and the vote on gaza. the humanitarian catastrophe is deepening. as the conflict continues, the cost of the is, randy. economy is enormous. plus some taiwan is view president to bring peace and prosperity to the i'm counting the cost on al jazeera as the situation in gaza escalates. we bring you expert analysis. he's going to have killed 20000 people. 70 percent of whom are women and children. visa has destroyed garza is a little worried when we see certainly civilians being moved,
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one from one area to another. and the area that was the reason for us here is, is having life and because that's become so heavy that the thousands of one thing and forced to fits in the i spoke to the liquid where he said openly, health plan is so expelled, palestinians stay with us for the latest developments on tuesday or the the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder about top stories. the sound system of these from civilians and guns are accused these ready army of carrying out executions. i'll just say are i has
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obtained exclusive pictures and witness accounts for members of one family. they say at least 19 civilians were executed bonds for any soldiers. on the same of the 19, at least 13 palestinians had been killed in this friday as tracking the city of con eunice and southern guns of the wounded were rushed to own. the hospital adopted describes the working conditions via as i'm vailable. and us present jo at bottom has spoken to as ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu for the 1st time. and nearly a month. they discussed the ongoing war and regional tensions in the middle east. or fingerprints of a rift between the 2, as well as the handling of the war and gaza houses. here a has been hearing from multiple palestinians and gaza, who alleged that being abused by his ready forces while in custody. some of the testimonies are of severe physical trauma perpetrated by israel soldiers. it's estimated that thousands of palestinians had been detained since the war began to look as hold a young as more and
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a warning. some of the images and testimonies other staffing accounts of english interviews are shared by these palestinian men. many say the injured physical and psychological torture well being detained by his really forces. this man says the scars on his back or a mere glimpse into the pain he experienced others recount acts of violence, beatings, and constant humiliation. the national was that we were blindfolded and beaten badly as riley forces accused us of carrying and using weapons like to. they transferred us to an army camping as rail delete. the adults unite on us and some sand on us unable to reach into showtime after 2 hours of being half naked in such conditions and moved us a few maces and told us to get ready for execution. abdel is struggling to cope while in detention. he says he felt like he was dying. his collarbone was badly
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injured by his release soldiers and his arms and hands have scalps from weeks of being restrained months. i have just shut it off. no, i these res, arrested me in order to me to take off my clothes and hands were tied in the ice blindfolded. they shut my head back and forth. i told them i have health issues and a prosthetic on my neck, but they continued to hit me. i felt like it was going through my neck. monroe, i've lost all sensation of my lifetime. i wasn't assaulted, beaten, and repeatedly slapped in the face before it's unclear how many post indian men had been detained by israel since the war began. but the un says to believes the number runs into the thousands. they say they're given little to no information on where they're being held and why and accounts of humiliation are mounting. there are reports of men, but they subsequently released but only in diapers without any adequate clothing in this go to bed. we're not exactly sure why they've put in diapers and sent out,
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but they were clearly visibly shocked and even shaken when, when i met them and i spoke to them, the u. n. is calling on israel to follow international humanitarian law. the as really government insist adults despite testimony saying otherwise, a lot of the on the i only survive because of god's will. he's gone through collective punishment day in and day as i feel very sorry for the palestinian men to detain teenagers who were 1516 years old for the torture they've gone through. though no longer imprisoned, the trauma lingers and many more palestinians, they say, are still being detained and abused katia lopez. so again, how does there the tears being purchased across germany against the rise of the fall rise?
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the visa purchase from the city of hamburg with thousands turned down to denounce the found right if the policy which is writing high and some opinion polls it comes up to a report by investigative journalist, revealed that members of the if they had discussed expelling immigrants and what they described as non symbolize it citizens, to me seemed to lift chancello, left shots joined to protest, and that city of puts them, i believe, is from $120.00 countries, had made a new dentist capital to discuss global challenges, as well as more on gals, it was prominent on the agenda of the non aligned movement. amazing. the group is found, it's to advance the interest of developing countries. and it is the largest grouping of nations of to the you. in katherine story reports from kim paula leaders or the non align movement or non meeting in kampala facing
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a parked agenda or the heart of discussion. these wilds was on garza in south africa genocide. case of the international court of justice, we have our full measures important measures to be for non supported by the judges. because we think we need some urgent decisions on holding. crisis has made wanting to clear that can be no lasting piece in the middle east without settling the is diety, part listed in conflict, dundas positive into our and was 70 accused western leaders of double standards. that's the way to, to, to split the freedom of it about how can you see what the democrats idea to what other people to be slaves are used between somebody in design lock, if you will. if i deal with a ton of my region, also, my line is also posing concerns is able to agreement gives i decided about access to the red sea. but samaya says it's an act of aggression and
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a violation of date sovereignty. there was other issues on the table including combating terrorism, climate change, strengthening trades ties, indeed is here. say, all these lots of must be prioritized costs are the 0 the u. n. c is concerned about the color outbreak in africa that has fruit to at least 10 countries. the numbers of infections in depths have been rising particularly fast and by the neighboring zambia hiring the task to send this report from to we see in zimbabwe. color rebec scenes from the world health organization have increased communities like these ends and bob, we and the government says the doses are on the way. but while families wait for the drugs to get here, some in rural areas say they are being stigmatized. as family members become l when we dumped it as a follow up with the people in the village and say, oh,
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how is this quarter? because all father died from the dizziness are those don't the glass and i'm afraid they'll get you to go with it in neighboring zambia. a mass vaccination program is underway to try and contain a color outbreak in the capital of the sucka and other parts of the country. now the thing i came to get vaccinated because lots of people, his date, there is hope. the vaccine project says that in health officials say they are overwhelmed by the number of infections and the disease is back and therefore the basis is to get a protection of protected myself. the next 6 months. schools in zambia are closed to try and stop the disease from spreading across the board. the ends and broadway government officials are trying to tackle the outbreak without too many disruptions . schools in zimbabwe have openings, but on the sticks conditions. for example, teachers and students have to wash their hands
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a 2 to 5 into and the they all see is the outbreaks are not controlled. the disease could spread to more countries hartaman tossed out of their tuition and bubbling hudgens. any, a ne, has arrested and deported the relatives of equity. it was most wanted fugitive with the family of adults macias with the time and on thursday nights. this comes just a week after he escaped from an ecuadorian prison in the city of quite a keel. who was saving a 34 year sentence for drug trafficking, that when he was discovered missing from his cell, a mexican government has conducted a review with the official register of disappeared people. but with little transparency on how it was carried out to the families of missing persons, claimed the records had been manipulated. then if it's to the, to lower the number, it's an accusation that makes it goes, president has denied somewhere around a lot has moved from mexico city,
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demonstrators outside of federal government building in mexico city through the families of missing persons. and they say they want answers over why dozens of case files have been erased from the official government census onforce disappearances. active. it showed us dozens of lead government documents appearing to show the names of missing persons that have been removed from the public records. can look at getting this up about and they want to make it seem as if there are no false disappearances in mexico, but that's not the case. everybody does. it says her husband roberto must be in, went missing in 2010. she believes his name is among those that have been erased. she and many others believe mexican authorities of tampered with the official records to make it appear as though hundreds, possibly thousands of missing persons have already been found. save what is this the that's why i am here demanding that the president tells us where all these people are that have supposedly been found. that was my husband's never returned
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for his part president, under this monday, lopez over the other. what has denied the accusations in the middle have? no, i. e, we have no intention, nor have we ever had the intent and everybody seeing any disappeared person that we conducted as a revision in the general national search need to clarify precisely what do you have in terms of disappeared this and get everything into where they can beat you on, is it easy? according to the mexican government's own records, there been more than 45000 cases of missing persons in mexico during the lopez over the other. what administration? with less than a year left before the end of president lopez over the term, critics say his administration is trying to manipulate government statistics ahead of the upcoming national election information regarding the methodology used to update the national registry on missing persons has not been made publicly available families of missing persons in mexico say it's a wait for the government to make their loved ones disappear for a 2nd time. when was it happened?
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oh, how does your mexico city. 7 anti abortion runs campaign is in the us have been holding the annual much for life in washington dc, abortion access as a keep valid issue for americans ahead of elections in november. in june 2020 to the us supreme court of a turn to landmark rolling crossing country wind, bush and excess president by them has pledge to possibly just slicing, protecting those rights. how does your castro has moved from washington dc? the abortions are now band or severely restricted in nearly half of us states a year and a half after the us supreme court said, states could decide the issue for themselves. striking now versus wade was a major win for these anti abortion after this. but they say they still haven't gotten every thing they want and what they want is a national ban on abortion. they're animated and there are many gathered here at this moment. but in the united states,
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they are in the minority hold show more than 60 percent of americans think abortion should be legal in all or most cases. and that split will likely play a major role in this year's election. democrats hope that protecting abortion access will turn out their voters, while republicans hope anti abortion voters will stick with them. and people i've talked to here today say that they will. they say that the republican front runner candidate for president donald trump delivered on his promise to strike down rovers as wade. and despite now at declining to endorse a national ban abortion, he still has their vote. hydro castro al jazeera washington american act, alec baldwin, will stand trial over the death of a send him a tucker, fell on a movie, says your grand jury in the size of new mexico has charged him on 2 accounts of involuntary men slows and having a hutchins was finally showed up to a gun, bozeman was holding discharged
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a live rounds during his seeing rehearsal in october 2021. baldwin and says he did not pull the trigger. and so not clear how the gun came to be loaded with a real bullet. instead of a non leaf so blank as is the normal practice. japan has become the 5th country to land the spacecraft on the moon. smart land for investigating moon or slim is a furnace for the country's veteran space program and a test of new technologies that might make future emissions more accurate. call them back a has more. it was built to hop scrolls and take photos on the moon. and after swinging through the solar system for 4 months, this 5 legged lender just may japan, the 5th ever country to pull off a lunar land. same as you and then each of us helps got on the 28th of january, 202420 minutes past midnight. the smart lambda for investigating mood,
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land and its equity. we have been able to confirm that it has arrived on the moon's surface. slim left earth on september 6th, but instead of burning fuel to get to the moon quickly, it took the long way around. the lightweight craft sword, guided only by gravity. on december 25th, it eased into lunar orbit. its goal was to hit a target on the surface more precisely than ever before. including london, what with 2 thousands of a, it's very common that spacecraft missed the targeted landing location by few kilometers but slim and elaine and with a precision of less than a 100 meters era. once this technology is proven successful, we will be able to land on different terrain such as the moon's poles. slim brought digital moon maps from a previous mission radar and laser range finders to pick the perfect crater to landon and algorithms to make mission critical flight choices in real time. this is pop span of wanted of attempts to find half proficiency savings,
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a marginal gains in trying to make the move more accessible for science organizations or universities or government budgets. a new moon race is on. over the last decade, china and india place to the 1st modern landers on the lunar surface. as the us russia and china are all planning to send humans there soon. but private companies in the us and japan recently failed, expensive landing attempts, new york. i know it's still the scenario now we are finally trying to build a base where people can live will stay for a long period of time on the moon. so it is important that we can show that japan has the technological capability to make this landing on its own. early saturday morning, scientist held their breath and watched slim landed in a crater in the mire. nick terrace, the sea of nectar, but it's solar panels may not be functioning so, and it's short battery life. it will send back as much data as possible to teach
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future emissions a slicker, more efficient way to get their calling. baker, elders here of the still ahead on ill just here and someone will be here with what you're supposed to use. yes, we'll have more into soccer as old as the asian compare and contrast formal actions
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come in the the iraq have beaten titles, have a zip time to one to reach the last 16 of the asian cup with
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a game to spare. it was a rock 1st went over depend since 19 a to, to far a smaller force. the rocky sands from all over the world rat education city stadium, to support their team. despite the prospect of facing the highest rank side, the nation, football, japan. these are rocky sands. we're feeling confident. i think we have enough passion enough talent to make it just like any other team. i think what makes us different is just, are pure love for our nation. i think that no other country can compete with us. a rock haven't won this title since 2007, but the team it came into this tournament as golf club champion and it made perfect start. i'm insane. swearing after just 5 minutes. the just beforehand seen
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doubled the racks lead to this team. inside of a memorable victory depend dominated the 2nd half for time champions were awarded a penalty only for the decision to be overturned by the video assistant referee liber pull. start with taro, endo differentially political doc for his country at a rack held on to claim a to one with like one or the school. the 1st one i was talking to as i was what we know how they performed. i wrote underestimate to them, but we know we know how good they are. so nothing, no shock, 5 minutes and we knew they were going to score no surprises there already. this was our acts 1st victory against japan in more than 40 years, but it came as no shock to these are rocky fans. as for japan, while they're still in with a good chance of progressing to the last 16 as they had into their funnel through the game, against indonesia. far a smile out to sarah education city stadium. whose to this house is
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a region the round to 16, they being vietnam, one new and sit said in the we sweep with iran have book this quote to in the next one. ages, 2nd highest. right team beat, hong kong one mill. they now have to wait for me to sit top of the warranty you a e. and the final game is the seems able to seal cops for the ask a couple of nations. a defending champion, sent a goal, have advised to the knockout wrong, so they become room to $31.00 and group. see the result means send a goal, a sit top of the group was 6 points while coming. all said with just one set of all are looking to win the tournament for a 2nd time because to says he's arsenal team are we charged and motivated to as they look to get their push for the premier league ties will back on track. the gunners with tons of permanent
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e got sion on saturday. i guess crystal palace follows a week long, warm weather training camp in dubai. it could prove to be a welcome break for the north london clubs who suffered 3 leg, the feats in december, leaving them stools and 5 points behind lead as livable, 3, a recharge. we have full of energy and super motivated. the team is super motivated and we want to have time to take on have all of this is on with the way that our of i'm visions and um and with the then the assignment of the team is capable of big things. and to the comments of that. so this is the time in saudi arabia has officially come to an end of this signing a deal with i x. and he sure has already become the quickest selling one in the cops. history. understand that move to solve the probably good side and if the fact in july boss has stayed with the team for just 6 months, the point of a pool captain joins the dutch club on a 2 and a half year deal with
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a side struggling by the usual standards in 5th place, tennis and know about the joke of a test. they don't close to when a record break in 25th grass them singles, title. he's beaten the thomas martine and chevrolet of origin, tina and he says wrong match, ideal stream open. well, number one, winning, he's 100. as much as noble. i'm talking straight set. talk of it just targeting 1110, pacific 3 is a great match. i think, you know, the best performance i had this during this tournament and obviously, uh, and i'm pleased with the way i played that throughout the entire match, particularly the 1st 2 sets. as you said, you know, he set that up. i think he raised his level of tennis probably from one or 2 levels . in the 3rd set, we went total in a tight break. i just, you know, i guess i found the right shots, 16 year old mirror on the boat pulled off a great escape and has said round that to the russian. it was 51 down. and the
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deciding said again fond suzan. hi. but we'll cover to win the match in a tie break diva is making her 1st appearance at this tournament. succeed silver in the previous and those are useful for me and due back to the home. thanks so much sun. well that is all this news. how, but i'll be back in just a moment with much more of the day's news to stay with us. the unsettled tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it is a school question. professional about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another if mcclin's ink is taking place, augusta. nothing goes into garza without his real permission. and nothing leaves scottsdale without the girls permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire,
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demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront, without 0. as the, as well as video on guys, a continues, we bring you the late. we are on the grounding dollars a covering the ongoing is arguments and the suffering. the people's tones that we lost displacements and block of resources and from multiply is called a health data race and restrictions prevent freedom replacements of rights to worship . from tyler we will continue our coverage of israel will cabinet decisions. the caps is and all the political development part westbank. we've seen you reporting on the line and this is where you raised with feelings of loss, dissension, and destruction. stay with us for the updates and detailed coverage of the wrong cause of the sears
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from, i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app . is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at you think, is it the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, until mccrae, this is the news allan life from coming up in the next 16 minutes kinds of war
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crimes. in garza, we're here to have a sizing testimonies from civilians. society is really on


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